Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 module flow_timestep_module
00002    implicit none
00003    private
00004    public flow
00005    save
00006 contains
00007    subroutine flow(s,par)
00008       !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
00009       ! Copyright (C) 2007 UNESCO-IHE, WL|Delft Hydraulics and Delft University !
00010       ! Dano Roelvink, Ap van Dongeren, Ad Reniers, Jamie Lescinski,            !
00011       ! Jaap van Thiel de Vries, Robert McCall                                  !
00012       !                                                                         !
00013       ! d.roelvink@unesco-ihe.org                                               !
00014       ! UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education                                !
00015       ! P.O. Box 3015                                                           !
00016       ! 2601 DA Delft                                                           !
00017       ! The Netherlands                                                         !
00018       !                                                                         !
00019       ! This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or           !
00020       ! modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public              !
00021       ! License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either            !
00022       ! version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.      !
00023       !                                                                         !
00024       ! This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,         !
00025       ! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of          !
00027       ! Lesser General Public License for more details.                         !
00028       !                                                                         !
00029       ! You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public        !
00030       ! License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software     !
00031       ! Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307     !
00032       ! USA                                                                     !
00033       !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
00034       use params,                  only: parameters
00035       use spaceparamsdef
00036       use xmpi_module
00037       use boundaryconditions,      only: flow_lat_bc, discharge_boundary_h, discharge_boundary_v
00038       use flow_secondorder_module, only: flow_secondorder_huhv, flow_secondorder_advuv
00039       use nonh_module,             only: nonh_cor
00040       use bedroughness_module,     only: bedroughness_init, bedroughness_update
00041       use vsm_u_xb_module,         only: vsm_u_XB
00042       use paramsconst
00043       use rainfall_module
00045       IMPLICIT NONE
00047       type(spacepars),target                  :: s
00048       type(parameters)                        :: par
00050       integer                                 :: i
00051       integer                                 :: j,j1,jp1,jm1
00052       real*8,dimension(:,:),allocatable,save  :: vv_old                   !Velocity at previous timestep
00053       real*8,dimension(:,:),allocatable,save  :: uu_old                   !Velocity at previous timestep
00054       real*8,dimension(:,:),allocatable,save  :: zs_old
00055       real*8,dimension(:,:),allocatable,save  :: vsu,usu,vsv,usv,veu,uev
00056       real*8,dimension(:,:),allocatable,save  :: dudx,dvdy
00057       real*8,dimension(:,:),allocatable,save  :: us,vs
00058       real*8                                  :: nuh1,nuh2
00059       real*8                                  :: dudx1,dudx2,dudy1,dudy2
00060       real*8                                  :: dvdy1,dvdy2,dvdx1,dvdx2  !Jaap
00061       real*8                                  :: dalfa                    !difference in grid angles
00062       real*8                                  :: uin,vin                  !s%u resp s%v-velocity corrected for grid angle change
00063       real*8                                  :: qin                      !specific discharge entering cell
00064       real*8                                  :: dzsdnavg                 !alongshore water level slope
00065       real*8,save                             :: fc
00066       real*8,dimension(:,:),allocatable,save  :: sinthm,costhm
00067       real*8                                  :: fcvisc=0.1d0,facdel=5.d0,facdf=1.d0,ks
00068       real*8                                  :: tauw,tauwx,tauwy
00069       integer                                 :: imax,jmax,jmin,swglm=0
00072       if (.not. allocated(vsu) ) then
00073          allocate (   vsu(s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
00074          allocate (   usu(s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
00075          allocate (   vsv(s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
00076          allocate (   usv(s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
00077          allocate (   veu(s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
00078          allocate (   uev(s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
00079          allocate (  dudx(s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
00080          allocate (  dvdy(s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
00081          allocate (    us(s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
00082          allocate (    vs(s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
00083          allocate (sinthm(s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
00084          allocate (costhm(s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
00085          !
00086          if (par%secorder == 1  .or. par%wavemodel==WAVEMODEL_NONH) then
00087             allocate(vv_old(s%nx+1,s%ny+1)); vv_old = s%vv
00088             allocate(uu_old(s%nx+1,s%ny+1)); uu_old = s%uu
00089             allocate(zs_old(s%nx+1,s%ny+1)); zs_old = s%zs
00090          endif
00092          s%vu      =0.d0
00093          vsu     =0.d0
00094          usu     =0.d0
00095          vsv     =0.d0
00096          usv     =0.d0
00097          s%uv      =0.d0
00098          veu     =0.d0
00099          uev     =0.d0
00100          s%ueu     =0.d0
00101          s%vev     =0.d0
00102          dudx    =0.d0
00103          s%ududx   =0.d0
00104          dvdy    =0.d0
00105          s%vdvdy   =0.d0
00106          s%udvdx   =0.d0
00107          s%vdudy   =0.d0
00108          s%viscu   =0.d0
00109          s%viscv   =0.d0
00110          us      =0.d0
00111          vs      =0.d0
00112          s%u       =0.d0
00113          s%v       =0.d0
00114          s%ue      =0.d0
00115          s%ve      =0.d0
00116          fc      =2.d0*par%wearth*sin(par%lat)
00118          call bedroughness_init(s,par) ! note, this is not yet designed for initialisation
00119          ! on sglobal, so don't call from initialize.F90
00120       endif
00122       ! Super fast 1D
00123       if (s%ny==0) then
00124          j1 = 1
00125       else
00126          j1 = 2
00127       endif
00129       ! Add vertical discharges
00130       call discharge_boundary_v(s,par)
00132       !
00133       ! s%zs=s%zs*s%wetz
00134       ! Water level slopes
00135       do j=1,s%ny+1
00136          do i=2,s%nx
00137             s%dzsdx(i,j)=(s%zs(i+1,j)+s%ph(i+1,j)-s%zs(i,j)-s%ph(i,j))/s%dsu(i,j)
00138          end do
00139       end do
00140       !    do j=2,ny
00141       do j=1,s%ny ! Dano need to get correct slope on boundary s%y=0
00142          do i=1,s%nx+1
00143             s%dzsdy(i,j)=(s%zs(i,j+1)+s%ph(i,j+1)-s%zs(i,j)-s%ph(i,j))/s%dnv(i,j)
00144          end do
00145       end do
00146       !
00147       ! Compute velocity gradients for viscosity terms.
00148       ! Robert: Check whether should be same gradients as advection terms?
00149       do j=j1,max(s%ny,1)
00150          do i=2,s%nx+1
00151             dudx(i,j) = (s%uu(i,j)-s%uu(i-1,j))/s%dsz(i,j)
00152          enddo
00153       enddo
00154       ! wwvv: added: xmpi_istop
00155       if (xmpi_istop) then
00156          dudx(1,:) = 0.d0 ! Robert: by defintion of Neumann boundary
00157       endif
00158       if (s%ny>2) then
00159          do j=2,s%ny+1
00160             do i=1,s%nx+1
00161                dvdy(i,j) = (s%vv(i,j)-s%vv(i,j-1))/s%dnz(i,j)
00162             enddo
00163          enddo
00164          ! wwvv: added: xmpi_isleft
00165          if (xmpi_isleft) then
00166             dvdy(:,1) = 0.d0 ! Robert: by defintion of Neumann boundary
00167          endif
00168       else
00169          dvdy = 0.d0  ! Robert: by definition of 1D model
00170       endif
00172       ! Update bed roughness coefficient
00173       call bedroughness_update(s,par)
00174       !cf = cfu : Robert: cf is not used anymore
00176       !
