module flow_timestep_module contains subroutine flow_timestep(s,par) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! Copyright (C) 2007 UNESCO-IHE, WL|Delft Hydraulics and Delft University ! ! Dano Roelvink, Ap van Dongeren, Ad Reniers, Jamie Lescinski, ! ! Jaap van Thiel de Vries, Robert McCall ! ! ! ! ! ! UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education ! ! P.O. Box 3015 ! ! 2601 DA Delft ! ! The Netherlands ! ! ! ! This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ! ! modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public ! ! License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either ! ! version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ! ! ! ! This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ! ! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ! ! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ! ! Lesser General Public License for more details. ! ! ! ! You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public ! ! License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software ! ! Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 ! ! USA ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! use params use spaceparams use xmpi_module use boundaryconditions #ifndef USEMPI use flow_secondorder_module use nonh_module #endif IMPLICIT NONE type(spacepars),target :: s type(parameters) :: par integer :: i integer :: j real*8,dimension(:,:),allocatable,save :: vv_old !Velocity at previous timestep real*8,dimension(:,:),allocatable,save :: uu_old !Velocity at previous timestep real*8,dimension(:,:),allocatable,save :: zs_old real*8,dimension(:,:),allocatable,save :: vsu,usu,vsv,usv,veu,uev real*8,dimension(:,:),allocatable,save :: ududx,vdvdy,udvdx,vdudy real*8,dimension(:,:),allocatable,save :: viscu,viscv real*8,dimension(:,:),allocatable,save :: us,vs real*8 :: nuh1,nuh2 real*8 :: dudx1,dudx2,dudy1,dudy2 real*8 :: dvdy1,dvdy2,dvdx1,dvdx2 !Jaap integer :: imax,jmax include 's.ind' include 's.inp' if (.not. allocated(vsu) ) then allocate ( vsu(s%nx+1,s%ny+1)) allocate ( usu(s%nx+1,s%ny+1)) allocate ( vsv(s%nx+1,s%ny+1)) allocate ( usv(s%nx+1,s%ny+1)) allocate ( veu(s%nx+1,s%ny+1)) allocate ( uev(s%nx+1,s%ny+1)) allocate ( ududx(s%nx+1,s%ny+1)) allocate ( vdvdy(s%nx+1,s%ny+1)) allocate ( udvdx(s%nx+1,s%ny+1)) allocate ( vdudy(s%nx+1,s%ny+1)) allocate ( viscu(s%nx+1,s%ny+1)) allocate ( viscv(s%nx+1,s%ny+1)) allocate ( us(s%nx+1,s%ny+1)) allocate ( vs(s%nx+1,s%ny+1)) if (par%secorder == 1) then allocate(vv_old(s%nx+1,s%ny+1)); vv_old = s%vv allocate(uu_old(s%nx+1,s%ny+1)); uu_old = s%uu allocate(zs_old(s%nx+1,s%ny+1)); zs_old = s%zs endif vu =0.d0 vsu =0.d0 usu =0.d0 vsv =0.d0 usv =0.d0 uv =0.d0 veu =0.d0 uev =0.d0 ueu =0.d0 vev =0.d0 ududx =0.d0 vdvdy =0.d0 udvdx =0.d0 vdudy =0.d0 viscu =0.d0 viscv =0.d0 us =0.d0 vs =0.d0 hum =0.d0 hvm =0.d0 u =0.d0 v =0.d0 ue =0.d0 ve =0.d0 endif ! update bedfriction coefficient cf if (trim(par%bedfriction)=='white-colebrook') then s%cf = par%g/(18.d0*log10(4.