Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 !==============================================================================
00002 !                               MODULE NH_MAIN
00003 !==============================================================================
00005 ! DATE               AUTHOR               CHANGES
00006 !
00007 ! october 2009       Pieter Bart Smit     New module
00008 ! october 2014       Pieter Bart Smit     Included an updated pressure correction scheme/general maintenance
00010 ! -- REMARKS --
00011 ! There are "two" mutually exclusive implementations of the non-hydrostatic model
00012 ! in this file. The first is the original non-hydrostatic code (see Draft report)
00013 ! which has been left untouched (except for fixing some consistency errors). The
00014 ! second implementation is the reduced two-layer formulation. The new implementation
00015 ! uses two-layers in the vertical (controlled by a thickness parameter) and should
00016 ! give better results for shorter wave components. Moreover, it contains the previous
00017 ! code as a special case (thickness of the lower layer is set to 0).
00018 !
00020 ! + nonh_cor
00021 !   This is the entry routine for the nonhydrostatic code when called from
00022 !   flowtimestep. Depending on the parameter nh_red it calls the old nh-routines
00023 !   or the new reduced routines.
00024 !
00025 ! + nonh_init
00026 !   Initializes the various resources required.
00027 !
00028 ! + nonh_1lay_cor
00029 !   The "old" non-hydrostatic correction routine, calculates the new dynamic
00030 !   pressure.
00031 !
00032 ! + nonh_1lay_pred
00033 !
00034 !
00035 module nonh_module
00037    implicit none
00038    save
00039    private
00042    ! If mpi is defined, the non-hydrostatic module is NOT included in the compilation
00043    ! to avoid unwanted side effects.
00045    !******************************************************************************
00046    !                                 INTERFACE
00047    !******************************************************************************
00050    !----------------------------- PARAMETERS -----------------------------------
00052    include 'nh_pars.inc'               !Default precision etc.
00054    !----------------------------- VARIABLES  -----------------------------------
00056    logical                      :: initialized   = .false.    !Indicates whether or not the nh_module has been initialized
00058    !
00059    ! -- Numerical parameter --
00060    !
00061    real (kind=rKind), allocatable, dimension(:,:)   :: wcoef  !The relative thickness of the lower layer in the reduced
00062    !two-layer model at z-points (optimisation parameter in "old model")
00063    !
00064    ! -- Additional physical variables --
00065    !
00066    real (kind=rKind), allocatable, dimension(:,:)   :: dp     !Change in pressure between the old and
00067    !new timestep
00068    real (kind=rKind), allocatable, dimension(:,:)   :: Wm     !The mean vertical velocity in the top
00069    !layer (nonhq3d)
00070    real (kind=rKind), allocatable, dimension(:,:)   :: Wm_old !The mean vertical velocity in the top
00071    !layer on the previous timestep (nonhq3d)
00072    real (kind=rKind), allocatable, dimension(:,:)   :: Wm0    !The mean vertical velocity in the bottom
00073    !layer (nonhq3d)
00074    real (kind=rKind), allocatable, dimension(:,:)   :: dU0    !The velocity (s-dir) difference between the top
00075    !and bottom layers at the previous timestep
00076    real (kind=rKind), allocatable, dimension(:,:)   :: dV0    !The velocity (n-dir) difference between the top
00077    !and bottom layers at the previous timestep
00078    real (kind=rKind), allocatable, dimension(:,:)   :: omega  !The velocity vertical transport velocity
00080    !
00081    ! -- Arrays used for building the Poisson equation --
00082    !
00083    real (kind=rKind), allocatable, dimension(:,:,:) :: au     !Pressure coeficients for u(i,j), au(0,i,j) refers to
00084    !s%nhpres(i,j) and au(1,i,j) to s%nhpres(i+1,j)
00085    real (kind=rKind), allocatable, dimension(:,:,:) :: av     !Pressure coeficients for v(i,j), av(0,i,j) refers to
00086    !s%nhpres(i,j) and av(1,i,j) to s%nhpres(i,j+1)
00087    real (kind=rKind), allocatable, dimension(:,:,:) :: adu    !Pressure coeficients for du(i,j), adu(0,i,j) refers to
00088    !s%nhpres(i,j) and au(1,i,j) to s%nhpres(i+1,j)
00089    real (kind=rKind), allocatable, dimension(:,:,:) :: adv    !Pressure coeficients for dv(i,j), adv(0,i,j) refers to
00090    !s%nhpres(i,j) and adv(1,i,j) to s%nhpres(i,j+1)
00091    real (kind=rKind), allocatable, dimension(:,:,:) :: mat    !5-diagonal Pressure matrix.
00092    ! Diagonal Pressure Point
00093    ! 1        i  ,j
00094    ! 2        i-1,j
00095    ! 3        i+1,j
00096    ! 4        i  ,j-1
00097    ! 5        i  ,j+1
00098    real (kind=rKind), allocatable, dimension(:,:)   :: rhs    !RHS of the pressure matrix
00100    real (kind=rKind), allocatable, dimension(:,:,:) :: aws    !Pressure coeficients for ws(k,i,j) !**OBSOLETE IN nonhq3d**
00101    real (kind=rKind), allocatable, dimension(:,:,:) :: awb    !Pressure coeficients for wb(k,i,j) !**OBSOLETE IN nonhq3d**
00102    real (kind=rKind), allocatable, dimension(:,:)   :: aur    !RHS for du(i,j)                    !**OBSOLETE IN nonhq3d**
00103    real (kind=rKind), allocatable, dimension(:,:)   :: avr    !RHS for dv(i,j)                    !**OBSOLETE IN nonhq3d**
00104    real (kind=rKind), allocatable, dimension(:,:)   :: awbr   !Pressure coeficients for wb(k,i,j) !**OBSOLETE IN nonhq3d**
00105    real (kind=rKind), allocatable, dimension(:,:)   :: awsr   !Pressure coeficients for ws(k,i,j) !**OBSOLETE IN nonhq3d**
00107    !
00108    ! -- Additional grid parameters --
00109    !
00110    real (kind=rKind), allocatable, dimension(:,:)   :: zsu    !free surface-level in u-velocity points
00111    real (kind=rKind), allocatable, dimension(:,:)   :: zsv    !free surface-level in v-velocity points
00112    real (kind=rKind), allocatable, dimension(:,:)   :: zbu    !free bed-level in u-velocity points
00113    real (kind=rKind), allocatable, dimension(:,:)   :: zbv    !free bed-level in v-velocity points
00115    real (kind=rKind), allocatable, dimension(:)     ::  dxz   !**OBSOLETE IN nonhq3d**
00116    real (kind=rKind), allocatable, dimension(:)     ::  dyz   !**OBSOLETE IN nonhq3d**
00117    real (kind=rKind), allocatable, dimension(:)     ::  dxu   !**OBSOLETE IN nonhq3d**
00118    real (kind=rKind), allocatable, dimension(:)     ::  dyv   !**OBSOLETE IN nonhq3d**
00119    real (kind=rKind), allocatable, dimension(:)     ::  ddxz  !**OBSOLETE IN nonhq3d**
00120    real (kind=rKind), allocatable, dimension(:)     ::  ddyz  !**OBSOLETE IN nonhq3d**
00121    real (kind=rKind), allocatable, dimension(:)     ::  ddxu  !**OBSOLETE IN nonhq3d**
00122    real (kind=rKind), allocatable, dimension(:)     ::  ddyv  !**OBSOLETE IN nonhq3d**
00124    integer(kind=iKind),allocatable,dimension(:,:)   :: nonhU
00125    integer(kind=iKind),allocatable,dimension(:,:)   :: nonhV
00126    integer(kind=iKind),allocatable,dimension(:,:)   :: nonhZ
00127    real (kind=rKind), allocatable, dimension(:,:)   :: lbreakcond
00129    !--- PUBLIC SUBROUTINES ---
00130    public nonh_init
00131    public nonh_cor
00132    public nonh_init_wcoef
00136    !        NONE
00137 contains
00138    !
00139    !******************************************************************************
00140    !                             SUBROUTINES/FUNCTIONS
00141    !******************************************************************************
00142    !
00144    !
00145    !==============================================================================
00146    subroutine nonh_cor(s,par,ipredcor,uu0,vv0)
00147       !==============================================================================
00148       !
00149       !
00150       ! DATE               AUTHOR               CHANGES
00151       !
00152       ! October  2014     Pieter Bart Smit      new subroutine
00153       !
00154       !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00155       !                             DECLARATIONS
00156       !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00158       !--------------------------        PURPOSE         ----------------------------
00160       !  This is the new entry routine for the non-hydrostatic module. It is called twice during each timestep by the
00161       !  flow module, (I) (withe path=0) before the second-order corrections are applied (if applicable) to include the known pressure
00162       !  explicitly in the momentum equations,  and (II) (path=1) just after the second order advection correction to calculate
00163       !  the new pressures implicitly. The codepath taken is specified with the path parameter (path=0 for step I, and path=1 for
00164       !  step II).
00165       !
00166       !  Moreover, depending on the parameter nonhq3d, which activates the new reduced 2 layer model, again different codepaths
00167       !  are taken:
00168       !
00169       !  IF nonhq3d=0
00170       !         call the "old" versions of the non-hydrostatic routines
00171       !             (path=0)  nonh_1lay_pred  (renamed from nonh_explicit)
00172       !             (path=1)  nonh_1lay_cor   (renamed from nonh_cor)
00173       !  IF nonhq3d=1
00174       !         call the "old" versions of the non-hydrostatic routine
00175       !            IF 1D
00176       !               (path=0)  nonh_2lay_pred_2DV  (renamed from nonh_explicit)
00177       !               (path=1)  nonh_2lay_cor_2DV   (renamed from nonh_cor)
00178       !            ELSE
00179       !               (path=0)  nonh_2lay_pred_3D  (renamed from nonh_explicit)
00180       !               (path=1)  nonh_2lay_cor_3D   (renamed from nonh_cor)
00181       !
00182       !--------------------------     DEPENDENCIES       ----------------------------
00184       use spaceparams
00185       use params,         only: parameters
00186       use xmpi_module
00188       !--------------------------     ARGUMENTS          ----------------------------
00190       type(spacepars) ,intent(inout)                       :: s
00191       type(parameters),intent(in)                          :: par
00192       integer         ,intent(in)                          :: ipredcor !Select if we want to apply the explicit predicition / or the implicit correction
00194       real(kind=rkind),dimension(s%nx+1,s%ny+1),intent(in) :: uu0
00195       real(kind=rkind),dimension(s%nx+1,s%ny+1),intent(in) :: vv0
00197       !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00198       !                             IMPLEMENTATION
00199       !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00201       select case ( par%nonhq3d )
00202          !
00203        case (1)
00204          !
00205          ! The "new" reduced two-layer formulations are used
00206          !
00207          if ( ipredcor == 0 ) then
00208             ! -- Predictor
00209             if ( s%ny == 0 ) then
00210                ! -- 2dv code path
00211                call nonh_2lay_pred_2dV(s,par,uu0)
00212                !
00213             else
00214                ! -- "3d" code path
00215                call nonh_2lay_pred_3d(s,par,uu0,vv0)
00216                !
00217             endif
00218             !
00219          else
00220             !
00221             if ( s%ny == 0 ) then
00222                !
00223                call nonh_2lay_cor_2dV(s,par)
00224                !
00225             else
00226                !
00227                call nonh_2lay_cor_3d(s,par)
00228                !
00229             endif
00230             !
00231          endif
00232          !
00233        case default
00234          !
00235          ! The "old" code is used
00236          !
00237          if ( ipredcor == 0 ) then
00238             ! -- Predictor
00239             call nonh_1lay_pred(s,par)
00240             !
00241          else
00242             ! -- Corrector
00243             call nonh_1lay_cor(s,par)
00244             !
00245          endif
00246          !
00247       end select
00248       !
00249    end subroutine nonh_cor
00252    !
00253    !==============================================================================
00254    subroutine nonh_init(s,par)
00255       !==============================================================================
00256       !
00258       ! DATE               AUTHOR               CHANGES
00259       !
00260       ! October 2010       Pieter Bart Smit     New Subroutine
00262       !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00263       !                             DECLARATIONS
00264       !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00266       !
00267       !--------------------------        PURPOSE         ----------------------------
00268       !
00269       !   Initializes nh subroutines
00270       !
00271       !--------------------------     DEPENDENCIES       ----------------------------
00273       use spaceparams
00274       use params,         only: parameters
00276       !--------------------------     ARGUMENTS          ----------------------------
00277       !
00278       type(spacepars) ,intent(inout) :: s
00279       type(parameters),intent(in)    :: par
00280       !
00282       !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00283       !                             IMPLEMENTATION
00284       !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00286       !    open(unit=PrintFileUnit,file=trim(PrintFileName))
00288       if(.not. xcompute) return
00290       allocate(au (0:1,s%nx+1,s%ny+1)); au = 0.0_rKind
00291       allocate(av (0:1,s%nx+1,s%ny+1)); av = 0.0_rKind
00292       allocate(mat(5,s%nx+1,s%ny+1))  ;  mat = 0.0_rKind
00293       allocate(rhs(  s%nx+1,s%ny+1))  ;  rhs = 0.0_rKind
00294       allocate(zbu(  s%nx+1,s%ny+1))  ;  zbu = 0.0_rKind
00295       allocate(zbv(  s%nx+1,s%ny+1))  ;  zbv = 0.0_rKind
00296       allocate(zsu(  s%nx+1,s%ny+1))  ;  zsu = 0.0_rKind
00297       allocate(zsv(  s%nx+1,s%ny+1))  ;  zsv = 0.0_rKind
00298       allocate(nonhU(  s%nx+1,s%ny+1)); nonhU = 1
00299       allocate(nonhV(  s%nx+1,s%ny+1)); nonhV = 1
00300       allocate(nonhZ(  s%nx+1,s%ny+1)); nonhZ = 1
00301       allocate(lbreakcond(s%nx+1,s%ny+1)); lbreakcond = par%maxbrsteep
00302       allocate(dp(s%nx+1,s%ny+1))     ; dp = 0.0_rKind
00303       allocate(Wm(s%nx+1,s%ny+1))     ;Wm     = 0.0_rKind
00304       allocate(Wm_old(s%nx+1,s%ny+1)) ;Wm_old = 0.0_rKind
00305       allocate(Wcoef(s%nx+1,s%ny+1))  ;Wcoef = 1.0_rKind
00306       allocate(aws (5,s%nx+1,s%ny+1)) ; aws = 0.0_rKind
00307       !
00308       ! The reduced two-layer model
00309       !
00310       if ( par%nonhq3d == 1 ) then
00311          !
00312          allocate(omega(s%nx+1,s%ny+1));  omega = 0.0_rKind
00313          allocate(adu (0:1,s%nx+1,s%ny+1)); adu = 0.0_rKind
00314          allocate(adv (0:1,s%nx+1,s%ny+1)); adv = 0.0_rKind
00315          allocate(Wm0(s%nx+1,s%ny+1))     ;Wm0     = 0.0_rKind
00316          allocate(dU0(s%nx+1,s%ny+1))     ;dU0 = 0.0_rKind
00317          allocate(dV0(s%nx+1,s%ny+1))     ;dV0 = 0.0_rKind
00318          !
00319       else
00320          !
00321          ! These grid variables are obsolete in the new reduced model
00322          !
00323          allocate(dxz (  s%nx+1))        ;  dxz  = 0.0_rKind
00324          allocate(dyz (  s%ny+1))        ;  dyz  = 0.0_rKind
00325          allocate(dxu (  s%nx+1))        ;  dxu  = 0.0_rKind
00326          allocate(dyv (  s%ny+1))        ;  dyv  = 0.0_rKind
00328          allocate(ddxz (  s%nx+1))       ;  ddxz  = 0.0_rKind
00329          allocate(ddyz (  s%ny+1))       ;  ddyz  = 0.0_rKind
00330          allocate(ddxu (  s%nx+1))       ;  ddxu  = 0.0_rKind
00331          allocate(ddyv (  s%ny+1))       ;  ddyv  = 0.0_rKind
00332          allocate(awb (5,s%nx+1,s%ny+1)) ; awb = 0.0_rKind
00333          allocate(aur(   s%nx+1,s%ny+1)) ; aur = 0.0_rKind
00334          allocate(avr(   s%nx+1,s%ny+1)) ; avr = 0.0_rKind
00335          allocate(awbr(s%nx+1,s%ny+1))   ; awbr = 0.0_rKind
00336          allocate(awsr(s%nx+1,s%ny+1))   ; awsr = 0.0_rKind
00338          !Initialize grid variables
00339          dyz  = s%dnz(1,:)
00340          dyv  = s%dnv(1,:)
00341          ddyz = 1.0_rKind/dyz
00342          ddyv = 1.0_rKind/dyv
00344          dxu  = s%dsu(:,1)
00345          dxz  = s%dsz(:,1)
00346          ddxu = 1.0_rKind/dxu
00347          ddxz = 1.0_rKind/dxz
00348          !
00349       endif
00351       mat(1,1,:)      = 1.0_rKind
00352       mat(1,s%nx+1,:) = 1.0_rKind
00353       mat(1,:,1)      = 1.0_rKind
00354       mat(1,:,s%ny+1) = 1.0_rKind
00356       initialized   = .true.
00358       if ( par%nonhq3d == 1 ) then
00359          !
00360          wcoef = par%nhlay
00361          !
00362       else
00363          !
00364          call nonh_init_wcoef(s,par)
00365          !
00366       endif
00367       !
00369       !Initialize levels at u/v points (zu,zbu etc.)
00370       call zuzv(s)
00372    end subroutine nonh_init
00377    !==============================================================================
00378    !                        "ORIGINAL" NON-HYDROSTATIC ROUTINES
00379    !==============================================================================
00380    !
00381    !
00382    !
00383    !==============================================================================
00384    subroutine nonh_1lay_cor(s,par)
00385       !==============================================================================
00386       !
00388       ! DATE               AUTHOR               CHANGES
00389       !