00177       ! Advection x-direction
00178       !
00179       do j=j1,max(s%ny,1)
00180          do i=2,s%nx
00181             s%ududx(i,j)        = 0.d0
00182             qin               = .5d0*(s%qx(i,j)+s%qx(i-1,j))
00183             if (qin>0) then
00184                dalfa          = s%alfau(i,j)-s%alfau(i-1,j)
00185                uin            = s%uu(i-1,j)*cos(dalfa) + s%vu(i-1,j)*sin(dalfa)
00186                if ((s%uu(i,j)-s%uu(i-1,j))>par%eps_sd) then
00187                   ! Conservation of energy head
00188                   s%ududx(i,j)     = s%ududx(i,j) + 0.5d0*(s%uu(i-1,j)+s%uu(i,j))*(s%uu(i,j)-uin)*s%dnz(i,j)*s%dsdnui(i,j)
00189                else
00190                   ! Conservation of momentum
00191                   s%ududx(i,j)     = s%ududx(i,j) +        qin/s%hum(i,j)      *(s%uu(i,j)-uin)*s%dnz(i,j)*s%dsdnui(i,j)
00192                endif
00193             endif
00194             qin               = -.5d0*(s%qx(i,j)+s%qx(i+1,j))
00195             if (qin>0) then
00196                dalfa          = s%alfau(i,j)-s%alfau(i+1,j)
00197                uin            = s%uu(i+1,j)*cos(dalfa) + s%vu(i+1,j)*sin(dalfa)
00198                if ((s%uu(i+1,j)-s%uu(i,j))>par%eps_sd) then
00199                   ! Conservation of energy head
00200                   s%ududx(i,j)     = s%ududx(i,j) - 0.5d0*(s%uu(i+1,j)+s%uu(i,j))*(s%uu(i,j)-uin)*s%dnz(i+1,j)*s%dsdnui(i,j)
00201                else
00202                   ! Conservation of momentum
00203                   s%ududx(i,j)     = s%ududx(i,j) +        qin/s%hum(i,j)      *(s%uu(i,j)-uin)*s%dnz(i+1,j)*s%dsdnui(i,j)
00204                endif
00205             endif
00206          end do
00207       end do
00208       do j=2,s%ny
00209          do i=1,s%nx
00210             s%vdudy(i,j)        = 0.d0
00211             qin               = .5d0*(s%qy(i,j-1)+s%qy(i+1,j-1))
00212             if (qin>0) then
00213                dalfa          = s%alfau(i,j)-s%alfau(i,j-1)
00214                uin            = s%uu(i,j-1)*cos(dalfa) + s%vu(i,j-1)*sin(dalfa)
00215                if ((s%vv(i,j)-s%vv(i,j-1))>par%eps_sd) then
00216                   ! Conservation of energy head
00217                   s%vdudy(i,j)     = s%vdudy(i,j) + 0.5d0*(s%vv(i,j-1)+s%vv(i+1,j-1))*(s%uu(i,j)-uin)*s%dsc(i,j-1)*s%dsdnui(i,j)
00218                else
00219                   ! Conservation of momentum
00220                   s%vdudy(i,j)     = s%vdudy(i,j) +        qin/s%hum(i,j)          *(s%uu(i,j)-uin)*s%dsc(i,j-1)*s%dsdnui(i,j)
00221                endif
00222             endif
00223             qin               = -.5d0*(s%qy(i,j)+s%qy(i+1,j))
00224             if (qin>0) then
00225                dalfa          = s%alfau(i,j)-s%alfau(i,j+1)
00226                uin            = s%uu(i,j+1)*cos(dalfa) + s%vu(i,j+1)*sin(dalfa)
00227                if ((s%vv(i,j+1)-s%vv(i,j))>par%eps_sd) then
00228                   ! Conservation of energy head
00229                   s%vdudy(i,j)     = s%vdudy(i,j) - 0.5d0*(s%vv(i,j)+s%vv(i+1,j))*(s%uu(i,j)-uin)*s%dsc(i,j)*s%dsdnui(i,j)
00230                else
00231                   ! Conservation of momentum
00232                   s%vdudy(i,j)     = s%vdudy(i,j) +        qin/s%hum(i,j)       *(s%uu(i,j)-uin)*s%dsc(i,j)*s%dsdnui(i,j)
00233                endif
00234             endif
00235          end do
00236       end do
00237       !
00238       ! Advection y-direction
00240       if (xmpi_isright .and. s%ny>0) then  ! no such condition needed for _isleft, because s%vdvdy(:,1) not needed in mpi subdomain
00241          jmax = s%ny-1
00242       elseif (xmpi_isright .and. s%ny==0) then
00243          jmax = 1
00244       else
00245          jmax = s%ny
00246       endif
00247       s%vdvdy=0.d0
00248       ! calculate true vdvdy up to ny in central domains and up to ny-1 on isright
00249       do j=2,jmax
00250          do i=2,s%nx
00251             qin               = .5d0*(s%qy(i,j)+s%qy(i,j-1))
00252             if (qin>0) then
00253                dalfa          = s%alfav(i,j)-s%alfav(i,j-1)
00254                vin            = s%vv(i,j-1)*cos(dalfa) - s%uv(i,j-1)*sin(dalfa)
00255                if ((s%vv(i,j)-s%vv(i,j-1))>par%eps_sd) then
00256                   ! Conservation of energy head
00257                   s%vdvdy(i,j)     = s%vdvdy(i,j) + 0.5d0*(s%vv(i,j-1)+s%vv(i,j))*(s%vv(i,j)-vin)*s%dsz(i,j)*s%dsdnvi(i,j)
00258                else
00259                   ! Conservation of momentum
00260                   s%vdvdy(i,j)     = s%vdvdy(i,j) +        qin/s%hvm(i,j)      *(s%vv(i,j)-vin)*s%dsz(i,j)*s%dsdnvi(i,j)
00261                endif
00262             endif
00263             qin               = -.5d0*(s%qy(i,j)+s%qy(i,j+1))
00264             if (qin>0) then
00265                dalfa          = s%alfav(i,j)-s%alfav(i,j+1)
00266                vin            = s%vv(i,j+1)*cos(dalfa) - s%uv(i,j+1)*sin(dalfa)
00267                if ((s%vv(i,j+1)-s%vv(i,j))>par%eps_sd) then
00268                   ! Conservation of energy head
00269                   s%vdvdy(i,j)     = s%vdvdy(i,j) - 0.5d0*(s%vv(i,j+1)+s%vv(i,j))*(s%vv(i,j)-vin)*s%dsz(i,j+1)*s%dsdnvi(i,j)
00270                else
00271                   ! Conservation of momentum
00272                   s%vdvdy(i,j)     = s%vdvdy(i,j) +        qin/s%hvm(i,j)      *(s%vv(i,j)-vin)*s%dsz(i,j+1)*s%dsdnvi(i,j)
00273                endif
00274             endif
00275          enddo
00276       enddo
00277       if (s%ny>0) then
00278          ! Global boundary conditions for vdvdy(:,1) and vdvdy(:,ny), global vdvdy(:,ny+1) not needed anywhere
00279          if (xmpi_isleft) then
00280             ! (vv(:,1)-vv(:,0))/dy == 0 so only second part of the vdvdy equation:
