00001 module xbeach_bmi 00002 use iso_c_binding, only: c_loc, c_int, c_char, c_double, c_ptr 00003 use iso_c_utils, only: char_array_to_string, string_to_char_array, strlen, MAXSTRINGLEN 00004 use libxbeach_module, only: par, sglobal, s, executestep, outputext, init, final 00005 00006 use libxbeach_module 00007 use timestep_module, only: compute_dt 00008 use logging_module, only: LEVEL_INFO, logmsg 00009 use spaceparamsdef, only: spacepars 00010 use spaceparams, only: index_allocated, indextos, index_allocate 00011 use mnemmodule, only: chartoindex, arraytype 00012 00013 use spaceparams 00014 00015 use xmpi_module 00016 00017 implicit none 00018 save 00019 private 00020 00021 ! initialize -> loadmodel/initmodel 00022 ! perform single timestep -> update 00023 ! finalize -> finalize 00024 00025 00026 00027 ! This is assumed..... 00028 integer(c_int), parameter :: MAXDIMS = 6 00029 00030 00031 contains 00032 00033 00034 00035 integer(c_int) function finalize() result(ierr) bind(C, name="finalize") 00036 !DEC$ ATTRIBUTES DLLEXPORT::finalize 00037 ierr = 0 00038 call logmsg(LEVEL_INFO, 'Finalize') 00039 ierr = final() 00040 end function finalize 00041 00042 00043 integer(c_int) function initialize(c_configfile) result(ierr) bind(C, name="initialize") 00044 !DEC$ ATTRIBUTES DLLEXPORT::initialize 00045 00046 implicit none 00047 00048 ! Variables 00049 character(kind=c_char), intent(in) :: c_configfile(*) 00050 character(len=strlen(c_configfile)) :: configfile 00051 00052 ! Convert c string to fortran string 00053 configfile = char_array_to_string(c_configfile) 00054 00055 ierr = init() 00056 00057 end function initialize 00058 00059 00061 integer(c_int) function update(dt) result(ierr) bind(C,name="update") 00062 !DEC$ ATTRIBUTES DLLEXPORT::update 00063 00064 !< Custom timestep size, use -1 to use model default. 00065 real(c_double), value, intent(in) :: dt 00066 00067 if (dt >= 0) then 00068 ierr = executestep(dt) 00069 else 00070 ierr = executestep() 00071 end if 00072 00073 ! enable output to be able to use aggregated variable values (min, 00074 ! max, mean, var) through BMI. user can still control output 00075 ! through params.txt file 00076 ierr = outputext() 00077 00078 end function update 00079 00080 00081 ! Void function is a subroutine 00082 subroutine get_var_type(c_var_name, c_type_name) bind(C, name="get_var_type") 00083 !DEC$ ATTRIBUTES DLLEXPORT :: get_var_type 00084 00085 character(kind=c_char), intent(in) :: c_var_name(*) 00086 character(kind=c_char), intent(out) :: c_type_name(MAXSTRINGLEN) 00087 00088 character(len=strlen(c_var_name)) :: var_name 00089 character(len=MAXSTRINGLEN) :: type_name 00090 00091 character :: typecode 00092 integer :: index 00093 type(arraytype) :: array 00094 00095 00096 var_name = char_array_to_string(c_var_name) 00097 00098 00099 index = chartoindex(var_name) 00100 if (index .eq. -1) return 00101 call indextos(s,index,array) 00102 typecode = array%type 00103 00104 select case(typecode) 00105 case("r") 00106 type_name = "double" 00107 case("i") 00108 type_name = "int" 00109 case("c") 00110 type_name = "character" 00111 case default 00112 continue 00113 end select 00114 c_type_name = string_to_char_array(trim(type_name)) 00115 00116 end subroutine get_var_type 00117 00118 subroutine get_var_rank(c_var_name, rank) bind(C, name="get_var_rank") 00119 !DEC$ ATTRIBUTES DLLEXPORT :: get_var_rank 00120 00121 character(kind=c_char), intent(in) :: c_var_name(*) 00122 integer(c_int), intent(out) :: rank 00123 00124 ! The fortran name of the attribute name 00125 character(len=strlen(c_var_name)) :: var_name 00126 type(arraytype) :: array 00127 integer :: index 00128 00129 ! Store the name 00130 var_name = char_array_to_string(c_var_name) 00131 00132 index = chartoindex(var_name) 00133 if (index .eq. -1) return 00134 call indextos(s,index,array) 00135 rank = array%rank 00136 end subroutine get_var_rank 00137 00138 include 'get_var_shape.inc' 00139 include 'get_var.inc' 00140 include 'set_var.inc' 00141 subroutine set_current_time(xptr) bind(C, name="set_current_time") 00142 !DEC$ ATTRIBUTES DLLEXPORT :: set_current_time 00143 00144 use iso_c_binding, only: c_ptr, c_double, c_f_pointer 00145 00146 type(c_ptr), value, intent(in) :: xptr 00147 real(c_double), pointer :: x_0d_double_ptr 00148 00149 call c_f_pointer(xptr, x_0d_double_ptr) 00150 if (par%morfacopt == 1) then 00151 par%t = x_0d_double_ptr / max(par%morfac, 1.d0) 00152 else 00153 par%t = x_0d_double_ptr 00154 endif 00155 00156 end subroutine set_current_time 00157 00158 subroutine get_current_time(time) bind(C, name="get_current_time") 00159 !DEC$ ATTRIBUTES DLLEXPORT :: get_current_time 00160 00161 real(c_double) :: time 00162 00163 if (par%morfacopt == 1) then 00164 time = par%t * max(par%morfac, 1.d0) 00165 else 00166 time = par%t 00167 endif 00168 end subroutine get_current_time 00169 00170 subroutine get_start_time(time) bind(C, name="get_start_time") 00171 !DEC$ ATTRIBUTES DLLEXPORT :: get_start_time 00172 00173 real(c_double) :: time 00174 00175 time = 0 00176 end subroutine get_start_time 00177 00178 subroutine get_time_step(timestep) bind(C, name="get_time_step") 00179 !DEC$ ATTRIBUTES DLLEXPORT :: get_time_step 00180 00181 real(c_double) :: timestep 00182 integer :: ilim = 0 00183 integer :: jlim = 0 00184 integer :: it = 0 00185 real*8 :: dtref = 0.d0 00186 00187 call compute_dt(s,par, tpar, it, ilim, jlim, dtref) 00188 timestep = par%dt 00189 end subroutine get_time_step 00190 00191 subroutine get_end_time(time) bind(C, name="get_end_time") 00192 !DEC$ ATTRIBUTES DLLEXPORT :: get_end_time 00193 00194 real(c_double) :: time 00195 if (par%morfacopt == 1) then 00196 time = par%tstop * max(par%morfac, 1.d0) 00197 else 00198 time = par%tstop 00199 endif 00200 end subroutine get_end_time 00201 00202 00203 end module xbeach_bmi