Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 module morphevolution
00002    implicit none
00003    save
00005 #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
00006 #include "config.h"
00007 #endif
00008 contains
00009    subroutine transus(s,par)
00010       !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
00011       ! Copyright (C) 2007 UNESCO-IHE, WL|Delft Hydraulics and Delft University !
00012       ! Dano Roelvink, Ap van Dongeren, Ad Reniers, Jamie Lescinski,            !
00013       ! Jaap van Thiel de Vries, Robert McCall                                  !
00014       !                                                                         !
00015       ! d.roelvink@unesco-ihe.org                                               !
00016       ! UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education                                !
00017       ! P.O. Box 3015                                                           !
00018       ! 2601 DA Delft                                                           !
00019       ! The Netherlands                                                         !
00020       !                                                                         !
00021       ! This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or           !
00022       ! modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public              !
00023       ! License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either            !
00024       ! version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.      !
00025       !                                                                         !
00026       ! This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,         !
00027       ! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of          !
00029       ! Lesser General Public License for more details.                         !
00030       !                                                                         !
00031       ! You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public        !
00032       ! License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software     !
00033       ! Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307     !
00034       ! USA                                                                     !
00035       !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
00036       use params
00037       use spaceparams
00038       use xmpi_module
00039       use interp
00040       use paramsconst
00041       ! use vsmumod
00043       implicit none
00045       type(spacepars),target                   :: s
00046       type(parameters)                         :: par
00048       integer                                  :: i,isig
00049       integer                                  :: j,jg
00050       real*8                                   :: exp_ero
00052       real*8,dimension(:),allocatable,save     :: chain,cumchain
00053       real*8,dimension(:,:),allocatable,save   :: vmag2,uau,uav,um,vm,ueu_sed,uev_sed,veu_sed,vev_sed
00054       real*8,dimension(:,:),allocatable,save   :: ccvt,dcdz,dsigt,aref
00055       real*8,dimension(:,:),allocatable,save   :: cc,ccb,cu,cv,Sus,Svs
00056       real*8,dimension(:,:),allocatable,save   :: cub,cvb,Sub,Svb,pbbedu,pbbedv
00057       real*8,dimension(:,:),allocatable,save   :: suq3d,svq3d,eswmax,eswbed,sigs,deltas
00058       real*8,dimension(:,:,:),allocatable,save :: dsig,ccv,sdif,cuq3d,cvq3d,fac
00059       logical,dimension(:,:),allocatable,save  :: bermslopeindexbed,bermslopeindexsus,bermslopeindex
00061       real*8,dimension(:,:),allocatable,save   :: sinthm,costhm
00063       real*8                                   :: delta,delta_x,shields,ftheta,psi_x,Sbtot ! Lodewijk: for direction of sediment transport (bed slope effect)
00064       real*8                                   :: Ssmtot, dzbds,  Sbmtot ! Lodewijk: for magnitude of sediment transport (bed slope effect)
00066       !include 's.ind'
00067       !include 's.inp'
00069       if (.not. allocated(vmag2)) then
00070          allocate(vmag2 (s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
00071          allocate(uau (s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
00072          allocate(uav (s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
00073          allocate(ueu_sed (s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
00074          allocate(uev_sed (s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
00075          allocate(veu_sed (s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
00076          allocate(vev_sed (s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
00077          allocate(cu  (s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
00078          allocate(cv  (s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
00079          allocate(cc  (s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
00080          allocate(ccb (s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
00081          allocate(fac (s%nx+1,s%ny+1,par%ngd))
00082          allocate(Sus (s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
00083          allocate(Svs (s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
00084          allocate(cub (s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
00085          allocate(cvb (s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
00086          allocate(Sub (s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
00087          allocate(Svb (s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
00088          allocate(pbbedu (s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
00089          allocate(pbbedv (s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
00090          allocate(ccvt (s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
00091          allocate(dcdz (s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
00092          allocate(dsigt (s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
00093          allocate(dsig(s%nx+1,s%ny+1,par%kmax))
00094          allocate(ccv(s%nx+1,s%ny+1,par%kmax))
00095          allocate(sdif(s%nx+1,s%ny+1,par%kmax))
00096          allocate(um (s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
00097          allocate(vm (s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
00098          allocate(deltas(s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
00099          allocate(sigs(s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
00100          allocate(eswmax(s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
00101          allocate(eswbed(s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
00102          allocate(suq3d(s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
00103          allocate(svq3d(s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
00104          allocate(cuq3d(s%nx+1,s%ny+1,par%kmax))
00105          allocate(cvq3d(s%nx+1,s%ny+1,par%kmax))
00106          allocate(aref(s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
00107          allocate(chain(par%kmax))
00108          allocate(cumchain(par%kmax))
00109          allocate (sinthm(s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
00110          allocate (costhm(s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
00111          allocate(bermslopeindexbed(s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
00112          allocate(bermslopeindexsus(s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
00113          allocate(bermslopeindex(s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
00115          delta_x   = 0.d0 ! Lodewijk
00116          shields   = 0.d0 ! Lodewijk
00117          ftheta    = 0.d0 ! Lodewijk
00118          psi_x     = 0.d0 ! Lodewijk
00119          Sbtot     = 0.d0 ! Lodewijk
00120          delta     = 0.d0 ! Lodewijk
00121          uau       = 0.d0
00122          uav       = 0.d0
00123          um        = 0.d0
00124          vm        = 0.d0
00125          chain     = 0.0d0
00126          cumchain  = 0.0d0
00127          fac       = 1.d0
00128          exp_ero   = 0.d0
00129          ! generate sigma grid shape...
00130          do isig=2,par%kmax
00131             chain(isig) = par%sigfac**(isig-1)
00132             cumchain(isig) = cumchain(isig-1)+chain(isig)
00133          enddo
00134          bermslopeindex = .false. ! turned off unless needed
00135          bermslopeindexbed = .false.
00136          bermslopeindexsus = .false.
00137       endif
00139       ! use eulerian velocities
00140       vmag2     = s%ue**2+s%ve**2
00141       cu        = 0.0d0
00142       cv        = 0.0d0
00143       cub       = 0.0d0
00144       cvb       = 0.0d0
00145       s%dcsdx     = 0.0d0
00146       s%dcsdy     = 0.0d0
00148       sinthm = sin(s%thetamean-s%alfaz)
00149       costhm = cos(s%thetamean-s%alfaz)
00151       ! short wave runup
00152       if (par%swrunup==1 .and. par%struct==1) then
00153          call hybrid(s,par)
00154       endif
00156       ! compute turbulence due to wave breaking
00157       if (par%lwt==1 .or. par%turb == TURB_BORE_AVERAGED .or. par%turb == TURB_WAVE_AVERAGED) then
00158          call waveturb(s,par)
00159       endif
00161       if (par%swave==1) then
00162          ! include wave skewness and assymetry in sediment advection velocity
00163          if (par%waveform==WAVEFORM_RUESSINK_VANRIJN)then
00164             call RvR(s,par)
00165          elseif (par%waveform==WAVEFORM_VANTHIEL) then
00166             call vT(s,par)
00167          endif
00169       endif
00171       ! calculate equilibrium concentration/sediment source
00172       select case (par%form)
00174          ! Soulsby van Rijn and Van Thiel de Vries & Reniers 2008 formulations
00175          call sedtransform(s,par)
00176        case (FORM_NIELSEN2006)
00177          call Nielsen2006(s,par)
00178          if (par%bulk==0) then
00179             return
00180          endif
00181        case (FORM_MCCALL_VANRIJN)
00182          call mccall_vanrijn(s,par)
00183          if (par%bulk==0) then
00184             return
00185          endif
00186       end select
00188       ! compute reduction factor for sediment sources due to presence of hard layers
00189       do jg = 1,par%ngd
00190          do j=1,s%ny+1
00191             do i=1,s%nx+1
00192                exp_ero = par%morfac*par%dt/(1.d0-par%por)*s%hh(i,j)*(s%ceqsg(i,j,jg)*s%pbbed(i,j,1,jg)/s%Tsg(i,j,jg) &
00193                + s%ceqbg(i,j,jg)*s%pbbed(i,j,1,jg)/par%dt)
00194                ! limit erosion to available sediment on top of hard layer wwvv changed tiny into epsilon
00195                fac(i,j,jg) = min(1.d0,s%structdepth(i,j)*s%pbbed(i,j,1,jg)/max(epsilon(0.d0),exp_ero) )
00196                !if (fac(i,j,jg)*exp_ero > dzbed(i,j,1)*pbbed(i,j,1,jg)) then
00197                !   limit erosion to available sand in top layer
00198                !   fac(i,j,jg) = min(fac(i,j,jg),dzbed(i,j,1)*pbbed(i,j,1,jg)/max(tiny(0.d0),exp_ero) )
00199                !   write(*,*)'WARNING: expected erosion from top layer is larger than available sand in top layer'
00200                !endif
00201             enddo
00202          enddo
00203       enddo
00205       ! compute diffusion coefficient
00206       s%Dc = par%facDc*s%nuh 
00207       !Robert: removed this which is not grid-independent s%Dc = (par%nuh+par%nuhfac*s%hh*(s%DR/par%rho)**(1.d0/3.d0))
00209       do jg = 1,par%ngd
00210          cc = s%ccg(:,:,jg)
00211          if (s%D50(jg)>0.002d0) then
00212             ! RJ: set ceqsg to zero for gravel.
00213             ! Dano: try without this fix cc = 0.d0 ! Can be used to test total transport mode
00214          endif
00215          !
00216          ! X-direction
00217          !
00218          ! Get ua in u points and split out in u and v direction
00219          uau(1:s%nx,:) = 0.5*(s%ua(1:s%nx,:)*costhm(1:s%nx,:)+s%ua(2:s%nx+1,:)*costhm(1:s%nx,:))
00220          uav(1:s%nx,:) = 0.5*(s%ua(1:s%nx,:)*sinthm(1:s%nx,:)+s%ua(2:s%nx+1,:)*sinthm(1:s%nx,:))
00221          if (par%nz>1) then
00222             ueu_sed(1:s%nx,:) = 0.5*(s%ue_sed(1:s%nx,:)+s%ue_sed(2:s%nx+1,:))
00223          else
00224             ueu_sed=s%ueu
00225          endif
00226          veu_sed(1:s%nx,:) = 0.5*(s%ve_sed(1:s%nx,:)+s%ve_sed(2:s%nx+1,:))
00227          if (xmpi_isbot) then
00228             veu_sed(s%nx+1,:) = veu_sed(s%nx,:)
00229          endif
00231          ! Compute vmagu including ua
00232          !         s%vmagu = sqrt((s%uu+uau)**2+(s%vu+uav)**2)
00233          s%vmagu = sqrt((ueu_sed+uau)**2+(veu_sed+uav)**2)
00234          ! sediment advection velocity for suspended load and bed load respectively
00235          ! REMARK: when vreps does not equal vv; no mass conservation
00236          !         s%ureps = s%ueu+uau
00237          !         s%urepb = s%ueu+uau  ! RJ maybe reduce this velocity?
00238          s%ureps = ueu_sed+uau
00239          s%urepb = ueu_sed+uau
00240          !
00241          do j=1,s%ny+1
00242             do i=1,s%nx
00243                if(s%ureps(i,j)>0.d0) then
00244                   ! test cu(i,j)=cc(i,j)
00245                   cu(i,j)=par%thetanum*cc(i,j)+(1.d0-par%thetanum)*cc(min(i+1,s%nx),j)
00246                   cub(i,j)=par%thetanum*s%pbbed(i,j,1,jg)*s%ceqbg(i,j,jg)+(1.d0-par%thetanum)&
00247                   *s%pbbed(min(i+1,s%nx),j,1,jg)*s%ceqbg(min(i+1,s%nx),j,jg)
00248                   !cub(i,j)=par%thetanum*ccb(i,j)+(1.d0-par%thetanum)*ccb(min(i+1,nx),j)
00249                elseif(s%ureps(i,j)<0.d0) then
00250                   cu(i,j)=par%thetanum*cc(i+1,j)+(1.d0-par%thetanum)*cc(max(i,2),j)
00251                   cub(i,j)=par%thetanum*s%pbbed(i+1,j,1,jg)*s%ceqbg(i+1,j,jg)+(1.d0-par%thetanum)&
00252                   *s%pbbed(max(i,2),j,1,jg)*s%ceqbg(max(i,2),j,jg)
00253                   !cub(i,j)=par%thetanum*ccb(i+1,j)+(1.d0-par%thetanum)*ccb(max(i,2),j)
00254                else
00255                   cu(i,j)=0.5d0*(cc(i,j)+cc(i+1,j))
00256                   cub(i,j)=0.5d0*(s%pbbed(i,j,1,jg)*s%ceqbg(i,j,jg)+s%pbbed(i+1,j,1,jg)*s%ceqbg(i+1,j,jg))
00257                   !cub(i,j)=0.5d0*(ccb(i,j)+ccb(i+1,j))
00258                endif
00259                s%dcsdx(i,j)=(cc(i+1,j)-cc(i,j))/s%dsu(i,j)
00260             enddo
00261          enddo
00262          ! wwvv dcdx(nx:1,:) is still untouched, correct this ofr the parallel case
00263          cu(s%nx+1,:) = cc(s%nx+1,:) !Robert
00264          ! wwvv fix this in parallel case
00265          ! wwvv in parallel version, there will be a discrepancy between the values
00266          ! of dzbdx(nx+1,:).
00267          !wwvv so fix that
00268          !
00269          Sus = 0.d0
00270          Sub = 0.d0
00271          !
00272          ! suspended load, Lodewijk: no bed slope effect (yet)
00273          Sus=par%sus*(cu*s%ureps*s%hu-s%Dc*s%hu*s%dcsdx)*s%wetu
00274          ! bed load, Lodewijk: no bed slope effect (yet)
00275          Sub=par%bed*(cub*s%urepb*s%hu)*s%wetu
00276          !
00277          !
00278          ! Y-direction
00279          !
00280          ! Jaap: get ua in v points and split out in u and v direction
00281          if (s%ny>0) then
00282             uau(:,1:s%ny) = 0.5*(s%ua(:,1:s%ny)*costhm(:,1:s%ny)+s%ua(:,2:s%ny+1)*costhm(:,1:s%ny))
00283             uav(:,1:s%ny) = 0.5*(s%ua(:,1:s%ny)*sinthm(:,1:s%ny)+s%ua(:,2:s%ny+1)*sinthm(:,1:s%ny))
00284             uau(:,s%ny+1) = uau(:,s%ny) ! Jaap
00285             uav(:,s%ny+1) = uav(:,s%ny) ! Jaap
00286             if (par%nz>1) then
00287                vev_sed(:,1:s%ny) = 0.5*(s%ve_sed(:,1:s%ny)+s%ve_sed(:,2:s%ny+1))
00288             else
00289                vev_sed=s%vev
00290             endif
00291             uev_sed(:,1:s%ny) = 0.5*(s%ue_sed(:,1:s%ny)+s%ue_sed(:,2:s%ny+1))
00292             if (xmpi_isright) then
00293                uev_sed(:,1:s%ny+1) = uev_sed(:,1:s%ny)
00294             endif
00295          else
00296             uau=s%ua*costhm
00297             uav=s%ua*sinthm
00298             uev_sed=s%ue_sed
00299             vev_sed=s%ve_sed
00300          endif
00301          ! Jaap: compute vmagv including ua
00302          !         s%vmagv = sqrt((s%uv+uau)**2+(s%vv+uav)**2)
00303          s%vmagv = sqrt((uev_sed+uau)**2+(vev_sed+uav)**2)
00304          ! sediment advection velocity for suspended load and bed load respectively
00305          ! REMARK: when vreps does not equal vv; no mass conservation
00306          !         s%vreps = s%vev+uav
00307          !         s%vrepb = s%vev+uav   ! RJ maybe reduce this velocity? Should be s%vv instead of s%vev?
00308          s%vreps = vev_sed+uav
00309          s%vrepb = vev_sed+uav   ! RJ maybe reduce this velocity? Should be s%vv instead of s%vev?
00310          !
00311          if (s%ny>0) then
00312             do j=1,s%ny
00313                do i=1,s%nx+1
00314                   if(s%vreps(i,j)>0) then
00315                      cv(i,j)=par%thetanum*cc(i,j)+(1.d0-par%thetanum)*cc(i,min(j+1,s%ny))
00316                      cvb(i,j)=par%thetanum*s%pbbed(i,j,1,jg)*s%ceqbg(i,j,jg)+(1.d0-par%thetanum)&
00317                      *s%pbbed(i,min(j+1,s%ny),1,jg)*s%ceqbg(i,min(j+1,s%ny),jg)
00318                      !cvb(i,j)=par%thetanum*ccb(i,j)+(1.d0-par%thetanum)*ccb(i,min(j+1,ny))
00319                   elseif(s%vreps(i,j)<0) then
00320                      cv(i,j)=par%thetanum*cc(i,j+1)+(1.d0-par%thetanum)*cc(i,max(j,2))
00321                      cvb(i,j)=par%thetanum*s%pbbed(i,j+1,1,jg)*s%ceqbg(i,j+1,jg)+(1.d0-par%thetanum)&
00322                      *s%pbbed(i,max(j,2),1,jg)*s%ceqbg(i,max(j,2),jg)
00323                      !cvb(i,j)=par%thetanum*ccb(i,j+1)+(1.d0-par%thetanum)*ccb(i,max(j,2))
00324                   else
00325                      cv(i,j)=0.5d0*(cc(i,j)+cc(i,j+1)) !Jaap: cc instead of cv
00326                      cvb(i,j)=0.5d0*(s%pbbed(i,j,1,jg)*s%ceqbg(i,j,jg)+s%pbbed(i,j+1,1,jg)*s%ceqbg(i,j+1,jg))
00327                      !cvb(i,j)=0.5d0*(ccb(i,j)+ccb(i,j+1))
00328                   end if
00329                   s%dcsdy(i,j)=(cc(i,j+1)-cc(i,j))/s%dnv(i,j) !Jaap
00331                end do
00332             end do
00333             ! wwvv dcdy(:,ny+1) is not filled in, so in parallel case:
00334             cv(:,s%ny+1) = cc(:,s%ny+1) !Robert
00335             ! wwvv in parallel version, there will be a discrepancy between the values
00336             ! of dzbdy(:,ny+1).
00337             ! wwvv so fix that
00338          else
00339             cv = cc
00340             cvb = s%ceqbg(:,:,jg)
00341          endif ! s%ny>0
00342          !
00343          ! Compute sedimnent transport in v-direction
00344          !
00345          Svs = 0.d0
00346          Svb = 0.d0
00347          ! Suspended load
00348          Svs=par%sus*(cv*s%vreps*s%hv-s%Dc*s%hv*s%dcsdy)*s%wetv
00349          ! Bed load
00350          Svb=par%bed*(cvb*s%vrepb*s%hv)*s%wetv
00351          !
00352          !
00353          ! Bed slope effects and bermslope model
00354          !
00355          ! Where bermslope model should run
00356          if (par%bermslopetransport==1) then ! only update from false if bermslope model is used
00357             if (par%wavemodel == WAVEMODEL_SURFBEAT) then
00358                where (s%H/s%hu>par%bermslopegamma .or. s%hu<par%bermslopedepth)
00359                   bermslopeindex = .true.
