Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 module wave_functions_module
00004    implicit none
00005    save
00006    private
00007    public:: dispersion, slope2d, breakerdelay, &
00008    &        advecthetaho, advecxho, advecyho, iteratedispersion, advecqy, advecwy, &
00009    &        advecwx, advecqx, wave_dispersion, update_means_wave_flow, compute_wave_direction_velocities, compute_stokes_drift, compute_wave_forces
00011 contains
00013    subroutine update_means_wave_flow(s,par)
00014       use params,         only: parameters
00015       use spaceparams
00016       use paramsconst
00017       implicit none
00019       type(spacepars), target     :: s
00020       type(parameters)            :: par
00021       real*8                      :: factime
00024       ! For the "stationary" part:
00025       if (par%wavemodel == WAVEMODEL_SURFBEAT .and. par%single_dir == 1) then
00026          ! we need smoothed "stationary" values for the wave directions
00027          factime = 1.d0/(par%wavint*2)*par%dt
00028          s%hhws = max(factime*s%hhw + (1-factime)*s%hhws,par%eps)
00029          if (par%wci==1) then
00030             s%uws = factime*s%u + (1-factime)*s%uws
00031             s%vws = factime*s%v + (1-factime)*s%vws
00032          endif
00033       endif
00035       ! for the instationary part
00036       if (par%wavemodel == WAVEMODEL_SURFBEAT .and. par%wci==1) then
00037          ! we need smoothed water depth and velocities for wci in wave instationary
00038          if (par%single_dir == 1) then
00039             ! maintain consistency with stationary wave directions model
00040             factime = 1.d0/(par%wavint*2)*par%dt
00041          else
00042             ! maintain consistency with boundary conditions smoothing
00043             factime = 1.d0/par%cats/par%Trep*par%dt
00044          endif
00045          s%hhwcins = max(factime*s%hhw + (1-factime)*s%hhwcins,par%eps)
00046          s%uwcins = factime*s%u + (1-factime)*s%uwcins
00047          s%vwcins = factime*s%v + (1-factime)*s%vwcins
00048       endif
00050    end subroutine update_means_wave_flow
00052    subroutine slope2D(h,nx,ny,dsu,dnv,dhdx,dhdy,wete)
00053       use xmpi_module
00054       implicit none
00056       integer                           :: i,j,nx,ny
00057       real*8, dimension(nx+1,ny+1)      :: h,dhdx,dhdy
00058       real*8, dimension(nx+1,ny+1)           :: dsu
00059       real*8, dimension(nx+1,ny+1)           :: dnv
00060       integer, dimension(nx+1,ny+1),intent(in)  :: wete
00063       ! wwvv dhdx(2:nx,:) is computed, dhdx(1,:) and dhdx(nx+1,:)
00064       ! get boundary values, so in the parallel case, we need
00065       ! to do something about that: get the boundaries from
00066       ! upper and lower neighbours
00068       ! u-gradients
00069       if(nx+1>=2) then
00070          forall(i=2:nx,j=1:ny+1,wete(i,j)==1)
00071             dhdx(i,j)=(h(i+1,j)-h(i-1,j))/(dsu(i,j)+dsu(i-1,j))
00072          endforall
00073          forall(j=1:ny+1,wete(1,j)==1)
00074             dhdx(1,j)=(h(2,j)-h(1,j))/dsu(1,j)
00075          endforall
00076          forall(j=1:ny+1,wete(nx+1,j)==1)
00077             dhdx(nx+1,j)=(h(nx+1,j)-h(nx,j))/dsu(nx,j)
00078          endforall
00079          where(wete==0)
00080             dhdx=0.d0
00081          endwhere
00082       else
00083          dhdx=0.d0
00084       endif
00085       !#ifdef USEMPI
00086       !      call xmpi_shift(dhdx,SHIFT_X_U,3,4)
00087       !      call xmpi_shift(dhdx,SHIFT_X_D,1,2)
00088       !#endif
00089       !
00090       ! v-gradients
00091       if(ny+1>=2) then
00092          forall(i=1:nx+1,j=2:ny,wete(i,j)==1)
00093             dhdy(i,j)=(h(i,j+1)-h(i,j-1))/(dnv(i,j)+dnv(i,j-1))
00094          endforall
00095          forall(i=1:nx+1,wete(i,1)==1)
00096             dhdy(i,1)=(h(i,2)-h(i,1))/dnv(i,1)
00097          endforall
00098          forall(i=1:nx+1,wete(i,ny+1)==1)
00099             dhdy(i,ny+1)=(h(i,ny+1)-h(i,ny))/dnv(i,ny)
00100          endforall
00101          where(wete==0)
00102             dhdy=0.d0
00103          endwhere
00104       else
00105          dhdy=0.d0
00106       endif
00107       !#ifdef USEMPI
00108       !      call xmpi_shift(dhdy,SHIFT_Y_R,1,2)
00109       !      call xmpi_shift(dhdy,SHIFT_Y_L,3,4)
00110       !#endif
00112    end subroutine slope2D
00114    !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
00116    subroutine advecxho(ee,cgx,xadvec,nx,ny,ntheta,dnu,dsu,dsdnzi,scheme,wete,dt,dsz)
00117       use spaceparams
00118       !use xmpi_module
00119        use paramsconst
00121       implicit none
00123       integer                                         :: i,j,nx,ny,ntheta
00124       integer, intent(in)                             :: scheme
00125       integer, dimension(nx+1,ny+1),intent(in)        :: wete
00126       real*8,  intent(in)                             :: dt
00127       integer                                         :: itheta
00128       real*8 , dimension(nx+1,ny+1)                   :: dnu,dsu,dsz,dsdnzi,fluxx
00129       real*8 , dimension(nx+1,ny+1,ntheta)            :: xadvec,ee,cgx
00130       real*8                                          :: cgxu,eupw
00132       integer                                         :: scheme_now
00133       integer                                         :: imin_local,imax_local
00135       if(nx>3) then
00136          imin_local = imin_ee
00137          imax_local = imax_ee
00138       else
00139          ! Need nx here in case of stationary wave solver (nx=3 given in subroutine call; arrays from (i-2:i+1), need to fill
00140          ! 3rd place in the arrays (i) )
00141          imin_local = nx
00142          imax_local = nx
00143       endif
00145       xadvec = 0.d0
00146       fluxx  = 0.d0
00149       ! split into schemes first, less split loops -> more efficiency
00150       scheme_now=scheme
00151       select case(scheme_now)
00152        case(SCHEME_UPWIND_1)
00153          do itheta=1,ntheta
00154             do j=1,ny+1
00155                do i=1,nx  ! Whole domain
00156                   if(wete(i,j)==1) then
00157                      cgxu=.5*(cgx(i+1,j,itheta)+cgx(i,j,itheta))
00158                      if (cgxu>0) then
00159                         fluxx(i,j)=ee(i,j,itheta)*cgxu*dnu(i,j)
00160                      else
00161                         fluxx(i,j)=ee(i+1,j,itheta)*cgxu*dnu(i,j)
00162                      endif
00163                   endif
00164                enddo
00165             enddo
00166             !do j=1,ny+1  !
