module params use typesandkinds use mnemmodule use xmpi_module use paramsconst implicit none save ! before using any routine from this module, take care of the value of params_inio ! .true. : values will be broadcasted to all processes, including output process ! otherwise: values will be broadcasted to compute processes only ! logical :: params_inio = .false. type parameters ! These parameters are constants, variables read from params.txt, or are scalars derived directly from read input ! ! Please maintain current setup of type declaration in order to allow parsing of this file by script readers, ! such as the function "xb_get_params" in OpenEarth ( ! ! Rules are: ! - [Section] markers indicate new sets of parameters, followed by the name of the set ! - Fortran declaration always as "kind :: name = initial value" ! - After the declaration of a variable add exclamation mark, followed by [unit] and decription. ! If the parameter is essentially only for advanced users, follow the unit declation by "(advanced)" ! If the parameter is deprecated, but still used for backwards-compatibility, follow the unit declation by "(deprecated)" ! - Description of a variable may continue on a new line as long as the first character is "!" and the ! position of the first "!" is greater than 50 characters from the start of the line. Best practice ! is to keep in line with the start of the description on the line above. ! - Please keep the declaration of "globalvars", "meanvars" and "pointvars" on the line directly after their respective related size ! parameter declaration (i.e. declaration of "nglobalvars", "nmeanvar" and "npointvar"). This is needed for the autogeneration of ! and subsequent params.dat file. ! - To enable parsing of "all_input" subroutine please only use "if () then, ... , endif/else/elseif" blocks, ! rather than one line "if () ..." commands in the "all_input" subroutine. ! ! type name initialize ! [unit] (advanced/deprecated) description ! [Section] Physical processes integer :: cyclic = -123 ! [-] Turn on cyclic boundary conditions integer :: swave = -123 ! [-] Turn on short waves integer :: lwave = -123 ! [-] Turn on short wave forcing on NLSW equations and boundary conditions integer :: flow = -123 ! [-] Turn on flow calculation integer :: sedtrans = -123 ! [-] Turn on sediment transport integer :: morphology = -123 ! [-] Turn on morphology integer :: avalanching = -123 ! [-] Turn on avalanching integer :: nonh = -123 ! [-] (advanced) Turn on non-hydrostatic pressure: 0 = NSWE, 1 = NSW + non-hydrostatic pressure compensation Stelling & Zijlema, 2003 integer :: gwflow = -123 ! [-] (advanced) Turn on groundwater flow integer :: q3d = -123 ! [-] (advanced,silent) Turn on quasi-3D sediment transport integer :: swrunup = -123 ! [-] (advanced,silent) Turn on short wave runup integer :: ships = -123 ! [-] (advanced) Turn on ship waves integer :: vegetation = -123 ! [-] (advanced) Turn on interaction of waves and flow with vegetation integer :: snells = -123 ! [-] (advanced) Turn on Snell's law for wave refraction integer :: single_dir = -123 ! [-] (advanced) Turn on stationary model for refraction, surfbeat based on mean direction integer :: bchwiz = -123 ! [-] (advanced,silent) Turn on beachwizard integer :: setbathy = -123 ! [-] Turn on timeseries of prescribed bathy input integer :: viscosity = -123 ! [-] Include viscosity in flow solver integer :: advection = -123 ! [-] Include advection in flow solver integer :: wind = -123 ! [-] Include wind in flow solver integer :: xbd3d = -123 ! [-] Couple with structured Delft3D-FLOW ! [Section] Grid parameters character(slen) :: depfile = 'abc' ! [file] Name of the input bathymetry file double precision :: posdwn = -123 ! [-] Bathymetry is specified positive down (1) or positive up (-1) integer :: nx = -123 ! [-] Number of computational cell corners in x-direction integer :: ny = -123 ! [-] Number of computational cell corners in y-direction double precision :: alfa = -123 ! [deg] Angle of x-axis from East integer :: vardx = -123 ! [-] Switch for variable grid spacing double precision :: dx = -123 ! [m] Regular grid spacing in x-direction double precision :: dy = -123 ! [m] Regular grid spacing in y-direction character(slen) :: xfile = 'abc' ! [file] Name of the file containing x-coordinates of the calculation grid character(slen) :: yfile = 'abc' ! [file] Name of the file containing y-coordinates of the calculation grid double precision :: xori = -123 ! [m] X-coordinate of origin of axis double precision :: yori = -123 ! [m] Y-coordinate of origin of axis double precision :: thetamin = -123 ! [deg] Lower directional limit (angle w.r.t computational x-axis) double precision :: thetamax = -123 ! [deg] Higher directional limit (angle w.r.t computational x-axis) double precision :: dtheta = -123 ! [deg] Directional resolution double precision :: dtheta_s = -123 ! [deg] Directional resolution in case of stationary refraction integer :: thetanaut = -123 ! [-] Switch to specify thetamin and thetamax in nautical convention rather than cartesian integer :: gridform = -123 ! [name] Grid definition format character(slen) :: xyfile = 'abc' ! [file] Name of the file containing Delft3D xy-coordinates of the calculation grid character(slen) :: gridform_str = ' ' ! [name] Grid definition format ! [Section] Model time double precision :: tstop = -123 ! [s] Stop time of simulation, in morphological time double precision :: CFL = -123 ! [-] Maximum Courant-Friedrichs-Lewy number double precision :: dtset = -123 ! [-] Fixed timestep, overrides use of CFL integer :: defuse = -123 ! [-] (advanced,silent) Turn on timestep explosion prevention mechanism double precision :: maxdtfac = -123 ! [-] (advanced,silent) Maximum increase/decrease in time stp in explosion prevention mechanism character(slen) :: tunits = 's' ! [-] (advanced) Time units in udunits format (seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00.00 +1:00) ! [Section] Physical constants double precision :: g = -123 ! [ms^-2] Gravitational acceleration double precision :: rho = -123 ! [kgm^-3] Density of water double precision :: depthscale = -123 ! [-] (advanced) depthscale of (lab)test simulat, affects eps, hmin, hswitch and dzma ! [Section] Initial conditio double precision :: zs0 = -123 ! [m] Inital water level character(slen) :: zsinitfile = 'abc' ! [file] Name of inital water level file integer :: hotstartflow = -123 ! [-] (advanced) Switch for hotstart flow conditions with pressure gradient balanced by wind and bed stres ! [Section] Wave boundary conditioameters integer :: instat = -123 ! [name] Wave boundary condition type character(slen) :: instat_str = ' ' ! [-] Wave boundary condition type double precision :: taper = -123 ! [s] Spin-up time of wave boundary conditions, in morphological time double precision :: Hrms = -123 ! [m] Hrms wave height for instat = stat, bichrom, ts_1 or ts_2 double precision :: Tm01 = -123 ! [s] (deprecated) Old name for Trep double precision :: Trep = -123 ! [s] Representative wave period for instat = stat, bichrom, ts_1 or ts_2 double precision :: Tlong = -123 ! [s] Wave group period for case instat = bichrom double precision :: dir0 = -123 ! [deg] Mean wave direction for instat = stat, bichrom, ts_1 or ts_2 (nautical convention) double precision :: nmax = -123 ! [-] (advanced) maximum ratio of cg/c for computing long wave boundary conditions integer :: m = -123 ! [-] Power in cos^m directional distribution for instat = stat, bichrom, ts_1 or ts_2 integer :: lateralwave = -123 ! [name] Switch for lateral boundary at left character(slen) :: lateralwave_str = ' ' integer :: leftwave = -123 ! [-] (deprecated) old name for lateralwave character(slen) :: leftwave_str = ' ' ! [-] old name for lateralwave integer :: rightwave = -123 ! [-] (deprecated) old name for lateralwave character(slen) :: rightwave_str = ' ' ! [-] old name for lateralwav ! [Section] Wave-spectrum boundaryition parameters character(slen) :: bcfile = 'abc' ! [file] Name of spectrum file integer :: random = -123 ! [-] (advanced) Switch to enable random seed for instat = jons, swan or vardens boundary conditions double precision :: fcutoff = -123 ! [Hz] (advanced) Low-freq cutoff frequency for instat = jons, swan or vardens boundary conditions integer :: nspr = -123 ! [-] (advanced,silent) Switch to enable long wave direction forced into centres of short wave bins double precision :: trepfac = -123 ! [-] (advanced) Compute mean wave period over energy band: par%trepfac*maxval(Sf) for instat jons, swan or vardens; converges to Tm01 for trepfac = 0.0 and double precision :: sprdthr = -123 ! [-] (advanced) Threshold ratio to maximum value of S above which spectrum densities are read in integer :: oldwbc = -123 ! [-] (deprecated,silent) (1) Use old version wave boundary conditions for instat jons, swan or vardens integer :: correctHm0 = -123 ! [-] (advanced,silent) Switch to enable Hm0 correction integer :: oldnyq = -123 ! [-] (advanced,silent) Switch to enable old nyquist switch integer :: Tm01switch = -123 ! [-] (advanced) Switch to enable Tm01 rather than Tm-10 double precision :: rt = -123 ! [s] Duration of wave spectrum at offshore boundary, in morphological time double precision :: dtbc = -123 ! [s] (advanced) Timestep used to describe time series of wave energy and long wave flux at offshore boundary (not affected by morfac) double precision :: dthetaS_XB = -123 ! [deg] (advanced) The (counter-clockwise) angle in the degrees needed to rotate from the x-axis in SWAN to the x-axis pointing East integer :: nspectrumloc = -123 ! [-] (advanced) Number of input spectrum locations integer :: wbcversion = -123 ! [-] (advanced,silent) Version of wave boundary conditions integer :: nonhspectrum = -123 ! [-] (advanced) Spectrum format for wave action balance of nonhydrostatic waves ! [Section] Flow boundary condition parameters integer :: front = -123 ! [name] Switch for seaward flow boundary character(slen) :: front_str = ' ' ! integer :: left = -123 ! [name] Switch for lateral boundary at ny+1 character(slen) :: left_str = ' ' ! integer :: right = -123 ! [name] Switch for lateral boundary at 0 character(slen) :: right_str = ' ' ! integer :: back = -123 ! [name] Switch for boundary at bay side character(slen) :: back_str = ' ' ! integer :: ARC = -123 ! [-] (advanced) Switch for active reflection compensation at seaward boundary double precision :: order = -123 ! [-] (advanced) Switch for order of wave steering, 1 = first order wave steering (short wave energy only), 2 = second oder wave steering (bound long wave corresponding to short wave forcing is added) integer :: freewave = -123 ! [-] (advanced) Switch for free wave propagation 0 = use cg (default); 1 = use sqrt(gh) in instat = ts_2 integer :: carspan = -123 ! [-] (deprecated) Switch for Carrier-Greenspan test 0 = use cg (default); 1 = use sqrt(gh) in instat = ts_2 for c&g tests double precision :: epsi = -123 ! [-] (advanced) Ratio of mean current to time varying current through offshore boundary integer :: nc = -123 ! [-] (advanced,silent) Smoothing distance for estimating umean (defined as nr of cells) integer :: tidetype = -123 ! [name] (advanced) Switch for offfshore boundary, velocity boundary or instant water level boundary character(slen) :: tidetype_str = ' ' ! [-] (advanced) Switch for offfshore boundary, velocity boundary or instant water level boundary (default) character(6) :: seabnd = 'm=1' ! [name] String defining sea boundary in Delft3D model coupling ! [Section] Tide boundary conditions character(slen) :: zs0file = 'abc' ! [file] Name of tide boundary condition series integer :: tideloc = -123 ! [-] Number of corner points on which a tide time series is specified integer :: paulrevere = -123 ! [name] Specifies tide on sea and land or two sea points if tideloc = 2 character(slen) :: paulrevere_str = ' ' ! ! if tideloc =>2, then this indicates where the time series are to be ! applied. Input for tidal information to xbeach options (3): ! 1. one tidal record --> specify tidal record everywhere ! 2. two tidal records --> Need to specify keyword 'paulrevere' ! paulrevere=='land' implies to apply one tidal record to ! both sea corners and one tidal record to both land corners ! paulrevere=='sea' implies to apply the first tidal record ! (column 2 in zs0input.dat) to the (x=1,y=1) sea corner and ! the second tidal record (third column) to the (x=1,y=N) sea corner ! 