This directory contains the binary (release) distribution of HDF5 1.8.1 that was compiled on an Intel PC running Windows XP, using Visual Studio 2005/Intel Fortran 9.1. It was built with the following options: -- C/C++/Fortran libraries, both static and shared -- SZIP (encoder enabled) and ZLIB -- Static and shared HDF5 tools The contents of this directory are: COMPILE.txt - Instructions for using binaries COPYING.txt - Copyright notice INSTALL_Windows.txt - Install instructions from the source code. Section IV discusses how to compile an application README.txt - This file RELEASE.txt - Detailed information regarding this release bin\ - HDF5 static Utilities bindll\ - HDF5 shared Utilities dll\ - HDF5 dlls include\ - HDF5 include files lib\ - HDF5 libraries modsdll\ - HDF5 Fortran modules The binaries were built with ZLIB compression enabled (zlib 1.2.3). Therefore you MUST link with the GNU ZLIB library when compiling with these binaries. We provide the pre-compiled binary distribution for Windows for ZLIB 1.2.3 from our ftp server at: These binaries were also built with SZIP 2.1 compression (encoder ENABLED). When compiling with these binaries, you must link with the SZIP library. Information regarding SZIP can be found at: You can obtain the SZIP source code and binaries from our ftp server at: Source code can be found on the THG ftp server in: Please send questions, comments, and suggestions to: