module beachwizard_module use constants implicit none save private public bwinit, assim, assim_update type beachwiz real(kind=rKind), dimension(1000,8) :: timesnew !time in minutes when remote sensed sources apply - eight sources max integer, dimension(8) :: ntimesnew = 0 !number of maps per source integer :: nflagsigpr = 0 !flags integer :: nflagsetobs = 0 real(kind=rKind), dimension(1000,8) :: timvalnew !duration in minutes of each map character(232), dimension(1000,8) :: fname !filename of the map character(232), dimension(1000,8) :: fnameerr !filename of the uncertainties in the map character(232), dimension(:), & & pointer :: fnamim character(232), dimension(:), & & pointer :: fnamzb character(232), dimension(:), & & pointer :: fnamcx character(232), dimension(:), & & pointer :: fnamsh integer, dimension(8) :: status = 0 !status of the map (1=read, 0=not read/does not exist) integer, dimension(8) :: statuserr = 0 !status of the error map integer, dimension(8) :: itimnew !counter of the time "timesnew" integer, dimension(8) :: itimrdnew !flag to indicate time has been read integer :: itim integer :: itimrd integer :: itim2 integer :: itimrd2 integer :: itim3 integer :: itimrd3 integer :: itim4 integer :: itimrd4 real(kind=rKind), dimension(:,:), pointer :: fobs1 !value of the observed quantity in the coordinate system of the file real(kind=rKind), dimension(:,:), pointer :: fobs1err !same, for error file real(kind=rKind), dimension(:,:), pointer :: disobs real(kind=rKind), dimension(:,:), pointer :: zbobs1 real(kind=rKind), dimension(:,:), pointer :: shobs1 ! real(kind=rKind),dimension(:,:),allocatable :: dobs !observed dissipation real(kind=rKind),dimension(:,:),allocatable :: fobs real(kind=rKind),dimension(:,:),allocatable :: cobs !observed celerity real(kind=rKind),dimension(:,:),allocatable :: ccom !computed celerity real(kind=rKind),dimension(:,:),allocatable :: kobs !observed wave number ! real(kind=rKind),dimension(:,:),allocatable :: shobs !observed shoreline ! real(kind=rKind),dimension(:,:),allocatable :: zbobs !observed bathymetry real(kind=rKind),dimension(:,:),allocatable :: dcmdo !computed dissipation minus observed dissipation real(kind=rKind),dimension(:,:),allocatable :: ccmco !computed celerity minus observed celerity real(kind=rKind),dimension(:,:),allocatable :: scmso !computed shoreline minus observed shoreline real(kind=rKind),dimension(:,:),allocatable :: dassim real(kind=rKind),dimension(:,:),allocatable :: sigD !standard dev. of dissipation real(kind=rKind),dimension(:,:),allocatable :: sigC !standard dev. of celerity real(kind=rKind),dimension(:,:),allocatable :: sigK !standard dev. of wave number real(kind=rKind),dimension(:,:),allocatable :: sigZ !standard dev. of bathymetry real(kind=rKind),dimension(:,:),allocatable :: sigS !standard dev. of shoreline ! real(kind=rKind),dimension(:,:),allocatable :: sig2prior real(kind=rKind) :: xll !origin of the coordinate system used in the map real(kind=rKind) :: yll !idem real(kind=rKind) :: dx !dx in that c.s. real(kind=rKind) :: dy !dy in that c.s. real(kind=rKind) :: angle !angle in degrees real(kind=rKind) :: tradar !period used in the wavenumber or celerity file integer :: nx !number