00390       ! October 2010       Pieter Bart Smit     New Subroutine
00391       ! November  2010     Pieter Bart Smit     Added explicit prediction for 2nd order scheme
00393       !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00394       !                             DECLARATIONS
00395       !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00397       !--------------------------        PURPOSE         ----------------------------
00399       !  Releases resources
00401       !--------------------------     DEPENDENCIES       ----------------------------
00402       use spaceparams
00403       use params,         only: parameters
00404       use solver_module,  only: solver_solvemat
00405       use xmpi_module
00406       !--------------------------     ARGUMENTS          ----------------------------
00408       type(spacepars) ,intent(inout)                       :: s
00409       type(parameters),intent(in)                          :: par
00411       !--------------------------     LOCAL VARIABLES    ----------------------------
00413       !Indices
00414       integer(kind=iKind)                     :: i               !Index variables
00415       integer(kind=iKind)                     :: j               !Index variables
00416       integer(kind=iKind)                     :: jmin,jmax       !Index variables for superfast1D
00418       ! logical
00419       logical                                 :: sf1d            !Switch for superfast1D
00421       !Work
00423       real(kind=rKind)                        :: dzs_e,dzs_w
00424       real(kind=rKind)                        :: dzs_s,dzs_n
00425       real(kind=rKind)                        :: dzb_e,dzb_w
00426       real(kind=rKind)                        :: dzb_n,dzb_s
00429       !
00430       !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00431       !                             IMPLEMENTATION
00432       !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00433       !
00434       dzs_e = 0
00435       dzs_w = 0
00436       dzs_s = 0
00437       dzs_n = 0
00438       dzb_e = 0
00439       dzb_w = 0
00440       dzb_n = 0
00441       dzb_s = 0
00442       if (s%ny>0) then
00443          sf1d = .false.
00444          jmin = 2
00445          jmax = s%ny
00446       else
00447          sf1d = .true.
00448          jmin = 1
00449          jmax = 1
00450       endif
00452       !call timer_start(timer_flow_nonh)
00453       if (.not. initialized) then
00454          call nonh_init(s,par)
00455       endif
00457       call zuzv(s)
00459       !Built pressure coefficients U
00460       aur  = s%uu
00461       avr  = s%vv
00464       aur(1,:)       = s%uu(1,:)
00465       aur(s%nx,:)    = s%uu(s%nx,:)
00467       avr(:,1)      = s%vv(:,1)
00468       if (s%ny>0) avr(:,s%ny)   = s%vv(:,s%ny)
00470       !Built pressure coefficients for W
00472       !AW Bottom
00473       if (sf1d) then
00474          do i=2,s%nx
00475             if (nonhZ(i,1) == 1) then
00476                if     (nonhU(i,1)*nonhU(i-1,1) == 1) then
00477                   dzb_e = .5_rKind*(zbu(i,1)-zbu(i-1,1))*ddxz(i)
00478                   dzb_w = dzb_e
00479                elseif (nonhU(i  ,1) == 0) then
00480                   dzb_e = .0_rKind
00481                   dzb_w = .5_rKind*(s%zb(i,1)-zbu(i-1,1))*ddxz(i)
00482                elseif (nonhU(i-1,1) == 0) then
00483                   dzb_e = .5_rKind*(zbu(i,1)-s%zb(i,1))  *ddxz(i)
00484                   dzb_w = .0_rKind
00485                endif
00487                if  (nonhV(i,1) == 1) then
00488                   dzb_s = .0_rKind
00489                   dzb_n = dzb_s
00490                elseif (nonhV(i  ,1  ) == 0) then
00491                   dzb_s = .0_rKind
00492                   dzb_n = .5_rKind*(s%zb(i,1)-zbv(i,1))*ddyz(1)
00493                endif
00495                awb(1,i,1) =  dzb_e * au(0,i  ,1  )+dzb_w*au(1,i-1,1  )  &           !main diagonal
00496                +  dzb_s * av(0,i  ,1  )+dzb_n*av(1,i  ,1)
00497                awb(2,i,1) =  dzb_w *  au(0,i-1,1  )                             !west
00498                awb(3,i,1) =  dzb_e *  au(1,i  ,1  )                             !east
00499                awb(4,i,1) =  dzb_n *  av(0,i  ,1  )                             !south
00500                awb(5,i,1) =  dzb_s *  av(1,i  ,1  )                             !north
00502                awbr(i,1)  =  dzb_e*s%uu(i,1)+dzb_w*s%uu(i-1,1  ) &
00503                +  dzb_s*s%vv(i,1)+dzb_n*s%vv(i  ,1  )
00504             else
00505                awb(:,i,1) = 0.0_rKind
00506                awbr(i,1)  = 0.0_rKind
00507             endif
00508          enddo
00509       else
00510          do j=2,s%ny
00511             do i=2,s%nx
00512                if (nonhZ(i,j) == 1) then
00513                   if     (nonhU(i,j)*nonhU(i-1,j) == 1) then
00514                      dzb_e = .5_rKind*(zbu(i,j)-zbu(i-1,j))*ddxz(i)
00515                      ! FB: this was dzs_e, which was not defined. Assumed it was a typo. TODO: check.
00516                      dzb_w = dzb_e
00517                   elseif (nonhU(i  ,j) == 0) then
00518                      dzb_e = .0_rKind
00519                      dzb_w = .5_rKind*(s%zb(i,j)-zbu(i-1,j))*ddxz(i)
00520                   elseif (nonhU(i-1,j) == 0) then
00521                      dzb_e = .5_rKind*(zbu(i,j)-s%zb(i,j))  *ddxz(i)
00522                      dzb_w = .0_rKind
00523                   endif
00525                   if     (nonhV(i,j)*nonhV(i,j-1) == 1) then
00526                      dzb_s = .5_rKind*(zbv(i,j)-zbv(i,j-1))*ddyz(j)
00527                      dzb_n = dzb_s
00528                   elseif (nonhV(i  ,j  ) == 0) then
00529                      dzb_s = .0_rKind
00530                      dzb_n = .5_rKind*(s%zb(i,j)-zbv(i,j-1))*ddyz(j)
00531                   elseif (nonhV(i  ,j-1) == 0) then
00532                      dzb_s = .5_rKind*(zbv(i,j)-s%zb(i,j))  *ddyz(j)
00533                      dzb_n = .0_rKind
00534                   endif
00536                   awb(1,i,j) =  dzb_e * au(0,i  ,j  )+dzb_w*au(1,i-1,j  )  &           !main diagonal
00537                   +  dzb_s * av(0,i  ,j  )+dzb_n*av(1,i  ,j-1)
00538                   awb(2,i,j) =  dzb_w *  au(0,i-1,j  )                             !west
00539                   awb(3,i,j) =  dzb_e *  au(1,i  ,j  )                             !east
00540                   awb(4,i,j) =  dzb_n *  av(0,i  ,j-1)                             !south
00541                   awb(5,i,j) =  dzb_s *  av(1,i  ,j  )                             !north
00543                   awbr(i,j)  =  dzb_e*s%uu(i,j)+dzb_w*s%uu(i-1,j  ) &
00544                   +  dzb_s*s%vv(i,j)+dzb_n*s%vv(i  ,j-1)
00545                else
00546                   awb(:,i,j) = 0.0_rKind
00547                   awbr(i,j)  = 0.0_rKind
00548                endif
00549             enddo
00550          enddo
00551       endif
00553       do j=jmin,jmax
00554          do i=2,s%nx
00555             if (nonhZ(i,j) == 1) then
00556                aws(1,i,j)   =  wcoef(i,j)*par%dt*2.0_rKind/s%hh(i,j)-awb(1,i,j)
00557                aws(2:5,i,j) =  -awb(2:5,i,j)
00558                awsr(i,j)    =  2.0_rKind * Wm(i,j)-awbr(i,j)
00559             else
00560                aws(:,i,j)   =  0.0_rKind
00561                awsr(i,j)    =  0.0_rKind
00562             endif
00563          enddo
00564       enddo
00566       !Substitute in the continuity equation
00567       if (sf1d) then
00568          do i=2,s%nx
00569             if (nonhZ(i,1)==1) then
00570                if     (nonhU(i,1)*nonhU(i-1,1) == 1) then
00571                   dzs_e = .5_rKind*(zsu(i,1)-zsu(i-1,1))*dyz(1)
00572                   dzs_w = dzs_e
00573                elseif (nonhU(i  ,1) == 0) then
00574                   dzs_e = .0_rKind
00575                   dzs_w = .5_rKind*(s%zs(i,1)-zsu(i-1,1))*dyz(1)
00576                elseif (nonhU(i-1,1) == 0) then
00577                   dzs_e = .5_rKind*(zsu(i,1)-s%zs(i,1))  *dyz(1)
00578                   dzs_w = .0_rKind
00579                endif
00581                ! wwvv problem the following construction make it impossible
00582                ! wwvv to determine if dzs_s gets a value
00583                ! wwvv (What other values than 0 and 1 can nonhV have)
00584                ! wwvv I put this kind of varibles to zero at the start
00585                ! wwvv of the subroutine
00586                if     (nonhV(i,1) == 1) then
00587                   dzs_s = .0_rKind
00588                   dzs_n = dzs_s
00589                elseif (nonhV(i  ,1  ) == 0) then
00590                   dzs_s = .0_rKind
00591                   dzs_n = .5_rKind*(s%zs(i,1)-zsv(i,1))*dxz(i)
00592                endif
00595                mat(1,i,1) =    dyz(1)*( s%hu(i,1)*au(0,i,1) - s%hu(i-1,1  )*au(1,i-1,  1) )  & !subs U left/right face
00596                +    dxz(i)*( s%hv(i,1)*av(0,i,1) - s%hv(i  ,1  )*av(1,i  ,  1) )  & !subs V left/rigth face
00597                -    dzs_e*au(0,i,1) - dzs_w*au(1,i-1,1)                           & !kin. boun. top
00598                -    dzs_s*av(0,i,1) - dzs_n*av(1,i-1,1)                           & !kin. boun. top
00599                +    dxz(i)*dyz(1)*aws(1,i,1)
00601                mat(2,i,1) = -  dyz(1)*s%hu(i-1,1)*au(0,i-1,  1)                              &
00602                -   dzs_w*au(0,i-1,1) + dxz(i)*dyz(1)*aws(2,i,1)
00604                mat(3,i,1) =    dyz(1)*s%hu(i,1)  * au(1,i,  1)                               &
00605                -    dzs_e*au(1,i  ,1) + dxz(i)*dyz(1)*aws(3,i,1)
00607                mat(4,i,1) = -  dxz(i)*s%hv(i,1)  *av(0,i,1)                              &
00608                -    dzs_n*av(0,i,1) + dxz(i)*dyz(1)*aws(4,i,1)
00610                mat(5,i,1) =    dxz(i)*s%hv(i,1)  * av(1,i,1)                                 &
00611                -    dzs_s*av(1,i,1)   + dxz(i)*dyz(1)*aws(5,i,1)
00613                rhs(i,1)   = -  dyz(1)*( s%hu(i,1)*aur(i,1) - s%hu(i-1,1  )*aur(i-1,  1) )    & !subs U left/right face
00614                -    dxz(i)*( s%hv(i,1)*avr(i,1) - s%hv(i  ,1  )*avr(i  ,  1) )    & !subs V left/rigth face
00615                +    dzs_e*aur(i,1) + dzs_w*aur(i-1,1)                             & !kin. boun. top
00616                +    dzs_s*avr(i,1) + dzs_n*avr(i,  1)                             & !kin. boun. top
00617                -    dxz(i)*dyz(1)*awsr(i,1)
00618             else
00619                mat(1  ,i,1) = 1.0_rKind
00620                mat(2:5,i,1) = 0.0_rKind
00621                rhs(i,1)     = 0.0_rKind
00622             endif
00623          enddo
00624       else
00625          do j=2,s%ny
00626             do i=2,s%nx
00627                if (nonhZ(i,j)==1) then
00628                   if     (nonhU(i,j)*nonhU(i-1,j) == 1) then
00629                      dzs_e = .5_rKind*(zsu(i,j)-zsu(i-1,j))*dyz(j)
00630                      dzs_w = dzs_e
00631                   elseif (nonhU(i  ,j) == 0) then
00632                      dzs_e = .0_rKind
00633                      dzs_w = .5_rKind*(s%zs(i,j)-zsu(i-1,j))*dyz(j)
00634                   elseif (nonhU(i-1,j) == 0) then
00635                      dzs_e = .5_rKind*(zsu(i,j)-s%zs(i,j))  *dyz(j)
00636                      dzs_w = .0_rKind
00637                   endif
00639                   if     (nonhV(i,j)*nonhV(i,j-1) == 1) then
00640                      dzs_s = .5_rKind*(zsv(i,j)-zsv(i,j-1))*dxz(i)
00641                      dzs_n = dzs_s
00642                   elseif (nonhV(i  ,j  ) == 0) then
00643                      dzs_s = .0_rKind
00644                      dzs_n = .5_rKind*(s%zs(i,j)-zsv(i,j-1))*dxz(i)
00645                   elseif (nonhV(i  ,j-1) == 0) then
00646                      dzs_s = .5_rKind*(zsv(i,j)-s%zs(i,j))  *dxz(i)
00647                      dzs_n = .0_rKind
00648                   endif
00651                   mat(1,i,j) =    dyz(j)*( s%hu(i,j)*au(0,i,j) - s%hu(i-1,j  )*au(1,i-1,  j) )  & !subs U left/right face
00652                   +    dxz(i)*( s%hv(i,j)*av(0,i,j) - s%hv(i  ,j-1)*av(1,i  ,j-1) )  & !subs V left/rigth face
00653                   -    dzs_e*au(0,i,j) - dzs_w*au(1,i-1,j)                           & !kin. boun. top
00654                   -    dzs_s*av(0,i,j) - dzs_n*av(1,i,j-1)                           & !kin. boun. top
00655                   +    dxz(i)*dyz(j)*aws(1,i,j)
00657                   mat(2,i,j) = -  dyz(j)*s%hu(i-1,j)*au(0,i-1,  j)                              &
00658                   -   dzs_w*au(0,i-1,j) + dxz(i)*dyz(j)*aws(2,i,j)
00660                   mat(3,i,j) =    dyz(j)*s%hu(i,j)  * au(1,i,  j)                               &
00661                   -    dzs_e*au(1,i  ,j) + dxz(i)*dyz(j)*aws(3,i,j)
00663                   mat(4,i,j) = -  dxz(i)*s%hv(i,j-1)  *av(0,i,j-1)                              &
00664                   -    dzs_n*av(0,i,j-1) + dxz(i)*dyz(j)*aws(4,i,j)
00666                   mat(5,i,j) =    dxz(i)*s%hv(i,j)  * av(1,i,j)                                 &
00667                   -    dzs_s*av(1,i,j)   + dxz(i)*dyz(j)*aws(5,i,j)
00669                   rhs(i,j)   = -  dyz(j)*( s%hu(i,j)*aur(i,j) - s%hu(i-1,j  )*aur(i-1,  j) )    & !subs U left/right face
00670                   -    dxz(i)*( s%hv(i,j)*avr(i,j) - s%hv(i  ,j-1)*avr(i  ,j-1) )    & !subs V left/rigth face
00671                   +    dzs_e*aur(i,j) + dzs_w*aur(i-1,j)                             & !kin. boun. top
00672                   +    dzs_s*avr(i,j) + dzs_n*avr(i,j-1)                             & !kin. boun. top
00673                   -    dxz(i)*dyz(j)*awsr(i,j)
00674                else
00675                   mat(1  ,i,j) = 1.0_rKind
00676                   mat(2:5,i,j) = 0.0_rKind
00677                   rhs(i,j)     = 0.0_rKind
00678                endif
00679             enddo
00680          enddo
00681       endif
00683       !Solve matrix
00684       !call timer_start(timer_flow_nonh_solv)
00685       dp = 0.0_rKind
00686       call solver_solvemat( mat  , rhs   , dp , s%nx, s%ny,par)
00687       !call timer_stop(timer_flow_nonh_solv)
00690       s%pres = s%pres + dp
00692       !Correct u/v/w
00694       !U
00695       do j=jmin_uu,jmax_uu
00696          do i=imin_uu,imax_uu
00697             s%uu(i,j) = aur(i,j) + au(1,i,j)*dp(i+1,j)+au(0,i,j)*dp(i,j)
00698          enddo
00699       enddo