3. four tidal records --> Need to list tidal records in ! zs0input.dat in order of: ! (x=1,y=1) ! (x=1,y=N) ! (x=N,y=N) ! (x=N,y=1) ! NOTE: clockwise from (1,1) corner ! [Section] Flow discharge boundary conditions integer :: ndischarge = -123 ! [-] (advanced) Number of discharge locations integer :: ntdischarge = -123 ! [-] (advanced) Length of discharge time series character(slen) :: disch_loc_file = 'abc' ! [file] (advanced) Name of discharge locations file character(slen) :: disch_timeseries_file = 'abc' ! [file] (advanced) Name of discharge timeseries file ! [Section] Wave breaking parameters integer :: break = -123 ! [name] Type of breaker formulation character(slen) :: break_str = ' ' ! [-] Type of breaker formulation (1=roelvink, 2=baldock, 3=roelvink adapted, 4=roelvink on/off breaking) double precision :: gamma = -123 ! [-] Breaker parameter in Baldock or Roelvink formulation double precision :: gamma2 = -123 ! [-] End of breaking parameter in Roelvink Daly formulation double precision :: alpha = -123 ! [-] (advanced) Wave dissipation coefficient in Roelvink formulation double precision :: n = -123 ! [-] (advanced) Power in Roelvink dissipation model double precision :: gammax = -123 ! [-] (advanced) Maximum ratio wave height to water depth double precision :: delta = -123 ! [-] (advanced) Fraction of wave height to add to water depth double precision :: wavfriccoef = -123 ! [-] Wave friction coefficient character(slen) :: wavfricfile = 'abc' ! [file] Wave friction file !double precision :: fw = -123 ! [-] (advanced) Bed friction factor double precision :: fwcutoff = -123 ! [-] Depth greater than which the bed friction factor is not applied integer :: breakerdelay = -123 ! [-] (advanced) Switch to enable breaker delay model integer :: shoaldelay = -123 ! [-] (advanced,silent) Switch to enable shoaling delay double precision :: facsd = -123 ! [-] (advanced,silent) fraction of the local wave length to use for shoaling delay depth double precision :: facrun = -123 ! [-] (advanced,silent) calibration coefficient for short wave runup ! [Section] Roller parameters integer :: roller = -123 ! [-] (advanced) Switch to enable roller model double precision :: beta = -123 ! [-] (advanced) Breaker slope coefficient in roller model integer :: rfb = -123 ! [-] (advanced) Switch to feed back maximum wave surface slope in roller energy balance, otherwise rfb = par%Beta ! [Section] Wave-current interaction parameters integer :: wci = -123 ! [-] Turns on wave-current interaction double precision :: hwci = -123 ! [m] (advanced) Minimum depth until which wave-current interaction is used double precision :: hwcimax = -123 ! [m] (advanced) Maximum depth until which wave-current interaction is used double precision :: cats = -123 ! [Trep] (advanced) Current averaging time scale for wci, in terms of mean wave periods ! [Section] Flow parameters integer :: bedfriction = -123 ! [name] Bed friction formulation character(slen) :: bedfriction_str = ' ' ! double precision :: bedfriccoef = -123 ! [-] Bed friction coefficient character(slen) :: bedfricfile = 'abc' ! [file] Bed friction file (only valid with values of C) double precision :: C = -123 ! [m^0.5s^-1] Chezy coefficient double precision :: cf = -123 ! [-] (advanced) Friction coefficient flow double precision :: nuh = -123 ! [m^2s^-1] Horizontal background viscosity double precision :: nuhfac = -123 ! [-] (advanced) Viscosity switch for roller induced turbulent horizontal viscosity double precision :: nuhv = -123 ! [-] (advanced,silent) Longshore viscosity enhancement factor, following Svendsen (?) integer :: smag = -123 ! [-] (advanced) Switch for smagorinsky subgrid model for viscocity ! [Section] Coriolis force parameters double precision :: wearth = -123 ! [hour^-1] (advanced) Angular velocity of earth calculated as: 1/rotation_time (in hours) double precision :: lat = -123 ! [deg] (advanced) Latitude at model location for computing Coriolis ! [Section] Wind parameters double precision :: rhoa = -123 ! [kgm^-3] (advanced) Air density double precision :: Cd = -123 ! [-] (advanced) Wind drag coefficient double precision :: windv = -123 ! [ms^-1] Wind velocity, in case of stationary wind double precision :: windth = -123 ! [deg] Nautical wind direction, in case of stationary wind character(slen) :: windfile = 'abc' ! [file] Name of file with non-stationary wind data ! [Section] Groundwater parameters double precision :: kx = -123 ! [ms^-1] (advanced) Darcy-flow permeability coefficient in x-direction double precision :: ky = -123 ! [ms^-1] (advanced) Darcy-flow permeability coefficient in y-direction double precision :: kz = -123 ! [ms^-1] (advanced) Darcy-flow permeability coefficient in z-direction double precision :: dwetlayer = -123 ! [m] (advanced) Thickness of the top soil layer interacting more freely with the surface water double precision :: aquiferbot = -123 ! [m] (advanced) Level of uniform aquifer bottom character(slen) :: aquiferbotfile = 'abc' ! [file] (advanced) Name of the aquifer bottom file double precision :: gw0 = -123 ! [m] (advanced) Level initial groundwater level character(slen) :: gw0file = 'abc' ! [file] (advanced) Name of initial groundwater level file integer :: gwnonh = -123 ! [-] (advanced) Switch to turn on or off non-hydrostatic pressure for groundwater integer :: gwfastsolve = -123 ! [-] (advanced,silent) Reduce full 2D non-hydrostatic solution to quasi-explicit in longshore direction integer :: gwscheme = -123 ! [name] (advanced) Scheme for momentum equation character(slen) :: gwscheme_str = ' ' ! double precision :: gwReturb = -123 ! [-] (advanced) Reynolds number for start of turbulent flow in case of gwscheme = turbulent integer :: gwheadmodel = -123 ! [name] (advanced) Model to use for vertical groundwater head character(slen) :: gwheadmodel_str = ' ' ! integer :: gwhorinfil = -123 ! [-] (advanced) switch to include horizontal infiltration from surface water to groundwater ! [Section] Q3D sediment transport parameters double precision :: vonkar = -123 ! [-] (advanced,silent) von Karman constant double precision :: vicmol = -123 ! [-] (advanced,silent) molecular viscosity integer :: kmax = -123 ! [-] (advanced,silent) Number of sigma layers in Quasi-3D model; kmax = 1 is without vertical structure of flow and suspensions double precision :: sigfac = -123 ! [-] (advanced,silent) dsig scales with log(sigfac) ! [Section] Non-hydrostatic correction parameters integer :: solver = -123 ! [name] (advanced) Solver used to solve the linear system character(slen) :: solver_str = ' ' ! integer :: solver_maxit = -123 ! [-] (advanced) Maximum number of iterations in the linear sip solver double precision :: solver_acc = -123 ! [-] (advanced) accuracy with respect to the right-hand side used ! in the following termination criterion: ! ||b-Ax || < acc*||b|| double precision :: solver_urelax = -123 ! [-] (advanced) Underrelaxation parameter double precision :: kdmin = -123 ! [-] (advanced) Minimum value of kd (pi/dx > min(kd)) double precision :: dispc = -123 ! [?] (advanced) Coefficient in front of the vertical pressure gradient double precision :: Topt = -123 ! [s] (advanced) Absolute period to optimize coefficient integer :: nhbreaker = -123 ! [-] (advanced) Non-hydrostatic breaker model double precision :: breakviscfac = -123 ! [-] (advanced) Factor to increase viscosity during breaking double precision :: maxbrsteep = -123 ! [-] (advanced) Maximum wave steepness criterium double precision :: secbrsteep = -123 ! [-] (advanced) Secondary maximum wave steepness criterium double precision :: reformsteep = -123 ! [-] (advanced) Wave steepness criterium to reform after breaking double precision :: breakvisclen = -123 ! [-] (advanced) Ratio between local depth and length scale in extra breaking viscosity integer :: nonhq3d = -123 ! [-] (advanced,silent) Turn on or off the the reduced two-layer nonhydrostatic model, default = 0 double precision :: nhlay = -123 ! [-] (advanced) Layer distribution in the nonhydrostatic model, default = 0.33 ! [Section] Bed composition parameters double precision :: rhos = -123 ! [kgm^-3] Solid sediment density (no pores) integer :: ngd = -123 ! [-] Number of sediment classes integer :: nd = -123 ! [-] (advanced) Number of computational layers in the bed double precision :: dzg1 = -123 ! [m] (advanced) Thickness of top sediment class layers double precision :: dzg2 = -123 ! [m] (advanced) Nominal thickness of variable sediment class layer double precision :: dzg3 = -123 ! [m] (advanced) Thickness of bottom sediment class layers double precision :: por = -123 ! [-] Porosity double precision :: D15(99) = -123 ! [m] D15 grain size per grain type double precision :: D50(99) = -123 ! [m] D50 grain size per grain type double precision :: D90(99) = -123 ! [m] D90 grain size per grain type double precision :: sedcal(99) = -123 ! [-] (advanced) Sediment transport calibration coefficient per grain type double precision :: ucrcal(99) = -123 ! [-] (advanced) Critical velocity calibration coefficient per grain type ! [Section] Sediment transport parameters integer :: waveform = -123 ! [name] Wave shape model character(slen) :: waveform_str = ' ' ! integer :: form = -123 ! [name] Equilibrium sediment concentration formulation character(slen) :: form_str = ' ' ! integer :: sws = -123 ! [-] (advanced) Switch to enable short wave and roller stirring and undertow integer :: lws = -123 ! [-] (advanced) Switch to enable long wave stirring double precision :: BRfac = -123 ! [-] (advanced) Calibration factor surface slope double precision :: facsl = -123 ! [-] (advanced) Factor bedslope effect double precision :: z0 = -123 ! [m] (advanced) Zero flow velocity level in Soulsby and van Rijn (1997) sediment concentration double precision :: smax = -123 ! [-] (advanced) Maximum Shields parameter for equillibrium sediment concentration acc. Diane Foster double precision :: tsfac = -123 ! [-] (advanced) Coefficient determining Ts = tsfac * h/ws in sediment source term double precision :: facua = -123 ! [-] (advanced) Calibration factor time averaged flows due to wave skewness and asymmetry double precision :: facSk = -123 ! [-] (advanced) Calibration factor time averaged flows due to wave skewness double precision :: facAs = -123 ! [-] (advanced) Calibration factor time averaged flows due to wave asymmetry integer :: turbadv = -123 ! [name] (advanced) Switch to activate turbulence advection model for short and or long wave turbulence character(slen) :: turbadv_str = ' ' ! integer :: turb = -123 ! [name] (advanced) Switch to include short wave turbulence character(slen) :: turb_str = ' ' ! double precision :: Tbfac = -123 ! [-] (advanced) Calibration factor for bore interval Tbore: Tbore = Tbfac*Tbore double precision :: Tsmin = -123 ! [s] (advanced) Minimum adaptation time scale in advection diffusion equation sediment integer :: lwt = -123 ! [-] (advanced) Switch to enable long wave turbulence double precision :: betad = -123 ! [-] (advanced) Dissipation parameter long wave breaking turbulence character(slen) :: swtable = 'abc' ! [-] (deprecated)Name of intra short wave assymetry and skewness table integer :: sus = -123 ! [-] (advanced) Calibration factor for suspensions transports integer :: bed = -123 ! [-] (advanced) Calibration factor for bed transports integer :: bulk = -123 ! [-] (advanced) Switch to compute bulk transport rather than bed and suspended load separately double precision :: facDc = -123 ! [-] (advanced) Option to control sediment diffusion coefficient double precision :: jetfac = -123 ! [-] (advanced,silent) Option to mimic turbulence production near revetments integer :: fallvelred = -123 ! [-] Switch to reduce fall velocity for high concentrations integer :: dilatancy = -123 ! [-] Switch to reduce critical shields number due dilatancy double precision :: rheeA = -123 ! [-] A parameter in the Van Rhee expression double precision :: pormax = -123 ! [-] Max porosity used in the experession of Van Rhee double precision :: reposeangle = -123 ! [deg] Angle of internal friction integer :: bdslpeffmag = -123 ! [name] Modify the magnitude of the sediment transport based on the bed slope, uses facsl integer :: bdslpeffini = -123 ! [name] Modify the critical shields parameter based on the bed slope integer :: bdslpeffdir = -123 ! [name] Modify the direction of the sediment transport based on the bed slope double precision :: bdslpeffdirfac = -123 ! [-] Calibration factor in the modification of the direction ! [Section] Morphology parameters double precision :: morfac = -123 ! [-] Morphological acceleration factor integer :: morfacopt = -123 ! [-] (advanced) Switch to adjusting output times for morfac double precision :: morstart = -123 ! [s] Start time morphology, in morphological time double precision :: morstop = -123 ! [s] Stop time morphology, in morphological time double precision :: wetslp = -123 ! [-] Critical avalanching slope under water (dz/dx and dz/dy) double precision :: dryslp = -123 ! [-] Critical avalanching slope above water (dz/dx and dz/dy) double precision :: hswitch = -123 ! [m] (advanced) Water depth at which is switched from wetslp to dryslp double precision :: dzmax = -123 ! [m/s/m] (advanced) Maximum bed level change due to avalanching integer :: struct = -123 ! [-] Switch for enabling hard structures character(slen) :: ne_layer = 'abc' ! [file] Name of file containing depth of hard structure ! [Section] Output variables integer :: timings = -123 ! [-] (advanced) Switch enable progress output to screen double precision :: tstart = -123 ! [s] Start time of output, in morphological time double precision :: tint = -123 ! [s] (deprecated) Interval time of global output (replaced by tintg) double precision :: tintg = -123 ! [s] Interval time of global output double precision :: tintp = -123 ! [s] Interval time of point and runup gauge output double precision :: tintc = -123 ! [s] (advanced) Interval time of cross section output double precision :: tintm = -123 ! [s] Interval time of mean, var, max, min output character(slen) :: tsglobal = 'abc' ! [-] (advanced) Name of file containing timings of global output character(slen) :: tspoints = 'abc' ! [-] (advanced) Name of file containing timings of point output character(slen) :: tscross = 'abc' ! [-] (advanced,silent) Name of file containing timings of cross section output character(slen) :: tsmean = 'abc' ! [-] (advanced) Name of file containing timings of mean, max, min and var output integer :: nglobalvar = -123 ! [-] Number of global output variables (as specified by user) character(maxnamelen) :: globalvars(numvars) = 'abc' ! [-] (advanced) Mnems of global output variables, not per se the same size as nglobalvar (invalid variables, defaults) integer :: nmeanvar = -123 ! [-] Number of mean, min, max, var output variables character(maxnamelen) :: meanvars(numvars) = 'abc' ! [-] (advanced) Mnems of mean output variables (by variables) integer :: npointvar = -123 ! [-] Number of point output variables character(maxnamelen) :: pointvars(numvars) = 'abc' ! [-] (advanced) Mnems of point output variables (by variables) integer :: npoints = -123 ! [-] Number of output point locations integer :: nrugauge = -123 ! [-] Number of output runup gauge locations integer, pointer :: pointtypes(:) => NULL() ! [-] (advanced) Point types (0 = point, 1 = rugauge) double precision, pointer :: xpointsw(:) => NULL() ! (advanced) world x-coordinate of output points double precision, pointer :: ypointsw(:) => NULL() ! (advanced) world y-coordinate of output points integer :: nrugdepth = -123 ! [-] (advanced) Number of depths to compute runup in runup gauge double precision :: rugdepth(99) = -123 ! [m] (advanced) Minimum depth for determination of last wet point in runup gauge integer :: ncross = -123 ! [-] (advanced,silent) Number of output cross sections integer :: outputformat = OUTPUTFORMAT_DEBUG ! [name] (advanced) Output file format character(slen) :: outputformat_str = 'debug' ! character(slen) :: ncfilename = '' ! [file] (advanced) xbeach netcdf output file name integer :: outputprecision = -123 ! [name] switch between single and double precision output in NetCDF character(slen) :: outputprecision_str = ' ' ! character(64) :: stationid(99) = 'abc' ! [-] (advanced,silent) Station id names of output points ! Projection units (not to be used, only pass to output, this limit is too short for WKT....) ! This could be the proj4 string +init=epsg:28992 ! [Section] Output projection character(slen) :: projection = ' ' ! [-] (advanced) projection string integer :: rotate = -123 ! [-] Rotate output as postprocessing with given angle ! [Section] Drifters parameters integer :: ndrifter = -123 ! [-] Number of drifers character(slen) :: drifterfile = 'abc' ! [file] Name of drifter data file ! [Section] Ship parameters character(slen) :: shipfile = 'abc' ! [file] Name of ship data file integer :: nship = -123 ! [-] (advanced) Number of ships ! [Section] Vegetation parameters character(slen) :: veggiefile = 'abc' ! [-] Name of veggie species list file character(slen) :: veggiemapfile = 'abc' ! [-] Name of veggie species map file integer :: nveg = -123 ! [-] Number of vegetation species integer :: vegnonlin = -123 ! [-] include non-linear wave effect [1] or not [0] integer :: vegcanflo = -123 ! [-] include incanopy flow [1] or not [0] integer :: veguntow = -123 ! [-] include undertow in phase-averaged vegetati ! [Section] Wave numerics parameters integer :: scheme = -123 ! [name] (advanced) Numerical scheme for wave propagation character(slen) :: scheme_str = ' ' ! [-] (advanced) Use first-order upwind (upwind_1), second order upwind (upwind_2) or Lax-Wendroff (lax_wendroff) double precision :: wavint = -123 ! [s] Interval between wave module calls (only in stationary wave mode) double precision :: maxerror = -123 ! [m] (advanced) Maximum wave height error in wave stationary iteration integer :: maxiter = -123 ! [-] (advanced) Maximum number of iterations in wave stationary ! [Section] Flow numerics parameters double precision :: eps = -123 ! [m] Threshold water depth above which cells are considered wet double precision :: eps_sd = -123 ! [m/s] Threshold velocity difference to determine conservation of energy head versus momentum double precision :: umin = -123 ! [m/s] Threshold velocity for upwind velocity detection and for vmag2 in equilibrium sediment concentration double precision :: hmin = -123 ! [m] Threshold water depth above which Stokes drift is included integer :: secorder = -123 ! [-] (advanced) Use second order corrections to advection/non-linear terms based on MacCormack scheme integer :: oldhu = -123 ! [-] (advanced,silent) Switch to enable old hu calculation ! [Section] Sediment transport numerics parameters double precision :: thetanum = -123 ! [-] (advanced) Coefficient determining whether upwind (1) or central scheme (0.5) is used. integer :: sourcesink = -123 ! [-] (advanced) Switch to enable source-sink terms to calculate bed level change rather than suspended transport gradients double precision :: cmax = -123 ! [-] (advanced) Maximum allowed sediment concentration ! [Section] Bed update numerics parameters double precision :: frac_dz = -123 ! [-] (advanced) Relative thickness to split time step for bed updating integer :: nd_var = -123 ! [-] (advanced) Index of layer with variable thickness double precision :: split = -123 ! [-] (advanced) Split threshold for variable sediment layer (ratio to nominal thickness) double precision :: merge = -123 ! [-] (advanced) Merge threshold for variable sediment layer (ratio to nominal thickness) integer :: nsetbathy = -123 ! [-] (advanced) Number of prescribed bed updates character(slen) :: setbathyfile = 'abc' ! [file] (advanced) Name of prescribed bed update file ! [Section] MPI parameters integer :: mpiboundary = -123 ! [name] (advanced) Fix mpi boundaries along y-lines, x-lines, use manual defined domains or find shortest boundary automatically character(slen) :: mpiboundary_str = ' ' ! integer :: mmpi = -123 ! [-] (advanced) Number of domains in cross-shore direction when manually specifying mpi domains integer :: nmpi = -123 ! [-] (advanced) Number of domains in alongshore direction when manually specifying mpi domains ! [Section] Constants, not read in params.txt double precision :: px = 4.d0*atan(1.d0) ! [-] Pi complex(kind(0.0d0)) :: compi = -123 ! [-] Imaginary unit double precision :: rhog8 = -123 ! [Nm^-3] 1/8*rho*g double precision :: irhog8 = -123 ! [N^-1m^3] (1/8*rho*g)^-1 ! [Section] Variables, not read in params.txt double precision :: dt = -123 ! [s] Computational time step, in hydrodynamic time double precision :: t = -123 ! [s] Computational time, in hydrodynamic time double precision :: tnext = -123 ! [s] Next time point for output or wave stationary calculation, in hydrodynamic time end type parameters contains subroutine all_input(par) use readkey_module use xmpi_module use filefunctions use logging_module implicit none type(parameters), intent(inout) :: par character(slen) :: testc,line character(slen) :: dummystring integer :: filetype,mmax,nmax,ier,ic logical :: comment logical :: fe1,fe2,fe3 logical, parameter :: toall = .true. readkey_inio = toall call writelog('sl','','Reading input parameters: ') ! ! Check params.txt exists ! call check_file_exist('params.txt') ! ! ! Physical processes call writelog('l','','--------------------------------') call writelog('l','','Physical processes: ') par%cyclic = readkey_int ('params.txt','cyclic', 0, 0, 1,strict=.true.) par%swave = readkey_int ('params.txt','swave', 1, 0, 1,strict=.true.) par%single_dir = readkey_int ('params.txt','single_dir', 0, 0, 1,strict=.true.) par%lwave = readkey_int ('params.txt','lwave', 1, 0, 1,strict=.true.) par%flow = readkey_int ('params.txt','flow', 1, 0, 1,strict=.true.) par%sedtrans = readkey_int ('params.txt','sedtrans', 1, 0, 1,strict=.true.) par%morphology = readkey_int ('params.txt','morphology', par%sedtrans, 0,1,strict=.true.) par%avalanching = readkey_int ('params.txt','avalanching', par%morphology,0,1,strict=.true.) par%nonh = readkey_int ('params.txt','nonh', 0, 0, 1,strict=.true.) par%gwflow = readkey_int ('params.txt','gwflow', 0, 0, 1,strict=.true.) par%q3d = readkey_int ('params.txt','q3d', 0, 0, 1,silent=.true.,strict=.true.) par%swrunup = readkey_int ('params.txt','swrunup', 0, 0, 1,silent=.true.,strict=.true.) par%ships = readkey_int ('params.txt','ships', 0, 0, 1,strict=.true.) if (par%ships == 0) par%nship = 0 ! nship defined by shipfile par%bchwiz = readkey_int ('params.txt','bchwiz', 0, 0, 1,silent=.true.,strict=.true.) par%vegetation = readkey_int ('params.txt','vegetation', 0, 0, 1,strict=.true.) par%setbathy = readkey_int ('params.txt','setbathy', 0, 0, 1,strict=.true.) par%viscosity = readkey_int ('params.txt','viscosity', 1, 0, 1,strict=.true.) par%advection = readkey_int ('params.txt','advection', 1, 0, 1,strict=.true.) par%wind = readkey_int ('params.txt','wind', 1, 0, 1,strict=.true.) ! ! ! Grid parameters call writelog('l','','--------------------------------') call writelog('l','','Grid parameters: ') ! check gridform call setallowednames('xbeach',GRIDFORM_XBEACH,'delft3d',GRIDFORM_DELFT3D) call setoldnames('0','1') call parmapply('gridform',1,par%gridform,par%gridform_str) ! gridform switch if (par%gridform==GRIDFORM_XBEACH) then ! XBeach grid parameters par%xori = readkey_dbl('params.txt','xori', 0.d0, -1d9, 1d9) par%yori = readkey_dbl('params.txt','yori', 0.d0, -1d9, 1d9) par%alfa = readkey_dbl('params.txt','alfa', 0.d0, 0.d0, 360.d0) par%nx = readkey_int('params.txt','nx', 50, 2, 10000,required=.true.) par%ny = readkey_int('params.txt','ny', 2, 0, 10000,required=.true.) par%posdwn= readkey_dbl('params.txt','posdwn', 1.d0, -1.d0, 1.d0) if (par%setbathy .ne. 1) then par%depfile = readkey_name('params.txt','depfile',required=.true.) call check_file_exist(par%depfile) call check_file_length(par%depfile,par%nx+1,par%ny+1) else par%depfile = readkey_name('params.txt','depfile') endif par%vardx = readkey_int('params.txt','vardx', 0, 0, 1,strict=.true.) if (par%vardx==0) then par%dx = readkey_dbl('params.txt','dx', -1.d0, 0.d0, 1d9,required=.true.) par%dy = readkey_dbl('params.txt','dy', -1.d0, 0.d0, 1d9,required=.true.) else par%dx = readkey_dbl('params.txt','dx', -1.d0, 0.d0, 1d9) ! bas: not required, but can be used in superfast 1D (smagorinsky and timestep) par%dy = readkey_dbl('params.txt','dy', -1.d0, 0.d0, 1d9) par%xfile = readkey_name('params.txt','xfile') call check_file_exist(par%xfile) call check_file_length(par%xfile,par%nx+1,par%ny+1) par%yfile = readkey_name('params.txt','yfile') if (par%ny>0) then call check_file_exist(par%yfile) call check_file_length(par%yfile,par%nx+1,par%ny+1) end if endif elseif (par%gridform==GRIDFORM_DELFT3D) then par%depfile = readkey_name('params.txt','depfile',required=.true.) call check_file_exist(par%depfile) par%dx = -1.d0 ! Why? par%dy = -1.d0 ! Why? par%xyfile = readkey_name('params.txt','xyfile',required=.true.) call check_file_exist(par%xyfile) ! read grid properties from xyfile if (xmaster) then open(31,file=par%xyfile,status='old',iostat=ier) ! skip comment text in file... comment=.true. do while (comment .eqv. .true.) read(31,'(a)',iostat=ier)line if (ier .ne. 0) then call report_file_read_error(par%xyfile) endif if (line(1:1)/='*') then comment=.false. endif enddo ! Check if grid coordinates are Cartesian ic=scan(line,'Cartesian') if (ic<=0) then call writelog('ewsl','','Delft3D grid is not Cartesian') call halt_program endif ! read grid dimensions read(31,*,iostat=ier) mmax,nmax ! catch new grid format that specifies missing value if (ier .ne. 0) then ! try reading the next line read(31,*,iostat=ier) mmax,nmax endif ! if still error, then XBeach cannot read this file if (ier .ne. 0) then call report_file_read_error(par%xyfile) endif close (31) endif #ifdef USEMPI call xmpi_bcast(mmax,toall) call xmpi_bcast(nmax,toall) #endif par%nx = mmax-1 par%ny = nmax-1 ! should we allow this input for gridform == 'Delft3D' par%xori = readkey_dbl('params.txt','xori', 0.d0, -1d9, 1d9) par%yori = readkey_dbl('params.txt','yori', 0.d0, -1d9, 1d9) par%alfa = readkey_dbl('params.txt','alfa', 0.d0, 0.d0, 360.d0) par%posdwn= readkey_dbl('params.txt','posdwn', 1.d0, -1.d0, 1.d0) endif ! Wave directional grid if(par%swave==1) then par%thetamin = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','thetamin', -90.d0, -180.d0, 180.d0,required=.true.) par%thetamax = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','thetamax', 90.d0, -180.d0, 180.d0,required=.true.) par%thetanaut= readkey_int ('params.txt','thetanaut', 0, 0, 1,strict=.true.) if (par%single_dir==1) then call writelog('ls','','dtheta will automatically be computed from thetamin and thetamax for single_dir = 1') par%dtheta_s = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','dtheta_s', 10.d0, 0.1d0, 20.d0,required=.true.) else par%dtheta = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','dtheta', 10.d0, 0.1d0, 20.d0,required=.true.) endif endif ! ! ! Model time parameters call writelog('l','','--------------------------------') call writelog('l','','Model time parameters: ') par%CFL = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','CFL', 0.7d0, 0.1d0, 0.9d0) par%dtset = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','dtset', 0.0d0, 0.001d0, 100.d0) par%tstop = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','tstop', 2000.d0, 1.d0, 1000000.d0,required=.true.) par%defuse = readkey_int ('params.txt','defuse', 1, 0, 1,strict=.true.,silent=.true.) if (par%nonh==0) then par%maxdtfac = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','maxdtfac', 50.d0, 10.d0, 200.d0) else par%maxdtfac = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','maxdtfac', 500.d0, 100.d0, 1000.d0) endif ! ! ! Physical constants call writelog('l','','--------------------------------') call writelog('l','','Physical constants: ') par%rho = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','rho', 1025.0d0, 1000.0d0, 1040.0d0) par%g = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','g', 9.81d0, 9.7d0, 9.9d0) par%depthscale = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','depthscale',1.0d0, 1.0d0, 200.d0) ! ! ! Initial conditions call writelog('l','','--------------------------------') call writelog('l','','Initial conditions: ') par%zsinitfile = readkey_name('params.txt','zsinitfile') if (par%zsinitfile==' ') then ! do nothing else call check_file_exist(par%zsinitfile) if (par%gridform==GRIDFORM_XBEACH) then ! nx and ny not known in case of Delft3D call check_file_length(par%zsinitfile,par%nx+1,par%ny+1) endif endif par%hotstartflow = readkey_int ('params.txt','hotstartflow', 0, 0, 1,strict=.true.,silent=.true.) ! ! ! Wave boundary condition parameters call writelog('l','','--------------------------------') call writelog('l','','Wave boundary condition parameters: ') call setallowednames('stat', INSTAT_STAT, & 'bichrom', INSTAT_BICHROM, & 'ts_1', INSTAT_TS_1, & 'ts_2', INSTAT_TS_2, & 'jons', INSTAT_JONS, & 'swan', INSTAT_SWAN, & 'vardens', INSTAT_VARDENS, & 'reuse', INSTAT_REUSE, & 'ts_nonh', INSTAT_TS_NONH, & 'off', INSTAT_OFF, & 'stat_table', INSTAT_STAT_TABLE, & 'jons_table', INSTAT_JONS_TABLE) call setoldnames('0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','40','41') call parmapply('instat',2,par%instat,par%instat_str, & required=(par%swave==1)) if ( par%instat==INSTAT_JONS .or. & par%instat==INSTAT_SWAN .or. & par%instat==INSTAT_VARDENS.or. & par%instat==INSTAT_STAT_TABLE .or. & par%instat==INSTAT_JONS_TABLE & )then par%bcfile = readkey_name('params.txt','bcfile') call check_file_exist(par%bcfile) call checkbcfilelength(par%tstop,par%instat,par%bcfile,filetype) ! Only carried out on xmaster so: #ifdef USEMPI call xmpi_bcast(filetype,toall) #endif elseif (par%instat==INSTAT_REUSE) then ! See if this is reusing nonhydrostatic, or hydrostatic boundary conditions ! Note, check file length is done after recomputation of tstop due to morfacopt ! at the end of this subroutine. if (xmaster) then inquire(file='ebcflist.bcf',exist=fe1) inquire(file='qbcflist.bcf',exist=fe2) inquire(file='nhbcflist.bcf',exist=fe3) endif #ifdef USEMPI call xmpi_bcast(fe1,toall) call xmpi_bcast(fe2,toall) call xmpi_bcast(fe3,toall) #endif if (fe3 .and. .not. (fe1 .or. fe2)) then par%nonhspectrum = 1 dummystring='nhbcflist.bcf' call checkbcfilelength(par%tstop,par%instat,dummystring,filetype,nonh=.true.) elseif (.not. fe3 .and. (fe1 .and. fe2)) then par%nonhspectrum = 0 dummystring='ebcflist.bcf' call checkbcfilelength(par%tstop,par%instat,dummystring,filetype) dummystring='qbcflist.bcf' call checkbcfilelength(par%tstop,par%instat,dummystring,filetype) elseif (fe3 .and. (fe1 .or. fe2)) then call writelog('lswe','', & 'If ''instat=reuse'' the model directory may not contain multiple boundary definition files.') call writelog('lswe','','Use either ebcflist.bcf/qbcflist.bcf, or nhbcflist.bcf') call halt_program elseif (.not. fe3 .and. .not. (fe1 .and. fe2)) then call writelog('lswe','', & 'If ''instat=reuse'' the model directory may not contain sufficient boundary definition files.') if (.not. fe1) then call writelog('lswe','','Model currently missing ebcflist.bcf') elseif (.not. fe2) then call writelog('lswe','','Model currently missing qbcflist.bcf') endif call halt_program else call writelog('lswe','','If ''instat=reuse'' the model directory must contain boundary definition files.') call writelog('lswe','','Use either ebcflist.bcf/qbcflist.bcf, or nhbcflist.bcf') call halt_program endif else filetype=-1 endif par%taper = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','taper', 100.d0, 0.0d0, 1000.d0) par%nmax = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','nmax', 0.8d0, 0.5d0, 1.d0) if (par%instat == INSTAT_STAT .or. par%single_dir==1) then par%nonhspectrum = readkey_int ('params.txt','nonhspectrum', par%nonh, 0, 1 ,strict=.true.) par%Hrms = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','Hrms', 1.d0, 0.d0, 10.d0) par%Tm01 = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','Tm01', 10.d0, 1.d0, 20.d0) par%Trep = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','Trep', par%Tm01, 1.d0, 20.d0) par%dir0 = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','dir0', 270.d0, 180.d0, 360.d0) par%m = readkey_int ('params.txt','m', 10, 2, 128) elseif (par%instat == INSTAT_BICHROM) then par%Hrms = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','Hrms', 1.d0, 0.d0, 10.d0) par%Tm01 = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','Tm01', 10.d0, 1.d0, 20.d0) par%Trep = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','Trep', par%Tm01, 1.d0, 20.d0) par%Tlong = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','Tlong', 80.d0, 20.d0, 300.d0) par%dir0 = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','dir0', 270.d0, 180.d0, 360.d0) par%m = readkey_int ('params.txt','m', 10, 2, 128) elseif (par%instat == INSTAT_TS_1 .or. par%instat == INSTAT_TS_2) then par%Hrms = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','Hrms', 1.d0, 0.d0, 10.d0) par%Tm01 = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','Tm01', 10.d0, 1.d0, 20.d0) par%Trep = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','Trep', par%Tm01, 1.d0, 20.d0) par%dir0 = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','dir0', 270.d0, 180.d0, 360.d0) par%m = readkey_int ('params.txt','m', 10, 2, 128) call check_file_exist('bc/gen.ezs') elseif (par%instat == INSTAT_TS_NONH) then par%Tm01 = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','Tm01', 10.d0, 1.d0, 20.d0) par%Trep = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','Trep', par%Tm01, 1.d0, 20.d0) call check_file_exist('boun_U.bcf') endif call setallowednames('neumann',LATERALWAVE_NEUMANN,'wavecrest',LATERALWAVE_WAVECREST,'cyclic',LATERALWAVE_CYCLIC) call setoldnames('0','1') call parmapply('lateralwave',1,par%lateralwave,par%lateralwave_str) ! TODO: fix !if (isSetParameter('params.txt','lateralwave')) then ! call setallowednames('neumann',LEFTWAVE_NEUMANN,'wavecrest',LEFTWAVE_WAVECREST) ! call setoldnames('0','1') ! call parmapply('leftwave',1,par%leftwave) !else ! if (isSetParameter('params.txt','leftwave') .or. isSetParameter('params.txt','rightwave')) then ! par%leftwave = readkey_str('params.txt','leftwave','neumann',2,2,allowednames,oldnames) ! par%rightwave = readkey_str('params.txt','rightwave','neumann',2,2,allowednames,oldnames) ! if (par%leftwave==par%rightwave) then ! par%lateralwave = par%leftwave ! call writelog('lsw','','LEFTWAVE and RIGHTWAVE parameters are deprecated.') ! call writelog('lsw','','Setting LATERALWAVE to ', trim(par%leftwave)) ! else ! call writelog('lswe','','LEFTWAVE and RIGHTWAVE parameters are deprecated.') ! call writelog('lswe','','Left and Right wave boundary conditions must be equal') ! call writelog('lswe','','Use LATERALWAVE parameter to set wave boundary conditions') ! call halt_program ! endif ! else ! par%lateralwave = readkey_str('params.txt','lateralwave','neumann',3,3,allowednames,oldnames) ! endif !endif !deallocate(allowednames,oldnames) ! ! ! Wave-spectrum boundary condition parameters if ( par%instat == INSTAT_JONS .or. & par%instat == INSTAT_SWAN .or. & par%instat == INSTAT_VARDENS .or. & par%instat == INSTAT_JONS_TABLE ) then call writelog('l','','--------------------------------') call writelog('l','','Wave-spectrum boundary condition parameters: ') par%nonhspectrum = readkey_int ('params.txt','nonhspectrum', par%nonh, 0, 1 ,strict=.true.) par%random = readkey_int ('params.txt','random', 1, 0, 1 ,strict=.true.) par%fcutoff = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','fcutoff', 0.d0, 0.d0, 40.d0 ) par%nspr = readkey_int ('params.txt','nspr', 0, 0, 1 ,silent=.true.,strict=.true.) par%trepfac = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','trepfac', 0.01d0, 0.d0, 1.d0 ) if (par%nonhspectrum==1) then par%sprdthr = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','sprdthr', 0.00d0, 0.d0, 1.d0 ) else par%sprdthr = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','sprdthr', 0.08d0, 0.d0, 1.d0 ) endif par%oldwbc = readkey_int ('params.txt','oldwbc', 0, 0, 1 ,silent=.true.,strict=.true.) par%correctHm0 = readkey_int ('params.txt','correctHm0', 1, 0, 1 ,silent=.true.,strict=.true.) par%oldnyq = readkey_int ('params.txt','oldnyq', 0, 0, 1 ,silent=.true.,strict=.true.) par%Tm01switch = readkey_int ('params.txt','Tm01switch', 0, 0, 1 ,strict=.true.) if (filetype==0) then par%rt = readkey_dbl('params.txt','rt', min(3600.d0,par%tstop), 1200.d0, 7200.d0 ) par%dtbc = readkey_dbl('params.txt','dtbc', 1.0d0, 0.1d0, 2.0d0 ) endif if (par%instat==INSTAT_SWAN) then par%dthetaS_XB = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','dthetaS_XB', 0.0d0, -360.d0, 360.0d0,strict=.true. ) endif ! wbcversion defaults to 3 if (par%oldwbc==1) then par%wbcversion = 1 else par%wbcversion = readkey_int ('params.txt','wbcversion', 3, 1, 3,strict=.true.,silent=.true.) endif if (par%wbcversion>2) then par%nspectrumloc = readkey_int ('params.txt','nspectrumloc', 1, 1, par%ny+1 ) else par%nspectrumloc = 1 endif endif ! ! ! Flow boundary condition parameters ! front call writelog('l','','--------------------------------') call writelog('l','','Flow boundary condition parameters: ') call setallowednames('abs_1d', FRONT_ABS_1D, & 'abs_2d', FRONT_ABS_2D, & 'wall', FRONT_WALL, & 'wlevel', FRONT_WLEVEL, & 'nonh_1d', FRONT_NONH_1D, & 'waveflume', FRONT_WAVEFLUME) call setoldnames('0','1','2','3','4','5') call parmapply('front',2,par%front,par%front_str) ! left and right call setallowednames('neumann', LR_NEUMANN, & 'wall' , LR_WALL, & 'no_advec', LR_NO_ADVEC, & 'neumann_v', LR_NEUMANN_V, & 'abs_1d', LR_ABS_1D) call setoldnames('0','1') call parmapply('left',1,par%left,par%left_str) call parmapply('right',1,par%right,par%right_str) ! back call setallowednames('wall', BACK_WALL, & 'abs_1d', BACK_ABS_1D, & 'abs_2d', BACK_ABS_2D, & 'wlevel', BACK_WLEVEL) call setoldnames('0','1','2','3') call parmapply('back',3,par%back,par%back_str) ! others par%ARC = readkey_int ('params.txt','ARC', 1, 0, 1 ,strict=.true.) par%order = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','order', 2.d0, 1.d0, 2.d0 ,strict=.true.) par%carspan = readkey_int ('params.txt','carspan', 0, 0, 1 ,strict=.true.) ! deprecated par%freewave = readkey_int ('params.txt','freewave', par%carspan, 0, 1 ,strict=.true.) par%epsi = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','epsi', -1.d0, -1.d0, 0.2d0 ) par%nc = readkey_int ('params.txt','nc', par%ny+1, 1, par%ny+1,strict=.true.,silent=.true.) call setallowednames('instant', TIDETYPE_INSTANT, & 'velocity', TIDETYPE_VELOCITY) call parmapply('tidetype',2,par%tidetype,par%tidetype_str) ! ! ! Tide boundary conditions call writelog('l','','--------------------------------') call writelog('l','','Tide boundary conditions: ') par%tideloc = readkey_int ('params.txt','tideloc', 0, 0, 4) if (par%tideloc>0) then if (par%tideloc==2) then call setallowednames('land', PAULREVERE_LAND, & 'sea', PAULREVERE_SEA) call setoldnames('0','1') call parmapply('paulrevere',1,par%paulrevere,par%paulrevere_str) endif par%zs0file = readkey_name('params.txt','zs0file') call check_file_exist(par%zs0file) else par%zs0 = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','zs0', 0.0d0, -5.d0, 5.d0) endif ! ! ! Discharge boundary conditions call writelog('l','','--------------------------------') call writelog('l','','Discharge boundary conditions: ') par%disch_loc_file = readkey_name ('params.txt','disch_loc_file' ) par%disch_timeseries_file = readkey_name ('params.txt','disch_timeseries_file' ) par%ndischarge = get_file_length(par%disch_loc_file ) par%ntdischarge = get_file_length(par%disch_timeseries_file ) par%ndischarge = readkey_int ('params.txt', 'ndischarge', par%ndischarge, 0, 100) par%ntdischarge = readkey_int ('params.txt', 'ntdischarge', par%ntdischarge, 0, 100) if (par%ndischarge>0) then call check_file_exist(par%disch_loc_file) if (par%ntdischarge>0) then call check_file_exist(par%disch_timeseries_file) endif endif ! ! ! Wave breaking parameters par%beta = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','beta', 0.10d0, 0.05d0, 0.3d0) if (par%swave==1) then call writelog('l','','--------------------------------') call writelog('l','','Wave breaking parameters: ') call setallowednames('roelvink1', BREAK_ROELVINK1, & 'baldock', BREAK_BALDOCK, & 'roelvink2', BREAK_ROELVINK2, & 'roelvink_daly', BREAK_ROELVINK_DALY, & 'janssen', BREAK_JANSSEN) call setoldnames('1','2','3','4','5') if (par%instat == INSTAT_STAT .or. par%instat == INSTAT_STAT_TABLE) then call parmapply('break',2,par%break,par%break_str) ! default: baldock par%gamma = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','gamma', 0.78d0, 0.4d0, 0.9d0) else call parmapply('break',3,par%break,par%break_str) ! default: roelvink2 par%gamma = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','gamma', 0.55d0, 0.4d0, 0.9d0) endif if (par%break == BREAK_ROELVINK_DALY) then par%gamma2 = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','gamma2', 0.3d0, 0.0d0, 0.5d0) endif par%alpha = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','alpha', 1.0d0, 0.5d0, 2.0d0) par%n = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','n', 10.0d0, 5.0d0, 20.0d0) !changed 28/11 par%gammax = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','gammax', 2.d0, .4d0, 5.d0) !changed 28/11 par%delta = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','delta', 0.0d0, 0.0d0, 1.0d0) par%wavfriccoef = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','fw', 0.d0, 0d0, 1.0d0) ! try to read a wave friction file par%wavfricfile = readkey_name('params.txt','fwfile') if (par%wavfricfile .ne. ' ') then call check_file_exist(par%wavfricfile) if (par%gridform==GRIDFORM_XBEACH) then call check_file_length(par%wavfricfile,par%nx+1,par%ny+1) endif call writelog('lws','(a,a,a)','Warning: wave friction coefficient