module boundaryconditions contains subroutine wave_bc(sg,sl,par) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! Copyright (C) 2007 UNESCO-IHE, WL|Delft Hydraulics and Delft University ! ! Dano Roelvink, Ap van Dongeren, Ad Reniers, Jamie Lescinski, ! ! Jaap van Thiel de Vries, Robert McCall ! ! ! ! ! ! UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education ! ! P.O. Box 3015 ! ! 2601 DA Delft ! ! The Netherlands ! ! ! ! This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ! ! modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public ! ! License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either ! ! version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ! ! ! ! This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ! ! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ! ! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ! ! Lesser General Public License for more details. ! ! ! ! You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public ! ! License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software ! ! Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 ! ! USA ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! use params use waveparams use spaceparams use interp use wave_functions_module use xmpi_module use readkey_module use logging_module use spectral_wave_bc_module IMPLICIT NONE type(spacepars), target :: sg, sl type(spacepars), pointer :: s type(parameters) :: par type(waveparameters),save :: wp integer, save :: nt integer :: i,new,reclen,wordsize integer, save :: old integer, save :: recpos, curline integer :: j integer :: itheta integer :: E_idx real*8 :: E1,ei,dum,Hm0, dum1, spreadpar, bcdur, dum2 real*8, save :: dtbcfile,rt,bcendtime real*8 :: em,tshifted,tnew real*8, save :: Emean,Llong real*8,dimension(:) ,allocatable,save :: e01 ! [J/m2/rad] directional distribution of wave energy at boundary real*8,dimension(:) ,allocatable,save :: fac1,fac2 real*8,dimension(:) ,allocatable,save :: tE,dataE,databi real*8,dimension(:,:) ,allocatable,save :: ht real*8,dimension(:,:) ,allocatable,save :: q1,q2,q real*8,dimension(:) ,allocatable,save :: wcrestpos real*8,dimension(:,:) ,allocatable,save :: ee1, ee2 real*8,dimension(:,:) ,allocatable,save :: gq1,gq2,gq real*8,dimension(:,:) ,allocatable,save :: gee1, gee2 character*1 :: bl character(256) :: ebcfname,qbcfname,fname real*8 :: E0 real*8,dimension(:),allocatable,save :: dist,factor logical :: startbcf include 's.ind' s=>sl #ifndef USEMPI s=>sg #endif include 's.inp' if (.not. allocated(fac1)) then allocate(ht (2,ny+1)) allocate(fac1 (nx)) allocate(fac2 (nx)) allocate(e01(1:ntheta)) allocate(dist(1:ntheta)) allocate(factor(1:ntheta)) allocate(wcrestpos(nx+1)) endif ! ! GENERATE AND READ-IN WAVE BOUNDARY CONDITIONS ! ! added for bound long wave comp Ad 28 march 2006 dtheta = par%dtheta*par%px/180 startbcf=.false. if(abs(par%t-par%dt)<1.d-6) then if (xmaster) then call writelog('ls','','Setting up boundary conditions') endif startbcf=.true. ! trigger read from bcf for instat 3,4,5,7 bcendtime=huge(0.0d0) ! initial assumption for instat 3,4,5,7 if (trim(par%instat)=='ts_1') then if(xmaster) then open( unit=7, file='bc/gen.ezs') endif if (xmaster) then 5 continue read(7,'(a)')bl if(bl.eq.'*') goto 5 read(7,*)nt endif #ifdef USEMPI call xmpi_bcast(nt) #endif allocate(dataE (nt)) allocate(tE (nt)) do i=1,nt if(xmaster) then read(7,*) tE(i),dum,dataE(i) endif #ifdef USEMPI call xmpi_bcast(tE(i)) call xmpi_bcast(dataE(i)) #endif end do if (xmaster) then close(7) endif Emean=sum(dataE)/nt elseif (trim(par%instat)=='ts_2') then if (xmaster) then open( unit=7, file='bc/gen.ezs') 6 continue read(7,'(a)')bl if(bl.eq.'*') goto 6 read(7,*)nt endif #ifdef USEMPI call xmpi_bcast(nt) #endif allocate(dataE (nt)) allocate(databi (nt)) allocate(tE (nt)) do i=1,nt if(xmaster) then read(7,*) tE(i),databi(i),dataE(i) endif #ifdef USEMPI call xmpi_bcast(tE(i)) call xmpi_bcast(databi(i)) call xmpi_bcast(dataE(i)) #endif end do if (xmaster) then close(7) endif Emean=sum(dataE)/nt elseif (trim(par%instat)=='stat_table') then if (xmaster) then fname = readkey_name('params.txt','bcfile',bcast=.false.) ! call checkbcfilelength(par,fname) open( unit=7, file=fname) ! open( unit=7, file='jonswap1.txt') read(7,*) Hm0, par%Trep,par%dir0, dum1, spreadpar, bcendtime, dum2 par%Hrms = Hm0/sqrt(2.d0) par%m = 0.5d0*spreadpar if (par%morfacopt==1) bcendtime=bcendtime/max(par%morfac,1.d0) theta0=(1.5d0*par%px-alfa)-par%dir0*atan(1.d0)/45.d0 if (theta0>par%px) theta0=theta0-2*par%px if (theta0<-par%px) theta0=theta0+2*par%px endif par%newstatbc=1 #ifdef USEMPI call xmpi_bcast(bcendtime) call xmpi_bcast(par%Hrms) call xmpi_bcast(par%Trep) call xmpi_bcast(par%m) call xmpi_bcast(theta0) #endif do itheta=1,ntheta sigt(:,:,itheta) = 2.d0*par%px/par%Trep end do sigm = sum(sigt,3)/ntheta call dispersion(par,s) elseif ((trim(par%instat)=='jons'.or.trim(par%instat)=='jons_table').and.xmaster) then ! wp is not saved and we only know about the current line which is called listline in wp.... if (par%wbcversion<3) then wp%listline = curline call makebcf(par,sg,wp) curline = wp%listline else call spectral_wave_bc(sg,par,curline) endif elseif (trim(par%instat)=='swan'.and.xmaster) then if (par%wbcversion<3) then wp%listline = curline call makebcf(par,sg,wp) curline = wp%listline else call spectral_wave_bc(sg,par,curline) endif elseif (trim(par%instat)=='vardens'.and.xmaster) then if (par%wbcversion<3) then wp%listline = curline call makebcf(par,sg,wp) curline = wp%listline else call spectral_wave_bc(sg,par,curline) endif elseif (trim(par%instat)=='reuse'.and.xmaster) then if (par%wbcversion<3) then wp%listline=1 curline = wp%listline else curline = 1 endif elseif (trim(par%instat)=='nonh'.and.xmaster) then call velocity_Boundary(ui(1,:),zi(1,:),wi(1,:),nx,ny,par%t,zs,ws) endif ! ! Directional distribution ! if( trim(par%instat)=='stat' .or. & trim(par%instat)=='bichrom' .or. & trim(par%instat)=='ts_1' .or. & trim(par%instat)=='ts_2' .or. & trim(par%instat)=='stat_table' & )then dist=(cos(theta-theta0))**par%m do i=1,ntheta if(cos(theta(i)-theta0)<0.d0) then dist(i)=0.0d0 end if end do if (trim(par%instat)=='ts_1' .or. trim(par%instat)=='ts_2') then par%Hrms=sqrt(8*Emean/(par%rho*par%g)) endif E0=par%rhog8*par%Hrms**2 ! energy density distribution if (sum(dist)>0.d0) then factor = (dist/sum(dist))/dtheta else factor=0.d0 endif e01 = factor*E0; e01 = max(e01,0.0d0); !if (abs(theta0)<1.d-9) theta0=1.d-9 ! Dano Llong=par%Tlong*cg(1,1)/cos(theta0) Llong=par%Tlong*cg(1,1) endif if (xmaster) then call writelog('sl','','Boundary conditions complete, starting computation') endif end if if (par%t .ge. bcendtime) then ! Recalculate bcf-file if (trim(par%instat)=='stat_table') then if (xmaster) then call writelog('ls','','Reading new wave conditions') read(7,*) Hm0, par%Trep,par%dir0, dum1, spreadpar, bcdur, dum2 par%Hrms = Hm0/sqrt(2.d0) par%m = 0.5d0*spreadpar if (par%morfacopt==1) then bcendtime=bcendtime+bcdur/max(par%morfac,1.d0) else bcendtime=bcendtime+bcdur endif theta0=(1.5d0*par%px-alfa)-par%dir0*atan(1.d0)/45.d0 endif par%newstatbc=1 #ifdef USEMPI call xmpi_bcast(bcendtime) call xmpi_bcast(par%Hrms) call xmpi_bcast(par%Trep) call xmpi_bcast(par%m) call xmpi_bcast(theta0) #endif do itheta=1,ntheta sigt(:,:,itheta) = 2*par%px/par%Trep end do sigm = sum(sigt,3)/ntheta call dispersion(par,s) dist=(cos(theta-theta0))**par%m do i=1,ntheta if(abs(theta(i)-theta0)>par%px/2.d0) then dist(i)=0 end if end do E0=par%rhog8*par%Hrms**2 ! energy density distribution if (sum(dist)>0.d0) then factor = (dist/sum(dist))/dtheta else factor=0.d0 endif e01 = factor*E0; e01 = max(e01,0.0d0); elseif ((trim(par%instat)=='jons' .or. trim(par%instat)=='jons_table').and.xmaster) then ! if ((par%instat==4.or.par%instat==41).and.xmaster) then close(71) close(72) if (par%wbcversion<3) then wp%listline = curline call makebcf(par,sg,wp) curline = wp%listline else call spectral_wave_bc(sg,par,curline) endif startbcf=.true. elseif (trim(par%instat)=='swan'.and.xmaster) then close(71) close(72) if (par%wbcversion<3) then wp%listline = curline call makebcf(par,sg,wp) curline = wp%listline else call spectral_wave_bc(sg,par,curline) endif startbcf=.true. elseif (trim(par%instat)=='vardens'.and.xmaster) then close(71) close(72) if (par%wbcversion<3) then wp%listline = curline call makebcf(par,sg,wp) curline = wp%listline else call spectral_wave_bc(sg,par,curline) endif startbcf=.true. elseif (trim(par%instat)=='reuse'.and.xmaster) then close(71) close(72) startbcf=.true. if (par%t <= (par%tstop-par%dt)) then curline = curline + 1 end if end if #ifdef USEMPI call xmpi_bcast(startbcf) #endif end if ! ! COMPUTE WAVE BOUNDARY CONDITIONS CURRENT TIMESTEP ! ! instat = 0 or 40 => stationary wave conditions ! instat = 1 => wave energy fluctuations associated with Tlong in params.txt; bound long wave from LHS 1962 ! instat = 2 => wave energy time series from Gen.ezs; bound long wave from LHS 1962 ! instat = 3 => wave energy time series and (bound) long waves from Gen.ezs ! instat = 4 or 41 => directional wave energy time series for Jonswap spectrum from user specified file; bound long wave from van Dongeren, 19?? ! instat = 5 => directional wave energy time series from SWAN 2D spectrum file; bound long wave from van Dongeren, 19?? ! instat = 6 => directional wave energy time series from spectrum file; bound long wave from van Dongeren, 19?? ! instat = 7 => as instat = 4/5/6; reading from previously computed wave boundary condition file. if (trim(par%instat)=='stat' .or. trim(par%instat)=='stat_table') then do j=1,ny+1 ee(1,j,:)=e01*min(par%t/par%taper,1.0d0) bi(1) = 0.0d0 ui(1,j) = 0.0d0 end do elseif (trim(par%instat)=='bichrom') then do j=1,ny+1 ee(1,j,:)=e01*0.5d0 * & (1.d0+cos(2*par%px*(par%t/par%Tlong-( sin(theta0)*(yz(1,j)-yz(1,1)) & !jaap : -sum(alfaz(1,1:j))/j +cos(theta0)*(xz(1,j)-xz(1,1)) )/Llong))) * & !jaap: -sum(alfaz(1,1:j))/j min(par%t/par%taper,1.d0) em = (sum(0.5d0*e01))*dtheta *min(par%t/par%taper,1.d0) ei = sum(ee(1,j,1:ntheta))*dtheta bi(1) = -(2*cg(1,j)/c(1,j)-0.5d0)*(em-ei)/(cg(1,j)**2-par%g*hh(1,j))/par%rho ht=zs0(1:2,:)-zb(1:2,:) ui(1,j) = cg(1,j)*bi(1)/ht(1,j)*cos(theta0-alfaz(1,j)) end do elseif (trim(par%instat)=='ts_1') then do j=1,ny+1 if (abs(theta0-sum(alfaz(1,1:j))/j)<1e-3) then call linear_interp(tE,dataE,nt,par%t,E1,E_idx) else ! tshifted=max(par%t-(yz(1,j)-yz(1,1))*sin(theta0)/cg(1,1),0.d0) ! jaap this does not work for curvi code tshifted = max(par%t-(yz(1,j)-yz(1,1))*sin(theta0)/cg(1,1) & !-sum(alfaz(1,1:j))/j +(xz(1,j)-xz(1,1))*cos(theta0)/cg(1,1),0.d0) !-sum(alfaz(1,1:j))/j call linear_interp(tE,dataE,nt,tshifted,E1,E_idx) endif ee(1,j,:)=e01*E1/max(Emean,0.000001d0)*min(par%t/par%taper,1.d0) em = Emean *min(par%t/par%taper,1.d0) ei = sum(ee(1,j,:))*dtheta bi(1) = -(2*cg(1,j)/c(1,j)-0.5d0)*(em-ei)/(cg(1,j)**2-par%g*hh(1,j))/par%rho ht=zs0(1:2,:)-zb(1:2,:) ui(1,j) = cg(1,j)*bi(1)/ht(1,j)*cos(theta0-alfaz(1,j)) end do elseif (trim(par%instat)=='ts_2') then ht=zs0(1:2,:)-zb(1:2,:) !ht = zsmean(1:2,:)-zb(1:2,:) do j=1,ny+1 if (abs(theta0-sum(alfaz(1,1:j))/j)<1e-3) then call linear_interp(tE,dataE,nt,par%t,E1,E_idx) call linear_interp(tE,databi,nt,par%t,bi(1),E_idx) else ! tshifted=max(par%t-(yz(1,j)-yz(1,1))*sin(theta0)/cg(1,1),0.d0) ! jaap this does not work for curvi code tshifted = max(par%t-(yz(1,j)-yz(1,1))*sin(theta0)/cg(1,1) & !-sum(alfaz(1,1:j))/j +(xz(1,j)-xz(1,1))*cos(theta0)/cg(1,1),0.d0) !