00167             do j=jmin_ee,jmax_ee
00168                do i=imin_local,imax_local
00169                   if(wete(i,j)==1) then
00170                      xadvec(i,j,itheta)=(fluxx(i,j)-fluxx(i-1,j))*dsdnzi(i,j)
00171                   endif
00172                enddo
00173             enddo
00174          enddo
00176          do itheta=1,ntheta
00177             do j=1,ny+1
00178                do i=2,nx-1
00179                   if(wete(i,j)==1) then
00180                      cgxu=.5*(cgx(i+1,j,itheta)+cgx(i,j,itheta))
00181                      if (cgxu>0) then
00182                         ! eupw=((dsu(i,j)+.5*dsu(i-1,j))*ee(i,j,itheta)-.5*dsu(i-1,j)*ee(i-1,j,itheta))/dsu(i-1,j)
00183                         eupw=((dsu(i-1,j)+.5*dsu(i,j))*ee(i,j,itheta)-.5*dsu(i,j)*ee(i-1,j,itheta))/dsu(i-1,j)
00184                         if (eupw<0.d0) eupw=ee(i,j,itheta)
00185                         fluxx(i,j)=eupw*cgxu*dnu(i,j)
00186                      else
00187                         ! eupw=((dsu(i+1,j)+.5*dsu(i+2,j))*ee(i+1,j,itheta)-.5*dsu(i+2,j)*ee(i+2,j,itheta))/dsu(i+1,j)
00188                         eupw=((dsu(i+1,j)+.5*dsu(i,j))*ee(i+1,j,itheta)-.5*dsu(i,j)*ee(i+2,j,itheta))/dsu(i+1,j)
00189                         if (eupw<0.d0) eupw=ee(i+1,j,itheta)
00190                         fluxx(i,j)=eupw*cgxu*dnu(i,j)
00191                      endif
00192                   endif
00193                enddo
00194                if (xmpi_istop) then
00195                   i=1   ! only compute for i==1
00196                   if(wete(i,j)==1) then
00197                      cgxu=.5*(cgx(i+1,j,itheta)+cgx(i,j,itheta))
00198                      if (cgxu>0) then
00199                         fluxx(i,j)=ee(i,j,itheta)*cgxu*dnu(i,j)
00200                      else
00201                         ! eupw=((dsu(i+1,j)+.5*dsu(i+2,j))*ee(i+1,j,itheta)-.5*dsu(i+2,j)*ee(i+2,j,itheta))/dsu(i+1,j)
00202                         eupw=((dsu(i+1,j)+.5*dsu(i,j))*ee(i+1,j,itheta)-.5*dsu(i,j)*ee(i+2,j,itheta))/dsu(i+1,j)
00203                         if (eupw<0.d0) eupw=ee(i+1,j,itheta)
00204                         fluxx(i,j)=eupw*cgxu*dnu(i,j)
00205                      endif
00206                   endif
00207                endif
00208                if (xmpi_isbot) then
00209                   i=nx  ! only compute for i==nx0
00210                   if(wete(i,j)==1) then
00211                      cgxu=.5*(cgx(i+1,j,itheta)+cgx(i,j,itheta))
00212                      if (cgxu>0) then
00213                         ! eupw=((dsu(i,j)+.5*dsu(i-1,j))*ee(i,j,itheta)-.5*dsu(i-1,j)*ee(i-1,j,itheta))/dsu(i-1,j)
00214                         eupw=((dsu(i-1,j)+.5*dsu(i,j))*ee(i,j,itheta)-.5*dsu(i,j)*ee(i-1,j,itheta))/dsu(i-1,j)
00215                         if (eupw<0.d0) eupw=ee(i,j,itheta)
00216                         fluxx(i,j)=eupw*cgxu*dnu(i,j)
00217                      else
00218                         fluxx(i,j)=ee(i+1,j,itheta)*cgxu*dnu(i,j)
00219                      endif
00220                   endif
00221                endif
00222             enddo
00223             do j=jmin_ee,jmax_ee
00224                !do i=2,nx
00225                do i=imin_local,imax_local
00226                   if(wete(i,j)==1) then
00227                      xadvec(i,j,itheta)=(fluxx(i,j)-fluxx(i-1,j))*dsdnzi(i,j)
00228                   endif
00229                enddo
00230             enddo
00231          enddo
00232       end select
00233       if (scheme_now==SCHEME_WARMBEAM) then
00234          do itheta=1,ntheta
00235             do j=jmin_ee,jmax_ee
00236                !do i=2,nx
00237                do i=imin_local,imax_local
00238                   if(wete(i,j)==1) then
00239                      xadvec(i,j,itheta)=   xadvec(i,j,itheta)             &
00240                      -((ee(i+1,j,itheta)-ee(i  ,j,itheta))/dsu(i  ,j)   &
00241                      -(ee(i  ,j,itheta)-ee(i-1,j,itheta))/dsu(i-1,j))/ &
00242                      dsz(i,j)*dt/2*cgx(i,j,itheta)**2
00243                   endif
00244                enddo
00245             enddo
00246          enddo
00247       endif
00249    end subroutine advecxho
00251    !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
00253    subroutine advecthetaho(ee,ctheta,thetaadvec,nx,ny,ntheta,dtheta,scheme,wete)
00254       use spaceparams
00255       !use xmpi_module
00256       use paramsconst
00258       implicit none
00260       integer                                         :: i,j,nx,ny,ntheta
00261       integer, intent(in)                             :: scheme
00262       integer, dimension(nx+1,ny+1),intent(in)        :: wete
00263       integer                                         :: itheta
00264       real*8 , dimension(ntheta)                      :: fluxtheta
00265       real*8 , dimension(nx+1,ny+1,ntheta)            :: thetaadvec,ee,ctheta
00266       real*8                                          :: dtheta,ctheta_between,eupw
00268       integer                                         :: scheme_now
00269       integer                                         :: imin_local,imax_local
00271       if(nx>0) then
00272          imin_local = imin_ee
00273          imax_local = imax_ee
00274       else
00275          ! Need from 1 here in case of stationary wave solver (nx=0 given in subroutine call)
00276          imin_local = 1
00277          imax_local = 1
00278       endif
00280       thetaadvec = 0.d0
00281       fluxtheta  = 0.d0
00283       ! No refraction caan take place if ntheta==1
00284       if (ntheta>1) then
00286          ! split into schemes first, less split loops -> more efficiency
00287          scheme_now=scheme
00288          select case(scheme_now)
00289           case(SCHEME_UPWIND_1)
00290             do j=jmin_ee,jmax_ee
00291                do i=imin_local,imax_local
00292                   if(wete(i,j)==1) then
00293                      do itheta=1,ntheta-1
00294                         ctheta_between=.5*(ctheta(i,j,itheta+1)+ctheta(i,j,itheta))
00295                         if (ctheta_between>0) then
00296                            fluxtheta(itheta)=ee(i,j,itheta)*ctheta_between
00297                         else
00298                            fluxtheta(itheta)=ee(i,j,itheta+1)*ctheta_between
00299                         endif
00300                      enddo
00301                      thetaadvec(i,j,1)=(fluxtheta(1)-0.d0)/dtheta ! No flux across lower boundary theta grid
00302                      do itheta=2,ntheta-1
00303                         thetaadvec(i,j,itheta)=(fluxtheta(itheta)-fluxtheta(itheta-1))/dtheta
00304                      enddo
00305                      thetaadvec(i,j,ntheta)=(0.d0-fluxtheta(ntheta-1))/dtheta ! No flux across upper boundary theta grid
00306                   endif
00307                enddo
00308             enddo
00309           case(SCHEME_UPWIND_2,SCHEME_WARMBEAM)
00310             do j=jmin_ee,jmax_ee
00311                do i=imin_local,imax_local
00312                   if(wete(i,j)==1) then
00313                      do itheta=2,ntheta-2
00314                         ctheta_between=.5*(ctheta(i,j,itheta+1)+ctheta(i,j,itheta))
00315                         if (ctheta_between>0) then
00316                            eupw=1.5d0*ee(i,j,itheta)-.5*ee(i,j,itheta-1)
00317                            if (eupw<0.d0) eupw=ee(i,j,itheta)
00318                            fluxtheta(itheta)=eupw*ctheta_between
00319                         else
00320                            eupw=1.5d0*ee(i,j,itheta+1)-.5*ee(i,j,itheta+2)
