Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 module initialize_module
00002    use typesandkinds
00003    implicit none
00004    private
00005    public setbathy_init, grid_bathy, drifter_init, wave_init, sed_init, flow_init, discharge_init, hotstart_init_1, hotstart_init_2
00006    save
00007    integer imin_ee,imax_ee,jmin_ee,jmax_ee
00008    integer imin_uu,imax_uu,jmin_uu,jmax_uu
00009    integer imin_vv,imax_vv,jmin_vv,jmax_vv
00010    integer imin_zs,imax_zs,jmin_zs,jmax_zs
00012 contains
00013    subroutine grid_bathy(s,par)
00015       use params,          only: parameters
00016       use spaceparamsdef
00017       use spaceparams,     only: gridprops
00018       use xmpi_module
00019       use general_mpi_module
00020       use logging_module,  only: writelog, report_file_read_error
00021       use typesandkinds,   only: slen
00022       use paramsconst
00023 #ifdef USEMPI
00024       use mpi
00025 #endif
00027       implicit none
00029       type(spacepars)                :: s
00030       type(parameters)               :: par
00032       integer                        :: i,ier,idum,n,m,ier2,ier3,dum
00033       integer                        :: j
00034       integer                        :: itheta
00035       real*8                         :: degrad
00036       character(slen)                :: line
00038       s%nx      = par%nx
00039       s%ny      = par%ny
00040       s%dx      = par%dx
00041       s%dy      = par%dy
00042       s%xori    = par%xori
00043       s%yori    = par%yori
00044       s%alfa    = par%alfa
00045       s%posdwn  = par%posdwn
00046       s%vardx   = par%vardx
00048       if (s%alfa.lt.0) then
00049          s%alfa = 360.d0+s%alfa
00050       endif
00052       s%alfa  = s%alfa*atan(1.0d0)/45.d0
00053       ! Robert: huh?
00054       s%posdwn = s%posdwn*sign(s%posdwn,1.d0)
00055       ! end huh?
00057       if(.not. (xmaster .or. xomaster)) return
00058       if(.true.) then
00059          allocate(s%x(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00060          allocate(s%y(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00061          allocate(s%xz(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00062          allocate(s%yz(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00063          allocate(s%xu(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00064          allocate(s%yu(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00065          allocate(s%xv(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00066          allocate(s%yv(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00067          allocate(s%zb(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00068          allocate(s%zb0(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00069          allocate(s%dzbdx(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00070          allocate(s%dzbdy(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00071          allocate(s%dsu(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00072          allocate(s%dsv(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00073          allocate(s%dsz(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00074          allocate(s%dsc(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00075          allocate(s%dnu(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00076          allocate(s%dnv(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00077          allocate(s%dnz(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00078          allocate(s%dnc(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00079          allocate(s%dsdnui(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00080          allocate(s%dsdnvi(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00081          allocate(s%dsdnzi(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00082          allocate(s%alfau(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00083          allocate(s%alfav(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00084          allocate(s%alfaz(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00085          allocate(s%sdist(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00086          allocate(s%ndist(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00087       endif
00089       call writelog('l','' ,'------------------------------------')
00090       call writelog('ls','','Building Grid and Bathymetry')
00091       call writelog('l','', '------------------------------------')
00093       !
00094       ! Create grid and bathymetry
00095       !
00096       ! Jaap make switch here to read XBeach or Delft3D format respectively
00097       !
00098       ! wv in the following select case construct, s%zb, s%x and s%y are determined
00099       !  and they are read from file
00100       ! we let xmaster read these entities and send them to xomaster.
00101       !  because xomaster has also a need for these entities
00102       !
00104       if (xmaster) then
00105          select case(par%gridform)
00106           case(GRIDFORM_XBEACH)
00107             select case(s%vardx)
00108              case(0)
00109                if (par%setbathy .ne. 1 .and. par%hotstart .ne. 1) then
00110                   open(31,file=par%depfile)
00111                   do j=1,s%ny+1
00112                      read(31,*,iostat=ier)(s%zb(i,j),i=1,s%nx+1)
00113                      if (ier .ne. 0) then
00114                         call report_file_read_error(par%depfile)
00115                      endif
00116                   end do
00117                   close(31)
00118                endif
00119                do j=1,s%ny+1
00120                   do i=1,s%nx+1
00121                      s%x(i,j)=(i-1)*s%dx
00122                      s%y(i,j)=(j-1)*s%dy
00123                   end do
00124                end do
00125              case (1)   ! Robert keep vardx == 1 for backwards compatibility??
00126                if (par%setbathy .ne. 1 .and. par%hotstart .ne. 1) then
00127                   open (31,file=par%depfile)
00128                   read (31,*,iostat=ier)((s%zb(i,j),i=1,s%nx+1),j=1,s%ny+1)
00129                   if (ier .ne. 0) then
00130                      call report_file_read_error(par%depfile)
00131                   endif
00132                   close(31)
00133                endif
00135                open (32,file=par%xfile)
00136                read (32,*,iostat=ier)((s%x(i,j),i=1,s%nx+1),j=1,s%ny+1)
00137                if (ier .ne. 0) then
00138                   call report_file_read_error(par%xfile)
00139                endif
00140                close(32)
00142                if (s%ny>0 .and. par%yfile/=' ') then
00143                   open (33,file=par%yfile)
00144                   read (33,*,iostat=ier)((s%y(i,j),i=1,s%nx+1),j=1,s%ny+1)
00145                   if (ier .ne. 0) then
00146                      call report_file_read_error(par%yfile)
00147                   endif
00148                   close(33)
00149                elseif (s%ny==0 .and. par%yfile/=' ') then
00150                   open (33,file=par%yfile)
00151                   read (33,*,iostat=ier)((s%y(i,j),i=1,s%nx+1),j=1,s%ny+1)
00152                   if (ier .ne. 0) then
00153                      call report_file_read_error(par%yfile)
00154                   endif
00155                   close(33)
00156                else
00157                   s%y = 0.d0
00158                end if
00159                !endif
00160              case default
00161                call writelog('esl','','Invalid value for vardx: ',par%vardx)
00162                call halt_program
00163             end select
00165           case (GRIDFORM_DELFT3D)
00166             !
00167             ! Gridfile
00168             !
00169             open(31,file=par%xyfile,status='old',iostat=ier)
00170             if (ier .ne. 0) then
00171                call report_file_read_error(par%xyfile)
00172             endif
00173             ! http://oss.deltares.nl/documents/183920/185723/Delft3D-FLOW_User_Manual.pdf section A.2.2
00174             ! skip comment text in file...
00175             do
00176                read(31,'(a)',iostat=ier)line
00177                if (line(1:1)/='*') then
00178                   exit
00179                endif
00180             enddo
00181             read(31,*,iostat=ier2) idum,idum
00182             ! new grid format now specifies missing value, so catch this error
00183             if (ier2 .ne. 0) then
00184                read(31,*,iostat=ier2) idum,idum
00185             endif
00186             read(31,*,iostat=ier3) idum,idum,idum
00187             ! if any iostat is still /= 0 then there is an error reading the file
00188             if (ier+ier2+ier3 .ne. 0) then
00189                call report_file_read_error(par%xyfile)
00190             endif
00192             read(31,*,iostat=ier) &
00193             (line,dum,(s%x(m,n),m=1,s%nx+1),n=1,s%ny+1), &
00194             (line,dum,(s%y(m,n),m=1,s%nx+1),n=1,s%ny+1)
00195             if (ier .ne. 0) then
00196                call report_file_read_error(par%xyfile)
00197             endif
00199             close(31)
00200             !
00201             ! Depfile
00202             !
00203             if (par%setbathy .ne. 1) then
00204                open(33,file=par%depfile,status='old')
00205                do n=1,s%ny+1
00206                   read(33,*,iostat=ier)(s%zb(m,n),m=1,s%nx+1)
00207                   if (ier .ne. 0) then
00208                      call report_file_read_error(par%depfile)
00209                   endif
00210                enddo
00211                close(33)
00212             endif
00213          end select
00214       endif
00215       ! xmaster
00217       degrad=par%px/180.d0
00218       ! send zb, x, y to xomaster
00220 #ifdef USEMPI
00221       ! wwvv todo  use xmpi_send
00222       if(xmaster) then
00224          ! <type>    BUF(*)
00226          call MPI_Send(s%zb, size(s%zb), MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, xmpi_omaster, 1, xmpi_ocomm, ier)
00227          call MPI_Send(s%x,  size(s%x),  MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, xmpi_omaster, 2, xmpi_ocomm, ier)
00228          call MPI_Send(s%y,  size(s%y),  MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, xmpi_omaster, 3, xmpi_ocomm, ier)
00229       else
00231          ! <type>    BUF(*)
00234          call MPI_Recv(s%zb, size(s%zb), MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, xmpi_imaster, 1, xmpi_ocomm, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE, ier)
00235          call MPI_Recv(s%x,  size(s%x),  MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, xmpi_imaster, 2, xmpi_ocomm, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE, ier)
00236          call MPI_Recv(s%y,  size(s%y),  MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, xmpi_imaster, 3, xmpi_ocomm, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE, ier)
00237       endif
00238 #endif
00240       if(.true.) then
00242          s%zb=-s%zb*s%posdwn
00243          ! Make sure that at the lateral boundaries the bathymetry is alongshore uniform
00244          if (s%ny>0) then
00245             s%zb(:,1) = s%zb(:,2)
00246             s%zb(:,s%ny+1) = s%zb(:,s%ny)
00247          endif
00248          s%zb(1,:)=s%zb(2,:)
00249          s%zb(s%nx+1,:)=s%zb(s%nx,:)
00251          call gridprops (s)
00253          s%zb0 = s%zb
00254          if(par%swave==1) then
00255             !