-sum(alfaz(1,1:j))/j call linear_interp(tE,dataE,nt,tshifted,E1,E_idx) call linear_interp(tE,databi,nt,tshifted,bi(1),E_idx) endif ee(1,j,:)=e01*E1/max(Emean,0.000001d0)*min(par%t/par%taper,1.d0) if (par%freewave==1) then ui(1,j) = sqrt(par%g/ht(1,j))*bi(1) else ui(1,j) = cg(1,j)*bi(1)/ht(1,j)*cos(theta0-alfaz(1,j))*min(par%t/par%taper,1.d0) endif end do elseif ( (trim(par%instat)=='jons').or. & (trim(par%instat)=='jons_table').or. & (trim(par%instat)=='swan') .or. & (trim(par%instat)=='vardens') .or. & (trim(par%instat)=='reuse') & ) then ! open file if first time if (startbcf) then if(xmaster) then open(53,file='ebcflist.bcf',form='formatted',position='rewind') open(54,file='qbcflist.bcf',form='formatted',position='rewind') endif if (xmaster) then do i=1,curline read(53,*)bcendtime,rt,dtbcfile,par%Trep,s%theta0,ebcfname read(54,*)bcendtime,rt,dtbcfile,par%Trep,s%theta0,qbcfname enddo ! wwvv strange endif #ifdef USEMPI call xmpi_bcast(bcendtime) call xmpi_bcast(rt) call xmpi_bcast(dtbcfile) call xmpi_bcast(par%Trep) call xmpi_bcast(theta0) call xmpi_bcast(ebcfname) #endif if (xmaster) then close(53) close(54) endif ! Robert and Jaap : Initialize for new wave conditions ! par%Trep = par%Trep ! par%omega = 2*par%px/par%Trep do itheta=1,ntheta sigt(:,:,itheta) = 2*par%px/par%Trep end do sigm = sum(sigt,3)/ntheta call dispersion(par,s) ! End initialize if (xmaster) then inquire(iolength=wordsize) 1.d0 reclen=wordsize*(sg%ny+1)*(sg%ntheta) open(71,file=ebcfname,status='old',form='unformatted',access='direct',recl=reclen) reclen=wordsize*((sg%ny+1)*4) open(72,file=qbcfname,status='old',form='unformatted',access='direct',recl=reclen) endif ! ! wwvv note that we need the global value of ny here ! ! masterprocess reads and distributes ! if (xmaster) then if (.not. allocated(gq1) ) then allocate(gq1(sg%ny+1,4),gq2(sg%ny+1,4),gq(sg%ny+1,4)) allocate(gee1(sg%ny+1,ntheta),gee2(sg%ny+1,ntheta)) endif else if (.not. allocated(gq1) ) then ! to get valid addresses for ! gq1, gq2, gq, gee1, gee2 allocate(gq1(1,4),gq2(1,4),gq(1,4)) allocate(gee1(1,ntheta),gee2(1,ntheta)) endif endif if (.not. allocated(q1) ) then allocate(q1(ny+1,4),q2(ny+1,4),q(ny+1,4)) allocate(ee1(ny+1,ntheta),ee2(ny+1,ntheta)) end if if (xmaster) then read(71,rec=1)gee1 ! Earlier in time read(71,rec=2)gee2 ! Later in time read(72,rec=1)gq1 ! Earlier in time read(72,rec=2)gq2 ! Later in time endif #ifdef USEMPI ! ! wwvv todo ! would be cleaner if we had defined general subroutines ! for this in spaceparams ! call space_distribute("y",sl,gee1,ee1) call space_distribute("y",sl,gee2,ee2) call space_distribute("y",sl,gq1,q1) call space_distribute("y",sl,gq2,q2) #else ee1=gee1 ee2=gee2 q1=gq1 q2=gq2 #endif old=floor((par%t/dtbcfile)+1) recpos=1 end if new=floor((par%t/dtbcfile)+1) ! Check for next level in boundary condition file if (new/=old) then recpos=recpos+(new-old) ! Check for how many bcfile steps are jumped if (new-old>1) then ! Many steps further in the bc file if(xmaster) then read(72,rec=recpos+1)gq2 read(71,rec=recpos+1)gee2 read(72,rec=recpos)gq1 read(71,rec=recpos)gee1 endif #ifdef USEMPI call space_distribute("y",sl,gee2,ee2) call space_distribute("y",sl,gq2,q2) call space_distribute("y",sl,gee1,ee1) call space_distribute("y",sl,gq1,q1) #else ee1=gee1 ee2=gee2 q1=gq2 q2=gq2 #endif else ! Only one step further in the bc file ee1=ee2 q1=q2 if(xmaster) then read(72,rec=recpos+1)gq2 read(71,rec=recpos+1)gee2 endif #ifdef USEMPI call space_distribute("y",sl,gee2,ee2) call space_distribute("y",sl,gq2,q2) #else ee2=gee2 q2=gq2 #endif endif old=new end if ht=zs0(1:2,:)-zb(1:2,:) tnew = dble(new)*dtbcfile ee(1,:,:) = (dtbcfile-(tnew-par%t))/dtbcfile*ee2 + & !Jaap (tnew-par%t)/dtbcfile*ee1 q = (dtbcfile-(tnew-par%t))/dtbcfile*q2 + & !Jaap (tnew-par%t)/dtbcfile*q1 ui(1,:) = q(:,1)/ht(1,:)*min(par%t/par%taper,1.0d0) vi(1,:) = q(:,2)/ht(1,:)*min(par%t/par%taper,1.0d0) ee(1,:,:)=ee(1,:,:)*min(par%t/par%taper,1.0d0) elseif (trim(par%instat)=='nonh'.and.xmaster) then call velocity_Boundary(ui(1,:),zi(1,:),wi(1,:),nx,ny,par%t,zs,ws) else if (xmaster) then call writelog('lse','', 'instat = ',trim(par%instat), ' invalid option') endif call halt_program endif ! Jaap: set incoming short wave energy to zero ee(1,:,:) = par%swave*ee(1,:,:) ! Jaap set incoming long waves to zero ui = par%lwave*(par%order-1.d0)*ui ! wwvv need to communicate ui here, it is used later on in this ! subroutine #ifdef USEMPI call xmpi_shift(ui,'1:') ! wwvv also fill in ee(1,:,:) call xmpi_shift(ee,'1:') #endif end subroutine wave_bc !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! ! FLOW BOUNDARY CONDITIONS ! subroutine flow_bc(s,par) use params use spaceparams use interp use xmpi_module IMPLICIT NONE type(spacepars), target :: s type(parameters) :: par integer :: i,j,jj,j1,indt real*8 :: alphanew,vert,dzs0dy,windxnow,windynow,factime real*8 , dimension(2) :: xzs0,yzs0,szs0 real*8 , dimension(:,:) ,allocatable,save :: zs0old,dzs0 real*8 , dimension(:,:) ,allocatable,save :: ht,beta,betanp1 real*8 , dimension(:) ,allocatable,save :: bn,alpha2,thetai real*8 , dimension(:,:) ,allocatable,save :: dhdx,dhdy,dvdx,dvdy real*8 , dimension(:,:) ,allocatable,save :: dbetadx,dbetady,dvudy real*8 , dimension(:) ,allocatable,save :: inv_ht include 's.ind' include 's.inp' if (.not. allocated(ht)) then allocate(ht (2,ny+1)) allocate(dhdx (2,ny+1)) allocate(dhdy (2,ny+1)) ! wwvv not used allocate(dvdx (2,ny+1)) ! wwvv not used allocate(dvdy (2,ny+1)) allocate(dvudy (1,ny+1)) ! wwvv not used allocate(inv_ht (ny+1)) allocate(dbetadx (2,ny+1)) allocate(dbetady (2,ny+1)) allocate(beta (2,ny+1)) allocate(dzs0 (2,ny+1)) allocate(bn (ny+1)) allocate(alpha2 (ny+1)) allocate(thetai (ny+1)) allocate(betanp1 (1,ny+1)) allocate(zs0old(nx+1,ny+1)) ! wwvv not used ! initialize zsmean and dzs0 zsmean(1,:) = zs(1,:) zsmean(2,:) = zs(nx,:) umean = uu vmean = vv dzs0 = 0.d0 thetai = 0.d0 endif ! Super fast 1D if (ny==0) then j1 = 1 else j1 = 2 endif ! factime=1.d0/par%cats/par%Trep*par%dt !Jaap: not used anymore ! jaap: compute epsi based on offshore boundary conditions if epsi = -1 if (par%epsi==-1.d0) then if (par%swave==1) then factime = 1.d0/par%cats/par%Trep*par%dt else ! need to do something here factime = 1.d0/60*par%dt endif else factime = par%epsi endif ! Arnold en Jaap: zsmean zsmean(1,:) = factime*zs(1,:)+(1-factime)*zsmean(1,:) zsmean(2,:) = factime*zs(nx,:)+(1-factime)*zsmean(2,:) !allocate(szs0(1:2)) ! wwvv changed this, now defined as an automatic array !allocate(yzs0(1:2)) ! ! Sea boundary at x=0; ! ! ! UPDATE TIDE AND SURGE ! ! Need to interpolate input tidal signal to xbeach par%t to ! compute proper tide contribution if (par%tideloc>0) then ! Jaap zs0old = zs0 ! read in first water surface time series call LINEAR_INTERP(s%tideinpt, s%tideinpz(:,1), s%tidelen, par%t, s%zs01, indt) if(par%tideloc.eq.1) then s%zs02=s%zs01 end if ! tideloc = 2, paulrevere = land if(par%tideloc.eq.2 .and. trim(par%paulrevere)=='land') then ! read in second water surface time series call LINEAR_INTERP(s%tideinpt, s%tideinpz(:,2), s%tidelen, par%t, s%zs03, indt) s%zs02=s%zs01 ! second offshore corner is equal to first offshore corner s%zs04=s%zs03 ! second bay corner is equal to first bay corner endif ! tideloc = 2, paulrevere = sea if(par%tideloc.eq.2 .and. trim(par%paulrevere)=='sea') then call LINEAR_INTERP(s%tideinpt, s%tideinpz(:,2), s%tidelen, par%t, s%zs02, indt) ! no timeseries at bay side, (and two different timeseries at offshore corners) s%zs03=0.d0 s%zs04=0.d0 endif ! tideloc = 4: for each corner individual timeseries if(par%tideloc.eq.4) then call LINEAR_INTERP(s%tideinpt, s%tideinpz(:,2), s%tidelen, par%t, s%zs02, indt) call LINEAR_INTERP(s%tideinpt, s%tideinpz(:,3), s%tidelen, par%t, s%zs03, indt) call LINEAR_INTERP(s%tideinpt, s%tideinpz(:,4), s%tidelen, par%t, s%zs04, indt) endif ! ! from here on set global variable zs0 ! if(par%tideloc.eq.1) s%zs0 = s%zs01 if(par%tideloc.eq.2 .and. trim(par%paulrevere)=='sea') then yzs0(1)=ndist(1,1) yzs0(2)=ndist(1,ny+1) ! for MPI look at water level gradient over each subdomain ! lonsghore water level difference over whole model domain at offshore boundary dzs0dy = (s%zs02-s%zs01)/(s%xyzs02(2)-s%xyzs01(2)); ! estimate water level at corners sub-domain szs0(1)=s%zs01+dzs0dy*(yzs0(1)-s%xyzs01(2)) szs0(2)=s%zs01+dzs0dy*(yzs0(2)-s%xyzs01(2)) do j = 1,ny+1 call LINEAR_INTERP(yzs0, szs0, 2, ndist(1,j), zs0(1,j), indt) enddo zs0(2,:)=zs0(1,:) !do j = 1,ny+1 ! do i = 1,nx+1 ! zs0(i,j) = zs0(1,j) ! enddo !enddo elseif (par%tideloc.eq.2 .and. trim(par%paulrevere)=='land') then if (xmpi_istop) then zs0(1:2,:)=zs01 endif if (xmpi_isbot) then zs0(nx:nx+1,:)=zs04 endif endif if(par%tideloc.eq.4) then if (xmpi_istop) then yzs0(1)=xyzs01(2) yzs0(2)=xyzs02(2) szs0(1)=zs01 szs0(2)=zs02 do j = 1,ny+1 call LINEAR_INTERP(yzs0, szs0, 2, ndist(1,j), zs0(1,j), indt) enddo zs0(2,:)=zs0(1,:) endif if (xmpi_isbot) then yzs0(1)=xyzs04(2) yzs0(2)=xyzs03(2) szs0(1)=zs04 szs0(2)=zs03 do j = 1,ny+1 call LINEAR_INTERP(yzs0, szs0, 2, ndist(nx+1,j), zs0(nx+1,j), indt) enddo zs0(nx,:)=zs0(nx+1,:) endif if (xmpi_isleft) then xzs0(1)=xyzs01(1) xzs0(2)=xyzs04(1) szs0(1)=zs01 szs0(2)=zs04 do i = 1,nx+1 call LINEAR_INTERP(xzs0, szs0, 2, sdist(i,1), zs0(i,1), indt) enddo endif if (xmpi_isright) then xzs0(1)=xyzs02(1) xzs0(2)=xyzs03(1) szs0(1)=zs02 szs0(2)=zs03 do i = 1,nx+1 call LINEAR_INTERP(xzs0, szs0, 2, sdist(i,ny+1), zs0(i,ny+1), indt) enddo endif endif else ! ie if tideloc=0 zs0 = zs01 endif if (trim(par%tidetype)=='instant') then ! ! RJ: 22-09-2010 Correct water level for surge and tide: ! ! compute difference between offshore/bay mean water level and imposed on tide !dzs0(1,:) = zs0(1,:)-zsmean(1,:) !dzs0(2,:) = zs0(nx,:)-zsmean(2,:) dzs0(1,:) = zs0(1,:)-zs0old(1,:) dzs0(2,:) = zs0(nx,:)-zs0old(2,:) #ifdef USEMPI call xmpi_getrow(dzs0,ny+1,'1',1,dzs0(1,:)) call xmpi_getrow(dzs0,ny+1,'m',xmpi_m,dzs0(2,:)) #endif do j = 1,ny+1 do i = 1,nx+1 zs(i,j) = zs(i,j) + (zs0fac(i,j,1)*dzs0(1,j) + zs0fac(i,j,2)*dzs0(2,j))*wetz(i,j) enddo enddo ! RJ: 22-09-2010 end update tide and surge endif ! tidetype = instant water level boundary ! ! UPDATE (LONG) WAVES ! if (trim(par%instat)/='off')then ! wwvv the following is probably only to do in the top processes, but take care for ! the mpi_shift calls in horizontal directions if(xmpi_istop) then if (trim(par%front)=='abs_1d') then ! Ad's radiating boundary !uu(1,:)=2.d0*ui(1,:)-(sqrt(par%g/hh(1,:))*(zs(2,:)-zs0(2,:))) !ht(1:2,:)=max(zs0(1:2,:)-zb(1:2,:),par%eps) ht=zs0(1:2,:)-zb(1:2,:) !ht = zsmean(1:2,:)-zb(1:2,:) if (trim(par%tidetype)=='velocity') then umean(1,:) = (factime*uu(1,:)+(1-factime)*umean(1,:)) else umean(1,:) = 0.d0 endif !DAno uu(1,:)=2.0d0*ui(1,:)-(sqrt(par%g/hh(1,:))*(zs(2,:)-zs0(2,:)))+umean(1,:) if (par%freewave==1) then !uu(1,:)=2.0d0*ui(1,:)-(sqrt(par%g/hh(1,:))*(zs(2,:)-zs0(2,:))) + umean(1,:) uu(1,:)=2.0d0*ui(1,:)-(sqrt(par%g/ht(1,:))*(zs(2,:)-zs0(2,:))) + umean(1,:) else uu(1,:)=(1.0d0+sqrt(par%g*hh(1,:))/cg(1,:))*ui(1,:)-(sqrt(par%g/hh(1,:))*(zs(2,:)-zs0(2,:))) + umean(1,:) endif vv(1,:)=vv(2,:) zs(1,:)=zs(2,:) elseif (trim(par%front)=='abs_2d') then ! Van Dongeren (1997), weakly reflective boundary condition ht(1:2,:)=max(zs0(1:2,:)-zb(1:2,:),par%eps) beta=uu(1:2,:)-2.