00321                            if (eupw<0.d0) eupw=ee(i,j,itheta+1)
00322                            fluxtheta(itheta)=eupw*ctheta_between
00323                         endif
00324                      enddo
00325                      itheta=1   ! only compute for itheta==1
00326                      ctheta_between=.5*(ctheta(i,j,itheta+1)+ctheta(i,j,itheta))
00327                      if (ctheta_between>0) then
00328                         fluxtheta(itheta)=ee(i,j,itheta)*ctheta_between
00329                      else
00330                         eupw=1.5d0*ee(i,j,itheta+1)-.5*ee(i,j,itheta+2)
00331                         if (eupw<0.d0) eupw=ee(i,j,itheta+1)
00332                         fluxtheta(itheta)=eupw*ctheta_between
00333                      endif
00334                      itheta=ntheta-1  ! only compute for itheta==ntheta-1
00335                      ctheta_between=.5*(ctheta(i,j,itheta+1)+ctheta(i,j,itheta))
00336                      if (ctheta_between>0) then
00337                         eupw=1.5d0*ee(i,j,itheta)-.5*ee(i,j,itheta-1)
00338                         if (eupw<0.d0) eupw=ee(i,j,itheta)
00339                         fluxtheta(itheta)=eupw*ctheta_between
00340                      else
00341                         eupw=ee(i,j,itheta+1)
00342                         fluxtheta(itheta)=eupw*ctheta_between
00343                      endif
00344                      thetaadvec(i,j,1)=(fluxtheta(1)-0.d0)/dtheta ! No flux across lower boundary theta grid
00345                      do itheta=2,ntheta-1
00346                         thetaadvec(i,j,itheta)=(fluxtheta(itheta)-fluxtheta(itheta-1))/dtheta
00347                      enddo
00348                      thetaadvec(i,j,ntheta)=(0.d0-fluxtheta(ntheta-1))/dtheta ! No flux across upper boundary theta grid
00349                   endif
00350                enddo
00351             enddo
00352          end select
00353          !if (scheme_now==SCHEME_WARMBEAM) then
00354          !  do itheta=2,ntheta-1
00355          !     do j=jmin_ee,jmax_ee
00356          !        do i=imin_local,imax_local
00357          !           if(wete(i,j)==1) then
00358          !              thetaadvec(i,j,itheta)=   thetaadvec(i,j,itheta)             &
00359          !                                        - (ee(i,j,itheta+1)-2*ee(i,j,itheta)+ee(i,j,itheta-1))/ &
00360          !                                         dtheta**2*dt/2*ctheta(i,j,itheta)**2
00361          !           endif
00362          !        enddo
00363          !     enddo
00364          !  enddo
00365          !endif
00368       endif !ntheta>1
00369    end subroutine advecthetaho
00371    !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
00373    subroutine advecyho(ee,cgy,yadvec,nx,ny,ntheta,dsv,dnv,dsdnzi,scheme,wete,dt,dnz)
00375       use spaceparams
00376       use paramsconst
00378       implicit none
00380       integer                                         :: i,j,nx,ny,ntheta
00381       integer, intent(in)                             :: scheme
00382       integer, dimension(nx+1,ny+1),intent(in)        :: wete
00383       real*8,  intent(in)                             :: dt
00384       integer                                         :: itheta
00385       real*8 ,  dimension(nx+1,ny+1)                  :: dsv,dnv,dnz,dsdnzi,fluxy
00386       real*8 ,  dimension(nx+1,ny+1,ntheta)           :: yadvec,ee,cgy
00387       real*8                                          :: cgyv,eupw
00389       integer                                         :: scheme_now
00390       integer                                         :: imin_local,imax_local
00392       if(nx>0) then
00393          imin_local = imin_ee
00394          imax_local = imax_ee
00395       else
00396          ! Need from 1 here in case of stationary wave solver (nx=0 given in subroutine call)
00397          imin_local = 1
00398          imax_local = 1
00399       endif
00401       yadvec = 0.d0
00402       fluxy  = 0.d0
00404       ! split into schemes first, less split loops -> more efficiency
00405       scheme_now=scheme
00406       select case(scheme_now)
00407        case(SCHEME_UPWIND_1)
00408          do itheta=1,ntheta
00409             do j=1,ny
00410                do i=1,nx+1  ! Whole domain
00411                   if(wete(i,j)==1) then
00412                      cgyv=.5*(cgy(i,j+1,itheta)+cgy(i,j,itheta))
00413                      if (cgyv>0) then
00414                         fluxy(i,j)=ee(i,j,itheta)*cgyv*dsv(i,j)
00415                      else
00416                         fluxy(i,j)=ee(i,j+1,itheta)*cgyv*dsv(i,j)
00417                      endif
00418                   endif
00419                enddo
00420             enddo
00421             do j=jmin_ee,jmax_ee
00422                do i=imin_local,imax_local
00423                   if(wete(i,j)==1) then
00424                      yadvec(i,j,itheta)=(fluxy(i,j)-fluxy(i,j-1))*dsdnzi(i,j)
00425                   endif
00426                enddo
00427             enddo
00428          enddo
00430          do itheta=1,ntheta
00431             do j=2,ny-1
00432                do i=1,nx+1
00433                   if(wete(i,j)==1) then
00434                      cgyv=.5*(cgy(i,j+1,itheta)+cgy(i,j,itheta))
00435                      if (cgyv>0) then
00436                         ! eupw=((dnv(i,j)+.5*dnv(i,j-1))*ee(i,j,itheta)-.5*dnv(i,j-1)*ee(i,j-1,itheta))/dnv(i,j-1)
00437                         eupw=((dnv(i,j-1)+.5*dnv(i,j))*ee(i,j,itheta)-.5*dnv(i,j)*ee(i,j-1,itheta))/dnv(i,j-1)
00438                         if (eupw<0.d0) eupw=ee(i,j,itheta)
00439                         fluxy(i,j)=eupw*cgyv*dsv(i,j)
00440                      else
00441                         ! eupw=((dnv(i,j+1)+.5*dnv(i,j+2))*ee(i,j+1,itheta)-.5*dnv(i,j+2)*ee(i,j+2,itheta))/dnv(i,j+1)
00442                         eupw=((dnv(i,j+1)+.5*dnv(i,j))*ee(i,j+1,itheta)-.5*dnv(i,j)*ee(i,j+2,itheta))/dnv(i,j+1)
00443                         if (eupw<0.d0) eupw=ee(i,j+1,itheta)
00444                         fluxy(i,j)=eupw*cgyv*dsv(i,j)
00445                      endif
00446                   endif
00447                enddo
00448             enddo
00449             if (xmpi_isleft) then
00450                j=1   ! only compute for j==1
00451                do i=1,nx+1
00452                   if(wete(i,j)==1) then
00453                      cgyv=.5*(cgy(i,j+1,itheta)+cgy(i,j,itheta))
00454                      if (cgyv>0) then
00455                         fluxy(i,j)=ee(i,j,itheta)*cgyv*dsv(i,j)
00456                      else
00457                         ! eupw=((dnv(i,j+1)+.5*dnv(i,j+2))*ee(i,j+1,itheta)-.5*dnv(i,j+2)*ee(i,j+2,itheta))/dnv(i,j+1)
00458                         eupw=((dnv(i,j+1)+.5*dnv(i,j))*ee(i,j+1,itheta)-.5*dnv(i,j)*ee(i,j+2,itheta))/dnv(i,j+1)
00459                         if (eupw<0.d0) eupw=ee(i,j+1,itheta)
00460                         fluxy(i,j)=eupw*cgyv*dsv(i,j)
00461                      endif
00462                   endif
00463                enddo
00464             endif
00465             if (xmpi_isright) then
00466                j=ny ! only compute for j==ny
00467                do i=1,nx+1
00468                   if(wete(i,j)==1) then
00469                      cgyv=.5*(cgy(i,j+1,itheta)+cgy(i,j,itheta))
00470                      if (cgyv>0) then
00471                         ! eupw=((dnv(i,j)+.5*dnv(i,j-1))*ee(i,j,itheta)-.5*dnv(i,j-1)*ee(i,j-1,itheta))/dnv(i,j-1)
