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00001 ! provides subroutine myusleep(n)
00002 !          sleeps for n microseconds
00003 module sleeper
00004 #if __GFORTRAN__
00005    use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding
00006    implicit none
00007    save
00008    interface
00009       subroutine usleep(i) bind(C,name='usleep')
00010          import
00011          integer(c_int), value :: i
00012       end subroutine usleep
00013    end interface
00014 #else
00015    implicit none
00016    save
00017 #endif
00018    private
00019    public:: myusleep
00021 contains
00022 #if __GFORTRAN__
00023    subroutine myusleep(i)
00024       integer, intent(in) :: i
00025       call usleep(i)
00026    end subroutine myusleep
00027 #elif __INTEL_COMPILER
00028    subroutine myusleep(i)
00029       integer, intent(in) :: i
00030       integer j
00031       j = i/1000
00032       j = max(1,j)
00033       call sleepqq(j)
00034    end subroutine myusleep
00035 #elif __PGI
00036    subroutine myusleep(i)
00037       integer, intent(in) :: i
00038       integer j
00039       j = i/1000
00040       j = max(1,j)
00041       call sleepqq(j)
00042    end subroutine myusleep
00043 #else
00044    subroutine myusleep(i)
00045       ! this is the final resort: do not sleep at all
00046       integer, intent(in) :: i
00047       integer j
00048       j = i/1000000
00049       j = max(0,j)
00050       ! j = max(1,j) ! will sleep for one second
00051       call sleep(j)
00052    end subroutine myusleep
00053 #endif
00055 end module sleeper
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