module timestep_module ! Time steps in XBeach ! ! Relevant time variables ! ! [Main time loop] ! tstop: stop time simulation (set in params, used in boundaryconditions groundwater output params readtide readwind timestep varoutput waveparams xbeach) ! ! [Output] ! tint: time interval output global values (set in params, used in nonhydrostatic output params timestep timestep_old, varoutput) ! ! tintg: time interval output global values (set in params, used in params timestep) ! tintm: time interval output mean global values (set in params timestep varoutput, used in params timestep varianceupdate varoutput) ! tintp: time interval output point values (set in params, used in drifters params timestep) ! ! tsglobal: file with list of output times for global values (set in timestep, used in timestep) ! tsmean: file with list of output times for meanglobal values (set in timestep, used in timestep) ! tspoints: file with list of output times for point values (set in timestep, used in timestep) ! ! tnext: (set in params timestep timestep_old varoutput, used in params timestep timestep_old varoutput) ! ! [Hydrodynamic] ! tstart: start time of simulation (or output?!) (set in params, used in nonhydrostatic output params timestep) ! CFL: maximum courant number (set in params, used in params timestep timestep_old) ! ! [Boundary condition] ! rt: the record length of the boundary condition (set in params, waveparams, used in boundaryconditions params timestep waveparams) ! dtbc: boundary condition file time step dtbc (set in params, waveparams, used in params timestep waveparams) ! taper: time to spin up wave boundary conditions (set in params, used in nonhydrostatic output params timestep timestep_old varoutput) ! ! [Morphology] ! morfac: (set in params, used in boundaryconditions morphevolution params readtide readwind timestep varoutput waveparams) ! morstart: (set in params, used in morphevolution params timestep) ! ! [Waves] ! wavint: interval between stationary wave module calls (set in params, used in params timestep xbeach) ! ! [Tides] ! tidelen: length of tidal record (set in params readtide, used in boundaryconditions params readtide timestep) ! tideloc: number of input tidal time series (set in boundaryconditions groundwater params, used in boundaryconditions groundwater initialize params readtide timestep) ! ! Relevant Time functions and subroutines ! outputtimes_update ! ! XBeach time loop ! 0 tstop[s] ! |------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| ! ! Hydrodynamic time scale flow_timestep(input: par%dt, output:s%hh) ! |--------------------|------------------|------------------|---------------|--------|------| ! The hydrodynamic timeloop computes at varying intervals. ! The interval (input:s%hh, par%CFL, par%dt, par%xz, s%nx, s%xz, s%nx, output=par%dt) is computed ! in timestep module ! ! The morphodynamic time scale(input: par%dt, par%morstart, p%morfac) ! |--------|------------------|------------------|---------------|--------|------| ! This scale can start at a different point in time (morstart) and uses a multiplication factor ! (morfac [s/s] (>=1)). ! ! Wave time scale ! |----------------|----------------|----------------|----------------|----------------|-----| ! At different time scales using wavint. ! Wave dispersion ! | ! Only calculated if par%t == par%dt ! ! Global output time scale fixed interval (tintg) ! |---------------------------|---------------------------|---------------------------|------- ! ! Mean output time scale fixed interval (tintm) ! |------------------------|------------------------|------------------------|---------------- ! ! Point