00281             do i=2,s%nx
00282                qin            = -.5d0*(s%qy(i,1)+s%qy(i,2))
00283                if (qin>0) then
00284                   dalfa       = s%alfav(i,1)-s%alfav(i,2)
00285                   vin         = s%vv(i,2)*cos(dalfa) - s%uv(i,2)*sin(dalfa)
00286                   s%vdvdy(i,1)  = s%vdvdy(i,1) + qin*(s%vv(i,1)-vin)*s%dsz(i,2)/s%hvm(i,1)*s%dsdnvi(i,1)
00287                endif
00288             enddo
00289          endif
00290          if (xmpi_isright) then
00291             ! (vv(:,ny+1)-vv(:,ny))/dy == 0 so only first part of the vdvdy equation:
00292             do i=2,s%nx
00293                qin            = .5d0*(s%qy(i,s%ny)+s%qy(i,s%ny-1))
00294                if (qin>0) then
00295                   dalfa       = s%alfav(i,s%ny)-s%alfav(i,s%ny-1)
00296                   vin         = s%vv(i,s%ny-1)*cos(dalfa) - s%uv(i,s%ny-1)*sin(dalfa)
00297                   s%vdvdy(i,s%ny) = s%vdvdy(i,s%ny) + qin*(s%vv(i,s%ny)-vin)*s%dsz(i,s%ny)/s%hvm(i,s%ny)*s%dsdnvi(i,s%ny)
00298                endif
00299             enddo
00300          endif
00301       endif
00303       s%udvdx=0.d0
00304       if (s%ny>0) then
00305          ! Robert: udvdx not usually needed at j = 1
00306          do j=1,s%ny !1,s%ny instead of 2,s%ny
00307             do i=2,s%nx
00308                qin            = .5d0*(s%qx(i-1,j)+s%qx(i-1,j+1))
00309                if (qin>0) then
00310                   dalfa       = s%alfav(i,j)-s%alfav(i-1,j)
00311                   vin         = s%vv(i-1,j)*cos(dalfa) - s%uv(i-1,j)*sin(dalfa)
00312                   if ((s%uu(i,j)-s%uu(i-1,j))>par%eps_sd) then
00313                      ! Conservation of energy head
00314                      s%udvdx(i,j) = s%udvdx(i,j) + 0.5d0*(s%uu(i-1,j)+s%uu(i-1,j+1))*(s%vv(i,j)-vin)*s%dnc(i-1,j)*s%dsdnvi(i,j)
00315                   else
00316                      ! Conservation of momentum
00317                      s%udvdx(i,j) = s%udvdx(i,j) +        qin/s%hvm(i,j)          *(s%vv(i,j)-vin)*s%dnc(i-1,j)*s%dsdnvi(i,j)
00318                   endif
00319                endif
00320                qin            = -.5d0*(s%qx(i,j)+s%qx(i,j+1))
00321                if (qin>0) then
00322                   dalfa       = s%alfav(i,j)-s%alfav(i+1,j)
00323                   vin         = s%vv(i+1,j)*cos(dalfa) - s%uv(i+1,j)*sin(dalfa)
00324                   if ((s%uu(i+1,j)-s%uu(i,j))>par%eps_sd) then
00325                      ! Conservation of energy head
00326                      s%udvdx(i,j)  = s%udvdx(i,j) - 0.5d0*(s%uu(i,j)+s%uu(i,j+1))*(s%vv(i,j)-vin)*s%dnc(i,j)*s%dsdnvi(i,j)
00327                   else
00328                      ! Conservation of momentum
00329                      s%udvdx(i,j)  = s%udvdx(i,j) +        qin/s%hvm(i,j)      *(s%vv(i,j)-vin)*s%dnc(i,j)*s%dsdnvi(i,j)
00330                   endif
00331                endif
00332             end do
00333          end do
00334       else
00335          do i=2,s%nx
00336             qin               = s%qx(i-1,1)
00337             if (qin>0) then
00338                dalfa          = s%alfav(i,1)-s%alfav(i-1,1)
00339                vin            = s%vv(i-1,1)*cos(dalfa) - s%uv(i-1,1)*sin(dalfa)
00340                s%udvdx(i,1)     = s%udvdx(i,1) + qin*(s%vv(i,1)-vin)*s%dnc(i-1,1)/s%hvm(i,1)*s%dsdnvi(i,1)
00341             endif
00342             qin               = -s%qx(i,1)
00343             if (qin>0) then
00344                dalfa          = s%alfav(i,1)-s%alfav(i+1,1)
00345                vin            = s%vv(i+1,1)*cos(dalfa) - s%uv(i+1,1)*sin(dalfa)
00346                s%udvdx(i,1)     = s%udvdx(i,1) + qin*(s%vv(i,1)-vin)*s%dnc(i,1)/s%hvm(i,1)*s%dsdnvi(i,1)
00347             endif
00348          enddo
00349       endif
00350       !
00351       !
00352       ! There is a possibility to turn viscosity off
00353       !
00354       if (par%viscosity==0) then ! Dano: put it here so it actualy saves a lot of computation time
00355          s%nuh = 0.d0
00356          s%viscu = 0.d0
00357       else
00359          ! Jaap: Slightly changes approach; 1) background viscosity is user defined or obtained from Smagorinsky, 2) nuh = max(nuh,roller induced viscosity)
00360          if (par%smag == 1) then
00361             !Use smagorinsky subgrid model
00362             call visc_smagorinsky(s,par)
00363          else
00364             s%nuh = par%nuh
00365          endif
00366          !
00367          ! Add viscosity for wave breaking effects
00368          if (par%swave == 1) then
00369             do j=j1,max(s%ny,1)
00370                do i=2,s%nx
00371                   s%nuh(i,j) = max(s%nuh(i,j),par%nuhfac*s%hh(i,j)*(s%DR(i,j)/par%rho)**(1.0d0/3.0d0)) ! Ad: change to max
00372                end do
00373             end do
00374          elseif (par%swave==0 .and. par%wavemodel==WAVEMODEL_NONH) then
00375             select case (par%nhbreaker)
00376              case (1)
00377                where (s%breaking/=0)
00378                   s%nuh = par%breakviscfac*s%nuh
00379                endwhere
00380              case (2)
00381                where (s%breaking==1)
00382                   s%nuh = s%nuh + (par%nuh*par%breakvisclen*s%hh)**2*sqrt(dudx**2+dvdy**2)
00383                endwhere
00384              case (3)
00385                ! Ad en Arnold: Battjes 1975 formulation to smoothen front of lf wave bore in the swash
00386                ! compute (long) wave turbulence due to breaking
00387                !nuh = max(par%nuh, par%avis*hloc*sqrt(kturb))
00388              case default
00389                ! do nothing to increase viscosity
00390             end select
00391          endif
00393          !
