module wave_stationary_directions_module !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! Copyright (C) 2007 UNESCO-IHE, WL|Delft Hydraulics and Delft University ! ! Dano Roelvink, Ap van Dongeren, Ad Reniers, Jamie Lescinski, ! ! Jaap van Thiel de Vries, Robert McCall ! ! ! ! ! ! UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education ! ! P.O. Box 3015 ! ! 2601 DA Delft ! ! The Netherlands ! ! ! ! This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ! ! modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public ! ! License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either ! ! version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ! ! ! ! This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ! ! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ! ! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ! ! Lesser General Public License for more details. ! ! ! ! You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public ! ! License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software ! ! Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 ! ! USA ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! implicit none save contains subroutine wave_stationary_directions(s,par,callType) use params use spaceparams use roelvink_module use wave_functions_module use xmpi_module use logging_module use paramsconst IMPLICIT NONE type(spacepars), target :: s type(parameters) :: par integer :: callType integer,parameter :: callTypeStationary = 0 integer,parameter :: callTypeDirections = 1 integer :: i,imax,i1 integer :: j integer :: itheta,iter,itermax integer :: ntheta_local integer,save :: scheme_local,scheme_local_yadvec real*8 , dimension(:,:) ,allocatable,save :: dhdx,dhdy,dudx,dudy,dvdx,dvdy real*8 , dimension(:,:),allocatable,save :: uorb real*8 , dimension(:,:) ,allocatable,save :: sinh2kh real*8 , dimension(:,:) ,allocatable,save :: hhwlocal real*8 , dimension(:,:,:),allocatable,save :: xadvec,yadvec,thetaadvec,dd,drr,dder real*8 , dimension(:,:,:),allocatable,save :: xradvec,yradvec,thetaradvec real*8 , dimension(:,:,:),allocatable,save :: ee_local real*8 , dimension(:),allocatable,save :: Hprev,thetaprev,gammafac_i,RH real*8 :: Herr,thetaerr,thetaerr_cyc,dtw real*8 :: dtheta_local logical :: stopiterate ! ! set dimension sizes select case (callType) case (callTypeStationary) ntheta_local = s%ntheta case (callTypeDirections) ntheta_local = s%ntheta_s end select ! ! Allocate if (.not. allocated(xadvec)) then allocate(xadvec (s%nx+1,s%ny+1,ntheta_local)) allocate(yadvec (s%nx+1,s%ny+1,ntheta_local)) allocate(thetaadvec(s%nx+1,s%ny+1,ntheta_local)) allocate(dd (s%nx+1,s%ny+1,ntheta_local)) allocate(dder (s%nx+1,s%ny+1,ntheta_local)) allocate(ee_local (s%nx+1,s%ny+1,ntheta_local)) allocate(dhdx(s%nx+1,s%ny+1)) allocate(dhdy(s%nx+1,s%ny+1)) allocate(dudx(s%nx+1,s%ny+1)) allocate(dudy(s%nx+1,s%ny+1)) allocate(dvdx(s%nx+1,s%ny+1)) allocate(dvdy(s%nx+1,s%ny+1)) allocate(uorb(s%nx+1,s%ny+1)) allocate(sinh2kh(s%nx+1,s%ny+1)) allocate(hhwlocal(s%nx+1,s%ny+1)) allocate(gammafac_i(s%ny+1)) allocate(RH(s%ny+1)) allocate(Hprev(s%ny+1)) allocate(thetaprev(s%ny+1)) ! if(par%scheme==SCHEME_WARMBEAM) then scheme_local = SCHEME_UPWIND_2 ! note, this is already stated as warning in log file during read of params.txt else scheme_local = par%scheme endif if(scheme_local .ne. SCHEME_UPWIND_1) then scheme_local_yadvec = SCHEME_UPWIND_1 call writelog('lws','(a)', 'Warning: y-advection in stationary wave solver set to upwind_1 for convergence') else scheme_local_yadvec = scheme_local endif endif ! ! Allocate additional variables for stationary wave computation if ((.not. allocated(xradvec)) .and. (callType==callTypeStationary)) then allocate(xradvec(s%nx+1,s%ny+1,ntheta_local)) allocate(yradvec(s%nx+1,s%ny+1,ntheta_local)) allocate(thetaradvec(s%nx+1,s%ny+1,ntheta_local)) allocate(drr (s%nx+1,s%ny+1,ntheta_local)) endif ! ! Initialize xadvec = 0.0d0 yadvec = 0.0d0 thetaadvec = 0.0d0 dd = 0.0d0 dder = 0.0d0 dhdx = 0.0d0 dhdy = 0.0d0 dudx = 0.0d0 dudy = 0.0d0 dvdx = 0.0d0 dvdy = 0.0d0 sinh2kh = 0.0d0 uorb = 0.0d0 ! if (callType==callTypeStationary) then xradvec = 0.0d0 yradvec = 0.0d0 thetaradvec = 0.0d0 drr = 0.0d0 endif ! ! Set switch for pointer variables (not strictly defined as Fortran pointers) select case (callType) case (callTypeStationary) hhwlocal = s%hhw ee_local = s%ee dtheta_local = s%dtheta case (callTypeDirections) hhwlocal = s%hhws ee_local = s%ee_s dtheta_local = s%dtheta_s end select ! ! Slopes of water depth call slope2D(hhwlocal,s%nx,s%ny,s%dsu,s%dnv,dhdx,dhdy,s%wete) ! ! Dano: limit slopes used in refraction to avoid unrealistic refraction speeds dhdx=sign(1.d0,dhdx)*min(abs(dhdx),0.1d0) dhdy=sign(1.d0,dhdy)*min(abs(dhdy),0.1d0) ! ! slopes of flow (in case of WCI) if (par%wci==1) then select case (callType) case(callTypeStationary) call slope2D(s%u,s%nx,s%ny,s%dsu,s%dnv,dudx,dudy,s%wete) call slope2D(s%v,s%nx,s%ny,s%dsu,s%dnv,dvdx,dvdy,s%wete) case (callTypeDirections) call slope2D(s%uws,s%nx,s%ny,s%dsu,s%dnv,dudx,dudy,s%wete) call slope2D(s%vws,s%nx,s%ny,s%dsu,s%dnv,dvdx,dvdy,s%wete) end select else dudx = 0.d0 dudy = 0.d0 dvdx = 0.d0 dvdy = 0.d0 endif ! wwvv these slope routines are in wave_timestep, and are ! MPI-aware ! ! Calculate once sinh(2kh) where(s%wete==1 .and. 2*hhwlocal*s%k<=3000.d0) sinh2kh=sinh(min(2*s%k*hhwlocal,10.0d0)) elsewhere sinh2kh = 3000.d0 endwhere ! ! all dry cells have zero energy do itheta=1,ntheta_local where(s%wete==0) ee_local(:,:,itheta) = 0.d0 endwhere enddo where(s%wete==0) s%E=0.d0 s%H=0.d0 endwhere ! ! wave directions select case (callType) case(callTypeStationary) if (par%snells==0) then forall (i=1:s%nx+1,j=1:s%ny+1,s%wete(i,j)==1) s%thetamean(i,j)=(sum(ee_local(i,j,:)*s%thet(i,j,:))/ntheta_local) / & (max(sum(ee_local(i,j,:)),0.00001d0)/ntheta_local) endforall