00360                elsewhere
00361                   bermslopeindex = .false.
00362                endwhere
00363             else
00364                where (s%hu<par%bermslopedepth)
00365                   bermslopeindex = .true.
00366                elsewhere
00367                   bermslopeindex = .false.
00368                endwhere
00369             endif
00370             if(par%bermslopebed==1) then  ! only update from false if used
00371                bermslopeindexbed = bermslopeindex
00372             endif
00373             if(par%bermslopesus==1) then  ! only update from false if used
00374                bermslopeindexsus = bermslopeindex
00375             endif
00376          endif
00377          !
00378          !
00379          ! Do bermslope transports in bermslope locations [separated from previous to reduce block size]
00380          where(bermslopeindexbed)
00381             Sub = Sub-par%bed*(par%bermslopefac*cub*s%vmagu*s%hu*(s%dzbdx-par%bermslope))*s%wetu
00382          endwhere
00383          where(bermslopeindexsus)
00384             Sus = Sus-par%sus*(par%bermslopefac* cu*s%vmagu*s%hu*(s%dzbdx-par%bermslope))*s%wetu
00385          endwhere
00386          !
00387          !
00388          ! Do regular bed slope effects in other locations
00389          if (par%bdslpeffmag == BDSLPEFFMAG_ROELV_TOTAL) then
00390             where(.not. bermslopeindexbed)
00391                Sub = Sub-par%bed*(par%facsl*cub*s%vmagu*s%hu*s%dzbdx)*s%wetu
00392             endwhere
00393             where (.not. bermslopeindexsus)
00394                Sus = Sus-par%sus*(par%facsl*cu*s%vmagu*s%hu*s%dzbdx)*s%wetu
00395             endwhere
00396             Svb = Svb-par%bed*(par%facsl*cvb*s%vmagv*s%hv*s%dzbdy)*s%wetv
00397             Svs = Svs-par%sus*(par%facsl*cv*s%vmagv*s%hv*s%dzbdy)*s%wetv
00398          elseif (par%bdslpeffmag == BDSLPEFFMAG_ROELV_BED) then
00399             where(.not. bermslopeindexbed)
00400                Sub = Sub-par%bed*(par%facsl*cub*s%vmagu*s%hu*s%dzbdx)*s%wetu
00401             endwhere
00402             Svb = Svb-par%bed*(par%facsl*cvb*s%vmagv*s%hv*s%dzbdy)*s%wetv
00403          elseif (par%bdslpeffmag == BDSLPEFFMAG_SOULS_TOTAL .or. par%bdslpeffmag == BDSLPEFFMAG_SOULS_BED) then
00404             !
00405             ! Bed slope magnitude effect (as Souslby intended) and change direction transport (see Van Rijn 1993 (section 7.2.6))
00406             !
00407             do j=1,s%ny+1
00408                do i=1,s%nx+1
00409                   if ((dabs(Sub(i,j)) > 0.000001d0) .or. (dabs(Svb(i,j)) > 0.000001d0) .and. (.not. bermslopeindexbed(i,j)) ) then
00410                      Sbmtot = dsqrt(  Sub(i,j)**2.d0  +  Svb(i,j)**2.d0   )
00411                      dzbds = s%dzbdx(i,j)*Sub(i,j)/Sbmtot + s%dzbdy(i,j)*Svb(i,j)/Sbmtot
00412                      ! dzbdn = s%dzbdx*Svb/Sbtot + s%dzbdy*Sub/Sbtot
00413                      Sub(i,j) = Sub(i,j)*(1.d0 - par%facsl*dzbds)
00414                      Svb(i,j) = Svb(i,j)*(1.d0 - par%facsl*dzbds)
00415                      !
00416                   endif
00417                   if (((dabs(Sus(i,j)) > 0.000001d0) .or. (dabs(Svs(i,j)) > 0.000001d0)) .and. (.not. bermslopeindexsus(i,j))  &
00418                   .and. par%bdslpeffmag == BDSLPEFFMAG_SOULS_TOTAL) then
00419                      Ssmtot = dsqrt(  Sus(i,j)**2.d0  +  Svs(i,j)**2.d0  )
00420                      dzbds = s%dzbdx(i,j)*Sus(i,j)/Ssmtot + s%dzbdy(i,j)*Svs(i,j)/Ssmtot
00421                      ! dzbdn = s%dzbdx*Svb/Sbtot + s%dzbdy*Sub/Sbtot
00422                      Sus(i,j) = Sus(i,j)*(1.d0 - par%facsl*dzbds)
00423                      Svs(i,j) = Svs(i,j)*(1.d0 - par%facsl*dzbds)
00424                   endif
00425                enddo
00426             enddo
00427          endif
00428          !
00429          ! Lodewijk: modify the direction of the bed load transport based on the bed slope, see Van Rijn 1993 (section 7.2.6)
00430          if (par%bdslpeffdir == BDSLPEFFDIR_TALMON) then
00431             do j=1,s%ny+1
00432                do i=1,s%nx+1
00433                   if (((dabs(s%urepb(i,j)) > 0.0001d0) .or. (dabs(s%vrepb(i,j)) > 0.0001d0)) &
00434                   .and. ((dabs(s%taubx(i,j)) > 0.0001d0) .or. (dabs(s%tauby(i,j)) > 0.0001d0))) then
00435                      if (s%urepb(i,j) < 0.d0) then
00436                         delta_x = datan(s%vrepb(i,j)/s%urepb(i,j))+par%px ! Angle between fluid velocity vector and the s%x-axis
00437                      else
00438                         delta_x = datan(s%vrepb(i,j)/s%urepb(i,j))        ! Angle between fluid velocity vector and the s%x-axis
00439                      endif
00440                      delta = (par%rhos-par%rho)/par%rho
00441                      shields = sqrt(s%taubx(i,j)**2 + s%tauby(i,j)**2)/(delta*par%rho*par%g*s%D50(jg))
00442                      ! shields = (urepb(i,j)**2.d0+vrepb(i,j)**2.d0)*s%cf(i,j)/(par%g*D50(jg)*delta)
00443                      ftheta = 1.d0/(9.d0*(s%D50(jg)/s%hh(i,j))**0.3d0*sqrt(shields)) ! Talmon
00444                      psi_x = datan(  (dsin(delta_x)-ftheta*s%dzbdy(i,j))  /  (dcos(delta_x)-ftheta*s%dzbdx(i,j))  )
00445                      psi_x = par%bdslpeffdirfac*(psi_x - delta_x)+delta_x
00446                      Sbtot = dsqrt(  Sub(i,j)**2.d0  +  Svb(i,j)**2.d0  )  ! Magnitude of sediment transport without direction modifcation
00447                      ! Decompose the sediment transport again, know with the knowledge of the direction of the sediment transport vector
00448                      Sub(i,j) = Sbtot * dcos(psi_x)
00449                      Svb(i,j) = Sbtot * dsin(psi_x)
00450                   else
00451                      Sub(i,j) = 0.d0
00452                      Svb(i,j) = 0.d0
00453                   endif
00454                enddo
00455             enddo
00456          endif
00457          !
00458          !
00459          !
00460          do j=1,s%ny+1
00461             do i=1,s%nx
00462                if(Sub(i,j)>0.d0) then
00463                   pbbedu(i,j) = s%pbbed(i,j,1,jg)
00464                elseif(Sub(i,j)<0.d0) then
00465                   pbbedu(i,j)= s%pbbed(i+1,j,1,jg)
00466                else
00467                   pbbedu(i,j)=0.5d0*(s%pbbed(i,j,1,jg)+s%pbbed(i+1,j,1,jg))
00468                endif
00469             enddo
00470          enddo
00471          !
00472          Sub = pbbedu*Sub
00473          !
00474          do j=1,s%ny
00475             do i=1,s%nx+1
00476                if(Svb(i,j)>0) then
00477                   pbbedv(i,j)=s%pbbed(i,j,1,jg)
00478                else if(Svb(i,j)<0) then
00479                   pbbedv(i,j)=s%pbbed(i,j+1,1,jg)
00480                else
00481                   pbbedv(i,j)=0.5d0*(s%pbbed(i,j,1,jg)+s%pbbed(i,j+1,1,jg))
00482                end if
00483             end do
00484          end do
00485          !
00486          Svb = pbbedv*Svb
00487          !
00488          ! BRJ: implicit concentration update (compute sources first, sink must be computed after updating actual sed.conc.)
00489          !
00490          if (s%ny>0) then
00491             do j=jmin_zs,jmax_zs
00492                do i=imin_zs,imax_zs
00493                   ! Changed to hh from hold by RJ (13072009) !**2/max(hh(i,j),par%hmin)
00494                   s%ero(i,j,jg) = fac(i,j,jg)*s%hh(i,j)*s%ceqsg(i,j,jg)*s%pbbed(i,j,1,jg)/s%Tsg(i,j,jg)
00495                   ! depo_ex(i,j,jg) = max(hold(i,j),0.01d0)*cc(i,j)/Tsg(i,j,jg)
00496                   ! BRJ: the volume in the water column is updated and not the volume concentration.
00497                   cc(i,j) = (par%dt*s%Tsg(i,j,jg))/(par%dt+s%Tsg(i,j,jg))* &
00498                   (s%hold(i,j)*cc(i,j)/par%dt -((Sus(i,j)*s%dnu(i,j)-Sus(i-1,j)*s%dnu(i-1,j)+&
00499                   Svs(i,j)*s%dsv(i,j)-Svs(i,j-1)*s%dsv(i,j-1))*s%dsdnzi(i,j)-&
00500                   s%ero(i,j,jg)))
00502                   cc(i,j)=max(cc(i,j),0.0d0) ! Jaap: negative cc's are possible...
00503                   cc(i,j)=min(cc(i,j),par%cmax*s%hh(i,j))
00504                   s%depo_ex(i,j,jg) = cc(i,j)/s%Tsg(i,j,jg)
00505                enddo
00506             enddo
00508          else
00509             j=1
00510             do i=imin_zs,imax_zs
00511                ! Changed to hh from hold by RJ (13072009) !**2/max(hh(i,j),par%hmin)
00512                s%ero(i,j,jg) = fac(i,j,jg)*s%hh(i,j)*s%ceqsg(i,j,jg)*s%pbbed(i,j,1,jg)/s%Tsg(i,j,jg)
00513                ! depo_ex(i,j,jg) = max(hold(i,j),0.01d0)*cc(i,j)/Tsg(i,j,jg)
00514                ! BRJ: the volume in the water column is updated and not the volume concentration.
00515                cc(i,j) = (par%dt*s%Tsg(i,j,jg))/(par%dt+s%Tsg(i,j,jg))* &
00516                (s%hold(i,j)*cc(i,j)/par%dt -((Sus(i,j)*s%dnu(i,j)-Sus(i-1,j)*s%dnu(i-1,j))*s%dsdnzi(i,j)-&
00517                s%ero(i,j,jg)))
00519                cc(i,j)=max(cc(i,j),0.0d0) ! Jaap: negative cc's are possible...
00520                cc(i,j)=min(cc(i,j),par%cmax*s%hh(i,j))
00522                s%depo_ex(i,j,jg) = cc(i,j)/s%Tsg(i,j,jg)
00523             enddo
00524          endif
00527          cc(imin_zs:imax_zs,jmin_zs:jmax_zs) = cc(imin_zs:imax_zs,jmin_zs:jmax_zs)/s%hh(imin_zs:imax_zs,jmin_zs:jmax_zs)
00529          ! do lateral boundaries...
00530          if(xmpi_istop)then
00531             cc(1,:)=cc(2,:)
00532             s%ero(1,:,jg)=s%ero(2,:,jg)
00533             s%depo_ex(1,:,jg)=s%depo_ex(2,:,jg)
00534          endif
00535          if(xmpi_isleft .and. s%ny>0)then
00536             cc(:,1)=cc(:,2)
00537             s%ero(:,1,jg)=s%ero(:,2,jg)
00538             s%depo_ex(:,1,jg)=s%depo_ex(:,2,jg)
00539          endif
00540          if(xmpi_isbot)then
00541             cc(s%nx+1,:)=cc(s%nx,:)
00542             s%ero(s%nx+1,:,jg)=s%ero(s%nx,:,jg)
00543             s%depo_ex(s%nx+1,:,jg)=s%depo_ex(s%nx,:,jg)
00544          endif
00545          if(xmpi_isright .and. s%ny>0)then
00546             cc(:,s%ny+1)=cc(:,s%ny)
00547             s%ero(:,s%ny+1,jg)=s%ero(:,s%ny,jg)
00548             s%depo_ex(:,s%ny+1,jg)=s%depo_ex(:,s%ny,jg)
00549          endif
00550          ! Dano: fix nasty numerics
00551          where (cc<1.d-10)
00552             cc=0.d0
00553          endwhere
00554          ! wwvv fix the first and last rows and columns of cc in parallel case
00555 #ifdef USEMPI
00556          call xmpi_shift_ee(cc)
00557 #endif
00558          ! wwvv border columns and rows of ccg Svg and Sug have to be communicated
00559          !
00560          ! An additional sensitivity to D50 (called par%alfaD50)
00561          ! By default par%alfaD50 = 0, so no additional sensitivity
00562          if (par%alfaD50 > 0) then
00563             do j=1,s%ny+1
00564                do i=1,s%nx+1
00565                   Svs(i,j) =  Svs(i,j) * (0.000225/par%D50(jg))**par%alfaD50
00566                   Sus(i,j) =  Sus(i,j) * (0.000225/par%D50(jg))**par%alfaD50
00567                   Svb(i,j) =  Svb(i,j) * (0.000225/par%D50(jg))**par%alfaD50
00568                   Sub(i,j) =  Sub(i,j) * (0.000225/par%D50(jg))**par%alfaD50
00569                enddo
00570             enddo
00571          endif
00573          ! Save concentrations and sediment transport in s
00574          s%ccg(:,:,jg) = cc
00575          s%Svsg(:,:,jg) = Svs
00576          s%Susg(:,:,jg) = Sus
00577          s%Svbg(:,:,jg) = Svb
00578          s%Subg(:,:,jg) = Sub
00580       end do ! number of sediment fractions
00582       s%vmag=sqrt(max(vmag2,par%umin))
00584    end subroutine transus
00586    !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
00587    !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
00589    subroutine bed_update(s,par)
00590       use params,         only: parameters
00591       use spaceparamsdef
00592       use spaceparams
00593       use xmpi_module
00595       implicit none
00597       type(spacepars),target              :: s
00598       type(parameters)                    :: par
00600       integer                                     :: i,j,j1,jg,ii,ie,id,je,jd,jdz,ndz, hinterland
00601       integer , dimension(:,:,:),allocatable,save :: indSus,indSub,indSvs,indSvb
00602       real*8                                      :: dzb,dzmax,dzt,dzleft,sdz,dzavt,fac,Savailable,dAfac
00603       real*8 , dimension(:,:),allocatable,save    :: Sout,hav,tempexchange
00604       real*8 , dimension(par%ngd)                 :: edg,edg1,edg2,dzg
00605       real*8 , dimension(:),pointer               :: dz
00606       real*8 , dimension(:,:),pointer             :: pb
00607       integer                                     :: n_aval,im1,ip1,jm1,jp1
00608       real*8,save                                 :: delta
00609       real*8                                      :: totslp
00611       !include 's.ind'
00612       !include 's.inp'
00614       if (.not. allocated(Sout)) then
00615          allocate(Sout(s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
00616          allocate(hav(s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
00617          allocate(indSus(s%nx+1,s%ny+1,par%ngd))
00618          allocate(indSub(s%nx+1,s%ny+1,par%ngd))
00619          allocate(indSvs(s%nx+1,s%ny+1,par%ngd))
00620          allocate(indSvb(s%nx+1,s%ny+1,par%ngd))
00621          if (par%gwflow==1) then
00622             allocate(tempexchange(s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
00623          endif
00624          delta = (par%rhos-par%rho)/par%rho
00625       endif
00627       ! Super fast 1D
00628       if (s%ny==0) then
00629          j1 = 1
00630       else
00631          j1 = 2
00632       endif
00633       s%dzbnow  = 0.d0
00634       dzb    = 0.d0
00635       if (par%t>=par%morstart .and. par%t < par%morstop .and. par%morfac > .999d0) then
00636          !
00637          ! bed_predict
00638          !
00639          ! reduce sediment transports when hard layer comes to surface
00640          ! this step is mainly necessary at the transition from hard layers to sand
00641          if (par%struct == 1) then
00643             do jg = 1,par%ngd
00644                indSus = 0
00645                indSub = 0
00646                indSvs = 0
00647                indSvb = 0
00648                Sout   = 0.d0
00649                do j=j1,s%ny+1
00650                   do i=2,s%nx+1
00651                      ! fluxes at i,j
00652                      if (s%Subg(i,j,jg) > 0.d0) then      ! bed load s%u-direction
00653                         indSub(i,j,jg) = 1
00654                         Sout(i,j) = Sout(i,j) + s%Subg(i,j,jg)*s%dnu(i,j)
00655                      endif
00656                      ! fluxes at i-1,j
00657                      if (s%Subg(i-1,j,jg) < 0.d0 ) then   ! bed load s%u-direction
00658                         Sout(i,j) = Sout(i,j) - s%Subg(i-1,j,jg)*s%dnu(i-1,j)
00659                      endif
00660                      if (par%sourcesink==0) then
00661                         ! fluxes at i,j
00662                         if (s%Susg(i,j,jg) > 0.d0 ) then     ! suspended load s%u-direction
00663                            indSus(i,j,jg) = 1
00664                            Sout(i,j) = Sout(i,j) + s%Susg(i,j,jg)*s%dnu(i,j)
00665                         endif
00666                         ! fluxes at i-1,j
00667                         if (s%Susg(i-1,j,jg) < 0.d0 ) then   ! suspended load s%u-direction
00668                            Sout(i,j) = Sout(i,j) - s%Susg(i-1,j,jg)*s%dnu(i-1,j)
00669                         endif
00670                      endif
00671                   enddo
00672                enddo
00673                if (s%ny>0) then
00674                   do j=j1,s%ny+1
00675                      do i=2,s%nx+1
00676                         if (s%Svbg(i,j,jg) > 0.d0 ) then     ! bed load s%v-direction
00677                            indSvb(i,j,jg) = 1
00678                            Sout(i,j) = Sout(i,j) + s%Svbg(i,j,jg)*s%dsv(i,j)
00679                         endif
00680                         ! fluxes at i,j-1
00681                         if (s%Svbg(i,j-1,jg) < 0.d0 ) then   ! bed load s%v-direction
00682                            Sout(i,j) = Sout(i,j) - s%Svbg(i,j-1,jg)*s%dsv(i,j-1)
00683                         endif
00684                         if (par%sourcesink==0) then
00685                            if (s%Svsg(i,j,jg) > 0.d0 ) then     ! suspended load s%v-direction
00686                               indSvs(i,j,jg) = 1
00687                               Sout(i,j) = Sout(i,j) + s%Svsg(i,j,jg)*s%dsv(i,j)
00688                            endif
00689                            ! fluxes at i,j-1
00690                            if (s%Svsg(i,j-1,jg) < 0.d0 ) then   ! suspended load s%v-direction
00691                               Sout(i,j) = Sout(i,j) - s%Svsg(i,j-1,jg)*s%dsv(i,j-1)
00692                            endif
00693                         endif ! sourcesink = 0
00694                      enddo !s%nx+1
00695                   enddo !s%ny+1
00696                endif !s%ny>0
00697                !