00394          do j=jmin_uu,jmax_uu
00395             do i=imin_uu,imax_uu
00397                dudx1 = s%nuh(i+1,j)*s%hh(i+1,j)*(s%uu(i+1,j)-s%uu(i,j))/s%dsz(i+1,j)
00398                dudx2 = s%nuh(i,j)  *s%hh(i  ,j)*(s%uu(i,j)-s%uu(i-1,j))/s%dsz(i,j)
00399                s%viscu(i,j) = (1.0d0/s%hum(i,j))*( 2*(dudx1-dudx2)/(s%dsz(i,j)+s%dsz(i+1,j)) )
00400             end do
00401          end do
00403          if (par%smag == 1) then
00404             !
00405             !   For non constant eddy viscosity the stress terms read:
00406             !
00407             !   d           d           d      d         d
00408             !   -- [ 2* mu -- (U) ]  + --[ mu --(U) +mu --(V) ]
00409             !   dx         dx          dy     dy        dx
00410             !
00411             !                d         d
00412             !   Only when   -- [mu] = --[mu] = 0 we have (for incompressible flow)
00413             !               dx        dy
00414             !
00415             !         2            2
00416             !        d            d
00417             !    mu --2 [U] + mu --2 [U]
00418             !       dx           dy
00419             !
00420             s%viscu = 2.0d0*s%viscu
00421          endif
00423          do j=jmin_uu,jmax_uu
00424             jp1=min(j+1,1)
00425             jm1=max(j-1,1)
00426             do i=imin_uu,imax_uu
00427                !Nuh is defined at eta points, interpolate from four surrounding points
00428                nuh1  = .25d0*(s%nuh(i,j)+s%nuh(i+1,j)+s%nuh(i+1,jp1)+s%nuh(i,jp1))
00429                nuh2  = .25d0*(s%nuh(i,j)+s%nuh(i+1,j)+s%nuh(i+1,jm1)+s%nuh(i,jm1))
00431                dudy1 = nuh1 *.5d0*(s%hvm(i,j  )+s%hvm(i+1,j  ))*(s%uu(i,jp1)-s%uu(i,j))/s%dnc(i,j)
00432                dudy2 = nuh2 *.5d0*(s%hvm(i,jm1)+s%hvm(i+1,jm1))*(s%uu(i,j)-s%uu(i,jm1))/s%dnc(i,jm1)
00433                s%viscu(i,j) = s%viscu(i,j) + (1.0d0/s%hum(i,j))* &
00434                ( 2.0d0*(dudy1-dudy2)/(s%dnc(i,j)+s%dnc(i,jm1)) )*s%wetu(i,jp1)*s%wetu(i,jm1)
00435             end do
00436          end do
00438          if (par%smag == 1) then
00439             do j=jmin_uu,jmax_uu
00440                jp1=min(j+1,1)
00441                jm1=max(j-1,1)
00442                do i=imin_uu,imax_uu
00443                   !Nuh is defined at eta points, interpolate from four surrounding points
00444                   nuh1  = .25d0*(s%nuh(i,j)+s%nuh(i+1,j)+s%nuh(i+1,jp1)+s%nuh(i,jp1))
00445                   nuh2  = .25d0*(s%nuh(i,j)+s%nuh(i+1,j)+s%nuh(i+1,jm1)+s%nuh(i,jm1))
00447                   dvdx1 = nuh1*.5d0*(s%hvm(i,j  )+s%hvm(i+1,j  ))*(s%vv(i+1,j  )-s%vv(i,j  ))/s%dsc(i,j)
00448                   dvdx2 = nuh2*.5d0*(s%hvm(i,jm1)+s%hvm(i+1,jm1))*(s%vv(i+1,jm1)-s%vv(i,jm1))/s%dsc(i,jm1)
00449                   s%viscu(i,j) = s%viscu(i,j) + (1.d0/s%hum(i,j))*(dvdx1-dvdx2)/s%dnz(i,j)*real(s%wetv(i+1,j) &
                  * s%wetv(i,j)*s%wetv(i+1,jm1)*s%wetv(i,jm1),8)
00450                enddo
00451             enddo
00452          endif !smag ==1 and s%ny>0
00453          !
00454          ! Viscosity y-direction
00455          !
00456          s%viscv =0.d0
00457          do j=jmin_vv,jmax_vv
00458             jp1=min(j+1,1)
00459             jm1=max(j-1,1)
00460             do i=imin_vv,imax_vv
00461                dvdy1 = s%nuh(i,jp1)*s%hh(i,jp1)*(s%vv(i,jp1)-s%vv(i,j))/s%dnz(i,jp1)
00462                dvdy2 = s%nuh(i,j)  *s%hh(i,j  )*(s%vv(i,j)-s%vv(i,jm1))/s%dnz(i,j)
00463                s%viscv(i,j) = (1.0d0/s%hvm(i,j))* 2*(dvdy1-dvdy2)/(s%dnz(i,j)+s%dnz(i,jp1))*s%wetv(i,jp1)*s%wetv(i,jm1)
00464             end do
00465          end do
00466          ! Robert: global boundary at (:,1) edge
00467          if (s%ny>0) then
00468             if (xmpi_isleft) then
00469                s%viscv(:,1) = s%viscv(:,2)
00470             endif
00471             if (xmpi_isright) then
00472                s%viscv(:,s%ny) = s%viscv(:,s%ny-1)
00473             endif
00474          endif
00475          !
00476          ! Viscosity
00477          if (par%smag == 1) then
00478             s%viscv = 2.0d0*s%viscv
00479          endif
00480          !
00481          s%nuh = par%nuhv*s%nuh !Robert en Ap: increase s%nuh interaction in d2v/dx2
00482          do j=jmin_vv,jmax_vv
00483             jp1=min(j+1,1)
00484             jm1=max(j-1,1)
00485             do i=imin_vv,imax_vv
00486                !Nuh is defined at eta points, interpolate from four surrounding points
00487                nuh1  = .25d0*(s%nuh(i,j)+s%nuh(i+1,j)+s%nuh(i+1,jp1)+s%nuh(i,jp1))
00488                nuh2  = .25d0*(s%nuh(i,j)+s%nuh(i-1,j)+s%nuh(i-1,jp1)+s%nuh(i,jp1))
00490                dvdx1 = nuh1*.5d0*(s%hum(i  ,j)+s%hum(i  ,jp1))*(s%vv(i+1,j)-s%vv(i,j))/s%dsc(i,j)
00491                dvdx2 = nuh2*.5d0*(s%hum(i-1,j)+s%hum(i-1,jp1))*(s%vv(i,j)-s%vv(i-1,j))/s%dsc(i-1,j)
00492                s%viscv(i,j) = s%viscv(i,j) + (1.0d0/s%hvm(i,j))*( 2*(dvdx1-dvdx2)/(s%dsc(i-1,j)+s%dsc(i,j)) ) &
00493                *s%wetv(i+1,j)*s%wetv(i-1,j)
00494             end do
00495          end do
00496          !