values from file ''',& trim(par%wavfricfile), & ''' will be used in computation') end if !par%fw = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','fw', 0.d0, 0d0, 1.0d0) par%fwcutoff = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','fwcutoff', 1000.d0, 0d0, 1000.d0) par%breakerdelay = readkey_int ('params.txt','breakerdelay', 1, 0, 1,strict=.true.) par%shoaldelay = readkey_int ('params.txt','shoaldelay', 0, 0, 1,silent=.true.,strict=.true.) if (par%shoaldelay==1) then par%facsd = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','facsd', 1.d0, 0d0, 2.0d0) endif if (par%swrunup==1) then par%facrun = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','facrun', 1.d0, 0d0, 2.0d0) endif ! ! ! Roller parameters call writelog('l','','--------------------------------') call writelog('l','','Roller parameters: ') par%roller = readkey_int ('params.txt','roller', 1, 0, 1,strict=.true.) par%rfb = readkey_int ('params.txt','rfb', 0, 0, 1,strict=.true.) ! ! ! Wave-current interaction parameters call writelog('l','','--------------------------------') call writelog('l','','Wave-current interaction parameters: ') par%wci = readkey_int ('params.txt','wci', 0, 0, 1,strict=.true.) par%hwci = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','hwci', 0.1d0, 0.001d0, 1.d0) par%hwcimax = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','hwcimax', 100.d0, 0.01d0, 100.d0) par%cats = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','cats', 4.d0, 1.d0, 50.d0) endif ! ! ! Flow parameters call writelog('l','','--------------------------------') call writelog('l','','Flow parameters: ') call setallowednames('chezy', BEDFRICTION_CHEZY, & 'cf', BEDFRICTION_CF, & 'white-colebrook', BEDFRICTION_WHITE_COLEBROOK, & 'manning', BEDFRICTION_MANNING, & 'white-colebrook-grainsize', BEDFRICTION_WHITE_COLEBROOK_GRAINSIZE) call parmapply('bedfriction',1,par%bedfriction,par%bedfriction_str) ! Catch old exceptions if (.not. isSetParameter('params.txt','bedfriction')) then ! Catch really wierd old combinations if (isSetParameter('params.txt','bedfricfile')) then call writelog('lswe','','The use of keyword BEDFRICFILE without keyword BEDFRICTION is not allowed') call writelog('lswe','','Terminating simulation') call halt_program endif ! Else, continue as normal if (isSetParameter('params.txt','cf') .and. .not. isSetParameter('params.txt','C')) then par%bedfriction = BEDFRICTION_CF par%bedfriccoef = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','cf', 3.d-3, 1.d-3, 0.1d0) call writelog('lws','(a,a)','Warning: Specification of bed friction using parameter ''cf''', & ' will not be supported in future versions of XBeach') call writelog('lws','(a)','Use parameters ''bedfriction'' and ''bedfriccoef'' instead') elseif (isSetParameter('params.txt','C') .and. .not. isSetParameter('params.txt','cf')) then par%bedfriction = BEDFRICTION_CHEZY par%bedfriccoef = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','C', 55.d0 , 20.d0, 100.d0) call writelog('lws','(a,a)','Warning: Specification of bed friction using parameter ''C''', & ' will not be supported in future versions of XBeach') call writelog('lws','(a)','Use parameters ''bedfriction'' and ''bedfriccoef'' instead') elseif (isSetParameter('params.txt','C') .and. isSetParameter('params.txt','cf')) then par%bedfriction = BEDFRICTION_CHEZY par%bedfriccoef = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','C', 55.d0 , 20.d0, 100.d0) call writelog('lws','(a,a)','Warning: Specification of bed friction using parameters ''C'' and ''cf''', & ' will not be supported in future versions of XBeach') call writelog('lws','(a)','Use parameters ''bedfriction'' and ''bedfriccoef'' instead') call writelog('lws','(a)','Warning: C and cf both specified. C will take precedence') else ! Default to Chezy value par%bedfriction = BEDFRICTION_CHEZY par%bedfriccoef = readkey_dbl('params.txt','bedfriccoef', 55.d0, 20.d0, 100.d0) endif else if (par%bedfriction==BEDFRICTION_CHEZY .or. & par%bedfriction==BEDFRICTION_CF .or. & par%bedfriction==BEDFRICTION_MANNING .or. & par%bedfriction==BEDFRICTION_WHITE_COLEBROOK) then ! try to read a bed friction file par%bedfricfile = readkey_name('params.txt','bedfricfile') if (par%bedfricfile .ne. ' ') then call check_file_exist(par%bedfricfile) if (par%gridform==GRIDFORM_XBEACH) then call check_file_length(par%bedfricfile,par%nx+1,par%ny+1) endif call writelog('lws','(a,a,a)','Warning: bed friction coefficient values from file ''',& trim(par%bedfricfile), & ''' will be used in computation') else if (par%bedfriction==BEDFRICTION_CHEZY) then par%bedfriccoef = readkey_dbl('params.txt','bedfriccoef', 55.d0, 20.d0, 100.d0) elseif (par%bedfriction==BEDFRICTION_CF) then par%bedfriccoef = readkey_dbl('params.txt','bedfriccoef', 3.d-3, 1.d-3, 0.1d0) elseif (par%bedfriction==BEDFRICTION_MANNING) then par%bedfriccoef = readkey_dbl('params.txt','bedfriccoef', 0.02d0, 0.01d0, 0.05d0) elseif (par%bedfriction==BEDFRICTION_WHITE_COLEBROOK) then par%bedfriccoef = readkey_dbl('params.txt','bedfriccoef', 0.01d0, 3.5d-5, 0.9d0) endif endif else ! other formulations do not require a bed friction coefficient par%bedfricfile = '' ! empty string so doesn't go searching for file called 'abc' par%bedfriccoef = -999.d0 endif endif par%nuh = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','nuh', 0.1d0, 0.0d0, 1.0d0) par%nuhfac = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','nuhfac', 1.0d0, 0.0d0, 1.0d0) par%nuhv = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','nuhv', 1.d0, 1.d0, 20.d0,silent=.true.) par%smag = readkey_int ('params.txt','smag', 1, 0, 1,strict=.true.) ! ! ! Coriolis force parameters call writelog('l','','--------------------------------') call writelog('l','','Coriolis force parameters: ') par%wearth = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','wearth', 1.d0/24.d0, 0.d0, 1.d0) par%lat = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','lat', 0.d0, -90.d0, 90.d0) ! ! ! Wind parameters call writelog('l','','--------------------------------') call writelog('l','','Wind parameters: ') par%rhoa = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','rhoa', 1.25d0, 1.0d0, 2.0d0) par%Cd = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','Cd', 0.002d0, 0.0001d0, 0.01d0) par%windfile = readkey_name('params.txt','windfile') if (par%windfile==' ') then par%windv = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','windv', 0.0d0, 0.0d0, 200.0d0) par%windth = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','windth', 270.0d0, -360.0d0, 360.0d0) else call check_file_exist(par%windfile) endif ! ! ! Groundwater parameters if (par%gwflow==1) then call writelog('l','','--------------------------------') call writelog('l','','Groundwater parameters: ') par%kx = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','kx' , 0.0001d0 , 0.00001d0, 0.1d0) par%ky = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','ky' , par%kx , 0.00001d0, 0.1d0) par%kz = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','kz' , par%kx , 0.00001d0, 0.1d0) par%dwetlayer = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','dwetlayer' , 0.1d0 , 0.01d0 , 1.d0) par%aquiferbotfile = readkey_name('params.txt','aquiferbotfile') if (par%aquiferbotfile==' ') then !also read in groundwater.f90 which determines value par%aquiferbot = readkey_dbl('params.txt','aquiferbot',-10.d0,-100.d0,100.d0) else call check_file_exist(par%aquiferbotfile) endif par%gw0file = readkey_name('params.txt','gw0file') if (par%gw0file==' ') then par%gw0 = readkey_dbl('params.txt','gw0',0.d0,-5.d0,5.d0) else call check_file_exist(par%gw0file) endif par%gwnonh = readkey_int ('params.txt','gwnonh', 0, 0, 1,strict=.true.) if (par%gwnonh==1) then if (par%ny>2) then par%gwfastsolve = readkey_int ('params.txt','gwfastsolve', 0, 0, 1,silent=.true.,strict=.true.) endif endif ! Type of momentum equation call setallowednames('laminar', GWSCHEME_LAMINAR, & 'turbulent', GWSCHEME_TURBULENT) call setoldnames('darcy','modflow') call parmapply('gwscheme',1,par%gwscheme,par%gwscheme_str) if (par%gwscheme==GWSCHEME_TURBULENT) then par%gwReturb = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','gwReturb' , 100.d0 , 1.d0 , 600.d0) endif call setallowednames('parabolic', GWHEADMODEL_PARABOLIC, & 'exponential', GWHEADMODEL_EXPONENTIAL) call parmapply('gwheadmodel',1,par%gwheadmodel,par%gwheadmodel_str) par%gwhorinfil = readkey_int ('params.txt','gwhorinfil', 0, 0, 1,strict=.true.) endif ! ! ! Q3D sediment transport parameters if (par%q3d==1) then call writelog('l','','--------------------------------') call writelog('l','','Q3D sediment transport parameters: ') par%vonkar = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','vonkar', 0.4d0, 0.01d0, 1.d0) par%vicmol = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','vicmol', 0.000001d0, 0.d0, 0.001d0) par%kmax = readkey_int ('params.txt','kmax ', 1, 1, 1000) par%sigfac = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','sigfac ',1.3d0, 0.00d0, 10.d0) endif ! ! ! Non-hydrostatic correction parameters if (par%nonh==1) then call writelog('l','','--------------------------------') call writelog('l','','Non-hydrostatic correction parameters: ') call setallowednames('sip', SOLVER_SIPP, & 'tridiag', SOLVER_TRIDIAGG) call setoldnames('1','2') if (par%ny>2) then call parmapply('solver',1,par%solver,par%solver_str) ! default: sip else call parmapply('solver',2,par%solver,par%solver_str) ! default: tridiag endif if (par%solver==SOLVER_SIPP) then par%solver_maxit = readkey_int('params.txt','solver_maxit' ,30,1,1000) par%solver_acc = readkey_dbl('params.txt','solver_acc' ,0.005d0,0.00001d0,0.1d0) par%solver_urelax= readkey_dbl('params.txt','solver_urelax' ,0.92d0,0.5d0,0.99d0) endif par%kdmin = readkey_dbl('params.txt','kdmin' ,0.0d0,0.0d0,0.05d0) par%Topt = readkey_dbl('params.txt','Topt', 10.d0, 1.d0, 20.d0) par%nonhq3d = readkey_int('params.txt','nonhq3d' ,0,0,1,silent=.true.,strict=.true.) if (par%nonhq3d==1) then par%nhbreaker = readkey_int('params.txt','nhbreaker' ,1,0,1,strict=.true.) par%nhlay = readkey_dbl('params.txt','nhlay' ,0.33d0,0.d0,1.d0) else par%nhbreaker = readkey_int('params.txt','nhbreaker' ,2,0,2,strict=.true.) par%dispc = readkey_dbl('params.txt','dispc' ,-1.0d0,0.1d0,2.0d0) endif if (par%nhbreaker==1) then par%breakviscfac = readkey_dbl('params.txt','breakviscfac',1.5d0, 1.d0, 3.d0) par%maxbrsteep = readkey_dbl('params.txt','maxbrsteep',0.6d0, 0.3d0, 0.8d0) par%reformsteep = readkey_dbl('params.txt','reformsteep',0.25d0*par%maxbrsteep,0.d0,0.95d0*par%maxbrsteep) elseif (par%nhbreaker==2) then par%breakvisclen = readkey_dbl('params.txt','breakvisclen',1.0d0, 0.75d0, 3.d0) par%maxbrsteep = readkey_dbl('params.txt','maxbrsteep',0.6d0, 0.3d0, 0.8d0) par%secbrsteep = readkey_dbl('params.txt','secbrsteep',0.5d0*par%maxbrsteep,0.d0,0.95d0*par%maxbrsteep) elseif (par%nhbreaker==3) then !par%avis = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','avis', 0.3d0, 0.0d0, 1.0d0) !par%maxbrsteep = readkey_dbl('params.txt','maxbrsteep',0.6d0, 0.3d0, 0.8d0) !par%secbrsteep = readkey_dbl('params.txt','secbrsteep',0.5d0*par%maxbrsteep,0.d0,0.95d0*par%maxbrsteep) endif endif ! ! ! Sediment transport parameters if (par%sedtrans==1) then call writelog('l','','--------------------------------') call writelog('l','','Sediment transport parameters: ') call setallowednames('soulsby_vanrijn', FORM_SOULSBY_VANRIJN, & 'vanthiel_vanrijn', FORM_VANTHIEL_VANRIJN) call setoldnames('1','2') call parmapply('form',2,par%form, par%form_str) call setallowednames('ruessink_vanrijn', WAVEFORM_RUESSINK_VANRIJN, & 'vanthiel', WAVEFORM_VANTHIEL) call setoldnames('1','2') call parmapply('waveform',2,par%waveform,par%waveform_str) par%sws = readkey_int ('params.txt','sws', 1, 0, 1,strict=.true.) par%lws = readkey_int ('params.txt','lws', 1, 0, 1,strict=.true.) par%BRfac = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','BRfac', 1.0d0, 0.d0, 1.d0) par%facsl = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','facsl ', 1.6d0, 0.d0, 1.6d0) par%z0 = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','z0 ',0.006d0, 0.0001d0, 0.05d0) par%smax = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','smax', -1.d0, -1.d0, 3.d0) !changed 28/11 and back 10/2 par%tsfac = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','tsfac', 0.1d0, 0.01d0, 1.d0) par%facua = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','facua ',0.10d0, 0.00d0, 1.0d0) par%facSk = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','facSk ',par%facua, 0.00d0, 1.0d0) par%facAs = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','facAs ',par%facua, 0.00d0, 1.0d0) call setallowednames('none', TURBADV_NONE, & 'lagrangian', TURBADV_LAGRANGIAN, & 'eulerian', TURBADV_EULERIAN) call parmapply('turbadv',1,par%turbadv,par%turbadv_str) call setallowednames('none', TURB_NONE, & 'wave_averaged', TURB_WAVE_AVERAGED, & 'bore_averaged', TURB_BORE_AVERAGED) call setoldnames('0','1','2') call parmapply('turb',3,par%turb,par%turb_str) par%Tbfac = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','Tbfac ',1.0d0, 0.00d0, 1.0d0) par%Tsmin = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','Tsmin ',0.5d0, 0.01d0, 10.d0) par%lwt = readkey_int ('params.txt','lwt ',0, 0, 1,strict=.true.) par%betad = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','betad ',1.0d0, 0.00d0, 10.0d0) par%sus = readkey_int ('params.txt','sus ',1, 0, 1,strict=.true.) par%bed = readkey_int ('params.txt','bed ',1, 0, 1,strict=.true.) par%bulk = readkey_int ('params.txt','bulk ',0, 0, 1,strict=.true.) par%facDc = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','facDc ',1.0d0, 0.00d0, 1.0d0) par%jetfac = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','jetfac ',0.0d0, 0.00d0, 1.0d0,silent=.true.) par%fallvelred = readkey_int ('params.txt','fallvelred', 0, 0, 1,strict=.true.) par%dilatancy = readkey_int ('params.txt','dilatancy', 0, 0, 1,strict=.true.) if (par%dilatancy==1) then par%rheeA = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','rheeA', 0.75d0, 0.75d0, 2.d0) ! Between 3/4 and 1/(1-n), see paper Van Rhee (2010) par%pormax = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','pormax', 0.5d0, 0.3d0, 0.6d0) endif par%reposeangle = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','reposeangle', 30.d0, 0.d0, 45.d0) call setallowednames('none', BDSLPEFFMAG_NONE, & 'roelvink_total', BDSLPEFFMAG_ROELV_TOTAL, & 'roelvink_bed', BDSLPEFFMAG_ROELV_BED, & 'soulsby_total', BDSLPEFFMAG_SOULS_TOTAL, & 'soulsby_bed', BDSLPEFFMAG_SOULS_BED) call setoldnames('0','1','2','3','4') call parmapply('bdslpeffmag',2,par%bdslpeffmag) call setallowednames('none', BDSLPEFFINI_NONE, & 'total', BDSLPEFFINI_TOTAL, & 'bed', BDSLPEFFINI_BED) call setoldnames('0','1','2') call parmapply('bdslpeffini',1,par%bdslpeffini) call setallowednames('none', BDSLPEFFDIR_NONE, & 'talmon', BDSLPEFFDIR_TALMON) call setoldnames('0','1') call parmapply('bdslpeffdir',1,par%bdslpeffdir) if (par%bdslpeffdir>0) then par%bdslpeffdirfac = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','bdslpeffdirfac', 1.d0, 0.d0, 2.d0) endif endif ! ! ! Bed composition parameters call writelog('l','','--------------------------------') call writelog('l','','Bed composition parameters: ') par%ngd = readkey_int ('params.txt','ngd', 1, 1, 20) par%nd = readkey_int ('params.txt','nd ', 3, 3, 1000) par%por = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','por', 0.4d0, 0.3d0, 0.5d0) if (par%dilatancy==1) then par%D15 = readkey_dblvec('params.txt','D15',par%ngd,size(par%D15),0.00015d0,0.00001d0,0.0008d0) ! Lodewijk endif par%D50 = readkey_dblvec('params.txt','D50',par%ngd,size(par%D50),0.0002d0,0.00005d0,0.0008d0) par%D90 = readkey_dblvec('params.txt','D90',par%ngd,size(par%D90),0.0003d0,0.00010d0,0.0015d0) if (par%sedtrans==1) then par%rhos = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','rhos', 2650d0, 2400.d0, 2800.d0) par%dzg1 = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','dzg', 0.1d0, 0.01d0, 1.d0) par%dzg1 = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','dzg1', par%dzg1, 0.01d0, 1.d0) par%dzg2 = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','dzg2', par%dzg1, 0.01d0, 1.d0) par%dzg3 = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','dzg3', par%dzg1, 0.01d0, 1.d0) ! file,keyword,size read vector,size vector in par,default,min,max par%sedcal = readkey_dblvec('params.txt','sedcal',par%ngd,size(par%sedcal),1.d0,0.d0,2.d0) par%ucrcal = readkey_dblvec('params.txt','ucrcal',par%ngd,size(par%ucrcal),1.d0,0.d0,2.d0) endif ! ! ! Morphology parameters if (par%morphology==1) then call writelog('l','','--------------------------------') call writelog('l','','Morphology parameters: ') par%morfac = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','morfac', 1.0d0, 0.d0, 1000.d0) par%morfacopt= readkey_int ('params.txt','morfacopt', 1, 0, 1,strict=.true.) par%morstart = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','morstart',120.d0, 0.d0, 10000000.d0) par%morstop = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','morstop', par%tstop, 0.d0, 10000000.d0) par%wetslp = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','wetslp', 0.3d0, 0.1d0, 1.d0) par%dryslp = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','dryslp', 1.0d0, 0.1d0, 2.d0) par%hswitch = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','hswitch',0.1d0, 0.01d0, 1.0d0) par%dzmax = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','dzmax ',0.05d0, 0.00d0, 1.0d0) par%struct = readkey_int ('params.txt','struct ',0 , 0, 1,strict=.true.) if (par%struct==1) then par%ne_layer = readkey_name('params.txt','ne_layer') call check_file_exist(par%ne_layer) if (par%gridform==GRIDFORM_XBEACH) then call check_file_length(par%ne_layer,par%nx+1,par%ny+1) endif endif if (par%swrunup==1 .and. par%struct==0) then call writelog('lws','(a)', & 'Warning: swrunup can only be used in combination with struct=1. swrunup will be turned off.') par%swrunup = 0; endif endif ! ! ! Output variables call writelog('l','','--------------------------------') call writelog('l','','Output variables: ') par%timings = readkey_int ('params.txt','timings', 1, 0, 1,strict=.true.) testc = readkey_name('params.txt','tunits') if (len(trim(testc)) .gt. 0) par%tunits = trim(testc) par%tstart = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','tstart', 0.d0, 0.d0,par%tstop) par%tint = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','tint', 1.d0, .01d0, 100000.d0) ! Robert par%tsglobal = readkey_name('params.txt','tsglobal') if (par%tsglobal==' ') then par%tintg = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','tintg', par%tint, .01d0, 100000.d0) ! Robert endif par%tspoints = readkey_name('params.txt','tspoints') if (par%tspoints==' ') then par%tintp = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','tintp', par%tint, .01d0, 100000.d0) ! Robert endif par%tscross = readkey_name('params.txt','tscross',silent=.true.) if (par%tscross==' ') then par%tintc = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','tintc', par%tint, .01d0, 100000.d0,silent=.true.) ! Robert endif par%tsmean = readkey_name('params.txt','tsmean') if (par%tsmean==' ') then par%tintm = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','tintm', par%tstop-par%tstart, 1.d0, par%tstop-par%tstart) ! Robert endif ! global output par%nglobalvar = readkey_int ('params.txt','nglobalvar', -1, -1, 20) call readglobalvars(par) ! point output par%npoints = readkey_int ('params.txt','npoints', 0, 0, 50) par%nrugauge = readkey_int ('params.txt','nrugauge', 0, 0, 50) ! update the pointvariables !call readpointvars(par, par%xpointsw, par%ypointsw, par%pointtypes, par%pointvars) ! Robert: to deal with MPI some changes here par%npointvar = readkey_int ('params.txt','npointvar', 0, 0, 50) call readpointvars(par) ! par%rugdepth = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','rugdepth', 0.0d0,0.d0,0.05d0) par%nrugdepth = readkey_int('params.txt','nrugdepth',1,1,10) par%rugdepth = readkey_dblvec('params.txt','rugdepth',par%nrugdepth,size(par%rugdepth),0.0d0,0.0d0,0.1d0) ! mean output par%nmeanvar = readkey_int ('params.txt','nmeanvar' , 0, 0, 15) call readmeans(par) par%ncross = readkey_int ('params.txt','ncross', 0, 0, 50,silent=.true.) call setallowednames('fortran', OUTPUTFORMAT_FORTRAN, & 'netcdf ', OUTPUTFORMAT_NETCDF, & 'debug ', OUTPUTFORMAT_DEBUG) #ifdef USENETCDF ! Default to NetCDF output in case of NetCDF-enabled executable call parmapply('outputformat',2,par%outputformat,par%outputformat_str, & required = .false.) ! wwvv-todo #else call parmapply('outputformat',1,par%outputformat,par%outputformat_str, & required = .false.) ! wwvv-todo #endif if(par%outputformat==OUTPUTFORMAT_NETCDF .or. & par%outputformat==OUTPUTFORMAT_DEBUG) then ! type of output precision call setallowednames('single', OUTPUTPRECISION_SINGLE, & 'double', OUTPUTPRECISION_DOUBLE) call parmapply('outputprecision',2,par%outputprecision,par%outputprecision_str,required = .false.) ! get the nc output file name from the parameter file par%ncfilename = readkey_name('params.txt','ncfilename') if (len(trim(par%ncfilename)) .eq. 0) par%ncfilename = '' call writelog('ls','','netcdf output to:' // par%ncfilename) endif ! ! ! Output projection call writelog('l','','--------------------------------') call writelog('l','','Output projection: ') testc = readkey_name('params.txt','projection') if (len(trim(testc)) .gt. 0) par%projection = testc par%rotate = readkey_int ('params.txt','rotate', 1, 0, 1,strict=.true.) ! ! ! Drifters parameters if (isSetParameter('params.txt','drifterfile')) then call writelog('l','','--------------------------------') call writelog('l','','Drifters parameters: ') par%drifterfile = readkey_name ('params.txt', 'drifterfile' ) call check_file_exist(par%drifterfile) par%ndrifter = get_file_length(par%drifterfile ) par%ndrifter = readkey_int ('params.txt', 'ndrifter', par%ndrifter, 0, 50 ) else par%ndrifter = 0 endif ! ! ! Shipwaves parameters if (par%ships==1) then call writelog('l','','--------------------------------') call writelog('l','','Shipwaves parameters: ') par%shipfile = readkey_name ('params.txt', 'shipfile') call check_file_exist(par%shipfile) ! shipfile routine should set nship endif ! ! ! Vegetation parameters if (par%vegetation==1) then call writelog('l','','--------------------------------') call writelog('l','','Vegetation parameters: ') par%veggiefile = readkey_name ('params.txt', 'veggiefile' ) par%veggiemapfile = readkey_name ('params.txt', 'veggiemapfile' ) par%vegnonlin = readkey_int ('params.txt', 'vegnonlin',0,0,1,silent=.true.) par%vegcanflo = readkey_int ('params.txt', 'vegcanflo',0,0,1,silent=.true.) par%veguntow = readkey_int ('params.txt', 'veguntow', 1,0,1,silent=.true.) ! veggiefile routine should set nveg endif ! ! ! Wave numerics parameters call writelog('l','','--------------------------------') call writelog('l','','Wave numerics parameters: ') call setallowednames('upwind_1', SCHEME_UPWIND_1, & 'lax_wendroff', SCHEME_LAX_WENDROFF, & 'upwind_2', SCHEME_UPWIND_2) call setoldnames('1','2','3') call parmapply('scheme',3,par%scheme,par%scheme_str) if (par%instat == INSTAT_STAT .or. par%instat == INSTAT_STAT_TABLE .or. par%single_dir==1) then par%wavint = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','wavint', 60.d0, 1.d0, 3600.d0) par%maxerror = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','maxerror', 0.00005d0, 0.00001d0, 0.001d0) par%maxiter = readkey_int ('params.txt','maxiter', 500, 2, 1000) endif ! only default to Snell's Law if in 1D and only one directional bin if (par%single_dir == 0) then if (par%ny==0 .and. nint(abs(par%thetamax-par%thetamin)/par%dtheta)<2) then par%snells = readkey_int ('params.txt','snells', 1, 0, 1,strict=.true.) else par%snells = readkey_int ('params.txt','snells', 0, 0, 1,strict=.true.) endif else par%snells = readkey_int ('params.txt','snells', 0, 0, 1,silent=.true.,strict=.true.) endif ! ! ! Flow numerics parameters call writelog('l','','--------------------------------') call writelog('l','','Flow numerics parameters: ') par%eps = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','eps', 0.005d0, 0.001d0, 0.1d0) par%eps_sd = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','eps_sd', 0.5d0, 0.000d0, 1.0d0) par%umin = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','umin', 0.0d0, 0.0d0, 0.2d0) par%hmin = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','hmin', 0.2d0, 0.001d0, 1.d0) par%secorder = readkey_int('params.txt','secorder' ,0,0,1,strict=.true.) par%oldhu = readkey_int('params.txt','oldhu' ,0,0,1,silent=.true.,strict=.true.) ! ! ! Sediment transport numerics parameters if (par%sedtrans==1) then call writelog('l','','--------------------------------') call writelog('l','','Sediment transport numerics parameters: ') par%thetanum = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','thetanum', 1.d0, 0.5d0, 1.d0) par%sourcesink = readkey_int ('params.txt','sourcesink ',0, 0, 1,strict=.true.) par%cmax = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','cmax', 0.1d0, 0.0d0, 1.d0) endif ! ! ! Bed update numerics parameters if (par%morphology==1) then call writelog('l','','--------------------------------') call writelog('l','','Bed update numerics parameters: ') par%frac_dz = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','frac_dz', 0.7d0, 0.5d0, 0.98d0) par%nd_var = readkey_int ('params.txt','nd_var', 2, 1, par%nd,strict=.true.) par%split = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','split', 1.01d0, 1.005d0, 1.10d0) par%merge = readkey_dbl ('params.txt','merge', 0.01d0, 0.005d0, 0.10d0) endif ! ! Prescribed bathy update if (par%setbathy==1) then par%nsetbathy = readkey_int ('params.txt','nsetbathy',1,1,1000) par%setbathyfile = readkey_name ('params.txt', 'setbathyfile',required=.true. ) call check_file_exist(par%setbathyfile) endif ! ! ! MPI parameters #ifdef USEMPI call writelog('l','','--------------------------------') call writelog('l','','MPI parameters: ') call setallowednames('auto', MPIBOUNDARY_AUTO, & 'x', MPIBOUNDARY_X, & 'y', MPIBOUNDARY_Y, & 'man', MPIBOUNDARY_MAN) call parmapply('mpiboundary',1,par%mpiboundary,par%mpiboundary_str) if (par%mpiboundary == MPIBOUNDARY_MAN) then par%mmpi= readkey_int('params.txt','mmpi',2,1,100) par%nmpi= readkey_int('params.txt','nmpi',4,1,100) endif #endif ! ! ! Finish call writelog('l','','--------------------------------') call writelog('sl','','Finished reading input parameters') call writelog('l','','--------------------------------') ! ! ! ------------------- Post-input processing ------------------------- ! ! ! Fix input parameters for choosen depthscale if (par%depthscale .ne. 1.d0) then par%eps = par%eps/par%depthscale par%hmin = par%hmin/par%depthscale par%hswitch = par%hswitch/par%depthscale par%dzmax = par%dzmax/par%depthscale**1.5d0 call writelog('lws','(a)','Warning: input parameters eps, hmin, hswitch and dzmax are scaled with') call writelog('lws','(a)',' depthscale to:') call writelog('lws','(a,f0.4)','eps = ', par%eps) call writelog('lws','(a,f0.4)','hmin = ', par%hmin) call writelog('lws','(a,f0.4)','hswitch = ',par%hswitch) call writelog('lws','(a,f0.4)','dzmax = ', par%dzmax) endif ! ! ! Constants