.. partable:: Overview of available keywords related to morphology parameters dryslp :description: Critical avalanching slope above water (dz/dx and dz/dy) :units: - :default: 1.0 :range: 0.1 - 2.0 dzmax :advanced: :description: Maximum bed level change due to avalanching :units: m/s/m :default: 0.05 :range: 0.0 - 1.0 hswitch :advanced: :description: Water depth at which is switched from wetslp to dryslp :units: m :default: 0.1 :range: 0.01 - 1.0 morfac :description: Morphological acceleration factor :units: - :default: 1.0 :range: 0.0 - 1000.0 morfacopt :advanced: :description: Switch to adjusting output times for morfac :units: - :default: 1 :range: 0 - 1 morstart :description: Start time morphology, in morphological time :units: s :default: 120.0 :range: 0.0 - 10000000.0 morstop :description: Stop time morphology, in morphological time :units: s :default: 2000.0 :range: 0.0 - 10000000.0 ne_layer :description: Name of file containing depth of hard structure :units: struct :description: Switch for enabling hard structures :units: - :default: 0 :range: 0 - 1 wetslp :description: Critical avalanching slope under water (dz/dx and dz/dy) :units: - :default: 0.3 :range: 0.1 - 1.0