00256             ! Specify theta-grid
00257             !
00258             !
00259             ! from Nautical wave directions in degrees to Cartesian wave directions in radian !!!
00260             !
00261             !      s%theta0=(1.5d0*par%px-s%alfa)-par%dir0*atan(1.d0)/45.d0 ! Updated in waveparams.f90 for instat 4,5,6,7
00262             s%theta0=(1.5d0*par%px)-par%dir0*atan(1.d0)/45.d0 ! Updated in waveparams.f90 for instat 4,5,6,7
00263             do while(s%theta0<-par%px)
00264                s%theta0=s%theta0+2.d0*par%px
00265             enddo
00266             do while(s%theta0>par%px)
00267                s%theta0=s%theta0-2.d0*par%px
00268             enddo
00270             !degrad=par%px/180.d0
00271             !
00272             if (par%thetanaut==1) then
00273                s%thetamin=(270-par%thetamax)*degrad
00274                s%thetamax=(270-par%thetamin)*degrad
00275             else
00276                ! rotate theta grid to world coordinates for backwards compatibility
00277                s%thetamin=par%thetamin+s%alfa/degrad
00278                s%thetamax=par%thetamax+s%alfa/degrad
00280                s%thetamin=s%thetamin*degrad
00281                s%thetamax=s%thetamax*degrad
00282             endif
00284             ! try and fix whatever strange angles given in params.txt
00285             s%thetamin = mod(s%thetamin,2.d0*par%px)
00286             s%thetamax = mod(s%thetamax,2.d0*par%px)
00287             ! thetamin should always be smaller than thetamax
00288             if(s%thetamin>=s%thetamax) then
00289                if (s%thetamax>=0.d0) then
00290                   do while(s%thetamin>=s%thetamax)
00291                      s%thetamin = s%thetamin-2.d0*par%px
00292                   enddo
00293                else
00294                   do while(s%thetamin>s%thetamax)
00295                      s%thetamax = s%thetamax+2.d0*par%px
00296                   enddo
00297                endif
00298             elseif(s%thetamax>s%thetamin+2.d0*par%px) then
00299                do while(s%thetamax>s%thetamin+2.d0*par%px) ! note, most should already be captured by mod statements above,
00300                   ! but can still occur under strange conditions
00301                   s%thetamin = s%thetamin+2.d0*par%px
00302                enddo
00303             endif
00305             !if (s%thetamax>par%px) then
00306             !   s%thetamax=s%thetamax-2*par%px
00307             !   s%thetamin=s%thetamin-2*par%px
00308             !endif
00309             !if (s%thetamin<-par%px) then
00310             !   s%thetamax=s%thetamax+2*par%px
00311             !   s%thetamin=s%thetamin+2*par%px
00312             !endif
00315             if(par%single_dir==0) then
00316                s%dtheta=par%dtheta*degrad
00317                s%ntheta=nint((s%thetamax-s%thetamin)/s%dtheta)
00318             else
00319                s%dtheta=s%thetamax-s%thetamin
00320                s%ntheta=1
00321             endif
00322          else
00323             s%dtheta=2*par%px
00324             s%ntheta = 1
00325             ! below needed sometimes (like combination wavemodel = nonh and wavebctype = params)
00326             s%theta0=(1.5d0*par%px)-par%dir0*atan(1.d0)/45.d0
00327             do while(s%theta0<-par%px)
00328                s%theta0=s%theta0+2.d0*par%px
00329             enddo
00330             do while(s%theta0>par%px)
00331                s%theta0=s%theta0-2.d0*par%px
00332             enddo
00333          endif
00335          ! Always allocate room incase of output request and memory sharing
00336          allocate(s%theta(1:s%ntheta))
00337          allocate(s%thet(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1,1:s%ntheta))
00338          allocate(s%costh(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1,1:s%ntheta))
00339          allocate(s%sinth(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1,1:s%ntheta))
00341          if (par%single_dir==1) then
00342             s%dtheta_s=par%dtheta_s*degrad
00343             s%ntheta_s=nint((s%thetamax-s%thetamin)/s%dtheta_s)
00344             allocate(s%theta_s(1:s%ntheta_s))
00345             allocate(s%thet_s(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1,1:s%ntheta_s))
00346             allocate(s%costh_s(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1,1:s%ntheta_s))
00347             allocate(s%sinth_s(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1,1:s%ntheta_s))
00348          else
00349             s%dtheta_s=2*par%px
00350             s%ntheta_s=0
00351             allocate(s%theta_s(1:s%ntheta))
00352             allocate(s%thet_s(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1,1:s%ntheta))
00353             allocate(s%costh_s(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1,1:s%ntheta))
00354             allocate(s%sinth_s(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1,1:s%ntheta))
00355          endif
00357          ! Always allocate room incase of output request and memory sharing
00360          if (par%swave==1) then
00361             do itheta=1,s%ntheta
00362                s%theta(itheta)=mod(s%thetamin+s%dtheta/2+s%dtheta*(itheta-1),2*par%px)
00363             end do
00365             do itheta=1,s%ntheta
00366                do j=1,s%ny+1
00367                   do i=1,s%nx+1
00368                      s%thet(i,j,itheta) = s%theta(itheta)
00369                      s%costh(i,j,itheta)=cos(mod(s%theta(itheta)-s%alfaz(i,j),2*par%px))
00370                      s%sinth(i,j,itheta)=sin(mod(s%theta(itheta)-s%alfaz(i,j),2*par%px))
00371                   enddo
00372                enddo
00373             enddo
00375             if (par%single_dir==1) then
00376                do itheta=1,s%ntheta_s
00377                   s%theta_s(itheta)=mod(s%thetamin+s%dtheta_s/2+s%dtheta_s*(itheta-1),2*par%px)
00378                end do
00380                do itheta=1,s%ntheta_s
00381                   do j=1,s%ny+1
00382                      do i=1,s%nx+1
00383                         s%thet_s(i,j,itheta) = s%theta_s(itheta)
00384                         s%costh_s(i,j,itheta)=cos(mod(s%theta_s(itheta)-s%alfaz(i,j),2*par%px))
00385                         s%sinth_s(i,j,itheta)=sin(mod(s%theta_s(itheta)-s%alfaz(i,j),2*par%px))
00386                      enddo
00387                   enddo
00388                enddo
00389             endif
00390          endif
00391       endif
00393       !if (xmaster) then
00394       if(.true.) then
00395          ! Initialize dzbdx, dzbdy
00396          do j=1,s%ny+1
00397             do i=1,s%nx
00398                s%dzbdx(i,j)=(s%zb(i+1,j)-s%zb(i,j))/s%dsu(i,j)
00399             enddo
00400          enddo
00401          ! dummy, needed to keep compiler happy
00402          s%dzbdx(s%nx+1,:)=s%dzbdx(s%nx,:)
00404          do j=1,s%ny
00405             do i=1,s%nx+1
00406                s%dzbdy(i,j)=(s%zb(i,j+1)-s%zb(i,j))/s%dnv(i,j)
00407             enddo
00408          enddo
00409          if (s%ny>0) then
00410             s%dzbdy(:,s%ny+1)=s%dzbdy(:,s%ny)
00411          endif
00412       endif
00414    end subroutine grid_bathy
00416    subroutine setbathy_init(s,par)
00417       use params,          only: parameters
00418       use spaceparamsdef,  only: spacepars
00419       use filefunctions,   only: create_new_fid
00420       use logging_module,  only: report_file_read_error
00421       use interp,          only: linear_interp
00422       use xmpi_module,     only: xmaster
00424       type(spacepars)                     :: s
00425       type(parameters)                    :: par
00427       integer                             :: i,j,it
00428       integer                             :: ier,fid,dummy
00430       if(.not. xmaster) return
00432       if (par%setbathy==1) then
00433          allocate(s%setbathy(s%nx+1,s%ny+1,par%nsetbathy))
00434          allocate(s%tsetbathy(par%nsetbathy))
00435          ! start file read
00436          fid = create_new_fid()
00437          open (fid,file=par%setbathyfile)
00438          do it=1,par%nsetbathy
00439             read(fid,*,iostat=ier)s%tsetbathy(it)
00440             if (ier .ne. 0) then
00441                call report_file_read_error(par%setbathyfile)
00442             endif
00443             do j=1,s%ny+1
00444                read(fid,*,iostat=ier)(s%setbathy(i,j,it),i=1,s%nx+1)
00445                if (ier .ne. 0) then
00446                   call report_file_read_error(par%setbathyfile)
00447                endif
00448             enddo
00449          enddo
00450          close(fid)
00451          ! Interpolate initial bathymetry
00452          do j=1,s%ny+1
00453             do i=1,s%nx+1
00454                call LINEAR_INTERP(s%tsetbathy,s%setbathy(i,j,:),par%nsetbathy, &
00455                0.d0,s%zb(i,j),dummy)
00456             enddo
00457          enddo
00458          s%zb0 = s%zb
00459       else
00460          ! give MPI bcast a memory address
00461          allocate(s%setbathy(0,0,0))
00462          allocate(s%tsetbathy(0))
00463       endif
00464    end subroutine setbathy_init
00466    subroutine wave_init (s,par)
00467       use params,                only: parameters
00468       use spaceparamsdef,        only: spacepars
00469       use logging_module,        only: report_file_read_error
00470       use xmpi_module,           only: xmaster
00471       use wave_functions_module, only: dispersion
00473       use paramsconst
00475       IMPLICIT NONE
00477       type(spacepars),target              :: s
00478       type(parameters)                    :: par
00480       integer                             :: itheta, i, j, ier
00481       logical                             :: exists
00483       if(.not. xmaster) return
00485       allocate(s%thetamean(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00486       allocate(s%Fx(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00487       allocate(s%Fy(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00488       allocate(s%Sxx(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00489       allocate(s%Sxy(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00490       allocate(s%Syy(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00491       allocate(s%n(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00492       allocate(s%H(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00493       allocate(s%cgx(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1,1:s%ntheta))
00494       allocate(s%cgy(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1,1:s%ntheta))
00495       allocate(s%cx(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1,1:s%ntheta))
00496       allocate(s%cy(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1,1:s%ntheta))
00497       allocate(s%ctheta(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1,1:s%ntheta))
00498       allocate(s%sigt(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1,1:s%ntheta))
00499       allocate(s%ee(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1,1:s%ntheta))
00500       allocate(s%rr(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1,1:s%ntheta))
00501       if (par%single_dir==1) then ! Robert: always allocate these variables
00502          allocate(s%cgx_s(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1,1:s%ntheta_s))
00503          allocate(s%cgy_s(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1,1:s%ntheta_s))
00504          allocate(s%ctheta_s(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1,1:s%ntheta_s))
00505          allocate(s%ee_s(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1,1:s%ntheta_s))
00506       else
00507          allocate(s%cgx_s(0,0,0))
00508          allocate(s%cgy_s(0,0,0))
00509          allocate(s%ctheta_s(0,0,0))
00510          allocate(s%ee_s(0,0,0))
00511       endif
00512       allocate(s%sigm(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00513       allocate(s%c(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00514       allocate(s%cg(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00515       allocate(s%k(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00516       allocate(s%ui(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00517       allocate(s%vi(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00518       allocate(s%E(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00519       allocate(s%R(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00520       allocate(s%urms(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00521       allocate(s%D(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00522       allocate(s%Df(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00523       allocate(s%fw(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00524       allocate(s%Dp(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00525       allocate(s%Qb(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00526       allocate(s%ust(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00527       allocate(s%uwf(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00528       allocate(s%vwf(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00529       allocate(s%ustr(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00530       allocate(s%usd(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00531       allocate(s%bi(1:s%ny+1))
00532       allocate(s%DR(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00533       allocate(s%umwci       (1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00534       allocate(s%vmwci       (1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00535       allocate(s%zswci       (1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00536       allocate(s%BR(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00537       allocate(s%hhw(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00538       allocate(s%hhws(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00539       allocate(s%uws(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00540       allocate(s%vws(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00541       allocate(s%hhwcins(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00542       allocate(s%uwcins(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00543       allocate(s%vwcins(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00544       !allocate(s%tm(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00545       !