else s%thetamean=asin(sin(s%theta0-s%alfaz(1,1))*s%c/s%c(1,1))+s%alfaz(1,1) s%costh(:,:,1)=cos(s%thetamean-s%alfaz) s%sinth(:,:,1)=sin(s%thetamean-s%alfaz) endif case(callTypeDirections) forall (i=1:s%nx+1,j=1:s%ny+1,s%wete(i,j)==1) s%thetamean(i,j)=(sum(ee_local(i,j,:)*s%thet_s(i,j,:))/ntheta_local) / & (max(sum(ee_local(i,j,:)),0.00001d0)/ntheta_local) endforall end select ! ! split wave velocities in wave grid directions theta select case (callType) case(callTypeStationary) call compute_wave_direction_velocities(s,par,0,dhdx,dhdy,dudx,dudy,dvdx,dvdy,sinh2kh) case(callTypeDirections) call compute_wave_direction_velocities(s,par,2,dhdx,dhdy,dudx,dudy,dvdx,dvdy,sinh2kh) end select ! ! Initialize at the boundary s%E(1,:)=max(sum(ee_local(1,:,:),2)*dtheta_local,0.d0) s%H(1,:)=sqrt(s%E(1,:)/par%rhog8) if (callType==callTypeStationary) s%R(1,:)=max(sum(s%rr(1,:,:),2)*dtheta_local,0.0d0) ! ! ! Initialize loop over grid ! ! write to screen that waves are updated if(xmaster) then select case (callType) case(callTypeStationary) call writelog('ls','(a,f0.2,a)','Computing wave transformation at t = ',par%t,' s') case(callTypeDirections) call writelog('ls','(a,f0.2,a)','Computing wave directions at t = ',par%t,' s') end select endif call progress_indicator(.true.,0.d0,5.d0,2.d0) imax=s%nx itermax = 0 ! ! ! Start of loop of the grid do i=2,imax call progress_indicator(.false.,dble(i)/imax*100,5.d0,2.d0) ! ! determine internal time step select case (callType) case(callTypeStationary) dtw= .5d0*minval(s%dsu(i-1:i+1,jmin_ee:jmax_ee))/max(1.0d-6,maxval(abs(s%cgx(i-1:i+1,jmin_ee:jmax_ee,:)))) dtw=min(dtw,.5d0*minval(s%dnv(i,jmin_ee:jmax_ee)) /max(1.0d-6,maxval(abs(s%cgy(i,jmin_ee:jmax_ee,:) )))) dtw=min(dtw,.5d0*dtheta_local /max(1.0d-6,maxval(abs(s%ctheta(i,jmin_ee:jmax_ee,:) )))) case(callTypeDirections) dtw= .5d0*minval(s%dsu(i-1:i+1,jmin_ee:jmax_ee))/max(1.0d-6,maxval(abs(s%cgx_s(i-1:i+1,jmin_ee:jmax_ee,:)))) dtw=min(dtw,.5d0*minval(s%dnv(i,jmin_ee:jmax_ee)) /max(1.0d-6,maxval(abs(s%cgy_s(i,jmin_ee:jmax_ee,:) )))) dtw=min(dtw,.5d0*dtheta_local /max(1.0d-6,maxval(abs(s%ctheta_s(i,jmin_ee:jmax_ee,:) )))) end select ! !Dano: need to make sure all processes use the same dtw, min of all processes #ifdef USEMPI call xmpi_allreduce(dtw,MPI_MIN) #endif ! ! Reduced internal time step in case of WCI if(par%wci==1) then dtw = min(dtw,par%dt) endif ! ! Initialize iteration loop per gridline Herr=huge(1.d0) thetaerr = 2*par%px iter=0 stopiterate=.false. ! ! Start of iteration loop per gridline do while (stopiterate .eqv. .false.) iter=iter+1 Hprev=s%H(i,:) thetaprev = s%thetamean(i,:) ! ! transform energy to wave action i1=max(i-2,1) do itheta=1,ntheta_local where(s%wete(i1:i+1,:)==1) ee_local(i1:i+1,:,itheta) = ee_local(i1:i+1,:,itheta)/s%sigm(i1:i+1,:) endwhere enddo ! ! Upwind Euler timestep propagation ! ! M-Direction select case (callType) case(callTypeStationary) if (i==2) then call advecxho(ee_local(i-1:i+1,:,:),s%cgx(i-1:i+1,:,:),xadvec(i-1:i+1,:,:), & 2,s%ny,ntheta_local,s%dnu(i-1:i+1,:),s%dsu(i-1:i+1,:),s%dsdnzi(i-1:i+1,:),SCHEME_UPWIND_1, & s%wete(i-1:i+1,:),dtw,s%dsz) else ! note: at the moment Warm-Beam is currently not a valid combination (automatic change to upwind_2 in params.F90) call advecxho(ee_local(i-2:i+1,:,:),s%cgx(i-2:i+1,:,:),xadvec(i-2:i+1,:,:), & 3,s%ny,ntheta_local,s%dnu(i-2:i+1,:),s%dsu(i-2:i+1,:),s%dsdnzi(i-2:i+1,:),scheme_local, & s%wete(i-2:i+1,:),dtw,s%dsz) endif case(callTypeDirections) if (i==2) then call advecxho(ee_local(i-1:i+1,:,:),s%cgx_s(i-1:i+1,:,:),xadvec(i-1:i+1,:,:), & 2,s%ny,ntheta_local,s%dnu(i-1:i+1,:),s%dsu(i-1:i+1,:),s%dsdnzi(i-1:i+1,:),SCHEME_UPWIND_1, & s%wete(i-1:i+1,:),dtw,s%dsz) else ! note: at the moment Warm-Beam is currently not a valid combination (automatic change to upwind_2 in params.F90) call advecxho(ee_local(i-2:i+1,:,:),s%cgx_s(i-2:i+1,:,:),xadvec(i-2:i+1,:,:), & 3,s%ny,ntheta_local,s%dnu(i-2:i+1,:),s%dsu(i-2:i+1,:),s%dsdnzi(i-2:i+1,:),scheme_local, & s%wete(i-2:i+1,:),dtw,s%dsz) endif end select ! ! N-Direction if (s%ny>0) then select case (callType) case(callTypeStationary) call advecyho(ee_local(i,:,:),s%cgy(i,:,:),yadvec(i,:,:), & 0,s%ny,ntheta_local,s%dsv(i,:),s%dnv(i,:),s%dsdnzi(i,:),scheme_local_yadvec,s%wete(i,:),dtw,s%dnz) case(callTypeDirections) call advecyho(ee_local(i,:,:),s%cgy_s(i,:,:),yadvec(i,:,:), & 0,s%ny,ntheta_local,s%dsv(i,:),s%dnv(i,:),s%dsdnzi(i,:),scheme_local_yadvec,s%wete(i,:),dtw,s%dnz) end select endif ! ! Theta-Direction select case (callType) case(callTypeStationary) call advecthetaho(ee_local(i,:,:),s%ctheta(i,:,:),thetaadvec(i,:,:),0,s%ny,ntheta_local, & dtheta_local,scheme_local,s%wete(i,:)) case(callTypeDirections) call advecthetaho(ee_local(i,:,:),s%ctheta_s(i,:,:),thetaadvec(i,:,:),0,s%ny,ntheta_local, & dtheta_local,scheme_local,s%wete(i,:)) end select ! ! update wave action ee_local(i,:,:)=ee_local(i,:,:)-dtw*(xadvec(i,:,:) + yadvec(i,:,:) + thetaadvec(i,:,:)) ! ! transform back to wave energy do itheta=1,ntheta_local where(s%wete(i1:i+1,:)==1) ee_local(i1:i+1,:,itheta) = ee_local(i1:i+1,:,itheta)*s%sigm(i1:i+1,:) ee_local(i1:i+1,:,itheta)=max(ee_local(i1:i+1,:,itheta),0.0d0) endwhere enddo #ifdef USEMPI call xmpi_shift(ee_local(i-1:i+1,:,:),SHIFT_Y_R,1,2) call xmpi_shift(ee_local(i-1:i+1,:,:),SHIFT_Y_L,3,4) #endif ! ! Energy integrated over wave directions,Hrms where(s%wete(i,:)==1) s%E(i,:)=sum(ee_local(i,:,:),2)*dtheta_local s%H(i,:)=sqrt(s%E(i,:)/par%rhog8) endwhere ! ! adjust wave energy and height for gammax gammafac_i = (par%gammax*hhwlocal(i,:))/s%H(i,:) ! inverse of gammafac = s%H(i,:)/(par%gammax*hhwlocal(i,:)) do j=1,s%ny+1 if (s%wete(i,j)==1 .and. gammafac_i(j)<1.d0) then do itheta=1,ntheta_local