!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! Copyright (C) 2011 UNESCO-IHE, WL|Delft Hydraulics and Delft University ! ! Dano Roelvink, Ap van Dongeren, Ad Reniers, Jamie Lescinski, ! ! Jaap van Thiel de Vries, Robert McCall ! ! ! ! d.roelvink@unesco-ihe.org ! ! UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education ! ! P.O. Box 3015 ! ! 2601 DA Delft ! ! The Netherlands ! ! ! ! This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ! ! modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public ! ! License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either ! ! version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ! ! ! ! This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ! ! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ! ! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ! ! Lesser General Public License for more details. ! ! ! ! You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public ! ! License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software ! ! Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 ! ! USA ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! module ship_module use typesandkinds, only: slen use constants implicit none save type ship character(slen) :: name real(kind=rKind) :: dx real(kind=rKind) :: dy integer :: nx integer :: ny integer :: compute_force ! option (0/1) to compute forces on ship (can be switched on/off per ship) integer :: compute_motion ! option (0/1) to compute ship motion due to waves integer :: flying integer :: read_heading character(slen) :: shipgeom real(kind=rKind) :: xCG ! x location of center of gravity w.r.t. ship grid real(kind=rKind) :: yCG ! y location of center of gravity w.r.t. ship grid real(kind=rKind) :: zCG ! z location of center of gravity w.r.t. ship grid real(kind=rKind), dimension(:,:), pointer :: x real(kind=rKind), dimension(:,:), pointer :: y real(kind=rKind), dimension(:,:), pointer :: depth ! ship depth defined on local grid relative to plane fixed to ship real(kind=rKind), dimension(:,:), pointer :: zhull ! actual z-coordinate of ship hull relative to horizontal reference plane real(kind=rKind), dimension(:,:), pointer :: zs ! water level defined on ship grid, interpolated from XBeach real(kind=rKind), dimension(:,:), pointer :: ph ! pressure head at ship hull = zs-zhull character(slen) :: shiptrack integer :: track_nt real(kind=rKind) , dimension(:) , pointer :: track_t real(kind=rKind) , dimension(:) , pointer :: track_x real(kind=rKind) , dimension(:) , pointer :: track_y real(kind=rKind) , dimension(:) , pointer :: track_z real(kind=rKind) , dimension(:) , pointer :: track_dir real(kind=rKind) :: mass real(kind=rKind) :: Jx real(kind=rKind) :: Jy real(kind=rKind) :: Jz real(kind=rKind) , dimension(:) , pointer :: xs real(kind=rKind) , dimension(:) , pointer :: ys integer, dimension(:) , pointer :: nrx integer, dimension(:) , pointer :: nry integer, dimension(:) , pointer :: nrin integer, dimension(:) , pointer :: iflag integer, dimension(:,:), pointer :: iref real(kind=rKind) , dimension(:,:), pointer :: w integer, dimension(:) , pointer :: covered end type ship contains subroutine ship_init(s,par,sh) use params, only: parameters use xmpi_module use spaceparams use readkey_module, only: count_lines, readkey_real, readkey_int, readkey_intvec, readkey_name, read_v use filefunctions, only: create_new_fid use interp implicit none type(parameters) :: par type(spacepars),target :: s type(ship), dimension(:), pointer :: sh integer :: i,fid,iy,it integer :: n2 logical :: toall = .true. !include 's.ind' !include 's.inp' if(par%ships==1) then ! Read ship names (== filenames with ship geometry and track data) par%nship = count_lines(par%shipfile) allocate(sh(par%nship)) if (xmaster) then fid=create_new_fid() open(fid,file=par%shipfile) do i=1,par%nship read(fid,'(a)') sh(i)%name enddo close(fid) endif #ifdef USEMPI do i=1,par%nship call xmpi_bcast(sh(i)%name,toall) enddo #endif do i=1,par%nship ! Read ship geometry sh(i)%dx = readkey_real(sh(i)%name,'dx', 5._rKind, 0._rKind, 100._rKind) sh(i)%dy = readkey_real(sh(i)%name,'dy', 5._rKind, 0._rKind, 100._rKind) sh(i)%nx = readkey_int(sh(i)%name,'nx', 20, 1, 1000 ) sh(i)%ny = readkey_int(sh(i)%name,'ny', 20, 1, 1000 ) sh(i)%shipgeom = readkey_name(sh(i)%name,'shipgeom',required=.true.) sh(i)%xCG = readkey_real(sh(i)%name,'xCG', 0._rKind, -1000._rKind, 1000._rKind) sh(i)%yCG = readkey_real(sh(i)%name,'yCG', 0._rKind, -1000._rKind, 1000._rKind) sh(i)%zCG = readkey_real(sh(i)%name,'zCG', 0._rKind, -1000._rKind, 1000._rKind) sh(i)%shiptrack = readkey_name(sh(i)%name,'shiptrack',required=.true.) sh(i)%compute_force = readkey_int(sh(i)%name,'compute_force' , 0, 0, 1) sh(i)%compute_motion = readkey_int(sh(i)%name,'compute_motion', 0, 0, 1) sh(i)%flying = readkey_int(sh(i)%name,'flying', 0, 0, 1) sh(i)%read_heading = readkey_int(sh(i)%name,'read_heading', 0, 0, 1) allocate (sh(i)%depth(sh(i)%nx+1,sh(i)%ny+1)) allocate (sh(i)%zhull(sh(i)%nx+1,sh(i)%ny+1)) allocate (sh(i)%ph(sh(i)%nx+1,sh(i)%ny+1)) allocate (sh(i)%zs(sh(i)%nx+1,sh(i)%ny+1)) allocate (sh(i)%x(sh(i)%nx+1,sh(i)%ny+1)) allocate (sh(i)%y(sh(i)%nx+1,sh(i)%ny+1)) n2=(sh(i)%nx+1)*(sh(i)%ny+1) allocate (sh(i)%xs(n2)) allocate (sh(i)%ys(n2)) allocate (sh(i)%nrx(n2)) allocate (sh(i)%nry(n2)) allocate (sh(i)%nrin(n2)) allocate (sh(i)%iflag(n2)) allocate (sh(i)%iref(4,n2)) allocate (sh(i)%w(4,n2)) allocate (sh(i)%covered(n2)) sh(i)%ph = 0._rKind sh(i)%zs = 0._rKind fid=create_new_fid() !open(fid,file=sh(i)%shipgeom) if(xmaster) open(fid,file=sh(i)%shipgeom) do iy=1,sh(i)%ny+1 call read_v(fid,sh(i)%depth(:,iy)) enddo if(xmaster) close(fid) if (sh(i)%compute_motion==0) then sh(i)%zhull=-sh(i)%depth endif if (sh(i)%compute_force==0) then sh(i)%ph=sh(i)%depth endif ! Read t,x,y of ship position sh(i)%track_nt=count_lines(sh(i)%shiptrack) fid=create_new_fid() if(xmaster) open(fid,file=sh(i)%shiptrack) allocate(sh(i)%track_t(sh(i)%track_nt)) allocate(sh(i)%track_x(sh(i)%track_nt)) allocate(sh(i)%track_y(sh(i)%track_nt)) allocate(sh(i)%track_z(sh(i)%track_nt)) allocate(sh(i)%track_dir(sh(i)%track_nt)) if (sh(i)%flying==0) then if (sh(i)%read_heading==0) then do it=1,sh(i)%track_nt call read_v(fid,sh(i)%track_t(it),sh(i)%track_x(it),sh(i)%track_y(it)) enddo else do it=1,sh(i)%track_nt ! also read in track_dir, in nautical deg call read_v(fid,sh(i)%track_t(it),sh(i)%track_x(it),sh(i)%track_y(it),sh(i)%track_dir(it)) ! convert