Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 module beachwizard_module
00002    implicit none
00003    save
00004    private
00005    public bwinit, assim, assim_update
00006    type beachwiz
00008       real*8, dimension(1000,8)          :: timesnew          !time in minutes when remote sensed sources apply - eight sources max
00009       integer, dimension(8)                       :: ntimesnew = 0     !number of maps per source
00010       integer                                         :: nflagsigpr = 0    !flags
00011       integer                                         :: nflagsetobs = 0
00012       real*8, dimension(1000,8)          :: timvalnew         !duration in minutes of each map
00013       character(232), dimension(1000,8)  :: fname             !filename of the map
00014       character(232), dimension(1000,8)  :: fnameerr          !filename of the uncertainties in the map
00015       character(232), dimension(:), 
00016         pointer            :: fnamim
00017       character(232), dimension(:), 
00018         pointer            :: fnamzb
00019       character(232), dimension(:), 
00020         pointer            :: fnamcx
00021       character(232), dimension(:), 
00022         pointer            :: fnamsh
00023       integer, dimension(8)                       :: status = 0        !status of the map (1=read, 0=not read/does not exist)
00024       integer, dimension(8)                       :: statuserr = 0     !status of the error map
00025       integer, dimension(8)              :: itimnew           !counter of the time "timesnew"
00026       integer, dimension(8)              :: itimrdnew         !flag to indicate time has been read
00027       integer                            :: itim
00028       integer                            :: itimrd
00029       integer                            :: itim2
00030       integer                            :: itimrd2
00031       integer                            :: itim3
00032       integer                            :: itimrd3
00033       integer                            :: itim4
00034       integer                            :: itimrd4
00035       real*8, dimension(:,:), pointer    :: fobs1             !value of the observed quantity in the coordinate system of the file
00036       real*8, dimension(:,:), pointer    :: fobs1err          !same, for error file
00037       real*8, dimension(:,:), pointer    :: disobs
00038       real*8, dimension(:,:), pointer    :: zbobs1
00039       real*8, dimension(:,:), pointer    :: shobs1
00040       !     real*8,dimension(:,:),allocatable  :: dobs              !observed    dissipation
00041       real*8,dimension(:,:),allocatable  :: fobs
00042       real*8,dimension(:,:),allocatable  :: cobs              !observed  celerity
00043       real*8,dimension(:,:),allocatable  :: ccom              !computed  celerity
00044       real*8,dimension(:,:),allocatable  :: kobs              !observed  wave number
00045       !     real*8,dimension(:,:),allocatable  :: shobs             !observed    shoreline
00046       !     real*8,dimension(:,:),allocatable  :: zbobs             !observed bathymetry
00047       real*8,dimension(:,:),allocatable  :: dcmdo             !computed dissipation minus observed dissipation
00048       real*8,dimension(:,:),allocatable  :: ccmco             !computed celerity minus observed celerity
00049       real*8,dimension(:,:),allocatable  :: scmso             !computed shoreline minus observed shoreline
00050       real*8,dimension(:,:),allocatable  :: dassim
00051       real*8,dimension(:,:),allocatable  :: sigD              !standard dev. of dissipation
00052       real*8,dimension(:,:),allocatable  :: sigC              !standard dev. of celerity
00053       real*8,dimension(:,:),allocatable  :: sigK              !standard dev. of wave number
00054       real*8,dimension(:,:),allocatable  :: sigZ              !standard dev. of bathymetry
00055       real*8,dimension(:,:),allocatable  :: sigS              !standard dev. of shoreline
00056       !    real*8,dimension(:,:),allocatable  :: sig2prior
00057       real*8                             :: xll               !origin of the coordinate system used in the map
00058       real*8                             :: yll               !idem
00059       real*8                             :: dx                !dx in that c.s.
00060       real*8                             :: dy                !dy in that c.s.
00061       real*8                             :: angle             !angle in degrees
00062       real*8                             :: tradar            !period used in the wavenumber or celerity file
00063       integer                            :: nx                !number of points in the x-direction in the c.s. of the map
00064       integer                            :: ny                !same in y
00065       integer                                         :: ix                !counter
00066       integer                                         :: iy                !counter
00067       real*8                                          :: sigDdef           !default value of the dissipation uncertainty
00068       real*8                                          :: sigCdef           !default value of the celerity uncertainty
00069       real*8                                          :: sigZdef           !default value of the bathymetry uncertainty
00070       real*8                                          :: sigSdef           !default value of the shoreline uncertainty
00073    end type beachwiz
00075    ! Type of beachwizard, stored local. Please store persistent info in s, par.