*s%hh/min(s%hh,s%D90top)))**2 ! cf = g/C^2 where C = 18*log(4*hh/D90) endif ! zs=zs*wetz ! Water level slopes do j=1,ny+1 do i=2,nx dzsdx(i,j)=(zs(i+1,j)-zs(i,j))/(xz(i+1)-xz(i)) end do end do ! do j=2,ny do j=1,ny ! Dano need to get correct slope on boundary y=0 do i=1,nx+1 dzsdy(i,j)=(zs(i,j+1)-zs(i,j))/(yz(j+1)-yz(j)) end do end do ! wwvv in the next lines ! hu(i,j) is more or less a function of hh(i+1,j) ! In the parallel case, this needs some action because ! for processes not at the bottom, the last row of ! hu (hu(nx+1,:)) has to be taken from the neighbour below ! hu is used later on in this subroutine, so we have to insert ! an mpi call. ! The same for hum ! Of course, no action is necessary if hu(nx+1:) is never used... do j=1,ny+1 do i=1,nx+1 !Ap ! Water depth in u-points do momentum equation: mean hum(i,j)=max(.5d0*(hh(i,j)+hh(min(nx,i)+1,j)),par%eps) end do end do ! wwvv here the mpi code to communicate a row of hu ! we send to the neighbour above and receive from the neighbour ! below: #ifdef USEMPI call xmpi_shift(hum,'m:') #endif ! Wetting and drying criterion (only do momentum balance) do j=1,ny+1 do i=1,nx+1 if(hu(i,j)>par%eps .and. hum(i,j)>par%eps) then ! Jaap and Pieter: If you want to compute correct advection term wetu(i,j)=1 ! then both hu and hum should be larger than par%eps. It is not else ! necessarily true that if hu>par%eps also hum>par%eps. wetu(i,j)=0 end if end do end do ! wwvv about the same for hv, only in the left-right direction ! hv(i,j) is more or less a function of hh(i,j+1) ! so in the parallel case, hv(:,ny+1) has to be collected ! from the right neighbour ! the same for hvm do j=1,ny+1 do i=1,nx+1 ! Water depth in v-points do momentum equation: mean hvm(i,j)=max(.5d0*(hh(i,j)+hh(i,min(ny,j)+1)),par%eps) end do end do ! send to the left, read from the right #ifdef USEMPI call xmpi_shift(hvm,':n') #endif ! Wetting and drying criterion (only do momentum balance) do j=1,ny+1 do i=1,nx+1 if(hv(i,j)>par%eps .and. hvm(i,j)>par%eps) then wetv(i,j)=1 else wetv(i,j)=0 end if end do end do ! Jaap Wetting and drying criterion eta points do j=1,ny+1 do i=1,nx+1 !A eta point is wet if any of the surrounding velocity points is wet... ! s%wetz(i,j) = min(1,s%wetu(max(i,2)-1,j)+s%wetu(i,j)+s%wetv(i,j)+s%wetv(i,max(j,2)-1)) if(hh(i,j)>par%eps) then wetz(i,j)=1 else wetz(i,j)=0 end if end do end do ! ! X-direction ! do j=2,ny ! Jaap 2,ny instead of 1,ny+1 do i=2,nx ududx(i,j)=max(0.d0,.5d0*(qx(i,j)+qx(i-1,j)) ) / hum(i,j)*(uu(i,j )-uu(i-1,j))/(xu(i )-xu(i-1)) + & min(0.d0,.5d0*(qx(i,j)+qx(i+1,j)) ) / hum(i,j)*(uu(i+1,j)-uu(i,j ))/(xu(i+1)-xu(i )) end do end do ! wwvv fix border rows and columns of ududx #ifdef USEMPI call xmpi_shift(ududx,'1:') call xmpi_shift(ududx,'m:') call