00546       ! Initial condition
00547       !
00548       s%ee        = 0.d0
00549       s%thetamean = 0.d0
00550       s%Fx        = 0.d0
00551       s%Fy        = 0.d0
00552       s%Sxx       = 0.d0
00553       s%Sxy       = 0.d0
00554       s%Syy       = 0.d0
00555       s%n         = 0.d0
00556       s%H         = 0.d0
00557       s%cgx       = 0.d0
00558       s%cgy       = 0.d0
00559       s%cx        = 0.d0
00560       s%cy        = 0.d0
00561       s%ctheta    = 0.d0
00562       if (par%single_dir==1) then
00563          s%ee_s      = 0.d0
00564          s%cgx_s     = 0.d0
00565          s%cgy_s     = 0.d0
00566          s%ctheta_s  = 0.d0
00567       endif
00568       s%sigt      = 0.d0
00569       s%rr        = 0.d0
00570       s%sigm      = 0.d0
00571       s%c         = 0.d0
00572       s%cg        = 0.d0
00573       s%k         = 0.d0
00574       s%ui        = 0.d0
00575       s%vi        = 0.d0
00576       s%E         = 0.d0
00577       s%R         = 0.d0
00578       s%urms      = 0.d0
00579       s%D         = 0.d0
00580       s%Qb        = 0.d0
00581       s%ust       = 0.d0
00582       s%uwf       = 0.d0
00583       s%vwf       = 0.d0
00584       s%ustr      = 0.d0
00585       s%usd       = 0.d0
00586       s%bi        = 0.d0
00587       s%DR        = 0.d0
00588       s%Df        = 0.d0
00589       s%BR        = par%Beta
00590       s%hhw       = s%hh
00591       s%hhws      = s%hh
00592       s%uws       = s%u
00593       s%vws       = s%v
00594       s%hhwcins   = s%hh
00595       s%uwcins    = s%u
00596       s%vwcins    = s%v
00597       s%isSet_Vbc = 0
00598       !s%tm        = 0.d0
00601       ! introduce intrinsic frequencies for wave action
00602       if ( par%wbctype==WBCTYPE_PARAMETRIC .or. &
00603       par%wbctype==WBCTYPE_JONS_TABLE .or. &
00604       par%wbctype==WBCTYPE_SWAN .or. &
00605       par%wbctype==WBCTYPE_VARDENS .or. &
00606       par%wbctype==WBCTYPE_REUSE .or. &
00607       par%wbctype==WBCTYPE_TS_NONH &
00608       ) par%Trep=10.d0
00609       !Robert
00610       ! incorrect values are computed below for instat = 4/5/6/7
00611       ! in this case right values are computed in wave params.f90
00612       if ( par%wbctype==WBCTYPE_PARAMETRIC .or. &
00613       par%wbctype==WBCTYPE_JONS_TABLE .or. &
00614       par%wbctype==WBCTYPE_SWAN .or. &
00615       par%wbctype==WBCTYPE_VARDENS) then
00616          if(xmaster) call spectral_wave_init (s,par)  ! only used by xmaster
00617       endif
00619       do itheta=1,s%ntheta
00620          s%sigt(:,:,itheta) = 2*par%px/par%Trep
00621       end do
00622       s%sigm = sum(s%sigt,3)/s%ntheta
00623       call dispersion(par,s,s%hh)
00624       !
00625       inquire(file=par%wavfricfile,exist=exists)
00626       if ((exists)) then
00627          open(723,file=par%wavfricfile)
00628          do j=1,s%ny+1
00629             read(723,*,iostat=ier)(s%fw(i,j),i=1,s%nx+1)
00630             if (ier .ne. 0) then
00631                call report_file_read_error(par%wavfricfile)
00632             endif
00633          enddo
00634          close(723)
00635       else
00636          s%fw=par%wavfriccoef
00637       endif
00640    end subroutine wave_init
00643    subroutine spectral_wave_init(s,par)
00644       use params,          only: parameters
00645       use spaceparamsdef,  only: spacepars
00646       use filefunctions,   only: create_new_fid
00647       use logging_module,  only: writelog
00648       use spectral_wave_bc_module, only: lastwaveelevation, n_index_loc, bcfiles, bccount, nspectra, reuseall, spectrumendtime
00649       use xmpi_module,     only: halt_program
00650       use typesandkinds,   only: slen
00652       type(spacepars)             :: s
00653       type(parameters)            :: par
00655       integer                     :: fid,err
00656       integer                     :: i
00657       integer,dimension(1)        :: minlocation
00658       character(slen)             :: testline
00659       real*8,dimension(:),allocatable :: xspec,yspec,mindist
00660       real*8                      :: mindistr
00662       call writelog('l','','--------------------------------')
00663       call writelog('l','','Initializing spectral wave boundary conditions ')
00664       ! Initialize that wave boundary conditions need to be calculated (first time at least)
00665       ! Stored and defined in spectral_wave_bc_module
00666       reuseall = .false.
00667       ! Initialize the number of times wave boundary conditions have been generated.
00668       ! Stored and defined in spectral_wave_bc_module
00669       bccount  = 0
00670       ! Initialize bcendtime to zero.