of points in the x-direction in the c.s. of the map integer :: ny !same in y integer :: ix !counter integer :: iy !counter real(kind=rKind) :: sigDdef !default value of the dissipation uncertainty real(kind=rKind) :: sigCdef !default value of the celerity uncertainty real(kind=rKind) :: sigZdef !default value of the bathymetry uncertainty real(kind=rKind) :: sigSdef !default value of the shoreline uncertainty end type beachwiz ! Type of beachwizard, stored local. Please store persistent info in s, par. type(beachwiz) :: bw contains subroutine bwinit(s) use spaceparamsdef, only: spacepars use xmpi_module, only: xmaster implicit none type(spacepars), target :: s if(.not. xmaster) return if(.true.) then allocate(s%dobs(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1)) allocate(s%zbobs(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1)) allocate(s%sig2prior(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1)) allocate(s%shobs(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1)) allocate(s%bwalpha(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1)) allocate(s%dcmdo(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1)) allocate(s%dassim(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1)) allocate(s%cobs(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1)) endif end subroutine bwinit subroutine assim(s,par) use params, only: parameters use spaceparamsdef, only: spacepars implicit none type(spacepars), target :: s type(parameters) :: par character*80 :: infofile integer :: im,in integer :: srcnr real(kind=rKind), external :: readkey_real integer, external :: readkey_int logical :: exists real(kind=rKind), allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: h1 integer :: jj real(kind=rKind) :: om real(kind=rKind), allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: ome2 real(kind=rKind), allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: num real(kind=rKind), allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: den real(kind=rKind), allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: rk real(kind=rKind), allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: Hrms real(kind=rKind), allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: E real(kind=rKind), allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: hh real(kind=rKind), parameter :: a1 = 5.060219360721177D-01 real(kind=rKind), parameter :: a2 = 2.663457535068147D-01 real(kind=rKind), parameter :: a3 = 1.108728659243231D-01 real(kind=rKind), parameter :: a4 = 4.197392043833136D-02 real(kind=rKind), parameter :: a5 = 8.670877524768146D-03 real(kind=rKind), parameter :: a6 = 4.890806291366061D-03 real(kind=rKind), parameter :: b1 = 1.727544632667079D-01 real(kind=rKind), parameter :: b2 = 1.191224998569728D-01 real(kind=rKind), parameter :: b3 = 4.165097693766726D-02 real(kind=rKind), parameter :: b4 = 8.674993032204639D-03 if (.not. allocated(bw%fobs)) then ! allocate(s%dobs(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1)) allocate(bw%fobs(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1)) allocate(bw%cobs(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1)) allocate(bw%ccom(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1)) allocate(bw%kobs(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1)) ! allocate(s%shobs(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1)) ! allocate(s%zbobs(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1)) allocate(bw%dcmdo(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1)) allocate(bw%ccmco(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1)) allocate(bw%scmso(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1)) allocate(bw%dassim(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1)) allocate(bw%sigD(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1)) allocate(bw%sigC(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1)) allocate(bw%sigK(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1)) allocate(bw%sigZ(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1)) allocate(bw%sigS(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1)) ! allocate(s%sig2prior(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1)) end if allocate(h1(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1)) allocate(hh(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1)) allocate(ome2(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1)) allocate(num(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1)) allocate(rk(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1)) allocate(E(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1)) allocate(Hrms(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1)) ! wwvv somebody forgot: allocate(den(s%nx+1,s%ny+1)) bw%dcmdo=0. bw%ccmco=0. bw%scmso=0. if (bw%nflagsetobs==0) then !do this only once. s%dobs=-999. bw%cobs=-999. s%shobs=-999. s%zbobs = -999. bw%nflagsetobs = 1 end if if (bw%nflagsigpr==0) then !read prior uncertainty in terms of variance inquire (file='sigpr.dep', exist=exists) if (exists) then open(444,file='sigpr.dep',err=999) do im = 1,s%ny+1 read(444,*)(s%sig2prior(in,im),in =1,s%nx+1) !Leo: nx and ny --> nx+1 ny+1 enddo close(444) else s%sig2prior = 1**2 !if the file does not exist, set to hardcoded 1**2 end if inquire (file='bwdefaults.inp', exist=exists) !see if defaults file exists if (exists) then open(444,file='bwdefaults.inp',err=999) read(444,*) bw%sigDdef read(444,*) bw%sigCdef read(444,*) bw%sigZdef read(444,*) bw%sigSdef close(444) bw%sigD=bw%sigDdef bw%sigC=bw%sigCdef bw%sigZ=bw%sigZdef bw%sigS=bw%sigSdef else bw%sigCdef=1. !set to hardcoded defaults bw%sigDdef=20. bw%sigZdef=0.5 bw%sigSdef=0.5 end if bw%nflagsigpr=1 end if 999 continue inquire (file='imageinfoimap',exist=exists) !read file for dissipation if (exists) then infofile='imageinfoimap' srcnr = 1 call assim_rd(bw, s, par, infofile, srcnr) if (bw%status(srcnr) ==1) then do in=1,s%nx do im=1,s%ny if ((s%wetu(in,im)>0).and.(s%dobs(in,im)>-5.)) then bw%dcmdo(in,im) = s%Dr(in,im) - s%dobs(in,im) end if end do end do end if if (bw%statuserr(srcnr) ==0) then h1 = max(s%hh+par%delta*s%H,par%hmin) !! bw%sigD=bw%sigDdef+(999.