xmpi_shift(ududx,':1') call xmpi_shift(ududx,':n') #endif do j=2,ny do i=1,nx vdudy(i,j)=max(0.d0,.5d0*(qy(i,j-1)+qy(i+1,j-1)) ) / hum(i,j)*(uu(i,j )-uu(i,j-1))/(yz(j )-yz(j-1)) + & min(0.d0,.5d0*(qy(i,j )+qy(i+1,j )) ) / hum(i,j)*(uu(i,j+1)-uu(i,j ))/(yz(j+1)-yz(j )) end do end do ! wwvv fix border rows and columns of vdudy #ifdef USEMPI ! call xmpi_shift(vdudy,'1:') ! not necessary wwvv call xmpi_shift(vdudy,'m:') call xmpi_shift(vdudy,':1') call xmpi_shift(vdudy,':n') #endif ! ! Jaap: Slightly changes approach; 1) background viscosity is user defined or obtained from Smagorinsky, 2) nuh = max(nuh,roller induced viscosity) if (par%smag == 1) then !Use smagorinsky subgrid model call visc_smagorinsky(s,par) else s%nuh = par%nuh endif do j=2,ny do i=2,nx nuh(i,j) = max(s%nuh(i,j),par%nuhfac*hh(i,j)*(DR(i,j)/par%rho)**(1.0d0/3.0d0)) ! Ad: change to max end do end do do j=2,ny do i=2,nx dudx1 = nuh(i+1,j)*s%hh(i+1,j)*(uu(i+1,j)-uu(i,j))/(xu(i+1)-xu(i)) dudx2 = nuh(i,j) *s%hh(i ,j)*(uu(i,j)-uu(i-1,j))/(xu(i)-xu(i-1)) viscu(i,j) = (1.0d0/s%hum(i,j))*( 2*(dudx1-dudx2)/(xu(i+1)-xu(i-1)) )*wetu(i+1,j)*wetu(i-1,j) !Set viscu = 0.0 near water line wwvv: viscu is overwritten in next loopnest before it is used end do end do if (par%smag == 1) then ! ! For non constant eddy viscosity the stress terms read: ! ! d d d d d ! -- [ 2* mu -- (U) ] + --[ mu --(U) +mu --(V) ] ! dx dx dy dy dx ! ! d d ! Only when -- [mu] = --[mu] = 0 we have (for incompressible flow) ! dx dy ! ! 2 2 ! d d ! mu --2 [U] + mu --2 [U] ! dx dy ! viscu = 2.0d0*viscu endif do j=2,ny do i=2,nx !Nuh is defined at eta points, interpolate from four surrounding points nuh1 = .25d0*(nuh(i,j)+nuh(i+1,j)+nuh(i+1,j+1)+nuh(i,j+1)) nuh2 = .25d0*(nuh(i,j)+nuh(i+1,j)+nuh(i+1,j-1)+nuh(i,j-1)) dudy1 = nuh1 *.5d0*(s%hvm(i,j )+s%hvm(i+1,j ))*(uu(i,j+1)-uu(i,j))/(yz(j+1)-yz(j)) dudy2 = nuh2 *.5d0*(s%hvm(i,j-1)+s%hvm(i+1,j-1))*(uu(i,j)-uu(i,j-1))/(yz(j)-yz(j-1)) viscu(i,j) = viscu(i,j) + (1.0d0/s%hum(i,j))*( 2.0d0*(dudy1-dudy2)/(yz(j+1)-yz(j-1)) )*wetu(i,j+1)*wetu(i,j-1) end do end do if (par%smag == 1) then do j=2,ny do i=2,nx !Nuh is defined at eta points, interpolate from four surrounding points nuh1 = .25d0*(nuh(i,j)+nuh(i+1,j)+nuh(i+1,j+1)+nuh(i,j+1)) nuh2 = .25d0*(nuh(i,j)+nuh(i+1,j)+nuh(i+1,j-1)+nuh(i,j-1)) dvdx1 = nuh1*.5d0*(s%hvm(i,j )+s%hvm(i+1,j ))*(s%vv(i+1,j )-s%vv(i,j ))/(s%xz(i+1)-s%xz(i)) dvdx2 = nuh1*.5d0*(s%hvm(i,j-1)+s%hvm(i+1,j-1))*(s%vv(i+1,j-1)-s%vv(i,j-1))/(s%xz(i+1)-s%xz(i)) viscu(i,j) = viscu(i,j) + (1.d0/s%hum(i,j))*(dvdx1-dvdx2)/(s%yv(j)-s%yv(j-1))*real(wetv(i+1,j) & * wetv(i,j)*wetv(i+1,j-1)*wetv(i,j-1),8) enddo enddo endif ! ! Explicit Euler step momentum u-direction ! do j=2,ny ! do i=2,nx-1 ! wwvv uu(nx,:) is never computed in this subroutine, is that ok? if (xmpi_isbot) then imax = nx-1 else imax=nx endif do i=2,imax ! wwvv with this modification, parallel and