00472                         eupw=((dnv(i,j-1)+.5*dnv(i,j))*ee(i,j,itheta)-.5*dnv(i,j)*ee(i,j-1,itheta))/dnv(i,j-1)
00473                         if (eupw<0.d0) eupw=ee(i,j,itheta)
00474                         fluxy(i,j)=eupw*cgyv*dsv(i,j)
00475                      else
00476                         fluxy(i,j)=ee(i,j+1,itheta)*cgyv*dsv(i,j)
00477                      endif
00478                   endif
00479                enddo
00480             endif
00481             do j=2,ny
00482                do i=imin_local,imax_local
00483                   if(wete(i,j)==1) then
00484                      yadvec(i,j,itheta)=(fluxy(i,j)-fluxy(i,j-1))*dsdnzi(i,j)
00485                   endif
00486                enddo
00487             enddo
00488          enddo
00489       end select
00490       if (scheme_now==SCHEME_WARMBEAM) then
00491          do itheta=1,ntheta
00492             do j=jmin_ee,jmax_ee
00493                do i=imin_local,imax_local
00494                   if(wete(i,j)==1) then
00495                      yadvec(i,j,itheta) = yadvec(i,j,itheta)                                 &
00496                      -((ee(i,j+1,itheta)-ee(i,j  ,itheta))/dnv(i,j  )   &
00497                      -(ee(i,j  ,itheta)-ee(i,j-1,itheta))/dnv(i,j-1))/ &
00498                      dnz(i,j)*dt/2*cgy(i,j,itheta)**2
00499                   endif
00500                enddo
00501             enddo
00502          enddo
00503       endif
00504    end subroutine advecyho
00507    !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
00509    subroutine advecwx(arrin2d,xwadvec,kmx,nx,ny,dsu,wete)
00510       use xmpi_module
00512       implicit none
00514       integer                                         :: i,nx,ny
00515       integer                                         :: j
00516       real*8 , dimension(nx+1,ny+1)                   :: dsu
00517       real*8 , dimension(nx+1,ny+1)                   :: xwadvec,arrin2d,kmx
00518       integer, dimension(nx+1,ny+1),intent(in)        :: wete
00520       xwadvec = 0.d0
00522       do j=2,ny
00523          do i=2,nx
00524             if(wete(i,j)==1) then
00525                if (kmx(i,j)>0) then
00526                   xwadvec(i,j)=(arrin2d(i,j)-arrin2d(i-1,j))/dsu(i-1,j)
00527                elseif (kmx(i,j)<0) then
00528                   xwadvec(i,j)=(arrin2d(i+1,j)-arrin2d(i,j))/dsu(i,j)
00529                else
00530                   xwadvec(i,j)=(arrin2d(i+1,j)-arrin2d(i-1,j))/(dsu(i,j)+dsu(i-1,j))
00531                endif
00532             endif
00533          end do
00534       end do
00536       ! wwvv here we miss the computations of the first and last columns and rows,
00537       !  in the parallel case we shift these in form neighbours
00539    end subroutine advecwx
00542    !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
00544    subroutine advecwy(arrin2d,ywadvec,kmy,nx,ny,dnv,wete)
00545       use xmpi_module
00546       use xmpi_module
00547       implicit none
00549       integer                                         :: i,nx,ny
00550       integer                                         :: j
00551       real*8 , dimension(nx+1,ny+1)                   :: dnv
00552       real*8 , dimension(nx+1,ny+1)                   :: ywadvec,arrin2d,kmy
00553       integer, dimension(nx+1,ny+1),intent(in)        :: wete
00555       ywadvec = 0.d0
00557       do j=2,ny
00558          do i=2,nx
00559             if(wete(i,j)==1) then
00560                if (kmy(i,j)>0) then
00561                   ywadvec(i,j)=(arrin2d(i,j)-arrin2d(i,j-1))/dnv(i,j-1)
00562                elseif (kmy(i,j)<0) then
00563                   ywadvec(i,j)=(arrin2d(i,j+1)-arrin2d(i,j))/dnv(i,j)
00564                else
00565                   ywadvec(i,j)=(arrin2d(i,j+1)-arrin2d(i,j-1))/(dnv(i,j)+dnv(i,j-1))
00566                endif
00567             endif
00568          end do
00569       end do
00571       if(ny>0) then
00572          where(wete(:,1)==1)
00573             ywadvec(:,1)= ywadvec(:,2)          !Ap
00574          endwhere
00575          where(wete(:,ny+1)==1)
00576             ywadvec(:,ny+1) = ywadvec(:,ny)     !Ap
00577          endwhere
00578       endif
00581    end subroutine advecwy
00583    !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
00585    subroutine advecqx(c,arrin2d,xwadvec,nx,ny,dsu,wete)
00586       use xmpi_module
00588       implicit none
00590       integer                                         :: i,nx,ny
00591       integer                                         :: j
00592       real*8 , dimension(nx+1,ny+1)                   :: dsu
00593       real*8 , dimension(nx+1,ny+1)                   :: xwadvec,arrin2d,c
00594       integer, dimension(nx+1,ny+1),intent(in)        :: wete
00596       xwadvec = 0.d0
00598       do j=2,ny
00599          do i=2,nx
00600             if(wete(i,j)==1) then
00601                if (c(i,j)>0) then
00602                   xwadvec(i,j)=c(i,j)*(arrin2d(i,j)-arrin2d(i-1,j))/dsu(i-1,j)
00603                elseif (c(i,j)<0) then
00604                   xwadvec(i,j)=c(i,j)*(arrin2d(i+1,j)-arrin2d(i,j))/dsu(i,j)
00605                else
00606                   xwadvec(i,j)=c(i,j)*(arrin2d(i+1,j)-arrin2d(i-1,j))/(dsu(i,j)+dsu(i-1,j))
00607                endif
00608             endif
00609          end do
00610       end do
00612       if(ny>0) then
00613          where(wete(:,1)==1)
00614             xwadvec(:,1)= xwadvec(:,2)          !Ap
00615          endwhere
00616          where(wete(:,ny+1)==1)
00617             xwadvec(:,ny+1) = xwadvec(:,ny)     !Ap
00618          endwhere
00619       endif
00622    end subroutine advecqx
00625    !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
00627    subroutine advecqy(c,arrin2d,ywadvec,nx,ny,dnv,wete)
00628       use xmpi_module
00629       use xmpi_module
00630       implicit none
00632       integer                                         :: i,nx,ny
00633       integer                                         :: j
00634       real*8 , dimension(nx+1,ny+1)                   :: dnv
00635       real*8 , dimension(nx+1,ny+1)                   :: ywadvec,arrin2d,c
00636       integer, dimension(nx+1,ny+1),intent(in)        :: wete
00638       ywadvec = 0.d0
00640       do j=2,ny
00641          do i=2,nx
00642             if(wete(i,j)==1) then
00643                if (c(i,j)>0) then
00644                   ywadvec(i,j)=c(i,j)*(arrin2d(i,j)-arrin2d(i,j-1))/dnv(i,j-1)
00645                elseif (c(i,j)<0) then
00646                   ywadvec(i,j)=c(i,j)*(arrin2d(i,j+1)-arrin2d(i,j))/dnv(i,j)
00647                else
00648                   ywadvec(i,j)=c(i,j)*(arrin2d(i,j+1)-arrin2d(i,j-1))/(dnv(i,j)+dnv(i,j-1))
00649                endif
00650             endif
00651          end do
00652       end do
00654    end subroutine advecqy
00656    !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
00658    subroutine dispersion(par,s,h)
00659       use params,         only: parameters
00660       use spaceparams
00661       use logging_module, only: writelog
00663       ! Robert: iteration along L=L0tanh(2pih/L)
00665       implicit none
00667       type(spacepars)                      :: s
00668       type(parameters)                     :: par
00669       real*8, dimension(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1),intent(in) :: h  ! water depth for dispersion can vary for stationary, single_dir and
00670       ! instationary computations, with and without wci
00672       ! Robert: for some reason, MPI version does not like the "allocatable" version
00673       !         of this subroutine.
