! this program makes includefiles from spaceparams.tmpl ! indextos.gen is for spaceparams.F90 ! mnemonic.gen is for mnemonic.F90 ! chartoindex.gen is for mnemonic.F90 ! space_alloc_arrays.gen is for spaceparams.F90 ! space_alloc_scalars.gen is for spaceparams.F90 ! spacedecl.gen is for spaceparams.F90 ! space_ind.gen is for s.ind ! space_inp.gen is for s.inp ! ! see also README.includefiles ! spaceparams.tmpl ! module makemodule integer, parameter :: slen = 1024 character(len=slen), parameter :: templatefilename = 'spaceparams.tmpl' character(len=slen) :: outputfilename integer, parameter :: infile = 1 integer, parameter :: outfile = 2 character(len=slen), parameter :: spacedeclname = 'spacedecl.gen' character(len=slen), parameter :: mnemonicname = 'mnemonic.gen' character(len=slen), parameter :: indextosname = 'indextos.gen' character(len=slen), parameter :: space_alloc_scalarsname = 'space_alloc_scalars.gen' character(len=slen), parameter :: space_alloc_arraysname = 'space_alloc_arrays.gen' character(len=slen), parameter :: space_indname = 'space_ind.gen' character(len=slen), parameter :: space_inpname = 'space_inp.gen' character(len=slen), parameter :: chartoindexname = 'chartoindex.gen' integer :: numvars, maxnamelen, inumvars0, rnumvars0 character(len=slen) :: type, name, comment, line, broadcast, description, units integer :: rank logical :: varfound logical :: endfound character(20), dimension(10) :: dims ! dimensions are maximum 10 length statement, maximum 10 different dimensions integer :: maxdimlen, maxrank character(6),parameter :: sp = ' ' contains ! ! reads next line ! subroutine getline implicit none character(slen) :: s integer :: i do read(infile,'(a)',end=100) line ! some compilers don't think carriage return is white space. ! we convert all cr, nl, tab into space do i=1,len(line) select case(ichar(line(i:i))) case (9,10,13) line(i:i) = ' ' end select enddo s = adjustl(line) if (s(1:2) .ne. '!*') then exit endif enddo endfound = .false. return 100 continue endfound = .true. end subroutine getline ! ! opens inputfile ! subroutine openinfile implicit none open(infile, file=templatefilename) end subroutine openinfile ! ! opens outputfile ! subroutine openoutput implicit none open (outfile,file=trim(adjustl(outputfilename)),recl=slen) end subroutine openoutput ! ! extract items from an input line ! type, rank, varfound, comment, name ! subroutine getitems implicit none character(len=slen) :: w integer :: j,l,i l=1 type = '' name = '' units = '' description = '' comment = '' call getnext(line,l,type) if (len(trim(type)) .eq. 0) then varfound = .false. return endif if (type(1:1) .eq. '!' ) then comment = line type = '' varfound = .false. return endif varfound = .true. call getnext(line,l,w) read (w,'(i20)') rank call getnext(line,l,name) do i=1,rank call getnext(line,l,dims(i)) maxdimlen = max(maxdimlen,(len_trim(dims(i)))) enddo call getnext(line,l,broadcast) call getnext(line,l,units) ! Get the first word of the description call getnext(line,l,description) ! search for a comment j = scan(line,'!') if (j .ne. 0) then comment = line(j:) ! store the line up to comment description = trim(description) // trim(line(l:j-1)) else ! store the rest of the line in the description description = trim(description) // trim(line(l:)) endif end subroutine getitems ! ! reads next word from characterstring ! subroutine getnext(a,l,w) implicit none character(len=*), intent(in) :: a ! string to