00497          if (par%smag == 1) then
00498             do j=jmin_vv,jmax_vv
00499                jp1=min(j+1,1)
00500                jm1=max(j-1,1)
00501                do i=imin_vv,imax_vv
00502                   !Nuh is defined at eta points, interpolate from four surrounding points
00503                   nuh1  = .25d0*(s%nuh(i,j)+s%nuh(i+1,j)+s%nuh(i+1,jp1)+s%nuh(i,jp1))
00504                   nuh2  = .25d0*(s%nuh(i,j)+s%nuh(i-1,j)+s%nuh(i-1,jp1)+s%nuh(i,jp1))
00506                   dudy1 = nuh1 *.5d0*(s%hum(i  ,j)+s%hum(i  ,jp1))*(s%uu(i,jp1  )-s%uu(i,j  ))/s%dnc(i,j)
00507                   dudy2 = nuh2 *.5d0*(s%hum(i-1,j)+s%hum(i-1,jp1))*(s%uu(i-1,jp1)-s%uu(i-1,j))/s%dnc(i-1,j)
00509                   s%viscv(i,j) = s%viscv(i,j) + (1.d0/s%hvm(i,j))*(dudy1-dudy2)/s%dsz(i,j)  &
00510                   * real(s%wetu(i,jp1)*s%wetu(i,j)*s%wetu(i-1,jp1)*s%wetv(i-1,j),8)
00511                enddo
00512             enddo
00513          endif
00515       endif !par%viscosity==0
00516       !
00517       ! Bed friction term x
00518       !
00519       where (s%wetu==1)
00520          s%taubx=s%cfu*par%rho*s%ueu*sqrt((1.16d0*s%urms)**2+s%vmageu**2) !Ruessink et al, 2001
00521          s%taubx = s%taubx + s%taubx_add  ! Account for infiltration etc. effects
00522       elsewhere
00523          s%taubx = 0.d0
00524       endwhere
00525       !
00526       !
00527       ! limit bed friction term to accelerate less than realistic value
00528       where (abs(s%taubx)>100*par%g*par%rho*s%hu)
00529          s%taubx = sign(1.d0,s%taubx)*100*par%g*par%rho*s%hu
00530       endwhere
00531       !
00532       ! Bed friction term y
00533       !
00534       where (s%wetv==1)
00535          s%tauby=s%cfv*par%rho*s%vev*sqrt((1.16d0*s%urms)**2+s%vmagev**2) !Ruessink et al, 2001
00536          s%tauby = s%tauby + s%tauby_add
00537       elsewhere
00538          s%tauby = 0.d0
00539       endwhere
00540       where (abs(s%tauby)>100*par%g*par%rho*s%hv)
00541          s%tauby = sign(1.d0,s%tauby)*100*par%g*par%rho*s%hv
00542       endwhere
00543       !
00544       ! Explicit Euler step momentum u-direction
00545       !
00546       do j=jmin_uu,jmax_uu
00547          do i=imin_uu,imax_uu
00548             if(s%wetu(i,j)==1) then
00549                s%uu(i,j)=s%uu(i,j)-par%dt*(s%ududx(i,j)+s%vdudy(i,j)-s%viscu(i,j) & !Ap,Robert,Jaap
00550                + par%g*s%dzsdx(i,j) &
00551                + s%taubx(i,j)/(par%rho*s%hu(i,j)) &  ! Dano: changed s%hum to s%hu NOT s%cf volume approach
00552                + s%Fvegu(i,j)/(par%rho*s%hu(i,j)) &
00553                - par%lwave*s%Fx(i,j)/(par%rho*s%hum(i,j)) &
00554                - fc*s%vu(i,j) &
00555                - par%rhoa*par%Cd*s%windsu(i,j)*sqrt(s%windsu(i,j)**2+s%windnv(i,j)**2)/(par%rho*s%hum(i,j)))    ! Kees: wind correction
00556             else
00557                s%uu(i,j)=0.0d0
00558             end if
00559          end do
00560       end do
00561       ! Lateral boundary conditions for uu
00562       if (s%ny>0) then
00563          if (xmpi_isleft) then !Dano/Robert only on outer boundary
00564             s%uu(1:s%nx+1,1)=s%uu(1:s%nx+1,2) ! RJ: can also be done after continuity but more appropriate here
00565          endif
00566          ! Lateral boundary at y=ny*dy
00567          if (xmpi_isright) then !Dano/Robert only at outer boundary
00568             s%uu(1:s%nx+1,s%ny+1)=s%uu(1:s%nx+1,s%ny) ! RJ: can also be done after continuity but more appropriate here
00569          endif
00570       endif
00571       !
00572       ! Explicit Euler step momentum v-direction
00573       !
00574       do j=jmin_vv,jmax_vv
00575          do i=imin_vv,imax_vv
00576             if(s%wetv(i,j)==1) then
00577                ! Robert: ensure taubx always has the same sign as uu (always decelerates)
00578                ! Dano: I don't agree
00579                s%vv(i,j)=s%vv(i,j)-par%dt*(s%udvdx(i,j)+s%vdvdy(i,j)-s%viscv(i,j)& !Ap,Robert,Jaap
00580                + par%g*s%dzsdy(i,j)&
00581                + s%tauby(i,j)/(par%rho*s%hv(i,j)) &  ! Dano: s%hv instead of s%hvm, NOT cf volume approach
00582                + s%Fvegv(i,j)/(par%rho*s%hv(i,j)) &
00583                - par%lwave*s%Fy(i,j)/(par%rho*s%hvm(i,j)) &
00584                + fc*s%uv(i,j) &
00585                - par%rhoa*par%Cd*s%windnv(i,j)*sqrt(s%windsu(i,j)**2+s%windnv(i,j)**2)/(par%rho*s%hvm(i,j)))    ! Kees: wind correction
00586             else
00587                s%vv(i,j)=0.0d0
00588             end if
00589          end do
00590       end do
00591       ! Robert: Boundary conditions along the global boundaries
00592       ! Function flow_lat_bc located in boundaryconditions.F90
00593       ! function call takes care of 1D vs 2D models and boundary condition types
00594       if (s%ny>0) then
00595          if (xmpi_isleft) then
00596             s%vv(:,1)=flow_lat_bc(s,par,par%right,1,2,s%udvdx(:,1),s%vdvdy(:,1),s%viscv(:,1))
00597          endif
00598          if (xmpi_isright) then
00599             s%vv(:,s%ny)=flow_lat_bc(s,par,par%left,s%ny,s%ny-1,s%udvdx(:,s%ny),s%vdvdy(:,s%ny),s%viscv(:,s%ny))
00600          endif
00601       endif
00603 #ifdef USEMPI
00604       call xmpi_shift_ee(s%uu)
00605       call xmpi_shift_ee(s%vv)
00606 #endif
00608       if (par%wavemodel==WAVEMODEL_NONH) then
00609          !Do explicit predictor step with pressure
00610          call nonh_cor(s,par,0,uu_old,vv_old)
00612 #ifdef USEMPI
00613          call xmpi_shift_ee(s%uu)
00614          call xmpi_shift_ee(s%vv)
00615 #endif
00616       end if
00618       if (par%secorder==1) then
00619          !Call second order correction to the advection
00620          call flow_secondorder_advUV(s,par,uu_old,vv_old)
00621 #ifdef USEMPI
00622          call xmpi_shift_ee(s%uu)
00623          call xmpi_shift_ee(s%vv)
00624 #endif
00625       end if
00627       if (par%wavemodel==WAVEMODEL_NONH) then