serial version ! give the same results. If this modification is not ok, then ! we have a problem if(wetu(i,j)==1) then taubx(i,j)=s%cf(i,j)*par%rho*ueu(i,j)*sqrt((1.16d0*s%urms(i,j))**2+vmageu(i,j)**2) uu(i,j)=uu(i,j)-par%dt*(ududx(i,j)+vdudy(i,j)-viscu(i,j) & !Ap,Robert,Jaap + par%g*dzsdx(i,j) & ! + par%g/par%C**2.d0/hu(i,j)*vmageu(i,j)*ueu(i,j) & + (taubx(i,j) - par%lwave*Fx(i,j))/(par%rho*hu(i,j)) & - par%fc*vu(i,j) & - par%rhoa*par%Cd*cos(s%winddirnow)*s%windvnow**2/(par%rho*hu(i,j))) else uu(i,j)=0.0d0 end if end do end do ! wwvv since the loops range from 2:nx-1 , 2:ny we have to do something in the ! parallel case #ifdef USEMPI ! wwvv qx is used later on, also the first row, fix the first row ! of uu first call xmpi_shift(uu,'1:') call xmpi_shift(uu,'m:') call xmpi_shift(uu,':1') call xmpi_shift(uu,':n') #endif ! ! Y-direction ! do j=1,ny do i=2,nx+1 ! ! Advection terms (momentum conserving method) if (j>1 .and. jpar%umin) then ! hu(i,j)=hh(i,j) hu(i,j)=zs(i,j)-max(zb(i,j),zb(min(nx,i)+1,j)) elseif (uu(i,j)<-par%umin) then ! hu(i,j)=hh(min(nx,i)+1,j) hu(i,j)=zs(min(nx,i)+1,j)-max(zb(i,j),zb(min(nx,i)+1,j)) else hu(i,j)=max(max(zs(i,j),zs(min(nx,i)+1,j))-max(zb(i,j),zb(min(nx,i)+1,j)),par%eps) end if end do end do hu = max(hu,0.d0) do j=1,ny+1 do i=1,nx+1 ! Water depth in v-points do continuity equation: upwind if (vv(i,j)>par%umin) then !hv(i,j)=hh(i,j) hv(i,j)=zs(i,j)-max(zb(i,j),zb(i,min(ny,j)+1)) elseif (vv(i,j)<-par%umin) then !hv(i,j)=hh(i,min(ny,j)+1) hv(i,j)=zs(i,min(ny,j)+1)-max(zb(i,j),zb(i,min(ny,j)+1)) else hv(i,j)=max(max(zs(i,j),zs(i,min(ny,j)+1))-max(zb(i,j),zb(i,min(ny,j)+1)),par%eps) end if end do end do hv = max(hv,0.d0) #ifdef USEMPI call xmpi_shift(hu ,'m:') call xmpi_shift(hv ,':n') #endif ! ! Dano in case of closed boundaries we need to set vv to 0 before computing qv, ! to avoid mass errors ! Lateral boundary at y=0 if (xmpi_isleft) then !Dano/Robert only on outer boundary if (trim(par%right)=='wall') then vv(2:nx+1,1) = 0.d0 else vv(2:nx+1,1) = vv(2:nx+1,2) ! RJ: endif uu(1:nx+1,1)=uu(1:nx+1,2) ! RJ: can also be done after continuity but more appropriate here endif ! Lateral boundary at y=ny*dy if (xmpi_isright) then !Dano/Robert only at outer boundary if (trim(par%left)=='wall') then vv(2:nx+1,ny) = 0.d0 else vv(2:nx+1,ny) = vv(2:nx+1,ny-1) ! RJ endif uu(1:nx+1,ny+1)=uu(1:nx+1,ny) endif #ifdef USEMPI call xmpi_shift(uu,':1') call xmpi_shift(uu,':n') call xmpi_shift(uu,'1:') call xmpi_shift(uu,'m:') call xmpi_shift(vv,':1') call xmpi_shift(vv,':n') call xmpi_shift(vv,'1:') call xmpi_shift(vv,'m:') #endif #ifndef USEMPI if (par%nonh==1) then ! do non-hydrostatic pressure compensation to solve short waves call nonh_cor(s,par) end if #endif ! Flux in u-point qx=uu*hu ! Flux in v-points ! first column of qy is used later, and it is defined in the loop above ! no communication necessary at this point qy=vv*hv ! call discharge_boundary(s,par) ! ! Update water level using continuity eq. ! if (xmpi_isright) then jmax=ny else jmax=ny+1 endif if (xmpi_isbot) then imax=nx else imax=nx+1 endif do j=2,jmax do i=2,imax dzsdt(i,j) = (-1.d0)*((qx(i,j)-qx(i-1,j))/(xu(i)-xu(i-1)) & + (qy(i,j)-qy(i,j-1))/(yv(j)-yv(j-1))) & - s%gww(i,j) end do end do ! call discharge_boundary(s,par) ! zs(2:nx,2:ny) = zs(2:nx,2:ny)+dzsdt(2:nx,2:ny)*par%dt !Jaap nx instead of nx+1 #ifndef USEMPI if (par%secorder == 1) then !Second order correction call flow_secondorder_con(s,par,zs_old) endif #endif ! ! Output ! ! RJ: Neumann water levels in case of right = 1 or right = 0 ! Lateral boundary at y=0 if(xmpi_isleft) then zs(1:nx+1,1)=max(zs(1:nx+1,2) - (zs0(:,ny+1)-zs0(:,1))/(yz(ny+1)-yz(1))*(yz(2)-yz(1)),zb(1:nx+1,1)) endif if(xmpi_isright) then ! Lateral boundary at y=ny*dy zs(1:nx+1,ny+1)=max(zs(1:nx+1,ny) + (zs0(:,ny+1)-zs0(:,1))/(yz(ny+1)-yz(1))*(yz(ny+1)-yz(ny)),zb(1:nx+1,ny)) endif ! wwvv zs, uu, vv have to be communicated now, because they are used later on #ifdef USEMPI call xmpi_shift(zs,':1') call xmpi_shift(zs,':n') call xmpi_shift(zs,'1:') call xmpi_shift(zs,'m:') call xmpi_shift(dzsdt,':1') ! wwvv dzsdt maybe not necessary because first and last columns are not used call xmpi_shift(dzsdt,':n') call xmpi_shift(dzsdt,'1:') call xmpi_shift(dzsdt,'m:') call xmpi_shift(qx,':1') ! wwvv qx maybe not necessary because first and last columns are not used call xmpi_shift(qx,':n') call xmpi_shift(qx,'1:') call xmpi_shift(qx,'m:') call xmpi_shift(qy,':1') call xmpi_shift(qy,':n') call xmpi_shift(qy,'1:')! wwvv qy maybe not necessary because first and last rows are not used call xmpi_shift(qy,'m:') #endif if (par%secorder == 1) then vv_old = s%vv uu_old = s%uu zs_old = s%zs endif ! offshore boundary ! ! U and V in cell centre; do output and sediment stirring ! u(2:nx,:)=0.5d0*(uu(1:nx-1,:)+uu(2:nx,:)) if(xmpi_istop) then u(1,:)=uu(1,:) endif !Ap if(xmpi_isbot) then u(nx+1,:)=u(nx,:) endif #ifdef USEMPI call xmpi_shift(u,'1:') call xmpi_shift(u,'m:') call xmpi_shift(u,':1') call xmpi_shift(u,':n') #endif v(:,2:ny)=0.5d0*(vv(:,1:ny-1)+vv(:,2:ny)) !Jaap: ny+1 v(:,1)=vv(:,1) !Ap v(nx+1,:)=v(nx,:) ! wwvv symmetry: why not v(:,ny+1) = v(:,ny) #ifdef USEMPI call xmpi_shift(v,':1') call xmpi_shift(v,':n') call xmpi_shift(v,'1:') call xmpi_shift(v,'m:') #endif ! Robert + Jaap: compute derivatives of u and v ! ! V-velocities at u-points vu(1:nx,2:ny)= & 0.25d0*(vv(1:nx,1:ny-1)+vv(1:nx,2:ny)+ & vv(2:nx+1,1:ny-1)+vv(2:nx+1,2:ny)) ! how about boundaries? if(xmpi_isleft) then vu(:,1) = vu(:,2) endif if(xmpi_isright) then vu(:,ny+1) = vu(:,ny) endif ! wwvv fill in vu(:1) and vu(:ny+1) for non-left and non-right processes ! and vu(nx+1,:) #ifdef USEMPI call xmpi_shift(vu,':1') call xmpi_shift(vu,':n') call xmpi_shift(vu,'m:') ! Jaap: whu not vu,'1:' --> seesm to be necessary to compute