to cartesian direction sh(i)%track_dir(it)=pi/180._rKind*(270._rKind-sh(i)%track_dir(it)) enddo endif sh(i)%track_z=0._rKind else if (sh(i)%read_heading==0) then do it=1,sh(i)%track_nt call read_v(fid,sh(i)%track_t(it),sh(i)%track_x(it),sh(i)%track_y(it),sh(i)%track_z(it)) enddo else do it=1,sh(i)%track_nt ! also read in track_dir, in nautical deg call read_v(fid,sh(i)%track_t(it),sh(i)%track_x(it),sh(i)%track_y(it),sh(i)%track_dir(it),sh(i)%track_z(it)) ! convert to cartesian direction sh(i)%track_dir(it)=pi/180._rKind*(270._rKind-sh(i)%track_dir(it)) enddo endif endif if(xmaster)close(fid) ! Compute ship direction if (sh(i)%read_heading==0) then sh(i)%track_dir(1)=atan2(sh(i)%track_y(2)-sh(i)%track_y(1),sh(i)%track_x(2)-sh(i)%track_x(1)) do it=2,sh(i)%track_nt-1 sh(i)%track_dir(it)=atan2(sh(i)%track_y(it+1)-sh(i)%track_y(it-1),sh(i)%track_x(it+1)-sh(i)%track_x(it-1)) enddo it=sh(i)%track_nt sh(i)%track_dir(it)=atan2(sh(i)%track_y(it)-sh(i)%track_y(it-1),sh(i)%track_x(it)-sh(i)%track_x(it-1)) endif enddo ! loop over ships ! Initialize ship-related global variables if (xmaster) then ! only on xmaster, rest is done automatically by call from libxbeach allocate(s%shipxCG (par%nship)) allocate(s%shipyCG (par%nship)) allocate(s%shipzCG (par%nship)) allocate(s%shipFx (par%nship)) allocate(s%shipFy (par%nship)) allocate(s%shipFz (par%nship)) allocate(s%shipMx (par%nship)) allocate(s%shipMy (par%nship)) allocate(s%shipMz (par%nship)) allocate(s%shipphi (par%nship)) allocate(s%shipchi (par%nship)) allocate(s%shippsi (par%nship)) s%shipxCG=0._rKind s%shipyCG=0._rKind s%shipzCG=0._rKind s%shipFx=0._rKind s%shipFy=0._rKind s%shipFz=0._rKind endif else ! (par%ships==0) if (xmaster) then ! just allocate address for memory, only on xmaster, rest is ! done automatically by call from libxbeach allocate(s%shipxCG (par%nship)) allocate(s%shipyCG (par%nship)) allocate(s%shipzCG (par%nship)) allocate(s%shipFx (par%nship)) allocate(s%shipFy (par%nship)) allocate(s%shipFz (par%nship)) allocate(s%shipMx (par%nship)) allocate(s%shipMy (par%nship)) allocate(s%shipMz (par%nship)) allocate(s%shipphi (par%nship)) allocate(s%shipchi (par%nship)) allocate(s%shippsi (par%nship)) endif endif end subroutine ship_init subroutine shipwave(s,par,sh) use params, only: parameters use xmpi_module use spaceparams use readkey_module use filefunctions use interp, only: grmap, grmap2, mkmap, linear_interp implicit none type(parameters) :: par type(spacepars),target :: s type(ship), dimension(:), pointer :: sh integer :: i,ix,iy,shp_indx logical, save :: firstship=.true. real(kind=rKind) :: shipx_old,shipy_old,dirship,radius,cosdir,sindir integer :: n1,n2,iprint=0 real(kind=rKind) :: xymiss=-999 real(kind=rKind), dimension(:,:),allocatable :: zsvirt !include 's.ind' !include 's.inp' if (.not. allocated(zsvirt)) allocate(zsvirt(s%nx+1,s%ny+1)) zsvirt=s%zs+s%ph s%ph=0._rKind do i=1,par%nship ! Find actual position and orientation of ship shipx_old = s%shipxCG(i) shipy_old = s%shipyCG(i) call linear_interp(sh(i)%track_t,sh(i)%track_x,sh(i)%track_nt,real(par%t,rKind),s%shipxCG(i),shp_indx) call linear_interp(sh(i)%track_t,sh(i)%track_y,sh(i)%track_nt,real(par%t,rKind),s%shipyCG(i),shp_indx) if (sh(i)%flying==1) then call linear_interp(sh(i)%track_t,sh(i)%track_z,sh(i)%track_nt,real(par%t,rKind),s%shipzCG(i),shp_indx) else s%shipzCG(i) = 0._rKind endif call linear_interp(sh(i)%track_t,sh(i)%track_dir,sh(i)%track_nt,real(par%t,rKind),dirship,shp_indx) radius=max(sh(i)%nx*sh(i)%dx,sh(i)%ny*sh(i)%dy)/2 cosdir=cos(dirship) sindir=sin(dirship) ! Compute pressures on ship based on water levels from XBeach !