out time scale fixed inteval(tintp) ! |---------------------------------|---------------------------------|------------------------ ! ! Global output time scale varying interval (tsglobal) ! |--------------------|-----------|---------------|-|-|------------|-------------|------------- ! ! Global output time scale varying interval (tsmean) ! |-----------------|-----------|-----------|-|-|------------|-------------|-------------------- ! ! Global output time scale varying interval (tspoint) ! |-------------------------|-----------|---------------|-|-|------------|-------------|-------- ! ! Boundary condition length [s] (rt) ! |-------------|-------------|-------------|-------------|-------------|-------------|---------- implicit none save ! This structure contains the time variables which are computed during the simulation. ! Parameters which can be configured by users should go in params structure. type timepars real*8,dimension(:),allocatable :: tpg ! global output times real*8,dimension(:),allocatable :: tpp ! point oputput times real*8,dimension(:),allocatable :: tpm ! time average output times real*8,dimension(:),allocatable :: tpc ! crosssection output times real*8,dimension(:),allocatable :: tpw ! wave computation times real*8 :: tnext = -123 ! next time point for output integer :: itg ! global output index (1 based) integer :: itp ! point output index (1 based) integer :: itm ! time average output index (1 based) integer :: itc ! cross section output index (1 based) integer :: itw ! wave computation index (1 based) logical :: outputg ! output global variables? logical :: outputp ! output point variables? logical :: outputm ! output time average variables? logical :: outputc ! output cross section variables? logical :: outputw ! stop for wave computation logical :: output ! output any variable end type timepars contains subroutine timestep_init(par, tpar) use params use xmpi_module use readkey_module use logging_module implicit none type(parameters),intent(inout) :: par type(timepars),intent(inout) :: tpar real*8 :: iir integer :: i,ii,ier !character(80) :: fname #ifdef USEMPI logical, parameter :: toall = .true. logical, parameter :: tocomp = .false. #endif ! initialize the time to 0 par%t = 0.0d0 tpar%tnext = 0.0d0 ! initialize timestep counters tpar%itg = 0 tpar%itp = 0 tpar%itm = 0 tpar%itc = 0 tpar%itw = 0 ! initialize output, default no output tpar%outputg = .FALSE. tpar%outputp = .FALSE. tpar%outputm = .FALSE. tpar%outputc = .FALSE. tpar%outputw = .FALSE. tpar%output = .FALSE. !!!!! OUTPUT TIME POINTS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! If working in instat 0 or instat 40 we want time to coincide at wavint timesteps if (par%instat==INSTAT_STAT .or. par%instat==INSTAT_STAT_TABLE .or. par%single_dir==1) then if(xmaster) then ii=ceiling(par%tstop/par%wavint) allocate(tpar%tpw(ii)) do i=1,ii tpar%tpw(i)=real(i)*par%wavint enddo endif #ifdef USEMPI call xmpi_bcast(ii,toall) if (.not.xmaster) then allocate(tpar%tpw(ii)) endif call xmpi_bcast(tpar%tpw,toall) #endif else allocate(tpar%tpw(0)) endif ! If we want global output then if (par%nglobalvar/=0) then if(xmaster) then if (par%tsglobal/=' ') then open(10,file=par%tsglobal) read(10,*,iostat=ier)iir if (ier .ne. 0) then call report_file_read_error(par%tsglobal) endif ii = nint(iir) allocate(tpar%tpg(ii)) do i=1,ii read(10,*,iostat=ier)tpar%tpg(i) if (ier .ne. 0) then call report_file_read_error(par%tsglobal) endif enddo tpar%tpg=tpar%tpg/max(par%morfac,1.d0) close(10) else ii=floor((par%tstop-par%tstart)/par%tintg)+1 