*dsqrt(par%g*hum(1:2,:)) do j=j1,max(ny,1) ! compute gradients in u-points dhdx (1,j) = ( ht (2,j) - ht (1,j) ) / dsu(1,j) dbetadx(1,j) = ( beta(2,j) - beta(1,j) ) / dsz(2,j) if (ny>0) then dvdy (1,j) = ( vu (1,j+1) - vu (1,j-1) ) / ( 2.d0*dnu(1,j) ) dbetady(1,j) = ( beta(1,j+1) - beta(1,j-1) ) / ( 2.d0*dnu(1,j) ) else dvdy (1,j) = 0.d0 dbetady(1,j) = 0.d0 endif inv_ht(j) = 1.d0/hum(1,j) bn (j) = -( uu(1,j) - dsqrt(par%g*hum(1,j)) ) * dbetadx(1,j) & - vu(1,j) * dbetady(1,j) & + dsqrt(par%g*hum(1,j)) * dvdy (1,j) & + par%g * dhdx (1,j) & + Fx(1,j) * inv_ht(j) / par%rho & - par%g / par%C**2.d0 * sqrt(uu(1,j)**2 + vu(1,j)**2) * uu(1,j) / hum(1,j) end do ! Jaap: Compute angle of incominge wave thetai = datan(vi(1,:)/(ui(1,:)+1.d-16)) do j=j1,max(ny,1) if (trim(par%tidetype)=='velocity') then ! make sure we have same umean along whole offshore boundayr umean(1,j) = (factime*sum(uu(1,max(1,j-par%nc):min(j+par%nc,ny))*dnu(1,max(1,j-par%nc):min(j+par%nc,ny))) & /sum(dnu(1,max(1,j-par%nc):min(j+par%nc,ny)))+(1-factime)*umean(1,j)) ! make sure we have same umean along whole offshore boundary vmean(1,j) = (factime*sum(vv(1,max(1,j-par%nc):min(j+par%nc,ny))*dnv(1,max(1,j-par%nc):min(j+par%nc,ny))) & /sum(dnv(1,max(1,j-par%nc):min(j+par%nc,ny)))+(1-factime)*vmean(1,j)) else umean(1,:) = 0.d0 vmean(1,:) = 0.d0 endif betanp1(1,j) = beta(1,j)+ bn(j)*par%dt alpha2(j)=-theta0 ! Jaap: this is first estimate alphanew = 0.d0 ! Jaap moved up does need to be in j loop !if (trim(par%tidetype)=='velocity') then ! ! Jaap dirty trick to get rid of unrealistic velocity spikes ! umean(1,j) = factime*sign(1.d0,uu(1,j))*min(abs(uu(1,j)),sqrt(par%g*ht(1,j))) + (1-factime)*umean(1,j) ! vmean(1,j) = factime*sign(1.d0,vu(1,j))*min(abs(vu(1,j)),sqrt(par%g*ht(1,j))) + (1-factime)*vmean(1,j) !else ! umean(1,j) = 0.d0 ! vmean(1,j) = 0.d0 !endif do jj=1,50 !---------- Lower order bound. cond. --- if (par%freewave==1) then ! assuming incoming long wave propagates at sqrt(g*h) ur(1,j) = dcos(alpha2(j))/(dcos(alpha2(j))+1.d0)& *(betanp1(1,j)-umean(1,j)+2.d0*DSQRT(par%g*0.5d0*(ht(1,j)+ht(2,j))) & -ui(1,j)*(dcos(thetai(j))-1.d0)/dcos(thetai(j))) else ! assuming incoming long wave propagates at cg ur(1,j) = dcos(alpha2(j))/(dcos(alpha2(j))+1.d0)& *(betanp1(1,j)-umean(1,j)+2.d0*DSQRT(par%g*0.5d0*(ht(1,j)+ht(2,j)))& -ui(1,j)*(cg(1,j)*dcos(thetai(j))- DSQRT(par%g*0.5d0*(ht(1,j)+ht(2,j))) )/& (cg(1,j)*dcos(thetai(j)))) endif !vert = velocity of the reflected wave = total-specified vert = vu(1,j)-vmean(1,j)-vi(1,j) ! Jaap use vi instead of ui(1,j)*tan(theta0) alphanew = datan(vert/(ur(1,j)+1.d-16)) ! wwvv can use atan2 here if (alphanew .gt. (par%px*0.5d0)) alphanew=alphanew-par%px if (alphanew .le. (-par%px*0.5d0)) alphanew=alphanew+par%px if(dabs(alphanew-alpha2(j)).lt.0.001d0) goto 1000 ! wwvv can use exit here alpha2(j) = alphanew end do 1000 continue if (par%ARC==0) then uu(1,j) = (par%order-1)*ui(1,j) zs(1,j) = zs(2,j) else ! uu(1,j) = (par%order-1.d0)*ui(1,j) + ur(1,j) + umean(1,j) ! zs(1,:) is dummy variable ! with a taylor expansion to get to the zs point at index 1 from uu(1) and uu(2) zs(1,j) = 1.5d0*((betanp1(1,j)-uu(1,j))**2/4.d0/par%g+.5d0*(zb(1,j)+zb(2,j)))- & 0.5d0*((beta(2,j) -uu(2,j))**2/4.d0/par%g+.5d0*(zb(2,j)+zb(3,j))) ! Ad + Jaap: zs does indeed influence hydrodynamics at boundary --> do higher order taylor expansions to check influence ! zs(1,j) = 13.d0/8.d0*((betanp1(1,j)-uu(1,j))**2.d0/4.d0/par%g+.5d0*(zb(1,j)+zb(2,j))) - & ! 0.75d0*((beta(2,j)-uu(2,j))**2.d0/4.d0/par%g+.5d0*(zb(2,j)+zb(3,j))) + & ! 0.125d0*0.5d0*(zs(3,j)+zs(4,j)) end if end do vv(1,:)=vv(2,:) else if (trim(par%front)=='wall') then ! uu(1,:)=0.d0 ! zs(1,:)=max(zs(2,:),zb(1,:)) else if (trim(par%front)=='wlevel') then zs(1,:)=zs0(1,:) else if (trim(par%front)=='nonh_1d') then !Timeseries Boundary for nonh, only use in combination with instat=8 if (trim(par%tidetype)=='velocity') then umean(1,:) = (factime*sum(uu(1,:)*dnu(1,:))/sum(dnu(1,:))+(1-factime)*umean(1,:)) ! make sure we have same umean along whole offshore boundary else umean(1,:) = 0.d0 endif if (par%ARC==0) then uu(1,:) = ui(1,:) zs(1,:) = zi(1,:) ws(1,:) = wi(1,:) else !Radiating boundary for short waves: uu(1,:) = ui(1,:)-sqrt(par%g/hh(2,:))*(zs(2,:)-zi(1,:)-zs0(2,:)) zs(1,:) = zs(2,:) ws(1,:) = ws(2,:) endif endif ! par%front ! uu, zs and umean shift horizontally in two directions (loop was 2..ny) #ifdef USEMPI call xmpi_shift(umean,':1') call xmpi_shift(umean,':n') call xmpi_shift(vmean,':1') call xmpi_shift(vmean,':n') call xmpi_shift(ur,':1') call xmpi_shift(ur,':n') call xmpi_shift(uu,':1') call xmpi_shift(uu,':n') call xmpi_shift(zs,':1') call xmpi_shift(zs,':n') #endif endif ! xmpi_istop ! wwvv uu and zs and vv need to be communicated vertically #ifdef USEMPI call xmpi_shift(uu,'1:') call xmpi_shift(zs,'1:') call xmpi_shift(vv,'1:') #endif ! ! Radiating boundary at x=nx*dx ! if (xmpi_isbot) then if (trim(par%back)=='wall') then ! leave uu(nx+1,:)=0 ! uu(nx,:) = 0.d0 ! zs(nx+1,:) = zs(nx,:) ! zs(nx+1,2:ny) = zs(nx+1,2:ny) + par%dt*hh(nx,2:ny)*uu(nx,2:ny)/(xu(nx+1)-xu(nx)) -par%dt*(hv(nx+1,2:ny+1)*vv(nx+1,2:ny+1)-hv(nx+1,1:ny)*vv(nx+1,1:ny))/(yv(2:ny+1)-yv(1:ny)) elseif (trim(par%back)=='abs_1d') then ! umean(nx,:) = factime*uu(nx,:)+(1.d0-factime)*umean(nx,:) ! After hack 3/6/2010, return to par%epsi : if (trim(par%tidetype)=='velocity') then ! umean(nx,:) = (factime*uu(nx,:)+(1-factime)*umean(nx,:)) umean(1,:) = (factime*sum(uu(nx,:)*dnu(nx,:))/sum(dnu(nx,:))+(1-factime)*umean(nx,:)) ! make sure we have same umean along whole offshore boundary else umean(nx,:) = 0.d0 endif uu(nx,:)=sqrt(par%g/hh(nx,:))*(zs(nx,:)-max(zb(nx,:),zs0(nx,:)))+umean(nx,:) ! cjaap: make sure if the last cell is dry no radiating flow is computed... !uu(nx,:)=cg(nx,:)/hh(nx,:)*(zs(nx,:)-max(zb(nx,:),zs0(nx,:)))+umean(nx,:) ! cjaap: make sure if the last cell is dry no radiating flow is computed... !uu(nx,:)=sqrt(par%g/(zs0(nx,:)-zb(nx,:)))*(zs(nx,:)-max(zb(nx,:),zs0(nx,:))) !umean(nx,:) = factime*uu(nx,:)+(1-factime)*umean(nx,:) !Ap !zs(nx+1,:)=max(zs0(nx+1,:),zb(nx+1,:))+(uu(nx,:)-umean(nx,:))*sqrt(max((zs0(nx+1,:)-zb(nx+1,:)),par%eps)/par%g) !Ap zs(nx+1,:)=zs(nx,:) elseif (trim(par%back)=='abs_2d') then ht(1:2,:)=max(zs0(nx:nx+1,:)-zb(nx:nx+1,:),par%eps) !cjaap; make sure ht is always larger than zero beta=uu(nx-1:nx,:)+2.