00701       !v
00702       if (sf1d) then
00703          do i=imin_vv,imax_vv
00704             s%vv(i,1) = avr(i,1) + av(1,i,1)*dp(i,1)+av(0,i,1)*dp(i,1)
00705          enddo
00706       else
00707          do j=jmin_vv,jmax_vv
00708             do i=imin_vv,imax_vv
00709                s%vv(i,j) = avr(i,j) + av(1,i,j)*dp(i,j+1)+av(0,i,j)*dp(i,j)
00710             enddo
00711          enddo
00712       endif
00714       !W
00715       if (sf1d) then
00716          do i=imin_zs,imax_zs
00717             if    (nonhZ(i,1) == 1) then
00718                s%ws(i,1) = awsr(i,1) + dp(i , 1)  * aws(1,i,1)                            &
00719                + dp(i-1,1)  * aws(2,i,1) + dp(i+1,1  ) * aws(3,i,1) &
00720                + dp(i  ,1)  * aws(4,i,1) + dp(i  ,  1) * aws(5,i,1)
00722             else
00723                !If the point is excluded in nh then get ws from the kinematic boundary condition
00724                if     (s%wetU(i,1)*s%wetU(i-1,1) == 1) then
00725                   dzs_e = .5_rKind*(zsu(i,1)-zsu(i-1,1))*ddxz(i)
00726                   dzs_w = dzs_e
00727                elseif (s%wetU(i  ,1) == 0) then
00728                   dzs_e = .0_rKind
00729                   dzs_w = .5_rKind*(s%zs(i,1)-zsu(i-1,1))*ddxz(i)
00730                elseif (s%wetU(i-1,1) == 0) then
00731                   dzs_e = .5_rKind*(zsu(i,1)-s%zs(i,1))  *ddxz(i)
00732                   dzs_w = .0_rKind
00733                else
00734                   dzs_e = .0_rKind
00735                   dzs_w = .0_rKind
00736                endif
00738                if     (s%wetV(i,1) == 1) then
00739                   dzs_s = .0_rKind
00740                   dzs_n = dzb_s
00741                elseif (s%wetV(i  ,1  ) == 0) then
00742                   dzs_s = .0_rKind
00743                   dzs_n = .5_rKind*(s%zs(i,1)-zsv(i,1))*ddyz(1)
00744                endif
00746                s%ws(i,1) = - (s%hu(i,1)*s%uu(i,1)-s%hu(i-1,1  )*s%uu(i-1,1  ))*ddxz(i) &
00747                - (s%hv(i,1)*s%vv(i,1)-s%hv(i  ,1  )*s%vv(i  ,1  ))*ddyz(1) &
00748                + dzs_e*s%uu(i,1)+dzs_w*s%uu(i-1,1)                         &
00749                + dzs_s*s%vv(i,1)+dzs_n*s%vv(i,  1)
00750             endif
00751          enddo
00752          do i=imin_zs,imax_zs
00753             if (nonhZ(i,1) == 1) then
00754                s%wb(i,1) = awbr(i,1) + dp(i , 1)  * awb(1,i,1)                            &
00755                + dp(i-1,1)  * awb(2,i,1) + dp(i+1,1  ) * awb(3,i,1) &
00756                + dp(i  ,1)  * awb(4,i,1) + dp(i  ,1  ) * awb(5,i,1)
00757             else
00758                if     (s%wetU(i,1)*s%wetU(i-1,1) == 1) then
00759                   dzb_e = .5_rKind*(zbu(i,1)-zbu(i-1,1))*ddxz(i)
00760                   dzb_w = dzs_e
00761                elseif (s%wetU(i  ,1) == 0) then
00762                   dzb_e = .0_rKind
00763                   dzb_w = .5_rKind*(s%zb(i,1)-zbu(i-1,1))*ddxz(i)
00764                elseif (s%wetU(i-1,1) == 0) then
00765                   dzb_e = .5_rKind*(zbu(i,1)-s%zb(i,1))  *ddxz(i)
00766                   dzb_w = .0_rKind
00767                else
00768                   dzb_e = .0_rKind
00769                   dzb_w = .0_rKind
00770                endif
00772                if     (s%wetV(i,1) == 1) then
00773                   dzb_s = .0_rKind
00774                   dzb_n = dzb_s
00775                elseif (s%wetV(i  ,1  ) == 0) then
00776                   dzb_s = .0_rKind
00777                   dzb_n = .5_rKind*(s%zb(i,1)-zbv(i,1))*ddyz(1)
00778                endif
00780                s%wb(i,1) = + dzb_e*s%uu(i,1)+dzb_w*s%uu(i-1,1) &
00781                + dzb_s*s%vv(i,1)+dzb_n*s%vv(i,1)
00782             endif
00783          enddo
00784          !Assign boundaries
00785 #ifdef USEMPI
00786          call xmpi_shift_ee(s%wb)
00787          call xmpi_shift_ee(s%ws)
00788          if (xmpi_istop) then
00789             s%wb(1,:) = s%wb(2,:)
00790          endif
00791          if (xmpi_isbot) then
00792             s%ws(s%nx+1,:) = s%ws(s%nx,:)
00793             s%wb(s%nx+1,:) = s%wb(s%nx,:)
00794          endif
00795 #else
00796          s%ws(s%nx+1,:) = s%ws(s%nx,:)
00797          s%wb(1,:)      = s%wb(2,:)
00798          s%wb(s%nx+1,:) = s%wb(s%nx,:)
00799 #endif
00800       else
00801          do j=jmin_zs,jmax_zs
00802             do i=imin_zs,imax_zs
00803                if    (nonhZ(i,j) == 1) then
00804                   s%ws(i,j) = awsr(i,j) + dp(i , j)  * aws(1,i,j)                            &
00805                   + dp(i-1,j)  * aws(2,i,j) + dp(i+1,j  ) * aws(3,i,j) &
00806                   + dp(i  ,j-1)* aws(4,i,j) + dp(i  ,j+1) * aws(5,i,j)
00808                else
00809                   !If the point is excluded in nh then get ws from the kinematic boundary condition
00810                   if     (s%wetU(i,j)*s%wetU(i-1,j) == 1) then
00811                      dzs_e = .5_rKind*(zsu(i,j)-zsu(i-1,j))*ddxz(i)
00812                      dzs_w = dzs_e
00813                   elseif (s%wetU(i  ,j) == 0) then
00814                      dzs_e = .0_rKind
00815                      dzs_w = .5_rKind*(s%zs(i,j)-zsu(i-1,j))*ddxz(i)
00816                   elseif (s%wetU(i-1,j) == 0) then
00817                      dzs_e = .5_rKind*(zsu(i,j)-s%zs(i,j))  *ddxz(i)
00818                      dzs_w = .0_rKind
00819                   else
00820                      dzs_e = .0_rKind
00821                      dzs_w = .0_rKind
00822                   endif
00824                   if     (s%wetV(i,j)*s%wetV(i,j-1) == 1) then
00825                      dzs_s = .5_rKind*(zsv(i,j)-zsv(i,j-1))*ddyz(j)
00826                      dzs_n = dzb_s
00827                   elseif (s%wetV(i  ,j  ) == 0) then
00828                      dzs_s = .0_rKind
00829                      dzs_n = .5_rKind*(s%zs(i,j)-zsv(i,j-1))*ddyz(j)
00830                   elseif (s%wetV(i  ,j-1) == 0) then
00831                      dzs_s = .5_rKind*(zsv(i,j)-s%zs(i,j))  *ddyz(j)
00832                      dzs_n = .0_rKind
00833                   else
00834                      dzs_e = .0_rKind
00835                      dzs_w = .0_rKind
00836                   endif
00838                   s%ws(i,j) = - (s%hu(i,j)*s%uu(i,j)-s%hu(i-1,j  )*s%uu(i-1,j  ))*ddxz(i) &
00839                   - (s%hv(i,j)*s%vv(i,j)-s%hv(i  ,j-1)*s%vv(i  ,j-1))*ddyz(j) &
00840                   + dzs_e*s%uu(i,j)+dzs_w*s%uu(i-1,j)                         &
00841                   + dzs_s*s%vv(i,j)+dzs_n*s%vv(i,j-1)
00842                endif
00843             enddo
00844          enddo
00846          do j=jmin_zs,jmax_zs
00847             do i=imin_zs,imax_zs
00848                if (nonhZ(i,j) == 1) then
00849                   s%wb(i,j) = awbr(i,j) + dp(i , j)  * awb(1,i,j)                            &
00850                   + dp(i-1,j)  * awb(2,i,j) + dp(i+1,j  ) * awb(3,i,j) &
00851                   + dp(i  ,j-1)* awb(4,i,j) + dp(i  ,j+1) * awb(5,i,j)
00852                else
00853                   if     (s%wetU(i,j)*s%wetU(i-1,j) == 1) then
00854                      dzb_e = .5_rKind*(zbu(i,j)-zbu(i-1,j))*ddxz(i)
00855                      dzb_w = dzs_e
00856                   elseif (s%wetU(i  ,j) == 0) then
00857                      dzb_e = .0_rKind
00858                      dzb_w = .5_rKind*(s%zb(i,j)-zbu(i-1,j))*ddxz(i)
00859                   elseif (s%wetU(i-1,j) == 0) then
00860                      dzb_e = .5_rKind*(zbu(i,j)-s%zb(i,j))  *ddxz(i)
00861                      dzb_w = .0_rKind
00862                   else
00863                      dzb_e = .0_rKind
00864                      dzb_w = .0_rKind
00865                   endif
00867                   if     (s%wetV(i,j)*s%wetV(i,j-1) == 1) then
00868                      dzb_s = .5_rKind*(zbv(i,j)-zbv(i,j-1))*ddyz(j)
00869                      dzb_n = dzb_s
00870                   elseif (s%wetV(i  ,j  ) == 0) then
00871                      dzb_s = .0_rKind
00872                      dzb_n = .5_rKind*(s%zb(i,j)-zbv(i,j-1))*ddyz(j)
00873                   elseif (s%wetV(i  ,j-1) == 0) then
00874                      dzb_s = .5_rKind*(zbv(i,j)-s%zb(i,j))  *ddyz(j)
00875                      dzb_n = .0_rKind
00876                   else
00877                      dzb_e = .0_rKind
00878                      dzb_w = .0_rKind
00879                   endif
00881                   s%wb(i,j) = + dzb_e*s%uu(i,j)+dzb_w*s%uu(i-1,j) &
00882                   + dzb_s*s%vv(i,j)+dzb_n*s%vv(i,j-1)
00883                endif
00884             enddo
00885          enddo
00886 #ifdef USEMPI
00887          call xmpi_shift_ee(s%wb)
00888          call xmpi_shift_ee(s%ws)
00889          if (xmpi_istop) then
00890             s%wb(1,:) = s%wb(2,:)
00891          endif
00892          if (xmpi_isbot) then
00893             s%ws(s%nx+1,:) = s%ws(s%nx,:)
00894             s%wb(s%nx+1,:) = s%wb(s%nx,:)
00895          endif
00896          if (xmpi_isleft) then
00897             s%ws(:,1)      = s%ws(:,2)
00898             s%wb(:,1)      = s%wb(:,2)
00899          endif
00900          if (xmpi_isright) then
00901             s%wb(:,s%ny+1) = s%wb(:,s%ny)
00902             s%ws(:,s%ny+1) = s%ws(:,s%ny)
00903          endif
00904 #else
00905          !Assign boundaries
00906          s%ws(:,1)      = s%ws(:,2)
00907          s%ws(:,s%ny+1) = s%ws(:,s%ny)
00908          !s%ws(1,:)      = s%ws(2,:)
00909          s%ws(s%nx+1,:) = s%ws(s%nx,:)
00911          s%wb(:,1)      = s%wb(:,2)
00912          s%wb(:,s%ny+1) = s%wb(:,s%ny)
00913          s%wb(1,:)      = s%wb(2,:)
00914          s%wb(s%nx+1,:) = s%wb(s%nx,:)
00915 #endif
00916       endif
00918       Wm_old = .5_rKind*(s%ws+s%wb)
00919    end subroutine nonh_1lay_cor
00921    subroutine nonh_1lay_pred(s,par)
00922       !==============================================================================
00923       !
00925       ! DATE                AUTHOR               CHANGES
00926       !
00927       ! November  2010       Pieter Bart Smit     New Subroutine
00930       !------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00931       !                             DECLARATIONS
00932       !------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00934       !--------------------------        PURPOSE         ----------------------------
00935       !
00936       ! Include the pressure explicitly in the predictor step
00937       !
00938       !--------------------------     DEPENDENCIES       ----------------------------
00939       use spaceparams
00940       use params,                  only: parameters
00941       use flow_secondorder_module, only: flow_secondorder_advw
00942       !--------------------------     ARGUMENTS          ----------------------------
00944       type(spacepars) ,intent(inout)                       :: s
00945       type(parameters),intent(in)                          :: par
00947       !--------------------------     LOCAL VARIABLES    ----------------------------
00949       !Indices
00950       integer(kind=iKind)                     :: i,ie,iee,iw               !Index variables
00951       integer(kind=iKind)                     :: j,js
00952       integer(kind=iKind)                     :: jmin,jmax
00954       real(kind=rKind)                        :: dwdx1    !Gradient of vertical velocity in x-dir at i+1/2,j
00955       real(kind=rKind)                        :: dwdx2    !Gradient of vertical velocity in x-dir at i-1/2,j
00956       real(kind=rKind)                        :: dwdy1    !Gradient of vertical velocity in x-dir at i    ,j+1/2
00957       real(kind=rKind)                        :: dwdy2    !Gradient of vertical velocity in x-dir at i    ,j-1/2
00958       real(kind=rKind)                        :: Vol
00959       real(kind=rKind)                        :: wmax,reformfac
00961       if (.not. initialized) then
00962          call nonh_init(s,par)
00963       endif
00965       if (s%ny>0) then
00966          jmin = 2
00967          jmax = s%ny
00968       else
00969          jmin = 1
00970          jmax = 1
00971       endif
00973       !
00974       ! Determine whether or not to use the nh correction method (dry/wet/breaking etc.)
00975       !
00976       if(par%useXBeachGSettings==0 .or. par%nhbreaker<=1) then
00977          call nonh_break( s , par )
00978       else
00979          ! (1)  The point is dry
00980          ! (2)  The relative wave length kd of the smallest possible wave (L=2dx) is smaller than kdmin
00981          ! (3)  The interpolated waterlevel zs is below the bottom (steep cliffs with overwash situations)
00982          ! (4)  Where Miche breaker criterium applies -> bores are hydrostatic
00983          !            max steepness = H/L = maxbrsteep
00984          !            dz/dx = maxbrsteep
00985          !            dz/dx = dz/dt/c = w/c = w/sqrt(gh)
00986          !            wmax = maxbrsteep*sqrt(gh)
00987          do j=1,s%ny+1
00988             do i=1,s%nx+1
00989                iw = max(i,i-1)
00990                ie = min(s%nx,i+1)
00991                iee = min(s%nx,i+2)
00993                if (  (s%wetU(i,j)==1                                      )  &
00994                .and. (0.5_rKind*(s%zs(i,j) + s%zs(ie,j))    > zbu(i,j)    )  &
00995                .and. ( s%dsu(i,1)*par%kdmin/par%px  < s%hum(i,j)  )  ) then
00996                   nonhU(i,j) = 1
00997                else
00998                   nonhU(i,j) = 0
00999                endif
01000             enddo
01001          enddo
01003          if (s%ny>2) then
01004             do j=1,s%ny+1
01005                js = min(s%ny,j+1)
01006                do i=1,s%nx+1
01007                   if (  (s%wetV(i,j)==1                                      )  &
01008                   .and. (0.5_rKind*(s%zs(i,j) + s%zs(i,js))    > zbv(i,j)    )  &
01009                   .and. ( s%dnv(1,j)*par%kdmin/par%px  < s%hvm(i,j)  )  ) then
01010                      nonhV(i,j) = 1
01011                   else
01012                      nonhV(i,j) = 0
01013                   endif
01014                enddo
01015             enddo
01016          else
01017             nonhV = 0
01018          endif
01019          !
01020          ! Determine if a velocity point will be included in the nonh pressure matrix, include if
01021          ! any of the surrounding velocity points is included.
01022          !
