Instructions for Compiling with the Pre-Compiled Libraries and DLLs (Visual Studio 2005) ============================================================================ NOTE: ---- The zlib 1.2.3 and szip libraries are NOT included with the HDF5 software. You must obtain them separately. You can obtain them from the HDF ftp server at: Extract the files into a working directory, and copy szlibdll.dll and zlib.dll into the C:\Windows\SYSTEM directory. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Static Libraries: ---------------- Bring up Microsoft Visual Studio 2005. Select File->New->Project. Then select to create a "Win32->Win32 Console Project" and enter a name. Select File->Open->File..., and open up a C program. Select Project->Properties->Linker->Input Enter "zlibdll.lib zlib1.lib hdf5.lib" at the beginning of the "Addtional Dependencies" line. Select Tools->Options->Directories->Projects. Select "Include Files" under "Show directories for". Enter the paths for the HDF5, szip and zlib include files. Then select "Library Files" under "Show directories for". Enter the paths for the HDF5, szip and zlib libraries. Select Build->Build Solution. Select Debug->Start Debugging. DLLs: ---- Copy the hdf5dll.dll, zlib.dll, and szlibdll.dll files from the location in the HDF5, szip, and zlib binary distribution to the C:\Windows\SYSTEM directory. Bring up Microsft Visual Studio 2005. Select File->New->Project. Then select to create a "Win32->Win32 Console Project" and enter a name. Select File->Open->File..., and open up a C program. Select Project->Properties->Linker->Input Enter "szlibdll.lib zlib1.lib hdf5dll.lib" at the beginning of the "Addtional Dependencies" line. Select Project->Properties->C/C++ Under Preprocessor Definitions, add: _HDF5USEDLL_ Select Tools->Options->Directories->Projects. Select "Include Files" under "Show directories for". Enter the include paths for the HDF5, szip and zlib include files. Then select "Library Files" under "Show directories for". Enter the library paths for the HDF5 DLL, zlib and szip libraries. Select Build->Build Solution. Select Debug->Start Debugging. High Level Library --- You will need to specify the high level library in addition to the HDF5 libraries. The high level library should be listed after the HDF5 library, as follows: Select Project->Properties->Linker->Input Enter "szlibdll.lib zlib1.lib hdf5dll.lib hdf5_hl.lib" at the beginning of the "Addtional Dependencies" line. You will also need to add the paths of the HDF5 high level include files and libraries, similar to what was done with the HDF5 libraries: Select Tools->Options->Directories. Select "Include Files" under "Show directories for". Enter the include path for the HDF5 high level include files. Then select "Library Files" under "Show directories for". Enter the library path for the HDF5 high level library. If using the high level DLLs, copy the high level HDF5 DLLS to the C:\Windows\SYSTEM directory, and include the library path to the HDF5 high level DLLs under Tools->Options->Directories. You will also need to define the preprocessor "_HDF5USEHLDLL_". C++ Library --- You will need to specify the C++ library in addition to the HDF5 libraries. The C++ library should be listed after the HDF5 library, as follows: Select Project->Properties->Linker->Input Enter "szlibdll.lib zlib1.lib hdf5dll.lib hdf5_cpp.lib" at the beginning of the "Addtional Dependencies" line. You will also need to add the paths of the HDF5 C++ include files and libraries, similar to what was done with the HDF5 libraries: Select Tools->Options->Directories. Select "Include Files" under "Show directories for". Enter the include path for the HDF5 C++ include files. Then select "Library Files" under "Show directories for". Enter the library path for the HDF5 C++ library. If using the C++ DLLs, copy the C++ HDF5 DLLS to the C:\Windows\SYSTEM directory, and include the library path to the HDF5 C++ DLLs under Tools->Options->Directories. You will also need to define the preprocessor "HDF5CPP_USEDLL". High-Level C++ Library --- You will need to specify the HL C++ library in addition to the HDF5, High-level and C++ libraries. The HL C++ library should be listed after the other HDF5 libraries, as follows: Select Project->Properties->Linker->Input Enter "szlibdll.lib zlib1.lib hdf5dll.lib hdf5_cpp.lib hdf5_hl.lib hdf5_hl_cpp.lib" at the beginning of the "Addtional Dependencies" line. You will also need to add the paths of the HDF5 HL C++ include files and libraries, similar to what was done with the HDF5 libraries: Select Tools->Options->Directories. Select "Include Files" under "Show directories for". Enter the include path for the HDF5, HDF5 HL, and HDF5 HL C++ include files. Then select "Library Files" under "Show directories for". Enter the library path for the HDF5, HDF5 HL, and HDF5 HL C++ libraries. If using the HL C++ DLLs, copy the HL C++ HDF5 DLLS to the C:\Windows\SYSTEM directory, and include the library path to the HDF5 HL C++ DLLs under Tools->Options->Directories. You will also need to define the preprocessor "HDF5USE_HLCPPDLL". Fortran --- You will need to specify the Fortran library in addition to the HDF5 libraries. The Fortran library should be listed after the HDF5 library, as follows: Select Project->Properties->Linker->Input Enter "szlibdll.lib zlib1.lib hdf5dll.lib hdf5_fortran.lib" at the beginning of the "Addtional Dependencies" line. You will also need to add the paths of the HDF5 Fortran include files and libraries, similar to what was done with the HDF5 libraries: Select Tools->Options->Directories. Select "Include Files" under "Show directories for". Enter the include path for the HDF5 Fortran include files. Then select "Library Files" under "Show directories for". Enter the library path for the HDF5 Fortran library. If using the Fortran DLLs, copy the Fortran HDF5 DLLS to the C:\Windows\SYSTEM directory, and include the library path to the HDF5 Fortran DLLs under Tools->Options->Directories. You will also need to define the preprocessor "HDF5FORT_CSTUB_USEDLL". High-Level Fortran Library --- You will need to specify the HL Fortran library in addition to the HDF5, High-level and Fortran libraries. The HL Fortran library should be listed after the other HDF5 libraries, as follows: Select Project->Properties->Linker->Input Enter "szlibdll.lib zlib1.lib hdf5dll.lib hdf5_fortran.lib hdf5_hl.lib hdf5_hl_fortran.lib" at the beginning of the "Addtional Dependencies" line. You will also need to add the paths of the HDF5 HL Fortran include files and libraries, similar to what was done with the HDF5 libraries: Select Tools->Options->Directories. Select "Include Files" under "Show directories for". Enter the include path for the HDF5, HDF5 HL, and HDF5 HL Fortran include files. Then select "Library Files" under "Show directories for". Enter the library path for the HDF5, HDF5 HL, and HDF5 HL Fortran libraries. If using the HL Fortran DLLs, copy the HL Fortran HDF5 DLLS to the C:\Windows\SYSTEM directory, and include the library path to the HDF5 HL Fortran DLLs under Tools->Options->Directories. You will also need to define the preprocessor "HDF5USE_HLF90CSTUBDLL". ----- For more detailed instructions, please see the included INSTALL_Windows.txt.