*dsqrt(par%g*hum(nx-1:nx,:)) !cjaap : replace hh with hum do j=j1,max(ny,1) if (wetu(nx,j)==1) then ! Robert: dry back boundary points ! Compute gradients in u-points.... dvdy(2,j)=(vu(nx,j+1)-vu(nx,j-1))/(2.d0*dnu(nx,j)) dhdx(2,j)=(ht(2,j)-ht(1,j))/dsu(nx,j) dbetadx(2,j)=(beta(2,j)-beta(1,j))/dsz(nx,j) dbetady(2,j)=(beta(1,j+1)-beta(1,j-1))/(2.0*dnu(nx,j)) inv_ht(j) = 1.d0/hum(nx,j) bn(j)=-(uu(nx,j)+dsqrt(par%g*hum(nx,j)))*dbetadx(2,j) & -vu(nx,j)*dbetady(2,j)& !Ap vu -dsqrt(par%g*hum(nx,j))*dvdy(2,j)& +Fx(nx,j)*inv_ht(j)/par%rho-par%g/par%C**2.d0& *sqrt(uu(nx,j)**2+vu(nx,j)**2)*uu(nx,j)/hum(nx,j)& +par%g*dhdx(2,j) endif ! Robert: dry back boundary points enddo do j=j1,max(ny,1) if (wetu(nx,j)==1) then ! Robert: dry back boundary points betanp1(1,j) = beta(2,j)+ bn(j)*par%dt !Ap toch? alpha2(j)= theta0 alphanew = 0.d0 ! umean(nx,j) = (factime*uu(nx,j)+(1-factime)*umean(nx,j)) !Ap ! After hack 3/6/2010, return to par%epsi : if (trim(par%tidetype)=='velocity') then ! make sure we have same umean along whole offshore boundary umean(nx,j) = (factime*sum(uu(nx,max(1,j-par%nc):min(j+par%nc,ny))*dnu(nx,max(1,j-par%nc):min(j+par%nc,ny))) & /sum(dnu(nx,max(1,j-par%nc):min(j+par%nc,ny)))+(1-factime)*umean(nx,j)) ! make sure we have same umean along whole offshore boundary vmean(nx,j) = (factime*sum(vv(nx,max(1,j-par%nc):min(j+par%nc,ny))*dnv(nx,max(1,j-par%nc):min(j+par%nc,ny))) & /sum(dnv(nx,max(1,j-par%nc):min(j+par%nc,ny)))+(1-factime)*vmean(nx,j)) else umean(nx,:) = 0.d0 vmean(nx,:) = 0.d0 endif do jj=1,50 ! !---------- Lower order bound. cond. --- ! ur(nx,j) = dcos(alpha2(j))/(dcos(alpha2(j))+1.d0)& *((betanp1(1,j)-umean(nx,j)-2.d0*DSQRT(par%g*0.5*(ht(1,j)+ht(2,j))))) !vert = velocity of the reflected wave = total-specified vert = vu(nx,j)-vmean(nx,j) !Jaap included vmean alphanew = datan(vert/(ur(nx,j)+1.d-16)) ! wwvv maybe better atan2 if (alphanew .gt. (par%px*0.5d0)) alphanew=alphanew-par%px if (alphanew .le. (-par%px*0.5d0)) alphanew=alphanew+par%px if(dabs(alphanew-alpha2(j)).lt.0.001) goto 2000 ! wwvv can use exit here alpha2(j) = alphanew end do 2000 continue uu(nx,j) = ur(nx,j) + umean(nx,j) ! Ap replaced zs with extrapolation. zs(nx+1,j) = 1.5*((betanp1(1,j)-uu(nx,j))**2.d0/4.d0/par%g+.5*(zb(nx,j)+zb(nx+1,j)))-& 0.5*((beta(1,j)-uu(nx-1,j))**2.d0/4.d0/par%g+.5*(zb(nx-1,j)+zb(nx,j))) endif ! Robert: dry back boundary points enddo elseif (par%back=='wlevel') then zs(nx+1,:)=zs0(nx+1,:) endif !par%back ! fix first and last columns of umean and uu and zs #ifdef USEMPI call xmpi_shift(umean,':1') call xmpi_shift(umean,':n') call xmpi_shift(ur,':1') call xmpi_shift(ur,':n') call xmpi_shift(uu,':1') call xmpi_shift(uu,':n') call xmpi_shift(zs,':1') call xmpi_shift(zs,':n') #endif endif !xmpi_istop #ifdef USEMPI call xmpi_shift(uu,'m:') call xmpi_shift(zs,'m:') call xmpi_shift(vv,'m:') #endif endif ! par%instat !!! Wind boundary conditions if (s%windlen>1) then ! only if non-stationary wind, otherwise waste of computational time call LINEAR_INTERP(windinpt,windxts,s%windlen,par%t,windxnow,indt) call LINEAR_INTERP(windinpt,windyts,s%windlen,par%t,windynow,indt) windsu = windxnow*dcos(alfau) + windynow*dsin(alfau) ! Can we do this more efficiently? windnv = windynow*dcos(alfav-0.5d0*par%px) - windxnow*dsin(alfav-0.5d0*par%px) endif end subroutine flow_bc function flow_lat_bc(s,par,bctype,jbc,jn,udvdx,vdvdy,viscv) result(vbc) use params use spaceparams use xmpi_module type(spacepars),target :: s type(parameters) :: par character*(*) :: bctype integer :: jbc,jn ! j-index of boundary and j-index of neighbouring cell ! varies for xmpi_isleft and xmpi_isright real*8,dimension(s%nx+1) :: udvdx,vdvdy,viscv ! advection terms from flow timestep real*8,dimension(s%nx+1) :: vbc ! result vector for boundary flow integer :: i ! internal variables real*8 :: advterm real*8,save :: fc include 's.ind' ! pointers include 's.inp' if (par%t<=par%dt) fc =2.d0*par%wearth*sin(par%lat) if (ny==0) then ! 1D models have special case if (trim(bctype)=='wall') then vbc(:) = 0.d0 ! Only this bc scheme can be applied to ny==0 models else vbc(:) = vv(:,jbc) ! return whatever was already calculated in the flow routine for the cross shore row endif else select case (trim(bctype)) case ('wall') ! No flow at boundary vbc(:) = 0.d0 case ('neumann_v') ! Calculate vv at boundary using identical forcing as (:,2), but with dzsdy determined from (:,1), which includes ! the tide-driven water level gradient as zs(:,1) = zs(:,2) + dzsdytide ! ! in flow timestep we calculate: ! vv(jn) = vvold(jn)-dt(gDZS(jn) + R(jn)) ! -> vvold(jn) = vv(jn) + dt(gDZS(jn) + R(jn)) ! ! we state in bc that: ! vv(jbc) = vvold(jn)-dt(gDZS(jbc) + R(jn)) ! -> vv(jbc) = ( vv(jn) + dt(gDZS(jn) + R(jn)) )-dt(gDZS(jbc) + R(jn)) ! -> vv(jbc) = vv(jn) + dt(gDZS(jn)) - dt(gDZS(jbc)) + dt(R(jn)) - dt(R(jn)) ! -> vv(jbc) = vv(jn) + dt(gDZS(jn)-gDZS(jbc)) ! -> vv(jbc) = vv(jn) + dtg(DZS(jn)-DZS(jbc)) ! vbc(:) = (vv(:,jn)+par%dt*par%g*(dzsdy(i,jn)-dzsdy(i,jbc))) * wetv(:,jbc) ! AANPASSING: Neumann zonder getij ! Dano/Jaap: Je kunt niet druk gradient a.g.v getij meenemen zonder ook andere forcerings termen (bijv bodem wrijving) ! uit te rekenen. In geval van getij gradient heb je een meer complexe neumann rvw die jij "free" noemt vbc(:) = vv(:,jn) case ('no_advec') ! We allow vv at the boundary to be calulated from NLSWE, but only include the advective terms if ! they decrease the flow velocity do i=2,nx if (wetv(i,jbc)==1) then advterm = udvdx(i)+vdvdy(i)-viscv(i)+ fc*uv(i,jbc) if (vv(i,jbc)>0.d0) then advterm = max(advterm,0.d0) elseif (vv(i,jbc)<0.d0) then advterm = min(advterm,0.d0) else advterm = 0.d0 endif vbc(i) = vv(i,jbc)- par%dt*(advterm & + par%g*dzsdy(i,jbc)& + tauby(i,jbc)/(par%rho*hvm(i,jbc)) & - par%lwave*Fy(i,jbc)/(par%rho*max(hvm(i,jbc),par%hmin)) & - par%rhoa*par%Cd*windnv(i,jbc)**2/(par%rho*hvm(i,jbc))) else vbc(i) = 0.d0 endif enddo ! now fill i=1 and i=nx+1 vbc(1) = vbc(2) * wetv(1,jbc) vbc(nx+1) = vbc(nx) * wetv(nx+1,jbc) case ('neumann') ! Dano/Jaap: En dit is dan dus complexe vorm van Neumann (zoals in Delft3D) met getij ! We allow vv at the boundary to be calulated from NLSWE without any limitations do i=2,nx if (wetv(i,jbc)==1) then vbc(i) = vv(i,jbc)- par%dt*(udvdx(i)+vdvdy(i)-viscv(i)& + par%g*dzsdy(i,jbc)& + tauby(i,jbc)/(par%rho*hvm(i,jbc)) & - par%lwave*Fy(i,jbc)/(par%rho*max(hvm(i,jbc),par%hmin)) & + fc*uv(i,jbc) & - par%rhoa*par%Cd*windnv(i,jbc)**2/(par%rho*hvm(i,jbc))) else vbc(i) = 0.d0 endif enddo ! now fill i=1 and i=nx+1 vbc(1) = vbc(2) * wetv(1,jbc) vbc(nx+1) = vbc(nx) * wetv(nx+1,jbc) end select endif end function flow_lat_bc subroutine discharge_boundary_h(s,par) use params use spaceparams use xmpi_module use readkey_module use interp use logging_module IMPLICIT NONE type(spacepars),target :: s type(parameters) :: par integer :: i,indx integer :: m1,m2,n1,n2 integer :: m1l,m2l,n1l,n2l real*8 :: qnow,A,CONST logical :: indomain,isborder integer :: ishift,jshift include 's.ind' include 's.inp' #ifdef USEMPI ishift = s%is(xmpi_rank+1)-1 jshift = s%js(xmpi_rank+1)-1 #else ishift = 0.d0 jshift = 0.d0 #endif ! loop through discharge location do i = 1,par%ndischarge if (s%pntdisch(i).eq.0) then ! interpolate discharge timeseries to current time call linear_interp(s%tdisch,s%qdisch(:,i),par%ntdischarge,par%t,qnow,indx) m1 = s%pdisch(i,1) n1 = s%pdisch(i,2) m2 = s%pdisch(i,3) n2 = s%pdisch(i,4) ! convert to local coordinates m1l = m1-ishift m2l = m2-ishift n1l = n1-jshift n2l = n2-jshift indomain = ( m1l > 0 .and. m1l <= s%nx .and. & n1l > 0 .and. n1l <= s%ny ) .or. & ( m2l > 0 .and. m2l <= s%nx .and. & n2l > 0 .and. n2l <= s%ny ) m1l = min(max(m1l,1),s%nx) m2l = min(max(m2l,1),s%nx) n1l = min(max(n1l,1),s%ny) n2l = min(max(n2l,1),s%ny) A = 0.d0 ! add momentum in either u- or v-direction if (n1.eq.n2) then if (indomain) then isborder = (n1l.eq.1 .and. xmpi_isleft) .or. (n1l.eq.s%ny .and. xmpi_isright) ! make sure discharge is an inflow at border and water levels are defined if (isborder) then if ( then qnow = -1*abs(qnow) s%hv(m1l:m2l,n1l) = s%hh(m1l:m2l,n1l) elseif ( then s%hv(m1l:m2l,n1l) = s%hh(m1l:m2l,n1l+1) endif endif A = sum(s%hv(m1l:m2l,n1l)**1.5*s%dsv(m1l:m2l,n1l)) endif #ifdef USEMPI call xmpi_allreduce(A,MPI_SUM) #endif ! compute distribution of discharge over discharge cells according to: ! vv = CONST * hv^0.5 ! qy = CONST * hv^1.5 ! Q = CONST * hv^1.5 * dsv if (indomain) then CONST = qnow/max(A,par%eps) s%vv(m1l:m2l,n1l) = CONST*s%hv(m1l:m2l,n1l)**0.5 s%qy(m1l:m2l,n1l) = CONST*s%hv(m1l:m2l,n1l)**1.5 endif elseif (m1.eq.m2) then if (indomain) then isborder = (m1l.eq.1 .and. xmpi_istop) .or. (m1l.eq.s%nx .and. xmpi_isbot) ! make sure discharge is an inflow at border and water levels are defined if (isborder) then if ( then qnow = -1*abs(qnow) s%hu(m1l,n1l:n2l) = s%hh(m1l,n1l:n2l) elseif ( then s%hu(m1l,n1l:n2l) = s%hh(m1l+1,n1l:n2l) endif endif A = sum(s%hu(m1l,n1l:n2l)**1.5*s%dnu(m1l,n1l:n2l)) endif #ifdef USEMPI call xmpi_allreduce(A,MPI_SUM) #endif ! compute distribution of discharge over discharge cells according to: ! uu = CONST * hu^0.5 ! qx = CONST * hu^1.5 ! Q = CONST * hu^1.5 * dnu if (indomain) then CONST = qnow/max(A,par%eps) s%uu(m1l,n1l:n2l) = CONST*s%hu(m1l,n1l:n2l)**0.5 s%qx(m1l,n1l:n2l) = CONST*s%hu(m1l,n1l:n2l)**1.5 endif endif endif enddo end subroutine discharge_boundary_h subroutine discharge_boundary_v(s,par) use params use spaceparams use xmpi_module use readkey_module use interp use logging_module IMPLICIT NONE type(spacepars),target :: s type(parameters) :: par integer :: i,indx integer :: m1,n1 integer :: m1l,n1l real*8 :: qnow integer :: ishift,jshift include 's.ind' include 's.inp' #ifdef USEMPI ishift = s%is(xmpi_rank+1)-1 jshift = s%js(xmpi_rank+1)-1 #else ishift = 0.d0 jshift = 0.d0 #endif do i = 1,par%ndischarge if (pntdisch(i).eq.1) then call linear_interp(tdisch,qdisch(:,i),par%ntdischarge,par%t,qnow,indx) m1 = pdisch(i,1) n1 = pdisch(i,2) ! convert to local coordinates m1l = min(max(m1-ishift,1),nx) n1l = min(max(n1-jshift,1),ny) ! add mass zs(m1l,n1l) = zs(m1l,n1l)+qnow*par%dt*dsdnzi(m1l,n1l) endif enddo end subroutine discharge_boundary_v ! !============================================================================== subroutine velocity_Boundary(u,z,w,nx,ny,t,zs,ws) !============================================================================== ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! DECLARATIONS !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! !-------------------------- PURPOSE ---------------------------- ! ! Reads boundary values for the velocity from a file. Used as forcing in the ! nonh module !-------------------------- METHOD ---------------------------- !-------------------------- DEPENDENCIES ---------------------------- use params use xmpi_module, only: Halt_Program implicit none include '' !Default precision etc. !-------------------------- ARGUMENTS ---------------------------- ! integer(kind=iKind) ,intent(in) :: nx integer(kind=iKind) ,intent(in) :: ny real(kind=rKind),dimension(ny+1),intent(out) :: u real(kind=rKind),dimension(ny+1),intent(inout) :: z real(kind=rKind),dimension(ny+1),intent(inout) :: w real(kind=rKind),dimension(nx+1,ny+1),intent(in) :: zs real(kind=rKind),dimension(nx+1,ny+1),intent(in) :: ws real(kind=rKind) ,intent(in) :: t ! !