read from character(len=*), intent(out) :: w ! word found integer, intent(inout) :: l ! index, where to start in a ! normally, at first call of this routine, ! l should be one. l is updated. integer :: j,i,k integer :: la character :: tab tab = char(9) la = len(a) j = la do i = l, la if (a(i:i) .ne. ' ' .and. a(i:i) .ne. tab) then j = i exit endif enddo l = j w = '' j = la k = 1 do i = l, la if (a(i:i) .eq. ' ' .or. a(i:i) .eq. tab) then j = i exit endif w(k:k) = a(i:i) k = k + 1 enddo l = j end subroutine getnext ! ! emits a waring on the outputfile ! subroutine warning implicit none write(outfile,'(a)') '! DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE' write(outfile,'(a)') '! But edit '//trim(templatefilename)//' and/or makeincludes.F90' write(outfile,'(a)') '! compile makeincludes.F90 and run the compilate' write(outfile,'(a)') '! Compiling and running is taken care of by the Makefile' end subroutine warning ! ! emits directions for vim editor ! subroutine format_fortran implicit none write(outfile,'(a)') '!directions for vi vim: filetype=fortran : syntax=fortran' end subroutine format_fortran ! ! just counting ! subroutine counting implicit none call openinfile ! ! just counting ! numvars = 0 maxnamelen = 0 maxrank = 0 maxdimlen = 0 inumvars0 = 0 rnumvars0 = 0 do call getline if (endfound) then exit endif call getitems if (varfound) then numvars = numvars+1 maxnamelen = max(maxnamelen,len_trim(name)) maxrank = max(maxrank, rank) if (rank .eq. 0) then if (type(1:1) .eq. 'i' .or. type(1:1) .eq. 'I') then inumvars0=inumvars0+1 else rnumvars0=rnumvars0+1 endif endif endif enddo close(infile) end subroutine counting ! ! construction of spacedecl.gen ! subroutine makespacedecl implicit none character(len=slen) nullstr,rankstr call openinfile call openoutput call warning do call getline if (endfound) then exit endif call getitems if (varfound) then nullstr = ' =>NULL() ' select case(rank) case(0) rankstr = ',pointer ' case(1) rankstr = ',dimension(:), pointer' case(2) rankstr = ',dimension(:,:), pointer' case(3) rankstr = ',dimension(:,:,:), pointer' case(4) rankstr = ',dimension(:,:,:,:),pointer' case default rankstr = 'invalid number of dimensions' end select write(outfile,'(a)') sp//trim(type)//trim(rankstr)//' :: '//trim(name)// & trim(nullstr)//' '//trim(comment) else write(outfile,'(a)') trim(comment) endif enddo call format_fortran close (outfile) close(infile) end subroutine makespacedecl ! ! construct subroutine to initialize the scalars ! subroutine makespace_alloc_scalars implicit none integer ii,rr ii=1 rr=1 call openinfile call openoutput call warning do call getline if (endfound) then exit endif call getitems if (varfound) then if (rank .eq. 0) then write(outfile,'(a)') sp//'allocate(s%'//trim(name)//')' endif endif enddo call format_fortran close(outfile) close(infile) end subroutine makespace_alloc_scalars ! ! construction of mnemonic.gen ! subroutine makemnemonic implicit none integer :: j call openinfile call openoutput call warning write (outfile,'(a,i4)') sp//' integer, parameter :: numvars = ', numvars write (outfile,'(a,i4)') sp//' integer, parameter :: maxnamelen = ', maxnamelen write (outfile,'(a,i4)') sp//' integer, parameter :: maxrank = ', maxrank do call getline if(endfound) then exit endif call getitems if (varfound) then write(outfile,'(a)') sp//' character(len=maxnamelen),parameter :: mnem_'// & name(1:maxnamelen)//" = '"//name(1:maxnamelen)//"'" endif