01023          if (s%ny>0) then
01024             do j=2,s%ny
01025                do i=2,s%nx
01026                   if (max(nonhV(i,j),nonhV(i,j-1),nonhU(i,j),nonhU(i-1,j)) > 0) then
01027                      nonhZ(i,j) = 1
01028                   else
01029                      nonhZ(i,j) = 0
01030                   endif
01031                enddo
01032             enddo
01033          else
01034             do i=2,s%nx
01035                if (max(nonhU(i,1),nonhU(i-1,1)) > 0) then
01036                   nonhZ(i,1) = 1
01037                else
01038                   nonhZ(i,1) = 0
01039                endif
01040             enddo
01041          endif
01043          if (par%nhbreaker == 2) then
01044             ! First determine local breaker criterion
01045             lbreakcond = par%maxbrsteep
01046             if (s%ny==0) then
01047                do i=2,s%nx
01048                   if (s%breaking(i,1)==1) then
01049                      lbreakcond(i-1:i+1,1) = par%secbrsteep
01050                   endif
01051                enddo
01052             else
01053                do j=jmin,jmax
01054                   do i=2,s%nx
01055                      if (s%breaking(i,j)==1) then
01056                         lbreakcond(i-1:i+1,j-1:j+1) = par%secbrsteep
01057                      endif
01058                   enddo
01059                enddo
01060             endif
01061 #ifdef USEMPI
01062             call xmpi_shift_ee(lbreakcond)
01063 #endif
01064             ! Now find areas where main breaking criterion is exceeded
01065             do j=jmin,jmax
01066                do i=2,s%nx
01067                   if (s%breaking(i,j)==1) then
01068                      if(s%ws(i,j)<=0.d0) then
01069                         s%breaking(i,j) = 0
01070                      endif
01071                   else
01072                      wmax = lbreakcond(i,j)*sqrt(par%g*s%hh(i,j))  ! add current term in here too
01073                      if (s%ws(i,j)>=wmax) then
01074                         s%breaking(i,j) = 1
01075                      endif
01076                   endif
01077                enddo
01078             enddo
01079             ! turn off non-hydrostatic pressure correction in areas with breaking and increase viscosity
01080             do j=jmin,jmax
01081                do i=2,s%nx
01082                   if (s%breaking(i,j)==1) then
01083                      nonhZ(i,j) = 0
01084                      s%pres(i,j) = 0.d0
01085                   endif
01086                enddo
01087             enddo
01088          elseif (par%nhbreaker == 3) then
01089             ! First determine local breaker criterion
01090             lbreakcond = par%maxbrsteep
01091             if (s%ny==0) then
01092                do i=2,s%nx
01093                   if (s%breaking(i,1)==1) then
01094                      lbreakcond(i-1:i+1,1) = par%secbrsteep
01095                   endif
01096                enddo
01097             else
01098                do j=jmin,jmax
01099                   do i=2,s%nx
01100                      if (s%breaking(i,j)==1) then
01101                         lbreakcond(i-1:i+1,j-1:j+1) = par%secbrsteep
01102                      endif
01103                   enddo
01104                enddo
01105             endif
01106             ! Now find areas where main breaking criterion is exceeded
01107             do j=jmin,jmax
01108                do i=2,s%nx
01109                   s%wscrit(i,j) = lbreakcond(i,j)*sqrt(par%g*s%hh(i,j))  ! add current term in here too
01110                   if (s%breaking(i,j)==1) then
01111                      if(s%ws(i,j)<=s%wscrit(i,j)) then
01112                         s%breaking(i,j) = 0
01113                      endif
01114                   else
01115                      if (s%ws(i,j)>=s%wscrit(i,j)) then
01116                         s%breaking(i,j) = 1
01117                      endif
01118                   endif
01119                enddo
01120             enddo
01121             ! turn off non-hydrostatic pressure correction in areas with breaking and increase viscosity
01122             do j=jmin,jmax
01123                do i=2,s%nx
01124                   if (s%breaking(i,j)==1) then
01125                      nonhZ(i,j) = 0
01126                      s%pres(i,j) = 0.d0
01127                   endif
01128                enddo
01129             enddo
01130          endif
01131       endif
01133       !Calculate explicit part average vertical momentum (advection)
01134       if (s%ny>0) then
01135          do j=2,s%ny
01136             do i=2,s%nx
01137                if (nonhZ(i,j) == 1) then
01138                   Wm(i,j) = Wm_old(i,j) - par%dt*( ddxu(i-1)*max(s%qx(i-1,j  ),0.0_rKind)*(Wm_old(i  ,j  ) &
01139                   - Wm_old(i-1,j  ))/s%hh(i,j)   &
01140                   + ddxu(i)  *min(s%qx(i  ,j  ),0.0_rKind)*(Wm_old(i+1,j  )-Wm_old(i  ,j  ))/s%hh(i,j)   &
01141                   + ddyv(j-1)*max(s%qy(i  ,j-1),0.0_rKind)*(Wm_old(i  ,j  )-Wm_old(i  ,j-1))/s%hh(i,j)   &
01142                   + ddyv(j  )*min(s%qy(i  ,j  ),0.0_rKind)*(Wm_old(i  ,j+1)-Wm_old(i  ,j  ))/s%hh(i,j) )
01143                else
01144                   Wm(i,j) = 0.0_rKind
01145                   Wm_old(i,j) = 0.0_rKind
01146                   s%ws(i,j)   = 0.0_rKind
01147                   s%wb(i,j)   = 0.0_rKind
01148                   s%pres(i,j) = 0.0_rKind
01149                endif
01150             enddo
01151          enddo
01152       else
01153          do i=2,s%nx
01154             if (nonhZ(i,1) == 1) then
01155                Wm(i,1) = Wm_old(i,1) - par%dt*( ddxu(i-1)*max(s%qx(i-1,1  ),0.0_rKind)*(Wm_old(i  ,1  ) &
01156                -Wm_old(i-1,1  ))/s%hh(i,1)   &
01157                + ddxu(i)  *min(s%qx(i  ,1  ),0.0_rKind)*(Wm_old(i+1,1  )-Wm_old(i  ,1  ))/s%hh(i,1) )
01158             else
01159                Wm(i,1) = 0.0_rKind
01160                Wm_old(i,1) = 0.0_rKind
01161                s%ws(i,1)   = 0.0_rKind
01162                s%wb(i,1)   = 0.0_rKind
01163                s%pres(i,1) = 0.0_rKind
01164             endif
01165          enddo
01166       endif
01168       !Calculate explicit part vertical viscocity
01169       if (s%ny>0) then
01170          do j=2,s%ny
01171             do i=2,s%nx
01172                dwdx1 = .5d0*(s%nuh(i-1,j  )+s%nuh(i,j  ))*s%hu(i-1,j  )*(Wm_old(i  ,j  )-Wm_old(i-1,j  ))*ddxu(i-1)
01173                dwdx2 = .5d0*(s%nuh(i+1,j  )+s%nuh(i,j  ))*s%hu(i  ,j  )*(Wm_old(i+1,j  )-Wm_old(i  ,j  ))*ddxu(i)
01174                dwdy1 = s%nuh(i  ,j-1)*s%hu(i  ,j-1)*(Wm_old(i  ,j  )-Wm_old(i  ,j-1))*ddyv(j-1)
01175                dwdy2 = s%nuh(i  ,j  )*s%hu(i  ,j  )*(Wm_old(i  ,j+1)-Wm_old(i  ,j  ))*ddyv(j)
01176                Wm(i,j) = Wm(i,j)   + (1.0_rKind/s%hh(i,j))*par%dt*(dwdx2-dwdx1)*ddxz(i)*real(s%wetu(i,j)*s%wetu(i-1,j),rKind) 
01177                + (1.0_rKind/s%hh(i,j))*par%dt*(dwdy2-dwdy1)*ddyz(j)*real(s%wetv(i,j)*s%wetv(i,j-1),rKind)
01178             enddo
01179          enddo
01180       else
01181          do i=2,s%nx
01182             dwdx1 = .5d0*(s%nuh(i-1,1  )+s%nuh(i,1  ))*s%hu(i-1,1  )*(Wm_old(i  ,1  )-Wm_old(i-1,1  ))*ddxu(i-1)
01183             dwdx2 = .5d0*(s%nuh(i+1,1  )+s%nuh(i,1  ))*s%hu(i  ,1  )*(Wm_old(i+1,1  )-Wm_old(i  ,1  ))*ddxu(i)
01184             dwdy1 = 0.d0
01185             dwdy2 = 0.d0
01186             Wm(i,1) = Wm(i,1)   + (1.0_rKind/s%hh(i,1))*par%dt*(dwdx2-dwdx1)*ddxz(i)*real(s%wetu(i,1)*s%wetu(i-1,1),rKind)
01187          enddo
01188       endif
01190       do j=jmin,jmax
01191          do i=2,s%nx
01192             if (nonhU(i,j)==1) then
01193                vol       = 0.5_rKind*par%dt/(s%hum(i,j)*dxu(i))
01194                au(1,i,j) = - (s%zs(i+1,j) - s%zb(i  ,j))*vol
01195                au(0,i,j) = + (s%zs(i  ,j) - s%zb(i+1,j))*vol
01196             else
01197                au(1,i,j) =  0.0_rKind
01198                au(0,i,j) =  0.0_rKind
01199             endif
01200          enddo
01201       enddo
01202       if (xmpi_istop) then               !wwvv: added test on istop
01203          au(:,1,:)      = 0.0_rKind
01204       endif
01205       if (xmpi_isbot) then               !wwvv: added test on isbot
01206          au(:,s%nx+1,:)   = 0.0_rKind
01207       endif
01210       !Built pressure coefficients V
01211       !call timer_start(timer_flow_nonh_av)
01212       if (s%ny>2) then
01213          do j=2,s%ny
01214             do i=2,s%nx
01215                if (nonhV(i,j)==1)then
01216                   vol       = 0.5_rKind*par%dt/(s%hvm(i,j)*dyv(j))
01217                   av(1,i,j)  = -(s%zs(i  ,j+1) - s%zb(i  ,j  ))*vol
01218                   av(0,i,j)  = +(s%zs(i  ,j  ) - s%zb(i  ,j+1))*vol
01219                   avr(i,j)   = s%vv(i,j)
01220                else
01221                   av(1,i,j) =  0.0_rKind
01222                   av(0,i,j) =  0.0_rKind
01223                endif
01224             enddo
01225          enddo
01226          if (xmpi_isleft) then               !wwvv: added test on isleft
01227             av(:,:,1)     = 0.0_rKind
01228          endif
01229          if (xmpi_isright) then              !wwvv: added test on isright
01230             av(:,:,s%ny+1)  = 0.0_rKind
01231          endif
01232       endif
01234       !Include explicit approximation for pressure in s%uu and s%vv   and Wm
01235       if (par%secorder == 1) then
01236          do j=jmin,jmax
01237             do i=imin_uu,imax_uu
01238                s%uu(i,j) = s%uu(i,j) + au(1,i,j) * s%pres(i+1,j) + au(0,i,j) * s%pres(i  ,j)
01239             enddo
01240          enddo
01242          if (s%ny>0) then
01243             do j=jmin_vv,jmax_vv
01244                do i=imin_vv,imax_vv
01245                   s%vv(i,j) = s%vv(i,j) + av(1,i,j) * s%pres(i,j+1) + av(0,i,j) * s%pres(i,j  )
01246                enddo
01247             enddo
01248          else
01249             do i=imin_vv,imax_vv
01250                s%vv(i,1) = s%vv(i,1) + av(1,i,1) * s%pres(i,1) + av(0,i,1) * s%pres(i,1  )
01251             enddo
01252          endif
01254          do j=jmin_zs,jmax_zs
01255             do i=imin_zs,imax_zs
01256                if (nonhZ(i,j) == 1) then
01257                   Wm(i,j) = Wm(i,j)   + Wcoef(i,j)*par%dt * s%pres(i,j)/s%hh(i,j)
01258                endif
01259             enddo
01260          enddo
01261          call flow_secondorder_advW(s,par,Wm,Wm_old, nonhZ)
01262       endif
01264    end subroutine nonh_1lay_pred
01269    !==============================================================================
01270    !                     REDUCED NON-HYDROSTATIC ROUTINES 2DV
01271    !==============================================================================
01272    !
01273    !
01274    !==============================================================================
01275    subroutine nonh_2lay_cor_2dV(s,par)
01276       !==============================================================================
01277       !
01279       ! DATE               AUTHOR               CHANGES
01280       !
01281       ! October   2014     Pieter Bart Smit     New subroutine
01282       !
01283       !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
01284       !                             DECLARATIONS
01285       !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
01287       !--------------------------        PURPOSE         ----------------------------
01289       !  In this subroutine we calculate the nonh-hydrostatic pressures by solving
01290       !  a discrete poisson equation, and subsequently correct the velocity field
01291       !  so that the velocities at the new timelevel are divergence free.
01292       !
01293       !  This subroutine uses the pressure coeficients calculated previously in
01294       !  the routine nonh_2lay_pred_2dV, and for each of the velocity components all
01295       !  processes have been accounted for (advection, bed-friction etc), including
01296       !  an explict estimation of the nonh press known from the previous timestep
01297       !  (unless we are calculating with first order accuracy).
01298       !
01299       !  Subsequently we will take the following steps:
01300       !
01301       !  1) Calculate the water and bed levels at u-points (subroutine call to zuzv).
01302       !  2) Built the poisson matrix by substituting the pressure dependencies of the
01303       !     momentum equations into the continuity equation.
01304       !  3) Solve the resulting system (call to solver_solvemat).
01305       !  4) Update the non-hydrostatic pressure. If second-order is active, dp is the
01306       !     difference between the old and the new pressure, so in that case we have
01307       !
01308       !     s%press = s%press + dp
01309       !
01310       !     else, it represents the new pressure directly, s%press = dp.
01311       !  5) Correct the velocity components with the nonhydrostatic pressures. The
01312       !     new velocity field will be divergence free.
01313       !
01314       !  After these steps, control is returned to flow_timestep.
01315       !
01316       !--------------------------     DEPENDENCIES       ----------------------------
01317       !
01318       use spaceparams
01319       use params,         only: parameters
01320       use solver_module,  only: solver_solvemat
01321       use xmpi_module
01322       !
01323       !--------------------------     ARGUMENTS          ----------------------------
01324       !
01325       type(spacepars) ,intent(inout)                       :: s
01326       type(parameters),intent(in)                          :: par
01327       !
01328       !--------------------------     LOCAL PARAMETERS   ----------------------------
01329       !
01330       integer(kind=iKind),parameter           :: j = 1           !Index variables
01331       !
01332       !--------------------------     LOCAL VARIABLES    ----------------------------
01333       !
01335       !Indices
01336       integer(kind=iKind)                     :: i,k !Index variables
01338       !Work
01339       real(kind=rKind)                        :: dzsdx        ! Free surface gradient (s-dir)
01340       real(kind=rKind)                        :: dzbdx        ! Bed level gradient    (s-dir)
01341       real(kind=rKind)                        :: alpha        ! Parameter controlling how the velocity at the
01342       ! layer interface is determined ( =-wcoef for energy
01343       ! conservative behaviour).
01344       real(kind=rKind)                        :: alpha_u(0:1) ! The layer distribution parameter interpolated at
01345       ! the east (=1) and west (=0) faces.
01346       real(kind=rKind)                        :: hfU(0:1)     ! Coefficient of the west U(i-1,j) (=0) or east U(i,j) (=1) velocity
01347       ! in the reduced continuity equation.
01348       real(kind=rKind)                        :: hfdU(0:1)    ! Coefficient of the west dU(i-1,j) (=0) or east dU(i,j) (=1) velocity
01349       !
01350       !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
01351       !                             IMPLEMENTATION
01352       !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
01353       !
01355       !
01356       ! ------ Substitute in the continuity equation ------
01357       !
01358       do i=2,s%nx
01359          !
01360          if (nonhZ(i,j)==1) then
01361             !
01362             do k = 0,1
01363                !
01364                alpha_u(k) =  .5d0 * (wcoef(i+k,j) + wcoef(i-1+k,j))
01366                hfU(k)  = s%hu(i-1+k  ,j) * ( 1.0d0 + alpha_u(k) )
01367                hfdU(k) = s%hu(i-1+k  ,j) * alpha_u(k) * ( 1.0d0 - alpha_u(k) )
01368                !
01369             enddo
01370             !
01371             dzsdx = .5*( zsu(i,j) - zsu(i-1,j) )
01372             dzbdx = .5*( zbu(i,j) + alpha_u(1) * s%hu(i,j) - zbu(i-1,j) - alpha_u(0) * s%hu(i-1,j) )
01373             !
01376             !
01377             alpha = -wcoef(i,j)
01378             !
01379             mat(1,i,j) = 2.0d0* s%dsz(i,j) * aws(1,i,j) &
01380             + hfU( 1)*au( 0,i,j) - hfU( 0)*au(1, i-1,j)  &
01381             + hfdU(1)*adU(0,i,j) - hfdU(0)*adU(1,i-1,j)  &
01382             - dzsdx * ( au(0,i,j) + au(1,i-1,j) - ( adU(0,i,j) + adU(1,i-1,j) )* wcoef(i,j) )    &
01383             - dzbdx * ( au(0,i,j) + au(1,i-1,j) + ( adU(0,i,j) + adU(1,i-1,j) )* alpha )
01384             !
01385             mat(2,i,j) = - hfU( 0)*au (0, i-1,j) - hfdU( 0)*adU(0, i-1,j)      &
01386             - dzsdx * ( au(0,i-1,j) - adU(0,i-1,j) * wcoef(i,j) ) &
01387             - dzbdx * ( au(0,i-1,j) + adU(0,i-1,j) * alpha )
01388             !
01389             mat(3,i,j) =   hfU(1)*au (1,i  ,j) + hfdU(1)*adU(1,i,j)      &
01390             -    dzsdx * ( au(1,i,j)  - adU(1,i,j) * wcoef(i,j) ) &
01391             -    dzbdx * ( au(1,i,j)  + adU(1,i,j) * alpha )
01392             !
01393             rhs(i,j)   = - 2.0d0 * s%dsz(i,j) * Wm(i,j) &
01394             - hfU( 1)*s%uu( i  ,j) + hfU( 0)*s%uu( i-1 ,j) &
01395             - hfdU(1)*s%dU( i  ,j) + hfdU(0)*s%dU( i-1 ,j) &
01396             + dzsdx * ( s%uu(i,j) + s%uu(i-1,j) - ( s%dU(i,j) + s%dU(i-1,j) )* wcoef(i,j) ) &
01397             + dzbdx * ( s%uu(i,j) + s%uu(i-1,j) + ( s%dU(i,j) + s%dU(i-1,j) )* alpha )
01398          else
01399             !
01400             mat(1  ,i,j) = 1.0_rKind
01401             mat(2:5,i,j) = 0.0_rKind
01402             rhs(i,j)     = 0.0_rKind
01403             !
01404          endif
01405          !
01406       enddo
01408       !
01409       !---------------- Solve Linear System -----------------
01410       !
01411       dp = 0.0_rKind
01412       call solver_solvemat( mat  , rhs   , dp , s%nx, s%ny,par)
01413       !
01414       if (par%secorder == 1) then
01415          !
01416          s%pres = s%pres + dp
01417          !
01418       else
01419          !
01420          s%pres = dp
01421          !
01422       endif
01424       !
01425       !------------------ Correct u/v/w -------------------
01426       !
01427       !U
01428       do i=2,s%nx-1
01429          !
01430          s%uu(i,j) = s%uu(i,j) + au(1,i,j)*dp(i+1,j)+au(0,i,j)*dp(i,j)
01431          !
01432       enddo
01434       !dU
01435       if (par%nhlay > 0. ) then
01436          !
01437          do i=2,s%nx-1
01438             !
01439             s%dU(i,j) = s%dU(i,j) + adU(1,i,j)*dp(i+1,j)+adU(0,i,j)*dp(i,j)
01440             !
01441          enddo
01442          !
01443       endif
01444       !
01446 #ifdef USEMPI
01447       ! Communicate velocities
01448       call xmpi_shift_ee(s%uu)
01449       call xmpi_shift_ee(s%dU)
01450 #endif
01452       !
01453       ! Calculate the surface vertical velocity from the kinematic condition
01454       !
01455       !
01456       do i=2,s%nx
01457          !
01458          if ( s%wetz(i,j)==1 ) then
01459             !
01460             dzsdx = .5*( zsu(i,j) - zsu(i-1,j  ) )  / s%dsz(i,j)
01462             s%ws(i,j) = - (s%hu(i,j)*s%uu(i,j) -s%hu(i-1,j  )*s%uu(i-1,j  )) / s%dsz(i,j) &
01463             +  dzsdx * (  s%uu(i,j) + s%uu(i-1,j  ) - ( s%dU(i,j) + s%dU(i-1,j  ) ) * wcoef(i,j) )
01464             !
01465          else
01466             !
01467             s%ws(i,j) = 0.0d0
01468             !
01469          endif
01470          !
01471       enddo
01472       !
01474       !
01475       ! Calculate the bottom velocity from the kinematic condition
01476       !
01477       !
01478       do i=2,s%nx
01479          !
01480          if ( s%wetz(i,j)==1 ) then
01481             !
01482             dzbdx = .5*( zbu(i,j)  - zbu(i-1,j  ) ) / s%dsz(i,j)
01483             !
01484             s%wb(i,j) = +  dzbdx * (  s%uu(i,j) + s%uu(i-1,j  ) + ( s%dU(i,j) + s%dU(i-1,j  ) ) * (1-wcoef(i,j)) )
01485             !
01486          else
01487             !
01488             s%wb(i,j) = 0.0d0
01489             !
01490          endif
01491          !
01492       enddo
01493       !
01495       !
01496       do i=2,s%nx
01497          !
01498          !
01499          if ( nonhZ(i,j) == 1) then
01500             !
01501             Wm(i,j) = Wm(i,j) + aws(1,i,j)*dp(i,j)
01502             !
01503          else
01504             !
01505             Wm(i,j) = 0.0d0
01506             !
01507          endif
01508          !
01509       enddo
01510       !
01512       if (par%nhlay > 0. ) then
01513          !
01515          do i=2,s%nx
01516             !
01517             !
01518             if ( nonhZ(i,j) == 1 ) then
01519                !
01520                Wm0(i,j) = Wm(i,j) + 0.5d0* ( s%wb(i,j) - s%ws(i,j) )
01521                !
01522             else
01523                !
01524                Wm0(i,j) = 0.
01525                !
01526             endif
01527             !
01528          enddo
01529          !
01530       endif
01534 #ifdef USEMPI
01535       call xmpi_shift_ee(Wm)
01536       call xmpi_shift_ee(s%dU)
01538       if (xmpi_istop) then
01539          Wm(1,:) = Wm(2,:)
01540       endif
01541       if (xmpi_isbot) then
01542          Wm(s%nx+1,:) = Wm(s%nx,:)
01543       endif
01544 #else
01545       !Assign boundaries
01546       Wm(1,:) = Wm(2,:)
01547       Wm(s%nx+1,:) = Wm(s%nx,:)
01549 #endif
01551       !
01552       ! Calculate the relative vertical advection
01553       !
01554       do i=2,s%nx
01555          !
01556          if (s%wetz(i,j) == 1) then
01557             !
01558             omega(i,j) = - ( s%hu(i  ,j) * dU0(i  ,j) - s%hu(i-1,j) * dU0(i-1,j) ) / s%dsz( i , j )
01559             !
01560          else
01561             !
01562             omega(i,j) = 0.0d0
01563             !
01564          endif
01565          !
01566       enddo
01568       !
01569       Wm_old = Wm
01570       !s%ws   = s%dU
01571       dU0    = s%dU
01572       !1111111
01573    end subroutine nonh_2lay_cor_2dv
01575    !
01576    subroutine nonh_2lay_pred_2dV(s,par,uu0)
01577       !==============================================================================
01578       !
01580       ! DATE               AUTHOR               CHANGES
01581       !
01582       ! October  2014       Pieter Bart Smit     New Subroutine
01585       !------------------------------------------------------------------------------
01586       !                             DECLARATIONS
01587       !------------------------------------------------------------------------------
01589       !--------------------------        PURPOSE         ----------------------------
01590       !
01591       ! Include the pressure explicitly in the predictor step. In this subroutine
01592       ! the following steps are taken:
01593       !
01594       ! 1) Calculate whether or not breaking is active (handled in subroutine
01595       !    nonh_break ).
01596       ! 2) Calculate the coeficients of the nonh. pres. as they occur in the momentum
01597       !    equations. (these are use to calculate the explicit pressure contributions
01598       !    here, and the implicit contributions in the correction routine later).
01599       ! 3) Calculate the first order additional contributions to the advection due to
01600       !    the reduced two-layer formulation (if applicable).
01601       ! 4) Include an explicit estimate for the nonh press. in the momentum equations
01602       !    using the earlier calculated coef. (if second-order approximations for the
01603       !    advection are used, else this step is not necessary).
01604       ! 5) Include the contributions due to internal stress terms and bottom friction
01605       !    in the equation for the velocity difference (implicitly for stability).
01606       !
01607       ! After these steps, control flows back to flow_timestep, and - if active -
01608       ! second-order approximations are calculated. Consequently, flow_timestep calls
01609       ! nonh_cor again and the nonhydrostatic computations are continued in
01610       ! nonh_2lay_cor.
01611       !
01612       !--------------------------     DEPENDENCIES       ----------------------------
01613       use spaceparams
01614       use params,                  only: parameters
01615       use flow_secondorder_module, only: flow_secondorder_advw
01616       !--------------------------     ARGUMENTS          ----------------------------
01618       type(spacepars) ,intent(inout)                       :: s
01619       type(parameters),intent(in)                          :: par
01620       real(kind=rkind),dimension(s%nx+1,s%ny+1),intent(in) :: uu0 !The velocity at the previous timestep
01622       !--------------------------     LOCAL PARAMETERS   ----------------------------
01624       integer(kind=iKind), parameter  :: j = 1        !Y-index, constant in 1d
01626       !--------------------------     LOCAL VARIABLES    ----------------------------
01627       !General
01628       real(kind=rKind)                :: fac          !A factor
01630       !Indices
01631       integer(kind=iKind)             :: i,k          !Loop indices
01633       !Used in calculation of pressure gradients
01634       real(kind=rKind)                :: Vol          !The volume of a momentum cell
01636       !Used in calculation of advection
01637       real(kind=rKind)                :: qx(0:1)      !Discharge through the faces of a momentum cell (0: left face
01638       !1: right face)
01639       real(kind=rKind)                :: faceval(0:1) !Value of dU at the faces of a momentum cell (0: left face
01640       !1: right face)
01642       !Used in calculation of vertical exchange of momentum
01643       real(kind=rKind)                :: fric         !Bottom friction coeficient (= dt * cf * |U| / h)
01644       real(kind=rKind)                :: stress       !Coeficient used in calculation of stress
01645       real(kind=rKind)                :: ub           !The (Eulerian) velocity at the bottom
01646       real(kind=rKind)                :: umag         !The (Eulerian) magnitude of the velocity vector at the bottom
01647       real(kind=rKind)                :: ve           !The eddy viscosity used for vertical mixing
01648       real(kind=rKind)                :: advec        !Coeficient used in calculation of vertical advection
01649       real(kind=rKind)                :: Amat,rhs     !The 1*1 "matrix" and RHS of the vertical "system".
01651       !------------------------------------------------------------------------------
01652       !                             IMPLEMENTATION
01653       !------------------------------------------------------------------------------
01655       !
01656       ! Determine whether or not to use the nh correction method (dry/wet/breaking etc.)
01657       !
01658       call nonh_break( s , par )
01659       call zuzv(s)
01660       !
01661       ! -- Calculate the pressure dependencies for U --
01662       !
01663       do i=2,s%nx
01664          !
01665          if (nonhU(i,j)==1) then
01666             !
01667             vol       = 0.5d0 * par%dt/(s%hum(i,j)*s%dsu(i,j))
01668             fac       = (s%zb(i+1,j) - s%zb(i  ,j)) * vol
01669             !
01670             au(1,i,j) = - vol * (1.d0 + wcoef(i+1,j) ) * s%hh(i+1,j) - fac
01671             au(0,i,j) = + vol * (1.d0 + wcoef(i  ,j) ) * s%hh(i,j)   - fac
01672             !
01673          else
01674             !
01675             au(1,i,j) =  0.0_rKind
01676             au(0,i,j) =  0.0_rKind
01677             !
01678          endif
01679          !
01680       enddo
01682       !
01683       ! -- Calculate the pressure dependencies for dU --
01684       !
01686       if ( par%nhlay > 0. ) then
01687          !
01688          do i=2,s%nx
01689             !
01690             if (nonhU(i,j)*(1-s%breaking(i,j))*(1-s%breaking(i-1,j))==1 ) then
01691                !
01692                vol       = 0.5_rKind*par%dt/(s%hum(i,j)*s%dsu(i,j))
01693                !
01694                fac = (  s%zs( i+1,j ) -  s%zs(i,j) ) * vol / ( 1.0d0 - .5d0*wcoef(i,j) - .5d0*wcoef(i+1,j) ) &
01695                - ( wcoef( i+1,j ) - wcoef(i,j) ) * s%hum(i,j) * vol / (2.0d0 - wcoef(i,j) - wcoef(i+1,j) )
01696                !
01697                adU(1,i,j) = - s%hh(i+1,j)*vol + fac
01698                adU(0,i,j) = + s%hh(i,j)*vol   + fac
01699                !
01700             else
01701                !
01702                adU(1,i,j) =  0.0_rKind
01703                adU(0,i,j) =  0.0_rKind
01704                !
01705             endif
01706             !
01707          enddo
01708          !
01709       endif
01711       !
01712       ! -- Calculate the pressure dependencies for Wm --
01713       !
01715       do i=2,s%nx
01716          !
01718          if (nonhZ(i,j) == 1) then
01719             !
01720             aws(1,i,j)   = par%dt/( s%hh(i,j) * ( 1.0d0 - wcoef( i , j ) ) )
01721             !
01722          else
01723             !
01724             aws(1,i,j)   =  0.0_rKind
01725             !
01726          endif
01727       enddo
01728       !
01729       !
01730       !----------------- Advection Wm (FOU) -------------------
01731       !
01732       do i=2,s%nx
01733          !
01734          if ( nonhZ(i,j) == 1) then
01735             !
01737             do k = 0,1
01738                !
01739                qx(k) = ( s%qx(i - 1 + k , j ) )
01741                if (qx(k) > 0.) then
01742                   !
01743                   faceval(k) = Wm_old( i - 1 + k ,j  ) * real( nonhZ(i - 1 + k,j) , kind=rKind )
01744                   !
01745                else
01746                   !
01747                   faceval(k) = Wm_old( i + k ,j  ) * real( nonhZ(i + k,j) , kind=rKind )
01748                   !
01749                endif
01750                !
01751             enddo
01753             fac = par%dt / s%hh(i,j) / s%dsz(i,j)
01755             Wm(i,j) = Wm_old(i,j) + fac * Wm_old(i,j)*( s%qx(i,j) - s%qx(i-1,j) ) - fac*( qx(1) * faceval(1) - qx(0) * faceval(0) )
01756             !
01757          else
01758             !
01759             Wm(i,j) = 0.0_rKind
01760             Wm_old(i,j) = 0.0_rKind
01761             s%pres(i,j) = 0.0_rKind
01762             !
01763          endif
01764          !
01765       enddo
01766       !
01767       !----------------- Advection dU (FOU) -------------------
01768       !
01769       if ( par%nhlay > 0. ) then
01770          !
01771          do i=2,s%nx-1
01772             !
01773             if ( s%wetu( i,j) == 1) then
01774                !
01775                do k = 0,1
01776                   !
01777                   qx(k) = .5 * ( s%qx(i - 1 + k , j ) + s%qx(i     + k , j ) )
01779                   if (qx(k) > 0.) then
01780                      !
01781                      faceval(k) = dU0( i - 1 + k , j )
01782                      !
01783                   else
01784                      !
01785                      faceval(k) = dU0( i+ k , j )
01786                      !
01787                   endif
01788                   !
01789                enddo
01791                fac = par%dt / s%hum(i,j) / s%dsu(i,j)
01793                s%dU(i,j) = dU0(i,j) + .5 * fac *dU0(i,j) * ( s%qx(i+1,j) - s%qx(i-1,j) ) &
01794                - fac * ( qx(1)*faceval(1) - qx(0)*faceval(0) )
01795                !
01796             else
01797                !
01798                s%dU(i,j) = 0.0
01799                !
01800             endif
01801             !
01802          enddo
01803          !
01804       endif
01805       !
01807       !
01808       if (xmpi_istop) then
01809          !
01810          au(:,1,:)      = 0.0_rKind
01811          adU(:,1,:)     = 0.0_rKind
01812          !
01813       endif
01814       !
01815       if (xmpi_isbot) then
01816          !
01817          au(:,s%nx,:)   = 0.0_rKind
01818          adU(:,s%nx,:)  = 0.0_rKind
01819          !
01820       endif
01821       !
01822       if (par%nhlay > 0.) then
01823          !
01824          do i=2,s%nx
01825             !
01826             if ( nonhZ(i,j) == 1 ) then
01827                !
01828                ! Vertical advection (First order upwind)
01829                !
01831                if ( omega(i,j) > 0.) then
01832                   !
01833                   s%wm(i,j) = s%wm(i,j) + par%dt * omega(i,j) * wm0(i,j)/s%hh(i,j) *  wcoef(i,j)
01834                   !
01835                else
01836                   !
01837                   s%wm(i,j) = s%wm(i,j) + par%dt * omega(i,j) * wm_old(i,j)/s%hh(i,j) * wcoef(i,j)
01838                endif
01839             endif
01841          enddo
01842       endif
01844       !Include explicit approximation for pressure in s%uu du and Wm
01845       if (par%secorder == 1) then
01846          !
01847          do i=2,s%nx-1
01848             !
01849             s%uu(i,j) = s%uu(i,j) + au(1,i,j) * s%pres(i+1,j) + au(0,i,j) * s%pres(i  ,j)
01850             !
01851          enddo
01852          !
01854          if ( par%nhlay > 0. ) then
01855             !
01856             do i=2,s%nx-1
01857                !
01858                s%dU(i,j) = s%dU(i,j) + adU(1,i,j) * s%pres(i+1,j) + adU(0,i,j) * s%pres(i  ,j)
01859                !
01860             enddo
01861             !
01862          endif
01864          !
01865          do i=2,s%nx
01866             !
01867             Wm(i,j) = Wm(i,j) + aws(1,i,j) * s%pres(i,j)
01868             !
01869          enddo
01870          !
01872 #ifdef USEMPI
01873          !
01874          call xmpi_shift_ee(Wm)
01875 #endif
01876          !
01877          call flow_secondorder_advW(s,par,Wm,Wm_old, nonhZ)
01878          !
01879 #ifdef USEMPI
01880          !
01881          call xmpi_shift_ee(Wm)
01882          !
01883 #endif
01884       endif
01885       !
01887       if (par%nhlay > 0.) then
01888          !
01889          !
01890          !
01891          !
01892          !----------------- Bottom stress, internal stresses and vertical advection -------------------
01893          !
01894          ! Integration of these terms occurs
01895          ! implicity to ensure that they do not introduce any additional stability
01896          ! concerns.
01897          !
01898          ! Moreover, the vertical exchange of momentum due to advection between the
01899          ! layers also influences dU (but not U), so we have
01900          !
01901          ! the equation reads dU - dU*
01902          !                    -------- =  dU ( fric + stress )  + s%uu * fric - omega * U_face
01903          !                       dt
01904          !
01905          do i=2,s%nx-1
01906             !
01907             if ( s%wetu(i,j) == 1 ) then
01908                !
01909                !
01910                ! Bottom friction
01911                !
01912                ub = uu0(i,j) + (1.-par%nhlay) * dU0(i,j)
01913                umag = abs(ub)
01914                fric   = par%dt * s%cfu(i,j) * umag / s%hu(i,j)
01916                !
01917                ! Internal stresses
01918                !
01919                ve     = 1.0e-4 !Vertical eddy viscocity
01920                stress = 2.* par%dt * ve / ( s%hum(i,j)**2 * (par%nhlay - par%nhlay**2) )
01922                !
01923                ! Vertical advection
01924                !
01925                advec = 0.5d0* ( omega(i,j) + omega(i+1,j) )* par%dt / s%hum(i,j)
01927                !
01928                ! Built rhs/diagonal
01929                !
01930                fac   = 0.5d0*( wcoef(i,j) + wcoef(i+1,j) )
01931                rhs  = s%dU(i,j) - uu0(i,j) * ( fric + advec )
01932                Amat = 1.0d0 +  (1.0d0-fac) * fric + stress &
01933                + (1.0d0 - fac)     * max( advec , 0. ) &
01934                - fac               * min( advec , 0. )
01936                !
01937                ! "Solve" system
01938                !
01939                s%dU(i,j) = rhs / Amat
01940                !
01941             endif
01942             !
01943          enddo
01944          !
01945       endif
01947 #ifdef USEMPI
01948       !
01949       call xmpi_shift_ee(s%dU)
01950       call xmpi_shift_ee(s%dV)
01951       !
01952 #endif
01953       !
01954    end subroutine nonh_2lay_pred_2dv
01957    !==============================================================================
01958    !                     REDUCED NON-HYDROSTATIC ROUTINES 3D
01959    !==============================================================================
01960    !
01963    !
01964    !==============================================================================
01965    subroutine nonh_2lay_cor_3d(s,par)
01966       !==============================================================================
01967       !
01969       ! DATE               AUTHOR               CHANGES
01970       !
01971       ! October 2010       Pieter Bart Smit     New Subroutine
01972       ! November  2010     Pieter Bart Smit     Added explicit prediction for 2nd order scheme
01974       !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
01975       !                             DECLARATIONS
01976       !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
01978       !--------------------------        PURPOSE         ----------------------------
01980       !  In this subroutine we calculate the nonh-hydrostatic pressures by solving
01981       !  a discrete poisson equation, and subsequently correct the velocity field
01982       !  so that the velocities at the new timelevel are divergence free.
01983       !
01984       !  This subroutine uses the pressure coeficients calculated previously in
01985       !  the routine nonh_2lay_pred_3d, and for each of the velocity components all
01986       !  processes have been accounted for (advection, bed-friction etc), including
01987       !  an explict estimation of the nonh press known from the previous timestep
01988       !  (unless we are calculating with first order accuracy).
01989       !
01990       !  Subsequently we will take the following steps:
01991       !
01992       !  1) Calculate the water and bed levels at u-points (subroutine call to zuzv).
01993       !  2) Built the poisson matrix by substituting the pressure dependencies of the
01994       !     momentum equations into the continuity equation.
01995       !  3) Solve the resulting system (call to solver_solvemat).
01996       !  4) Update the non-hydrostatic pressure. If second-order is active, dp is the
01997       !     difference between the old and the new pressure, so in that case we have
01998       !
01999       !     s%press = s%press + dp
02000       !
02001       !     else, it represents the new pressure directly, s%press = dp.
02002       !  5) Correct the velocity components with the nonhydrostatic pressures. The
02003       !     new velocity field will be divergence free.
02004       !
02005       !  After these steps, control is returned to flow_timestep.
02006       !
02007       !--------------------------     DEPENDENCIES       ----------------------------
02008       use spaceparams
02009       use params,         only: parameters
02010       use solver_module,  only: solver_solvemat
02011       use xmpi_module
02012       !--------------------------     ARGUMENTS          ----------------------------
02014       type(spacepars) ,intent(inout)                       :: s
02015       type(parameters),intent(in)                          :: par
02017       !--------------------------     LOCAL VARIABLES    ----------------------------
02019       !Indices
02020       integer(kind=iKind)                     :: i,j,k !Index variables
02022       !Work
02023       real(kind=rKind)                        :: dzsdx        ! Free surface gradient (s-dir)
02024       real(kind=rKind)                        :: dzbdx        ! Bed level gradient    (s-dir)
02025       real(kind=rKind)                        :: dzsdy        ! Free surface gradient (n-dir)
02026       real(kind=rKind)                        :: dzbdy        ! Bed level gradient    (n-dir)
02027       real(kind=rKind)                        :: alpha        ! Parameter controlling how the velocity at the
02028       ! layer interface is determined ( =-wcoef for energy
02029       ! conservative behaviour).
02030       real(kind=rKind)                        :: alpha_u(0:1) ! The layer distribution parameter interpolated at
02031       ! the east (=1) and west (=0) faces.
02032       real(kind=rKind)                        :: alpha_v(0:1) ! The layer distribution parameter interpolated at
02033       ! the north (=1) and south (=0) faces.