00628          ! do non-hydrostatic pressure compensation to solve short waves
00629          call nonh_cor(s,par,1,uu_old,vv_old)
00630          ! note: MPI shift in subroutine nonh_cor
00631       end if
00633       ! update hu en hv for continuity
00634       do j=1,s%ny+1
00635          do i=1,s%nx+1
00636             ! Water depth in u-points do continuity equation: upwind
00637             if (s%uu(i,j)>par%umin) then
00638                if (par%oldhu == 1) then
00639                   s%hu(i,j)=s%hh(i,j)
00640                else
00641                   s%hu(i,j)=s%zs(i,j)-max(s%zb(i,j),s%zb(min(s%nx,i)+1,j))
00642                endif
00643             elseif (s%uu(i,j)<-par%umin) then
00644                if (par%oldhu == 1) then
00645                   s%hu(i,j)=s%hh(min(s%nx,i)+1,j)
00646                else
00647                   s%hu(i,j)=s%zs(min(s%nx,i)+1,j)-max(s%zb(i,j),s%zb(min(s%nx,i)+1,j))
00648                endif
00649             else
00650                s%hu(i,j)=max(max(s%zs(i,j),s%zs(min(s%nx,i)+1,j))-max(s%zb(i,j),s%zb(min(s%nx,i)+1,j)),par%eps)
00651             end if
00652          end do
00653       end do
00655       s%hu = max(s%hu,0.d0)
00657       do j=1,s%ny+1
00658          do i=1,s%nx+1
00659             ! Water depth in v-points do continuity equation: upwind
00660             if (s%vv(i,j)>par%umin) then
00661                if (par%oldhu == 1) then
00662                   s%hv(i,j)=s%hh(i,j)
00663                else
00664                   s%hv(i,j)=s%zs(i,j)-max(s%zb(i,j),s%zb(i,min(s%ny,j)+1))
00665                endif
00666             elseif (s%vv(i,j)<-par%umin) then
00667                if (par%oldhu == 1) then
00668                   s%hv(i,j)=s%hh(i,min(s%ny,j)+1)
00669                else
00670                   s%hv(i,j)=s%zs(i,min(s%ny,j)+1)-max(s%zb(i,j),s%zb(i,min(s%ny,j)+1))
00671                endif
00672             else
00673                s%hv(i,j)=max(max(s%zs(i,j),s%zs(i,min(s%ny,j)+1))-max(s%zb(i,j),s%zb(i,min(s%ny,j)+1)),par%eps)
00674             end if
00675          end do
00676       end do
00677       s%hv = max(s%hv,0.d0)
00679       if (par%secorder == 1) then
00680          !
00681          ! Correct the waterdepths in U/V points using second-order limited expressions
00682          !
00683          call flow_secondorder_huhv(s,par)
00684          !
00685       end if
00687       ! Flux in u-point
00688       s%qx=s%uu*s%hu
00689       ! Flux in v-points
00690       ! first column of qy is used later, and it is defined in the loop above
00691       ! no communication  necessary at this point
00692       s%qy=s%vv*s%hv
00693       !
00694       ! Add horizontal discharges
00695       !
00696       call discharge_boundary_h(s,par)
00697       !
00698       ! Add rainfall
00699       if (par%rainfall==1) then
00700          call rainfall_update(s,par)
00701       endif
00702       !
00703       ! Update water level using continuity eq.
00704       !
00705       if (s%ny>0) then
00706          do j=jmin_zs,jmax_zs
00707             do i=imin_zs,imax_zs
00708                s%dzsdt(i,j) = (-1.d0)*( s%qx(i,j)*s%dnu(i,j)-s%qx(i-1,j)*s%dnu(i-1,j)  &
00709                + s%qy(i,j)*s%dsv(i,j)-s%qy(i,j-1)*s%dsv(i,j-1) )*s%dsdnzi(i,j) &
00710                - s%infil(i,j) + s%rainfallrate(i,j)
00711             end do
00712          end do
00713          s%zs(imin_zs:imax_zs,jmin_zs:jmax_zs) = s%zs(imin_zs:imax_zs,jmin_zs:jmax_zs) & 
00714                                                 +s%dzsdt(imin_zs:imax_zs,jmin_zs:jmax_zs)*par%dt
00715       else
00716          j=1
00717          do i=imin_zs,imax_zs
00718             s%dzsdt(i,j) = (-1.d0)*( s%qx(i,j)*s%dnu(i,j)-s%qx(i-1,j)*s%dnu(i-1,j) )*s%dsdnzi(i,j) &
00719             - s%infil(i,j) + s%rainfallrate(i,j)
00720          end do
00721          s%zs(imin_zs:imax_zs,1) = s%zs(imin_zs:imax_zs,1)+s%dzsdt(imin_zs:imax_zs,1)*par%dt
00722       endif !s%ny>0
00724       if (par%secorder == 1) then
00725          !
00726          ! P.B. Smit: The second order McCormack correction to the cont. eq. introduced
00727          ! minor damping. For this reason I removed it (Nov. 2014).
00728          !  call flow_secondorder_con(s,par,zs_old)
00729       endif
00731       ! wwvv zs, uu, vv have to be communicated now, because they are used later on
00732 #ifdef USEMPI
00733       call xmpi_shift_ee(s%zs)
00734 #endif
00737       if (par%secorder == 1 .or. par%wavemodel==WAVEMODEL_NONH) then
00738          vv_old = s%vv
00739          uu_old = s%uu
00740          zs_old = s%zs
00741       endif
00743       !
00744       ! U and V in cell centre; do output and sediment stirring
00745       !
00746       s%u(2:s%nx,:)=0.5d0*(s%uu(1:s%nx-1,:)+s%uu(2:s%nx,:))
00747       ! offshore boundary
00748       if(xmpi_istop) then
00749          s%u(1,:)=s%uu(1,:)
00750       endif
00751       if(xmpi_isbot) then
00752          s%u(s%nx+1,:)=s%u(s%nx,:)
00753       endif
00755       if (s%ny>0) then
00756          s%v(:,2:s%ny)=0.5d0*(s%vv(:,1:s%ny-1)+s%vv(:,2:s%ny))
00757          if(xmpi_isleft) then
00758             s%v(:,1)=s%vv(:,1)
00759          endif
00760          if(xmpi_isright) then
00761             s%v(:,s%ny+1)=s%v(:,s%ny)        ! bas: need this for calculation of s%ee in wci routine
00762          endif
00763          !Ap
00764          s%v(s%nx+1,:)=s%v(s%nx,:)
00765       else ! Dano
00766          s%v=s%vv
00767       endif !s%ny>0
00769       ! Robert + Jaap: compute derivatives of u and v
00770       !
00772       sinthm = sin(s%thetamean-s%alfaz)
00773       costhm = cos(s%thetamean-s%alfaz)
00775       ! V-velocities at u-points
00776       if (s%ny>0) then
00777          s%vu(1:s%nx,2:s%ny)= 0.25d0*(s%vv(1:s%nx,1:s%ny-1)+s%vv(1:s%nx,2:s%ny)+ &
00778          s%vv(2:s%nx+1,1:s%ny-1)+s%vv(2:s%nx+1,2:s%ny))
00779          ! how about boundaries?