vmagu that is used to compute Su #endif vu=vu*wetu ! V-stokes velocities at U point vsu(1:nx,2:ny)=0.5d0*(ust(1:nx,2:ny)*sin(thetamean(1:nx,2:ny))+ & ust(2:nx+1,2:ny)*sin(thetamean(2:nx+1,2:ny))) if(xmpi_isleft) then vsu(:,1)=vsu(:,2) endif if(xmpi_isright) then vsu(:,ny+1) = vsu(:,ny) ! wwvv same for vsu endif #ifdef USEMPI call xmpi_shift(vsu,':1') call xmpi_shift(vsu,':n') call xmpi_shift(vsu,'m:') #endif vsu = vsu*wetu ! U-stokes velocities at U point usu(1:nx,2:ny)=0.5d0*(ust(1:nx,2:ny)*cos(thetamean(1:nx,2:ny))+ & ust(2:nx+1,2:ny)*cos(thetamean(2:nx+1,2:ny))) if(xmpi_isleft) then usu(:,1)=usu(:,2) endif if(xmpi_isright) then usu(:,ny+1)=usu(:,ny) endif ! wwvv same for usu #ifdef USEMPI call xmpi_shift(usu,':1') call xmpi_shift(usu,':n') call xmpi_shift(usu,'m:') #endif usu=usu*wetu ! V-euler velocities at u-point veu = vu - vsu ! U-euler velocties at u-point ueu = uu - usu ! Velocity magnitude at u-points ! vmagu=sqrt(uu**2+vu**2) ! Eulerian velocity magnitude at u-points vmageu=sqrt(ueu**2+veu**2) ! U-velocities at v-points uv(2:nx,1:ny)= & .25d0*(uu(1:nx-1,1:ny)+uu(2:nx,1:ny)+ & uu(1:nx-1,2:ny+1)+uu(2:nx,2:ny+1)) ! boundaries? ! wwvv and what about uv(:,1) ? if(xmpi_isright) then uv(:,ny+1) = uv(:,ny) endif ! wwvv fix uv(:,ny+1) for non-right processes ! uv(1,:) and uv(nx+1,:) need to be filled in for ! non-bot or top processes #ifdef USEMPI call xmpi_shift(uv,':n') call xmpi_shift(uv,':1') call xmpi_shift(uv,'1:') call xmpi_shift(uv,'m:') #endif uv=uv*wetv ! V-stokes velocities at V point vsv(2:nx,1:ny)=0.5d0*(ust(2:nx,1:ny)*sin(thetamean(2:nx,1:ny))+& ust(2:nx,2:ny+1)*sin(thetamean(2:nx,2:ny+1))) if(xmpi_isleft) then vsv(:,1) = vsv(:,2) endif if(xmpi_isright) then vsv(:,ny+1) = vsv(:,ny) endif ! wwvv fix vsv(:,1) and vsv(:,ny+1) and vsv(1,:) and vsv(nx+1,:) #ifdef USEMPI call xmpi_shift(vsv,':n') call xmpi_shift(vsv,':1') call xmpi_shift(vsv,'1:') call xmpi_shift(vsv,'m:') #endif vsv=vsv*wetv ! U-stokes velocities at V point usv(2:nx,1:ny)=0.5d0*(ust(2:nx,1:ny)*cos(thetamean(2:nx,1:ny))+& ust(2:nx,2:ny+1)*cos(thetamean(2:nx,2:ny+1))) if(xmpi_isleft) then usv(:,1) = usv(:,2) endif if(xmpi_isleft) then usv(:,ny+1) = usv(:,ny) endif ! wwvv fix usv(:,1) and usv(:,ny+1) and usv(1,:) and usv(nx+1,:) #ifdef USEMPI call xmpi_shift(usv,':n') call xmpi_shift(usv,':1') call xmpi_shift(usv,'1:') call xmpi_shift(usv,'m:') #endif usv=usv*wetv ! V-euler velocities at V-point vev = vv - vsv ! U-euler velocties at V-point uev = uv - usv ! Velocity magnitude at v-points ! vmagv=sqrt(uv**2+vv**2) ! Eulerian velocity magnitude at v-points vmagev=sqrt(uev**2+vev**2) ! Ue and Ve in cell centre; do output and sediment stirring ue(2:nx,:)=0.5d0*(ueu(1:nx-1,:)+ueu(2:nx,:)) ue(1,:)=ueu(1,:) ! wwvv ue(nx+1,:) ? #ifdef USEMPI call xmpi_shift(ue,':1') call xmpi_shift(ue,':n') call xmpi_shift(ue,'1:') call xmpi_shift(ue,'m:') #endif