ee_local(i,j,itheta)=ee_local(i,j,itheta)*gammafac_i(j)**2 enddo s%H(i,j)=s%H(i,j)*gammafac_i(j) s%E(i,j)=s%E(i,j)*gammafac_i(j)**2 endif enddo ! ! redo wave directions (Dano: not for Snellius; Robert: also always for callTypeDirections) select case (callType) case(callTypeStationary) if (par%snells==0) then where(s%wete(i,:)==1) s%thetamean(i,:) = (sum(ee_local(i,:,:)*s%thet(i,:,:),2)/ntheta_local)/ & (max(sum(ee_local(i,:,:),2),0.000010d0)/ntheta_local) endwhere endif case(callTypeDirections) where(s%wete(i,:)==1) s%thetamean(i,:) = (sum(ee_local(i,:,:)*s%thet_s(i,:,:),2)/ntheta_local)/ & (max(sum(ee_local(i,:,:),2),0.000010d0)/ntheta_local) endwhere end select ! ! ! Compute wave dissipation ! ! Dissipation by breaking select case(par%break) case(BREAK_ROELVINK1,BREAK_ROELVINK2) call roelvink (par,s,i) case(BREAK_BALDOCK) call baldock (par,s,i) case(BREAK_JANSSEN) call janssen_battjes(par,s,i) end select ! ! Dissipation by bed friction where(s%fw(i,:)>0.d0 .and. s%wete(i,:)==1 .and. hhwlocal(i,:)<=par%fwcutoff) uorb(i,:)=par%px*s%H(i,:)/par%Trep/sinh(min(max(s%k(i,:),0.01d0)*hhwlocal(i,:),10.0d0)) s%Df(i,:)=0.28d0*par%rho*s%fw(i,:)*uorb(i,:)**3 ! Robert: note in wave-instationary the coefficient is 2/(3pi)?? elsewhere s%Df(i,:) = 0.d0 end where ! ! Dissipation by vegetation computed in vegetation module ! ! ! Distribution of dissipation over directions and frequencies do itheta=1,ntheta_local where(s%wete(i,:)==1) ! just dissipation due to breaking, used for roller energy balance (in callTypeStationary only) dder(i,:,itheta)=ee_local(i,:,itheta)*s%D(i,:)/max(s%E(i,:),0.00001d0) ! Then all short wave energy dissipation, including bed friction and vegetation, used to reduce wave height ! Robert: note Dveg needs update for callTypeDirections, because based on only instantaneous H dd(i,:,itheta)=dder(i,:,itheta) + ee_local(i,:,itheta)*(s%Df(i,:)+s%Dveg(i,:))/max(s%E(i,:),0.00001d0) elsewhere dder(i,:,itheta)=0.d0 dd(i,:,itheta)=0.d0 endwhere end do ! ! ! Calculate roller energy balance (only needed for callTypeStationary) if (callType==callTypeStationary .and. par%roller==1) then ! ! M-direction if (i==2) then call advecxho(s%rr(i-1:i+1,:,:),s%cx(i-1:i+1,:,:),xradvec(i-1:i+1,:,:), & 2,s%ny,ntheta_local,s%dnu(i-1:i+1,:),s%dsu(i-1:i+1,:),s%dsdnzi(i-1:i+1,:),SCHEME_UPWIND_1, & s%wete(i-1:i+1,:),dtw,s%dsz) else ! note: at the moment Warm-Beam is currently not a valid combination (automatic change to upwind_2 in params.F90) call advecxho(s%rr(i-2:i+1,:,:),s%cx(i-2:i+1,:,:),xradvec(i-2:i+1,:,:), & 3,s%ny,ntheta_local,s%dnu(i-2:i+1,:),s%dsu(i-2:i+1,:),s%dsdnzi(i-2:i+1,:),scheme_local, & s%wete(i-2:i+1,:),dtw,s%dsz) endif ! ! N-Direction if (s%ny>0) then call advecyho(s%rr(i,:,:),s%cy(i,:,:),yradvec(i,:,:), & 0,s%ny,ntheta_local,s%dsv(i,:),s%dnv(i,:),s%dsdnzi(i,:),scheme_local_yadvec,s%wete(i,:),dtw,s%dnz) endif ! ! Theta-Direction call advecthetaho(s%rr(i,:,:),s%ctheta(i,:,:),thetaradvec(i,:,:), & 