00671       ! Stored and defined in spectral_wave_bc_module
00672       spectrumendtime = 0.d0
00673       ! Initialise lastwaveheight to zero
00674       ! Stored and defined in spectral_wave_bc_module
00675       allocate(lastwaveelevation(s%ny+1,s%ntheta))
00676       lastwaveelevation = 0.d0
00678       if (par%nspectrumloc<1) then
00679          call writelog('ewls','','number of boundary spectra (''nspectrumloc'') may not be less than 1')
00680          call halt_program
00681       endif
00683       ! open location list file
00684       fid = create_new_fid()
00685       open(fid,file=par%bcfile,status='old',form='formatted')
00686       ! check for LOCLIST
00687       read(fid,*)testline
00688       if (trim(testline)=='LOCLIST') then
00689          allocate(n_index_loc(par%nspectrumloc)) ! stored and defined in spectral_wave_bc_module
00690          allocate(bcfiles(par%nspectrumloc))     ! stored and defined in spectral_wave_bc_module
00691          allocate(xspec(par%nspectrumloc))
00692          allocate(yspec(par%nspectrumloc))
00693          allocate(mindist(s%ny+1))
00694          do i=1,par%nspectrumloc
00695             ! read x,y and file name per location
00696             read(fid,*,IOSTAT=err)xspec(i),yspec(i),bcfiles(i)%fname
00697             bcfiles(i)%listline = 0
00698             if (err /= 0) then
00699                ! something has gone wrong during the read of this file
00700                call writelog('ewls','a,i0,a,a)','error reading line ',i+1,' of file ',par%bcfile)
00701                call writelog('ewls','','check file for format errors and ensure the number of  ',&
00702                'lines is equal to nspectrumloc')
00703                call halt_program
00704             endif
00705          enddo
00706          ! convert x,y locations of the spectra to the nearest grid points on s=1 boundary
00707          do i=1,par%nspectrumloc
00708             mindist=sqrt((xspec(i)-s%xz(1,:))**2+(yspec(i)-s%yz(1,:))**2)
00709             ! look up the location of the found minimum
00710             minlocation=minloc(mindist)
00711             ! minimum distance
00712             mindistr = mindist(minlocation(1))
00713             ! store location
00714             n_index_loc(i) = minlocation(1)
00715             call writelog('ls','(a,i0,a,i0)','Spectrum ',i,' placed at n = ',minlocation(1))
00716             call writelog('ls','(a,f0.3)','Distance spectrum to grid: ',mindistr)
00717          enddo
00718          nspectra = par%nspectrumloc     ! stored and defined in spectral_wave_bc_module
00719          deallocate(xspec,yspec,mindist)
00720       else
00721          if (par%nspectrumloc==1) then
00722             allocate(n_index_loc(1)) ! stored and defined in spectral_wave_bc_module
00723             allocate(bcfiles(1))     ! stored and defined in spectral_wave_bc_module
00724             n_index_loc = 1
00725             bcfiles(1)%fname = par%bcfile
00726             bcfiles(1)%listline = 0      ! for files that have multiple lines, set listline to 0
00727             nspectra = 1                 ! stored and defined in spectral_wave_bc_module
00728          else
00729             call writelog('ewls','','if nspectrumloc>1 then bcfile should contain spectra locations with LOCLIST header')
00730             close(fid)
00731             call halt_program
00732          endif
00733       endif
00734       close(fid)
00736       call writelog('l','','--------------------------------')
00738    end subroutine spectral_wave_init
00740    !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
00741    !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
00743    subroutine flow_init (s,par)
00744       use params,              only: parameters
00745       use spaceparamsdef
00746       use logging_module,      only: writelog, report_file_read_error
00747       use xmpi_module
00748       use compute_tide_module, only: tide_init
00749       use paramsconst
00752       IMPLICIT NONE
00754       type(spacepars),target                  :: s
00755       type(parameters), intent(in)            :: par
00757       integer*4                               :: i,j,ig,indt
00758       logical                                 :: exists
00759       logical                                 :: offshoreregime
00760       integer                                 :: indoff,indbay,ier
00762       real*8,dimension(:),allocatable         :: xzs0,yzs0,szs0
00763       real*8,dimension(:,:),allocatable       :: vmagvold,vmaguold
00764       real*8                                  :: flowerr
00767       if(.not. xmaster) return
00769       if (par%hotstart .ne. 1) then
00770          allocate(s%zs(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00771          allocate(s%uu(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00772          allocate(s%vv(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00773       endif
00775       allocate(s%dzsdt(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00776       allocate(s%dzsdx(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00777       allocate(s%dzsdy(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00778       allocate(s%dzbdt(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00779       allocate(s%dzbnow(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00780       allocate(s%qx(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00781       allocate(s%qy(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00782       allocate(s%sedero(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00783       allocate(s%ueu(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00784       allocate(s%vev(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00785       allocate(s%vmagu(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00786       allocate(s%vmagv(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00787       allocate(s%vmageu(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00788       allocate(s%vmagev(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00789       allocate(s%u(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00790       allocate(s%v(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00791       allocate(s%ue(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00792       allocate(s%ve(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00793       allocate(s%ue_sed(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00794       allocate(s%ve_sed(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00795       allocate(s%hold(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00796       allocate(s%wetu(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00797       allocate(s%wetv(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00798       allocate(s%wetz(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00799       allocate(s%wete(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00800       allocate(s%hh(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00801       allocate(s%hu(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00802       allocate(s%hv(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00803       allocate(s%hum(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00804       allocate(s%hvm(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00805       allocate(s%vu(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00806       allocate(s%uv(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00807       allocate(s%maxzs(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00808       allocate(s%minzs(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00809       allocate(s%taubx(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00810       allocate(s%tauby(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00811       allocate(s%ws(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00812       allocate(s%wscrit(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00813       allocate(s%wb(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00814       allocate(s%nuh(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00815       allocate(s%pres(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00816       allocate(s%ph(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00817       allocate(s%wi(2,1:s%ny+1))
00818       allocate(s%dUi(2,1:s%ny+1))
00819       allocate(s%dVi(2,1:s%ny+1))
00820       allocate(s%zi(2,1:s%ny+1))
00821       allocate(s%bedfriccoef(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00822       allocate(s%cf(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00823       allocate(s%cfu(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00824       allocate(s%cfv(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00825       allocate(s%zs0(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00826       allocate(s%zs1(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))           ! water level minus tide
00827       allocate(s%dzs0dn(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00828       allocate(s%zs0fac(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1,2))
00829       allocate(s%wm(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00830       allocate(s%umean(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00831       allocate(s%vmean(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00832       allocate(s%ur(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00833       allocate(s%xyzs01(2))
00834       allocate(s%xyzs02(2))
00835       allocate(s%xyzs03(2))
00836       allocate(s%xyzs04(2))
00838       allocate(s%dU(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00839       allocate(s%dV(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00841       allocate(s%sigz(1:par%nz))
00842       allocate(s%uz(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1,1:par%nz))
00843       allocate(s%vz(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1,1:par%nz))
00844       allocate(s%ustz(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1,1:par%nz))
00845       allocate(s%nutz(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1,1:par%nz))
00847       allocate(szs0(1:2))
00848       allocate(xzs0(1:2))
00849       allocate(yzs0(1:2))
00850       allocate(vmagvold(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00851       allocate(vmaguold(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00853       allocate(s%ududx(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00854       allocate(s%vdvdy(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00855       allocate(s%udvdx(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00856       allocate(s%vdudy(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00857       allocate(s%viscu(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00858       allocate(s%viscv(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00859       ! nonh hydrostatic flow initialisation
00860       allocate(s%breaking(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00862       ! vegetation initialization
00863       !allocate(s%vegtype(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00864       ! allocate(s%nsecveg(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00865       !allocate(s%Cdveg(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1,1:3))
00866       !allocate(s%ahveg(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1,1:3))
00867       !allocate(s%bveg(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1,1:3))
00868       !allocate(s%Nveg(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1,1:3))
00870       ! added bed roughness due to second order effects
00871       allocate(s%taubx_add(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00872       allocate(s%tauby_add(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00874       allocate(s%hstokes(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00876       ! Just to be sure!
00877       if(par%hotstart .ne. 1) then 
00878          s%zs = 0.d0
00879          s%uu = 0.d0
00880          s%vv = 0.d0
00881       endif
00882       s%dzsdt = 0.0d0
00883       s%dzsdx = 0.0d0
00884       s%dzsdy = 0.0d0
00885       s%dzbdt = 0.0d0
00886       s%dzbnow = 0.d0
00887       s%qx = 0.0d0
00888       s%qy = 0.0d0
00889       s%sedero = 0.0d0
00890       s%ueu = 0.0d0
00891       s%vev = 0.0d0
00892       s%vmagu = 0.0d0
00893       s%vmagv = 0.0d0
00894       s%vmageu = 0.0d0
00895       s%vmagev = 0.0d0
00896       s%u = 0.0d0
00897       s%v = 0.0d0
00898       s%ue = 0.0d0
00899       s%ve = 0.0d0
00900       s%ue_sed = 0.0d0
00901       s%ve_sed = 0.0d0
00902       s%hold = 0.0d0
00903       s%wetu = 0
00904       s%wetv = 0
00905       s%wetz = 0
00906       s%wete = 0
00907       s%hh = 0.0d0
00908       s%hu = 0.0d0
00909       s%hv = 0.0d0
00910       s%hum = 0.0d0
00911       s%hvm = 0.0d0
00912       s%vu = 0.0d0
00913       s%uv = 0.0d0
00914       s%dU = 0.0d0
00915       s%dV = 0.0d0
00916       s%maxzs = 0.0d0
00917       s%minzs = 0.0d0
00918       s%taubx = 0.0d0
00919       s%tauby = 0.0d0
00920       s%ws = 0.0d0
00921       s%wb = 0.0d0
00922       s%nuh = 0.0d0
00923       s%pres = 0.0d0
00924       s%ph = 0.0d0
00925       s%wi = 0.0d0
00926       s%zi = 0.0d0
00927       s%cf = 0.0d0
00928       s%zs0 = 0.0d0
00929       s%zs0fac = 0.0d0
00930       s%wm = 0.0d0
00931       s%umean = 0.0d0
00932       s%vmean = 0.0d0
00933       s%ur = 0.0d0
00934       s%xyzs01 = 0.0d0
00935       s%xyzs02 = 0.0d0
00936       s%xyzs03 = 0.0d0
00937       s%xyzs04 = 0.0d0
00939       szs0 = 0.0d0
00940       xzs0 = 0.0d0
00941       yzs0 = 0.0d0
00943       ! TODO: do this properly....