-bw%sigDdef)*(0.5+0.5*tanh((s%dobs/h1-bw%sigDdef)/10.)) ! change 50 --> bw%sigDdef bw%sigD = bw%sigDdef !!using only default dissipation uncertainty for now... end if end if inquire (file='imageinfozb',exist=exists) !read file for bathymetry if (exists) then infofile='imageinfozb' srcnr = 2 call assim_rd(bw, s, par, infofile, srcnr) if (bw%statuserr(srcnr) ==0) then bw%sigZ=bw%sigZDef end if end if inquire (file='imageinfocx',exist=exists) !read file for celerity if (exists) then infofile='imageinfocx' srcnr = 3 call assim_rd(bw, s, par, infofile, srcnr) if (bw%status(srcnr) ==1) then do in=1,s%nx+1 do im=1,s%ny+1 om = 2.*3.1415/bw%tradar ome2(in,im) = om**2*s%hh(in,im)/par%g num(in,im) = 1.0 + & & ome2(in,im)*(a1 + ome2(in,im)*(a2 + ome2(in,im)*(a3 + ome2(in,im) & & *(a4 + ome2(in,im)*(a5 + ome2(in,im)*a6))))) den(in,im) = 1.0 + ome2(in,im)*(b1 + ome2(in,im)*(b2 + ome2(in,im)*(b3 + & & ome2(in,im)*(b4 + ome2(in,im)*a6)))) rk(in,im) = sqrt(ome2(in,im)*num(in,im)/den(in,im))/s%hh(in,im) Hrms(in,im) = max(0.01_rKind,sqrt(8*max(0.01_rKind,s%E(in,im))/par%rho/par%g)) bw%ccom(in,im) = sqrt(par%g/rk(in,im)*tanh(rk(in,im)*s%hh(in,im)+Hrms(in,im))) if ((s%wetu(in,im)>0).and.(bw%cobs(in,im)>-990.)) then bw%ccmco(in,im) = bw%ccom(in,im) - bw%cobs(in,im) end if enddo enddo end if if (bw%statuserr(srcnr) ==0) then bw%sigC=bw%sigCdef endif end if inquire (file='imageinfokabs',exist=exists) !do the same as above for wavenumbers if (exists) then infofile='imageinfokabs' srcnr = 4 call assim_rd(bw, s, par, infofile, srcnr) if (bw%status(srcnr) ==1) then do in = 1,s%nx+1 do im = 1,s%ny+1 om = 2.*3.1415/bw%tradar ome2(in,im) = om**2*s%hh(in,im)/par%g num(in,im) = 1.0 + & & ome2(in,im)*(a1 + ome2(in,im)*(a2 + ome2(in,im)*(a3 + ome2(in,im) & & *(a4 + ome2(in,im)*(a5 + ome2(in,im)*a6))))) den(in,im) = 1.0 + ome2(in,im)*(b1 + ome2(in,im)*(b2 + ome2(in,im)*(b3 + & & ome2(in,im)*(b4 + ome2(in,im)*a6)))) rk(in,im) = sqrt(ome2(in,im)*num(in,im)/den(in,im))/s%hh(in,im) Hrms(in,im) = max(0.01_rKind,sqrt(8*max(0.01_rKind,s%E(in,im))/par%rho/par%g)) bw%ccom(in,im) = sqrt(par%g/rk(in,im)*tanh(rk(in,im)*s%hh(in,im)+Hrms(in,im))) bw%cobs(in,im) = om/max(bw%kobs(in,im),0.01_rKind) ! here we revert back to celerities. if (bw%kobs(in,im)<-990.) then bw%cobs(in,im)=-999. end if if ((s%wetu(in,im)>0).and.(bw%kobs(in,im)>-990.)) then bw%ccmco(in,im) = bw%ccom(in,im) - bw%cobs(in,im) end if end do end do end if if (bw%statuserr(srcnr) ==1) then do in = 1,s%nx+1 do im = 1,s%ny+1 om = 2.*3.1415/bw%tradar ome2(in,im) = om**2*s%hh(in,im)/par%g num(in,im) = 1.0 + & & ome2(in,im)*(a1 + ome2(in,im)*(a2 + ome2(in,im)*(a3 + ome2(in,im) & & *(a4 + ome2(in,im)*(a5 + ome2(in,im)*a6))))) den(in,im) = 1.0 + ome2(in,im)*(b1 + ome2(in,im)*(b2 + ome2(in,im)*(b3 + & & ome2(in,im)*(b4 + ome2(in,im)*a6)))) rk(in,im) = sqrt(ome2(in,im)*num(in,im)/den(in,im))/s%hh(in,im) bw%sigC(in,im) = om/rk(in,im)*(bw%sigK(in,im)/(rk(in,im)+bw%sigK(in,im))) ! express sigK in terms of sigK, ! from c+sigC = om/(k+sigK) end do end do end if if (bw%statuserr(srcnr) ==0) then bw%sigC = bw%sigCdef end if end if inquire (file='imageinfoibathy',exist=exists) !read file for shorelines if (exists) then infofile='imageinfoibathy' srcnr = 5 call assim_rd(bw, s, par, infofile, srcnr) if (bw%status(srcnr) ==1) then do im=1,s%ny do in = 1,s%nx if (abs(s%shobs(in,im)).le.5.) then ! bw%scmso(in,im) = s%hh(in,im) + s%shobs(in,im) !!plus? bw%scmso(in,im) = s%zb(in,im) - s%shobs(in,im) end if end do end do do jj=1,2 do