02034       real(kind=rKind)                        :: hfU(0:1)     ! Coefficient of the west U(i-1,j) (=0) or east U(i,j) (=1) velocity
02035       ! in the reduced continuity equation.
02036       real(kind=rKind)                        :: hfdU(0:1)    ! Coefficient of the west dU(i-1,j) (=0) or east dU(i,j) (=1) velocity
02037       ! difference in the reduced continuity equation.
02038       real(kind=rKind)                        :: hfV(0:1)     ! Coefficient of the south V(i,j-1) (=0) or North V(i,j) (=1) velocity
02039       ! in the reduced continuity equation.
02040       real(kind=rKind)                        :: hfdV(0:1)    ! Coefficient of the south dV(i,j-1) (=0) or North dV(i,j) (=1) velocity
02041       ! difference in the reduced continuity equation.
02043       !
02044       !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
02045       !                             IMPLEMENTATION
02046       !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
02047       !
02049       !
02050       !Substitute in the continuity equation
02051       !
02052       do j=2,s%ny
02053          !
02054          do i=2,s%nx
02055             !
02056             if (nonhZ(i,j)==1) then
02057                !
02058                do k = 0,1
02059                   !
02060                   alpha_u(k) =  .5d0 * (wcoef(i+k,j) + wcoef(i-1+k,j))
02062                   hfU(k)  = s%dsdnzi(i,j) * s%dnu(i-1+k,j) * s%hu(i-1+k  ,j) * ( 1.0d0 + alpha_u(k) )
02063                   hfdU(k) = s%dsdnzi(i,j) * s%dnu(i-1+k,j) * s%hu(i-1+k  ,j) * alpha_u(k) * ( 1.0d0 - alpha_u(k) )
02064                   !
02065                enddo
02067                do k = 0,1
02068                   !
02069                   alpha_v(k) =  .5d0 * (wcoef(i,j+k) + wcoef(i,j-1+k))
02071                   hfV(k)  = s%dsdnzi(i,j) * s%dsv(i,j-1+k) * s%hv(i,j-1+k  ) * ( 1.0d0 + alpha_v(k) )
02072                   hfdV(k) = s%dsdnzi(i,j) * s%dsv(i,j-1+k) * s%hv(i,j-1+k  ) * alpha_v(k) * ( 1.0d0 - alpha_v(k) )
02073                   !
02074                enddo
02075                !
02077                if (nonhu(i,j)*nonhu(i-1,j) == 1  ) then
02078                   !
02079                   dzsdx = .5*( zsu(i,j) - zsu(i-1,j  ) ) / s%dsz(i,j)
02080                   dzbdx = .5*( zbu(i,j) + alpha_u(1) * s%hu(i,j) - zbu(i-1,j  ) - alpha_u(0) * s%hu(i-1,j  )  ) / s%dsz(i,j)
02081                   !
02082                else
02083                   dzsdx  = 0.0d0
02084                   dzbdx  = 0.0
02085                endif
02087                if (nonhv(i,j)*nonhv(i,j-1) == 1  ) then
02088                   !
02089                   dzsdy = .5*( zsv(i,j) - zsv(i  ,j-1) ) / s%dnz(i,j)
02090                   dzbdy = .5*( zbv(i,j) + alpha_v(1) * s%hv(i,j) - zbv(i  ,j-1) - alpha_v(0) * s%hv(i  ,j-1)  ) / s%dnz(i,j)
02091                else
02092                   !
02093                   dzsdy = 0.0d0
02094                   dzbdy = 0.0d0
02095                   !
02096                endif
02098                alpha = -wcoef(i,j)
02099                !
02100                ! Main diagonal ( i,j )
02101                !
02102                mat(1,i,j) = 2.0d0 * aws(1,i,j) &
02103                + hfU(1)   * au(0, i  ,j) - hfU(0)  * au(1, i-1,j  )  &
02104                + hfV(1)   * av(0, i  ,j) - hfV(0)  * av(1, i  ,j-1)  &
02105                + hfdU(1)  * adU(0,i  ,j) - hfdU(0) * adU(1,i-1 ,j )  &
02106                + hfdV(1)  * adV(0,i  ,j) - hfdV(0) * adV(1,i   ,j-1) &
02107                - dzsdx * ( au( 0,i,j) + au( 1,i-1,j  ) - ( adU(0,i,j) + adU(1,i-1,j  ) ) * wcoef(i,j)  ) &
02108                - dzsdy * ( av( 0,i,j) + av( 1,i  ,j-1) - ( adV(0,i,j) + adV(1,i  ,j-1) ) * wcoef(i,j)  ) &
02109                - dzbdx * ( au( 0,i,j) + au( 1,i-1,j  ) + ( adU(0,i,j) + adU(1,i-1,j  ) ) * alpha   ) &
02110                - dzbdy * ( av( 0,i,j) + av( 1,i  ,j-1) + ( adV(0,i,j) + adV(1,i  ,j-1) ) * alpha   )
02111                !
02112                ! West diagonal ( i-1,j )
02113                !
02114                mat(2,i,j) = - hfU(0)  * au (0, i-1,j)    &
02115                - hfdU(0) * adU(0, i-1,j)    &
02116                - dzsdx * (  au(0,i-1,j) - adU(0,i-1,j) * wcoef(i,j)  ) &
02117                - dzbdx * (  au(0,i-1,j) + adU(0,i-1,j) * alpha   )
02118                !
02119                ! South diagonal (i,j-1 )
02120                !
02121                mat(4,i,j) = - hfV(0)  * av (0, i,j-1)    &
02122                - hfdV(0) * adV(0, i,j-1)    &
02123                - dzsdy * (  av(0,i,j-1) - adV(0,i,j-1) * wcoef(i,j) ) &
02124                - dzbdy * (  av(0,i,j-1) + adV(0,i,j-1) * alpha  )
02125                !
02126                ! East diagonal ( i+1,j )
02127                !
02128                mat(3,i,j) = hfU(1)  * au (1,i  ,j)    &
02129                + hfdU(1) * adU(1,i  ,j)    &
02130                -  dzsdx * (  au(1,i,j) - adU(1,i,j) * wcoef(i,j)  ) &
02131                -  dzbdx * (  au(1,i,j) + adU(1,i,j) * alpha   )
02132                !
02133                ! North diagonal ( i,j+1 )
02134                !
02135                mat(5,i,j) = hfV(1)   * av (1,i  ,j)    &
02136                + hfdV(1)  * adV(1,i  ,j)    &
02137                - dzsdy * (  av(1,i,j) - adV(1,i,j) * wcoef(i,j)  ) &
02138                - dzbdy * (  av(1,i,j) + adV(1,i,j) * alpha   )
02139                !
02140                ! RHS
02141                !
02142                rhs(i,j)   = - 2.0d0  * Wm(i,j) &
02143                - hfU(  1 ) * s%uu( i  ,j)  + hfU(  0 ) * s%uu( i-1 ,j  )   &
02144                - hfdU( 1 ) * s%dU( i  ,j)  + hfdU( 0 ) * s%dU( i-1 ,j  )   &
02145                - hfV(  1 ) * s%vv( i  ,j)  + hfV(  0 ) * s%vv( i   ,j-1)   &
02146                - hfdV( 1 ) * s%dV( i  ,j)  + hfdV( 0 ) * s%dV( i   ,j-1)   &
02147                + dzsdx * ( s%uu(i,j) + s%uu(i-1,j  ) - ( s%dU(i,j) + s%dU(i-1,j  ) ) * wcoef(i,j)  ) &
02148                + dzsdy * ( s%vv(i,j) + s%vv(i  ,j-1) - ( s%dV(i,j) + s%dV(i  ,j-1) ) * wcoef(i,j)  ) &
02149                + dzbdx * ( s%uu(i,j) + s%uu(i-1,j  ) + ( s%dU(i,j) + s%dU(i-1,j  ) ) * alpha   ) &
02150                + dzbdy * ( s%vv(i,j) + s%vv(i  ,j-1) + ( s%dV(i,j) + s%dV(i  ,j-1) ) * alpha   )
02151                !
02152             else
02153                !
02154                mat(1  ,i,j) = 1.0_rKind
02155                mat(2:5,i,j) = 0.0_rKind
02156                rhs(i,j)     = 0.0_rKind
02157                !
02158             endif
02159          enddo
02160       enddo
02162       !------------------ Solve matrix -----------------
02163       dp = 0.0_rKind
02164       call solver_solvemat( mat  , rhs   , dp , s%nx, s%ny,par)
02166       if ( par%secorder == 1 ) then
02167          !
02168          ! If second-order is active, we are calculating with the pressure difference
02169          !
02170          s%pres = s%pres + dp
02171          !
02172       else
02173          !
02174          s%pres = dp
02175          !
02176       endif
02179       !Correct u/v/w
02181       !U
02182       do j=jmin_uu,jmax_uu
02183          !
02184          do i=imin_uu,imax_uu
02185             !
02186             s%uu(i,j) = s%uu(i,j) + au(1,i,j)*dp(i+1,j)+au(0,i,j)*dp(i,j)
02187             !
02188          enddo
02189          !
02190       enddo
02192       !V
02193       do j=jmin_vv,jmax_vv
02194          !
02195          do i=imin_vv,imax_vv
02196             !
02197             s%vv(i,j) = s%vv(i,j) + av(1,i,j)*dp(i,j+1)+av(0,i,j)*dp(i,j)
02198             !
02199          enddo
02200          !
02201       enddo
02202       !
02204       !
02205       if (par%nhlay > 0.) then
02206          !
02207          !dU
02208          !
02209          do j=jmin_uu,jmax_uu
02210             !
02211             do i=imin_uu,imax_uu
02212                !
02213                s%dU(i,j) = s%dU(i,j) + adU(1,i,j)*dp(i+1,j)+adU(0,i,j)*dp(i,j)
02214                !
02215             enddo
02216             !
02217          enddo
02218          !
02219          !dV
02220          !
02221          do j=jmin_vv,jmax_vv
02222             !
02223             do i=imin_vv,imax_vv
02224                !
02225                s%dV(i,j) = s%dV(i,j) + adV(1,i,j)*dp(i,j+1)+adV(0,i,j)*dp(i,j)
02226                !
02227             enddo
02228             !
02229          enddo
02230          !
02231       endif
02232       !
02234       !
02235       ! Communicate results...
02236       !
02237 #ifdef USEMPI
02238       call xmpi_shift_ee(s%uu)
02239       call xmpi_shift_ee(s%vv)
02240       call xmpi_shift_ee(s%dU)
02241       call xmpi_shift_ee(s%dV)
02242 #endif
02244       !
02245       ! Calculate the surface vertical velocity from the kinematic condition
02246       !
02247       do j=jmin_zs,jmax_zs
02248          !
02249          do i=imin_zs,imax_zs
02250             !
02251             if ( s%wetz(i,j)==1 ) then
02252                !
02253                dzsdx = .5*( zsu(i,j) - zsu(i-1,j  ) )  / s%dsz(i,j)
02254                dzsdy = .5*( zsv(i,j) - zsv(i  ,j-1) )  / s%dnz(i,j)
02255                !
02256                s%ws(i,j) = - (s%dnu(i,j)*s%hu(i,j)*s%uu(i,j) -s%dnu(i-1,j)*s%hu(i-1,j  )*s%uu(i-1,j  )) * s%dsdnzi(i,j) &
02257                - (s%dsv(i,j)*s%hv(i,j)*s%vv(i,j) -s%dsv(i,j-1)*s%hv(  i,j-1)*s%vv(i  ,j-1)) * s%dsdnzi(i,j) &
02258                +  dzsdx * (  s%uu(i,j) + s%uu(i-1,j  ) - ( s%dU(i,j) + s%dU(i-1,j  ) ) * wcoef(i,j) ) &
02259                +  dzsdy * (  s%vv(i,j) + s%vv(i  ,j-1) - ( s%dV(i,j) + s%dV(i  ,j-1) ) * wcoef(i,j) )
02260                !
02261             else
02262                !
02263                s%ws(i,j) = 0.0d0
02264                !
02265             endif
02266             !
02267          enddo
02268          !
02269       enddo
02271       !
02272       ! Calculate the bottom velocity from the kinematic condition
02273       !
02274       do j=jmin_zs,jmax_zs
02275          !
02276          do i=imin_zs,imax_zs
02277             !
02278             if ( s%wetz(i,j)==1 ) then
02279                !
02280                dzbdx = .5*( zbu(i,j)  - zbu(i-1,j  ) )
02281                dzbdy = .5*( zbv(i,j)  - zbv(i  ,j-1) )
02283                s%wb(i,j) = + dzbdx * ( s%uu(i,j) + s%uu(i-1,j  ) + ( s%dU(i,j) + s%dU(i-1,j  ) ) * (1- wcoef(i,j)) ) / s%dsz(i,j) &
02284                +  dzbdy * (  s%vv(i,j) + s%vv(i  ,j-1) + ( s%dV(i,j) + s%dV(i  ,j-1) ) * (1- wcoef(i,j)) ) / s%dnz(i,j)
02285                !
02286             else
02287                !
02288                s%wb(i,j) = 0.0d0
02289                !
02290             endif
02291             !
02292          enddo
02293          !
02294       enddo
02296       !
02297       ! Calculate the mean vertical velocity in the top layer
02298       !
02299       do j=jmin_zs,jmax_zs
02300          !
02301          do i=imin_zs,imax_zs
02302             !
02303             if ( nonhZ(i,j) == 1) then
02304                !
02305                Wm(i,j) = Wm(i,j) + aws(1,i,j)*dp(i,j)
02306                !
02307             else
02308                !
02309                Wm(i,j) = 0.0d0
02310                !
02311             endif
02312             !
02313          enddo
02314          !
02315       enddo
02317       !
02318       ! Calculate the relative vertical advection
02319       !
02320       do j=jmin_zs,jmax_zs
02321          !
02322          do i=imin_zs,imax_zs
02323             !
02324             if (s%wetz(i,j)==1) then
02325                !
02326                omega(i,j) = - ( s%dnu(i,j) * s%hu(i  ,j) * dU0(i  ,j) - s%dnu(i-1,j) * s%hu(i-1,j) * dU0(i-1,j) &
02327                +   s%dsv(i,j) * s%hv(i  ,j) * dV0(i  ,j) - s%dsv(i,j-1) * s%hv(i,j-1) * dV0(i,j-1)  ) * s%dsdnzi( i , j )
02328                !
02329             else
02330                !
02331                omega(i,j) = 0.0d0
02332                !
02333             endif
02334             !
02335          enddo
02336          !
02337       enddo
02339       !
02340       ! Calculate the mean vertical velocity in the lower layer
02341       !
02342       do j=jmin_zs,jmax_zs
02343          !
02344          do i=imin_zs,imax_zs
02345             !
02346             !
02347             if ( s%wetz(i,j)==1 ) then
02348                !
02349                Wm0(i,j) =  Wm(i,j) + .5d0 * ( s%wb(i,j) - s%ws(i,j) )
02350                !
02351             else
02352                !
02353                Wm0(i,j) = 0.
02354                !
02355             endif
02356             !
02357          enddo
02358          !
02359       enddo
02362 #ifdef USEMPI
02363       if (xmpi_istop) then
02364          Wm(1,:) = Wm(2,:)
02365       endif
02366       if (xmpi_isbot) then
02367          Wm(s%nx+1,:) = Wm(s%nx,:)
02368       endif
02369       if (xmpi_isleft) then
02370          Wm(1,:) = Wm(2,:)
02371       endif
02372       if (xmpi_isright) then
02373          Wm(:,s%ny+1) = Wm(:,s%ny)
02374       endif
02375       !
02376       call xmpi_shift_ee(Wm)
02377       !
02378 #else
02379       !Assign boundaries
02380       Wm(1,:) = Wm(2,:)
02381       Wm(s%nx+1,:) = Wm(s%nx,:)
02382       Wm(:,1) = Wm(:,2)
02383       Wm(:,s%ny+1) = Wm(:,s%ny)
02385 #endif
02386       Wm_old = Wm
02387       dU0  = s%dU
02388       dV0  = s%dV
02389       !
02390    end subroutine nonh_2lay_cor_3d
02393    subroutine nonh_2lay_pred_3d(s,par,uu0,vv0)
02394       !==============================================================================
02395       !
02397       ! DATE                AUTHOR               CHANGES
02398       !
02399       ! October  2014       Pieter Bart Smit     New Subroutine
02402       !------------------------------------------------------------------------------
02403       !                             DECLARATIONS
02404       !------------------------------------------------------------------------------
02406       !--------------------------        PURPOSE         ----------------------------
02407       !
02408       ! Include the pressure explicitly in the predictor step. In this subroutine
02409       ! the following steps are taken:
02410       !
02411       ! 1) Calculate whether or not breaking is active (handled in subroutine
02412       !    nonh_break ).
02413       ! 2) Calculate the coeficients of the nonh. pres. as they occur in the momentum
02414       !    equations. (these are use to calculate the explicit pressure contributions
02415       !    here, and the implicit contributions in the correction routine later).
02416       ! 3) Calculate the first order additional contributions to the advection due to
02417       !    the reduced two-layer formulation (if applicable).
02418       ! 4) Include an explicit estimate for the nonh press. in the momentum equations
02419       !    using the earlier calculated coef. (if second-order approximations for the
02420       !    advection are used, else this step is not necessary).
02421       ! 5) Include the contributions due to internal stress terms and bottom friction
02422       !    in the equation for the velocity difference (implicitly for stability).
02423       !
02424       ! After these steps, control flows back to flow_timestep, and - if active -
02425       ! second-order approximations are calculated. Consequently, flow_timestep calls
02426       ! nonh_cor again and the nonhydrostatic computations are continued in
02427       ! nonh_2lay_cor.
02428       !