00944       ! All variables above, should be initialized below (for all cells)
00945       s%zs0  = 0.0d0
00946       s%dzs0dn = 0.d0
00947       s%ue   = 0.0d0
00948       s%ve   = 0.0d0
00949       s%ws   = 0.0d0
00950       s%wscrit = 0.d0
00951       s%wb   = 0.0d0
00952       s%pres = 0.0d0
00953       s%zi   = 0.0d0
00954       s%wi   = 0.0d0
00955       s%nuh  = 0.0d0
00956       !s%cf   = par%cf
00957       s%wm   =0.d0
00958       s%zs0fac = 0.0d0
00960       s%ududx = 0.d0
00961       s%vdvdy = 0.d0
00962       s%udvdx = 0.d0
00963       s%vdudy = 0.d0
00964       s%viscu = 0.d0
00965       s%viscv = 0.d0
00967       s%taubx_add = 0.0d0
00968       s%tauby_add = 0.0d0
00970       s%hstokes = 0.d0
00972       if (par%wavemodel==WAVEMODEL_NONH) then
00973          s%breaking = 0
00974       endif
00976       !if (par%vegetation==1) then
00977       !   s%vegtype = 0
00978       !   s%Cdveg   = 0.d0
00979       !   s%ahveg   = 0.d0
00980       !   s%bveg    = 0.d0
00981       !   s%Nveg    = 0.d0
00982       !endif
00984       !
00985       ! set-up tide and surge waterlevels
00986       call tide_init(s,par)
00988       inquire(file=par%bedfricfile,exist=exists)
00989       if ((exists)) then
00990          open(723,file=par%bedfricfile)
00991          do j=1,s%ny+1
00992             read(723,*,iostat=ier)(s%bedfriccoef(i,j),i=1,s%nx+1)
00993             if (ier .ne. 0) then
00994                call report_file_read_error(par%bedfricfile)
00995             endif
00996          enddo
00997          close(723)
00998       else
00999          s%bedfriccoef=par%bedfriccoef
01000       endif
01002       !
01003       ! set zs, hh, wetu, wetv, wetz
01004       !
01006       s%zs0 = max(s%zs0,s%zb)
01007       ! cjaap: replaced par%hmin by par%eps
01008       if (par%hotstart .ne. 1) s%zs=max(s%zb+par%eps,s%zs0)
01009       s%hh=max(s%zs-s%zb,par%eps)
01012       !Initialize hu correctly to prevent spurious initial flow (Pieter)
01013       do j=1,s%ny+1
01014          do i=1,s%nx
01015             s%hu(i,j) = max(s%zs(i,j),s%zs(i+1,j))-max(s%zb(i,j),s%zb(i+1,j))
01016          enddo
01017       enddo
01018       s%hu(s%nx+1,:)=s%hu(s%nx,:)
01020       if (s%ny>0) then
01021          do j=1,s%ny
01022             do i=1,s%nx+1
01023                s%hv(i,j) = max(s%zs(i,j),s%zs(i,j+1))-max(s%zb(i,j),s%zb(i,j+1))
01024             enddo
01025          enddo
01026          s%hv(:,s%ny+1)=s%hv(:,s%ny)
01027       else
01028          s%hv(:,1)=s%zs(:,1)-s%zb(:,1)
01029       endif
01031       s%hum(1:s%nx,:) = 0.5d0*(s%hh(1:s%nx,:)+s%hh(2:s%nx+1,:))
01032       s%hum(s%nx+1,:)=s%hh(s%nx+1,:)
01034       ! R+L: Why are these variable reinitialise?
01035       s%dzsdt=0.d0
01036       s%dzsdx=0.d0
01037       s%dzsdy=0.d0
01038       s%dzbdt=0.d0
01039       s%uu=0.d0
01040       s%u=0.d0
01041       s%vv=0.d0
01042       s%v=0.d0
01043       s%vu=0.d0
01044       s%uv=0.d0
01045       s%ueu=0.d0
01046       s%vev=0.d0
01047       s%qx=0.d0
01048       s%qy=0.d0
01049       s%sedero=0.d0
01050       s%vmagu=0.d0
01051       s%vmagv=0.d0
01052       s%vmageu=0.d0
01053       s%vmagev=0.d0
01054       s%taubx=0.d0
01055       s%tauby=0.d0
01056       s%maxzs=-999.d0
01057       s%minzs=999.d0
01058       where(s%zs>s%zb+par%eps)
01059          s%wetz=1
01060          s%wetu=1
01061          s%wetv=1
01062          s%wete=1
01063       elsewhere
01064          s%wetz=0
01065          s%wetu=0
01066          s%wetv=0
01067          s%wete=0
01068       endwhere
01069       !
01070       ! Start with initial velocities based on balance between water level gradient
01071       ! and bed friction term
01072       if (par%hotstartflow==1) then
01073          call writelog('ls','','Calculating stationary flow field for initial condition')
01074          ! water level gradients
01075          do j=1,s%ny+1
01076             do i=2,s%nx
01077                s%dzsdx(i,j)=(s%zs0(i+1,j)-s%zs0(i,j))/s%dsu(i,j)
01078             end do
01079          end do
01080          do j=1,s%ny ! Dano need to get correct slope on boundary y=0
01081             do i=1,s%nx+1
01082                s%dzsdy(i,j)=(s%zs0(i,j+1)-s%zs0(i,j))/s%dnv(i,j)
01083             end do
01084          end do
01085          ! Water depth in u,v-points mean for wind forcing
01086          do j=1,s%ny+1
01087             do i=1,s%nx+1 !Ap
01088                s%hum(i,j)=max(.5d0*(s%hh(i,j)+s%hh(min(s%nx,i)+1,j)),par%eps)
01089             end do
01090          end do
01091          do j=1,s%ny+1
01092             do i=1,s%nx+1
01093                s%hvm(i,j)=max(.5d0*(s%hh(i,j)+s%hh(i,min(s%ny,j)+1)),par%eps)
01094             end do
01095          end do
01096          ! residual error
01097          flowerr = huge(0.d0)
01098          vmagvold = 0.d0
01099          vmaguold = 0.d0
01100          do while (flowerr > 0.00001d0)
01101             !
01102             ! Balance in longshore
01103             vmagvold=0.5d0*(vmagvold+sqrt(s%uv**2+s%vv**2))   ! mean needed for convergence
01104             ! solve v-balance of pressure gradient, wind forcing and bed friction
01105             where (s%wetv==1)
01106                s%vv = s%hv/s%cf/max(vmagvold,0.000001d0) &
01107                *(-par%g*s%dzsdy+par%rhoa*par%Cd*s%windnv*sqrt(s%windsu**2+s%windnv**2)/(par%rho*s%hvm))  ! Kees: wind correction
01108             elsewhere
01109                s%vv = 0.d0
01110             endwhere
01111             ! update vmagev
01112             ! u velocity in v points
01113             if (s%ny>0) then
01114                s%uv(2:s%nx,1:s%ny)= .25d0*(s%uu(1:s%nx-1,1:s%ny)+s%uu(2:s%nx,1:s%ny)+ &
01115                s%uu(1:s%nx-1,2:s%ny+1)+s%uu(2:s%nx,2:s%ny+1))
01116                ! boundaries?
01117                ! wwvv and what about uv(:,1) ?
01118                if(xmpi_isright) then
01119                   s%uv(:,s%ny+1) = s%uv(:,s%ny)
01120                endif
01121             else
01122                s%uv(2:s%nx,1)= .5d0*(s%uu(1:s%nx-1,1)+s%uu(2:s%nx,1))
01123             endif !s%ny>0
01124             s%vmagev = sqrt(s%uv**2+s%vv**2)
01125             !
01126             ! Balance in cross shore
01127             vmaguold= 0.5d0*(vmaguold+sqrt(s%uu**2+s%vu**2)) ! mean needed for convergence
01128             ! Solve balance of forces
01129             where (s%wetu==1)
01130                s%uu = s%hu/s%cf/max(vmaguold,0.000001d0) &
01131                *(-par%g*s%dzsdx+par%rhoa*par%Cd*s%windsu*sqrt(s%windsu**2+s%windnv**2)/(par%rho*s%hum)) ! Kees: wind correction
01132             elsewhere
01133                s%uu = 0.d0
01134             endwhere
01135             ! update vmageu
01136             if (s%ny>0) then
01137                s%vu(1:s%nx,2:s%ny)= 0.25d0*(s%vv(1:s%nx,1:s%ny-1)+s%vv(1:s%nx,2:s%ny)+ &
01138                s%vv(2:s%nx+1,1:s%ny-1)+s%vv(2:s%nx+1,2:s%ny))
01139                if(xmpi_isleft) then
01140                   s%vu(:,1) = s%vu(:,2)
01141                endif
01142                if(xmpi_isright) then
01143                   s%vu(:,s%ny+1) = s%vu(:,s%ny)
01144                endif
01145             else
01146                s%vu(1:s%nx,1)= 0.5d0*(s%vv(1:s%nx,1)+s%vv(2:s%nx+1,1))
01147             endif !s%ny>0
01148             s%vmageu = sqrt(s%uu**2+s%vu**2)
01149             !
01150             ! Check residual error
01151             flowerr = max(maxval(abs(s%vmagev-vmagvold)),maxval(abs(s%vmageu-vmaguold)))
01152          enddo
01153          ! calculate all derivatives
01154          s%ueu=s%uu
01155          s%vev=s%vv
01156          s%qx=s%uu*s%hu
01157          s%qy=s%vv*s%hv
01158          s%vmagu=s%vmageu
01159          s%vmagv=s%vmagev
01160          s%u(2:s%nx,:)=0.5d0*(s%uu(1:s%nx-1,:)+s%uu(2:s%nx,:))
01161          if(xmpi_istop) then
01162             s%u(1,:)=s%uu(1,:)
01163          endif
01164          if(xmpi_isbot) then
01165             s%u(s%nx+1,:)=s%u(s%nx,:)
01166          endif
01167          if (s%ny>0) then
01168             s%v(:,2:s%ny)=0.5d0*(s%vv(:,1:s%ny-1)+s%vv(:,2:s%ny))
01169             if(xmpi_isleft) then
01170                s%v(:,1)=s%vv(:,1)
01171             endif
01172             if(xmpi_isright) then
01173                s%v(:,s%ny+1)=s%v(:,s%ny)
01174             endif
01175             s%v(s%nx+1,:)=s%v(s%nx,:)
01176          else ! Dano
01177             s%v=s%vv
01178          endif !s%ny>0
01179       endif
01180       !