00674       real*8, dimension(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1)  :: L0,kh,Ltemp
00675       integer                               :: i,j,j1,j2
00676       real*8                                :: backdis,disfac
00677       integer                               :: index
00679       if (s%ny==0) then
00680          j1=1
00681          j2=1
00682       else
00683          j1=1
00684          j2=s%ny+1
00685       endif
00686       !
00687       !
00688       where(s%wete==1)
00689          L0 = par%g*par%Trep**2/(2*par%px)
00690       elsewhere
00691          L0=par%eps
00692       endwhere
00694       if (.not. associated(s%L1)) then
00695          allocate(s%L1(s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
00696          s%L1=L0
00697       endif
00698       Ltemp = L0
00700       do j = j1,j2
00701          do i = 1,s%nx+1
00702             if(s%wete(i,j)==1) then
00703                Ltemp(i,j) = iteratedispersion(L0(i,j),Ltemp(i,j),par%px,h(i,j))
00704                if (Ltemp(i,j)<0.d0) then   ! this is an error from iteratedispersion
00705                   Ltemp(i,j) = -Ltemp(i,j)
00706                   call writelog('lws','','Warning: no convergence in dispersion relation iteration at t = ', &
00707                   par%t*max(par%morfac*par%morfacopt,1.d0))
00708                endif
00709             endif
00710          end do
00711       end do
00712       if (par%shoaldelay==1) then
00713          ! find Lmod looking back over distance par%facsd*L1
00714          ! presumes sigma direction is shore normal
00715          s%L1 = 0.d0           ! modified wave length, initially set to L1
00716          do j = j1,j2
00717             do i = 2,s%nx+1
00718                if(s%wete(i,j)==1) then
00719                   index = i       ! start index
00720                   backdis = 0.d0  ! relative distance backward
00721                   do while (backdis<1.d0)
00722                      ! use average wavelength over distance dsc
00723                      disfac = s%dsc(index,j)/(par%facsd*0.5d0*(Ltemp(index,j)+Ltemp(max(index-1,1),j)))
00724                      disfac = min(disfac,1.d0-backdis)
00727                      s%L1(i,j) = s%L1(i,j)+disfac*0.5d0*(Ltemp(index,j)+Ltemp(max(index-1,1),j))
00728                      backdis = backdis+disfac
00730                      index = max(index-1,1)
00731                   enddo
00732                endif
00733             enddo
00734          enddo
00735          where(s%wete(1,:)==1)
00736             s%L1(1,:) = Ltemp(1,:)
00737          endwhere
00738       else
00739          where(s%wete==1)
00740             s%L1 = Ltemp
00741          endwhere
00742       endif
00744       ! boundary copies for non superfast 1D
00745       if (s%ny>0) then
00746          if (xmpi_isleft) then
00747             where(s%wete(:,1)==1)
00748                s%L1(:,1)=s%L1(:,2)
00749             endwhere
00750          endif
00751          if (xmpi_isright) then
00752             where(s%wete(:,s%ny+1)==1)
00753                s%L1(:,s%ny+1)=s%L1(:,s%ny)
00754             endwhere
00755          endif
00756       endif
00757       where(s%wete==1)
00758          s%k  = 2*par%px/s%L1
00759          s%c  = s%sigm/s%k
00760          kh   = min(s%k*h,10.0d0)
00761          s%n=0.5d0+kh/sinh(2*kh)
00762          s%cg=s%c*s%n
00763       elsewhere
00764          s%k = 25.d0
00765          s%c = sqrt(par%g*par%eps)
00766          s%n = 1.d0
00767          s%cg= sqrt(par%g*par%eps)
00768       endwhere
00771    end subroutine dispersion
00773    elemental function iteratedispersion(L0,Lestimate,px,h) result(L)
00775       implicit none
00776       ! input
00777       real*8,intent(in)    :: L0
00778       real*8,intent(in)    :: Lestimate
00779       real*8,intent(in)    :: px
00780       real*8,intent(in)    :: h
00781       ! output
00782       real*8               :: L
00783       ! internal
00784       real*8               :: L1,L2
00785       integer              :: iter
00786       real*8               :: err
00787       real*8,parameter     :: aphi = 1.d0/(((1.0d0 + sqrt(5.0d0))/2)+1)
00788       real*8,parameter     :: bphi = ((1.0d0 + sqrt(5.0d0))/2)/(((1.0d0 + sqrt(5.0d0))/2)+1)
00789       integer,parameter    :: itermax = 150
00790       real*8,parameter     :: errmax = 0.00001d0
00793       err = huge(0.0d0)
00794       iter = 0
00795       L1 = Lestimate
00796       do while (err > errmax .and. iter < itermax)
00797          iter  = iter+1
00798          L2    = L0*tanh(2*px*h/L1)
00799          L1    = (L1*aphi + L2*bphi)          ! Golden ratio
00800          err   = abs(L2 - L1)
00801       end do
00803       if (iter<=itermax) then
00804          L = L1
00805       else
00806          ! signal this went wrong
00807          L = -L1
00808       endif
00810    end function iteratedispersion
00812    subroutine breakerdelay(par,s)
00813       !!! Dano: this routine is not MPI compliant and assumes xz to be in cross-shore; TBD
00814       !!! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00815       use params,         only: parameters
00816       use spaceparams
00817       use xmpi_module
00819       implicit none
00821       type(spacepars),target                          :: s
00822       type(parameters)                                :: par
00824       real*8                                          :: Lbr
00825       real*8, dimension(s%nx+1)                       :: utemp
00826       integer                                         :: jx,jy,i,j1,nbr,tempxid
00827       integer, dimension(s%nx+1)                      :: ibr
00829       !include 's.ind'
00830       !include 's.inp'
00832       ! Superfast 1D
00833       if (s%ny>0) then
00834          j1 = 2
00835       else
00836          j1 = 1
00837       endif
00839       do jy = j1,max(1,s%ny)
00840          s%usd(1,jy)   = s%ustr(1,jy)
00842          do jx = 2,s%nx+1
00843             if(s%wete(jx,jy)==1) then
00844                nbr     = 0
00845                Lbr     = sqrt(par%g*s%hhw(jx,jy))*par%Trep*par%breakerdelay
00846                i       = jx-1
00847                do while (abs(s%xz(i,jy)-s%xz(jx,jy))<=Lbr .and. i>1)
00848                   nbr = nbr+1
00849                   i   = i-1
00850                end do
00852                if(nbr.gt.1) then
00853                   do i = 1,nbr+1
00854                      ibr(i)      = i
00855                      tempxid     = jx-nbr+i-1
00856                      utemp(i)    = s%ustr(tempxid,jy)
00857                   enddo
00859                   s%usd(jx,jy)      = sum(ibr(1:nbr+1)*utemp(1:nbr+1))/sum(ibr(1:nbr+1))
00860                else
00861                   s%usd(jx,jy)      = s%ustr(jx,jy)
00862                end if
00863             endif
00864          end do
00865       end do
00867       ! lateral boundaries
00868       if (xmpi_istop             ) then
00869          where(s%wete(1,:)==1)
00870             s%usd(1,:)    = s%usd(2,:)
00871          endwhere
00872       endif
00873       if (xmpi_isbot             ) then
00874          where(s%wete(s%nx+1,:)==1)
00875             s%usd(s%nx+1,:) = s%usd(s%nx,:)
00876          endwhere
00877       endif
00878       if (xmpi_isleft  .and. s%ny>0) then