00780          if(xmpi_isleft) then
00781             s%vu(:,1) = s%vu(:,2)
00782          endif
00783          if(xmpi_isright) then
00784             s%vu(:,s%ny+1) = s%vu(:,s%ny)
00785          endif
00786       else
00787          s%vu(1:s%nx,1)= 0.5d0*(s%vv(1:s%nx,1)+s%vv(2:s%nx+1,1))
00788       endif !s%ny>0
00789       ! wwvv fill in vu(:1) and vu(:ny+1) for non-left and non-right processes
00790       !  and vu(nx+1,:)
00791       s%vu=s%vu*s%wetu
00792       ! V-stokes velocities at U point
00793       if (s%ny>0) then
00794          vsu(1:s%nx,2:s%ny)=0.5d0*(s%ust(1:s%nx,2:s%ny)*sinthm(1:s%nx,2:s%ny)+ &
00795          s%ust(2:s%nx+1,2:s%ny)*sinthm(2:s%nx+1,2:s%ny))
00796          if(xmpi_isleft) then
00797             vsu(:,1)=vsu(:,2)
00798          endif
00799          if(xmpi_isright) then
00800             vsu(:,s%ny+1) = vsu(:,s%ny)
00801          endif
00802       else
00803          vsu(1:s%nx,1)=0.5d0*(s%ust(1:s%nx,1)*sinthm(1:s%nx,1)+ &
00804          s%ust(2:s%nx+1,1)*sinthm(2:s%nx+1,1))
00805       endif !s%ny>0
00806       ! wwvv same for vsu
00807       vsu = vsu*s%wetu
00808       ! U-stokes velocities at U point
00809       if (s%ny>0) then
00810          usu(1:s%nx,2:s%ny)=0.5d0*(s%ust(1:s%nx  ,2:s%ny)*costhm(1:s%nx  ,2:s%ny)+ &
00811          s%ust(2:s%nx+1,2:s%ny)*costhm(2:s%nx+1,2:s%ny))
00812          if(xmpi_isleft) then
00813             usu(:,1)=usu(:,2)
00814          endif
00815          if(xmpi_isright) then
00816             usu(:,s%ny+1)=usu(:,s%ny)
00817          endif
00818       else
00819          usu(1:s%nx,1)=0.5d0*(s%ust(1:s%nx,1)*costhm(1:s%nx,1)+ &
00820          s%ust(2:s%nx+1,1)*costhm(2:s%nx+1,1))
00821       endif !s%ny>0
00822       ! wwvv same for usu
00823       usu=usu*s%wetu
00825       ! V-euler velocities at u-point
00826       veu = s%vu - vsu
00827       ! U-euler velocties at u-point
00828       s%ueu = s%uu - usu
00829       ! Velocity magnitude at u-points
00830       if (par%sedtrans == 0) then
00831          s%vmagu=sqrt(s%uu**2+s%vu**2)
00832       endif
00833       ! Eulerian velocity magnitude at u-points
00834       s%vmageu=sqrt(s%ueu**2+veu**2)
00836       ! Ue and Ve in cell centre; do output and sediment stirring
00837       s%ue(2:s%nx,:)=0.5d0*(s%ueu(1:s%nx-1,:)+s%ueu(2:s%nx,:))
00838       s%ue(1,:)=s%ueu(1,:)
00839       ! wwvv ue(nx+1,:) ?
00841       if (s%ny>0) then
00842          s%ve(:,2:s%ny)=0.5d0*(s%vev(:,1:s%ny-1)+s%vev(:,2:s%ny)) !Jaap s%ny+1
00843          s%ve(:,1)=s%vev(:,1)
00844       else
00845          s%ve(:,1) = s%vev(:,1)
00846       endif !s%ny>0
00847       ! U-velocities at v-points
00848       if (s%ny>0) then
00849          s%uv(2:s%nx,1:s%ny)= .25d0*(s%uu(1:s%nx-1,1:s%ny)+s%uu(2:s%nx,1:s%ny)+ &
00850          s%uu(1:s%nx-1,2:s%ny+1)+s%uu(2:s%nx,2:s%ny+1))
00851          ! boundaries?
00852          ! wwvv and what about uv(:,1) ?
00853          if(xmpi_isright) then
00854             s%uv(:,s%ny+1) = s%uv(:,s%ny)
00855          endif
00856       else
00857          s%uv(2:s%nx,1)= .5d0*(s%uu(1:s%nx-1,1)+s%uu(2:s%nx,1))
00858       endif !s%ny>0
00859       ! wwvv fix uv(:,ny+1) for non-right processes
00860       ! uv(1,:) and uv(nx+1,:) need to be filled in for
00861       ! non-bot or top processes
00862       s%uv=s%uv*s%wetv
00863       ! V-stokes velocities at V point
00864       if (s%ny>0) then
00865          vsv(2:s%nx,1:s%ny)=0.5d0*(s%ust(2:s%nx,1:s%ny)*sinthm(2:s%nx,1:s%ny)+&
00866          s%ust(2:s%nx,2:s%ny+1)*sinthm(2:s%nx,2:s%ny+1))
00867          if(xmpi_isleft) then
00868             vsv(:,1) = vsv(:,2)
00869          endif
00870          if(xmpi_isright) then
00871             vsv(:,s%ny+1) = vsv(:,s%ny)
00872          endif
00873       else
00874          vsv(2:s%nx,1)= s%ust(2:s%nx,1)*sinthm(2:s%nx,1)
00875       endif !s%ny>0
00876       ! wwvv fix vsv(:,1) and vsv(:,ny+1) and vsv(1,:) and vsv(nx+1,:)
00878       vsv=vsv*s%wetv
00879       ! U-stokes velocities at V point
00880       if (s%ny>0) then
00881          usv(2:s%nx,1:s%ny)=0.5d0*(s%ust(2:s%nx,1:s%ny)*costhm(2:s%nx,1:s%ny)+&
00882          s%ust(2:s%nx,2:s%ny+1)*costhm(2:s%nx,2:s%ny+1))
00883          if(xmpi_isleft) then
00884             usv(:,1) = usv(:,2)
00885          endif
00886          if(xmpi_isright) then
00887             usv(:,s%ny+1) = usv(:,s%ny)
00888          endif
00889       else
00890          usv(2:s%nx,1)=s%ust(2:s%nx,1)*costhm(2:s%nx,1)
00891       endif !s%ny>0
00892       ! wwvv fix usv(:,1) and usv(:,ny+1) and usv(1,:) and usv(nx+1,:)
00893       usv=usv*s%wetv
00895       ! V-euler velocities at V-point
00896       s%vev = s%vv - vsv
00897       ! U-euler velocties at V-point
00898       uev = s%uv - usv
00899       ! Velocity magnitude at v-points
00900       if (par%sedtrans==0) then
00901          s%vmagv=sqrt(s%uv**2+s%vv**2)
00902       endif
00903       ! Eulerian velocity magnitude at v-points
00904       s%vmagev=sqrt(uev**2+s%vev**2)
00906       ! wwvv vev(nx+1,:) ?
00907       !
00908       s%hold =s%hh    ! wwvv ?  s%hold is never else used
00909       !