in = 2,s%nx do im = 2,s%ny bw%scmso(in,im) = (bw%scmso(in-1,im-1)+bw%scmso(in,im-1)+bw%scmso(in+1,im-1)+ & & bw%scmso(in-1,im)+ bw%scmso(in,im)+ bw%scmso(in+1,im)+ & & bw%scmso(in-1,im+1)+bw%scmso(in,im+1)+bw%scmso(in+1,im+1))/9. end do end do end do end if !if status if (bw%statuserr(srcnr) ==0) then bw%sigS=bw%sigSdef end if end if !if exists !expose variables to output module s%dcmdo = bw%dcmdo call comp_depchg(bw, s, par) end subroutine assim subroutine assim_rd(bw, s, par, infofile, srcnr) use params, only: parameters use spaceparamsdef, only: spacepars implicit none ! Global variables type(spacepars), target :: s type(parameters) :: par type(beachwiz) :: bw character*80 :: infofile integer :: im,in,iy,ix integer :: srcnr ! Local variables real(kind=rKind) :: degrad real(kind=rKind) :: a real(kind=rKind) :: b real(kind=rKind) :: w11 real(kind=rKind) :: w21 real(kind=rKind) :: w12 real(kind=rKind) :: w22 real(kind=rKind) :: x1 real(kind=rKind) :: y1 real(kind=rKind) :: xs real(kind=rKind) :: ys real(kind=rKind) :: cs real(kind=rKind) :: sn real(kind=rKind) :: x1max real(kind=rKind) :: y1max integer :: ixp1 integer :: iyp1 integer :: i integer :: istat logical :: exists ! Actual time based on timhr relative to itdate ! if (bw%ntimesnew(srcnr)==0) then inquire (file=infofile,exist=exists) if (exists) then open(31,file=infofile,err=999) read(31,*)bw%ntimesnew(srcnr) do i=1,bw%ntimesnew(srcnr) read(31,*)bw%timesnew(i,srcnr),bw%fname(i,srcnr),bw%fnameerr(i,srcnr), & & bw%timvalnew(i,srcnr) write(*,*) bw%timesnew(i,srcnr), bw%fname(i,srcnr), bw%fnameerr(i,srcnr), & & bw%timvalnew(i,srcnr) enddo !pause close(31) bw%timesnew(bw%ntimesnew(srcnr)+1:1000,srcnr)=1.e10 else stop ' Argus assimilation active and no imageinfoimap file' endif bw%itimnew(srcnr)=1 bw%itimrdnew(srcnr)=0 endif bw%status(srcnr) = 0 ! Check if time matches time of an image if (par%t<60.*bw%timesnew(1,srcnr)) then ! ! Time less than time first image; leave dcmdo at 0 else 10 if (par%t>=60.*bw%timesnew(bw%itimnew(srcnr)+1,srcnr)) then bw%itimnew(srcnr)=bw%itimnew(srcnr)+1 goto 10 endif ! if (par%t-60.*bw%timesnew(bw%itimnew(srcnr),srcnr)<=60*bw%timvalnew(bw%itimnew(srcnr),srcnr)) then ! Read image if not read before ! write(*,*) 'smaller than timval',timmin,timesnew(itimnew(srcnr),srcnr), & !& timvalnew(itimnew(srcnr),srcnr) if (bw%itimnew(srcnr)/=bw%itimrdnew(srcnr)) then ! ! Read header file that defines argus grid inquire(file=bw%fname(bw%itimnew(srcnr),srcnr),exist=exists) if (exists) then open(31,file=bw%fname(bw%itimnew(srcnr),srcnr),err=999) read(31,*,err=999)bw%xll read(31,*,err=999)bw%yll read(31,*,err=999)bw%dx read(31,*,err=999)bw%dy read(31,*,err=999)bw%nx read(31,*,err=999)bw%ny read(31,*,err=999)bw%angle if (associated(bw%fobs1)) deallocate (bw%fobs1, STAT = istat) allocate (bw%fobs1(bw%nx,bw%ny)) do iy=1,bw%ny read(31,*)(bw%fobs1(ix,iy),ix=1,bw%nx) enddo close(31) bw%itimrdnew(srcnr)=bw%itimnew(srcnr) else goto 999 endif ! inquire(file=fnameerr(itimnew(srcnr),srcnr),exist=exists) ! write(*,*) fnameerr(itimnew(srcnr),srcnr) !pause ! if (exists) then ! 