00698                do j=j1,s%ny+1
00699                   do i=2,s%nx+1
00700                      Savailable = s%structdepth(i,j)*s%pbbed(i,j,1,jg)/par%morfac/par%dt*(1.d0-par%por)/s%dsdnzi(i,j)
00701                      ! reduction factor for cell outgoing sediment transports wwvv changed tiny into epsilon
00702                      fac  = min(1.d0,Savailable/max(Sout(i,j),epsilon(0.d0)) )
00703                      ! fix sediment transports for the presence of a hard layer; remind indSus etc are 1 in cases of cell outgoing transports
00704                      ! updated S         oell outgoing transports                  cell incoming transports
00705                      if (fac < 1.d0)then
00706                         s%Subg(i,j,jg)   = fac*indSub(i,j,jg)*s%Subg(i,j,jg)         + (1-indSub(i,j,jg))*s%Subg(i,j,jg)
00707                         s%Subg(i-1,j,jg) = fac*(1-indSub(i-1,j,jg))*s%Subg(i-1,j,jg) + indSub(i-1,j,jg)*s%Subg(i-1,j,jg)
00708                         if (s%ny>0) then
00709                            s%Svbg(i,j,jg)   = fac*indSvb(i,j,jg)*s%Svbg(i,j,jg)         + (1-indSvb(i,j,jg))*s%Svbg(i,j,jg)
00710                            s%Svbg(i,j-1,jg) = fac*(1-indSvb(i,j-1,jg))*s%Svbg(i,j-1,jg) + indSvb(i,j-1,jg)*s%Svbg(i,j-1,jg)
00711                         endif
00712                         if (par%sourcesink==0) then
00713                            s%Susg(i,j,jg)   = fac*indSus(i,j,jg)*s%Susg(i,j,jg)         + (1-indSus(i,j,jg))*s%Susg(i,j,jg)
00714                            s%Susg(i-1,j,jg) = fac*(1-indSus(i-1,j,jg))*s%Susg(i-1,j,jg) + indSus(i-1,j,jg)*s%Susg(i-1,j,jg)
00715                            if (s%ny>0) then
00716                               s%Svsg(i,j,jg)   = fac*indSvs(i,j,jg)*s%Svsg(i,j,jg)         + (1-indSvs(i,j,jg))*s%Svsg(i,j,jg)
00717                               s%Svsg(i,j-1,jg) = fac*(1-indSvs(i,j-1,jg))*s%Svsg(i,j-1,jg) + indSvs(i,j-1,jg)*s%Svsg(i,j-1,jg)
00718                            endif !s%ny = 0
00719                         endif ! sourcesink = 0
00720                      endif !fac<1.d0
00721                   enddo ! s%nx+1
00722                enddo !s%ny + 1
00723             enddo !par%ngd
00724          endif !struct == 1
00726          if (s%ny>0) then
00727             do j=jmin_zs,jmax_zs
00728                do i=imin_zs,imax_zs
00730                   ! bed level changes per fraction in this morphological time step in meters sand including pores
00731                   ! positive in case of erosion
00732                   if (par%sourcesink==0) then
00733                      dzg=par%morfac*par%dt/(1.d0-par%por)*( & ! Dano, dz from sus transport gradients
00734                      ( s%Susg(i,j,:)*s%dnu(i,j)-s%Susg(i-1,j,:)*s%dnu(i-1,j) +&
00735                      s%Svsg(i,j,:)*s%dsv(i,j)-s%Svsg(i,j-1,:)*s%dsv(i,j-1) +&
00736                      ! dz from bed load transport gradients
00737                      s%Subg(i,j,:)*s%dnu(i,j)-s%Subg(i-1,j,:)*s%dnu(i-1,j)+&
00738                      s%Svbg(i,j,:)*s%dsv(i,j)-s%Svbg(i,j-1,:)*s%dsv(i,j-1) )*s%dsdnzi(i,j)    )
00739                   elseif (par%sourcesink==1) then
00740                      dzg=par%morfac*par%dt/(1.d0-par%por)*( &
00741                      s%ero(i,j,:)-s%depo_ex(i,j,:)   +&
00742                      ( s%Subg(i,j,:)*s%dnu(i,j)-s%Subg(i-1,j,:)*s%dnu(i-1,j)+&
00743                      s%Svbg(i,j,:)*s%dsv(i,j)-s%Svbg(i,j-1,:)*s%dsv(i,j-1) )*s%dsdnzi(i,j)    )
00744                   endif
00746                   if (par%ngd==1) then ! Simple bed update in case one fraction
00748                      s%zb(i,j) = s%zb(i,j)-sum(dzg)
00749                      s%dzbnow(i,j) = s%dzbnow(i,j)-sum(dzg) ! naamgeveing?
00750                      s%dzbdt(i,j) = s%dzbnow(i,j)/par%dt
00751                      s%sedero(i,j) = s%sedero(i,j)-sum(dzg)
00752                      s%structdepth(i,j) = max(0.d0,s%structdepth(i,j)-sum(dzg))
00754                   else
00755                      ! erosion/deposition rate of sand mass (m/s)
00756                      ! positive in case of erosion
00757                      edg = dzg*(1.d0-par%por)/par%dt
00760                      dz=>s%dzbed(i,j,:)
00761                      pb=>s%pbbed(i,j,:,:)
00763                      call update_fractions(par,s,i,j,dz,pb,edg,sum(dzg))
00765                   endif
00767                enddo ! s%nx+1
00768             enddo ! s%ny+1
00769          else
00770             j=1
00771             do i=imin_zs,imax_zs
00772                ! bed level changes per fraction in this morphological time step in meters sand including pores
00773                ! positive in case of erosion
00774                if (par%sourcesink==0) then
00775                   dzg=par%morfac*par%dt/(1.d0-par%por)*( & ! Dano, dz from sus transport gradients
00776                   ( s%Susg(i,j,:)*s%dnu(i,j)-s%Susg(i-1,j,:)*s%dnu(i-1,j) +&
00777                   s%Subg(i,j,:)*s%dnu(i,j)-s%Subg(i-1,j,:)*s%dnu(i-1,j) )*s%dsdnzi(i,j) +&
00778                   (s%Svsg(i,j,:)+s%Svbg(i,j,:))*par%lsgrad)
00779                elseif (par%sourcesink==1) then
00780                   dzg=par%morfac*par%dt/(1.d0-par%por)*( &
00781                   s%ero(i,j,:)-s%depo_ex(i,j,:)       +&
00782                   ( s%Subg(i,j,:)*s%dnu(i,j)-s%Subg(i-1,j,:)*s%dnu(i-1,j) )*s%dsdnzi(i,j) +&
00783                   (s%Svsg(i,j,:)+s%Svbg(i,j,:))*par%lsgrad)
00784                endif
00786                if (par%ngd==1) then ! Simple bed update in case one fraction
00788                   s%zb(i,j) = s%zb(i,j)-sum(dzg)
00789                   s%dzbnow(i,j) = s%dzbnow(i,j)-sum(dzg)
00790                   s%dzbdt(i,j) = s%dzbnow(i,j)/par%dt
00791                   s%sedero(i,j) = s%sedero(i,j)-sum(dzg)
00792                   s%structdepth(i,j) = max(0.d0,s%structdepth(i,j)-sum(dzg))
00794                else ! multiple fractions...
00795                   ! erosion/deposition rate of sand mass (m/s)
00796                   ! positive in case of erosion
00797                   edg = dzg*(1.d0-par%por)/par%dt
00799                   dz=>s%dzbed(i,j,:)
00800                   pb=>s%pbbed(i,j,:,:)
00802                   call update_fractions(par,s,i,j,dz,pb,edg,sum(dzg))
00804                endif
00806             enddo ! s%nx+1
00807          endif !s%ny>0
00808 #ifdef USEMPI
00809          call xmpi_shift_ee(s%zb)
00810          call xmpi_shift_ee(s%structdepth)
00811 #endif
00812          ! In case of groundwater, we need to update groundwater levels and surface water
00813          if(par%gwflow==1) then
00814             where (s%wetz==1 .and. s%dzbnow>0.d0) ! accretion in wet areas
00815                s%zs = s%zs + s%dzbnow*(1.d0-par%por)  ! zs = zs + dzbnow - dzbnow*par%por
00816                s%gwlevel = s%gwlevel+s%dzbnow
00817                s%infil = s%infil + s%dzbnow*par%por/par%dt
00818             elsewhere (s%wetz==1 .and. s%dzbnow<0.d0) ! erosion in wet areas
00819                ! maximum water leaving groundwater = gwlevel(not updated) - zb(updated)
00820                ! note that exfiltration is negative infil
00821                tempexchange = min((s%zb-s%gwlevel)*par%por,0.d0)
00822                s%zs = s%zs + s%dzbnow - tempexchange
00823                s%gwlevel = s%gwlevel + tempexchange/par%por
00824                s%infil = s%infil + tempexchange
00825             endwhere
00826 #ifdef USEMPI
00827             call xmpi_shift_ee(s%gwlevel)
00828             call xmpi_shift_ee(s%infil)
00829             call xmpi_shift_ee(s%zs)
00830 #endif            
00831          else ! only need to update water levels
00832             where (s%wetz(imin_zs:imax_zs,jmin_zs:jmax_zs)==1)
00833                s%zs(imin_zs:imax_zs,jmin_zs:jmax_zs) = s%zs(imin_zs:imax_zs,jmin_zs:jmax_zs)+s%dzbnow(imin_zs:imax_zs,jmin_zs:jmax_zs)
00834             endwhere
00835 #ifdef USEMPI
00836             call xmpi_shift_ee(s%zs)
00837 #endif
00838          endif
00841          !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
00842          !
00843          ! Avalanching
00844          !
00847          if (par%avalanching==1) then
00849             if(par%fixedavaltime==0) then
00850                par%avaltime = par%nTrepavaltime*par%Trep
00851             endif
00853             do ii=1,nint(par%morfac)
00854                !aval=.false.
00855                n_aval=0  !Dano fix for MPI
00856                do j=1,s%ny+1
00857                   do i=1,s%nx
00858                      s%dzbdx(i,j)=(s%zb(i+1,j)-s%zb(i,j))/s%dsu(i,j)
00859                   enddo
00860                   s%dzbdx(s%nx+1,j)=s%dzbdx(s%nx,j)
00861                enddo
00862                do j=1,s%ny
00863                   do i=1,s%nx+1
00864                      s%dzbdy(i,j)=(s%zb(i,j+1)-s%zb(i,j))/s%dnv(i,j)
00865                   enddo
00866                enddo
00867                if (s%ny>0) then
00868                   do i=1,s%nx+1
00869                      s%dzbdy(i,s%ny+1)=s%dzbdy(i,s%ny)
00870                   enddo
00871                endif
00872                !
00873                hav = s%hh
00874                ! Fix Hav for short wave runup:
00875                if (par%swrunup == 1) then
00876                   do j = 1,s%ny+1
00877                      hinterland = 0
00878                      do i = 1, s%nx+1
00879                         if (hinterland == 0 .and. s%runup(j)+s%zs(nint(s%iwl(j)),j) < s%zb(i,j) + par%eps) then
00880                            hinterland = 1;
00881                         endif
00882                         if (s%wetz(i,j) == 1) then
00883                            hav(i,j) = max(par%eps,(s%hh(i,j) + s%runup(j)))
00884                         elseif (hinterland == 0) then
00885                            hav(i,j) =  max(par%eps,s%runup(j)+s%zs(nint(s%iwl(j)),j)-s%zb(i,j) )
00886                         else
00887                            hav(i,j) = par%eps;
00888                         endif
00889                      enddo
00890                   enddo
00891                endif
00892                !
00893                do i=2,s%nx !-1 Jaap -1 gives issues for bed updating at mpi boundaries
00894                   do j=1,s%ny+1
00895                      !if (max( max(hh(i,j),par%delta*H(i,j)), max(hh(i+1,j),par%delta*H(i+1,j)) )>par%hswitch+par%eps) then
00896                      ip1=min(i+1,s%nx+1)
00897                      jm1=max(j-1,1)
00898                      totslp=sqrt(s%dzbdx(i,j)**2+(.25*(s%dzbdy(i,j)+s%dzbdy(ip1,j)+s%dzbdy(i,jm1)+s%dzbdy(ip1,jm1)))**2)
00899                      if(max(hav(i,j),hav(i+1,j))>par%hswitch+par%eps) then ! Jaap instead of s%hh
00900                         dzmax=par%wetslp*abs(s%dzbdx(i,j))/totslp
00901                         ! tricks: seaward of istruct (transition from sand to structure) wetslope is set to 0.03;
00902                         if (i>nint(s%istruct(j))) then
00903                            !dzmax = 0.03d0
00904                            dzmax = max(0.03d0,abs(s%dzbdx(i,j))*0.99d0)
00905                         endif
00906                      else
00907                         dzmax=par%dryslp*abs(s%dzbdx(i,j))/totslp
00908                      end if
00910                      if(abs(s%dzbdx(i,j))>dzmax+1.d-10 .and. s%structdepth(i+nint(max(0.d0,sign(1.d0,s%dzbdx(i,j)))),j)>par%eps) then
00911                         n_aval=n_aval+1
00912                         dzb=sign(1.0d0,s%dzbdx(i,j))*(abs(s%dzbdx(i,j))-dzmax)*s%dsu(i,j)
00914                         if (dzb >= 0.d0) then
00915                            ie = i+1                                        ! index erosion point
00916                            id = i                                          ! index deposition point
00917                            dAfac = s%dsdnzi(i,j)/s%dsdnzi(i+1,j)               ! take into account varying grid sizes
00918                            !dzb=min(dzb,par%dzmax*par%dt/s%dsu(i,j))          ! make sure dzb is not in conflict with par%dzmax
00919                            dzb=dzb/par%avaltime*par%dt                          ! Dano more transparent formulation, removes direction dependence
00920                            dzb=min(dzb,s%structdepth(i+1,j))                 ! make sure dzb is not larger than sediment layer thickness
00921                         else
00922                            ie = i                                          ! index erosion point
00923                            id = i+1                                        ! index deposition point
00924                            dAfac = s%dsdnzi(i+1,j)/s%dsdnzi(i,j)               ! take into account varying grid sizes
00925                            !dzb=max(dzb,-par%dzmax*par%dt/s%dsu(i,j))
00926                            dzb=dzb/par%avaltime*par%dt                      ! Dano more transparent formulation, removes direction dependence
00927                            dzb=max(dzb,-s%structdepth(i,j))
00928                         endif
00931                         if (par%ngd == 1) then ! Simple bed update in case one fraction
00933                            dzleft = abs(dzb)
00935                            s%zb(id,j) = s%zb(id,j)+dzleft*dAfac
00936                            s%zb(ie,j) = s%zb(ie,j)-dzleft
00937                            s%dzbnow(id,j) = s%dzbnow(id,j)+dzleft*dAfac ! naamgeveing?
00938                            s%dzbnow(ie,j) = s%dzbnow(ie,j)-dzleft
00939                            s%sedero(id,j) = s%sedero(id,j)+dzleft*dAfac
00940                            s%sedero(ie,j) = s%sedero(ie,j)-dzleft
00941                            s%structdepth(id,j) = max(0.d0,s%structdepth(id,j)+dzleft*dAfac)
00942                            s%structdepth(ie,j) = max(0.d0,s%structdepth(ie,j)-dzleft)
00944                            s%zs(id,j)  = s%zs(id,j)+dzleft*dAfac
00945                            s%zs(ie,j)  = s%zs(ie,j)-dzleft
00946                            s%dzav(id,j)= s%dzav(id,j)+dzleft*dAfac
00947                            s%dzav(ie,j)= s%dzav(ie,j)-dzleft
00949                         else ! multiple fractions...
00951                            ! now fix fractions....
00952                            dz => s%dzbed(ie,j,:)
00953                            pb => s%pbbed(ie,j,:,:)
00955                            ! figure out how many depth layers (ndz) are eroded in point iii
00956                            sdz = 0
00957                            ndz = 0
00958                            do while (sdz<abs(dzb))
00959                               ndz = ndz+1
00960                               sdz = sdz+dz(ndz)
00961                            enddo
00963                            ! now update bed and fractions by stepping through each layer seperately
00964                            dzleft = abs(dzb)
00965                            dzavt  = 0.d0
00967                            do jdz=1,ndz
00969                               dzt = min(dz(jdz),dzleft)
00970                               dzleft = dzleft-dzt;
00972                               ! erosion deposition per fraction (upwind or downwind); edg is positive in case of erosion
00973                               do jg=1,par%ngd
00974                                  edg2(jg) =  s%sedcal(jg)*dzt*pb(jdz,jg)*(1.d0-par%por)/par%dt       ! erosion    (dzt always > 0 )
00975                                  edg1(jg) = -s%sedcal(jg)*edg2(jg)*dAfac                             ! deposition (dzt always < 0 )
00976                               enddo
00978                               dzavt = dzavt + sum(edg2)*par%dt/(1.d0-par%por)
00980                               call update_fractions(par,s,ie,j,s%dzbed(ie,j,:),s%pbbed(ie,j,:,:),edg2,dzavt)           ! update bed in eroding point
00982                               call update_fractions(par,s,id,j,s%dzbed(id,j,:),s%pbbed(id,j,:,:),edg1,-dzavt*dAfac)    ! update bed in deposition point
00984                            enddo
00986                            ! update water levels and dzav
00987                            s%zs(ie,j)  = s%zs(ie,j)-dzavt
00988                            s%dzav(ie,j)= s%dzav(ie,j)-dzavt
00990                            s%zs(id,j)  = s%zs(id,j)+dzavt*dAfac
00991                            s%dzav(id,j)= s%dzav(id,j)+dzavt*dAfac
00993                         end if ! yes/no multiple fractions
00994                      end if
00995                   end do
00996                end do
00997                !Dano: computed earlier
00998                !do j=1,s%ny
00999                !   do i=1,s%nx+1
01000                !      s%dzbdy(i,j)=(s%zb(i,j+1)-s%zb(i,j))/s%dnv(i,j)
01001                !   enddo
01002                !enddo
01004                do j=2,s%ny !-1 Jaap -1 gives issues for bed updating at mpi boundaries
01005                   do i=1,s%nx+1
01006                      jp1=min(j+1,s%ny+1)
01007                      im1=max(i-1,1)
01008                      totslp=sqrt(s%dzbdy(i,j)**2+(.25*(s%dzbdx(i,j)+s%dzbdx(i,jp1)+s%dzbdx(im1,j)+s%dzbdx(im1,jp1)))**2)
01010                      if(max(s%hh(i,j),s%hh(i,j+1))>par%hswitch+par%eps) then
01011                         dzmax=par%wetslp*abs(s%dzbdy(i,j))/totslp
01012                      else
01013                         dzmax=par%dryslp*abs(s%dzbdy(i,j))/totslp
01014                      end if
01015                      if(abs(s%dzbdy(i,j))>dzmax .and. s%structdepth(i,j+nint(max(0.d0,sign(1.d0,s%dzbdy(i,j)))))>par%eps) then ! Jaap
01016                         n_aval=n_aval+1
01017                         dzb=sign(1.0d0,s%dzbdy(i,j))*(abs(s%dzbdy(i,j))-dzmax)*s%dnv(i,j)
01018                         !