01181       ! Initialize for tide instant boundary condition
01182       !
01183       if (par%tidetype==TIDETYPE_INSTANT) then
01184          ! RJ: 22-09-2010
01185          ! Check for whole domain whether a grid cell should be associated with
01186          ! 1) offshore tide and surge
01187          ! 2) bay tide and surge
01188          ! 3) no tide and surge
01189          ! 4) weighted tide and surge (for completely wet arrays)
01190          ! relative weight of offshore boundary and bay boundary for each grid point is stored in zs0fac
01191          !
01192          s%zs0fac = 0.d0
01193          do j = 1,s%ny+1
01194             offshoreregime = .true.
01195             indoff = s%nx+1 ! ind of last point (starting at offshore boundary) that should be associated with offshore boundary
01196             indbay = 1      ! ind of first point (starting at offshore boundary) that should be associated with bay boundary
01197             do i = 1,s%nx+1
01198                if (offshoreregime .and. s%wetz(i,j)==0) then
01199                   indoff = max(i-1,1)
01200                   offshoreregime = .false.
01201                endif
01202                if (s%wetz(i,j)==0 .and. s%wetz(min(i+1,s%nx+1),j)==1) then
01203                   indbay = min(i+1,s%nx+1)
01204                endif
01205             enddo
01207             if (indbay==1 .and. indoff==s%nx+1) then ! in case of completely wet arrays linear interpolation for s%zs0fac
01208                ! Dano: don't know how to fix this for curvilinear
01209                !          zs0fac(:,j,2) = (xz-xz(1))/(xz(s%nx+1)-xz(1))
01210                !          zs0fac(:,j,1) = 1-zs0fac(:,j,2)
01211             else                                    ! in all other cases we assume three regims offshore, dry and bay
01212                s%zs0fac(1:indoff,j,1) = 1.d0
01213                s%zs0fac(1:indoff,j,2) = 0.d0
01214                if (indbay > 1) then
01215                   s%zs0fac(indoff+1:indbay-1,j,1) = 0.d0
01216                   s%zs0fac(indbay:s%nx+1,j,1) = 0.d0
01217                   s%zs0fac(indoff+1:indbay-1,j,2) = 0.d0
01218                   s%zs0fac(indbay:s%nx+1,j,2) = 1.d0
01219                endif
01220             endif
01221          enddo
01223       endif ! tidetype = instant water level boundary
01225    end subroutine flow_init
01228    !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
01229    !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
01232    subroutine sed_init (s,par)
01233       use params,          only: parameters
01234       use spaceparamsdef,  only: spacepars
01235       use xmpi_module,     only: xmaster
01236       use logging_module,  only: writelog, report_file_read_error
01237       use typesandkinds,   only: slen
01239       IMPLICIT NONE
01241       type(spacepars),target              :: s
01242       type(parameters)                    :: par
01244       integer                             :: i,j,m,jg,start,ier
01245       character(slen)                     :: fnameg
01246       character(len=4)                    :: tempc
01247       real*8                              :: tempr
01250       if(.not. xmaster) return
01252       allocate(s%ccg(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1,par%ngd))
01253       allocate(s%dcbdy(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
01254       allocate(s%dcbdx(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
01255       allocate(s%dcsdy(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
01256       allocate(s%dcsdx(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
01257       allocate(s%Tsg(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1,par%ngd))
01258       allocate(s%Susg(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1,par%ngd))
01259       allocate(s%Svsg(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1,par%ngd))
01260       allocate(s%Subg(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1,par%ngd))
01261       allocate(s%Svbg(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1,par%ngd))
01262       allocate(s%vmag(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
01263       allocate(s%ceqsg(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1,par%ngd))
01264       allocate(s%ceqbg(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1,par%ngd))
01265       !if (par%dilatancy==1) allocate(s%D15(1:par%ngd)) ! Lodewijk
01266       !if (par%dilatancy==1) then
01267       !  allocate(s%D15(1:par%ngd)) ! Lodewijk
01268       !else
01269       !  allocate(s%D15(1)) ! wwvv: s%D15 will be distributed, so it must exist
01270       !endif
01271       allocate(s%D15(1:par%ngd)) ! Robert: this is distributed according to stencil in spaceparams.tmpl
01272       allocate(s%D50(1:par%ngd))
01273       allocate(s%D90(1:par%ngd))
01274       allocate(s%D50top(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
01275       allocate(s%D90top(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
01276       allocate(s%sedcal(1:par%ngd))
01277       allocate(s%ucrcal(1:par%ngd))
01278       allocate(s%nd(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
01279       allocate(s%dzbed(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1,1:par%nd))
01280       allocate(s%pbbed(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1,1:par%nd,1:par%ngd))
01281       allocate(s%z0bed(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
01282       allocate(s%ureps(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
01283       allocate(s%urepb(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
01284       allocate(s%vreps(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
01285       allocate(s%vrepb(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
01286       allocate(s%ero(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1,1:par%ngd))
01287       allocate(s%depo_ex(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1,1:par%ngd))
01288       allocate(s%depo_im(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1,1:par%ngd))
01289       allocate(s%kb(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
01290       allocate(s%Tbore(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
01291       allocate(s%ua(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
01292       allocate(s%dzav(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
01293       allocate(s%Sk(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
01294       allocate(s%As(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
01295       allocate(s%kturb(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
01296       allocate(s%rolthick(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
01297       allocate(s%Sutot(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))     ! Only really for easy output
01298       allocate(s%Svtot(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))     ! Only really for easy output
01299       allocate(s%cctot(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))     ! Only really for easy output
01300       allocate(s%runup(1:s%ny+1))
01301       allocate(s%Hrunup(1:s%ny+1))
01302       allocate(s%xHrunup(1:s%ny+1))
01303       allocate(s%istruct(1:s%ny+1))
01304       allocate(s%iwl(1:s%ny+1))
01305       allocate(s%strucslope(1:s%ny+1))
01306       allocate(s%Dc(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
01307       allocate(s%ccz(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1,1:par%kmax)) ! Q3D: concentration profile
01308       allocate(s%ca(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))             ! Q3D: reference concentration
01309       allocate(s%refA(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))           ! Q3D: reference level
01311       ! Initialize so structures can be implemented more easily
01312       s%pbbed = 0.d0
01313       !
01314       ! Set grain size(s)
01315       !
01316       if (par%dilatancy==1) s%D15 = par%D15(1:par%ngd)
01317       s%D50 = par%D50(1:par%ngd)
01318       s%D90 = par%D90(1:par%ngd)
01319       s%sedcal = par%sedcal(1:par%ngd)
01320       s%ucrcal = par%ucrcal(1:par%ngd)
01323       if (par%ngd==1) then
01325          ! No multi sediment, but we do need some data to keep the script running
01327          s%pbbed(:,:,:,1)=1.d0   ! set sand fraction everywhere, not structure fraction (if exist) which is still 0.d0
01328          par%nd_var=2
01330          s%dzbed(:,:,1:par%nd_var-1)       = max(par%dzg1,10.d0)
01331          s%dzbed(:,:,par%nd_var)           = max(par%dzg2,10.d0)
01332          s%dzbed(:,:,par%nd_var+1:par%nd)  = max(par%dzg3,10.d0)
01334       else
01336          ! Fill pbed en dzbed
01337          !
01338          do jg=1,par%ngd
01339             write(tempc,'(i4)')jg
01340             start=4-floor(log10(real(jg)))
01341             write(fnameg,'(a,a,a)')'gdist',tempc(start:4),'.inp'
01342             open(31,file=fnameg)
01343             do m=1,par%nd
01344                do j=1,s%ny+1
01345                   read(31,*,iostat=ier)(s%pbbed(i,j,m,jg),i=1,s%nx+1)
01346                   if (ier .ne. 0) then
01347                      call report_file_read_error(fnameg)
01348                   endif
01349                enddo
01350             enddo
01351             close(31)
01352          enddo
01353          ! Rework pbbed so that sum fractions = 1
01354          do m=1,par%nd
01355             do j=1,s%ny+1     !Jaap instead of 2:s%ny
01356                do i=1,s%nx+1 !Jaap instead of 2:s%nx
01358                   tempr=sum(s%pbbed(i,j,m,1:par%ngd))
01359                   if (abs(1.d0-tempr)>0.000001d0) then
01360                      ! Maybe fix this warning if in combination with structures
01361                      call writelog('lws','(a,i0,a,i0,a,i0,a)',' Warning: Resetting sum of sediment fractions in point (',&
01362                      i,',',j,') layer ,',m,&
01363                      ' to equal unity.')
01364                      if (tempr<=tiny(0.d0)) then    ! In case cell has zero sediment (i.e. only hard structure)
01365                         s%pbbed(i,j,m,:)=1.d0/dble(par%ngd)
01366                      else
01367                         s%pbbed(i,j,m,:)=s%pbbed(i,j,m,:)/tempr
01368                      endif
01369                   endif
01370                enddo
01371             enddo
01372          enddo
01373          ! boundary neumann --> Jaap not necessary already done in loop above
01375          ! sediment thickness
01376          s%dzbed(:,:,1:par%nd_var-1)       = par%dzg1
01377          s%dzbed(:,:,par%nd_var)           = par%dzg2
01378          s%dzbed(:,:,par%nd_var+1:par%nd)  = par%dzg3
01379       endif
01381       ! Initialize representative sed.diameter at the bed for flow friction and output
01382       do j=1,s%ny+1
01383          do i=1,s%nx+1
01384             s%D50top(i,j) =  sum(s%pbbed(i,j,1,:)*s%D50)
01385             s%D90top(i,j) =  sum(s%pbbed(i,j,1,:)*s%D90)
01386          enddo
01387       enddo
01388       !
