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00001 module wetcells_module
00002    implicit none
00003    save
00004    private
00005    public compute_wetcells
00006 contains
00007    subroutine compute_wetcells(s,par)
00008       !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
00009       ! Copyright (C) 2007 UNESCO-IHE, WL|Delft Hydraulics and Delft University !
00010       ! Dano Roelvink, Ap van Dongeren, Ad Reniers, Jamie Lescinski,            !
00011       ! Jaap van Thiel de Vries, Robert McCall                                  !
00012       !                                                                         !
00013       ! d.roelvink@unesco-ihe.org                                               !
00014       ! UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education                                !
00015       ! P.O. Box 3015                                                           !
00016       ! 2601 DA Delft                                                           !
00017       ! The Netherlands                                                         !
00018       !                                                                         !
00019       ! This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or           !
00020       ! modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public              !
00021       ! License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either            !
00022       ! version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.      !
00023       !                                                                         !
00024       ! This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,         !
00025       ! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of          !
00027       ! Lesser General Public License for more details.                         !
00028       !                                                                         !
00029       ! You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public        !
00030       ! License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software     !
00031       ! Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307     !
00032       ! USA                                                                     !
00033       !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
00034       use params,         only: parameters
00035       use spaceparamsdef, only: spacepars
00036       use paramsconst
00038       IMPLICIT NONE
00040       type(spacepars),target                  :: s
00041       type(parameters),intent(in)             :: par
00043       integer                                 :: i
00044       integer                                 :: j
00045       integer                                 :: upwinddist
00046       integer,dimension(:,:),allocatable,save :: weteb
00048       if(.not.allocated(weteb)) allocate(weteb(s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
00050       ! wwvv in the next lines
00051       !  hu(i,j) is more or less a function of hh(i+1,j)
00052       !  In the parallel case, this needs some action because
00053       !  for processes not at the bottom, the last row of
00054       !  hu (hu(nx+1,:)) has to be taken from the neighbour below
00055       !  hu is used later on in this subroutine, so we have to insert
00056       !  an mpi call.
00057       !  The same for hum
00058       ! Of course, no action is necessary if hu(nx+1:) is never used...
00059       do j=1,s%ny+1
00060          do i=1,s%nx+1 !Ap
00061             ! Water depth in u-points do momentum equation: mean
00062             !!
00063             !! ARBJ: mean water depth or weighted water depth? How to deal with this in curvi-linear?
00064             !!
00065             s%hum(i,j)=max(.5d0*(s%hh(i,j)+s%hh(min(s%nx,i)+1,j)),par%eps)
00066          end do
00067       end do
00068       ! wwvv here the mpi code to communicate a row of hu
00069       ! we send to the neighbour above and receive from the neighbour
00070       ! below:
00071       ! Wetting and drying criterion (only do momentum balance)
00072       do j=1,s%ny+1
00073          do i=1,s%nx+1
00074             if(s%hu(i,j)>par%eps .and. s%hum(i,j)>par%eps) then  ! Jaap and Pieter: If you want to compute correct advection term
00075                s%wetu(i,j)=1                                  ! then both s%hu and s%hum should be larger than par%eps. It is not
00076             else                                             ! necessarily true that if s%hu>par%eps also s%hum>par%eps.
00077                s%wetu(i,j)=0
00078             end if
00079          end do
00080       end do
00081       ! wwvv about the same for hv, only in the left-right direction
00082       ! hv(i,j) is more or less a function of hh(i,j+1)
00083       ! so in the parallel case, hv(:,ny+1) has to be collected
00084       ! from the right neighbour
00085       ! the same for hvm
00086       do j=1,s%ny+1
00087          do i=1,s%nx+1
00088             ! Water depth in v-points do momentum equation: mean
00089             s%hvm(i,j)=max(.5d0*(s%hh(i,j)+s%hh(i,min(s%ny,j)+1)),par%eps)
00090          end do
00091       end do
00092       ! Wetting and drying criterion (only do momentum balance)
00093       do j=1,s%ny+1
00094          do i=1,s%nx+1
00095             if(s%hv(i,j)>par%eps .and. s%hvm(i,j)>par%eps) then
00096                s%wetv(i,j)=1
00097             else
00098                s%wetv(i,j)=0
00099             end if
00100          end do
00101       end do
00102       ! Jaap Wetting and drying criterion eta points
00103       do j=1,s%ny+1
00104          do i=1,s%nx+1
00105             !A eta point is wet if any of the surrounding velocity points is wet...
00106             !            wetz(i,j) = min(1,wetu(max(i,2)-1,j)+wetu(i,j)+wetv(i,j)+wetv(i,max(j,2)-1))
00107             if(s%hh(i,j)>par%eps) then
00108                s%wetz(i,j)=1
00109             else
00110                s%wetz(i,j)=0
00111             end if
00112          end do
00113       end do
00115       ! Wetting and drying for wave module
00116       where(s%hh+par%delta*s%H>par%eps .or. s%wetz==1)
00117          s%wete = 1
00118       elsewhere
00119          s%wete = 0
00120       endwhere
00121       ! also need to surround wet cells
00122       weteb = 0
00123       ! upwind distance in wave propagation routine
00124       if (par%scheme==SCHEME_UPWIND_1) then
00125          upwinddist = 1
00126       else
00127          upwinddist = 2
00128       endif
00129       forall(i=1:s%nx+1,j=1:s%ny+1,s%wete(i,j)==0)
00130          weteb(i,j) = max(   maxval(  s%wetz( max(i-upwinddist,1):min(i+upwinddist,s%nx+1) ,j )   ), &
00131          maxval(  s%wetz( i, max(j-upwinddist,1):min(j+upwinddist,s%ny+1) )   ), &
00132          maxval(  s%wetu( max(i-1,1):min(i,s%nx+1) ,j                     )   ), &
00133          maxval(  s%wetv( i, max(j-1,1):min(j,s%ny+1)                     )   ) &
00134          )
00135          !weteb(i,j) = maxval(s%wete(max(i-2,1):min(i+2,s%nx+1),max(j-2,1):min(j+2,s%ny+1))
00136          !weteb(i,j) = max(   maxval(  s%wete( max(i-2,1):min(i+2,s%nx+1) ,j                          )   ), &
00137          !                    maxval(  s%wete( i                          ,max(j-2,1):min(j+2,s%ny+1) )   ) &
00138          !            )
00139       endforall
00140       where(s%wete==0)
00141          s%wete=weteb
00142       endwhere
00144    end subroutine compute_wetcells
00145 end module wetcells_module
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