31=NEWLUN(GDP) ! open(31,file=fnameerr(itimnew(srcnr),srcnr),err=999) ! read(31,*,err=999)xll ! read(31,*,err=999)yll ! read(31,*,err=999)dx ! read(31,*,err=999)dy ! read(31,*,err=999)nx ! read(31,*,err=999)ny ! read(31,*,err=999)angle ! write(*,*) xll, yll, dx, dy, nx, ny, angle !pause ! if (associated(fobs1err)) deallocate (fobs1err, STAT = istat) ! allocate (fobs1err(nx,ny)) ! do iy=1,ny ! read(31,*)(fobs1err(ix,iy),ix=1,nx) ! enddo ! close(31) ! statuserr(srcnr)=1 ! write(*,*) 'here read ', statuserr(srcnr), srcnr !pause ! else ! fobs1err=-999 ! statuserr(srcnr)=0 ! write(*,*) 'here not read ', statuserr(srcnr), srcnr ! !pause ! endif degrad=atan(1.)/45. cs=cos(bw%angle*degrad) sn=sin(bw%angle*degrad) x1max=(bw%nx-2)*bw%dx y1max=(bw%ny-2)*bw%dy do in=1,s%nx+1 !Leo and Roberto changed nx --> nx+1 do im=1,s%ny+1 !Leo and Roberto changed ny --> ny+1 bw%fobs(in,im)=-999._rKind !Changed by Ap 31/5 ! fobserr(n,m) = 999._rKind ! changed by Ap 31/5 ! if (kfs(n,m)>0) then !Ap xs = s%xz(in,im) - bw%xll ! Jaap changed x --> xz ys = s%yz(in,im) - bw%yll x1 = xs*cs + ys*sn y1 =-xs*sn + ys*cs x1 = min(max(x1,bw%dx),x1max) y1 = min(max(y1,bw%dy),y1max) ix = int(x1/bw%dx)+1 iy = int(y1/bw%dy)+1 ixp1 = max(min(ix+1,bw%nx-1),2) iyp1 = max(min(iy+1,bw%ny-1),2) ix = max(min(ix,bw%nx-1),2) iy = max(min(iy,bw%ny-1),2) a = mod(x1,bw%dx)/bw%dx b = mod(y1,bw%dy)/bw%dy w11 = (1.-b)*(1.-a) w21 = (1.-b)* a w12 = b *(1.-a) w22 = b * a ! if (kfs(n,m)>0) then bw%fobs(in,im) = w11*bw%fobs1(ix ,iy ) + & & w21*bw%fobs1(ixp1,iy ) + & & w12*bw%fobs1(ix ,iyp1) + & & w22*bw%fobs1(ixp1,iyp1) ! endif ! if (statuserr(srcnr)==1) then ! ! fobserr(n,m) = w11*fobs1err(ix ,iy ) + & ! & w21*fobs1err(ixp1,iy ) + & ! & w12*fobs1err(ix ,iyp1) + & ! & w22*fobs1err(ixp1,iyp1) ! end if enddo enddo if (srcnr==1) s%dobs=bw%fobs if (srcnr==2) s%zbobs=bw%fobs if (srcnr==3) bw%cobs=bw%fobs if (srcnr==4) bw%cobs=bw%fobs if (srcnr==5) s%shobs=bw%fobs endif bw%status(srcnr)=1 else bw%fobs=0. endif endif 999 continue end subroutine assim_rd subroutine assim_update(s, par) use params, only: parameters use spaceparamsdef, only: spacepars type(spacepars), target :: s type(parameters) :: par ! These are doing the same thing now if (par%bchwiz .eq. 1) then ! s%dzbdt(i,j) = s%dzbdt(i,j)-bw%dassim(i,j)/par%dt ! Times dt*morfac gives s%zb = s%zb - bw%dassim endif if (par%bchwiz .eq. 2) then s%zb = s%zb - bw%dassim !if we have only beachwizard end if end subroutine assim_update subroutine comp_depchg(bw, s, par) use params, only: parameters use spaceparamsdef, only: spacepars implicit none ! Global variables type(spacepars), target :: s type(parameters) :: par type(beachwiz) :: bw ! Local variables integer :: in,i integer :: im,j integer :: ind real(kind=rKind) :: Hrmsmax real(kind=rKind) :: mxdDdh real(kind=rKind) :: alp_as real(kind=rKind) :: Nassim real(kind=rKind), allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: errD real(kind=rKind), allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: errC real(kind=rKind), allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: errS real(kind=rKind), allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: Hb real(kind=rKind), allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: kh real(kind=rKind), allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: gambal