module rainfall_module use constants implicit none save logical,save,private :: constantRainfall contains subroutine rainfall_init(s,par) use params use spaceparams use filefunctions use logging_module use interp type(spacepars) :: s type(parameters) :: par integer :: i,j,it integer :: ier,fid,dummy if(.not. xmaster) return ! allocate global rainfall rate variable allocate(s%rainfallrate(s%nx+1,s%ny+1)) if (par%rainfall==1) then ! read from file? if (par%rainfallratefile==' ') then constantRainfall = .true. allocate(s%rainfallinput(0,0,0)) allocate(s%trainfallinput(0)) s%rainfallrate = par%rainfallrate/1000._rKind/3600._rKind ! convert from [mm/hr] to [m/s] else constantRainfall = .false. allocate(s%rainfallinput(s%nx+1,s%ny+1,par%nrainfallrate)) allocate(s%trainfallinput(par%nrainfallrate)) ! start file read fid = create_new_fid() ! call check_file_exist(par%rainfallratefile) ! already done at all_input subroutine level open (fid,file=par%rainfallratefile) do it=1,par%nrainfallrate read(fid,*,iostat=ier)s%trainfallinput(it) if (ier .ne. 0) then call report_file_read_error(par%rainfallratefile) endif do j=1,s%ny+1 read(fid,*,iostat=ier)(s%rainfallinput(i,j,it),i=1,s%nx+1) if (ier .ne. 0) then call report_file_read_error(par%rainfallratefile) endif enddo enddo close(fid) s%rainfallinput = s%rainfallinput/1000._rKind/3600._rKind ! convert source file from [mm/hr] to [m/s] ! Interpolate initial rainfall do j=1,s%ny+1 do i=1,s%nx+1 call LINEAR_INTERP(s%trainfallinput,s%rainfallinput(i,j,:),par%nrainfallrate, & 0._rKind,s%rainfallrate(i,j),dummy) enddo enddo endif else ! give MPI bcast a memory address allocate(s%rainfallinput(0,0,0)) allocate(s%trainfallinput(0)) constantRainfall = .true. s%rainfallrate = 0._rKind endif end subroutine rainfall_init subroutine rainfall_update(s, par) use params use spaceparams use interp implicit none type(spacepars) :: s type(parameters) :: par integer :: i,j,dummy if (.not. constantRainfall) then ! interpolate from time series do j=1,s%ny+1 do i=1,s%nx+1 call LINEAR_INTERP(s%trainfallinput,s%rainfallinput(i,j,:),par%nrainfallrate, & real(par%t,rKind),s%rainfallrate(i,j),dummy) enddo enddo endif end subroutine rainfall_update end module rainfall_module