01389       ! Set non-erodable layer
01390       !
01391       allocate(s%structdepth(s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
01393       s%structdepth = 100.d0
01395       if (par%struct==1 .and. par%hotstart==0) then
01396          !call readkey('params.txt','ne_layer',fnameh)
01397          !open(31,file=fnameh)
01398          open(31,file=par%ne_layer)
01400          do j=1,s%ny+1
01401             read(31,*,iostat=ier)(s%structdepth(i,j),i=1,s%nx+1)
01402             if (ier .ne. 0) then
01403                call report_file_read_error(par%ne_layer)
01404             endif
01405          end do
01407          close(31)
01409       endif
01411       ! bottom of sediment model
01412       s%z0bed = s%zb - sum(s%dzbed,DIM=3)
01414       s%nd = par%nd
01416       s%ureps      = 0.d0
01417       s%vreps      = 0.d0
01418       s%ccg        = 0.d0
01419       s%ceqbg      = 0.d0
01420       s%ceqsg      = 0.d0
01421       s%Susg       = 0.d0
01422       s%Svsg       = 0.d0
01423       s%Subg       = 0.d0
01424       s%Svbg       = 0.d0
01425       s%dcsdx      = 0.d0
01426       s%dcsdy      = 0.d0
01427       s%dcbdx      = 0.d0
01428       s%dcbdy      = 0.d0
01429       s%ero        = 0.d0
01430       s%depo_im    = 0.d0
01431       s%depo_ex    = 0.d0
01432       s%kb         = 0.d0
01433       s%Tbore      = 0.d0
01434       s%ua         = 0.d0
01435       s%dzav       = 0.d0
01436       s%Sk         = 0.d0
01437       s%As         = 0.d0
01438       s%kturb      = 0.d0
01439       s%rolthick   = 0.d0
01440       s%Sutot      = 0.d0
01441       s%Svtot      = 0.d0
01442       s%cctot      = 0.d0
01443       s%runup      = 0.d0
01444       s%Hrunup     = 0.d0
01445       s%xHrunup    = 0.d0
01446       s%istruct    = s%nx+1
01447       s%strucslope = 0.d0
01448       s%Dc         = 0.d0
01450       ! Initialize dzbdx, dzbdy
01451       do j=1,s%ny+1
01452          do i=1,s%nx
01453             s%dzbdx(i,j)=(s%zb(i+1,j)-s%zb(i,j))/s%dsu(i,j)
01454          enddo
01455       enddo
01456       ! dummy, needed to keep compiler happy
01457       s%dzbdx(s%nx+1,:)=s%dzbdx(s%nx,:)
01459       if (s%ny>0) then
01460          do j=1,s%ny
01461             do i=1,s%nx+1
01462                s%dzbdy(i,j)=(s%zb(i,j+1)-s%zb(i,j))/s%dnv(i,j)
01463             enddo
01464          enddo
01465          s%dzbdy(:,s%ny+1)=s%dzbdy(:,s%ny)
01466       else
01467          s%dzbdy=0.d0
01468       endif
01470    end subroutine sed_init
01472    !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
01473    !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
01475    subroutine discharge_init(s, par)
01477       use params,          only: parameters
01478       use spaceparamsdef,  only: spacepars
01479       use xmpi_module,     only: xmaster
01480       use logging_module,  only: report_file_read_error
01483       implicit none
01485       type(spacepars),target                  :: s
01486       type(parameters)                        :: par
01488       integer                                 :: i,j
01489       integer                                 :: io
01490       integer                                 :: m1,m2,n1,n2
01491       real*8, dimension(:),allocatable        :: xdb,ydb,xde,yde
01492       integer,dimension(2)                    :: mnb,mne
01495       if(.not. xmaster) return
01497       io          = 0
01499       allocate(xdb            (par%ndischarge)      )
01500       allocate(ydb            (par%ndischarge)      )
01501       allocate(xde            (par%ndischarge)      )
01502       allocate(yde            (par%ndischarge)      )
01504       allocate(s%pntdisch     (1:par%ndischarge)                      )
01505       allocate(s%pdisch       (1:par%ndischarge   , 1:4)              )
01506       allocate(s%tdisch       (1:par%ntdischarge)                     )
01507       allocate(s%qdisch       (1:par%ntdischarge  , 1:par%ndischarge) )
01509       s%pntdisch  = 0
01510       s%tdisch    = 0.d0
01511       s%pdisch    = 0
01512       s%qdisch    = 0.d0
01514       if (par%ndischarge>0) then
01516          ! read discharge locations
01517          open(10,file=par%disch_loc_file)
01518          do i=1,par%ndischarge
01519             read(10,*,IOSTAT=io) xdb(i),ydb(i),xde(i),yde(i)
01520             if (io .ne. 0) then
01521                call report_file_read_error(par%disch_loc_file)
01522             endif
01523             ! distinguish between horizontal and vertical discharge
01524             if (xdb(i).eq.xde(i) .and. ydb(i).eq.yde(i)) then
01525                s%pntdisch(i) = 1
01526             else
01527                s%pntdisch(i) = 0
01528             endif
01530          enddo
01531          close(10)
01533          if (par%ntdischarge>0) then
01535             ! read time series
01536             open(10,file=par%disch_timeseries_file)
01537             do i=1,par%ntdischarge
01538                read(10,*,IOSTAT=io) s%tdisch(i),(s%qdisch(i,j),j=1,par%ndischarge)
01539                if (io .ne. 0) then
01540                   call report_file_read_error(par%disch_timeseries_file)
01541                endif
01542             enddo
01543             close(10)
01544          endif
01545       endif
01547       ! initialise each discharge location
01548       do i=1,par%ndischarge
01550          !          dxd = abs(xde(i)-xdb(i))
01551          !          dyd = abs(yde(i)-ydb(i))
01552          mnb = minloc(sqrt((s%xz-xdb(i))**2+(s%yz-ydb(i))**2))
01553          mne = minloc(sqrt((s%xz-xde(i))**2+(s%yz-yde(i))**2))
01555          ! convert discharge location to cell indices depending on type of discharge:
01556          !     point discharge, in v-direction or in u-direction
01557          if (s%pntdisch(i).eq.1) then
01559             ! point discharge (no orientation, no added momentum, just mass)
01561             !            mnb = minloc(sqrt((s%xz-xdb(i))**2+(s%yz-ydb(i))**2))
01562             !            mne = minloc(sqrt((s%xz-xde(i))**2+(s%yz-yde(i))**2))
01564             s%pdisch(i,:) = (/mnb(1),mnb(2),0,0/)
01565             !          elseif (dxd.gt.dyd) then
01566          elseif (mnb(1).ne.mne(1)) then
01568             ! discharge through v-points
01570             !             mnb = minloc(sqrt((s%xv-xdb(i))**2+(s%yv-ydb(i))**2))
01571             !             mne = minloc(sqrt((s%xv-xde(i))**2+(s%yv-yde(i))**2))
01573             m1 = minval((/mnb(1),mne(1)/))
01574             m2 = maxval((/mnb(1),mne(1)/))
01575             n1 = nint(0.5*(mnb(2)+mne(2)))
01577             if (n1.lt.1)    n1 = 1
01578             if (n1.gt.s%ny) n1 = s%ny
01580             s%pdisch(i,:) = (/m1,n1,m2,n1/)
01581          else
01583             ! discharge through u-points
01585             !             mnb = minloc(sqrt((s%xu-xdb(i))**2+(s%yu-ydb(i))**2))
01586             !             mne = minloc(sqrt((s%xu-xde(i))**2+(s%yu-yde(i))**2))
01588             m1 = nint(0.5*(mnb(1)+mne(1)))
01589             n1 = minval((/mnb(2),mne(2)/))
01590             n2 = maxval((/mnb(2),mne(2)/))
01592             if (m1.lt.1)    m1 = 1
01593             if (m1.gt.s%nx) m1 = s%nx
01595             s%pdisch(i,:) = (/m1,n1,m1,n2/)
01596          endif
01597       enddo
01599       ! incorporate morfac
01600       if (par%morfacopt == 1) then
01601          s%tdisch = s%tdisch/max(par%morfac,1.d0)
01602       endif
01603    end subroutine discharge_init
01605    !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
01606    !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
01608    subroutine drifter_init(s, par)
01610       use params,          only: parameters
01611       use spaceparamsdef,  only: spacepars
01612       use logging_module,  only: report_file_read_error
01613       use xmpi_module
01615       implicit none
01617       type(spacepars),target                  :: s
01618       type(parameters)                        :: par
01620       integer                                 :: i,ier
01621       real*8                                  :: xdrift,ydrift
01622       real*8                                  :: ds,dn
01623       integer,dimension(2)                    :: mn
01626       if(.not. (xmaster .or. xomaster)) return
01628       allocate(s%idrift   (par%ndrifter))
01629       allocate(s%jdrift   (par%ndrifter))
01630       allocate(s%tdriftb  (par%ndrifter))