real(kind=rKind), allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: Ga real(kind=rKind), allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: dDdGa real(kind=rKind), allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: dGadHb real(kind=rKind), allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: dHbdh real(kind=rKind), allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: h1 real(kind=rKind), allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: dDdh real(kind=rKind), allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: sig2obs ! real(kind=rKind), allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: alpha real(kind=rKind), allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: Hrms real(kind=rKind), allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: alphafac ! real(kind=rKind) :: backdis,disfac integer :: index real(kind=rKind), allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: h2 if (.not.(allocated(errD))) then allocate (errD(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1)) allocate (errC(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1)) allocate (errS(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1)) allocate (Hb(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1)) allocate (kh(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1)) allocate (gambal(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1)) allocate (Ga(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1)) allocate (dGadHb(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1)) allocate (dHbdh(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1)) allocate (dDdGa(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1)) allocate (h1(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1)) allocate (dDdh(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1)) allocate (sig2obs(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1)) ! allocate (alpha(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1)) allocate (Hrms(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1)) allocate (h2(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1)) allocate (alphafac(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1)) end if ! general Hrms = max(s%H,0.01_rKind); h2 = 0._rKind ! modified wave length, initially set to L1 do j = 2,s%ny do i = 2,s%nx+1 index = i ! start index backdis = 0._rKind ! relative distance backward do while (backdis<1._rKind) ! disfac = s%dsc(index,j)/(par%facsd*s%L1(index,j)) ! use average wavelength over distance dsc disfac = s%dsc(index,j)/(0.5_rKind*(s%L1(index,j)+s%L1(max(index-1,1),j))) disfac = min(disfac,1._rKind-backdis) h2(i,j) = h2(i,j) + disfac*s%hh(index,j) backdis = backdis+disfac index = max(index-1,1) enddo enddo enddo h2(:,1)=h2(:,2) h2(:,s%ny+1)=h2(:,s%ny) h1 = max(s%hh+par%delta*Hrms,par%hmin) !total water depth kh = min(10.0, s%k*h1) ! ! The following equation numbers and variables follow the Beach Wizard Paper !! (Van Dongeren et al., 2008) ! derivatives for dissipation assimilation gambal = 0.29+0.76*kh Hb = 0.88/s%k*tanh(gambal*kh/0.88) ! eq. (A4) Hrmsmax = maxval(Hrms) Ga = (Hb/Hrms)**2 dDdGa = -0.25*par%rho*par%g/par%Trep*(Hrms**2)*Ga*exp(-Ga) !eq. (A5) dGadHb = 2*Hb/(Hrms**2) dHbdh = ((0.29+2*0.76*kh)*(1.