ve(:,2:ny)=0.5d0*(vev(:,1:ny-1)+vev(:,2:ny)) !Jaap ny+1 ve(:,1)=vev(:,1) ! wwvv vev(nx+1,:) ? #ifdef USEMPI call xmpi_shift(ve,':1') call xmpi_shift(ve,':n') call xmpi_shift(ve,'1:') call xmpi_shift(ve,'m:') #endif ! hold =hh ! wwvv ? hold is never else used ! hh=max(zs-zb,par%eps) maxzs=max(zs,maxzs) minzs=min(zs,minzs) end subroutine flow_timestep subroutine visc_smagorinsky(s,par) use params use spaceparams use xmpi_module IMPLICIT NONE ! DATE AUTHOR CHANGES ! ! December 2010 Pieter Bart Smit New Subroutine ! March 2010 Pieter Bart Smit Changed formulation to standard smag. model !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! DECLARATIONS !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !-------------------------- PURPOSE ---------------------------- ! ! Calculates the turbulent viscocity coefficient nuh according to the smagorinsky ! subgrid model. ! !-------------------------- METHOD ---------------------------- ! ! The turbulent viscocity is given as: ! ! nuh = C^2*dx*dy*Tau ! ! Tau =2^(1/2) * [ (du/dx)^2 + (dv/dy)^2 + 1/2 * (du/dy + dv/dx)^2 ] ^ (1/2) ! ! Where ! ! dx,dy : grid size ! C : Constant ~0.15 (set by par%nuh) ! Tau : Measure for the magnitude of the turbulent stresses ! !-------------------------- ARGUMENTS ---------------------------- type(spacepars),target ,intent(inout) :: s type(parameters) ,intent(in) :: par !-------------------------- LOCAL VARIABLES ---------------------------- real*8 :: dudx !U Velocity gradient in x-dir real*8 :: dudy !U Velocity gradient in y-dir real*8 :: dvdx !V Velocity gradient in x-dir real*8 :: dvdy !V Velocity gradient in y-dir real*8 :: Tau !Measure for magnitude viscous stresses real*8 :: dx !Local gridsize in x-dir real*8 :: dy !Local gridsize in y-dir real*8 :: l !Local gridsize in y-dir integer :: i !Index variable integer :: j !Index variable !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! IMPLEMENTATION !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !MPI WARNING -> Check loop indices do j=2,s%ny do i=2,s%nx dx = (s%xu(i)-s%xu(i-1)) dy = (s%yv(j)-s%yv(j-1)) dudx = (s%uu(i,j)-s%uu(i-1,j))/dx dudy = .5d0*(s%uu(i,j+1) - s%uu(i,j-1) + s%uu(i-1,j+1) - s%uu(i-1,j-1))/(s%yz(j+1)-s%yz(j-1)) dvdx = .5d0*(s%vv(i+1,j) - s%vv(i-1,j) + s%vv(i+1,j-1) - s%vv(i-1,j-1))/(s%xz(i+1)-s%xz(i-1)) dvdy = (s%vv(i,j)-s%vv(i,j-1))/dy Tau = sqrt(2.0d0 * dudx**2+2.0d0 * dvdy**2 + (dvdx+dudy)**2) l = dx * dy s%nuh(i,j) = par%nuh**2 * l * Tau * real(s%wetu(i,j)*s%wetu(i-1,j)*s%wetv(i,j)*s%wetv(i,j-1),kind=8) enddo enddo ! Internal and external boundaries if (xmpi_istop) s%nuh(1,:) = 0.0d0 if (xmpi_isright) s%nuh(:,s%ny+1) = 0.0d0 if (xmpi_isleft) s%nuh(:,1) = 0.0d0 if (xmpi_isbot) s%nuh(s%nx+1,:) = 0.0d0 #ifdef USEMPI call xmpi_shift(s%nuh,'1:') call xmpi_shift(s%nuh,'m:') call xmpi_shift(s%nuh,':1') call xmpi_shift(s%nuh,':n') #endif end subroutine visc_smagorinsky end module flow_timestep_module