par%compi = (0.0d0,1.0d0) par%rhog8 = 1.0d0/8.0d0*par%rho*par%g ! ! if (par%posdwn<0.1d0) then par%posdwn=-1.d0 ! Backward compatibility, now posdwn = 0 also works in input (i.e. posdwn = false) endif ! ! ! Stop useless physical processes if (par%sedtrans==0 .and. par%morphology==1) then call writelog('lse','(a)','Error: Morphology cannot be computed without sediment transport.') call writelog('lse','(a)',' Set sedtrans=1 or morphology=0') call halt_program endif if (par%morphology==0 .and. par%avalanching==1) then call writelog('lsw','(a)','Warning: Avalanching cannot be computed without morphology.') call writelog('lsw','(a)',' Avalanching has been turned off') par%avalanching=0 endif if (par%setbathy == 1 .and. par%morphology==1) then call writelog('lsw','(a)','Morphology and avalanching has been turned off for prescibed bed update (setbathy=1)') par%morphology=0 par%avalanching=0 endif ! ! ! Cyclic boundary conditions #ifdef USEMPI if(par%cyclic==1) then call writelog('lsw','(a)','Warning: Cyclic boundary conditions only work in combination with MPI. Re-running this') call writelog('lsw','(a)',' simulation without MPI will not be possible') endif #else if(par%cyclic==1) then call writelog('lswe','(a)','Error: Cyclic boundary conditions only work in combination with MPI.') call writelog('lsw','(a)',' Choose an MPI-compatable version of XBeach for this option') call halt_program endif #endif ! ! ! Set taper to non-zero par%taper = max(par%taper,1.d-6) ! ! ! Compute Coriolis par%lat = par%lat*par%px/180.d0 par%wearth = par%px*par%wearth/1800.d0 ! ! ! Only allow Baldock or Janssen in stationary mode and Roelvink in non-stationary if (par%swave==1) then if (par%instat == INSTAT_STAT .or. par%instat == INSTAT_STAT_TABLE) then if (par%break .ne. BREAK_BALDOCK .and. par%break .ne. BREAK_JANSSEN) then if(par%break == BREAK_ROELVINK_DALY) then call writelog('lwse','','Error: Roelvink-Daly formulations not implemented in stationary wave mode,') call writelog('lwse','',' use Baldock or Janssen formulation.') call halt_program else call writelog('lwse','','Error: Roelvink formulations not allowed in stationary,') call writelog('lwse','',' use Baldock or Janssen formulation.') call halt_program endif endif else if (par%break == BREAK_BALDOCK) then call writelog('lwse','','Error: Baldock formulation not allowed in non-stationary, use a Roelvink') call writelog('lwse','',' formulation.') call halt_program endif if (par%break == BREAK_JANSSEN) then call writelog('lwse','','Error: Janssen formulation not allowed in non-stationary, use a Roelvink') call writelog('lwse','',' formulation.') call halt_program endif endif endif ! ! ! Convert cf from C !par%cf = par%g/par%C**2 ! ! ! Only allow bore-averaged turbulence in combination with vanthiel waveform if ((par%waveform .ne. WAVEFORM_VANTHIEL) .and. (par%turb .eq. TURB_BORE_AVERAGED)) then call writelog('lse','','Error: Cannot compute bore-averaged turbulence without vanthiel wave form.') call writelog('lse','',' Please set waveform=vanthiel in params.txt, or choose another') call writelog('lse','',' turbulence model') call halt_program endif ! ! ! Set smax to huge if default is specified, but allow for computations to be ! done with smax wwvv if (par%smax<0) par%smax=huge(0.d0)*1.0d-20 ! ! ! Source-sink check if (par%morfac>1.d0) then if (par%sourcesink==1) then call writelog('lws','','Warning: Using source-sink terms for bed level change with morfac can lead to') call writelog('lws','',' loss of sediment mass conservation.') endif endif ! ! ! Check maximum grain size Soulsby-Van Rijn if ((par%form==FORM_SOULSBY_VANRIJN) .and. (maxval(par%D50(1:par%ngd))>= 0.05d0)) then call writelog('lews','','Error: Soulsby - Van Rijn cannot be used for sediment D50 > 0.05m') call halt_program endif ! ! ! If using tide, epsi should be on if (par%tideloc>0) then if (par%epsi<-1.d0) then call writelog('lws','','Automatically computing epsi using offshore boundary conditions') ! par%epsi = 0.05d0 --> Jaap do this in boundary conditions to account for vary wave conditions during simulation endif endif ! ! ! If using nonh, secorder should always be on if (par%nonh==1) then if (par%secorder==0) then call writelog('lws','','Warning: Automatically turning on 2nd order correction in flow for') call writelog('lws','',' non-hydrostatic module [secorder=1]') par%secorder = 1 endif endif ! ! ! If using nonh, then the solver type is set by the grid size if (par%nonh==1) then if (par%ny>2 .and. par%solver==SOLVER_TRIDIAGG) then call writelog('lswe','','Tri-diagonal solver cannot be used if ny>2') call halt_program endif if (par%ny==0 .and. par%solver==SOLVER_SIPP) then call writelog('lse','','SIP solver cannot be used if ny==0') call halt_program endif endif ! ! ! If generating spectral time series for nonhydrostatic waves, you need at least wbcversion 3 if (par%nonhspectrum==1 .and. par%wbcversion<3) then call writelog('lws','','Warning: Automatically changing to wbcversion 3 for') call writelog('lws','',' non-hydrostatic spectral boundary condition [nonhspectrum=1]') par%wbcversion=3 endif if (par%wbcversion==1 .or. par%wbcversion==2) then call writelog('lwse','','************************** ERROR ******************************') call writelog('lwse','','wbcversion 1 and 2 are no longer supported, from v1.21 onwards') call writelog('lwse','','The current default wbcversion is 3') call writelog('lwse','','***************************************************************') call halt_program endif ! ! ! If using nhbreaker then maxbrsteep should be larger than reformsteep and reformsteep should be ! greater than zero if (par%nhbreaker==1) then if (par%reformsteep>0.95d0*par%maxbrsteep) then par%reformsteep=0.95d0*par%maxbrsteep call writelog('lws','(a)','Warning: Setting reformsteep to maximum of 95% of maxbrsteep') elseif (par%reformsteep<0.0d0) then par%reformsteep=0.0d0 call writelog('lws','(a)','Warning: Setting reformsteep to minimum of zero') endif endif ! ! ! The number of layers in the bed should be at least 3 (par%nd>=3) if (par%nd<3) then call writelog('lwse','','The number of sediment layers in the bed (nd) may not be smaller than 3') call halt_program endif ! ! ! fix minimum runup depth if (par%nrugauge>0) then ! Fill up remaining part of the array with minimum value par%rugdepth(par%nrugdepth+1:) = (1.0d0 + epsilon(0.d0))*par%eps if (minval(par%rugdepth)<=par%eps) then where(par%rugdepth<=par%eps) par%rugdepth = (1.0d0 + epsilon(0.d0))*par%eps endwhere call writelog('lws','(a,f0.5,a)','Warning: Setting rugdepth to minimum value greater than eps (', & (1.0d0 + epsilon(0.d0))*par%eps,')') endif endif ! ! ! Give an error if you ask for netcdf output if you don't have a netcdf executable #ifndef USENETCDF if (par%outputformat .eq. OUTPUTFORMAT_NETCDF) then call writelog('lse', '', 'Error: You have asked for netcdf output [outputformat=netcdf] but this') call writelog('lse', '', ' executable is built without netcdf support. Use a netcdf enabled') call writelog('lse', '', ' executable or outputformat=fortran') call halt_program endif #endif ! ! ! Lax-Wendroff not yet supported in curvilinear if (par%scheme==SCHEME_LAX_WENDROFF) then par%scheme=SCHEME_UPWIND_2 call writelog('lws','','Warning: Lax Wendroff [scheme=lax_wendroff] scheme is not supported, changed') call writelog('lws','',' to 2nd order upwind [scheme=upwind_2]') endif ! ! ! Wave-current interaction with non-stationary waves still experimental if (par%instat/=INSTAT_STAT .and. par%instat/=INSTAT_STAT_TABLE .and. par%wci==1) then call writelog('lws','','Warning: Wave-current interaction with non-stationary waves is still') call writelog('lws','',' experimental, continue with computation nevertheless') endif ! ! ! Check for setting Snells law and single_dir if (par%single_dir == 1 .and. par%snells==1) then call writelog('lse', '', 'The options ''single_dir = 1'' and ''snells = 1'' are not compatable') call writelog('lse', '', 'Terminating simulation') call halt_program endif ! ! ! 2D absorbing boundary limits to 1D absorbing boundary with 1D if (par%front==FRONT_ABS_2D .and. par%ny<3) then call writelog('lws','','Warning: 2D absorbing boundary condition [front=abs_2d] reduces to a') call writelog('lws','',' 1D absorbing boundary condition [front=abs_1d] in') call writelog('lws','',' 1D mode [ny=0]') par%front = FRONT_ABS_1D endif if (par%back==BACK_ABS_2D .and. par%ny<3) then call writelog('lws','','Warning: 2D absorbing boundary condition [back=abs_2d] reduces to a') call writelog('lws','',' 1D absorbing boundary condition [back=abs_1d] in') call writelog('lws','',' 1D mode [ny=0]') par%back = BACK_ABS_1D endif ! ! ! Mean output time fix if(par%tintm>(par%tstop-par%tstart) .and. par%nmeanvar>0) then call writelog('lws','','Warning: ''tintm'' is larger than output duration in the simulation.') call writelog('lws','',' Settting ''tintm'' = tstop-tstart = ',par%tstop-par%tstart,'s') par%tintm=par%tstop-par%tstart endif ! ! ! MPI domains #ifdef USEMPI if (par%swave==1) then if ((par%instat == INSTAT_STAT .or. par%instat == INSTAT_STAT_TABLE .or. par%single_dir==1) .and. par%ny > 0) then ! We need to set to mpiboundary = x to solve the stationary wave model. ! However, this requires ny>3*xmpi_osize if (par%mpiboundary .ne. MPIBOUNDARY_MAN) then if(par%ny<=2*xmpi_size) then call writelog('ewsl','','This simulation cannot be run in current MPI mode:') call writelog('ewsl','','The stationary wave solver requires MPI subdivision by "x" (split ny).') call writelog('ewsl','','The number of subdomains selected to run the model is ',xmpi_size,'.') call writelog('ewsl','','The total number of grid cells in y (ny) is ',par%ny,'.') call writelog('ewsl','(a,f0.2,a)','The number of cells per domain is ',dble(par%ny)/xmpi_size, & ', which is less than the minimum value of 3') call writelog('ewsl','','If you really (!) know what you''re doing, use "mpiboundary = man" and deal') call writelog('ewsl','','with any unsatisfactory results') call halt_program else par%mpiboundary=MPIBOUNDARY_X par%mpiboundary_str='x' call writelog('wsl','','Changing mpiboundary to "x" for stationary wave model') endif endif endif endif #endif ! ! ! fix tint par%tint = min(par%tintg,par%tintp,par%tintm,par%tintc) ! ! ! All input time frames converted to XBeach hydrodynamic time if (par%morfacopt==1) then par%tstart = par%tstart / max(par%morfac,1.d0) par%tint = par%tint / max(par%morfac,1.d0) par%tintg = par%tintg / max(par%morfac,1.d0) par%tintp = par%tintp / max(par%morfac,1.d0) par%tintc = par%tintc / max(par%morfac,1.d0) par%tintm = par%tintm / max(par%morfac,1.d0) par%wavint = par%wavint / max(par%morfac,1.d0) par%tstop = par%tstop / max(par%morfac,1.d0) par%morstart= par%morstart / max(par%morfac,1.d0) par%morstop = par%morstop / max(par%morfac,1.d0) par%rt = par%rt / max(par%morfac,1.d0) endif ! ! ! Check bc file length in case of instat = reuse. In this case time is defined by ! morfacopt, which is not known at earlier stage if (par%instat == INSTAT_REUSE) then if (par%nonhspectrum==1) then dummystring='nhbcflist.bcf' call checkbcfilelength(par%tstop,par%instat,dummystring,filetype,nonh=.true.) else dummystring='ebcflist.bcf' call checkbcfilelength(par%tstop,par%instat,dummystring,filetype) dummystring='qbcflist.bcf' call checkbcfilelength(par%tstop,par%instat,dummystring,filetype) endif endif ! ! ! Check for unknown parameters if (xmaster) call readkey('params.txt','checkparams',dummystring) ! ! ! Distribute over MPI processes #ifdef USEMPI call distribute_par(par) #endif ! ! ! Write settings to file !include '' !call outputparameters(par) end subroutine all_input #ifdef USEMPI subroutine distribute_par(par) use mpi use xmpi_module implicit none type(parameters) :: par integer :: ierror,i,npoints ! We're sending these over by hand, because intel fortran + vs2008 breaks things... integer, allocatable :: pointtypes(:) ! [-] Point types (0 = point, 1=rugauge) double precision, allocatable :: xpointsw(:) ! world x-coordinate of output points double precision, allocatable :: ypointsw(:) ! world y-coordinate of output points logical, parameter :: toall = .true. integer :: parlen ! ! distribute parameters ! This distributes all of the properties of par, including pointers. These point to memory adresses on the master ! We need to reset these on the non masters call xmpi_bcast(par%swave,toall) parlen = int(sizeof(par)) if (toall) then call MPI_Bcast(par,parlen,MPI_BYTE,xmpi_imaster,xmpi_ocomm,ierror) else call MPI_Bcast(par,parlen,MPI_BYTE,xmpi_master,xmpi_comm,ierror) endif ! Ok now for the manual stuff to circumvent a bug in the intel compiler, which doesn't allow to send over arrays in derived types ! The only way to do it on all 3 compilers (gfortran, CVF, ifort) is with pointers. ! First let's store the number of variables, we need this to reserve some memory on all nodes do i=1,size(par%globalvars) call xmpi_bcast(par%globalvars(i),toall) enddo do i=1,size(par%pointvars) call xmpi_bcast(par%pointvars(i),toall) enddo do i=1,size(par%meanvars) call xmpi_bcast(par%meanvars(i),toall) enddo if (xmaster) npoints = size(par%pointtypes) ! send it over call xmpi_bcast(npoints,toall) ! now on all nodes allocate a array outside the par structure allocate(pointtypes(npoints)) ! Par is only filled on the master, so use that one and put it in the seperate array if (xmaster) pointtypes = par%pointtypes ! Now for another ugly step, we can't broadcast the whole array but have to do it per variable. call xmpi_bcast(pointtypes,toall) ! so now everyone has the pointtypes, let's put it back in par ! first dereference the old one, otherwise