allocate(tpar%tpg(ii)) do i=1,ii tpar%tpg(i)=par%tstart+par%tintg*real(i-1) enddo endif endif !xmaster #ifdef USEMPI call xmpi_bcast(ii,toall) if (.not.xmaster) then allocate(tpar%tpg(ii)) endif call xmpi_bcast(tpar%tpg,toall) #endif else allocate(tpar%tpg(0)) endif ! nglobalvar /=0 ! If we want point output then if ((par%npoints+par%nrugauge+par%ndrifter)>0) then if (xmaster) then if (par%tspoints/=' ') then open(10,file=par%tspoints) read(10,*,iostat=ier)iir if (ier .ne. 0) then call report_file_read_error(par%tspoints) endif ii = nint(iir) allocate(tpar%tpp(ii)) do i=1,ii read(10,*,iostat=ier)tpar%tpp(i) if (ier .ne. 0) then call report_file_read_error(par%tspoints) endif enddo tpar%tpp=tpar%tpp/max(par%morfac,1.d0) close(10) else ii=floor((par%tstop-par%tstart)/par%tintp)+1 allocate(tpar%tpp(ii)) do i=1,ii tpar%tpp(i)=par%tstart+par%tintp*real(i-1) enddo endif endif ! xmaster #ifdef USEMPI call xmpi_bcast(ii,toall) if (.not.xmaster) then allocate(tpar%tpp(ii)) endif call xmpi_bcast(tpar%tpp,toall) #endif else allocate(tpar%tpp(0)) endif ! (npoints+nrugauge)>0 ! If we want cross section output then if ((par%ncross)>0) then if (xmaster) then if (par%tscross/=' ') then open(10,file=par%tscross) read(10,*,iostat=ier)iir if (ier .ne. 0) then call report_file_read_error(par%tscross) endif ii = nint(iir) allocate(tpar%tpc(ii)) do i=1,ii read(10,*,iostat=ier)tpar%tpc(i) if (ier .ne. 0) then call report_file_read_error(par%tscross) endif enddo close(10) else ii=floor((par%tstop-par%tstart)/par%tintc)+1 allocate(tpar%tpc(ii)) do i=1,ii tpar%tpc(i)=par%tstart+par%tintc*real(i-1) enddo endif endif ! xmaster #ifdef USEMPI call xmpi_bcast(ii,toall) if (.not.xmaster) then allocate(tpar%tpc(ii)) endif call xmpi_bcast(tpar%tpc,toall) #endif else allocate(tpar%tpc(0)) endif ! (ncross)>0 ! If we want time-average output then if (par%nmeanvar>0) then if(xmaster) then if (par%tsmean/=' ') then open(10,file=par%tsmean) read(10,*,iostat=ier)iir if (ier .ne. 0) then call report_file_read_error(par%tsmean) endif ii = nint(iir) allocate(tpar%tpm(ii)) do i=1,ii read(10,*,iostat=ier)tpar%tpm(i) if (ier .ne. 0) then call report_file_read_error(par%tsmean) endif enddo tpar%tpm=tpar%tpm/max(par%morfac,1.d0) close(10) else ii=floor((par%tstop-par%tstart)/par%tintm)+1 if (ii<=1) then call writelog('lse','','Tintm is larger than output simulation time ') call halt_program endif allocate(tpar%tpm(ii)) do i=1,ii tpar%tpm(i)=par%tstart+par%tintm*real(i-1) enddo endif endif #ifdef USEMPI call xmpi_bcast(ii,toall) if (.not.xmaster) then allocate(tpar%tpm(ii)) endif call xmpi_bcast(tpar%tpm,toall) #endif else allocate(tpar%tpm(0)) endif ! nmeanvar > 0 end subroutine timestep_init subroutine outputtimes_update(par, tpar) use params use xmpi_module use logging_module implicit none type(parameters),intent(inout) :: par type(timepars), intent(inout) :: tpar real*8 :: t1,t2,t3,t4,t5 !if (tpar%outputm .or. tpar%itm .eq. 0) then ! par%tintm = tpar%tpm(min(tpar%itm+2,size(tpar%tpm)))-tpar%tpm(tpar%itm+1) ! par%tintm = max(par%tintm,tiny(0.d0)) !end if ! Current timestep: ! check if we need output at the current timestep ! do we have anymore output time points, is it equal to the current? if (size(tpar%tpg) .gt. 0) then tpar%outputg = abs(tpar%tpg(min(tpar%itg+1,size(tpar%tpg)))-par%t) .le. 0.0000001d0 ! if global output has last output before tstop, this minimum is necessary endif if (size(tpar%tpp) .gt. 0) then tpar%outputp = abs(tpar%tpp(min(tpar%itp+1,size(tpar%tpp)))-par%t) .le. 0.0000001d0 endif if (size(tpar%tpc) .gt. 0) then tpar%outputc = abs(tpar%tpc(min(tpar%itc+1,size(tpar%tpc)))-par%t) .le. 