00910       s%hh  = max(s%zs-s%zb,par%eps)    ! water depth
00911       s%zs1 = s%zs-s%zs0                ! water level minus tide
00913       s%maxzs=max(s%zs,s%maxzs)
00914       s%minzs=min(s%zs,s%minzs)
00916       ! XBeach uses same input for Van Rijn, 1993 (quasi 3d), but doesn't use this module
00917       if (par%nz>1 .and. par%form /= FORM_VANRIJN1993) then
00918          do j=1,s%ny+1
00919             do i=1,s%nx+1
00920                if (s%wetz(i,j) .eq. 1) then
00921                   ks=12.d0*s%hh(i,j)/10.d0**(sqrt(par%g/s%cfu(i,j))/18.d0)
00922                   tauw=par%rhoa*par%Cd*sqrt(s%windsu(i,j)**2+s%windnv(i,j)**2)
00923                   tauwx=s%windsu(i,j)*tauw
00924                   tauwy=s%windnv(i,j)*tauw
00926                   call vsm_u_XB (  s%ue(i,j)    ,s%ve(i,j)    ,s%hh(i,j) ,ks  ,                &
00927                   par%rho      ,tauwx ,tauwy ,s%thetamean(i,j)-s%alfaz(i,j),  &
00928                   s%urms(i,j)  ,s%sigm(i,j)  ,s%k(i,j)       ,s%Dr(i,j)  ,    &
00929                   s%E(i,j)     ,s%R(i,j)     ,fcvisc,facdel  ,par%ws     ,    &
00930                   s%fw(i,j)    ,facdf ,swglm ,par%nz       ,s%sigz       ,    &
00931                   s%uz(i,j,:)  ,s%vz(i,j,:)  ,s%ustz(i,j,:)  ,s%nutz(i,j,:),  &
00932                   s%ue_sed(i,j),s%ve_sed(i,j)  )
00933                else
00934                   s%uz(i,j,:)=0.d0
00935                   s%vz(i,j,:)=0.d0
00936                   s%ustz(i,j,:)=0.d0
00937                   s%nutz(i,j,:)=0.d0
00938                   s%ue_sed(i,j)=0.d0
00939                   s%ve_sed(i,j)=0.d0
00940                endif
00941             enddo
00942          enddo
00943       else
00944          s%ue_sed=s%ue
00945          s%ve_sed=s%ve
00946       endif
00948    end subroutine flow
00950    subroutine visc_smagorinsky(s,par)
00951       use params,          only: parameters
00952       use spaceparamsdef
00953       use xmpi_module
00955       IMPLICIT NONE
00957       ! DATE               AUTHOR               CHANGES
00958       !
00959       ! December 2010       Pieter Bart Smit     New Subroutine
00960       ! March    2010       Pieter Bart Smit     Changed formulation to standard smag. model
00962       !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00963       !                             DECLARATIONS
00964       !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00966       !--------------------------        PURPOSE         ----------------------------
00967       !
00968       !  Calculates the turbulent viscocity coefficient nuh according to the smagorinsky
00969       !  subgrid model.
00970       !
00971       !--------------------------        METHOD          ----------------------------
00972       !
00973       ! The turbulent viscocity is given as:
00974       !
00975       ! nuh = C^2*dx*dy*Tau
00976       !
00977       ! Tau =2^(1/2) *  [ (du/dx)^2 + (dv/dy)^2 + 1/2 * (du/dy + dv/dx)^2 ] ^ (1/2)
00978       !
00979       ! Where
00980       !
00981       ! dx,dy : grid size
00982       ! C     : Constant ~0.15 (set by par%nuh)
00983       ! Tau   : Measure for the magnitude of the turbulent stresses
00984       !
00985       !--------------------------     ARGUMENTS          ----------------------------
00987       type(spacepars),target                   ,intent(inout) :: s
00988       type(parameters)                         ,intent(in)    :: par
00990       !--------------------------     LOCAL VARIABLES    ----------------------------
00992       real*8                                                  :: dudx !U Velocity gradient in x-dir
00993       real*8                                                  :: dudy !U Velocity gradient in y-dir
00994       real*8                                                  :: dvdx !V Velocity gradient in x-dir
00995       real*8                                                  :: dvdy !V Velocity gradient in y-dir
00996       real*8                                                  :: Tau  !Measure for magnitude viscous stresses
00997       real*8                                                  :: l    !Local gridcell area
00998       integer                                                 :: i    !Index variable
00999       integer                                                 :: j    !Index variable
01002       !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
01003       !                             IMPLEMENTATION
01004       !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
01006       !MPI WARNING -> Check loop indices
01007       if (s%ny>2) then
01008          do j=2,s%ny
01009             do i=2,s%nx
01010                dudx = (s%uu(i,j)-s%uu(i-1,j))/s%dsz(i,j)
01011                dudy = .5d0*(s%uu(i,j+1) - s%uu(i,j-1) + s%uu(i-1,j+1) - s%uu(i-1,j-1))/(s%dnv(i,j)+s%dnv(i,j-1))
01012                dvdx = .5d0*(s%vv(i+1,j) - s%vv(i-1,j) + s%vv(i+1,j-1) - s%vv(i-1,j-1))/(s%dsu(i,j)+s%dsu(i-1,j))
01013                dvdy = (s%vv(i,j)-s%vv(i,j-1))/s%dnz(i,j)
01014                Tau  = sqrt(2.0d0 * dudx**2+2.0d0 * dvdy**2 + (dvdx+dudy)**2)
01015                l    = 1.d0/s%dsdnzi(i,j)
01016                ! Robert: probably need something like nuh = max(par%nuh,par%nuhfac*s%hh(i,j)*(s%DR(i,j)/par%rho)**(1.0d0/3.0d0))
01017                ! s%nuh(i,j) = nuh**2 * l * Tau * real(s%wetu(i,j)*s%wetu(i-1,j)*s%wetv(i,j)*s%wetv(i,j-1),kind=8)
01018                s%nuh(i,j) = par%nuh**2 * l * Tau * real(s%wetu(i,j)*s%wetu(i-1,j)*s%wetv(i,j)*s%wetv(i,j-1),kind=8)
01019             enddo
01020          enddo
01022       else
01024          j = max(s%ny,1)
01026          do i=2,s%nx
01027             dudx = (s%uu(i,j)-s%uu(i-1,j))/s%dsz(i,j)
01028             dvdx = (s%vv(i+1,j) - s%vv(i-1,j) )/(s%dsu(i,j)+s%dsu(i-1,j))
01029             Tau  = sqrt(2.0d0 * dudx**2 + dvdx**2)
01031             if (par%dy > -1.d0) then
01032                l = s%dsz(i,j)*par%dy
01033             else
01034                l = s%dsz(i,j)**2
01035             endif
01037             s%nuh(i,j) = par%nuh**2 * l * Tau * real(s%wetu(i,j)*s%wetu(i-1,j),kind=8)
01038          enddo
01040       endif !s%ny>2
01042       if (s%ny>0) then
01043          if (xmpi_isleft)    s%nuh(:,1)      = s%nuh(:,2)
01044          if (xmpi_isright)   s%nuh(:,s%ny+1)   = s%nuh(:,s%ny)
01045       endif
01047       if (xmpi_istop)       s%nuh(1,:)      = s%nuh(2,:)
01048       if (xmpi_isbot)       s%nuh(s%nx+1,:)   = s%nuh(s%nx,:)
01050    end subroutine visc_smagorinsky
01052 end module flow_timestep_module
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