-(kh/(sinh(kh)*cosh(kh)+kh)))) & ! eq. (A6) & /(cosh((0.29*kh+0.76*kh**2)/0.88)**2) + & & 0.88*tanh((0.29*kh+0.76*kh**2)/0.88)/(sinh(kh)*cosh(kh)+kh) dDdh = dDdGa*dGadHb*dHbdh ! eq. (A3), derivative of dissipation with respect to water depth mxdDdh = maxval(dDdh**2) !! bw%sigD = bw%sigD+(100._rKind-bw%sigD)*(1-tanh((3.7*Hrmsmax/h1)**20)) !measurement error for dissipatiopn, used in eq. (6) !bw%sigD above is commented out for now to use default value of measurement error (Roberto) bw%sigD = 0.15*maxval(s%dobs)!! dissipation measurement error equal to a percentage (15%) of the maximum observed Dissipation. !! do in=1,s%nx+1 !! do im=1,s%ny+1 !! here the measurement error is spatially varied, increasing for shallow waters where sandy areas or persistent foam may be. (Roberto) !! if (bw%sigD(in,im)/(h1(in,im)+1.e-16)>bw%sigD(in,im)) bw%sigD(in,im)=bw%sigD(in,im)/(h1(in,im)+1.e-16) !! end do !! end do alp_as = 0.005 errD = ((bw%dcmdo**2+bw%sigD**2)/(dDdh**2+alp_as*mxdDdh+1.e-16)) !eq.(6) uncertainty in observed data (Dissipation) do in=1,s%nx+1 do im=1,s%ny+1 if (s%dobs(in,im)<-990) errD(in,im)=999 end do end do errC=999 !!! for now, if we want c as a source this needs the change to ! errC(nm) = ((ccmco(nm)**2+sigC(nm)**2)/(dcdh(nm)**2+1.e-16)) without indices do in=1,s%nx+1 do im=1,s%ny+1 if (bw%cobs(in,im)<-990) errC(in,im)=999 end do end do ! for output s%cobs = bw%cobs errS = ((bw%scmso**2+bw%sigS**2)/(1._rKind)) !eq.(6) uncertainty in observed data (ibathy) do in=1,s%nx+1 do im=1,s%ny+1 if (s%shobs(in,im)<-990) errS(in,im)=999 end do end do Nassim = par%tstop/par%dt !! changed par%tstop/par%dt -->par%tstop/par%wavint sig2obs = 1.0_rKind/(1./errD+1./errS) s%bwalpha = s%sig2prior/(s%sig2prior+Nassim*sig2obs) ! eq.(2) optimal weighting of prior and observed estimates !ap2 s%bwalpha = s%bwalpha*tanh(h1**20) ! tanh(h1**20) included to reduce effect at shallow waters... do in=1,s%nx+1 do im=1,s%ny+1 alphafac(in,im) = (cosh(s%sdist(in,im)/100._rKind-0.65*par%t*s%sdist(s%nx+1,im)/par%tstop/100._rKind-2._rKind))**(-10._rKind) enddo enddo ! max left hand to 1 do im=1,s%ny+1 ind = minval(maxloc(alphafac(:,im))) alphafac(1:ind,im)=1._rKind enddo ! s%bwalpha = s%bwalpha*alphafac bw%dassim = -s%bwalpha*tanh((h1/0.85)**5)*((dDdh-sqrt(alp_as*mxdDdh))/(dDdh**2+alp_as*mxdDdh)*bw%dcmdo )*alphafac !eq.(5) depth change !ap2 !& +dcdh(nm)/(dcdh(nm)**2+alp_as*dcdhmean**2)*ccmco(nm)) do in=1,s%nx+1 do im=1,s%ny+1 if (bw%dassim(in,im)>0.) then bw%dassim(in,im) = min(bw%dassim(in,im),0.1*(h1(in,im))) elseif (bw%dassim(in,im)<0.) then bw%dassim(in,im) = max(bw%dassim(in,im),-0.1*(h1(in,im))) else bw%dassim(in,im) = 0. end if end do end do bw%dassim = bw%dassim + s%bwalpha*bw%scmso !!! in xbeach zb=zb-bw%dassim, so zb=zb-s%bwalpha*(zbcomp-zbobs) ! bw%dassim = bw%dassim - 0.0001*bw%scmso !expose to output s%dassim = bw%dassim do in=1,s%nx+1 do im=1,s%ny+1 !!Roberto changed tanh term below if (s%dobs(in,im)>-990) s%sig2prior(in,im) = s%bwalpha(in,im)*tanh((h1(in,im)/0.85)**5)*Nassim*sig2obs(in,im) !! if (s%dobs(in,im)>-990) s%sig2prior(in,im) = s%bwalpha(in,im)*tanh((h2(in,im)/0.85)**5)*Nassim*sig2obs(in,im) end do end do end subroutine comp_depchg end module beachwizard_module