01631       allocate(s%tdrifte  (par%ndrifter))
01633       if (par%ndrifter>0) then
01635          ! read drifter file
01636          if(xmaster) then
01637             open(10,file=par%drifterfile)
01638             do i=1,par%ndrifter
01639                read(10,*,iostat=ier)xdrift,ydrift,s%tdriftb(i),s%tdrifte(i)
01640                if (ier .ne. 0) then
01641                   call report_file_read_error(par%drifterfile)
01642                endif
01644                mn          = minloc(sqrt((s%xz-xdrift)**2+(s%yz-ydrift)**2))
01646                ds          =  (xdrift - s%xz(mn(1),mn(2)))*cos(s%alfaz(mn(1),mn(2))) &
01647                +(ydrift - s%yz(mn(1),mn(2)))*sin(s%alfaz(mn(1),mn(2)))
01648                dn          = -(xdrift - s%xz(mn(1),mn(2)))*sin(s%alfaz(mn(1),mn(2))) &
01649                +(ydrift - s%yz(mn(1),mn(2)))*cos(s%alfaz(mn(1),mn(2)))
01651                s%idrift(i) = mn(1) + ds/s%dsu(mn(1),mn(2))
01652                s%jdrift(i) = mn(2) + dn/s%dnv(mn(1),mn(2))
01653             enddo
01654             close(10)
01656             ! incorporate morfac
01657             if (par%morfacopt == 1) then
01658                s%tdriftb   = s%tdriftb/max(par%morfac,1.d0)
01659                s%tdrifte   = s%tdrifte/max(par%morfac,1.d0)
01660             endif
01661          endif
01663 #ifdef USEMPI
01664          call xmpi_send(xmpi_imaster, xmpi_omaster,s%idrift)
01665          call xmpi_send(xmpi_imaster, xmpi_omaster,s%jdrift)
01666          call xmpi_send(xmpi_imaster, xmpi_omaster,s%tdriftb)
01667          call xmpi_send(xmpi_imaster, xmpi_omaster,s%tdrifte)
01668 #endif
01670       endif
01671    end subroutine drifter_init
01673    subroutine hotstart_init_1(s,par)
01674       use params
01675       use spaceparams
01676       use filefunctions
01677       use logging_module
01678       use paramsconst
01680       implicit none
01682       type(spacepars),target                  :: s
01683       type(parameters)                        :: par
01685       integer     :: i,j,ier
01687       allocate(s%zs(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
01688       allocate(s%uu(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
01689       allocate(s%vv(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
01690       ! Robert: not zb, that is allocated in grid_bathy called earlier
01692       ! all models
01693       call lowlevel_read_hotstart_2d(s%zs,s%nx,s%ny,'zs',par%hotstartfileno)
01694       call lowlevel_read_hotstart_2d(s%zb,s%nx,s%ny,'zb',par%hotstartfileno)
01695       call lowlevel_read_hotstart_2d(s%uu,s%nx,s%ny,'uu',par%hotstartfileno)
01696       call lowlevel_read_hotstart_2d(s%vv,s%nx,s%ny,'vv',par%hotstartfileno)
01697       s%zb0 = s%zb
01698    end subroutine hotstart_init_1
01700    subroutine hotstart_init_2(s,par)
01701       use params
01702       use spaceparams
01703       use filefunctions
01704       use logging_module
01705       use paramsconst
01707       implicit none
01709       type(spacepars),target                  :: s
01710       type(parameters)                        :: par
01712       integer     :: i,j,ier
01713       ! groundwater parameters
01714       if(par%gwflow==1) then
01715          call lowlevel_read_hotstart_2d(s%gwlevel,s%nx,s%ny,'gwlevel',par%hotstartfileno)
01716          call lowlevel_read_hotstart_2d(s%gwhead,s%nx,s%ny,'gwhead',par%hotstartfileno)
01717          if(par%gwnonh==1) call lowlevel_read_hotstart_2d(s%gwcurv,s%nx,s%ny,'gwcurv',par%hotstartfileno)
01718       endif
01720       ! wave energy
01721       if (par%swave==1) then
01722          call lowlevel_read_hotstart_3d(s%ee,s%nx,s%ny,s%ntheta,'ee',par%hotstartfileno)
01723          call lowlevel_read_hotstart_3d(s%rr,s%nx,s%ny,s%ntheta,'rr',par%hotstartfileno)
01724       endif
01726       ! single-dir
01727       if (par%single_dir==1) then
01728          call lowlevel_read_hotstart_3d(s%ee_s,s%nx,s%ny,s%ntheta_s,'ee_s',par%hotstartfileno)
01729       endif
01731       ! nonh parameters
01732       if (par%wavemodel == WAVEMODEL_NONH) then
01733          call lowlevel_read_hotstart_2d_int(s%breaking,s%nx,s%ny,'breaking',par%hotstartfileno)
01734          call lowlevel_read_hotstart_2d(s%wb,s%nx,s%ny,'wb',par%hotstartfileno)
01735          call lowlevel_read_hotstart_2d(s%ws,s%nx,s%ny,'ws',par%hotstartfileno)
01736       endif
01738       ! sediment transport
01739       if (par%sedtrans==1 .and. (par%sus==1 .or. par%bulk==1)) then
01740          call lowlevel_read_hotstart_3d(s%ccg,s%nx,s%ny,par%ngd,'ccg',par%hotstartfileno)
01741          endif
01743       ! turbulence
01744       if (par%turb==1) then
01745          call lowlevel_read_hotstart_2d(s%kturb,s%nx,s%ny,'kturb',par%hotstartfileno)
01746       endif
01748       ! structures
01749       if(par%struct==1) then 
01750           call lowlevel_read_hotstart_2d(s%structdepth,s%nx,s%ny,'structdepth',par%hotstartfileno)
01751       endif
01753       ! nhplus
01754       if (par%nonhq3d==1) then
01755          call lowlevel_read_hotstart_2d(s%dU,s%nx,s%ny,'dU',par%hotstartfileno)
01756          call lowlevel_read_hotstart_2d(s%dV,s%nx,s%ny,'dV',par%hotstartfileno)
01757       endif
01759       ! umean and vmean
01760       if ((par%flow==1).or.(par%wavemodel==WAVEMODEL_NONH)) then
01761          call lowlevel_read_hotstart_2d(s%umean,s%nx,s%ny,'umean',par%hotstartfileno)
01762          call lowlevel_read_hotstart_2d(s%vmean,s%nx,s%ny,'vmean',par%hotstartfileno)
01763       endif
01765    end subroutine hotstart_init_2
01767    subroutine lowlevel_read_hotstart_2d(var,nx,ny,varname,ith)
01768       use filefunctions
01770       integer,intent(in)           :: nx,ny,ith
01771       real*8,dimension(nx+1,ny+1)  :: var
01772       character(*), intent(in)     :: varname
01774       integer                      :: unit,i,j,ierr
01775       character(128)               :: fname,rowfmt
01777       write(fname,'(a,a,I6.6,a)') 'hotstart_',trim(varname),ith,'.dat'
01778       call check_file_exist(fname)
01779       call check_file_length(fname,nx+1,ny+1)
01781       unit = create_new_fid()
01782       write(rowfmt,'(a,I12,a)') '(',ny+1,'(1X,D))'
01783       open(unit,file=fname,form='FORMATTED', iostat=ierr,status='OLD',action='READ')
01784       do j=1,ny+1
01785          read(unit,FMT=rowfmt,iostat=ierr) (var(i,j), i=1,nx+1)
01786       enddo
01787       close(unit)
01789    end subroutine lowlevel_read_hotstart_2d
01791    subroutine lowlevel_read_hotstart_2d_int(var,nx,ny,varname,ith)
01792       use filefunctions
01794       integer,intent(in)           :: nx,ny,ith
01795       integer,dimension(nx+1,ny+1) :: var
01796       character(*), intent(in)     :: varname
01798       integer                      :: unit,i,j,ierr
01799       character(128)               :: fname,rowfmt
01801       write(fname,'(a,a,I6.6,a)') 'hotstart_',trim(varname),ith,'.dat'
01802       call check_file_exist(fname)
01803       call check_file_length(fname,nx+1,ny+1)
01805       unit = create_new_fid()
01806       write(rowfmt,'(a,I12,a)') '(',ny+1,'(1X,I4))'
01807       open(unit,file=fname,form='FORMATTED', iostat=ierr)
01808       do j=1,ny+1
01809          read(unit,FMT=rowfmt,iostat=ierr) (var(i,j), i=1,nx+1)
01810       enddo
01811       close(unit)
01813    end subroutine lowlevel_read_hotstart_2d_int
01815     subroutine lowlevel_read_hotstart_3d(var,nx,ny,nd,varname,ith)
01816       use filefunctions
01818       integer,intent(in)           :: nx,ny,nd,ith
01819       real*8,dimension(nx+1,ny+1,nd) :: var
01820       character(*), intent(in)     :: varname
01822       integer                      :: unit,i,j,k,ierr
01823       character(128)               :: fname,rowfmt
01825       write(fname,'(a,a,I6.6,a)') 'hotstart_',trim(varname),ith,'.dat'
01826       call check_file_exist(fname)
01827       call check_file_length(fname,nx+1,ny+1,nd)
01829       unit = create_new_fid()
01830       write(rowfmt,'(a,I12,a)') '(',ny+1,'(1X,D))'
01831       open(unit,file=fname,form='FORMATTED', iostat=ierr)
01832       do k=1,nd
01833          do j=1,ny+1
01834             read(unit,FMT=rowfmt,iostat=ierr) (var(i,j,k), i=1,nx+1)
01835          enddo
01836       enddo
01837       close(unit)
01839    end subroutine lowlevel_read_hotstart_3d
01841 end module initialize_module
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