------------------------------------------------------------ ! Update locations of x ship grid points do iy=1,sh(i)%ny+1 do ix=1,sh(i)%nx+1 sh(i)%x(ix,iy)=s%shipxCG(i)+(ix-sh(i)%nx/2-1)*sh(i)%dx*cosdir - (iy-sh(i)%ny/2-1)*sh(i)%dy*sindir sh(i)%y(ix,iy)=s%shipyCG(i)+(ix-sh(i)%nx/2-1)*sh(i)%dx*sindir + (iy-sh(i)%ny/2-1)*sh(i)%dy*cosdir end do end do ! Interpolate XBeach water levels to ship grid when required n1=(s%nx+1)*(s%ny+1) n2=(sh(i)%nx+1)*(sh(i)%ny+1) ! Only carry out (costly) MKMAP once when ship is not moving !! If XBeach grid is regular rectangular a more efficient mapper can be used; TBD call MKMAP (s%wetz ,s%xz ,s%yz ,s%nx+1 ,s%ny+1 , & & sh(i)%x ,sh(i)%y ,n2 ,sh(i)%xs ,sh(i)%ys, & & sh(i)%nrx ,sh(i)%nry ,sh(i)%iflag ,sh(i)%nrin ,sh(i)%w , & & sh(i)%iref,iprint ,sh(i)%covered ,xymiss) call GRMAP (zsvirt ,n1 ,sh(i)%zs ,n2 ,sh(i)%iref, & & sh(i)%w ,4 ,iprint ) if (sh(i)%compute_force==1) then ! Compute pressure head (m) on ship grid including small-scale motions !----------------------------------------------------- sh(i)%ph = sh(i)%zs-sh(i)%zhull ! Compute forces on ship when required !------------------------------------- call ship_force(i,sh(i),s,par) if (sh(i)%compute_motion==1) then ! Update vertical position and rotations when required !----------------------------------------------------- ! TBD ! Compute actual z position of ship hull on ship grid when required !------------------------------------------------------------------ do iy=1,sh(i)%ny+1 do ix=1,sh(i)%nx+1 sh(i)%zhull(ix,iy)=s%shipzCG(i)-sh(i)%zCG-sh(i)%depth(ix,iy) & & -(sh(i)%x(ix,iy)-sh(i)%xCG)*sin(s%shipchi(i)) & & +(sh(i)%y(ix,iy)-sh(i)%yCG)*sin(s%shipphi(i)) enddo enddo endif ! compute_motion ! Compute pressure head (m) on ship grid ti feed back into XBeach !----------------------------------------------------- ! Next line to be implemented in combination with vertical motion only ! sh(i)%ph = sum(sh(i)%zs)/((sh(i)%nx+1)*(sh(i)%ny+1))-sh(i)%zhull sh(i)%ph = -sh(i)%zhull do iy=1,sh(i)%ny+1 do ix=1,sh(i)%nx+1 if (sh(i)%depth(ix,iy)==0) sh(i)%ph(ix,iy)=0._rKind enddo enddo else sh(i)%ph = -sh(i)%zhull-s%shipzCG(i) sh(i)%ph = max(sh(i)%ph,0._rKind) endif ! compute_forces ! Compute pressure head (m) on XBeach grid !----------------------------------------- call grmap2(s%ph, s%dsdnzi ,n1 ,sh(i)%ph, sh(i)%dx*sh(i)%dy ,n2 ,sh(i)%iref, & & sh(i)%w ,4 ) ! do iy=1,s%ny+1 ! do ix=1,s%nx+1 ! ! Convert XBeach cell center coordinates to coordinates in local ship grid ! x1 = (xz(ix,iy)-shipxCG(i))*cosdir + (yz(ix,iy)-shipyCG(i))*sindir! ! y1 = -(xz(ix,iy)-shipxCG(i))*sindir + (yz(ix,iy)-shipyCG(i))*cosdir ! ! Convert to (float) grid number ! xrel=x1/sh(i)%dx+sh(i)%nx/2 ! yrel=y1/sh(i)%dy+sh(i)%ny/2 ! i1=floor(xrel) ! j1=floor(yrel) ! ! Carry out bilinear interpolation ! if (i1>=0 .and. i1=0 .and. j1