0,s%ny,ntheta_local,dtheta_local,scheme_local,s%wete(i,:)) s%rr(i,:,:)=s%rr(i,:,:)-dtw*(xradvec(i,:,:)+yradvec(i,:,:)+thetaradvec(i,:,:)) s%rr(i,:,:)=max(s%rr(i,:,:),0.0d0) #ifdef USEMPI call xmpi_shift(s%rr(i-1:i,:,:),SHIFT_Y_R,1,2) call xmpi_shift(s%rr(i-1:i,:,:),SHIFT_Y_L,3,4) #endif endif ! ! ! Compute energy source and sink function ! ! update internal timestep do j=jmin_ee,jmax_ee if (s%wete(i,j)==1) then do itheta=1,ntheta_local if(ee_local(i,j,itheta)>0.d0 .and. dd(i,j,itheta)>0.d0) then dtw=min(dtw,.5*ee_local(i,j,itheta)/dd(i,j,itheta)) endif enddo endif enddo ! Dano: need to make sure all processes use the same dtw, min of all processes #ifdef USEMPI call xmpi_allreduce(dtw,MPI_MIN) #endif ! ! Timestep update of source and sink do j=jmin_ee,jmax_ee if(s%wete(i,j)==1) then do itheta=1,ntheta_local ee_local(i,j,itheta)=ee_local(i,j,itheta)-dtw*dd(i,j,itheta) ee_local(i,j,itheta)=max(ee_local(i,j,itheta),0.0d0) if(callType==callTypeStationary) then if (par%roller==1) then !Christophe drr(i,j,itheta) = 2*par%g*par%beta*max(s%rr(i,j,itheta),0.0d0)/& sqrt(s%cx(i,j,itheta)**2 +s%cy(i,j,itheta)**2) s%rr(i,j,itheta) = s%rr(i,j,itheta)+dtw*dder(i,j,itheta)-dtw*drr(i,j,itheta) s%rr(i,j,itheta) = max(s%rr(i,j,itheta),0.0d0) else drr(i,j,itheta)= 0.0d0 s%rr(i,j,itheta)= 0.0d0 end if endif enddo else ee_local(i,j,:)=0.0d0 if(callType==callTypeStationary) then s%rr(i,j,:)=0.0d0 drr(i,j,:)=0.0d0 endif endif enddo ! ! Lateral boundary conditions if (xmpi_isleft .and. s%ny>0) then do itheta=1,ntheta_local ee_local(i,1,itheta)=ee_local(i,2,itheta) if(callType==callTypeStationary) s%rr(i,1,itheta)=s%rr(i,2,itheta) enddo s%k(:,1)=s%k(:,2) s%sigm(:,1)=s%sigm(:,2) endif if (xmpi_isright .and. s%ny>0) then do itheta=1,ntheta_local ee_local(i,s%ny+1,itheta)=ee_local(i,s%ny,itheta) if(callType==callTypeStationary) s%rr(i,s%ny+1,itheta)=s%rr(i,s%ny,itheta) end do s%k(:,s%ny+1)=s%k(:,s%ny) s%sigm(:,s%ny+1)=s%sigm(:,s%ny) endif ! ! ! Redo wave directions (Dano: not for Snellius; Robert: also always for callTypeDirections) select case (callType) case(callTypeStationary) if (par%snells==0) then where(s%wete(i,:)==1) s%thetamean(i,:) = (sum(ee_local(i,:,:)*s%thet(i,:,:),2)/ntheta_local)/ & (max(sum(ee_local(i,:,:),2),0.000010d0)/ntheta_local) endwhere endif case(callTypeDirections) where(s%wete(i,:)==1) s%thetamean(i,:) = (sum(ee_local(i,:,:)*s%thet_s(i,:,:),2)/ntheta_local)/ & (max(sum(ee_local(i,:,:),2),0.000010d0)/ntheta_local) endwhere end select ! ! forward-copy wave directions on dry cells in case they flood before the next wave update where(s%wete(i,:)==0) s%thetamean(i,:) = s%thetamean(i-1,:) endwhere ! ! ! Energy integrated over wave directions,Hrms where(s%wete(i,:)==1) s%E(i,:)=sum(ee_local(i,:,:),2)*dtheta_local s%H(i,:)=sqrt(s%E(i,:)/par%rhog8) elsewhere s%E(i,:)=0.d0 s%H(i,:)=0.d0 endwhere ! ! Roller energy if (callType==callTypeStationary) then where(s%wete(i,:)==1) s%R(i,:)=sum(s%rr(i,:,:),2)*dtheta_local s%DR(i,:)=sum(drr(i,:,:),2)*dtheta_local elsewhere s%R(i,:)=0.d0 s%DR(i,:)=0.d0 endwhere endif ! ! Correct roller for gammax ! adjust wave energy and height for gammax if(callType==callTypeStationary .and. par%rollergammax==1) then RH = sqrt(s%R(i,:)/par%rhog8) gammafac_i = (par%gammax*hhwlocal(i,:))/RH ! inverse of gammafac = s%H(i,:)/(par%gammax*hhwlocal(i,:)) do j=1,s%ny+1 if (s%wete(i,j)==1 .and. gammafac_i(j)<1.d0) then do itheta=1,ntheta_local s%rr(i,j,itheta)=s%rr(i,j,itheta)*gammafac_i(j)**2 enddo s%R(i,j)=RH(j)*gammafac_i(j) endif enddo endif ! ! ! Wave height and direction difference with last iteration Herr=maxval(abs(Hprev(jmin_ee:jmax_ee)-s%H(i,jmin_ee:jmax_ee)),mask=s%wete(i,jmin_ee:jmax_ee)==1) thetaerr = 0.d0 do j=jmin_ee,jmax_ee thetaerr_cyc = minval( (/ abs(thetaprev(j)-(s%thetamean(i,j)-2*par%px)) , & abs(thetaprev(j)-(s%thetamean(i,j) )) , & abs(thetaprev(j)-(s%thetamean(i,j)+2*par%px)) /) ) thetaerr = max(thetaerr,thetaerr_cyc) enddo ! ! communicate error across MPI domains #ifdef USEMPI call xmpi_allreduce(Herr,MPI_MAX) call xmpi_allreduce(thetaerr,MPI_MAX) #endif ! ! ! Stopping criteria if (iter=par%maxerror) then call writelog('lsw','(a,i4,a,i4,a,f5.4)','Wave propagation row ',i,', iteration ',iter,', H error: ',Herr) endif if (thetaerr>=par%maxerror_angle) then call writelog('lsw','(a,i4,a,i4,a,f5.4)','Wave propagation row ',i,', iteration ', & iter,', dir error: ',thetaerr/par%px*180) endif endif endif ! enddo ! end interation loop per gridline ! ! Store maximum iterations update itermax = max(itermax,iter) enddo ! end loop over grid 2,nx ! ! ! write summary to log call writelog('ls','(a,i4)','Maximum number of iterations: ',itermax) ! ! ! store local energy "pointer" variable to s structure select case (callType) case(callTypeStationary) s%ee= ee_local case(callTypeDirections) s%ee_s = ee_local end select ! ! ! Boundary conditions at nx+1 s%E(s%nx+1,:) = s%E(s%nx,:) s%H(s%nx+1,:) = s%H(s%nx,:) s%k(s%nx+1,:) = s%k(s%nx,:) s%sigm(s%nx+1,:) = s%sigm(s%nx,:) s%cg(s%nx+1,:) = s%cg(s%nx,:) s%c(s%nx+1,:) = s%c(s%nx,:) select case (callType) case(callTypeStationary) s%ee(s%nx+1,:,:) = s%ee(s%nx,:,:) s%rr(s%nx+1,:,:) = s%rr(s%nx,:,:) s%R(s%nx+1,:) = s%R(s%nx,:) s%DR(s%nx+1,:) = s%DR(s%nx,:) s%thet(s%nx+1,:,:) = s%thet(s%nx,:,:) case(callTypeDirections) s%ee_s(s%nx+1,:,:) = s%ee_s(s%nx,:,:) s%thet_s(s%nx+1,:,:) = s%thet_s(s%nx,:,:) end select ! ! ! Compute radiation stress and forcing terms (callType=callTypeStationary only) if (callType==callTypeStationary) then ! ! wave forces call compute_wave_forces(s,par%useBOIsimplification) ! ! orbital velocity s%urms=uorb/sqrt(2.d0) ! ! Stokes drift and orbital velocities call compute_stokes_drift(s,par) endif ! end subroutine wave_stationary_directions end module wave_stationary_directions_module