00879          where(s%wete(:,1)==1)
00880             s%usd(:,1)    = s%usd(:,2)
00881          endwhere
00882       endif
00883       if (xmpi_isright .and. s%ny>0) then
00884          where(s%wete(:,s%ny+1)==1)
00885             s%usd(:,s%ny+1) = s%usd(:,s%ny)
00886          endwhere
00887       endif
00889       ! wwvv for the parallel version, shift in the columns and rows
00891    end subroutine breakerdelay
00893    subroutine wave_dispersion(s,par,useAverageDepthSwitch)
00895       use params,         only: parameters
00896       use spaceparams
00898       implicit none
00900       type(spacepars), target     :: s
00901       type(parameters)            :: par
00902       integer,intent(in),optional :: useAverageDepthSwitch
00904       real*8,dimension(:,:),allocatable,save  :: km,kmx,kmy
00905       real*8,dimension(:,:),allocatable,save  :: hhlocal,ulocal,vlocal,relangle
00906       real*8,dimension(:,:),allocatable,save  :: arg,fac
00907       real*8,dimension(:,:),allocatable,save  :: cgym,cgxm
00908       real*8,dimension(:,:),allocatable,save  :: dkmxdx,dkmxdy,dkmydx,dkmydy
00909       real*8,dimension(:,:),allocatable,save  :: xwadvec,ywadvec
00910       real*8,dimension(:),allocatable,save    :: L0,L1
00911       real*8,save                             :: Trepold
00912       integer                                 :: itheta
00913       integer                                 :: luseAverageDepthSwitch
00915       if(.not.allocated(km)) then
00916          allocate(km(s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
00917          allocate(kmx(s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
00918          allocate(kmy(s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
00919          allocate(arg(s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
00920          allocate(fac(s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
00921          allocate(cgym(s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
00922          allocate(cgxm(s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
00923          allocate(dkmxdx(s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
00924          allocate(dkmxdy(s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
00925          allocate(dkmydx(s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
00926          allocate(dkmydy(s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
00927          allocate(xwadvec(s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
00928          allocate(ywadvec(s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
00929          allocate(hhlocal(s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
00930          if (par%wci==1) then
00931             allocate(ulocal(s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
00932             allocate(vlocal(s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
00933             allocate(relangle(s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
00934             allocate(L0(s%ny+1))
00935             allocate(L1(s%ny+1))
00936             L0 = 0.d0
00937             L1 = -huge(0.d0)
00938          endif
00939          Trepold = 0.d0
00940          call dispersion(par,s,s%hhw) ! at initialisation, water depth is always s%hhw
00941          km=s%k
00942       endif
00944       ! water depth and velocities to use depends on wave mode and presence of wci
00946       ! default to use instantaneous water depth and velocities
00947       if (present(useAverageDepthSwitch)) then
00948          luseAverageDepthSwitch = useAverageDepthSwitch
00949       else
00950          luseAverageDepthSwitch = 0
00951       endif
00953       if (luseAverageDepthSwitch==0) then  ! default: use instantaneous depth and velocities
00954          hhlocal = s%hhw
00955          if (par%wci==1) then
00956             ulocal = s%u
00957             vlocal = s%v
00958          endif
00959       elseif (luseAverageDepthSwitch==1) then ! used averaged depths for single_dir computation
00960          hhlocal = s%hhws
00961          if (par%wci==1) then
00962             ulocal = s%uws
00963             vlocal = s%vws
00964          endif
00965       elseif (luseAverageDepthSwitch==2) then ! used averaged depths for instationary computation with wci
00966          hhlocal = s%hhwcins
00967          ulocal = s%uwcins
00968          vlocal = s%vwcins
00969       else
00970          ! this should never occur
00971       endif
00974       if(par%wci==1) then
00975          ! Dano NEED TO CHECK THIS FOR CURVI
00976          !if (xmpi_istop) then
00977          !   ! requires boundary condition at the offshore boundary, where we assume zero flow
00978          !   L0 = par%g*par%Trep**2/(2*par%px)
00979          !   if (any(L1<=0.d0)) then
00980          !      L1 = L0
00981          !   endif
00982          !   do j=1,s%ny+1
00983          !      L1(j) = iteratedispersion(L0(j),L1(j),par%px,s%hhw(1,j))
00984          !   enddo
00985          !   km(1,:)  = 2*par%px/max(L1,0.00001d0)
00986          !endif
00987          arg     = min(100.0d0,km*hhlocal)
00988          fac = ( 1.d0 + ((km*s%H/2.d0)**2))  ! use deep water correction
00989          s%sigm(1,:) = sqrt( par%g*km(1,:)*tanh(arg(1,:))) ! *( 1.d0+ ((km(1,:)*s%H(1,:)/2.d0)**2)))
00990          !  calculate change in intrinsic frequency
00991          relangle = s%thetamean-s%alfaz
00992          kmx = km*dcos(relangle)
00993          kmy = km*dsin(relangle)
00994          s%wm = s%sigm+kmx*ulocal*min(&
00995          min(hhlocal/par%hwci,1.d0), &
00996          min(1.d0,(1.d0-hhlocal/par%hwcimax)) &
00997          )+ &
00998          kmy*vlocal*min( &
00999          min(hhlocal/par%hwci,1.d0), &
01000          min(1.d0,(1.d0-hhlocal/par%hwcimax)) &
01001          )
01003          where(km>0.01d0)
01004             s%c  = s%sigm/km
01005             !          cg = c*(0.5d0+arg/sinh(2.0d0*arg))    ! Linear
01006             s%cg = s%c*(0.5d0+arg/sinh(2*arg))*sqrt(fac)  ! &  to include more
01007             !                             + km*(H/2)**2*sqrt(max(par%g*km*tanh(arg),0.001d0))/sqrt(max(fac,0.001d0)) ! include wave steepness
01008             s%n=0.5d0+km*hhlocal/sinh(2*max(km,0.00001d0)*hhlocal)
01009          elsewhere
01010             s%c  = 0.01d0
01011             s%cg = 0.01d0
01012             s%n  = 1.d0
01013          endwhere
01015          cgym = s%cg*dsin(relangle)+vlocal*min(min(hhlocal/par%hwci,1.d0),min(1.d0,(1.d0-hhlocal/par%hwcimax)))
01016          cgxm = s%cg*dcos(relangle)+ulocal*min(min(hhlocal/par%hwci,1.d0),min(1.d0,(1.d0-hhlocal/par%hwcimax)))
01018          call slope2D(kmx,s%nx,s%ny,s%dsu,s%dnv,dkmxdx,dkmxdy,s%wete)
01019          call slope2D(kmy,s%nx,s%ny,s%dsu,s%dnv,dkmydx,dkmydy,s%wete)
01020          call advecwx(s%wm,xwadvec,kmx,s%nx,s%ny,s%dsu,s%wete)   ! cjaap: s%xz or s%xu?         kmx = kmx -par%dt*xwadvec  -par%dt*cgym*(dkmydx-dkmxdy)
01021          kmx = kmx -par%dt*xwadvec  -par%dt*cgym*(dkmydx-dkmxdy)
01022          if (s%ny>0) then
01023             if (xmpi_isright) kmx(:,s%ny+1) = kmx(:,s%ny)  ! lateral bc
01024             if (xmpi_isleft)  kmx(:,1) = kmx(:,2)  ! lateral bc
01025          endif
01027          call advecwy(s%wm,ywadvec,kmy,s%nx,s%ny,s%dnv,s%wete)   ! cjaap: s%yz or s%yv?
