.. partable:: Overview of available keywords related to groundwater parameters aquiferbot :advanced: :description: Level of uniform aquifer bottom :units: m :default: -10.0 :range: -100.0 - 100.0 aquiferbotfile :advanced: :description: Name of the aquifer bottom file :units: dwetlayer :advanced: :description: Thickness of the top soil layer interacting more freely with the surface water :units: m :default: 0.1 :range: 0.01 - 1.0 gw0 :advanced: :description: Level initial groundwater level :units: m :default: 0.0 :range: -5.0 - 5.0 gw0file :advanced: :description: Name of initial groundwater level file :units: gwReturb :advanced: :description: Reynolds number for start of turbulent flow in case of gwscheme = turbulent :units: - :default: 100.0 :range: 1.0 - 600.0 gwfastsolve :advanced: :description: Reduce full 2d non-hydrostatic solution to quasi-explicit in longshore direction :units: - :default: 0 :range: 0 - 1 gwheadmodel :advanced: :description: Model to use for vertical groundwater head :units: :default: parabolic :range: parabolic, exponential gwhorinfil :advanced: :description: Switch to include horizontal infiltration from surface water to groundwater :units: - :default: 0 :range: 0 - 1 gwnonh :advanced: :description: Switch to turn on or off non-hydrostatic pressure for groundwater :units: - :default: 0 :range: 0 - 1 gwscheme :advanced: :description: Scheme for momentum equation :units: :default: laminar :range: laminar, turbulent kx :advanced: :description: Darcy-flow permeability coefficient in x-direction :units: ms^-1 :default: 0.0001 :range: 1e-05 - 0.1 ky :advanced: :description: Darcy-flow permeability coefficient in y-direction :units: ms^-1 :default: 0.0001 :range: 1e-05 - 0.1 kz :advanced: :description: Darcy-flow permeability coefficient in z-direction :units: ms^-1 :default: 0.0001 :range: 1e-05 - 0.1