module xbeach_bmi use iso_c_binding use iso_c_utils use libxbeach_module use params implicit none ! initialize -> loadmodel/initmodel ! perform single timestep -> update ! finalize -> finalize ! This is assumed..... integer(c_int), parameter :: MAXDIMS = 6 contains subroutine set_logger(c_callback) bind(C, name="set_logger") !DEC$ ATTRIBUTES DLLEXPORT::set_logger type(c_funptr), value :: c_callback ! Set a callback that will be cauled with new messages call c_f_procpointer(c_callback, logging_callback) end subroutine set_logger integer(c_int) function finalize() result(ierr) bind(C, name="finalize") !DEC$ ATTRIBUTES DLLEXPORT::finalize ierr = 0 call logmsg(LEVEL_INFO, 'Finalize') ierr = final() end function finalize integer(c_int) function initialize(c_configfile) result(ierr) bind(C, name="initialize") !DEC$ ATTRIBUTES DLLEXPORT::initialize implicit none ! Variables character(kind=c_char), intent(in) :: c_configfile(*) character(len=strlen(c_configfile)) :: configfile ! Convert c string to fortran string configfile = char_array_to_string(c_configfile) ierr = init() end function initialize !> Performs a single timestep with the current model. integer(c_int) function update(dt) result(ierr) bind(C,name="update") !DEC$ ATTRIBUTES DLLEXPORT::update !< Custom timestep size, use -1 to use model default. real(c_double), value, intent(in) :: dt if (dt < -1) then par%t = par%t - dt / par%morfac elseif (dt >= 0) then ierr = executestep(dt / par%morfac) else ierr = executestep() end if end function update ! Void function is a subroutine subroutine get_var_type(c_var_name, c_type_name) bind(C, name="get_var_type") !DEC$ ATTRIBUTES DLLEXPORT :: get_var_type character(kind=c_char), intent(in) :: c_var_name(*) character(kind=c_char), intent(out) :: c_type_name(MAXSTRINGLEN) character(len=strlen(c_var_name)) :: var_name character(len=MAXSTRINGLEN) :: type_name character :: typecode integer :: index type(arraytype) :: array var_name = char_array_to_string(c_var_name) index = chartoindex(var_name) if (index .eq. -1) return call indextos(s,index,array) typecode = array%type select case(typecode) case("r") type_name = "double" case("i") type_name = "int" case("c") type_name = "character" case default continue end select c_type_name = string_to_char_array(trim(type_name)) end subroutine get_var_type subroutine get_var_rank(c_var_name, rank) bind(C, name="get_var_rank") !DEC$ ATTRIBUTES DLLEXPORT :: get_var_rank character(kind=c_char), intent(in) :: c_var_name(*) integer(c_int), intent(out) :: rank ! The fortran name of the attribute name character(len=strlen(c_var_name)) :: var_name type(arraytype) :: array integer :: index ! Store the name var_name = char_array_to_string(c_var_name) index = chartoindex(var_name) if (index .eq. -1) return call indextos(s,index,array) rank = array%rank end subroutine get_var_rank include '' include '' include '' subroutine get_current_time(time) bind(C, name="get_current_time") !DEC$ ATTRIBUTES DLLEXPORT :: get_current_time real(c_double) :: time time = par%t * par%morfac end subroutine get_current_time subroutine get_start_time(time) bind(C, name="get_start_time") !DEC$ ATTRIBUTES DLLEXPORT :: get_start_time real(c_double) :: time time = 0 end subroutine get_start_time subroutine get_end_time(time) bind(C, name="get_end_time") !DEC$ ATTRIBUTES DLLEXPORT :: get_end_time real(c_double) :: time time = par%tstop * par%morfac end subroutine get_end_time end module xbeach_bmi