01028          kmy = kmy-par%dt*ywadvec  + par%dt*cgxm*(dkmydx-dkmxdy)
01029          if (s%ny>0) then
01030             if (xmpi_isright) kmy(:,s%ny+1) = kmy(:,s%ny)   ! lateral bc
01031             if (xmpi_isleft)  kmy(:,1) = kmy(:,2)   ! lateral bc
01032          endif
01034 #ifdef USEMPI
01035          call xmpi_shift_ee(kmx)
01036          call xmpi_shift_ee(kmy)
01037 #endif
01039          ! update km
01040          km = sqrt(kmx**2+kmy**2)
01041          km = min(km,25.d0) ! limit to gravity waves
01042          ! non-linear dispersion
01043          arg = min(100.0d0,km*hhlocal)
01044          arg = max(arg,0.0001)
01045          !       fac = ( 1.d0 + ((km*H/2.d0)**2)*( (8.d0+(cosh(min(4.d0*arg,10.0d0)))**1.d0-2.d0*(tanh(arg))**2.d0 ) /(8.d0*(sinh(arg))**4.d0) ) )
01046          fac = ( 1.d0 + ((km*s%H/2.d0)**2))  ! use deep water correction instead of expression above (waves are short near blocking point anyway)
01047          !       fac = 1.d0    ! Linear
01048          s%sigm = sqrt( par%g*km*tanh(arg)*fac)
01049          s%sigm = max(s%sigm,0.010d0)
01050          !  update intrinsic frequency
01051          do itheta=1,s%ntheta
01052             s%sigt(:,:,itheta) = s%sigm
01053          enddo
01054          !
01055          !  update k
01056          s%k = km
01057       else
01058          ! check if we need to recompute sigm and sigt
01059          if (abs(par%Trep-Trepold)/par%Trep > 0.0001d0) then
01060             Trepold = par%Trep
01061             do itheta=1,s%ntheta
01062                s%sigt(:,:,itheta) = 2*par%px/par%Trep
01063             end do
01064             s%sigm = 2*par%px/par%Trep
01065          endif
01066          call dispersion(par,s,hhlocal)
01067       endif ! end wave current interaction
01070    end subroutine wave_dispersion
01072    subroutine compute_wave_direction_velocities(s,par,flavour,dhdx,dhdy,dudx,dudy,dvdx,dvdy,sinh2kh)
01074       use params,         only: parameters
01075       use spaceparams
01077       implicit none
01079       type(spacepars), target     :: s
01080       type(parameters)            :: par
01081       integer,intent(in)          :: flavour ! 0 for stationary, 1 for instationary, 2 for directions part of single_dir
01082       real*8,dimension(s%nx+1,s%ny+1),intent(in) :: dhdx,dhdy,dudx,dudy,dvdx,dvdy,sinh2kh
01084       real*8,dimension(:,:,:),allocatable,save :: cgx,cgy,cx,cy,ctheta
01085       real*8,dimension(:,:),allocatable,save   :: uwci,vwci
01087       integer                     :: nthetalocal,nthetamax
01088       integer                     :: itheta,j,i
01089       real*8                      :: cs,sn
01091       if(.not. allocated(cgx)) then
01092          if (par%single_dir==1) then
01093             nthetamax = max(s%ntheta,s%ntheta_s)
01094          else
01095             nthetamax = s%ntheta
01096          endif
01097          allocate(cgx(s%nx+1,s%ny+1,nthetamax))
01098          allocate(cgy(s%nx+1,s%ny+1,nthetamax))
01099          allocate(cx(s%nx+1,s%ny+1,nthetamax))
01100          allocate(cy(s%nx+1,s%ny+1,nthetamax))
01101          allocate(ctheta(s%nx+1,s%ny+1,nthetamax))
01102          if (par%wci==1) then
01103             allocate(uwci(s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
01104             allocate(vwci(s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
01105          endif
01106       endif
01108       ! set local variables according to flavour
01109       select case (flavour)
01110        case (0)
01111          nthetalocal = s%ntheta
01112          if (par%wci==1) then
01113             uwci = s%u
01114             vwci = s%v
01115          endif
01116        case (1)
01117          nthetalocal = s%ntheta
01118          if (par%wci==1) then
01119             uwci = s%uwcins
01120             vwci = s%vwcins
01121          endif
01122        case (2)
01123          nthetalocal = s%ntheta_s
01124          if (par%wci==1) then
01125             uwci = s%uws
01126             vwci = s%vws
01127          endif
01128       end select
01129       !
01130       ! split wave velocities in wave grid directions theta
01131       do itheta=1,nthetalocal
01132          do j=1,s%ny+1
01133             do i=1,s%nx+1
01134                if (s%wete(i,j) == 1) then
01135                   ! wave grid directions theta with respect to spatial grid s,n
01136                   if (flavour == 2) then
01137                      cs=s%costh_s(i,j,itheta)
01138                      sn=s%sinth_s(i,j,itheta)
01139                   else
01140                      cs=s%costh(i,j,itheta)
01141                      sn=s%sinth(i,j,itheta)
01142                   endif
01144                   ! split wave velocities over theta bins
01145                   ! note: cg is already correct for each flavour, as long as wave_dispersion is called before this subroutine
01146                   if (par%wci==1) then
01147                      cgx(i,j,itheta)= s%cg(i,j)*cs+uwci(i,j)
01148                      cgy(i,j,itheta)= s%cg(i,j)*sn+vwci(i,j)
01149                      cx(i,j,itheta) =  s%c(i,j)*cs+uwci(i,j)
01150                      cy(i,j,itheta) =  s%c(i,j)*sn+vwci(i,j)
01151                   else
01152                      cgx(i,j,itheta)= s%cg(i,j)*cs
01153                      cgy(i,j,itheta)= s%cg(i,j)*sn
01154                      cx(i,j,itheta) =  s%c(i,j)*cs
01155                      cy(i,j,itheta) =  s%c(i,j)*sn
01156                   endif
01158                   ! compute refraction velocity
01159                   ! note: sigm is already correct for each flavour, as long as wave_dispersion is called before this subroutine
01160                   if (par%wci==1) then
01161                      ctheta(i,j,itheta)= s%sigm(i,j)/sinh2kh(i,j)*(dhdx(i,j)*sn-dhdy(i,j)*cs) +  &
01162                      (cs*(sn*dudx(i,j)-cs*dudy(i,j)) + sn*(sn*dvdx(i,j)-cs*dvdy(i,j)))
01163                   else
01164                      ctheta(i,j,itheta)= s%sigm(i,j)/sinh2kh(i,j)*(dhdx(i,j)*sn-dhdy(i,j)*cs)
01165                   endif
01166                else
01167                   cgx(i,j,itheta) = 0.d0
01168                   cgy(i,j,itheta) = 0.d0
01169                   cx(i,j,itheta) = 0.d0
01170                   cy(i,j,itheta) = 0.d0
01171                   ctheta(i,j,itheta) = 0.d0
01172                endif
01173             enddo
01174          enddo
01175       enddo
01177       ! Dano Limit unrealistic refraction speed to 1/2 pi per wave period
01178       ctheta=sign(1.d0,ctheta)*min(abs(ctheta),.5*par%px/par%Trep)
01180       ! return to the right parts in s
01181       if (flavour == 2) then
01182          s%cgx_s(:,:,1:s%ntheta_s) = cgx(:,:,1:s%ntheta_s)
01183          s%cgy_s(:,:,1:s%ntheta_s) = cgy(:,:,1:s%ntheta_s)
01184          s%ctheta_s(:,:,1:s%ntheta_s) = ctheta(:,:,1:s%ntheta_s)
01185          ! no cx and cy needed for roller energy
01186       else
01187          s%cgx(:,:,1:s%ntheta) = cgx(:,:,1:s%ntheta)
01188          s%cgy(:,:,1:s%ntheta) = cgy(:,:,1:s%ntheta)
01189          s%ctheta(:,:,1:s%ntheta) = ctheta(:,:,1:s%ntheta)
01190          s%cx(:,:,1:s%ntheta) = cx(:,:,1:s%ntheta)
01191          s%cy(:,:,1:s%ntheta) = cy(:,:,1:s%ntheta)
01192       endif
01194    end subroutine compute_wave_direction_velocities
01196    subroutine compute_wave_forces(s)
01197       use spaceparams
01199       implicit none
01201       type(spacepars), target     :: s
01203       integer                     :: i,j
01205       !