01019                         if (dzb >= 0.d0) then
01020                            je = j+1                                        ! index erosion point
01021                            jd = j                                          ! index deposition point
01022                            dAfac = s%dsdnzi(i,j)/s%dsdnzi(i,j+1)               ! take into account varying grid sizes
01023                            !dzb=min(dzb,par%dzmax*par%dt/s%dnv(i,j))
01024                            dzb=dzb/par%avaltime*par%dt                         ! Dano
01025                            dzb=min(dzb,s%structdepth(i,j+1))
01026                         else
01027                            je = j                                          ! index erosion point
01028                            jd = j+1                                        ! index deposition point
01029                            dAfac = s%dsdnzi(i,j+1)/s%dsdnzi(i,j)               ! take into account varying grid sizes
01030                            !dzb=max(dzb,-par%dzmax*par%dt/s%dnv(i,j))
01031                            dzb=dzb/par%avaltime*par%dt                         ! Dano
01032                            dzb=max(dzb,-s%structdepth(i,j))
01033                         endif
01035                         if (par%ngd == 1) then ! Simple bed update in case one fraction
01037                            dzleft = abs(dzb)
01039                            s%zb(i,jd) = s%zb(i,jd)+dzleft*dAfac
01040                            s%zb(i,je) = s%zb(i,je)-dzleft
01041                            s%dzbnow(i,jd) = s%dzbnow(i,jd)+dzleft*dAfac ! naamgeveing?
01042                            s%dzbnow(i,je) = s%dzbnow(i,je)-dzleft
01043                            s%sedero(i,jd) = s%sedero(i,jd)+dzleft*dAfac
01044                            s%sedero(i,je) = s%sedero(i,je)-dzleft
01045                            s%structdepth(i,jd) = max(0.d0,s%structdepth(i,jd)+dzleft*dAfac)
01046                            s%structdepth(i,je) = max(0.d0,s%structdepth(i,je)-dzleft)
01048                            s%zs(i,jd)  = s%zs(i,jd)+dzleft*dAfac
01049                            s%zs(i,je)  = s%zs(i,je)-dzleft
01050                            s%dzav(i,jd)= s%dzav(i,jd)+dzleft*dAfac
01051                            s%dzav(i,je)= s%dzav(i,je)-dzleft
01053                         else ! multiple fractions...
01055                            dz => s%dzbed(i,je,:)
01056                            pb => s%pbbed(i,je,:,:)
01058                            ! figure out how many depth layers (ndz) are affected
01059                            sdz = 0
01060                            ndz = 0
01061                            do while (sdz<abs(dzb))
01062                               ndz = ndz+1
01063                               sdz = sdz+dz(ndz)
01064                            enddo
01066                            ! now update bed and fractions by stepping through each layer seperately
01067                            dzleft = abs(dzb)
01068                            dzavt  = 0.d0
01070                            do jdz=1,ndz
01071                               dzt = min(dz(jdz),dzleft)
01072                               dzleft = dzleft-dzt;
01074                               ! erosion deposition per fraction (upwind or downwind); edg is positive in case of erosion
01075                               do jg=1,par%ngd
01076                                  edg2(jg) = s%sedcal(jg)*dzt*pb(jdz,jg)*(1.d0-par%por)/par%dt        ! erosion    (dzt always > 0 )
01077                                  edg1(jg) = -s%sedcal(jg)*edg2(jg)*dAfac                             ! deposition (dzt always < 0 )
01078                               enddo
01080                               dzavt = dzavt + sum(edg2)*par%dt/(1.d0-par%por)
01082                               call update_fractions(par,s,i,je,s%dzbed(i,je,:),s%pbbed(i,je,:,:),edg2,dzavt)           ! upwind point
01084                               call update_fractions(par,s,i,jd,s%dzbed(i,jd,:),s%pbbed(i,jd,:,:),edg1,-dzavt*dAfac)    ! downwind point
01086                            enddo
01088                            ! update water levels and dzav
01089                            s%zs(i,je)  = s%zs(i,je)-dzavt
01090                            s%dzav(i,je)= s%dzav(i,je)-dzavt
01092                            s%zs(i,jd)  = s%zs(i,jd)+dzavt*dAfac
01093                            s%dzav(i,jd)= s%dzav(i,jd)+dzavt*dAfac
01095                         endif !yes/no multiple fractions
01096                      end if
01097                   end do
01098                end do
01099                ! write(*,*)'t ',par%t,'ii ',ii,' n_aval ',n_aval,' rank ',xmpi_rank
01100                ! Dano: in parallel version bed update must take place AFTER EACH ITERATION
01101 #ifdef USEMPI
01102                call xmpi_allreduce(n_aval  ,MPI_SUM)
01103 #endif
01104                if (n_aval>0) then
01105 #ifdef USEMPI
01106                   call xmpi_shift_ee(s%zb)
01107                   call xmpi_shift_ee(s%structdepth)
01108 #endif
01109                else
01110                   exit
01111                endif
01113             end do
01114          else
01115             s%dzbdx=0.d0
01116             s%dzbdy=0.d0
01117             do j=1,s%ny+1
01118                do i=1,s%nx
01119                   s%dzbdx(i,j)=(s%zb(i+1,j)-s%zb(i,j))/s%dsu(i,j)
01120                enddo
01121             enddo
01122             do j=1,s%ny
01123                do i=1,s%nx+1
01124                   s%dzbdy(i,j)=(s%zb(i,j+1)-s%zb(i,j))/s%dnv(i,j)
01125                enddo
01126             enddo
01127          end if
01128          !
01129          ! bed boundary conditions
01130          !
01131          ! Dano: the following Neumann boundaries introduce a mass error equal to
01132          ! the bed level change due to the b.c. times the cell area.
01133          if(xmpi_isleft .and. s%ny>0) then
01134             s%zb(:,1) = s%zb(:,2)
01135             s%dzbdt(:,1) = s%dzbdt(:,2)
01136             s%dzbnow(:,1) = s%dzbnow(:,2)
01137             s%sedero(:,1) = s%sedero(:,2)
01138             s%structdepth(:,1) = s%structdepth(:,2)
01139             s%pbbed(:,1,:,:)=s%pbbed(:,2,:,:)
01140             s%z0bed(:,1)=s%z0bed(:,2)
01141             s%dzbed(:,1,:)=s%dzbed(:,2,:)
01142          endif
01144          if(xmpi_isright .and. s%ny>0) then
01145             s%zb(:,s%ny+1) = s%zb(:,s%ny)
01146             s%dzbdt(:,s%ny+1) = s%dzbdt(:,s%ny)
01147             s%dzbnow(:,s%ny+1) = s%dzbnow(:,s%ny)
01148             s%sedero(:,s%ny+1) = s%sedero(:,s%ny)
01149             s%structdepth(:,s%ny+1) = s%structdepth(:,s%ny)
01150             s%pbbed(:,s%ny+1,:,:)=s%pbbed(:,s%ny,:,:)
01151             s%z0bed(:,s%ny+1)=s%z0bed(:,s%ny)
01152             s%dzbed(:,s%ny+1,:)=s%dzbed(:,s%ny,:)
01153          endif
01155          ! Update representative sed.diameter at the bed for flow friction and output
01156          if (par%ngd>1) then
01157             do j=j1,max(s%ny,1)
01158                do i=2,s%nx
01159                   s%D50top =  sum(s%pbbed(i,j,1,:)*s%D50)
01160                   s%D90top =  sum(s%pbbed(i,j,1,:)*s%D90)
01161                enddo
01162             enddo
01163          endif
01165       endif ! if par%t>par%morstart
01167    end subroutine bed_update
01169    !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
01170    !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
01172    subroutine update_fractions(par,s,i,j,dz,pb,edg,dzb)
01174       !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
01175       !     Copyright (C) 2009 Technische Universiteit Delft
01176       !        Bram van Prooijen
01177       !        b.c.vanprooijen@tudelft.nl
01178       !      +31(0)15 2784070
01179       !        Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences
01180       !        department of Hydraulic Engineering
01181       !      PO Box 5048
01182       !        2600 GA Delft
01183       !        The Netherlands
01184       !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
01186       use params,            only: parameters
01187       use spaceparams
01188       use xmpi_module
01191       implicit none
01193       type(spacepars),target                          :: s
01194       type(parameters)                                :: par
01196       integer                                         :: i,j,jg,jd
01197       real*8                                          :: ED,zbold,dzbt,fac,dzb_loc
01198       real*8, intent(in)                              :: dzb
01199       real*8 , dimension(par%ngd),intent(in)          :: edg
01200       real*8 , dimension(s%nd(i,j)),intent(inout)     :: dz
01201       real*8 , dimension(s%nd(i,j),par%ngd),intent(inout) :: pb
01203       real*8 , dimension(:),allocatable,save                :: Ap,b
01204       real*8 , dimension(:,:),allocatable,save              :: Sm,A
01206       if (.not. allocated(Ap)) then
01207          allocate(Ap   (s%nd(1,1)))
01208          allocate(b    (s%nd(1,1)))
01209          allocate(Sm   (s%nd(1,1),par%ngd))
01210          allocate(A    (s%nd(1,1),3))
01211       endif
01212       !TODO, dzb_loc is not initialized can be Nan, leading to infinite loop
01213       dzb_loc = dzb
01215       !!!initialize Sm
01217       ED = sum(edg)
01218       ! do t_sub=1,nt_sub  !loop over subtimesteps
01219       do while (abs(dzb_loc) .gt. 0.d0)
01220          dzbt     = min(dzb_loc,dz(par%nd_var))                 ! make sure erosion (dzg is positive) is limited to thickness of variable layer
01221          dzbt     = max(dzbt,-par%frac_dz*dz(par%nd_var+1))     ! make sure deposition (dzg is negative) is limited to thickness of first layer below variable layer
01223          fac = dzbt/dzb_loc                                     ! factor over mass change in cells to limit erosion and deposition
01225          dzb_loc = dzb_loc-dzbt                                 ! update dzb
01227          do jg=1,par%ngd
01229             A=0.
01230             Ap=0.
01231             b=0.
01233             Sm(:,jg)=pb(:,jg)*dz*(1.d0-par%por)
01235             !!!build matrix A
01236             select case(par%nd_var)
01237              case(1)
01238                !in this case: A=0
01239              case(2)
01240                A (1,1:3)= (/0.d0           ,  min(ED,0.d0) ,  max(ED,0.d0) /)
01241                A (2,1:3)= (/-min(ED,0.d0)  , -max(ED,0.d0) ,  0.d0         /)
01242              case(3:1000)
01243                A (1,1:3)= (/0.d0           ,  min(ED,0.d0) ,  max(ED,0.d0) /)
01245                A (2:par%nd_var-1,1)=-min(ED,0.d0)
01246                A (2:par%nd_var-1,2)=-abs(ED)
01247                A (2:par%nd_var-1,3)=max(ED,0.d0)
01249                A (par%nd_var,1:3)= (/-min(ED,0.d0) , -max(ED,0.d0) ,   0.d0    /)
01250             end select
01252             !!!determine RHS
01254             ! Ap makes sure that layer nd_var varies in thickness in time
01255             ! Ap = 0 with single fraction (in case(1))
01256             Ap(1) = sum(A(1,2:3)*pb(1:2,jg))
01257             do jd = 2,par%nd_var
01258                Ap(jd) = sum(A (jd,:)*pb(jd-1:jd+1,jg))
01259             enddo
01260             Ap(par%nd_var+1) = sum(A(par%nd_var+1,1:2)*pb(par%nd_var:par%nd_var+1,jg))
01262             ! b represents the actual erosion and deposition in the top layer.
01263             ! However, the thickness of the top layer remains constant and instead layer nd_var will breath in thickness
01264             b(1) = -edg(jg)
01266             !!!update Sm
01268             ! Sm is the sediment mass per fraction per layer
01269             ! Sm(1:par%nd_var+1,jg) = Sm(1:par%nd_var+1,jg) + par%dt/nt_sub*(Ap(1:par%nd_var+1)+b(1:par%nd_var+1))
01270             Sm(1:par%nd_var+1,jg) = Sm(1:par%nd_var+1,jg) + par%dt*fac*(Ap(1:par%nd_var+1)+b(1:par%nd_var+1))
01272          enddo !fractions
01274          ! From Sm we can compute the new fraction ratios per layer and the layer thickness...
01275          do jd=1,par%nd_var+1
01276             if (sum(Sm(jd,:))>0) then
01277                pb(jd,:) = Sm(jd,:)/sum(Sm(jd,:))
01278             else
01279                pb(jd,:) = pb(jd,:)
01280             endif
01281             dz(jd) = sum(Sm(jd,:))/(1.d0-par%por)
01282          enddo
01284          !!! modify grid
01286          !merge two upper layers in case of erosion
01287          if (dz(par%nd_var) .lt. par%merge*dz(par%nd_var+1)) then
01288             forall (jg=1:par%ngd)
01289                pb(par%nd_var,jg) = (dz(par%nd_var)*pb(par%nd_var,jg) + dz(par%nd_var+1)* &
01290                pb(par%nd_var+1,jg))/(dz(par%nd_var)+dz(par%nd_var+1))
01291                pb(par%nd_var+1:s%nd(i,j)-1,jg) = pb(par%nd_var+2:s%nd(i,j),jg)
01292                pb(s%nd(i,j),jg) = pb(s%nd(i,j),jg)
01293             endforall
01294             s%z0bed(i,j) = s%z0bed(i,j)-dz(par%nd_var+1)
01295             dz(par%nd_var) = dz(par%nd_var+1)+dz(par%nd_var)
01296          endif
01297          !split upper layer in case of sedimentation
01298          if (dz(par%nd_var)>par%split*dz(par%nd_var+1)) then
01299             pb(par%nd_var+1:s%nd(i,j),:) = pb(par%nd_var:s%nd(i,j)-1,:)
01300             s%z0bed(i,j) = s%z0bed(i,j)+dz(par%nd_var+1)
01301             dz(par%nd_var) = dz(par%nd_var)-dz(par%nd_var+1)
01302          endif
01303       enddo ! nt_sub
01305       pb = max(0.d0,min(pb,1.d0))
01307       zbold = s%zb(i,j)
01308       s%zb(i,j) = s%z0bed(i,j)+sum(dz)
01309       s%dzbnow(i,j) = s%dzbnow(i,j)+(s%zb(i,j)-zbold)
01310       s%sedero(i,j) = s%sedero(i,j)+(s%zb(i,j)-zbold)
01311       s%structdepth(i,j) = max(0.d0,s%structdepth(i,j)+(s%zb(i,j)-zbold))
01313    end subroutine update_fractions
01315    !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
01316    !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
01318    subroutine sedtransform(s,par)
01319       use params,          only: parameters
01320       use spaceparams
01321       use readkey_module
01322       use xmpi_module
01323       use paramsconst
01325       implicit none
01327       type(spacepars),target                  :: s
01328       type(parameters)                        :: par
01330       integer                                 :: i,j,jg, ii
01331       real*8                                  :: z0,dcf,dcfin,ML
01332       real*8                                  :: Te,Sster,cc1,cc2,wster,Ass
01333       real*8                                  :: kl,alpha,alpha1,alpha2,beta,psi
01334       real*8 , save                           :: delta,kvis,onethird,twothird,phi
01335       real*8 , dimension(:),allocatable    ,save     :: dster,ws0, shieldscrit, sigz, ceqssteps, hhsteps
01336       real*8 , dimension(:,:),allocatable  ,save     :: vmg,Cd,Asb,dhdx,dhdy,Ts,hfac
01337       real*8 , dimension(:,:),allocatable  ,save     :: urms2,Ucr,Ucrc,Ucrw,term1,B2,srfTotal,srfRhee,vero,Ucrb,Ucrs
01338       real*8 , dimension(:,:),allocatable  ,save     :: uandv,b,fslope,hloc,ceqs,ceqb,fallvelredfac
01339       real*8 , dimension(:,:,:),allocatable,save     :: w
01340       real*8 , dimension(:,:),allocatable  ,save     :: uorb, A, ksw, fw, uw, tauwav, muw, fc, f1c, tauc, muc, taubcw, taucr, used, ue
01341       real*8                                :: ca, refA, E, Me, M, Eswm, Eswb, Esw, Esc, uster, deltar, delw, ta, Escm, ceqexplicit, ceqimplicit, hhtmp, hhtmp2, dhhtmp, sigs, ceq_tmp
01343       !include 's.ind'
01344       !include 's.inp'
01346       if (.not. allocated(vmg)) then
01347          allocate (vmg   (s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
01348          allocate (term1 (s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
01349          allocate (B2    (s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
01350          allocate (Cd    (s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
01351          allocate (Asb   (s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
01352          allocate (Ucr   (s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
01353          allocate (Ucrc  (s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
01354          allocate (Ucrw  (s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
01355          allocate (urms2 (s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
01356          allocate (hloc  (s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
01357          allocate (Ts    (s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
01358          allocate (ceqs  (s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
01359          allocate (ceqb  (s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
01360          allocate (srfTotal(s%nx+1,s%ny+1))       ! Lodewijk
01361          allocate (Ucrb  (s%nx+1,s%ny+1))         ! Lodewijk
01362          allocate (Ucrs  (s%nx+1,s%ny+1))         ! Lodewijk
01363          allocate (srfRhee(s%nx+1,s%ny+1))        ! Lodewijk
01364          allocate (vero  (s%nx+1,s%ny+1))         ! Lodewijk
01365          allocate (fallvelredfac(s%nx+1,s%ny+1))  ! Lodewijk
01366          allocate (w     (s%nx+1,s%ny+1,par%ngd)) ! Lodewijk
01367          allocate (dster (par%ngd))
01368          allocate (ws0   (par%ngd))
01369          allocate (shieldscrit(par%ngd))
01370          allocate (dhdx  (s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
01371          allocate (dhdy  (s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
01372          allocate (uandv (s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
01373          allocate (b     (s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
01374          allocate (fslope(s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
01375          allocate (hfac  (s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
01376          ! Van Rijn (1993) by Kees
01377          allocate (used  (s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
01378          allocate (ue  (s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
01379          allocate (uorb  (s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
01380          allocate (A  (s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
01381          allocate (ksw (s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
01382          allocate (fw     (s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
01383          allocate (uw(s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
01384          allocate (tauwav  (s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
01385          allocate (muw  (s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
01386          allocate (fc     (s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
01387          allocate (f1c  (s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
01388          allocate (muc  (s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
01389          allocate (tauc  (s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
01390          allocate (taubcw(s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
01391          allocate (taucr  (s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
01392          allocate(sigz(par%kmax))
01393          allocate(hhsteps(par%kmax+1))
01394          allocate(ceqssteps(par%kmax+1))
01396          vmg = 0.d0
01397          onethird=1.d0/3.d0
01398          twothird=2.d0/3.d0
01399          phi = par%reposeangle/180*par%px ! Angle of internal friction
01400          ! Robert: do only once, not necessary every time step
01401          do jg=1,par%ngd
01402             ! cjaap: compute fall velocity with simple expression from Ahrens (2000)
01403             Te    = 20.d0
01404             kvis  = 4.d0/(20.d0+Te)*1d-5 ! Van rijn, 1993
01405             Sster = s%D50(jg)/(4*kvis)*sqrt((par%rhos/par%rho-1)*par%g*s%D50(jg))
01406             cc1   = 1.06d0*tanh(0.064d0*Sster*exp(-7.5d0/Sster**2))
01407             cc2    = 0.22d0*tanh(2.34d0*Sster**(-1.18d0)*exp(-0.0064d0*Sster**2))
01408             wster = cc1+cc2*Sster
01409             ws0(jg) = wster*sqrt((par%rhos/par%rho-1.d0)*par%g*s%D50(jg))
01410             ! RJ: for modeling gravel
01411             delta = (par%rhos-par%rho)/par%rho
01412             dster(jg)=(delta*par%g/1.d-12)**onethird*s%D50(jg)
01413             shieldscrit(jg) = 0.3d0/(1+1.2d0*dster(jg))+0.055d0*(1-exp(-0.02d0*dster(jg)))          ! Soulsby, 1997  (eq 76)
01414             if (par%fallvelred==0) then
01415                w(:,:,jg) = ws0(jg)
01416             endif
01417          enddo
01418       endif
01421       ! Lodewijk: calculate fall velocity reduction coefficient based on concentration of previous time step
01422       ! Rowe (1987) made an estimation of the exponent alpha by fitting a logarithmic function on a dataset of Richardson and Zaki (1954).