02429       !--------------------------     DEPENDENCIES       ----------------------------
02430       use spaceparams
02431       use params,                  only: parameters
02432       use flow_secondorder_module, only: flow_secondorder_advw
02433       !--------------------------     ARGUMENTS          ----------------------------
02435       type(spacepars) ,intent(inout)                       :: s
02436       type(parameters),intent(in)                          :: par
02437       real(kind=rkind),dimension(s%nx+1,s%ny+1),intent(in) :: uu0
02438       real(kind=rkind),dimension(s%nx+1,s%ny+1),intent(in) :: vv0
02440       !--------------------------     VARIABLES          ----------------------------
02442       !General
02443       real(kind=rKind)                :: Fac          !A factor
02445       !Indices
02446       integer(kind=iKind)             :: i,j,k          !Loop indices
02448       !Used in calculation of pressure gradients
02449       real(kind=rKind)                :: Vol          !The volume of a momentum cell
02451       !Used in calculation of advection dU/dV/Wm
02452       real(kind=rKind)                :: qx(0:1)        !Discharge through the faces of a momentum cell (0: left face
02453       !1: right face)
02454       real(kind=rKind)                :: qy(0:1)        !Discharge through the faces of a momentum cell (0: bottom face
02455       !1: top face)
02456       real(kind=rKind)                :: faceval_x(0:1) !Value of dU at the faces of a momentum cell (0: left face
02457       !1: right face)
02458       real(kind=rKind)                :: faceval_y(0:1) !Value of dU at the faces of a momentum cell (0: left face
02459       !1: right face)
02460       real(kind=rKind)                :: DU_face
02461       real(kind=rKind)                :: DV_face
02462       real(kind=rKind) :: cosd,sind                     !cosine or sine of the difference angle
02463       real(kind=rKind) :: sig(0:1)                      !sign function
02465       !Used in calculation of vertical exchange of momentum
02466       real(kind=rKind)                :: fric         !Bottom friction coeficient (= dt * cf * |U| / h)
02467       real(kind=rKind)                :: stress       !Coeficient used in calculation of stress
02468       real(kind=rKind)                :: ub           !The (Eulerian) u-velocity at the bottom
02469       real(kind=rKind)                :: vb           !The (Eulerian) v-velocity at the bottom
02470       real(kind=rKind)                :: umag         !The (Eulerian) magnitude of the velocity vector at the bottom
02471       real(kind=rKind)                :: ve           !The eddy viscosity used for vertical mixing
02472       real(kind=rKind)                :: advec        !Coeficient used in calculation of vertical advection
02473       real(kind=rKind)                :: Amat,rhs     !The 1*1 "matrix" and RHS of the vertical "system".
02475       !------------------------------------------------------------------------------
02476       !                             IMPLEMENTATION
02477       !------------------------------------------------------------------------------
02479       !
02480       ! Determine whether or not to use the nh correction method (dry/wet/breaking etc.)
02481       !
02482       call nonh_break( s , par )
02483       call zuzv(s)
02485       !
02486       ! Calculate the pressure dependencies for U
02487       !
02488       do j=2,s%ny
02489          !
02490          do i=1,s%nx
02491             !
02492             if (nonhU(i,j)==1) then
02493                !
02494                vol       = 0.5d0 * par%dt/(s%hum(i,j)*s%dsu(i,j))
02495                Fac       = (s%zb(i+1,j) - s%zb(i  ,j)) * vol
02496                au(1,i,j) = - vol * (1.d0 + wcoef(i,j) ) * s%hh(i+1,j) - Fac
02497                au(0,i,j) = + vol * (1.d0 + wcoef(i,j) ) * s%hh(i,j)   - Fac
02498                !
02499             else
02500                !
02501                au(1,i,j) =  0.0_rKind
02502                au(0,i,j) =  0.0_rKind
02503                !
02504             endif
02505             !
02506          enddo
02507          !
02508       enddo
02509       !
02510       ! Calculate the pressure dependencies for V
02511       !
02512       do j=1,s%ny
02513          !
02514          do i=2,s%nx
02515             !
02516             if (nonhV(i,j)==1) then
02517                !
02518                vol       = 0.5d0 * par%dt/(s%hvm(i,j)*s%dnv(i,j))
02519                Fac       = (s%zb(i,j+1) - s%zb(i  ,j)) * vol
02520                av(1,i,j) = - vol * (1.d0 + wcoef(i,j+1) ) * s%hh(i,j+1) - Fac
02521                av(0,i,j) = + vol * (1.d0 + wcoef(i,j  ) ) * s%hh(i,j)   - Fac
02522                !
02523             else
02524                !
02525                av(1,i,j) =  0.0_rKind
02526                av(0,i,j) =  0.0_rKind
02527                !
02528             endif
02529             !
02530          enddo
02531          !
02532       enddo
02534       if ( par%nhlay > 0.0d0 ) then
02535          !
02536          ! Calculate the pressure dependencies for dU
02537          !
02538          do j=2,s%ny
02539             !
02540             do i=1,s%nx
02541                !
02542                if (nonhU(i,j)*(1-s%breaking(i,j))*(1-s%breaking(max(i-1,1),j))==1 ) then
02543                   !
02544                   vol       = 0.5_rKind*par%dt/(s%hum(i,j)*s%dsu(i,j))
02546                   fac = (  s%zs( i+1,j ) -  s%zs(i,j) ) * vol / ( 1.0d0 - .5d0*wcoef(i,j) - .5d0*wcoef(i+1,j) ) &
02547                   - ( wcoef( i+1,j ) - wcoef(i,j) ) * s%hum(i,j) * vol / (2.0d0 - wcoef(i,j) - wcoef(i+1,j) )
02549                   adU(1,i,j) = - s%hh(i+1,j)*vol + Fac
02550                   adU(0,i,j) = + s%hh(i,j)*vol   + Fac
02551                   !
02552                else
02553                   !
02554                   adU(1,i,j) =  0.0_rKind
02555                   adU(0,i,j) =  0.0_rKind
02556                   !
02557                endif
02558                !
02559             enddo
02560             !
02561          enddo
02562          !
02563          ! Calculate the pressure dependencies for dV
02564          !
02565          do j=1,s%ny
02566             !
02567             do i=2,s%nx
02568                !
02569                if (nonhV(i,j)*(1-s%breaking(i,j))*(1-s%breaking(i,max(j-1,1)))==1 ) then
02570                   !
02571                   vol       = 0.5_rKind*par%dt/(s%hvm(i,j)*s%dnv(i,j))
02572                   fac = (  s%zs( i,j ) -  s%zs(i,j+1) ) * vol / ( 1.0d0 - .5d0*wcoef(i,j) - .5d0*wcoef(i,j+1) ) &
02573                   - ( wcoef( i,j ) - wcoef(i,j+1) ) * s%hvm(i,j) * vol / (2.0d0 - wcoef(i,j) - wcoef(i,j+1) )
02574                   adV(1,i,j) = - s%hh(i,j+1)*vol + Fac
02575                   adV(0,i,j) = + s%hh(i,j)*vol   + Fac
02576                   !
02577                else
02578                   !
02579                   adV(1,i,j) =  0.0_rKind
02580                   adV(0,i,j) =  0.0_rKind
02581                   !
02582                endif
02583                !
02584             enddo
02585             !
02586          enddo
02587          !
02588       endif
02590       !
02591       !Built pressure coefficients W
02592       !
02593       do j=2,s%ny
02594          !
02595          do i=2,s%nx
02596             !
02597             if (nonhZ(i,j) == 1) then
02598                !
02599                aws(1,i,j)   = par%dt/( s%hh(i,j) * ( 1 - wcoef(i,j) ) )
02600                !
02601             else
02602                !
02603                aws(1,i,j)   =  0.0_rKind
02604                !
02605             endif
02606             !
02607          enddo
02608          !
02609       enddo
02610       !
02612       !
02613       if (xmpi_istop) then
02614          !
02615          au(:,1,:)       = 0.0_rKind
02616          adU(:,1,:)      = 0.0_rKind
02617          !
02618       endif
02619       !
02620       if (xmpi_isbot) then
02621          !
02622          au(:,s%nx,:)    = 0.0_rKind
02623          adU(:,s%nx,:)   = 0.0_rKind
02624          !
02625       endif
02626       !
02628       !
02629       if (xmpi_isleft) then
02630          !
02631          av(:,:,1)      = 0.0_rKind
02632          adV(:,:,1)     = 0.0_rKind
02633          !
02634       endif
02635       !
02637       !
02638       if (xmpi_isright) then
02639          !
02640          av(:,:,s%ny)   = 0.0_rKind
02641          adV(:,:,s%ny)  = 0.0_rKind
02642          !
02643       endif
02645       !
02646       !----------------- Advection Wm (FOU) -------------------
02647       !
02648       !  d ( h U Wm )    d ( h V Wm )
02649       !  ------------ +  ------------
02650       !      ds              dn
02651       !
02652       ! Advection according to Stelling & Duinmeijer 2003, momentum conservative
02653       !
02654       do j=jmin_zs,jmax_zs
02655          !
02656          do i=imin_zs,imax_zs
02657             !
02658             if ( nonhZ(i,j)==1 ) then
02659                !
02660                do k = 0,1
02661                   !
02662                   qx(k) = s%qx(i - 1 + k , j ) * s%dnu(i - 1 + k , j )
02663                   qy(k) = s%qy(i , j - 1 + k)  * s%dsv(i , j - 1 + k )
02665                   if (qx(k) > 0.) then
02666                      !
02667                      faceval_x(k) = Wm_old( i - 1 + k ,j  ) * real( nonhZ(i - 1 + k,j) , kind=rKind )
02668                      !
02669                   else
02670                      !
02671                      faceval_x(k) = Wm_old( i + k ,j  ) * real( nonhZ(i + k,j) , kind=rKind )
02672                      !
02673                   endif
02675                   if (qy(k) > 0.) then
02676                      !
02677                      faceval_y(k) = Wm_old( i ,j - 1 + k ) * real( nonhZ(i,j - 1 + k) , kind=rKind )
02678                      !
02679                   else
02680                      !
02681                      faceval_y(k) = Wm_old( i,j + k ) * real( nonhZ(i,j + k) , kind=rKind )
02682                      !
02683                   endif
02684                   !
02685                enddo
02687                fac = par%dt / s%hh(i,j) * s%dsdnzi(i,j)
02689                Wm(i,j) = Wm_old(i,j) +  fac * Wm_old(i,j) * ( qx(1) + qy(1) - qx(0) - qy(0) ) &
02690                -  fac * ( qx(1) * faceval_x(1) +  qy(1) * faceval_y(1) &
02691                - qx(0) * faceval_x(0) - qy(0) * faceval_y(0) )
02692                !
02693             else
02694                !
02695                Wm(i,j) = 0.0_rKind
02696                Wm_old(i,j) = 0.0_rKind
02697                s%pres(i,j) = 0.0_rKind
02698                !
02699             endif
02700             !
02701          enddo
02702          !
02703       enddo
02705       if ( par%nhlay > 0.0d0 ) then
02706          !
02707          !
02708          !----------------- Advection dU (FOU) -------------------
02709          !
02710          !  d ( h U dU )    d ( h V dU )
02711          !  ----------   +  ----------
02712          !      dx              dy
02713          !
02714          ! Advection according to Stelling & Duinmeijer 2003, momentum conservative (second term in their equation 24)
02715          !
02716          sig(0) = -1
02717          sig(1) = 1
02718          !
02719          do j=jmin_uu,jmax_uu
02720             !
02721             do i=imin_uu,imax_uu
02722                !
02723                if ( s%wetu( i,j) == 1) then
02724                   !
02725                   ! Calculate transport velocities / face values
02726                   !
02727                   do k = 0,1
02728                      !
02729                      qx(k) = .5 * ( s%qx(i - 1 + k , j   ) + s%qx(i     + k , j ) ) * s%dnz(i+k,j)
02730                      qy(k) = .5 * ( s%qy(i+1, j - 1 + k  ) + s%qy(i, j  - 1 + k ) ) * s%dsc(i,j+k)
02731                      !
02733                      dv_face = 0.5d0* ( dV0( i + k , j - 1 ) + dV0( i + k , j ) )
02735                      cosd = cos( s%alfau(i+k,j) - s%alfau(i+k-1,j) )
02736                      sind = sig(k)*sin( s%alfau(i+k,j) - s%alfaz(i+k-1,j) )
02737                      !
02738                      if (qx(k) > 0.) then
02739                         !
02740                         faceval_x(k) = dU0( i - 1 + k , j ) * cosd + dV_face * sind
02741                         !
02742                      else
02743                         !
02744                         faceval_x(k) = dU0( i+ k , j ) * cosd + dV_face * sind
02745                         !
02746                      endif
02747                      !
02749                      !
02750                      cosd = cos( s%alfau(i,j+k-1) - s%alfau(i,j+k) )
02751                      sind = sig(k)*sin( s%alfau(i,j+k-1) - s%alfau(i,j+k) )
02753                      dV_face = 0.5d0* ( dV0( i  , j + k - 1) + dV0( i + 1 , j + k - 1 ) )
02754                      if (qy(k) > 0.) then
02755                         !
02756                         faceval_y(k) = dU0( i , j -1 + k ) * cosd + dV_face*sind
02757                         !
02758                      else
02759                         !
02760                         faceval_y(k) = dU0( i , j + k) * cosd + dV_face*sind
02761                         !
02762                      endif
02763                      !
02764                   enddo
02766                   fac = par%dt / s%hum(i,j) * s%dsdnui(i,j)
02768                   s%dU(i,j) = dU0(i,j) + fac *dU0(i,j) * ( qx(1) + qy(1) - qx(0) - qy(0) ) &
02769                   - fac *( qx(1)*faceval_x(1) + qy(1)*faceval_y(1)    &
02770                   - qx(0)*faceval_x(0) - qy(0)*faceval_y(0) )
02771                   !
02772                else
02773                   !
02774                   s%dU(i,j) = 0.0
02775                   !
02776                endif
02777                !
02778             enddo
02779             !
02780          enddo
02782          !
02783          !----------------- Advection dV (FOU) -------------------
02784          !
02785          !  d ( h V dV )   d ( h U dV )
02786          !  ----------   +  ----------
02787          !      dy             dx
02788          !
02789          !
02790          ! Advection according to Stelling & Duinmeijer 2003, momentum conservative (second term in their equation 25)
02791          !
02792          do j=jmin_vv,jmax_vv
02793             !
02794             do i=imin_vv,imax_vv
02795                !
02796                if ( s%wetv( i,j) == 1) then
02797                   !
02798                   ! Calculate transport velocities / face values
02799                   !
02800                   do k = 0,1
02801                      !
02802                      qy(k) = .5 * ( s%qy(i , j- 1 + k    ) + s%qy(i , j     + k  ) ) * s%dsz(i,j+k)
02803                      qx(k) = .5 * ( s%qx(i- 1 + k, j +1  ) + s%qx(i  - 1 + k , j) )  * s%dnc(i+k,j)
02804                      !
02806                      cosd = cos( s%alfav(i+k-1,j) - s%alfav(i+k,j) )
02807                      sind = sig(k)*sin( s%alfav(i+k-1,j) - s%alfav(i+k,j) )
02809                      dU_face = 0.5d0* ( dU0( i - 1 + k , j ) + dU0( i - 1 + k , j +1 ) )
02810                      if (qx(k) > 0.) then
02811                         !
02812                         faceval_x(k) = dV0( i- 1 + k, j   ) * cosd + dU_face * sind
02813                         !
02814                      else
02815                         !
02816                         faceval_x(k) = dV0( i + k, j  ) *cosd + dU_face * sind
02817                         !
02818                      endif
02819                      !
02821                      cosd = cos( s%alfav(i,j+k) - s%alfav(i,j+k-1) )
02822                      sind = sig(k)*sin( s%alfav(i,j+k) - s%alfav(i,j+k-1) )
02823                      !
02824                      dU_face = 0.5d0* ( dU0( i - 1 , j + k ) + dU0( i  , j + k ) )
02825                      if (qy(k) > 0.) then
02826                         !
02827                         faceval_y(k) = dV0( i , j -1 + k ) * cosd+ dU_face * sind
02828                         !
02829                      else
02830                         !
02831                         faceval_y(k) = dV0( i , j + k) * cosd + dU_face * sind
02832                         !
02833                      endif
02834                      !
02835                   enddo
02837                   fac = par%dt / s%hvm(i,j) * s%dsdnvi(i,j)
02839                   s%dV(i,j) = dV0(i,j) + fac *dV0(i,j) * ( qx(1) + qy(1) - qx(0) - qy(0) ) &
02840                   - fac *( qx(1)*faceval_x(1) + qy(1)*faceval_y(1)    &
02841                   - qx(0)*faceval_x(0) - qy(0)*faceval_y(0) )
02842                   !
02843                else
02844                   !
02845                   s%dV(i,j) = 0.0
02846                   !
02847                endif
02848                !
02849             enddo
02850             !
02851          enddo
02852          !
02853       endif
02855       !
02856       ! ------------- Include explicit approximations --------------------
02857       !
02858       if (par%secorder == 1) then
02859          !
02860          ! Use explicit estimate for the nonhydrostatic pressure in U-momentum
02861          !
02862          do j=jmin_uu,jmax_uu
02863             !
02864             do i=imin_uu,imax_uu
02865                !
02866                s%uu(i,j) = s%uu(i,j) + au(1,i,j) * s%pres(i+1,j) + au(0,i,j) * s%pres(i  ,j)
02867                !
02868             enddo
02869             !
02870          enddo
02871          !
02872          ! Use explicit estimate for the nonhydrostatic pressure in V-momentum
02873          !
02874          do j=jmin_vv,jmax_vv
02875             !
02876             do i=imin_vv,imax_vv
02877                !
02878                s%vv(i,j) = s%vv(i,j) + av(1,i,j) * s%pres(i,j+1) + av(0,i,j) * s%pres(i  ,j)
02879                !
02880             enddo
02881             !
02882          enddo
02884          !
02885          ! Use explicit estimate for the nonhydrostatic pressure in dU-momentum
02886          !
02887          if ( par%nhlay > 0.0d0 ) then
02888             !
02889             do j=jmin_uu,jmax_uu
02890                !
02891                do i=imin_uu,imax_uu
02892                   !
02893                   s%dU(i,j) = s%dU(i,j) + adU(1,i,j) * s%pres(i+1,j) + adU(0,i,j) * s%pres(i  ,j)
02894                   !
02895                enddo
02896                !
02897             enddo
02898             !
02899             ! Use explicit estimate for the nonhydrostatic pressure in dV-momentum
02900             !
02901             do j=jmin_vv,jmax_vv
02902                !
02903                do i=imin_vv,imax_vv
02904                   !
02905                   s%dV(i,j) = s%dV(i,j) + adV(1,i,j) * s%pres(i,j+1) + adV(0,i,j) * s%pres(i  ,j)
02906                   !