0.0000001d0 endif if (size(tpar%tpm) .gt. 0) then tpar%outputm = abs(tpar%tpm(min(tpar%itm+1,size(tpar%tpm)))-par%t) .le. 0.0000001d0 endif if (size(tpar%tpw) .gt. 0) then tpar%outputw = abs(tpar%tpw(min(tpar%itw+1,size(tpar%tpw)))-par%t) .le. 0.0000001d0 endif ! tpar%outputg = (size(tpar%tpg) .gt. tpar%itg) .and. (abs(tpar%tpg(tpar%itg+1)-par%t) .le. 0.0000001d0) ! tpar%outputp = (size(tpar%tpp) .gt. tpar%itp) .and. (abs(tpar%tpp(tpar%itp+1)-par%t) .le. 0.0000001d0) ! tpar%outputm = (size(tpar%tpm) .gt. tpar%itm) .and. (abs(tpar%tpm(tpar%itm+1)-par%t) .le. 0.0000001d0) ! tpar%outputc = (size(tpar%tpc) .gt. tpar%itc) .and. (abs(tpar%tpc(tpar%itc+1)-par%t) .le. 0.0000001d0) ! tpar%outputw = (size(tpar%tpw) .gt. tpar%itw) .and. (abs(tpar%tpw(tpar%itw+1)-par%t) .le. 0.0000001d0) tpar%output = (tpar%outputg .or. tpar%outputp .or. tpar%outputm .or. tpar%outputc .or. tpar%outputw) ! if we are updating at the current timestep, increase the counter by 1 ! ! update output counter if (tpar%outputg) tpar%itg = tpar%itg + 1 if (tpar%outputp) tpar%itp = tpar%itp + 1 if (tpar%outputm) tpar%itm = tpar%itm + 1 if (tpar%outputc) tpar%itc = tpar%itc + 1 if (tpar%outputw) tpar%itw = tpar%itw + 1 ! Next time step: ! calculate the output for the following time ! this routine computes the next timestep at which output should be generated ! Determine next time step t1=minval(tpar%tpg,MASK=tpar%tpg .gt. par%t+0.0000001d0) t2=minval(tpar%tpp,MASK=tpar%tpp .gt. par%t+0.0000001d0) t3=minval(tpar%tpm,MASK=tpar%tpm .gt. par%t+0.0000001d0) t4=minval(tpar%tpw,MASK=tpar%tpw .gt. par%t+0.0000001d0) t5=minval(tpar%tpc,MASK=tpar%tpc .gt. par%t+0.0000001d0) tpar%tnext=min(t1,t2,t3,t4,t5,par%tstop) if (tpar%tnext .eq. huge(tpar%tpg) .and. par%t .eq. 0) then call writelog('ls','', 'no output times found, setting tnext to tstop') tpar%tnext = par%tstop end if end subroutine outputtimes_update subroutine timestep(s,par, tpar, it, ierr) use params use spaceparams use xmpi_module use logging_module use paramsconst IMPLICIT NONE type(spacepars), intent(inout) :: s type(parameters), intent(inout) :: par type(timepars), intent(inout) :: tpar integer, intent(inout) :: it integer, intent(out), optional :: ierr integer :: i,ilim integer :: j,j1,j2,jlim integer :: n,limtype real*8 :: mdx,mdy,tny,fac, maxfac real*8,save :: dtref,dtold if(.not. xcompute) return limtype = 0 ! Super fast 1D if (s%ny==0) then j1 = 1 else j1 = 2 endif ! Calculate dt based on the Courant number. ! Check when we need next output. ! Next time step will be, min(output times, t+dt) if (present(ierr)) then ierr = 0 endif tny = tiny(0.d0) ! Robert new time step criterion if (par%t<=0.0d0) then ! conservative estimate par%dt = par%CFL*min(minval(s%dsu(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1)), & minval(s%dnv(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))) & /sqrt(maxval(s%hh)*par%g) dtref = 0.d0 n = ceiling((tpar%tnext-par%t)/par%dt) par%dt = (tpar%tnext-par%t)/n else par%dt=huge(0.0d0) ! Seed dt dtold = par%dt limtype = 0 if (s%ny>2) then do j=2,s%ny do i=2,s%nx if(s%wetz(i,j)==1) then ! u-points mdx=s%dsu(i+1,j) mdy=min(s%dnv(i,j),s%dnv(i,j-1)) ! x-component par%dt=min(par%dt,mdx/max(tny,max(sqrt(par%g*s%hu(i,j))+abs(s%uu(i,j)),abs(s%ueu(i,j))))) !Jaap: include sediment advection velocities ! y-component par%dt=min(par%dt,mdy/max(tny,(sqrt(par%g*s%hu(i,j))+abs(s%vu(i,j))))) if (par%dt 0.d0) then mdy = par%dy else mdy = mdx endif par%dt=min(par%dt,0.5d0*mdx*mdy/(mdx+mdy)/max(s%nuh(i,j2),1e-6)) if (par%dt0) then par%dt=par%dt*par%CFL*0.5d0 else par%dt=par%dt*par%CFL*0.5d0 endif ! groundwater stability if (par%gwflow==1 .and. par%gwnonh==0) then j2=max(s%ny,1) do j=j1,j2 do i=2,s%nx ! Vreugdenhil: ! 