we get a nasty error on ifort.... if (.not. xmaster) par%pointtypes => NULL() ! now we can allocate the memory again if (.not. xmaster) allocate(par%pointtypes(npoints)) ! and store the values from the local array if (.not. xmaster) par%pointtypes = pointtypes ! and clean up the local one. deallocate(pointtypes) if (xmaster) npoints = size(par%xpointsw) ! send it over call xmpi_bcast(npoints,toall) ! now on all nodes allocate a array outside the par structure allocate(xpointsw(npoints)) ! Par is only filled on the master, so use that one and put it in the seperate array if (xmaster) xpointsw = par%xpointsw ! Now for another ugly step, we can't broadcast the whole array but have to do it per variable. call xmpi_bcast(xpointsw,toall) ! so now everyone has the xpointsw, let's put it back in par ! first dereference the old one, otherwise we get a nasty error on ifort.... if (.not. xmaster) par%xpointsw => NULL() ! now we can allocate the memory again if (.not. xmaster) allocate(par%xpointsw(npoints)) ! and store the values from the local array if (.not. xmaster) par%xpointsw = xpointsw ! and clean up the local one. deallocate(xpointsw) if (xmaster) npoints = size(par%ypointsw) ! send it over call xmpi_bcast(npoints,toall) ! now on all nodes allocate a array outside the par structure allocate(ypointsw(npoints)) ! Par is only filled on the master, so use that one and put it in the seperate array if (xmaster) ypointsw = par%ypointsw ! Now for another ugly step, we can't broadcast the whole array but have to do it per variable. call xmpi_bcast(ypointsw,toall) ! so now everyone has the ypointsw, let's put it back in par ! first dereference the old one, otherwise we get a nasty error on ifort.... if (.not. xmaster) par%ypointsw => NULL() ! now we can allocate the memory again if (.not. xmaster) allocate(par%ypointsw(npoints)) ! and store the values from the local array if (.not. xmaster) par%ypointsw = ypointsw ! and clean up the local one. deallocate(ypointsw) return ! so, the following code is NOT used anymore. I left this here ! maybe method above does not work everywhere. wwvv ! For efficiency, this subroutine should use MPI_Pack and ! MPI_Unpack. However, since this subroutine is only called a ! few times, a more simple approach is used. ! !call xmpi_bcast(par%px) !call xmpi_bcast(par%Hrms) !.... end subroutine distribute_par #endif ! ! Some extra functions to make reading the output variables possible ! subroutine readglobalvars(par) use logging_module use mnemmodule implicit none type(parameters), intent(inout) :: par integer :: i if (xmaster) then if (par%nglobalvar == -1) then par%globalvars(1:21) = (/'H ', 'zs ', 'zs0 ', 'zb ', 'hh ', 'u ', 'v ', 'ue ',& 've ', 'urms ', 'Fx ', 'Fy ', 'ccg ', 'ceqsg', 'ceqbg', 'Susg ',& 'Svsg ', 'E ', 'R ', 'D ', 'DR ' /) par%nglobalvar = 21 elseif (par%nglobalvar == 999) then ! Output all par%nglobalvar = 0 do i=1,numvars ! Don't output variables that don't work (misalignment) if (mnemonics(i) .eq. 'xyzs01') then cycle elseif (mnemonics(i) .eq. 'xyzs02') then cycle elseif (mnemonics(i) .eq. 'xyzs03') then cycle elseif (mnemonics(i) .eq. 'xyzs04') then cycle elseif (mnemonics(i) .eq. 'tideinpz') then cycle !elseif (mnemonics(i) .eq. 'umean') then ! cycle !elseif (mnemonics(i) .eq. 'vmean') then ! cycle elseif (mnemonics(i) .eq. 'gw0back') then cycle elseif (mnemonics(i) .eq. 'zi') then cycle elseif (mnemonics(i) .eq. 'wi') then cycle elseif (mnemonics(i) .eq. 'tideinpz') then cycle end if par%globalvars(par%nglobalvar+1) = mnemonics(i) ! list of all s% variables par%nglobalvar = par%nglobalvar + 1 end do else ! User specified output ! Find nglobalvar keyword in params.txt call readOutputStrings(par,'global') end if ! globalvar end if ! xmaster end subroutine readglobalvars ! ! FB: ! Now for a long one, reading the point and rugauges output options ! Just moved this from varoutput, so it can be used in ncoutput also ! Keeping as much as possible local to the subroutine... ! It can be reduced a bit by combining points and rugauges ! also instead of nvarpoints it can use a ragged array: ! For example: ! ! The outputformat for points is xworld, yworld, nvars, var1#var2# ! Split for nrugauges and npoints ! This is a bit inconvenient because you have different sets of points ! I think it's more logical to get value per variable than per point.... ! So I read the data as follows: ! make a collection of all points ! store the types per point ! store all found variables in a combined list (not per point) ! So for each point all variables are stored ! ! TODO after some discussion with Robert we will change this to: ! Rugauges don't need any output variables other then zs, x, y, t ! Pointvars need a different input specification: ! npointvars=3 ! zs ! H ! u ! npoints=2 ! 3.0 2.0 ! 10.0 3.1 ! nrugauges=1 ! 4.1 3.2 ! Using the old notation should give a warning and an explanation what will be output. ! Tasks: ! Create tests: FB+RMC ! Implement npointvars, stop using vars in #: RMC ! Give error if # present in points: RMC ! Use fixed outputvars for rugauges: RMC ! Fix matlab read routines (toolbox + zelt): FB ! Reimplement rugauges in ncoutput: FB ! Update documentation: FB, check RMC subroutine readpointvars(par) use logging_module use mnemmodule use readkey_module implicit none type(parameters), intent(inout) :: par double precision, dimension(:),allocatable :: xpointsw,ypointsw integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: pointtypes integer :: i,j logical :: xzfound, yzfound, zsfound ! These "targets" must be allocated by all processes allocate(pointtypes(par%npoints+par%nrugauge)) allocate(xpointsw(par%npoints+par%nrugauge)) allocate(ypointsw(par%npoints+par%nrugauge)) if (xmaster) then ! set the point types to the indicator pointtypes(1:par%npoints)=0 pointtypes(par%npoints+1:par%npoints+par%nrugauge)=1 par%pointvars='' if (par%npoints>0) then call readPointPosition(par,'point',xpointsw,ypointsw) ! Is the keyword npointvar specified? if (isSetParameter('params.txt','npointvar',bcast=.false.)) then ! Look for keyword npointvar in params.txt call readOutputStrings(par,'point') else ! This branch of the else will change to a halt_program statement in later versions (written on 13 January 2011) call writelog('lswe','','Point output must be specified using keyword ''npointvar''') call writelog('lswe','','Stopping simulation') call halt_program endif ! isSetParameter endif ! par%npoints>0 if (par%nrugauge>0) then call readPointPosition(par,'rugauge',xpointsw,ypointsw) ! Make sure xz, yz and zs are in pointvars (default) xzfound = .false. yzfound = .false. zsfound = .false. do i=1,par%npointvar if (par%pointvars(i) .eq. 'xz') xzfound = .true. if (par%pointvars(i) .eq. 'yz') yzfound = .true. if (par%pointvars(i) .eq. 'zs') zsfound = .true. end do if (.not.xzfound) then par%pointvars(par%npointvar+1)='xz' par%npointvar = par%npointvar + 1 end if if (.not.yzfound) then par%pointvars(par%npointvar+1)='yz' par%npointvar = par%npointvar + 1 end if if (.not.zsfound) then par%pointvars(par%npointvar+1)='zs' par%npointvar = par%npointvar + 1 end if end if ! Now check all point and runup gauge names if(par%nrugauge+par%npoints>0) then do i=1,par%nrugauge+par%npoints-1 do j=i+1,par%nrugauge+par%npoints if(par%stationid(i)==par%stationid(j)) then call writelog('lswe','','Duplicate names used for point station ID:') call writelog('lswe','',par%stationid(i)) call writelog('lswe','','Stopping simulation') call halt_program endif enddo enddo endif ! Set pointers correct allocate(par%pointtypes(size(pointtypes))) allocate(par%xpointsw(size(xpointsw))) allocate(par%ypointsw(size(ypointsw))) par%pointtypes=pointtypes par%xpointsw= xpointsw par%ypointsw=ypointsw endif ! xmaster ! end subroutine readpointvars subroutine readmeans(par) use logging_module use mnemmodule implicit none type(parameters),intent(inout) :: par if (par%nmeanvar>0) then call readOutputStrings(par,'mean') endif end subroutine readmeans subroutine readOutputStrings(par,readtype) use logging_module use mnemmodule use readkey_module implicit none type(parameters), intent(inout) :: par character(*), intent(in) :: readtype character(slen) :: okline,errline character(slen) :: line,keyword,keyread character(slen+slen) :: tempout integer :: i,imax,id,ic,index,ier character(maxnamelen),dimension(numvars) :: tempnames imax = -123 select case (readtype) case ('global') imax = par%nglobalvar keyword = 'nglobalvar' okline = 'nglobalvar: Will generate global output for variable: ' errline = ' Unknown global output variable: ''' case ('mean') imax = par%nmeanvar keyword = 'nmeanvar' okline = 'nmeanvar: Will generate mean, min, max and variance output for variable: ' errline = ' Unknown mean output variable: ''' case ('point') imax = par%npointvar keyword = 'npointvar' okline = 'npointvar: Will generate point output for variable: ' errline = ' Unknown global output variable: ''' case ('rugauge') imax = 0 keyword = '' okline = '' errline = '' case default write(*,*)'Programming error calling readOutputStrings' write(*,*)'Unknown calling type ''',trim(readtype),'''' call halt_program end select tempnames='' if (xmaster) then id=0 open(10,file='params.txt') ! (this is done by xmaster only) do while (id == 0) read(10,'(a)',iostat=ier)line if (ier .ne. 0) then tempout = 'params.txt (looking for '//trim(keyword)//')' call report_file_read_error(tempout) endif ic=scan(line,'=') if (ic>0) then keyread=adjustl(line(1:ic-1)) if (keyread == keyword) id=1 endif enddo ! Read through the variables lines, do i=1,imax read(10,'(a)',iostat=ier)line if (ier .ne. 0) then tempout = 'params.txt (reading '//trim(keyword)//')' call report_file_read_error(tempout) endif line = line ! Check if this is a valid variable name index = chartoindex(line) if (index/=-1) then tempnames(i)=trim(line) ! wwvv use trim() to avoid compiler warning call writelog('ls','',trim(okline),trim(tempnames(i))) else call writelog('sle','',trim(errline),trim(line),'''') call halt_program endif end do close(10) endif ! only useful information on xmaster, but distributed later by distribute_pars select case (readtype) case ('global') par%globalvars=tempnames case ('mean') par%meanvars=tempnames case ('point') par%pointvars=tempnames call writelog('ls','','Order of point output variables stored in ''pointvars.idx''') case ('rugauge') ! no variables to store end select end subroutine readOutputStrings subroutine readPointPosition(par,readtype,xpoints,ypoints) use logging_module use mnemmodule use readkey_module implicit none type(parameters), intent(inout) :: par character(*), intent(in) :: readtype double precision, dimension(:),intent(inout) :: xpoints,ypoints character(slen) :: line,keyword,keyread,varline character(maxnamelen) :: varstr character(slen) :: fullline,errmes1,errmes2,okaymes integer :: i,imax,id,ic,imark,imarkold,imin,nvar,ivar,index,j,ier,ier2 logical :: varfound,readerror imin = 0 imax = 0 select case (readtype) case('point') imin = 0 imax = par%npoints keyword = 'npoints' errmes1 = ' points ' errmes2 = 'State point output variables using the "npointvar" keyword' okaymes = ' Output point ' case('rugauge') imin = par%npoints imax = par%nrugauge keyword = 'nrugauge' errmes1 = ' runup gauge ' errmes2 = 'Runup gauge automatically returns t,xz,yz and zs only' okaymes = ' Output runup gauge ' case default write(*,*)'Programming error calling readOutputStrings' write(*,*)'Unknown calling type ''',trim(readtype),'''' call halt_program end select if (xmaster) then id=0 open(10,file='params.txt') ! (this is done by xmaster only) do while (id == 0) read(10,'(a)')line ic=scan(line,'=') if (ic>0) then keyread=adjustl(line(1:ic-1)) if (keyread == keyword) id=1 endif enddo ! Read positions do i=1,imax read(10,'(a)')fullline ! remove tab characters fullline = strippedline(fullline) ! Check params.txt has old (unsupported) method of defining points ic=scan(fullline,'#') if (ic .ne. 0) then ! This branch of the if/else will change to a halt_program statement in later versions ! (written on 13 January 2011) call writelog('lswe','','Error in definition of point output.') call writelog('lswe','','Use of #var1#var2#etc. is no longer valid') call writelog('lswe','','Stopping simulation') call halt_program else ! not old method of setting point output read(fullline,*,iostat=ier)xpoints(i+imin),ypoints(i+imin),par%stationid(i+imin) ! error checking if(ier==0) then ! all fine readerror=.false. elseif(ier==-1) then ! line is too short, probably missing name of station ! try reading just the coordinates read(fullline,*,iostat=ier2)xpoints(i+imin),ypoints(i+imin) if (ier2==0) then ! coordinates okay, just name missing select case (readtype) case('point') write(par%stationid(i+imin),'("point",i0.3)') i case('rugauge') write(par%stationid(i+imin),'("rugau",i0.3)') i end select readerror=.false. else readerror=.true. endif else readerror=.true. endif if(readerror) then ! Error reading point/rugauge input. Stop select case (readtype) case('point') call writelog('lswe','','Error reading output point location/name in the following line in params.txt:') case('rugauge') call writelog('lswe','','Error reading runup gauge location/name in the following line in params.txt:') end select call writelog('lswe','',trim(fullline)) call writelog('lswe','','Stopping simulation') call halt_program else call writelog('ls','(a,a,a,f0.2,a,f0.2)',& trim(okaymes),trim(par%stationid(i+imin)),' xpoint: ',& xpoints(i+imin),' ypoint: ',ypoints(i+imin)) endif endif ! old method of point output enddo close(10) endif end subroutine readPointPosition end module params