enddo rewind infile write (outfile,'(a)') sp//& ' character(len=maxnamelen),dimension(numvars),parameter :: mnemonics= (/ &' j=1 do call getline if (endfound) then exit endif call getitems if (varfound) then if ( j .ne. numvars) then write(outfile,'(a,i4)') sp//' mnem_'//name(1:maxnamelen)//', & ! ',j else write(outfile,'(a,i4)') sp//' mnem_'//name(1:maxnamelen)//' & ! ',j endif j = j + 1 endif enddo write(outfile,'(a)') sp//" /)" call format_fortran close(outfile) close(infile) end subroutine makemnemonic ! ! construction of chartoindex.gen ! subroutine makechartoindex implicit none integer :: j call openinfile call openoutput call warning write(outfile,'(a)') sp//' select case(line)' j = 0 do call getline if(endfound) then exit endif call getitems if (varfound) then j = j+1 write(outfile,'(a)') sp//' case(mnem_'//name(1:maxnamelen)//')' write(outfile,'(a,i5)') sp//' chartoindex =',j endif enddo write(outfile,'(a)') sp//' end select' call format_fortran close(outfile) close(infile) end subroutine makechartoindex ! ! construction of indextos.gen ! subroutine makeindextos implicit none integer :: i,j character :: ctype character(len=slen) :: rankstr character(len=10) :: extrastr call openinfile call openoutput call warning j=1 do call getline if (endfound) then exit endif call getitems if (varfound) then if (type(1:1) .eq. 'i' .or. type(1:1) .eq. 'I') then ctype = 'i' else ctype = 'r' endif select case(ctype) case('r') select case(rank) case(0) rankstr = 't%r0' case(1) rankstr = 't%r1' case(2) rankstr = 't%r2' case(3) rankstr = 't%r3' case(4) rankstr = 't%r4' case default rankstr = 'wrong dimensionality' end select case ('i') select case(rank) case(0) rankstr = 't%i0' case(1) rankstr = 't%i1' case(2) rankstr = 't%i2' case(3) rankstr = 't%i3' case(4) rankstr = 't%i4' case default rankstr = 'wrong dimensionality' end select end select write(outfile,'(a,i3,a)') sp//' case(',j,')' write(outfile,'(a)') sp//' '//trim(rankstr)//' => s%'//trim(name) write(outfile,'(a,i3)') sp//' t%rank = ',rank write(outfile,'(a)') sp//" t%type = '"//ctype//"'" write(outfile,'(a)') sp//" t%name = '"//trim(name(1:maxnamelen))//"'" write(outfile,'(a)') sp//" t%btype = '"//broadcast(1:1)//"'" ! remove the [ ] around the units, this should be easier.... units = trim(units) // '' ! make sure we trim spaces first if (units(1:1) .eq. '[') then units=units(2:) // '' ! avoid length issues endif if (index(units,']') > 0) then units=units(1:index(units,']')-1) // '' ! make sure we add an extra '' endif write(outfile,'(a)') sp//" t%units= '"//trim(units)//"'" write(outfile,'(a)') sp//" t%description= '"//trim(description)//"'" if (rank>0) then ! Stre the dimensions write(outfile,'(a,i3,a)', advance='no') sp//" t%dimensions(1:", rank,") = (/ " do i=1,rank if (i < rank) then extrastr = ", " else extrastr = "/)" endif write(outfile,'(a)',advance='no') "'"//(dims(i))//"'"//trim(extrastr) enddo write(outfile, *) ! empty line endif j = j + 1 endif enddo call format_fortran close (outfile) close( infile) end subroutine makeindextos ! ! make allocation statements ! subroutine makespace_alloc_arrays implicit none integer :: j call openinfile call openoutput call warning j=1 do call getline if (endfound) then exit endif call getitems if (varfound) then select case(rank) case (0) case (1) write(outfile,'(a)') sp//' allocate(s%'//name(1:maxnamelen)// & '('//dims(1)(1:maxdimlen)//repeat(' ',3*maxdimlen+3)//'))' case (2) write(outfile,'(a)') sp//' allocate(s%'//name(1:maxnamelen)// & '('//dims(1)(1:maxdimlen)//','//dims(2)(1:maxdimlen)//repeat(' ',2*maxdimlen+2)//'))' case (3) write(outfile,'(a)') sp//' allocate(s%'//name(1:maxnamelen)// & '('//dims(1)(1:maxdimlen)//','//dims(2)(1:maxdimlen)//','//dims(3)(1:maxdimlen)// & repeat(' ',maxdimlen+1)//'))' case (4) write(outfile,'(a)') sp//' allocate(s%'//name(1:maxnamelen)// & '('//dims(1)(1:maxdimlen)//','//dims(2)(1:maxdimlen)//','//dims(3)(1:maxdimlen)// & ','//dims(4)(1:maxdimlen)//'))' case default write(outfile,'(a)') sp//'wrong line in '//trim(templatefilename) write(outfile,'(a)') sp//trim(line) end select endif enddo call format_fortran close(outfile) close(infile) end subroutine makespace_alloc_arrays subroutine makespaceind implicit none character(len=slen) rankstr call openinfile call openoutput call warning do call getline if (endfound) then exit endif call getitems if (varfound) then select case(rank) case(0) rankstr = ',pointer ' case(1) rankstr = ',dimension(:), pointer' case(2) rankstr = ',dimension(:,:), pointer' case(3) rankstr = ',dimension(:,:,:), pointer' case(4) rankstr = ',dimension(:,:,:,:),pointer' case default rankstr = 'invalid number of dimensions' end select write(outfile,'(a)') sp//trim(type)//trim(rankstr)//' :: '//trim(name) endif enddo call format_fortran close (outfile) close(infile) end subroutine makespaceind subroutine makespaceinp implicit none call openinfile call openoutput call warning do call getline if (endfound) then exit endif call getitems if (varfound) then write(outfile,'(a)') sp//trim(name)//' => '//'s%'//trim(name) endif enddo call format_fortran close (outfile) close(infile) end subroutine makespaceinp end module makemodule program makeincludes use makemodule implicit none character(len=slen) :: command ! ! count number of variables ! call counting read (*,'(a)',end=100,err=100) command goto 110 100 continue command = trim(spacedeclname)//' '// & trim(mnemonicname)//' '// & trim(indextosname)//' '// & trim(space_alloc_scalarsname)//' '// & trim(space_alloc_arraysname)//' '// & trim(space_indname)//' '// & trim(chartoindexname)//' '// & trim(space_inpname) 110 continue if (index(command,trim(spacedeclname)) .ne. 0) then write(*,*)'Making '//trim(spacedeclname) outputfilename = spacedeclname call makespacedecl endif if (index(command,trim(mnemonicname)) .ne. 0) then write(*,*)'Making '//trim(mnemonicname) outputfilename = mnemonicname call makemnemonic endif if (index(command,trim(indextosname)) .ne. 0) then write(*,*)'Making '//trim(indextosname) outputfilename = indextosname call makeindextos endif if (index(command,trim(space_alloc_scalarsname)) .ne. 0) then write(*,*)'Making '//trim(space_alloc_scalarsname) outputfilename = space_alloc_scalarsname call makespace_alloc_scalars endif if (index(command,trim(space_alloc_arraysname)) .ne. 0) then write(*,*)'Making '//trim(space_alloc_arraysname) outputfilename = space_alloc_arraysname call makespace_alloc_arrays endif if (index(command,trim(space_indname)) .ne. 0) then write(*,*)'Making '//trim(space_indname) outputfilename = space_indname call makespaceind endif if (index(command,trim(space_inpname)) .ne. 0) then write(*,*)'Making '//trim(space_inpname) outputfilename = space_inpname call makespaceinp endif if (index(command,trim(chartoindexname)) .ne. 0) then write(*,*)'Making '//trim(chartoindexname) outputfilename = chartoindexname call makechartoindex endif end program makeincludes