! DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE ! But edit variables.f90 and scripts/generate.py ! Compiling and running is taken care of by the Makefile <% # this list is copied to writeloginterface.f90 formats = ["a", "afafafaf", "afaiaaa", "aaafaf", "aafaf", "afaaa", "aafa", "aaaf", "afafa", "afaf", "afa", "aaf", "iiiii", "aiaiafa", "aiaiaf", "aiaiaia", "aiaiai", "aiafaf", "aiafa", "aaaiai", "aaiai", "aiai", "aiaaa", "aaai", "aii", "aai", "aaaa", "aaa", "ai", "aa", "illll", "af", "aia", "ia", "fa","aaia","aiaa", "aiaia"] format2name = { "a": "message_char", "i": "message_int", "f": "message_float", "l": "message_logical" } format2type = { "a": "character(*)", "i": "integer", "f": "real(rKind)", "l": "logical" } def format2vars(format): """convert a format code to a list of variables""" variables = [] counter = {} for letter in format: counter[letter] = 0 for letter in format: counter[letter] += 1 n = counter[letter] # prepend with name to avoid interface colission name = format + "_" + format2name[letter] + str(n) type = format2type[letter] variable = {"name": name, "type": type, "letter": letter} variables.append(variable) return variables def vars2write(variables): """convert variable list to write statement""" writes = [] for var in variables: if var["letter"] == "a": # trim the strings writes.append("trim({0})".format(var["name"])) else: writes.append(var["name"]) # concatenate them all separated by ", " write = ", ".join(writes) return write %> %for format in formats: <% # define formatting for variables variables = format2vars(format) # concatenate all the variables by , names = ", ".join(var["name"] for var in variables) # generate the write statements write = vars2write(variables) %> subroutine writelog_${format}(destination, form, ${names}) implicit none character(*),intent(in) :: destination character(*),intent(in) :: form character(len=slen) :: display %for var in variables: ${var["type"]}, intent(in) :: ${var["name"]} %endfor if (trim(form)=='') then write(display,*)${write} else write(display,form)${write} endif %if format == 'a': ! this is the main subroutine that actual does the logging ! passing the trimmed version of display does not work. call writelog_distribute(destination, trim(display)) %else: ! this function passes the formatted log messages to the main logger call writelog_a(destination, '', trim(display)) %endif end subroutine writelog_${format} %endfor