01423       if (par%fallvelred==1) then
01424          do jg=1,par%ngd
01425             alpha = 2.35d0*(2.d0+0.175d0*(ws0(jg)*s%D50(jg)/kvis)**0.75d0)/(1.d0+0.175d0*(ws0(jg)*s%D50(jg)/kvis)**0.75d0)
01426             fallvelredfac = (1.d0-s%ccg(:,:,jg))**(alpha)
01427             w(:,:,jg) = ws0(jg)*fallvelredfac
01428          enddo
01429       endif
01430       !
01431       ! hloc   = max(hh,0.01d0) ! Jaap
01432       hloc = max(s%hh,0.01)
01433       ! Compute mean fall velocity
01434       par%ws=0.d0
01435       do jg=1,par%ngd
01436          par%ws=par%ws+w(1,1,jg)
01437       enddo
01438       par%ws=par%ws/par%ngd
01440       !
01441       ! compute near bed turbulence
01442       !
01443       ! due to short waves
01445       if (par%swave==1) then
01446          ! wave breaking induced turbulence due to short waves
01447          do j=1,s%ny+1
01448             do i=1,s%nx+1
01449                ! compute mixing length
01450                ! ML = 2*R(i,j)*par%Trep/(par%rho*c(i,j)*max(H(i,j),par%eps))
01451                ML = dsqrt(2*s%R(i,j)*par%Trep/(par%rho*max(s%c(i,j),1d-10)))
01452                ! ML = 0.9d0*H(i,j)
01453                ML = min(ML,hloc(i,j));
01454                ! exponential decay turbulence over depth
01455                dcfin = exp(min(100.d0,hloc(i,j)/max(ML,0.00000000000000001d0)))
01456                dcf = min(1.d0,1.d0/(dcfin-1.d0))
01457                ! Jaap: new approach: compute kb based on waveturb result
01458                s%kb(i,j) = s%kturb(i,j)*dcf
01459                !
01460                if (par%turb == TURB_BORE_AVERAGED) then
01461                   s%kb(i,j) = s%kb(i,j)*par%Trep/s%Tbore(i,j)
01462                endif
01464             enddo
01465             ! Jaap: rundown jet creating additional turbulence
01466             if (par%swrunup==1)then
01467                s%kb(nint(s%istruct(j)),j) = s%kb(nint(s%istruct(j)),j) + par%jetfac* &
01468                (s%E(nint(s%istruct(j)),j)*s%strucslope(j)*sqrt(par%g/s%hh(nint(s%istruct(j)),j)))**twothird
01469             endif
01470          enddo
01471       elseif (par%wavemodel==WAVEMODEL_NONH) then
01472          do j=1,s%ny+1
01473             do i=1,s%nx+1
01474                !ML=max(s%rolthick(i,j),0.07d0*max(s%hh(i,j),par%hmin))
01475                !s%kb(i,j) = s%kturb(i,j)*ML/max(s%hh(i,j),par%hmin) ! Simpler expression
01476                s%kb(i,j) = s%kturb(i,j)  ! even simpler expression :-)
01477             enddo
01478          enddo
01479       endif !par%swave == 1
01481       ! switch to include long wave stirring
01482       if (par%lws==1) then
01483          vmg  = dsqrt(s%ue**2+s%ve**2)
01484       elseif (par%lws==0) then
01485          ! vmg lags on actual mean flow; but long wave contribution to mean flow is included...
01486          vmg = (1.d0-1.d0/par%cats/par%Trep*par%dt)*vmg + (1.d0/par%cats/par%Trep*par%dt)*dsqrt(s%ue**2+s%ve**2)
01487       endif
01489       urms2 = s%urms**2.d0+1.45d0*s%kb
01491       do jg = 1,par%ngd
01493          Ts       = par%tsfac*hloc/w(:,:,jg)
01494          if (par%oldTsmin==1) then 
01495             s%Tsg(:,:,jg) = max(Ts,par%Tsmin)
01496          else
01497             s%Tsg(:,:,jg) = max(Ts,par%dtlimTs*par%dt)
01498          endif
01499          !
01500          ! calculate treshold velocity Ucr
01501          !
01502          if (par%form==FORM_SOULSBY_VANRIJN) then       ! Soulsby van Rijn
01503             if(s%D50(jg)<=0.0005d0) then
01504                Ucr=0.19d0*s%D50(jg)**0.1d0*log10(4.d0*hloc/s%D90(jg))
01505             else   !Dano see what happens with coarse material
01506                Ucr=8.5d0*s%D50(jg)**0.6d0*log10(4.d0*hloc/s%D90(jg))
01507             end if
01508          elseif ((par%form==FORM_VANTHIEL_VANRIJN) .or. (par%form==FORM_VANRIJN1993)) then
01509             ! needed for full Van Thiel de Vries & Reniers 2008 or bed load Van Rijn 1993
01510             if(s%D50(jg)<=0.0005) then
01511                Ucrc=0.19d0*s%D50(jg)**0.1d0*log10(4.d0*hloc/s%D90(jg))                           !Shields
01512                Ucrw=0.24d0*(delta*par%g)**0.66d0*s%D50(jg)**0.33d0*par%Trep**0.33d0          !Komar and Miller (1975)
01513             else if(s%D50(jg)<=0.002) then
01514                Ucrc=8.5d0*s%D50(jg)**0.6d0*log10(4.d0*hloc/s%D90(jg))                            !Shields
01515                Ucrw=0.95d0*(delta*par%g)**0.57d0*s%D50(jg)**0.43*par%Trep**0.14                !Komar and Miller (1975)
01516             else if(s%D50(jg)>0.002) then
01517                Ucrc=1.3d0*sqrt(delta*par%g*s%D50(jg))*(hloc/s%D50(jg))**(0.5d0*onethird)         !Maynord (1978) --> also Neill (1968) where 1.3d0 = 1.4d0
01518                Ucrw=0.95d0*(delta*par%g)**0.57d0*s%D50(jg)**0.43*par%Trep**0.14                !Komar and Miller (1975)
01519             end if
01520             B2 = vmg/max(vmg+dsqrt(urms2),par%eps)
01521             Ucr = B2*Ucrc + (1-B2)*Ucrw                                                     !Van Rijn 2007 (Bed load transport paper)
01522          end if
01524          ! Lodewijk: implementation Rhee (2010), reduction sediment transport due dilatancy
01525          srfRhee(:,:)  = 0.d0
01526          srfTotal(:,:) = 1.d0
01527          if (par%dilatancy == 1) then
01528             vero(:,:) = max(0.d0,-1.d0*s%dzbdt)      ! Erosion velocity, for now asume it equal to -s%dzbdt of the previous time step
01529             kl = par%g/(160.d0*kvis)*(s%D15(jg)**2.d0)*((par%por**3.d0)/(1.d0-par%por)**2.d0) ! Permeability, Adel 1987, which is based on the Ergun equation
01530             ! bed porosity, estimated here as maximum porosity, to be added to user input
01531             ! A=3/4 for single particles and A=1/(1-n0) for a continuum
01532             ! Reduction factor on the critical Shields parameter by dilatancy (Van Rhee, 2010)
01533             srfRhee(:,:) = vero(:,:)/kl*(par%pormax-par%por)/(1.d0-par%pormax)*par%rheeA/delta
01534          endif
01535          ! Lodewijk: implementation bed slope reduction on critical flow velocity
01536          if (par%bdslpeffini == BDSLPEFFINI_NONE) then
01537             srfTotal(:,:) = 1.d0 + srfRhee(:,:)
01538          elseif (par%bdslpeffini == BDSLPEFFINI_TOTAL .or. par%bdslpeffini == BDSLPEFFINI_BED) then
01539             do j=1,s%ny+1
01540                do i=1,s%nx+1
01541                   ! Prevent NaN values if too small values
01542                   if  ((dabs(s%ue(i,j)) > 0.000001d0 .or. dabs(s%ve(i,j)) > 0.000001d0) .and.  &
01543                   (dabs(s%dzbdx(i,j))>0.000001d0 .or. dabs(s%dzbdy(i,j))>0.000001d0)) then
01544                      ! Angle between the x-axis and the flow velocity
01545                      ! REMARK: also include waves in the velocity?
01546                      if (s%ue(i,j) < 0.d0) then
01547                         alpha1 = datan(s%ve(i,j)/s%ue(i,j)) + par%px
01548                      else
01549                         alpha1 = datan(s%ve(i,j)/s%ue(i,j))
01550                      endif
01551                      ! Angle between the x-axis and the bed slope vector directed in down-slope direction, derived in thesis Lodewijk
01552                      if (s%dzbdy(i,j) >= 0.d0) then
01553                         alpha2 = -datan(s%dzbdx(i,j)/s%dzbdy(i,j))+1.5d0*par%px
01554                      else
01555                         alpha2 = -datan(s%dzbdx(i,j)/s%dzbdy(i,j))+0.5d0*par%px
01556                      endif
01557                      psi = alpha1-(alpha2-par%px) ! Angle between the flow direction and the up-slope directed vector
01558                      if (dabs(s%dzbdx(i,j))<0.000001d0) then ! A smaller slope could result in a NaN for beta
01559                         ! Beta purely based on dzbdy
01560                         beta = datan(dabs(s%dzbdy(i,j)))
01561                      else
01562                         beta = datan(dabs(s%dzbdx(i,j)/dsin(datan(s%dzbdx(i,j)/s%dzbdy(i,j)))))     ! Maximum absolute bed slope angle, derived in thesis Lodewijk
01563                      endif
01564                      beta = min(beta,phi) ! Take min to exclude NaN's
01565                      if (par%dilatancy == 1) then
01566                         srfTotal(i,j) = (dcos(psi)*dsin(beta)+dsqrt( &
01567                         ((srfRhee(i,j))**2+2*srfRhee(i,j)*dcos(beta)+dcos(beta)**2 &
01568                         )*dtan(phi)**2-dsin(psi)**2*dsin(beta)**2 &
01569                         ))/dtan(phi) ! Soulsby (1997), modified by Lodewijk (see Thesis)
01570                      else
01571                         srfTotal(i,j) = (dcos(psi)*dsin(beta)+ &
01572                         dsqrt(dcos(beta)**2*dtan(phi)**2-dsin(psi)**2*dsin(beta)**2))/dtan(phi) ! Soulsby (1997)
01573                      endif
01574                   endif
01575                end do
01576             end do
01577          endif
01578          ! Calculate the new critical velocity based on the modification factors on the Shields parameter, bed slope only on bed load
01579          Ucrb(:,:) = Ucr(:,:)*sqrt(srfTotal) ! Lodewijk
01580          if (par%bdslpeffini == BDSLPEFFINI_TOTAL) then
01581             Ucrs = Ucrb
01582          else
01583             Ucrs = Ucr*(1.d0+sqrt(srfRhee)) ! Lodewijk, no effect on suspended load by bed slope
01584          endif
01587          if (par%form==FORM_SOULSBY_VANRIJN) then       ! Soulsby van Rijn
01588             !
01589             ! drag coefficient
01590             z0 = par%z0
01591             Cd=(0.40d0/(log(max(hloc,10.d0*z0)/z0)-1.0d0))**2
01592             !
01593             ! transport parameters
01594             Asb=0.005d0*hloc*(s%D50(jg)/hloc/(delta*par%g*s%D50(jg)))**1.2d0         ! bed load coefficent
01595             Ass=0.012d0*s%D50(jg)*dster(jg)**(-0.6d0)/(delta*par%g*s%D50(jg))**1.2d0 ! suspended load coeffient
01596             !
01597             term1=(vmg**2+0.018/Cd*par%sws*urms2) ! Make 0.018/Cd is always smaller than the flow friction coefficient
01598             !
01599             ! reduce sediment suspensions for (inundation) overwash conditions with critical flow velocitties
01600             ! vmag2=min(vmag2,par%smax*par%C**2*D50(jg)*delta)
01601             ! vmag2=min(vmag2,par%smax*par%g/par%cf*D50(jg)*delta)            ! In terms of cf
01602             ! term1=sqrt(vmag2+0.018d0/Cd*urms2)     ! nearbed-velocity
01603             ! the two above lines are comment out and replaced by a limit on total velocity u2+urms2, robert 1/9 and ap 28/11
01604             !
01605             term1=min(term1,par%smax*par%g/s%cf*s%D50(jg)*delta)
01606             term1=sqrt(term1)
01607             !
01608             ceqb = 0.d0                                                                    !initialize ceqb
01609             ceqs = 0.d0                                                                     !initialize ceqs
01610             do j=1,s%ny+1
01611                do i=1,s%nx
01612                   ! Lodewijk: separate bed load from suspended load since Ucr not anymore the same
01613                   if(term1(i,j)>Ucrb(i,j) .and. hloc(i,j)>par%eps) then
01614                      ceqb(i,j)=Asb(i,j)*(term1(i,j)-Ucrb(i,j))**2.4d0
01615                   end if
01616                   if(term1(i,j)>Ucrs(i,j) .and. hloc(i,j)>par%eps) then
01617                      ceqs(i,j)=Ass*(term1(i,j)-Ucrs(i,j))**2.4d0
01618                   end if
01619                end do
01620             end do
01621             !
01622          elseif (par%form==FORM_VANTHIEL_VANRIJN) then  ! Van Thiel de Vries & Reniers 2008
01623             !
01624             ! transport parameters
01625             Asb=0.015d0*hloc*(s%D50(jg)/hloc)**1.2d0/(delta*par%g*s%D50(jg))**0.75d0        !bed load coefficent
01626             Ass=0.012d0*s%D50(jg)*dster(jg)**(-0.6d0)/(delta*par%g*s%D50(jg))**1.2d0        !suspended load coeffient
01627             !
01628             ! Jaap: par%sws to set short wave stirring to zero
01629             ! Jaap: Van Rijn use Peak orbital flow velocity --> 0.64 corresponds to 0.4 coefficient regular waves Van Rijn (2007)
01630             term1=vmg**2+0.64d0*par%sws*urms2
01631             ! reduce sediment suspensions for (inundation) overwash conditions with critical flow velocitties
01632             term1=min(term1,par%smax*par%g/max(s%cf,1d-10)*s%D50(jg)*delta)
01633             term1=sqrt(term1)
01634             !
01635             ceqb = 0.d0                                                                     !initialize ceqb
01636             ceqs = 0.d0                                                                     !initialize ceqs
01637             do j=1,s%ny+1
01638                do i=1,s%nx
01639                   ! Lodewijk: sepperate bed load from suspended load since Ucr not anymore the same
01640                   if(term1(i,j)>Ucrb(i,j) .and. hloc(i,j)>par%eps) then
01641                      ceqb(i,j)=Asb(i,j)*(term1(i,j)-Ucrb(i,j))**1.5
01642                   end if
01643                   if(term1(i,j)>Ucrs(i,j) .and. hloc(i,j)>par%eps) then
01644                      ceqs(i,j)=Ass*(term1(i,j)-Ucrs(i,j))**2.4
01645                   end if
01646                end do
01647             end do
01648             !
01649          elseif (par%form==FORM_VANRIJN1993) then  ! Van Rijn (1993) a la Delft3D
01650             !
01651             ! General parameters
01652             ue          = dsqrt(vmg**2)                        ! NOT similar to Van Thiel -> velocity magnitude for stirring sediment
01653             used        = vmg + s%ua                           ! velocity used for sediment transport (reduced with asymmetry)
01654             !
01655             ! Bed load transport (Delft3D-FLOW manual; eq 11.82)
01656             !
01657             do j=1,s%ny+1
01658                do i=1,s%nx+1
01659                   if (ue(i,j)>Ucrb(i,j) .and. hloc(i,j)>par%eps) then                        ! Ucrs is weighted current (including waves)
01660                      Me              = (used(i,j)-Ucrb(i,j))**2 / ((delta*par%g*s%D50(jg))) ! Effective mobility parameter
01661                      M               = (used(i,j)-0)**2 / ((delta*par%g*s%D50(jg)))         ! "normal" mobility parameter
01662                      Asb(i,j)        = 0.006d0 * s%D50(jg) * ws0(jg)                        ! bed load coefficent (without ps)
01663                      ceqb(i,j)       = Asb(i,j) * (M**0.5)* (Me**0.7)                       ! calculate the main part
01664                      ceqb(i,j)       = ceqb(i,j) / used(i,j)                                ! goal is sediment concentration: divide by velocity
01665                   else
01666                      ceqb(i,j)       = 0
01667                   end if
01668                end do
01669             end do
01670             !
01671             ! Suspended transport (Van Rijn, 1993: Delft3D-FLOW manual)
01672             !
01673             deltar      = par%deltar                ! ripple height input (eq. 11.78)
01674             ksw         = par%rwave*deltar          ! wave-related roughness -> based on ripple height (eq. 11.78)
01675             ksw         = max(min(0.1, ksw), 0.01)  ! numerical limits: not larger or smaller
01676             ! orbital velocityand peak orbital excursion
01677             uorb        = par%px*s%H/par%Trep/sinh(min(max(s%k,0.01d0)*max(s%hh,par%delta*s%H),10.0d0))   ! orbital velocity (linear wave theory)
01678             A           = uorb*par%Trep / (2.0*par%px)                              ! peak orbital excursion (below eq. 11.80)
01679             ! numerical limits for A, otherwise infinity problems
01680             where (A<0.1d0)
01681                A = 0.1d0
01682             endwhere
01683             !
01684             !  Calculate bed-shear stress due to waves
01685             fw          = min(exp( - 6.0 + 5.2*(A/ksw)**( - 0.19)), 0.3)            ! Van Rijn & Kroon (1992); eq 13 below
01686             muw         = 0.6/dster(jg)                                             ! efficiency waves
01687             tauwav      = 0.25 * par%rho * fw * uorb**2                             ! bed shear stress due to waves (eq. 11.76)
01688             !
01689             ! Calculate bed-shear stress due to currents
01690             f1c         = 0.24*log10(12.0*s%hh/(3.0*3*s%D90(jg)))**( - 2)           ! total-current relation factor (eq. 11.73)
01691             fc          = 0.24*log10(12.0*s%hh/deltar)**( - 2)                      ! grain-related factor (eq. 11.72)
01692             muc         = f1c/fc                                                    ! efficiency current
01693             tauc        = 0.125d0* par%rho * fc * (s%ue**2+s%ve**2)                 ! Van Rijn & Kroon (1992); eq. 13
01694             !