2*kx*gwheight*dt/dx2 < CFL -> dt = (CFL*dx2)/(2*kx*gwheight) ! par%dt=min(par%dt,par%CFL*s%dsc(i,j)**2/(2*par%kx*s%gwheight(i,j))) ! ! Wikipedia: for FTCS: ! 2*a*dt/dx2 < 1 , where dh/dt = a *d2h/dx2 -> a = k/por ! 2*k/por*dt/dx2 = CFL -> dt = CFL*dx2*por/2/k par%dt=min(par%dt,par%CFL*s%dsc(i,j)**2*par%por/(2*par%kx)) if (par%dt2) then do j=j1,j2 do i=2,s%nx ! 2*ky*gwheight*dt/dy2 < CFL -> dt = (CFL*dy2)/(2*ky*gwheight) ! par%dt=min(par%dt,par%CFL*s%dnc(i,j)**2/(2*par%ky*s%gwheight(i,j))) par%dt=min(par%dt,par%CFL*s%dnc(i,j)**2*par%por/(2*par%ky)) if (par%dt1) then par%dt=min(par%dt,par%CFL*s%dtheta/(maxval(maxval(abs(s%ctheta),3)*real(s%wetz))+tny)) endif #else ! if (par%instat(1:4)/='stat') then ! wwvv: hoping that this is a correct translation: select case (par%instat) case(INSTAT_STAT,INSTAT_STAT_TABLE) continue case default par%dt=min(par%dt,par%CFL*s%dtheta/(maxval(maxval(abs(s%ctheta),3)*real(s%wetz))+tny)) end select #endif endif !To avoid large timestep differences due to output, which can cause instabities !in the hanssen (leapfrog) scheme, we smooth the timestep. n = ceiling((tpar%tnext-par%t)/par%dt) par%dt = (tpar%tnext-par%t)/n end if ! first, or other time step if (dtref .eq. 0.0d0) then ! If dtref is not yet set. dtref = par%dt #ifdef USEMPI ! Use the same dtref everywhere. call xmpi_allreduce(dtref,MPI_MIN) #endif end if ! wwvv: In the mpi version par%dt will be calculated different ! on different processes. So, we take the minimum of all dt's #ifdef USEMPI call xmpi_allreduce(par%dt,MPI_MIN) #endif par%t=par%t+par%dt if(par%t>=tpar%tnext) then par%dt = par%dt-(par%t-tpar%tnext) par%t = tpar%tnext it = it+1 end if ! Sometimes dtref is set incorrectly in intialization. We want to stop sudden changes ! in time step size, so allow dtref to change slowely to current situations. If simulation ! requires smaller timestep due to e.g. overwash, this should not stop the simulation. ! Errors occur in O(1-10) timesteps. Therefore filter on O(1000-10000) timesteps fac = 1.d0/5000 dtref = (1.d0-fac)*dtref + fac*par%dt maxfac = 50.d0 if (par%nonh==1) maxfac = 500.d0 if ((dtref/par%dt>maxfac .and. par%tmaxfac) then call writelog('lswe','','Quit XBeach since computational time implodes/explodes') call writelog('lswe','','Please check output at the end of the simulation') select case (limtype) case (1) call writelog('lswe','(a,i0,a,i0,a)','U-velocities are too high in cell (',ilim,',',jlim,')(M,N)') case (2) call writelog('lswe','(a,i0,a,i0,a)','V-velocities are too high in cell (',ilim,',',jlim,')(M,N)') case (3) call writelog('lswe','(a,i0,a,i0,a)','Viscosity condition is too high in cell (',ilim,',',jlim,')(M,N)') case (4) call writelog('lswe','(a,i0,a,i0,a)','Groundwater condition is too high in cell (',ilim,',',jlim,')(M,N)') end select call writelog('lswe','','dtref: ',dtref) call writelog('lswe','','par%dt: ',par%dt) ! Force output before exit in main time loop tpar%outputg = (size(tpar%tpg) .gt. 0) tpar%outputp = (size(tpar%tpp) .gt. 0) tpar%outputm = (size(tpar%tpm) .gt. 0) tpar%outputc = (size(tpar%tpc) .gt. 0) ! set output time to current time if (tpar%outputg) tpar%tpg=min(tpar%tpg,par%t) if (tpar%outputp) tpar%tpp=min(tpar%tpp,par%t) if (tpar%outputm) tpar%tpm=min(tpar%tpm,par%t) if (tpar%outputc) tpar%tpc=min(tpar%tpc,par%t) tpar%output = (tpar%outputg .or. tpar%outputp .or. tpar%outputm .or. tpar%outputc) if (present(ierr)) then ierr = 1 endif endif end subroutine timestep end module timestep_module