02907                enddo
02908                !
02909             enddo
02910             !
02911          endif
02912          !
02913          !
02914          ! Use explicit estimate for the nonhydrostatic pressure in Wm-momentum
02915          !
02916          do j=jmin_zs,jmax_zs
02917             !
02918             do i=imin_zs,imax_zs
02919                !
02920                Wm(i,j) = Wm(i,j)   + aws(1,i,j) *  s%pres(i,j)
02921                !
02922             enddo
02923             !
02924          enddo
02925          !
02927 #ifdef USEMPI
02928          !
02929          call xmpi_shift_ee(Wm)
02930 #endif
02931          !
02932          call flow_secondorder_advW(s,par,Wm,Wm_old, nonhZ)
02934 #ifdef USEMPI
02935          call xmpi_shift_ee(Wm)
02936 #endif
02937          !
02938       endif
02940       !
02941       if (par%nhlay > 0.) then
02942          !
02943          !
02944          !
02945          !
02946          !----------------- Bottom stress, internal stresses and vertical advection -------------------
02947          !
02948          ! Integration of bottom stress and internal stress terms occurs implicity to ensure that they
02949          ! do not introduce any additional stability concerns.
02950          !
02951          ! Moreover, the vertical exchange of momentum due to advection between the
02952          ! layers also influences dU (but not U), so we have
02953          !
02954          ! the equation reads dU - dU*
02955          !                    -------- =  dU ( fric + stress )  + s%uu * fric - omega * U_face
02956          !                       dt
02957          ! To ensure that the system is solvable, we approximate U_face by it's upwind value.
02958          !
02959          do j=jmin_uu,jmax_uu  ! Robert: was do j=2,s%ny-1
02960             !
02961             do i=imin_uu,imax_uu
02962                !
02963                if ( s%wetu(i,j) == 1 .and. wcoef(i,j) > 0.0d0 ) then
02964                   !
02965                   !
02966                   ! Bottom friction
02967                   !
02968                   ub = uu0(i,j) + (1.- wcoef(i,j)) * s%dU(i,j)
02969                   vb = s%vu(i,j) + .25 * (1.- wcoef(i,j)) * (  dV0(i,j) + dV0(i+1,j) + dV0(i,j-1) + dV0(i+1,j-1) )
02970                   umag = sqrt( ub**2 + vb**2 )
02971                   fric   = par%dt * s%cfu(i,j) * umag / s%hu(i,j)
02973                   !
02974                   ! Internal stresses
02975                   !
02976                   ve     = 0.0001 !Vertical eddy viscocity
02977                   stress = 2.* par%dt * ve / ( s%hum(i,j)**2 * (par%nhlay - par%nhlay**2) )
02979                   !
02980                   ! Vertical advection
02981                   !
02982                   advec = .5d0 * ( omega(i,j) + omega(i+1,j) ) * par%dt / s%hum(i,j)
02984                   !
02985                   ! Built rhs/diagonal
02986                   !
02987                   fac   = 0.5d0*( wcoef(i,j) + wcoef(i+1,j) )
02988                   rhs  = s%dU(i,j) - uu0(i,j) * ( fric + advec )
02990                   Amat = 1.0d0 +  (1.0d0-fac) * fric + stress &
02991                   + (1.0d0 - fac) * max( advec , 0. ) &
02992                   - fac           * min( advec , 0. )
02994                   !
02995                   ! "Solve" system
02996                   !
02997                   s%dU(i,j) = rhs / Amat
02998                   !
02999                endif
03000                !
03001             enddo
03002             !
03003          enddo
03004          !
03006          !
03007          do j=jmin_vv,jmax_vv
03008             !
03009             do i=imin_vv,imax_vv
03010                !
03011                ! Velocity in the lower layer at u-point
03012                !
03013                if (s%wetv(i,j) == 1 .and. wcoef(i,j) > 0.0d0 ) then
03014                   !
03015                   ! Bottom friction
03016                   !
03017                   vb = vv0(i,j) + (1.- wcoef(i,j)) * s%dV(i,j)
03018                   ub = s%uv(i,j) + .25 * (1.- wcoef(i,j)) * (  dU0(i,j) + dU0(i,j+1) + dU0(i-1,j) + dU0(i-1,j+1) )
03019                   umag = sqrt( ub**2 + vb**2 )
03020                   fric   = par%dt * s%cfu(i,j) * umag / s%hv(i,j)
03022                   !
03023                   ! Internal stresses
03024                   !
03025                   ve     = 0.0001 !Vertical eddy viscocity
03026                   stress = 2.* par%dt * ve / ( s%hvm(i,j)**2 * (par%nhlay - par%nhlay**2) )
03028                   !
03029                   ! Vertical advection
03030                   !
03031                   advec = .5d0 * ( omega(i,j) + omega(i,j+1) ) * par%dt / s%hvm(i,j)
03033                   !
03034                   ! Built rhs/diagonal
03035                   !
03036                   fac   = 0.5d0*( wcoef(i,j) + wcoef(i+1,j) )
03037                   rhs  = s%dV(i,j) - vv0(i,j) * ( fric + advec )
03039                   Amat = 1.0d0 +  (1.0d0-fac) * fric + stress &
03040                   + (1.0d0 - fac) * max( advec , 0. ) &
03041                   - fac           * min( advec , 0. )
03043                   !
03044                   ! "Solve" system
03045                   !
03046                   s%dV(i,j) = rhs / Amat
03047                   !
03048                endif
03049                !
03050             enddo
03051             !
03052          enddo
03053          !
03054       endif
03056 #ifdef USEMPI
03057       !ARRAYS DU and DV need to be communicated
03058       call xmpi_shift_ee(s%dU)
03059       call xmpi_shift_ee(s%dV)
03060 #endif
03061       !
03062    end subroutine nonh_2lay_pred_3d
03064    subroutine nonh_break( s , par )
03065       !--------------------------        PURPOSE         ----------------------------
03066       !
03067       ! Include the pressure explicitly in the predictor step
03068       !
03069       !--------------------------     DEPENDENCIES       ----------------------------
03070       use spaceparams
03071       use params
03072       use flow_secondorder_module
03073       use xmpi_module
03074       !--------------------------     ARGUMENTS          ----------------------------
03076       type(spacepars) ,intent(inout)                       :: s
03077       type(parameters),intent(in)                          :: par
03079       !--------------------------     LOCAL VARIABLES    ----------------------------
03081       !Indices
03082       integer(kind=iKind)                     :: i,ie
03083       integer(kind=iKind)                     :: j,js
03084       integer(kind=iKind)                     :: jmin,jmax,ineighbour
03085       real(kind=rKind)                        :: wmax,dzdt
03088       if (s%ny>0) then
03089          jmin = 2
03090          jmax = s%ny
03091       else
03092          jmin = 1
03093          jmax = 1
03094       endif
03096       !
03097       ! Determine if a velocity point will be included in the nonh pressure matrix, do not include if:
03098       !
03099       ! (1)  The point is dry
03100       ! (2)  The relative wave length kd of the smallest possible wave (L=2dx) is smaller than kdmin
03101       ! (3)  The interpolated waterlevel zs is below the bottom (steep cliffs with overwash situations)
03102       ! (4)  Where Miche breaker criterium applies -> bores are hydrostatic
03103       !            max steepness = H/L = maxbrsteep
03104       !            dz/dx = maxbrsteep
03105       !            dz/dx = dz/dt/c = w/c = w/sqrt(gh)
03106       !            wmax = maxbrsteep*sqrt(gh)
03108       !
03109       do j=1,s%ny+1
03110          !
03111          do i=1,s%nx+1
03112             !
03113             ie = min(s%nx,i+1)
03114             !
03115             if (  (s%wetU(i,j)==1 ) .and. ( 0.5_rKind*( s%zs(i,j) + s%zs(ie,j) ) > zbu(i,j) ) ) then
03116                !
03117                nonhU(i,j) = 1
03118                !
03119             else
03120                !
03121                nonhU(i,j) = 0
03122                !
03123             endif
03124             !
03125          enddo
03126          !
03127       enddo
03129       !
03130       if (s%ny>2) then
03131          !
03132          do j=1,s%ny+1
03133             !
03134             js = min(s%ny,j+1)
03135             !
03136             do i=1,s%nx+1
03137                !
03138                if (  (s%wetV(i,j)==1 ) .and. (0.5_rKind*(s%zs(i,j) + s%zs(i,js)) > zbv(i,j) ) ) then
03139                   !
03140                   nonhV(i,j) = 1
03141                   !
03142                else
03143                   !
03144                   nonhV(i,j) = 0
03145                   !
03146                endif
03147                !
03148             enddo
03149             !
03150          enddo
03151          !
03152       else
03153          !
03154          nonhV = 0
03155          !
03156       endif
03157       !
03158       ! Determine if a velocity point will be included in the nonh pressure matrix, include if
03159       ! any of the surrounding velocity points is included.
03160       !
03162       !
03163       do j=jmin_zs,jmax_zs
03164          !
03165          js = max( j-1 , 1 )
03166          !
03167          do i=imin_zs,imax_zs
03168             !
03169             if (max( nonhV(i,j) , nonhV(i,js) ,nonhU(i,j), nonhU(i-1,j)) > 0) then
03170                !
03171                nonhZ(i,j) = 1
03172                !
03173             else
03174                !
03175                nonhZ(i,j) = 0
03176                !
03177             endif
03178             !
03179          enddo
03180          !
03181       enddo
03182       !
03184       if (par%nhbreaker == 1) then
03185          !
03186          ! Breaking is active
03187          !
03188          do j = jmin_zs,jmax_zs
03189             !
03190             js = max( j-1 , 1 )
03191             !
03192             do i =imin_zs,imax_zs
03193                !
03194                dzdt = - ( s%uu(i,j) * s%hu(i,j) - s%uu(i-1,j) * s%hu(i-1,j) ) / s%dsz(i,j)
03195                !
03196                ineighbour = 0
03197                if ( s%breaking(i-1,j)==1 .or. s%breaking(i+1,j) == 1 ) then
03198                   !
03199                   ineighbour = 1
03200                   !
03201                endif
03203                if ( s%ny > 1 ) then
03204                   !
03205                   dzdt = dzdt - ( s%vv(i,j) * s%hv(i,j) - s%vv(i,j-1) * s%hv(i,j-1) ) / s%dnz(i,j)
03207                   if ( s%breaking(i,j-1) == 1 .or. s%breaking(i,j+1) == 1 ) then
03208                      !
03209                      ineighbour = 1
03210                      !
03211                   endif
03212                   !
03213                endif
03214                !
03218                wmax =  sqrt(par%g*s%hh(i,j))
03220                if ( s%breaking(i,j) == 0 ) then
03221                   !
03222                   if ( dzdt > par%maxbrsteep*wmax ) then
03223                      !
03224                      s%breaking(i,j) = 2
03225                      !
03226                   elseif (dzdt > par%reformsteep*wmax .and. ineighbour == 1) then
03227                      !
03228                      s%breaking(i,j) = 2
03229                      !
03230                   endif
03231                   !
03232                elseif ( s%breaking(i,j) == 1 ) then
03233                   !
03234                   if ( dzdt < 0.0d0 ) then
03235                      !
03236                      s%breaking(i,j) = -1
03237                      !
03238                   endif
03239                   !
03240                endif
03241                !
03242             enddo
03243             !
03244          enddo
03246          where (s%breaking==2)
03247             s%breaking = 1
03248          endwhere
03250          where (s%breaking==-1)
03251             s%breaking = 0
03252          endwhere
03253 #ifdef USEMPI
03254       !ARRAYS communication
03255       call xmpi_shift_ee(s%breaking)
03256 #endif
03257          ! turn off non-hydrostatic pressure correction in areas with breaking and increase viscosity
03258          where (s%breaking/=0)
03259             nonhZ = 0
03260             s%pres = 0
03261          endwhere
03262          !
03263       endif
03264       !
03265    end subroutine nonh_break
03267    !
03268    !==============================================================================
03269    subroutine nonh_init_wcoef(s,par)
03270       !==============================================================================
03271       !
03273       ! DATE               AUTHOR               CHANGES
03274       !
03275       ! March 2013         Robert McCall        Move computation of wcoef to own function so callable separately
03277       !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
03278       !                             DECLARATIONS
03279       !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
03281       !--------------------------        PURPOSE         ----------------------------
03283       !  Recompute wcoef optimisation
03285       !--------------------------     DEPENDENCIES       ----------------------------
03286       use spaceparams
03287       use params,                only: parameters
03288       use wave_functions_module, only: dispersion
03290       !--------------------------     ARGUMENTS          ----------------------------
03292       type(spacepars) ,intent(in)                          :: s
03293       type(parameters),intent(in)                          :: par
03295       !--------------------------     LOCAL VARIABLES    ----------------------------
03297       integer(kind=iKind)        :: i,j
03298       real   (kind=rKind)        :: d,sigma,k
03301       !
03302       !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
03303       !                             IMPLEMENTATION
03304       !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
03305       !
03307       if (allocated(wcoef)) then
03308          if ( par%nonhq3d == 1 ) then
03309             wcoef = par%nhlay
03310          else
03311             sigma = 2.0_rkind*par%px/par%Topt
03312             if (par%dispc <= 0.0_rKind) then
03313                !Calculate the optimum value of the dispersion coeficiant.
03314                do j=1,s%ny+1
03315                   do i=1,s%nx+1
03316                      d = max(s%zs0(i,j)-s%zb(i,j),par%eps)
03317                      k = disper(sigma,d,par%g,2.0_rKind*par%px,0.0001_rKind)
03318                      if (d>0.0_rKind) then
03319                         wcoef(i,j) = 1.0_rKind / (  4.0_rKind*par%g / (d*sigma**2) - 4.0_rKind / ((k*d)**2)  )
03320                      else
03321                         wcoef(i,j) = 1.d0
03322                      endif
03323                   enddo
03324                enddo
03325             else
03326                wcoef = par%dispc
03327             endif
03328          endif
03329       endif
03332    end subroutine nonh_init_wcoef
03333    !
03338    subroutine zuzv(s)
03339       !==============================================================================
03340       !
03342       ! DATE               AUTHOR               CHANGES
03343       !
03344       ! November 2010       Pieter Bart Smit     New Subroutine
03347       !------------------------------------------------------------------------------
03348       !                             DECLARATIONS
03349       !------------------------------------------------------------------------------
03351       !--------------------------        PURPOSE         ----------------------------
03352       !
03353       !   Interpolate bottom and free surface location to u/v points
03354       !
03355       !--------------------------     DEPENDENCIES       ----------------------------
03356       use spaceparams
03357       use xmpi_module
03358       !--------------------------     ARGUMENTS          ----------------------------
03360       type(spacepars) ,intent(inout)                       :: s
03361       !--------------------------     LOCAL VARIABLES    ----------------------------
03363       integer(kind=iKind)                                  :: i
03364       integer(kind=iKind)                                  :: j
03366       !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
03367       !                             IMPLEMENTATION
03368       !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
03369       !Bottom location in U point
03370       do j=1,s%ny+1
03371          do i=1,s%nx
03372             zbu(i,j) = max(s%zb(i,j),s%zb(min(s%nx,i)+1,j))
03373          enddo
03374       enddo
03375 #ifdef USEMPI
03376       if (xmpi_isbot) then
03377          zbu(s%nx+1,:) = s%zb(s%nx+1,:)
03378       endif
03379 #else
03380       zbu(s%nx+1,:) = s%zb(s%nx+1,:)
03381 #endif
03382       !Bottom location in V point
03383       if (s%ny>2) then
03384          do j=1,s%ny
03385             do i=1,s%nx+1
03386                zbv(i,j) = max(s%zb(i,j),s%zb(i,min(s%ny,j)+1))
03387             enddo
03388          enddo
03389          zbv(:,s%ny+1) = s%zb(:,s%ny+1)
03390       else
03391          zbv = s%zb
03392       endif
03394       !Free surface location in u-point
03395       do j=1,s%ny+1
03396          do i=1,s%nx
03397             !
03398             zsu(i,j) = s%hu(i,j) + zbu(i,j)
03399             !
03400          enddo
03401       enddo
03403       !Free surface location in v-point
03404       if (s%ny>2) then
03405          do j=1,s%ny
03406             do i=1,s%nx+1
03407                zsv(i,j) = s%hv(i,j) + zbv(i,j)
03408             enddo
03409          enddo
03410       else
03411          do j=1,s%ny+1
03412             zsv(:,j) = s%zs(:,min(2,s%ny+1))
03413          enddo
03414       endif
03415       !
03416    end subroutine zuzv
03418    !
03419    !==============================================================================
03420    real(kind=rKind) function disper(w,d,g,pi2,accuracy)
03421       !==============================================================================
03422       !
03425       !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
03426       !                             DECLARATIONS
03427       !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
03429       !--------------------------        PURPOSE         ----------------------------
03431       !  Calculate k for a given intrinsic frequency w and depth d. First use the fenton
03432       !  approximation and then iterate for better accuracy (when necessary)
03435       !--------------------------     ARGUMENTS          ----------------------------
03437       real(kind=rKind),intent(in) :: w
03438       real(kind=rKind),intent(in) :: d
03439       real(kind=rKind),intent(in) :: g
03440       real(kind=rKind),intent(in) :: pi2
03441       real(kind=rKind),intent(in) :: accuracy
03443       !--------------------------     LOCAL VARIABLES    ----------------------------
03445       real(kind=rKind) :: k
03446       real(kind=rKind) :: alpha
03447       real(kind=rKind) :: L,Ldeep,pi2d,w2
03448       real(kind=rKind) :: error
03450       !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
03451       !                             IMPLEMENTATION
03452       !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
03453       w2    = w**2
03454       alpha = d*w2/g
03455       k     = alpha*(1.0_rKind/sqrt(tanh(alpha)))/d
03456       L    = pi2/k
03457       Ldeep = g*pi2/(w2)
03458       pi2d     = pi2*d
03460       error = abs(g*k*tanh(k*d)-w2)/w2
03461       do while (error > accuracy)
03462          L    = Ldeep*tanh(pi2d/L)
03463          k     = pi2/L
03464          error = abs(g*k*tanh(k*d)-w2)/w2
03465       enddo
03467       disper = k
03468    end function disper
03471 end module nonh_module
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