01695             ! Calculate bed shear stress ratio: combined waves and currents
01696             taubcw      = muc*tauc + muw*tauwav                                     ! combined shear stress (eq. 11.70)
01697             taucr       = shieldscrit(jg) * par%g * (par%rhos-par%rho) * s%D50(jg)  ! critical bed shear stress (Soulsby, 1997 at Eq. 74; page 104)
01698             !
01699             ! Loop over every grid cell where critical bed shear stress < combined shear stress due to waves and currents
01700             ! clean variables
01701             s%ccz(:,:,:)    = 0
01702             s%refA(:,:)     = 0
01703             s%ca(:,:)       = 0
01704             do j=1,s%ny+1
01705                do i=1,s%nx+1
01706                   if (taubcw(i,j)>taucr(i,j) .and. hloc(i,j)>par%eps) then
01707                      !
01708                      ! A) Reference level
01709                      refA    = 0.5*deltar                    ! reference level is half the ripple height
01710                      refA    = max(0.01, refA)               ! minimum reference level
01711                      refA    = min(0.2*s%hh(i,j), refA)      ! maximum reference level 20% of the water depth -> same Delft3D
01712                      !
01713                      ! B) Compute wave boundary laver thickness
01714                      delw         = 0.072*A(i,j)*(A(i,j)/ksw(i,j))**(-0.25)
01715                      !
01716                      ! C) Calculate Van Rijn's dimensionless bed-shear stress for reference concentration at z=a
01717                      ta = max(0.0, (muc(i,j)*tauc(i,j) + muw(i,j)*tauwav(i,j))/taucr(i,j) - 1.0)
01718                      !
01719                      ! D) Calculate Van Rijn's reference concentration
01720                      ca          = 0.015*s%d50(jg)*ta**1.5/(refA*dster(jg)**0.3) ! Van Rijn, 1984; no rho in there)
01721                      ca          = min(ca, 0.05)                                 ! maximum ca value
01722                      !
01723                      ! E) Depth-averaged mixing due to waves
01724                      ! 1) Van Rijn & Kroon (1992); eq. 9 (maximum)
01725                      Eswm       = 0.035 * s%H(i,j)*s%hh(i,j) / par%Trep
01726                      ! 2) Van Rijn & Kroon (1992); eq. 8 (at the bed) with 3 deltar = thicknes layer
01727                      Eswb       = 0.004*dster(jg)*uorb(i,j)*(3.0*delw)
01728                      !
01729                      ! F) Depth-averaged mixing due to currents
01730                      uster   = ((s%taubx(i,j)**2 + s%tauby(i,j)**2)**0.5 / par%rho)**0.5     ! calculate bed shear velocity
01731                      Escm       = 0.25 * par%vonkar * uster * s%hh(i,j)                         ! Van Rijn & Kroon (1992); eq. 10 (maximum)
01732                      !
01733                      ! G) Numerically integrate the concentration profile (no analyical expression with varying mixing exists!)
01734                      ! one could assume a constant mixing coefficient: in that case exponential profile with analyical epxression
01735                      ! 1) Create the grid on which we approximate the concentration profile
01736                      ! Grid goes from reference level to water depth
01737                      hhsteps(1) = refA
01738                      do ii=1,(par%kmax)
01739                         sigs            = 0.01                                              ! starting percentile; 1% now
01740                         sigz(ii)        = sigs*(1/sigs)**(float(ii-1)/float(par%kmax-1))    ! could place outside the loop for efficiency
01741                         hhsteps(ii+1)   = refA + (s%hh(i,j)-refA) * sigz(ii)
01742                      enddo
01743                      !
01744                      ! 2) Now numerical integrate
01745                      ! Start concentration is the reference concentration of Van Rijn, 1984
01746                      ceqssteps(1) = ca
01747                      do ii = 1, (par%kmax)
01748                         !
01749                         ! i) Determine water depth
01750                         hhtmp   = hhsteps(ii)                                   ! current water depth
01751                         hhtmp2  = hhsteps(ii+1)                                 ! water depth in next step
01752                         dhhtmp  = hhtmp2-hhtmp                                  ! change in water depth in this step -> related to sigma layer
01753                         !
01754                         ! ii) Determine e,waves
01755                         if (hhtmp < (3*delw)) then
01756                            Esw = Eswb
01757                         elseif (hhtmp > (0.5*s%hh(i,j))) then
01758                            Esw = Eswm
01759                         else
01760                            Esw = Eswb + (Eswm-Eswb)* (hhtmp - (3*delw)) / (0.5*s%hh(i,j) - 3*delw)
01761                         endif
01762                         !
01763                         ! iii) Determine e,currents
01764                         if (hhtmp > (0.5*s%hh(i,j))) then
01765                            Esc = Escm                                                              ! Van Rijn & Kroon (1992); eq. 10 (maximum)
01766                         else
01767                            Esc = par%vonkar * 1* uster * hhtmp * (1- hhtmp/s%hh(i,j))  ! Van Rijn & Kroon (1992); eq. 10 (at certain depth)
01768                         endif
01769                         !
01770                         ! iv) Combined mixing coefficient due to currents and waves
01771                         E           = (Esw**2 + Esc**2)**0.5                    ! Van Rijn & Kroon (1992); eq. 5
01772                         !
01773                         if (E > 0) then
01774                            ! v) Calculcate new concentration
01775                            ! a) Explicit first step
01776                            ceqexplicit     = ceqssteps(ii) - ws0(jg) * ceqssteps(ii)/E * dhhtmp
01777                            if (ceqexplicit< 0) then
01778                               ceqexplicit = 0                 ! numerical limit; overcome overshooting of numerical approximation
01779                            endif
01780                            ! b) Implicit second step
01781                            ceqimplicit     = ceqssteps(ii) * (E / (dhhtmp * (ws0(jg)+E/dhhtmp))) ! no limit needed
01782                            ! c) Combined method with theta = 0.5 -> second order
01783                            ceqssteps(ii+1) = 0.5*ceqexplicit + 0.5*ceqimplicit
01784                            if (ceqssteps(ii+1) < 0) then
01785                               ceqssteps(ii+1) = 0             ! numerical limit; overcome overshooting of numerical approximation
01786                            endif
01787                         else
01788                            ! No mixing; so no equilibrium in the vertical
01789                            ceqssteps = 0
01790                         endif
01791                      enddo
01792                      !
01793                      ! E) Save concentration profile, reference concentraton and reference level
01794                      s%refA(i,j)     = refA  ! reference level
01795                      s%ca(i,j)       = ca    ! reference concentration
01796                      do ii = 1, (par%kmax)
01797                         s%ccz(i,j,ii) = ceqssteps(ii)*0.5 + ceqssteps(ii+1)*0.5
01798                      enddo
01799                      !
01800                      ! F) Now determine the depth-averaged concentration (sum divided by total length)
01801                      if (s%hh(i,j) < refA) then
01802                         ! assume that the depth-averaged concentration is similar to reference concentration
01803                         ! not needed anymore; 20% water depth constrain
01804                         ceqs(i,j)       = ca
01805                         do ii = 1, (par%kmax)
01806                            s%ccz(i,j,ii)   = ca
01807                         enddo
01808                      else
01809                         ! average of the 'active part of the water colum' + reduction factor based on reference layer thickness
01810                         ceq_tmp     = 0
01811                         ceq_tmp     = sigz(1) * (ceqssteps(2)*0.5 + ceqssteps(1)*0.5)
01812                         do ii = 2, (par%kmax)
01813                            ceq_tmp = ceq_tmp + (sigz(ii)-sigz(ii-1)) * (ceqssteps(ii+1)*0.5 + ceqssteps(ii)*0.5)
01814                         enddo
01815                         ceqs(i,j)   =ceq_tmp
01816                      endif
01817                   else
01818                      ceqs(i,j)       = 0
01819                   endif
01820                enddo
01821             enddo
01822          end if
01823          !
01824          ceqb = min(ceqb/hloc,par%cmax/2) ! maximum equilibrium bed concentration
01825          s%ceqbg(:,:,jg) = (1-par%bulk)*ceqb*s%sedcal(jg)*s%wetz
01826          ceqs = min(ceqs/hloc,par%cmax/2) ! maximum equilibrium suspended concentration
01827          s%ceqsg(:,:,jg) = (ceqs+par%bulk*ceqb)*s%sedcal(jg)*s%wetz
01828          ! Jaap: old brute method to prevent strong coastline erosion
01829          ! where (hloc<=par%hmin) ceqsg(:,:,jg) = 0.d0
01830       enddo                                 ! end of grain size classes
01831       ! end of grain size classes
01833    end subroutine sedtransform
01834    !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
01835    !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
01837    subroutine Nielsen2006(s,par)
01839       use params,         only: parameters
01840       use spaceparams
01841       use xmpi_module
01842       use math_tools
01843       use paramsconst
01845       IMPLICIT NONE
01847       type(spacepars),target                   :: s
01848       type(parameters)                         :: par
01850       real*8                                   :: Tsmooth,factime,omegap,dstar
01851       real*8,save                              :: phirad,delta,khlim,reposerad,reposedzdx
01853       integer                                  :: i,jg
01855       real*8,dimension(:,:),allocatable,save   :: dudtsmooth
01856       real*8,dimension(:,:),allocatable,save   :: fsed
01857       real*8,dimension(:,:),allocatable,save   :: Arms,umeanupd,uvarupd
01858       real*8,dimension(:,:),allocatable,save   :: umeanupdphi,uvarupdphi
01859       real*8,dimension(:,:),allocatable,save   :: shields,qsedu
01860       real*8,dimension(:,:),allocatable,save   :: blphi,facbl,facrw,facslp
01861       real*8,dimension(:,:),allocatable,save   :: ulocal,ulocalold,philocal
01862       real*8,dimension(:,:),allocatable,save   :: dcfinl,dcfl,fe,cffac,ustar
01863       real*8,dimension(:)  ,allocatable,save   :: shieldscrit
01865       if (.not. allocated(dudtsmooth)) then
01866          allocate(dudtsmooth(s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
01867          allocate(fsed(s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
01868          allocate(shields(s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
01869          allocate(qsedu(s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
01870          allocate (blphi (s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
01871          allocate (facbl (s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
01872          allocate (facrw (s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
01873          allocate (facslp (s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
01874          allocate (ulocal (s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
01875          allocate (ulocalold (s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
01876          allocate(philocal(s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
01877          allocate(umeanupdphi(s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
01878          allocate(uvarupdphi(s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
01879          allocate(dcfinl(s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
01880          allocate(dcfl(s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
01881          allocate(cffac(s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
01882          cffac = 0.d0
01883          allocate(Arms(s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
01884          allocate(umeanupd(s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
01885          allocate(uvarupd(s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
01886          allocate(ustar(s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
01887          allocate(shieldscrit(par%ngd))
01888          umeanupd = 0.d0
01889          uvarupd = 0.d0
01891          if(par%streaming==1) then
01892             allocate(fe(s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
01893          endif
01894          fe = 0.d0
01895          fsed = 0.d0
01896          phirad = par%phit/180*par%px
01897          delta = (par%rhos-par%rho)/par%rho
01898          ulocalold = s%uu
01899          ulocal = s%uu
01900          philocal = phirad
01901          umeanupdphi = 0.d0
01902          uvarupdphi = 0.d0
01903          ustar = 0.d0
01904          !
01905          ! find water depth for which kh(based on Trep) ~ 0.1
01906          khlim = 0.01d0*par%Trep**2*par%g/4/par%px**2
01907          !
01908          ! Angle of repose
01909          reposerad = par%reposeangle*par%px/180
01910          reposedzdx = tan(reposerad)
01911          !
01912          !
01913          do jg=1,par%ngd
01914             if(par%thetcr<0.d0) then
01915                dstar = (par%g*(par%rhos/par%rho-1)/1.d-6/1.d-6)**(1.d0/3)*par%D50(jg)
01916                shieldscrit(jg) = 0.3d0/(1+1.2d0*dstar)+0.055d0*(1-exp(-0.02d0*dstar))
01917             else
01918                shieldscrit(jg) = par%thetcr
01919             endif
01920          enddo
01921       endif
01923       ! radial velocity of representative wave
01924       omegap = 2*par%px/par%Trep
01926       ! compute local filtered velocity and acceleration term
01927       Tsmooth = par%Trep/20
01928       factime = min(par%dt/Tsmooth,1.d0)
01929       ulocal = (1-factime)*ulocal + factime*s%uu
01930       !ulocal = uu
01931       where(s%wetu==1)
01932          dudtsmooth = (ulocal-ulocalold)/par%dt
01933       elsewhere
01934          dudtsmooth = 0.d0
01935       endwhere
01936       ulocalold = ulocal
01937       !
01938       ! calculate vertical distribution for turbulence kturb (less turbulence at bottom for larger waterdepth)
01939       if(par%lwt==1 .and. par%yturb>0.d0) then
01940          dcfinl = exp(min(100.d0,(s%hh)/max(par%facthr*s%rolthick,0.01d0)))
01941          dcfl = min(1.d0,1.d0/(dcfinl-1.d0))
01942          dcfl = max(0.d0,dcfl)
01943       endif
01945       Tsmooth = par%Trep*5
01946       factime = min(par%dt/Tsmooth,1.d0)
01948       umeanupd = (1.d0-factime)*umeanupd + factime * ulocal
01949       uvarupd = (1.d0-factime)*uvarupd + factime * (ulocal-umeanupd)**2
01951       if (par%sedfricfac==SEDFRICFAC_NIELSEN) then
01952          Arms = sqrt(2.d0)/omegap*sqrt(uvarupd)
01953       endif
01955       do jg = 1,par%ngd
01956          ! compute sediment friction factor term
01957          select case (par%sedfricfac)
01958           case (SEDFRICFAC_NIELSEN)
01959             where(s%wetu==1)
01960                fsed = exp(5.5d0*(2.5d0*s%D50(jg)/Arms)**0.2d0-6.3d0)
01961             elsewhere
01962                fsed=0.d0
01963             endwhere
01964             fsed = min(fsed,0.05)
01965             fsed = max(fsed,s%cf)
01966           case (SEDFRICFAC_SWART)
01967             where (s%wetu==1)
01968                fsed = exp(5.213d0*(2.5d0/par%Arms*s%D50(jg))**(0.194)-5.977)
01969             elsewhere
01970                fsed = 0.d0
01971             endwhere
01972           case (SEDFRICFAC_FLOWFRIC)
01973             fsed = s%cf
01974           case(SEDFRICFAC_WILSON)
01975             fsed = 0.114d0*(par%Arms/(par%g*delta*par%Trep**2))*0.4d0
01976           case(SEDFRICFAC_CONSTANT)
01977             fsed = par%fsed
01978          end select
01979          !
01980          ! compute boundary layer velocity
01981          if (par%phaselag==1) then
01982             where(s%wetu==1)
01983                ! add turbulent term to ustar
01984                ustar = sqrt(fsed/2)*(cos(philocal)*ulocal + &
01985                sin(philocal)/omegap*dudtsmooth)
01986             elsewhere
01987                ustar = 0.d0
01988             endwhere
01989          else
01990             where(s%wetu==1)
01991                ! add turbulent term to ustar
01992                ustar = sqrt(fsed/2)*ulocal
01993             elsewhere
01994                ustar = 0.d0
01995             endwhere
01996          endif
01997          !
01998          ! Add turbulent stress
01999          if(par%lwt==1 .and. par%yturb>0.d0) then
02000             where(s%wetu==1)
02001                ustar = ustar + sqrt(fsed/2)*(2*sqrt(s%kturb)*dcfl*par%yturb)*sign(1.d0,ustar)
02002             endwhere
02003          endif
02004          !
02005          ! compute shields parameter
02006          where(s%wetu==1)
02007             shields = ustar**2/(delta*par%g*s%D50(jg))
02008          elsewhere
02009             shields = 0.d0
02010          endwhere
02011          !