-------------------------- LOCAL VARIABLES ---------------------------- character(len=iFileNameLen),save :: filename_U integer ,save :: unit_U = iUnit_U logical,save :: lVarU = .false. logical,save :: lIsEof = .false. logical,save :: lNH_boun_U = .false. logical,save :: initialize = .true. logical :: lExists character(len=6) :: string character(len=2),allocatable,dimension(:),save :: header integer(kind=ikind) :: iAllocErr integer(kind=ikind),save :: nvar integer(kind=ikind),save :: iZ = 0 integer(kind=ikind),save :: iU = 0 integer(kind=ikind),save :: iW = 0 integer(kind=ikind),save :: iT = 0 integer(kind=ikind) :: i real(kind=rKind),allocatable,dimension(:,:) :: tmp real(kind=rKind),allocatable,dimension(:),save :: u0 ! real(kind=rKind),allocatable,dimension(:),save :: u1 ! real(kind=rKind),allocatable,dimension(:),save :: z0 ! real(kind=rKind),allocatable,dimension(:),save :: z1 ! real(kind=rKind),allocatable,dimension(:),save :: w0 ! real(kind=rKind),allocatable,dimension(:),save :: w1 ! real(kind=rKind),save :: t0 = 0. real(kind=rKind),save :: t1 = 0. !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! IMPLEMENTATION !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (initialize) then initialize = .false. !What is the filename of the file containing the series filename_U = 'boun_U.bcf' !Default filename !Does the file exist? inquire(file=trim(filename_U),EXIST=lExists) if (lExists) then !If exists, open open(unit_U,file=filename_U,access='SEQUENTIAL',action='READ',form='FORMATTED') lNH_boun_U = .true. else lNH_boun_U = .false. return endif !SCALAR OR VECTOR INPUT? read(unit_U,fmt=*) string if (string == 'SCALAR') then lVaru = .false. elseif (string == 'VECTOR') then lVaru = .true. else endif !READ NUMBER OF VARIABLES read(unit_U,fmt=*) nvar !READ HEADER LINES allocate(header(nvar)) read(unit_U,fmt=*) header do i=1,nvar if (header(i) == 'z' .or. header(i) == 'Z') then iZ = i; elseif (header(i) == 't' .or. header(i) == 'T') then iT = i; elseif (header(i) == 'u' .or. header(i) == 'U') then iU = i; elseif (header(i) == 'w' .or. header(i) == 'W') then iW = i; endif enddo !Allocate arrays at old and new timelevel if (iU > 0) then allocate(u0(ny+1),stat=iAllocErr); if (iAllocErr /= 0) call Halt_program allocate(u1(ny+1),stat=iAllocErr); if (iAllocErr /= 0) call Halt_program u0 = 0.0d0 u1 = 0.0d0 endif if (iZ > 0) then allocate(z0(ny+1),stat=iAllocErr); if (iAllocErr /= 0) call Halt_program allocate(z1(ny+1),stat=iAllocErr); if (iAllocErr /= 0) call Halt_program z0 = 0.0d0 z1 = 0.0d0 endif if (iW > 0) then allocate(w0(ny+1),stat=iAllocErr); if (iAllocErr /= 0) call Halt_program allocate(w1(ny+1),stat=iAllocErr); if (iAllocErr /= 0) call Halt_program w0 = 0.0d0 w1 = 0.0d0 endif allocate(tmp(ny+1,nvar-1)) !Read two first timelevels call velocity_Boundary_read(t0,tmp,Unit_U,lVaru,lIsEof,nvar) if (iU >0) u0 = tmp(:,iU-1) if (iZ >0) z0 = tmp(:,iZ-1) if (iW >0) w0 = tmp(:,iW-1) if (lIsEof) then t1=t0 if (iU >0) u1=u0 if (iZ >0) z1=z0 if (iW >0) w1=w0 else call velocity_Boundary_read(t1,tmp,Unit_U,lVaru,lIsEof,nvar) if (iU >0) u1 = tmp(:,iU-1) if (iZ >0) z1 = tmp(:,iZ-1) if (iW >0) w1 = tmp(:,iW-1) endif deallocate(tmp) return endif if (lNH_boun_U) then if (.not. lIsEof) then allocate(tmp(ny+1,nvar-1)) !If current time not located within interval read next line do while (.not. (t>=t0 .and. t0) u0 = u1 if (iZ >0) z0 = z1 if (iW >0) w0 = w1 call velocity_Boundary_read(t1,tmp,Unit_U,lVaru,lIsEof,nvar) if (iU >0) u1 = tmp(:,iU-1) if (iZ >0) z1 = tmp(:,iZ-1) if (iW >0) w1 = tmp(:,iW-1) if (lIsEof) exit !Exit on end of file condition end do deallocate(tmp) if(lIsEof) then if (iU >0) u = u1 if (iZ >0) z = z1 if (iW >0) w = w1 return else !Linear interpolation of u in time if (iU > 0) then u = u0 + (u1-u0)*(t-t0)/(t1-t0) else u = 0 endif if (iZ > 0) then z = z0 + (z1-z0)*(t-t0)/(t1-t0) else z = zs(2,:) endif if (iW > 0) then w = w0 + (w1-w0)*(t-t0)/(t1-t0) else w = ws(2,:) endif endif else !If end of file the last value which was available is used until the end of the computation u = u1 endif endif end subroutine velocity_Boundary !============================================================================== subroutine velocity_Boundary_read(t,vector,iUnit,isvec,iseof,nvar) !============================================================================== !-------------------------- PURPOSE ---------------------------- ! Reads scalar/vector for timeseries !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! DECLARATIONS !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! - NONE - !-------------------------- DEPENDENCIES ---------------------------- use xmpi_module, only: Halt_Program implicit none include '' !Default precision etc. !-------------------------- ARGUMENTS ---------------------------- real(kind=rKind),intent(inout) :: t real(kind=rKind),intent(inout),dimension(:,:) :: vector integer(kind=iKind),intent(in) :: iUnit integer(kind=iKind),intent(in) :: nvar logical ,intent(in) :: isvec logical ,intent(out) :: iseof !-------------------------- LOCAL VARIABLES ---------------------------- real(kind=rKind) :: scalar(nvar-1) integer(kind=iKind) :: i integer(kind=iKind) :: ioStat !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! IMPLEMENTATION !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- iseof = .false. if (isvec) then read(iUnit,ioStat=ioStat,fmt=*,end=9000) t,vector else read(iUnit,ioStat=ioStat,fmt=*,end=9000) t,scalar do i=1,nvar-1 vector(:,i) = scalar(i) enddo endif if (iostat /= 0) then call halt_program endif return 9000 iseof = .true. end subroutine velocity_Boundary_read end module boundaryconditions