01206       ! wave radiation stress 
01207       s%Sxx=(s%n*sum((1.d0+s%costh**2)*s%ee,3)-.5d0*sum(s%ee,3))*s%dtheta
01208       s%Syy=(s%n*sum((1.d0+s%sinth**2)*s%ee,3)-.5d0*sum(s%ee,3))*s%dtheta
01209       s%Sxy=s%n*sum(s%sinth*s%costh*s%ee,3)*s%dtheta
01210       !
01211       !
01212       ! add roller contribution
01213       s%Sxx = s%Sxx + sum((s%costh**2)*s%rr,3)*s%dtheta
01214       s%Syy = s%Syy + sum((s%sinth**2)*s%rr,3)*s%dtheta
01215       s%Sxy = s%Sxy + sum(s%sinth*s%costh*s%rr,3)*s%dtheta
01216       !
01217       !
01218       ! Wave forces
01219       if (s%ny>0) then
01220          do j=2,s%ny
01221             do i=1,s%nx
01222                s%Fx(i,j)=-(s%Sxx(i+1,j)-s%Sxx(i,j))/s%dsu(i,j)                        &
01223                -(s%Sxy(i,j+1)+s%Sxy(i+1,j+1)-s%Sxy(i,j-1)-s%Sxy(i+1,j-1))/    &
01224                (s%dnv(i,j-1)+s%dnv(i,j)+s%dnv(i+1,j-1)+s%dnv(i+1,j))
01225             enddo
01226          enddo
01228          do j=1,s%ny
01229             do i=2,s%nx
01230                s%Fy(i,j)=-(s%Syy(i,j+1)-s%Syy(i,j))/s%dnv(i,j)            &
01231                -(s%Sxy(i+1,j)+s%Sxy(i+1,j+1)-s%Sxy(i-1,j)-s%Sxy(i-1,j+1))/                    &
01232                (s%dsu(i-1,j)+s%dsu(i,j)+s%dsu(i-1,j+1)+s%dsu(i,j+1))
01233             enddo
01234          enddo
01235       else
01236          j=1
01237          do i=1,s%nx
01238             s%Fx(i,j)=-(s%Sxx(i+1,j)-s%Sxx(i,j))/s%dsu(i,j)
01239          enddo
01240          do i=2,s%nx
01241             s%Fy(i,j)=-(s%Sxy(i+1,j)-s%Sxy(i-1,j))/ (s%dsu(i-1,j)+s%dsu(i,j))
01242          enddo
01243       endif
01244       ! wwvv in the previous, Fx and Fy are computed. The missing elements
01245       !  elements are Fx(:,1), Fx(nx+1,:), Fx(:,ny+1)
01246       !               Fy(1,:), Fy(nx+1,:), Fy(:,ny+1)
01248       ! wwvv so, Fx(:ny+1) and Fy(:ny+1) are left zero and Fx(nx+1,:) and Fy(nx+1,:)
01249       ! are made zero.  In the parallel case, Fx(:,1) and Fy(1,:) don't get a
01250       ! value if the submatrices are not on suitable border.
01251       ! I guess that it is necessary to communicate with neighbours the values of these elements
01253       ! wwvv todo the following has consequences for // version
01254       if(xmpi_istop) then
01255          s%Fy(1,:)=s%Fy(2,:)
01256       endif
01257       if(xmpi_isbot) then
01258          s%Fx(s%nx+1,:) = 0.0d0
01259          s%Fy(s%nx+1,:) = 0.0d0
01260       endif
01261       if(xmpi_isleft .and. s%ny>0) then
01262          s%Fx(:,1)=s%Fx(:,2)
01263          !   Fy(:,1)=Fy(:,2)
01264          !   ! where (Fy(:,1)>0.d0) Fy(:,1)=0.d0; !Jaap + Bas: Don't do this before calling Dano :-)
01265       endif
01266       if (xmpi_isright .and. s%ny>0) then
01267          !   Fy(:,ny+1)=Fy(:,ny)   ! only a dummy point in non mpi
01268          s%Fx(:,s%ny+1)=s%Fx(:,s%ny)   ! only a dummy point in non mpi
01269          !   ! where (Fy(:,ny+1)<0.d0) Fy(:,ny+1)=0.d0; !Jaap + Bas: Don't do this before calling Dano :-)
01270       endif
01272    end subroutine compute_wave_forces
01274    subroutine compute_stokes_drift(s,par)
01275       use params
01276       use spaceparams
01278       implicit none
01280       type(spacepars), target     :: s
01281       type(parameters)            :: par
01283       real*8 , dimension(:,:)  ,allocatable,save  :: ustw
01285       if (.not. allocated(ustw)) then
01286          allocate(ustw        (s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
01287       endif
01289       where(s%wete==1)
01290          ! wave induced mass flux
01291          ustw=s%E/s%c/par%rho/s%hstokes   ! Jaap (Robert: used in wave instationary)
01292          ! ustw=s%E*s%k/s%sigm/par%rho/max(s%hh,.001d0)   ! Robert: old version used in wave stationary. Superceded?
01293          s%uwf = ustw*cos(s%thetamean-s%alfaz)
01294          s%vwf = ustw*sin(s%thetamean-s%alfaz)
01295          !
01296          ! roller contribution
01297          s%ustr=2*s%R/s%c/par%rho/s%hstokes ! Jaap (Robert: used in wave instationary)
01298          !s%ustr = 0.d0
01299          !s%ustr=2*s%R*s%k/s%sigm/par%rho/max(s%hh,.001d0) ! Robert: old version used in wave stationary. Superceded?
01300       elsewhere
01301          ustw = 0.d0
01302          s%uwf = 0.d0
01303          s%vwf = 0.d0
01304          s%ustr = 0.d0
01305       endwhere
01306       !
01307       ! introduce breaker delay
01308       if (par%breakerdelay == 1) then
01309          call breakerdelay(par,s)
01310          s%ust = ustw+s%usd
01311       else
01312          s%ust = ustw+s%ustr
01313       endif
01314       !
01315       ! boundary conditions
01316       if(xmpi_istop) then
01317          s%ust(1,:) = s%ust(2,:)
01318       endif
01319       if(xmpi_isleft.and.s%ny>0) then
01320          s%ust(:,1) = s%ust(:,2)
01321       endif
01322       if(xmpi_isright.and. s%ny>0) then
01323          s%ust(:,s%ny+1) = s%ust(:,s%ny)
01324       endif
01326    end subroutine compute_stokes_drift
01328 end module wave_functions_module
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