02012          ! compute bed slope effect
02013          if (par%slopecorr==SLOPECORR_NIELSEN) then
02014             where(s%wetu==1)
02015                where (s%dzbdx>0.d0)
02016                   shields = max(shields/cos(min(atan(s%dzbdx),reposerad))-min(s%dzbdx,reposedzdx)*sign(1.d0,ustar),0.d0)
02017                elsewhere(s%dzbdx<0.d0)
02018                   shields = max(shields/cos(max(atan(s%dzbdx),-reposerad))-max(s%dzbdx,-reposedzdx)*sign(1.d0,ustar),0.d0)
02019                endwhere
02020             endwhere
02021          elseif (par%slopecorr==SLOPECORR_FREDSOE_DEIGAARD) then
02022             where(s%wetu==1)
02023                where (s%dzbdx>0.d0)
02024                   shields = shields*cos(atan(min(s%dzbdx,reposerad)))* &
02025                   max(1.d0-sign(1.d0,ustar)*min(s%dzbdx/reposedzdx,1.d0),0.d0)
02026                elsewhere(s%dzbdx<0.d0)
02027                   shields = shields*cos(atan(max(s%dzbdx,-reposerad)))* &
02028                   max(1.d0-sign(1.d0,ustar)*max(s%dzbdx/reposedzdx,-1.d0),0.d0)
02030                endwhere
02031             endwhere
02032          endif
02034          ! compute streaming effect
02035          if(par%streaming==1) then
02036             ! Note assumes wave propagation is in direction of positive s. Modify to negative
02037             ! contribution in case wave direction is in negative s direction
02038             where(s%wetu==1)
02039                where(uvarupd>1d0*abs(umeanupd))
02040                   fe = exp(5.5d0*(min(170*sqrt(max(shields-0.05d0,0.d0))*s%D50(jg),s%hh)/Arms)**0.2-6.3d0)
02041                elsewhere(uvarupd<0.25d0*abs(umeanupd))
02042                   fe = 0.d0
02043                elsewhere
02044                   fe = ((uvarupd/abs(umeanupd))-0.25d0)/0.75d0 * &
02045                   exp(5.5d0*(min(170*sqrt(max(shields-0.05d0,0.d0))*s%D50(jg),s%hh)/Arms)**0.2-6.3d0)
02046                endwhere
02048                shields = shields + (2d0/3/par%px*fe*Arms**3*omegap**3/(par%g*s%hh)) / &
02049                (delta*par%g*s%D50(jg)) * &
02050                sign(1.d0,ustar)
02051                shields = max(shields,0.d0)
02052             endwhere
02053          endif
02056          ! compute sediment transport
02057          where(s%wetu==1 .and. shields>shieldscrit(jg))
02058             qsedu = (par%Ctrans*(shields-shieldscrit(jg))*sqrt(shields))* &
02059             sqrt(delta*par%g*s%D50(jg)**3)*sign(1.d0,ustar)
02060          elsewhere
02061             qsedu = 0.d0
02062          endwhere
02064          !qsedu = min(qsedu,ustar*100*D50(jg)*(1.d0-par%por))
02065          ! minimum porosity ~0.60 for fluidized bed
02066          where(qsedu>0.d0)
02067             qsedu = min(qsedu,(1.d0-0.60d0)*(abs(s%qx)))
02068          elsewhere(qsedu<0.d0)
02069             qsedu = max(qsedu,(1.d0-0.60d0)*(-abs(s%qx)))
02070          endwhere
02073          if(par%thetanum<1.d0) then
02074             do i=2,s%nx
02075                s%Subg(i,:,jg) = (1.d0-par%thetanum)/2*(qsedu(i-1,:)+qsedu(i+1,:)) + &
02076                par%thetanum   * qsedu(i,:)
02077             enddo
02078             if (xmpi_istop) then
02079                s%Subg(1,:,jg) = qsedu(i,:)
02080             endif
02081             if (xmpi_isbot) then
02082                s%Subg(s%nx+1,:,jg) = qsedu(s%nx+1,:)
02083             endif
02084          else
02085             s%Subg(:,:,jg) = qsedu
02086          endif
02088       enddo
02090    end subroutine Nielsen2006
02092    !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
02093    !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
02094    subroutine mccall_vanrijn(s,par)
02096       use params,         only: parameters
02097       use spaceparams
02098       use xmpi_module
02099       use math_tools
02100       use paramsconst
02102       IMPLICIT NONE
02104       type(spacepars),target                   :: s
02105       type(parameters)                         :: par
02107       real*8                                   :: omegap
02108       real*8,save                              :: phirad,delta,khlim,reposerad,reposedzdx
02110       integer                                  :: i,j,jg
02112       real*8,dimension(:,:),allocatable,save   :: dudtsmooth
02113       real*8,dimension(:,:),allocatable,save   :: fsed
02114       real*8,dimension(:,:),allocatable,save   :: Arms,umeanupd,uvarupd
02115       real*8,dimension(:,:),allocatable,save   :: umeanupdphi,uvarupdphi
02116       real*8,dimension(:,:),allocatable,save   :: shields,qsedu,qsedutemp,dist
02117       real*8,dimension(:,:),allocatable,save   :: blphi,facbl,facrw,facslp,facrwf
02118       real*8,dimension(:,:),allocatable,save   :: ulocal,ulocalold,philocal
02119       real*8,dimension(:,:),allocatable,save   :: dcfinl,dcfl,cffac
02120       real*8,dimension(:)  ,allocatable,save   :: shieldscrit,dstar
02121       real*8,dimension(:,:),allocatable,save   :: signShields,thetacrlocal
02122       real*8,dimension(:,:),allocatable,save   :: phishields,nEF
02123       real*8,dimension(:,:),allocatable,save   :: dzbdxf
02125       real*8                                   :: Te,kvis,Sster,cc1,cc2,wster
02126       real*8 , dimension(:),allocatable,save   :: w
02128       if (.not. allocated(dudtsmooth)) then
02129          allocate(dudtsmooth(s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
02130          allocate(fsed(s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
02131          allocate(shields(s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
02132          allocate(qsedu(s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
02133          allocate(qsedutemp(s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
02134          allocate(dist(s%nx+1,s%nx+1))
02135          allocate (blphi (s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
02136          allocate (facbl (s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
02137          allocate (facrw (s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
02138          allocate (facrwf(s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
02139          allocate (facslp (s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
02140          allocate (ulocal (s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
02141          allocate (ulocalold (s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
02142          allocate(philocal(s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
02143          allocate(umeanupdphi(s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
02144          allocate(uvarupdphi(s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
02145          allocate(dcfinl(s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
02146          allocate(dcfl(s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
02147          allocate(cffac(s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
02148          cffac = 0.d0
02149          allocate(Arms(s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
02150          allocate(umeanupd(s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
02151          allocate(uvarupd(s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
02152          umeanupd = 0.d0
02153          uvarupd = 0.d0
02154          allocate(signShields(s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
02155          signShields = 0.d0
02156          allocate(thetacrlocal(s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
02157          thetacrlocal = par%thetcr
02158          allocate(shieldscrit(par%ngd))
02159          allocate(dstar(par%ngd))
02160          allocate(dzbdxf(s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
02162          if (par%form==FORM_WILCOCK_CROW) then
02163             allocate(phishields(s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
02164          elseif (par%form==FORM_ENGELUND_FREDSOE) then
02165             allocate(nEF(s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
02166          endif
02168          if(par%bulk==1) then
02169             Te    = 20.d0
02170             kvis  = 4.d0/(20.d0+Te)*1d-5 ! Van rijn, 1993
02171             allocate(w(par%ngd))
02172             do jg=1,par%ngd
02173                Sster = s%D50(jg)/(4*kvis)*sqrt((par%rhos/par%rho-1)*par%g*s%D50(jg))
02174                cc1   = 1.06d0*tanh(0.064d0*Sster*exp(-7.5d0/Sster**2))
02175                cc2    = 0.22d0*tanh(2.34d0*Sster**(-1.18d0)*exp(-0.0064d0*Sster**2))
02176                wster = cc1+cc2*Sster
02177                w(jg) = wster*sqrt((par%rhos/par%rho-1.d0)*par%g*s%D50(jg))
02178             enddo
02179          endif
02181          fsed = 0.d0
02182          phirad = par%phit/180*par%px
02183          delta = (par%rhos-par%rho)/par%rho
02184          ulocalold = s%uu
02185          ulocal = s%uu
02186          philocal = phirad
02187          umeanupdphi = 0.d0
02188          uvarupdphi = 0.d0
02189          !
02190          ! find water depth for which kh(based on Trep) ~ 0.1
02191          khlim = 0.01d0*par%Trep**2*par%g/4/par%px**2
02192          !
02193          ! Angle of repose
02194          reposerad = par%reposeangle*par%px/180
02195          reposedzdx = tan(reposerad)
02196          do i=1,s%nx+1
02197             dist(:,i) = abs(s%xu(i,1)-s%xu(:,1))
02198             dist(:,i) = dist(:,i)/0.25d0
02199             dist(:,i) = max(dist(:,i),1.d0)
02200             dist(:,i) = 1.d0-dist(:,i)
02201          enddo
02203          do jg=1,par%ngd
02204             dstar(jg) = (par%g*(par%rhos/par%rho-1)/1.d-6/1.d-6)**(1.d0/3)*par%D50(jg)
02205             if(par%thetcr<0.d0) then
02206                shieldscrit(jg) = 0.3d0/(1+1.2d0*dstar(jg))+0.055d0*(1-exp(-0.02d0*dstar(jg)))
02207             else
02208                shieldscrit(jg) = par%thetcr
02209             endif
02210          enddo
02211       endif
02214       !do j=1,s%ny+1
02215       !   do i=1,nx
02216       !      Lloc = par%Trep*sqrt(par%g*max(0.1d0,hh(i,j)))/8
02217       !      irange1 = max(1,   i-nint(Lloc/dsu(i,j)))! staggered grid means lower should be at least zb(i)
02218       !      irange2 = min(s%nx+1,i+nint(Lloc/dsu(i,j)))
02219       !      irange2 = max(i+1,irange2) ! staggered grid means upper should be at least zb(i+1)
02220       !      dzbdxf(i,j) = (zb(irange2,j)-zb(irange1,j))/(sdist(irange2,j)-sdist(irange1,j))
02221       !   enddo
02222       !enddo
02223       !dzbdxf(s%nx+1,:) = dzbdxf(nx,:)
02224       dzbdxf = s%dzbdx
02226       do jg = 1,par%ngd
02228          ! compute shields parameter
02230          if (par%gwflow==1 .and. par%inclrelweight==1) then
02231             !facrw = 0.5d0*max(infil/Kz,-1.d0)
02232             facrw = 0.5d0*s%infil/s%Kzinf
02233          else
02234             facrw = 0.d0
02235          endif
02237          where(s%wetu==1)
02238             ! try adding (groundwater) head gradient
02239             shields = (abs(s%taubx-par%incldzdx*s%dzsdx*par%rho*par%g*s%D50(jg))) /(par%rho*par%g*s%D50(jg)*max(delta+facrw,1e-6))
02240             signShields = sign(1.d0,s%taubx-par%incldzdx*s%dzsdx*par%rho*par%g*s%D50(jg))
02241          elsewhere
02242             shields = 0.d0
02243             signShields = 0.d0
02244          endwhere
02245          !
02246          ! compute bed slope effect
02247          if (par%slopecorr==SLOPECORR_NIELSEN) then
02248             where(s%wetu==1)
02249                where (s%dzbdx>0.d0)
02250                   shields = max(shields/cos(min(atan(dzbdxf),reposerad))-min(dzbdxf,reposedzdx)*signShields,0.d0)
02251                elsewhere(s%dzbdx<0.d0)
02252                   shields = max(shields/cos(max(atan(dzbdxf),-reposerad))-max(dzbdxf,-reposedzdx)*signShields,0.d0)
02253                endwhere
02254             endwhere
02255          elseif (par%slopecorr==SLOPECORR_FREDSOE_DEIGAARD) then
02256             where(s%wetu==1)
02257                where (s%dzbdx>0.d0)
02258                   shields = shields*cos(atan(min(dzbdxf,reposerad)))* &
02259                   max(1.d0-signShields*min(dzbdxf/reposedzdx,1.d0),0.d0)
02260                elsewhere(s%dzbdx<0.d0)
02261                   shields = shields*cos(atan(max(dzbdxf,-reposerad)))* &
02262                   max(1.d0-signShields*max(dzbdxf/reposedzdx,-1.d0),0.d0)
02263                endwhere
02264             endwhere
02265          endif
02267          !! compute streaming effect
02268          !if(par%streaming==1) then
02269          !   ! Note assumes wave propagation is in direction of positive s. Modify to negative
02270          !   ! contribution in case wave direction is in negative s direction
02271          !   Arms = sqrt(2.d0)/omegap*sqrt(uvarupd)
02272          !   where(s%wetu==1)
02273          !      where(uvarupd>1d0*abs(umeanupd))
02274          !         fe = exp(5.5d0*(min(170*sqrt(max(shields-0.05d0,0.d0))*s%D50(jg),s%hh)/Arms)**0.2-6.3d0)
02275          !      elsewhere(uvarupd<0.25d0*abs(umeanupd))
02276          !         fe = 0.d0
02277          !      elsewhere
02278          !         fe = ((uvarupd/abs(umeanupd))-0.25d0)/0.75d0 * &
02279          !              exp(5.5d0*(min(170*sqrt(max(shields-0.05d0,0.d0))*s%D50(jg),s%hh)/Arms)**0.2-6.3d0)
02280          !      endwhere
02281          !
02282          !      shields = shields + (2d0/3/par%px*fe*Arms**3*omegap**3/(par%g*s%hh)) / &
02283          !                          ((delta+facrw)*par%g*s%D50(jg)) * &
02284          !                          signShields
02285          !      shields = max(shields,0.d0)
02286          !   endwhere
02287          !endif
02289          thetacrlocal = shieldscrit(jg)
02291          ! compute sediment transport
02292          select case (par%form)
02293           case (FORM_MPM)
02294             par%Ctrans = 8.d0
02295             where(s%wetu==1 .and. shields>thetacrlocal)
02296                qsedu = (par%Ctrans*(shields-thetacrlocal)**1.5d0)* &
02297                sqrt(delta*par%g*s%D50(jg)**3)*signShields
02298             elsewhere
02299                qsedu = 0.d0
02300             endwhere
02301           case (FORM_WONG_PARKER)
02302             par%Ctrans = 3.97d0
02303             where(s%wetu==1 .and. shields>thetacrlocal)
02304                qsedu = (par%Ctrans*(shields-thetacrlocal)**1.5d0)* &
02305                sqrt(delta*par%g*s%D50(jg)**3)*signShields
02306             elsewhere
02307                qsedu = 0.d0
02308             endwhere
02309           case (FORM_FL_VB) ! Fernandez Luque, R., and van Beek, R.(1976). Erosion and Transport of Bed-Load
02310             ! Sediment. J. Hydraul, Res., 14(2), 127-144
02311             par%Ctrans = 5.7d0
02312             where(s%wetu==1 .and. shields>thetacrlocal)
02313                qsedu = (par%Ctrans*(shields-thetacrlocal)**1.5d0)* &
02314                sqrt(delta*par%g*s%D50(jg)**3)*signShields
02315             elsewhere
02316                qsedu = 0.d0
02317             endwhere
02318           case (FORM_WILCOCK_CROW)
02319             where(s%wetu==1)
02320                phishields = shields/thetacrlocal
02321                where(phishields>=1.35d0)
02322                   qsedu = 14*(1.d0-0.894d0/sqrt(phishields))**4.5d0*shields**1.5*sqrt(delta*par%g)*s%D50(jg)**1.5*signShields
02323                elsewhere
02324                   qsedu = 0.002d0*phishields**7.5d0*shields**1.5*sqrt(delta*par%g)*s%D50(jg)**1.5*signShields
02325                endwhere
02326             elsewhere
02327                qsedu = 0.d0
02328             endwhere
02329           case (FORM_ENGELUND_FREDSOE)
02330             where(s%wetu==1 .and. shields>thetacrlocal)
02331                ! note: pi/6 ~ 0.5236, dynamic friction ~ 0.5-0.65 (Fredsoe &  Deigaard)
02332                nEF = (1.d0+(0.5236d0*0.5d0/(shields-thetacrlocal))**4)**-0.25d0
02333                qsedu = 5*nEF*(sqrt(shields)-0.7d0*sqrt(thetacrlocal))*sqrt(delta*par%g*s%D50(jg)**3)*signShields
02334             elsewhere
02335                qsedu = 0.d0
02336             endwhere
02337           case (FORM_FREDSOE_DEIGAARD)  ! Equation 7.59
02338             where(s%wetu==1 .and. shields>thetacrlocal)
02339                ! note: 30/pi = 9.5493, mu = 0.65 -> 30/pi/mu = 14.6912
02340                qsedu = 14.6912d0*(shields-thetacrlocal)*(sqrt(shields)-0.7d0*sqrt(thetacrlocal)) * &
02341                sqrt(delta*par%g*s%D50(jg)**3)*signShields
02342             elsewhere
02343                qsedu = 0.d0
02344             endwhere
02345           case(FORM_MCCALL_VANRIJN)   ! Eq 10. note: devision by rhos to get m2/s transport rate
02346             par%Ctrans = 0.5d0
02347             where(s%wetu==1 .and. shields>thetacrlocal)
02348                qsedu = par%Ctrans*s%D50(jg)*dstar(jg)**(-0.3d0)*sqrt(abs(s%taubx)/par%rho)* &
02349                ((shields-thetacrlocal)/thetacrlocal)*signShields
02350             elsewhere
02351                qsedu = 0.d0
02352             endwhere
02353          end select
02356          where(qsedu>0.d0)
02357             qsedu = qsedu * par%uprushfac
02358          elsewhere
02359             qsedu = qsedu * par%backwashfac
02360          endwhere
02362          !qsedu = min(qsedu,ustar*100*D50(jg)*(1.d0-par%por))
02363          ! minimum porosity ~0.60 for fluidized bed
02364          where(qsedu>0.d0)
02365             qsedu = min(qsedu,(1.d0-0.60d0)*(abs(s%qx)))
02366          elsewhere(qsedu<0.d0)
02367             qsedu = max(qsedu,(1.d0-0.60d0)*(-abs(s%qx)))
02368          endwhere
02370          if (par%bulk==0) then
02371             if(par%thetanum<1.d0) then
02372                do i=2,s%nx
02373                   s%Subg(i,:,jg) = (1.d0-par%thetanum)/2*(qsedu(i-1,:)+qsedu(i+1,:)) + &
02374                   par%thetanum   * qsedu(i,:)
02375                enddo
02376                if(xmpi_istop) s%Subg(1,:,jg) = qsedu(i,:)
02377                if(xmpi_isbot) s%Subg(s%nx+1,:,jg) = qsedu(s%nx+1,:)
02378             else
02379                s%Subg(:,:,jg) = qsedu
02380             endif
02381             ! To Do: fix this properly for MPI
02382             do j=1,s%ny+1
02383                do i=1,s%nx+1
02384                   if(s%Subg(i,j,jg)>0.d0) then
02385                      s%Subg(i,j,jg) = s%Subg(i,j,jg)*s%sedcal(jg)*s%pbbed(i,j,1,jg)
02386                   else
02387                      s%Subg(i,j,jg) = s%Subg(i,j,jg)*s%sedcal(jg)*s%pbbed(min(i+1,s%nx+1),j,1,jg)
02388                   endif
02389                enddo
02390             enddo
02391          else
02392             if (par%oldTsmin==1) then 
02393                s%Tsg(:,:,jg) = max(par%tsfac*s%hu/w(jg),par%Tsmin)
02394             else
02395                s%Tsg(:,:,jg) = max(par%tsfac*s%hu/w(jg),par%dtlimTs*par%dt)
02396             endif
02397             !s%Tsg(:,:,jg) = max(par%tsfac*s%hu/w(jg),par%Tsmin)
02398             s%ceqsg(:,:,jg) = qsedu/s%hu/s%uu
02399             s%ceqbg(:,:,jg) = 0.d0
02400          endif
02401       enddo
02403    end subroutine mccall_vanrijn
02405    !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
02406    !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
02409    subroutine waveturb(s,par)
02410       !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
02411       ! Copyright (C) 2007 UNESCO-IHE, WL|Delft Hydraulics and Delft University !
02412       ! Dano Roelvink, Ap van Dongeren, Ad Reniers, Jamie Lescinski,            !
02413       ! Jaap van Thiel de Vries, Robert McCall                                  !
02414       !                                                                         !
02415       ! d.roelvink@unesco-ihe.org                                               !
02416       ! UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education                                !
02417       ! P.O. Box 3015                                                           !
02418       ! 2601 DA Delft                                                           !
02419       ! The Netherlands                                                         !
02420       !                                                                         !
02421       ! This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or           !
02422       ! modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public              !
02423       ! License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either            !
02424       ! version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.      !
02425       !                                                                         !
02426       ! This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,         !
02427       ! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of          !
02429       ! Lesser General Public License for more details.                         !
02430       !                                                                         !
02431       ! You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public        !
02432       ! License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software     !
02433       ! Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307     !
02434       ! USA                                                                     !
02435       !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
02436       use params,      only: parameters
02437       use spaceparams
02438       use xmpi_module
02439           use paramsconst, only: TURBADV_EULERIAN, TURBADV_LAGRANGIAN, TURBADV_NONE
02441       implicit none
02443       type(spacepars),target                   :: s
02444       type(parameters)                         :: par
02446       integer                                  :: i
02447       integer                                  :: j
02448       real*8                                   :: ML, disturb
02449       real*8, save                             :: twothird
02450       real*8,dimension(:,:),allocatable,save   :: ksource, kturbu,kturbv,Sturbu,Sturbv,dzsdt_cr
02452       !include 's.ind'
02453       !include 's.inp'
02455       if (.not. allocated(kturbu)) then
02456          allocate(ksource (s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
02457          allocate(kturbu (s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
02458          allocate(kturbv (s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
02459          allocate(Sturbu (s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
02460          allocate(Sturbv (s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
02461          allocate(dzsdt_cr (s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
02462          twothird=2.d0/3.d0
02463       endif
02464       ! use lagrangian velocities
02465       kturbu       = 0.0d0  !Jaap
02466       kturbv       = 0.0d0  !Jaap
02467       !     dzsdt_cr=par%beta*s%c
02468       dzsdt_cr=par%beta*sqrt(par%g*s%hh)
02469       ! Update roller thickness
02470       !s%rolthick=s%rolthick+par%dt*(abs(s%dzsdt)-dzsdt_cr) Dano: not abs!
