module filefunctions interface check_file_length module procedure check_file_length_1D module procedure check_file_length_2D module procedure check_file_length_3D end interface check_file_length contains integer function create_new_fid() use xmpi_module use logging_module integer :: fileunit if (xmaster) then fileunit = create_new_fid_generic() endif if (fileunit==-1) then if (xmaster) then call writelog('les','','Serious problem: not enough free unit ids to create new file') call halt_program endif endif create_new_fid = fileunit end function create_new_fid subroutine check_file_exist(filename) use xmpi_module use logging_module implicit none character(*) :: filename integer :: error error = 0 if (xmaster) call check_file_exist_generic(filename,error) if (error==1) then if (xmaster) then call writelog('sle','','File ''',trim(filename),''' not found. Terminating simulation') call halt_program endif endif end subroutine check_file_exist subroutine check_file_length_1D(fname,d1) use xmpi_module use logging_module implicit none character(*) :: fname integer, intent(in) :: d1 integer :: fid,iost integer :: i real,dimension(:),allocatable :: dat allocate(dat(d1)) fid = create_new_fid() if (xmaster) then open(fid,file=fname) read(fid,*,iostat=iost)(dat(i),i=1,d1) endif if (iost .ne. 0) then if (xmaster) then call writelog('sle','','Error processing file ''',trim(fname),'''. File may be too short or contains invalid values.', & ' Terminating simulation' ) call halt_program endif endif close(fid) end subroutine check_file_length_1D subroutine check_file_length_2D(fname,d1,d2) use xmpi_module use logging_module implicit none character(*) :: fname integer, intent(in) :: d1,d2 integer :: fid,iost integer :: i,j real,dimension(:,:),allocatable :: dat allocate(dat(d1,d2)) fid = create_new_fid() if (xmaster) then open(fid,file=fname) read(fid,*,iostat=iost)((dat(i,j),i=1,d1),j=1,d2) endif if (iost .ne. 0) then if (xmaster) then call writelog('sle','','Error processing file ''',trim(fname),'''. File may be too short or contains invalid values.', & ' Terminating simulation') call halt_program endif endif close(fid) end subroutine check_file_length_2D subroutine check_file_length_3D(fname,d1,d2,d3) use xmpi_module use logging_module implicit none character(*) :: fname integer, intent(in) :: d1,d2,d3 integer :: fid,iost integer :: i,j,k real,dimension(:,:,:),allocatable :: dat allocate(dat(d1,d2,d3)) fid = create_new_fid() if (xmaster) then open(fid,file=fname) read(fid,*,iostat=iost)(((dat(i,j,k),i=1,d1),j=1,d2),k=1,d3) endif if (iost .ne. 0) then if (xmaster) then call writelog('esl','Error processing file ''',trim(fname),'''. File may be too short or contains invalid values.', & ' Terminating simulation') call halt_program endif endif close(fid) end subroutine check_file_length_3D subroutine checkbcfilelength(tstop,instat,filename,filetype) use logging_module use xmpi_module IMPLICIT NONE real*8, intent(in) :: tstop character(24), intent(in):: instat character*80 :: filename,dummy character*8 :: testc character*1 :: ch integer :: i,ier=0,nlines,filetype,fid real*8 :: t,dt,total,d1,d2,d3,d4,d5 if (xmaster) then ier = 0 fid = create_new_fid() open(fid,file=filename) i=0 do while (ier==0) read(fid,'(a)',iostat=ier)ch if (ier==0)i=i+1 enddo nlines=i rewind(fid) if (trim(instat)=='jons' .or. trim(instat)=='swan' .or. trim(instat)=='vardens') then read(fid,*)testc if (testc=='FILELIST') then filetype = 1 nlines=nlines-1 else filetype = 0 endif elseif (trim(instat)=='stat_table' .or. trim(instat)=='jons_table') then filetype = 2 endif total=0.d0 i=0 select case (filetype) case(0) total=2.d0*tstop case(1) do while (total