02471       s%rolthick=s%rolthick+par%dt*(s%dzsdt-dzsdt_cr)
02472       s%rolthick=max(s%rolthick,0.d0)
02473       s%rolthick=min(s%rolthick,s%hh)
02474       where (s%wetz==0)
02475          s%rolthick=0.d0
02476       endwhere
02478       ! Jaap compute sources and sinks
02479       ! long wave source
02480       ksource = 0
02481       if (par%lwt == 1) then
02482          ksource = par%g*s%rolthick*par%beta*sqrt(par%g*s%hh)      !only important in shallow water, where s%c=sqrt(gh)
02483       endif
02484       if (par%turbadv == TURBADV_NONE) then
02485          s%kturb = (s%DR/par%rho)**twothird           ! See Battjes, 1975 / 1985
02486       else
02487          ksource = ksource + s%DR/par%rho
02490          ! Jaap do long wave turb approach for both short waves and long waves
02491          !
02492          ! Turbulence in uu-points
02493          !
02494          do j=1,s%ny+1
02495             do i=1,s%nx
02496                if(s%uu(i,j)>0.d0) then
02497                   kturbu(i,j)=par%thetanum*s%kturb(i,j)+(1.d0-par%thetanum)*s%kturb(min(i+1,s%nx),j)
02498                elseif(s%uu(i,j)<0.d0) then
02499                   kturbu(i,j)=par%thetanum*s%kturb(i+1,j)+(1.d0-par%thetanum)*s%kturb(max(i,2),j)
02500                else
02501                   kturbu(i,j)=0.5d0*(s%kturb(i,j)+s%kturb(i+1,j))
02502                endif
02503             enddo
02504          enddo
02505          if (xmpi_isbot) kturbu(s%nx+1,:) = s%kturb(s%nx+1,:)
02506          !
02507          ! Turbulence in vv-points
02508          !
02509          do j=1,s%ny
02510             do i=1,s%nx+1
02511                if(s%vv(i,j)>0) then
02512                   kturbv(i,j)=par%thetanum*s%kturb(i,j)+(1.d0-par%thetanum)*s%kturb(i,min(j+1,s%ny))
02513                else if(s%vv(i,j)<0) then
02514                   kturbv(i,j)=par%thetanum*s%kturb(i,j+1)+(1.d0-par%thetanum)*s%kturb(i,max(j,2))
02515                else
02516                   kturbv(i,j)=0.5d0*(kturbv(i,j)+kturbv(i,j+1))
02517                endif
02518             enddo
02519          enddo
02520          kturbv(:,s%ny+1) = s%kturb(:,s%ny+1) !Robert
02521          !
02522          ! Turbulence advection in X and Y direction
02523          !
02524          if (par%turbadv == TURBADV_LAGRANGIAN) then
02525             Sturbu=kturbu*s%uu*s%hu*s%wetu
02526             Sturbv=kturbv*s%vv*s%hv*s%wetv
02527          elseif (par%turbadv == TURBADV_EULERIAN) then
02528             Sturbu=kturbu*s%ueu*s%hu*s%wetu
02529             Sturbv=kturbv*s%vev*s%hv*s%wetv
02530          endif
02531          !
02532          ! Update turbulence
02533          !
02534          if (s%ny>0) then
02535             do j=2,s%ny+1
02536                do i=2,s%nx+1
02537                   if (par%betad>0) then
02538                      disturb=par%betad*s%kturb(i,j)**1.5d0
02539                   else
02540                      !ML=max(s%rolthick(i,j),0.07d0*s%hstokes(i,j))
02541                      !disturb=0.08d0*s%hstokes(i,j)/ML*s%kturb(i,j)**1.5d0
02542                   endif
02543                   s%kturb(i,j) = (s%hold(i,j)*s%kturb(i,j)-par%dt*(       &
02544                   (Sturbu(i,j)*s%dnu(i,j)-Sturbu(i-1,j)*s%dnu(i-1,j)+&
02545                   Sturbv(i,j)*s%dsv(i,j)-Sturbv(i,j-1)*s%dsv(i,j-1))*s%dsdnzi(i,j)-&
02546                   (ksource(i,j)-disturb)))/s%hh(i,j)
02547                   s%kturb(i,j)=max(s%kturb(i,j),0.0d0)
02549                enddo
02550             enddo
02551          else
02552             j=1
02553             do i=2,s%nx+1
02554                ! Robert: perhaps better to re-write to implicit sink term
02555                s%kturb(i,j) = (s%hold(i,j)*s%kturb(i,j)-par%dt*(       &
02556                (Sturbu(i,j)*s%dnu(i,j)-Sturbu(i-1,j)*s%dnu(i-1,j))*s%dsdnzi(i,j)-&
02557                (ksource(i,j)-par%betad*s%kturb(i,j)**1.5d0)))/s%hh(i,j)
02558                s%kturb(i,j)=max(s%kturb(i,j),0.0d0)
02560             enddo
02561          endif
02563          !Robert: cannot divide by hh here again 
02564          !s%kturb = s%kturb/s%hh !max(s%hh,0.01d0) : 
02566          ! Jaap only required for advection mode?
02567          if (xmpi_istop) s%kturb(1,:)=s%kturb(2,:)
02568          if (xmpi_isbot) s%kturb(s%nx+1,:)=s%kturb(s%nx+1-1,:)
02569          if (s%ny>0) then
02570             if (xmpi_isleft)  s%kturb(:,1)=s%kturb(:,2)
02571             if (xmpi_isright) s%kturb(:,s%ny+1)=s%kturb(:,s%ny+1-1)
02572          endif
02574 #ifdef USEMPI
02575          call xmpi_shift_ee(s%kturb)
02576 #endif
02578       endif ! turbadv == 'none'
02580    end subroutine waveturb
02582    !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
02583    !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
02586    subroutine RvR(s,par)
02588       use params,          only: parameters
02589       use spaceparams
02590       use xmpi_module
02592       implicit none
02594       type(spacepars),target                   :: s
02595       type(parameters)                         :: par
02597       real*8 , save                            :: m1,m2,m3,m4,m5,m6,alpha,beta
02599       real*8 , dimension(:,:),allocatable,save   :: Urs,Bm,B1
02601       !include 's.ind'
02602       !include 's.inp'
02604       ! only in first timestep..
02605       if (.not. allocated(Urs)) then
02607          allocate (Urs    (s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
02608          allocate (Bm    (s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
02609          allocate (B1    (s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
02611          m1 = 0;       ! a = 0
02612          m2 = 0.7939;  ! b = 0.79 +/- 0.023
02613          m3 = -0.6065; ! c = -0.61 +/- 0.041
02614          m4 = 0.3539;  ! d = -0.35 +/- 0.032
02615          m5 = 0.6373;  ! e = 0.64 +/- 0.025
02616          m6 = 0.5995;  ! f = 0.60 +/- 0.043
02617          alpha = -log10(exp(1.d0))/m4
02618          beta  = exp(m3/m4)
02620       endif
02622       Urs = 3.d0/8.d0*sqrt(2.d0)*s%H*s%k/(s%k*s%hh)**3                    !Ursell number
02623       Urs = max(Urs,0.000000000001d0)
02624       Bm = m1 + (m2-m1)/(1.d0+beta*Urs**alpha)                    !Boltzmann sigmoid (eq 6)
02625       B1 = (-90.d0+90.d0*tanh(m5/Urs**m6))*par%px/180.d0
02626       s%Sk = Bm*cos(B1)                                            !Skewness (eq 8)
02627       s%As = Bm*sin(B1)                                            !Asymmetry(eq 9)
02628       s%ua = par%sws*(par%facSk*s%Sk-par%facAs*s%As)*s%urms
02630       ! multiply Sk and As with wetz to get zeros at h = 0 for output
02631       s%Sk = s%Sk*s%wetz
02632       s%As = s%As*s%wetz
02634    end subroutine RvR
02636    !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
02637    !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
02639    subroutine vT(s,par)
02641       use params,         only: parameters
02642       use spaceparams
02643       use readkey_module
02644       use xmpi_module
02646       implicit none
02648       type(spacepars),target                   :: s
02649       type(parameters)                         :: par
02651       integer                                  :: i,j
02652       integer , save                           :: nh,nt
02653       integer                                  :: ih0,it0,ih1,it1
02654       real*8                                   :: p,q,f0,f1,f2,f3
02655       real*8                                   :: t0fac,siguref,duddtmax,dudtmax,duddtmean,dudtmean,detadxmean
02656       real*8 , save                            :: dh,dt
02658       real*8 , dimension(:,:),allocatable  ,save     :: h0,t0,detadxmax
02659       ! Robert: RF table now included in source code, rather than read from file
02660       ! Rienecker Fenton table with amongst others amplitudes non-linear components obtained with stream function theory
02661       include 'RF.inc'
02662       ! Robert: 'RF.inc' contains definition of RF as real*8(5,33,40) with "parameter" attribute
02663       !   so RF values may not be modified! To save memory, only rows 13,14,15,16 and 18 of the
02664       !   original matrix are stored. So new row 1 corresponds with old row 13, etc.
02666       !include 's.ind'
02667       !include 's.inp'
02670       ! only in first timestep..
02671       if (.not. allocated(h0)) then
02672          allocate (h0    (s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
02673          allocate (t0    (s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
02674          allocate (detadxmax    (s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
02675          dh = 0.03d0
02676          dt = 1.25d0
02677          nh = floor(0.99d0/dh);
02678          nt = floor(50.d0/dt);
02679       endif
02681       ! non-linearity of short waves is listed in table as function of dimensionless wave height h0 and dimensionless wave period t0
02683       ! compute dimensionless wave height and wave period in each grid point..
02684       h0 = min(nh*dh,max(dh,min(s%H,s%hh)/s%hh))
02685       t0 = min(nt*dt,max(dt,par%Trep*sqrt(par%g/s%hh)))
02687       ! estimate Sk, As and ua by interpolating table values
02688       do j=1,s%ny+1
02689          do i=1,s%nx+1
02690             ! interpolate table values....
02691             ih0=floor(h0(i,j)/dh);
02692             it0=floor(T0(i,j)/dt);
02693             ih1=min(ih0+1,nh);
02694             it1=min(it0+1,nt);
02695             p=(h0(i,j)-ih0*dh)/dh;
02696             q=(T0(i,j)-it0*dt)/dt;
02698             f0=(1-p)*(1-q);
02699             f1=p*(1-q);
02700             f2=q*(1-p);
02701             f3=p*q;
02703             ! Skewness and assymetry
02704             s%Sk(i,j) = f0*RF(1,ih0,it0)+f1*RF(1,ih1,it0)+ f2*RF(1,ih0,it1)+f3*RF(1,ih1,it1)
02705             s%As(i,j) = f0*RF(2,ih0,it0)+f1*RF(2,ih1,it0)+ f2*RF(2,ih0,it1)+f3*RF(2,ih1,it1)
02707             ! Sediment advection velocity from Skewness and Assymetry
02708             ! ua(i,j) = par%sws*par%facua*(Sk(i,j)-As(i,j))*urms(i,j)
02709             s%ua(i,j) = par%sws*(par%facSk*s%Sk(i,j)-par%facAs*s%As(i,j))*s%urms(i,j)
02711             ! Estimate bore period Tbore and mean slope bore front to feeded back in roller energy balance
02713             ! correct slope in case 1.25>T0>50
02714             if (t0(i,j)==50.d0) then
02715                t0fac = 50.d0/max((par%Trep*sqrt(par%g/s%hh(i,j))),50.d0)
02716             elseif (t0(i,j)==1.25)then
02717                t0fac = 1.25d0/min((par%Trep*sqrt(par%g/s%hh(i,j))),1.25d0)
02718             else
02719                t0fac = 1.d0
02720             endif
02722             ! detadxmax for Tbore...
02723             ! dimnesionless maximum acceleration under bore front
02724             duddtmax = f0*RF(3,ih0,it0)+f1*RF(3,ih1,it0)+ f2*RF(3,ih0,it1)+f3*RF(3,ih1,it1)
02725             siguref = f0*RF(4,ih0,it0)+f1*RF(4,ih1,it0)+ f2*RF(4,ih0,it1)+f3*RF(4,ih1,it1)
02726             ! translate dimensionless duddtmax to real world dudtmax
02727             !         /scale with variance and go from [-] to [m/s^2]     /tableb./dimensionless dudtmax
02728             dudtmax = s%urms(i,j)/max(par%eps,siguref)*sqrt(par%g/s%hh(i,j))*t0fac*duddtmax
02729             detadxmax(i,j) = dudtmax*sinh(s%k(i,j)*s%hh(i,j))/max(max(s%c(i,j),sqrt(s%H(i,j)*par%g)),1d-10)/s%sigm(i,j)
02731             ! detadxmean for roller energy balance dissipation...
02732             if (par%rfb==1) then
02733                duddtmean = f0*RF(5,ih0,it0)+f1*RF(5,ih1,it0)+ f2*RF(5,ih0,it1)+f3*RF(5,ih1,it1)
02734                dudtmean = s%urms(i,j)/max(par%eps,siguref)*sqrt(par%g/s%hh(i,j))*t0fac*duddtmean
02735                detadxmean = dudtmean*sinh(s%k(i,j)*s%hh(i,j))/max(s%c(i,j),sqrt(s%H(i,j)*par%g))/s%sigm(i,j)
02736                s%BR(i,j) = par%BRfac*sin(atan(detadxmean))
02737             endif
02739          enddo
02740       enddo
02742       s%Tbore = max(par%Trep/25.d0,min(par%Trep/4.d0,s%H/(max(max(s%c,sqrt(s%H*par%g)),1d-10)*max(detadxmax,par%eps))))
02743       s%Tbore = par%Tbfac*s%Tbore
02745       ! multiply Sk and As with wetz to get zeros at h = 0 for output
02746       s%Sk = s%Sk*s%wetz
02747       s%As = s%As*s%wetz
02749    end subroutine vT
02751    subroutine setbathy_update(s, par)
02753       use params,           only: parameters
02754       use spaceparams
02755       use interp,           only: linear_interp
02757       implicit none
02759       type(spacepars)                     :: s
02760       type(parameters)                    :: par
02762       integer                             :: i,j,dummy
02763       real*8,dimension(s%nx+1,s%ny+1)     :: zbnew
02765       ! interpolate from file
02766       do j=1,s%ny+1
02767          do i=1,s%nx+1
02768             call LINEAR_INTERP(s%tsetbathy,s%setbathy(i,j,:),par%nsetbathy, &
02769             par%t,zbnew(i,j),dummy)
02770          enddo
02771       enddo
02772       ! update water level
02773       s%zs = s%zs+zbnew-s%zb
02774       ! update bed level
02775       s%zb = zbnew
02776       s%hh=max(s%zs-s%zb,par%eps)
02777       ! update wet and dry cells
02778       where (s%hh>par%eps)
02779          s%wetz=1
02780       elsewhere
02781          s%wetz=0
02782          s%zs = s%zb+par%eps
02783          s%hh = par%eps
02784       endwhere
02786    end subroutine setbathy_update
02788    !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
02789    !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
02791    subroutine hybrid(s,par)
02793       use params,          only: parameters
02794       use interp,          only: linear_interp
02795       use spaceparams
02796       use xmpi_module
02798       implicit none
02800       type(spacepars),target                   :: s
02801       type(parameters)                         :: par
02803       integer                                  :: i,j,j1,indx,first, nIter, maxIter
02804       integer , dimension(:), allocatable,save :: slopeind
02805       real*8 , dimension(:), allocatable,save  :: hav1d
02806       real*8                                   :: irrb,runup_old
02808       !include 's.ind'
02809       !include 's.inp'
02811       if (.not. allocated(hav1d)) then
02812          allocate(hav1d (s%nx+1))
02813          allocate(slopeind (s%nx+1))
02814       endif
02816       do j=1,s%ny+1
02817          indx = s%nx+1
02818          first = 0
02819          do i=1,s%nx
02820             if (s%wetz(i,j)-s%wetz(max(i-1,1),j)==-1 .and. first==0) then ! transition from wet to dry
02821                ! only consider first dry point
02822                first = 1
02823                ! find wave height for runup at L1 meter from water line
02824                call linear_interp(s%xz(:,j),s%H(:,j),s%nx+1,s%xz(i-1,j)-s%L1(i-1,j),s%Hrunup(j),indx)
02825                ! Find toe of runup slope if present (dzbdx > 0.15).
02826                ! If not present Hrunup will converge to H at the water line (where H = 0 per definition)
02827                do j1=indx,i-1
02828                   ! TODO: Strange condition. In case of no toe, or no steep slope,
02829                   !   there will still be extra turbulence at L1 meter from the water line...
02830                   ! cross shore location structure toe
02831                   if (s%dzbdx(j1,j)<0.15d0 .or. s%structdepth(j1,j)>0.1d0) then
02832                      indx = j1
02833                   endif
02834                enddo
02835                ! update Hrunup and runup x-location
02836                s%Hrunup(j) = s%H(indx,j)       ! short wave height at revetment toe
02837                s%xHrunup(j) = s%xz(indx,j)     ! cross-shore location revetment toe
02838                s%istruct(j) = indx*1.d0      ! cross-shore index revetment toe
02839                s%iwl(j) = (i-1)*1.d0         ! cross-shore location waterline (inlcuding lw-s%runup)
02841                ! now iteratively compute runup
02842                hav1d = s%hh(:,j)
02843                runup_old = huge(0.d0)
02844                s%runup(j) = 0;
02845                nIter = 0;
02846                maxIter = 50;
02847                do while (abs(s%runup(j)-runup_old)>0.01d0 .and. nIter < maxIter)
02848                   nIter = nIter +1;
02849                   runup_old = s%runup(j)
02850                   slopeind = 0
02851                   where (hav1d>par%eps .and. s%dzbdx(:,j)>0.15d0)
02852                      slopeind = 1
02853                   endwhere
02854                   s%strucslope(j) = sum(s%dzbdx(indx:s%nx,j)*s%dsu(indx:s%nx,j)*slopeind(indx:s%nx))/ &
02855                   max(par%eps,sum(s%dsu(indx:s%nx,j)*slopeind(indx:s%nx)))
02856                   if (s%strucslope(j) > 0.d0) then
02857                      irrb = s%strucslope(j)/sqrt(2*par%px*max(s%Hrunup(j),par%eps)/par%g/par%Trep**2)
02858                      s%runup(j) = par%facrun*min(irrb,2.3d0)*s%Hrunup(j)*cos(2*par%px/par%Trep*par%t)
02859                   else
02860                      s%runup(j) = 0.d0;
02861                   endif
02862                   ! This triggers s%runup to be calculated for the complete hinterland (also behind a dune).
02863                   ! Only values calculated for the first dune front are used in the avalanching algorithm (morphevolution)
02864                   hav1d =  s%wetz(:,j)*max(par%eps,(s%hh(:,j) + s%runup(j))) + &
02865                   (1.d0-s%wetz(:,j))*max(par%eps,s%runup(j)+s%zs(i-1,j)-s%zb(:,j) )
02866                enddo
02867             endif
02868          enddo
02869       enddo
02873    end subroutine hybrid
02875 end module morphevolution
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