00076    type(beachwiz) :: bw
00078 contains
00080    subroutine bwinit(s)
00081       use spaceparamsdef,  only: spacepars
00082       use xmpi_module,     only: xmaster
00085       implicit none
00087       type(spacepars), target             :: s
00089       if(.not. xmaster) return
00091       if(.true.) then
00092          allocate(s%dobs(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00093          allocate(s%zbobs(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00094          allocate(s%sig2prior(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00095          allocate(s%shobs(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00096          allocate(s%bwalpha(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00097          allocate(s%dcmdo(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00098          allocate(s%dassim(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00099          allocate(s%cobs(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00100       endif
00103    end subroutine bwinit
00105    subroutine assim(s,par)
00107       use params,          only: parameters
00108       use spaceparamsdef,  only: spacepars
00112       implicit none
00114       type(spacepars), target             :: s
00115       type(parameters)                    :: par
00117       character*80                        :: infofile
00118       integer                                             :: im,in
00119       integer                                             :: srcnr
00120       real*8,  external                   :: readkey_dbl
00121       integer, external                   :: readkey_int
00122       logical                                             :: exists
00123       real*8, allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: h1
00125       integer                             :: jj
00126       real*8                              :: om
00127       real*8, allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: ome2
00128       real*8, allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: num
00129       real*8, allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: den
00130       real*8, allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: rk
00131       real*8, allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: Hrms
00132       real*8, allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: E
00133       real*8, allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: hh
00135       real*8, parameter                   :: a1 = 5.060219360721177D-01
00136       real*8, parameter                   :: a2 = 2.663457535068147D-01
00137       real*8, parameter                   :: a3 = 1.108728659243231D-01
00138       real*8, parameter                   :: a4 = 4.197392043833136D-02
00139       real*8, parameter                   :: a5 = 8.670877524768146D-03
00140       real*8, parameter                   :: a6 = 4.890806291366061D-03
00141       real*8, parameter                   :: b1 = 1.727544632667079D-01
00142       real*8, parameter                   :: b2 = 1.191224998569728D-01
00143       real*8, parameter                   :: b3 = 4.165097693766726D-02
00144       real*8, parameter                   :: b4 = 8.674993032204639D-03
00148       if (.not. allocated(bw%fobs)) then
00149          !          allocate(s%dobs(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00150          allocate(bw%fobs(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00151          allocate(bw%cobs(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00152          allocate(bw%ccom(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00153          allocate(bw%kobs(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00154          !          allocate(s%shobs(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00155          !          allocate(s%zbobs(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00156          allocate(bw%dcmdo(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00157          allocate(bw%ccmco(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00158          allocate(bw%scmso(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00159          allocate(bw%dassim(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00160          allocate(bw%sigD(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00161          allocate(bw%sigC(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00162          allocate(bw%sigK(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00163          allocate(bw%sigZ(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00164          allocate(bw%sigS(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00165          !          allocate(s%sig2prior(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00166       end if
00168       allocate(h1(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00169       allocate(hh(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00170       allocate(ome2(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00171       allocate(num(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00172       allocate(rk(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00173       allocate(E(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00174       allocate(Hrms(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00176       ! wwvv somebody forgot:
00177       allocate(den(s%nx+1,s%ny+1))
00179       bw%dcmdo=0.
00180       bw%ccmco=0.
00181       bw%scmso=0.
00183       if (bw%nflagsetobs==0) then !do this only once.
00185          s%dobs=-999.
00186          bw%cobs=-999.
00187          s%shobs=-999.
00188          s%zbobs = -999.
00190          bw%nflagsetobs = 1
00192       end if
00194       if (bw%nflagsigpr==0) then  !read prior uncertainty in terms of variance
00196          inquire (file='sigpr.dep', exist=exists)
00197          if  (exists) then
00198             open(444,file='sigpr.dep',err=999)
00199             do im = 1,s%ny+1
00200                read(444,*)(s%sig2prior(in,im),in =1,s%nx+1)  !Leo: nx and ny --> nx+1 ny+1
00201             enddo
00202             close(444)
00203          else
00204             s%sig2prior = 1**2 !if the file does not exist, set to hardcoded 1**2
00205          end if
00207          inquire (file='bwdefaults.inp', exist=exists) !see if defaults file exists
00208          if  (exists) then
00209             open(444,file='bwdefaults.inp',err=999)
00210             read(444,*) bw%sigDdef
00211             read(444,*) bw%sigCdef
00212             read(444,*) bw%sigZdef
00213             read(444,*) bw%sigSdef
00214             close(444)
00215             bw%sigD=bw%sigDdef
00216             bw%sigC=bw%sigCdef
00217             bw%sigZ=bw%sigZdef
00218             bw%sigS=bw%sigSdef
00219          else
00220             bw%sigCdef=1. !set to hardcoded defaults
00221             bw%sigDdef=20.
00222             bw%sigZdef=0.5
00223             bw%sigSdef=0.5
00224          end if
00225          bw%nflagsigpr=1
00227       end if
00229 999   continue
00232       inquire (file='imageinfoimap',exist=exists) !read file for dissipation
00233       if (exists) then
00234          infofile='imageinfoimap'
00235          srcnr = 1
00236          call assim_rd(bw, s, par, infofile,   srcnr)
00237          if (bw%status(srcnr) ==1) then
00238             do in=1,s%nx
00239                do im=1,s%ny
00240                   if ((s%wetu(in,im)>0).and.(s%dobs(in,im)>-5.)) then
00241                      bw%dcmdo(in,im) = s%Dr(in,im) - s%dobs(in,im)
00242                   end if
00243                end do
00244             end do
00245          end if
00246          if (bw%statuserr(srcnr) ==0) then
00247             h1 = max(s%hh+par%delta*s%H,par%hmin)
00248             !! bw%sigD=bw%sigDdef+(999.-bw%sigDdef)*(0.5+0.5*tanh((s%dobs/h1-bw%sigDdef)/10.)) ! change 50 --> bw%sigDdef
00249             bw%sigD = bw%sigDdef               !!using only default dissipation uncertainty for now...
00251          end if
00252       end if
00254       inquire (file='imageinfozb',exist=exists) !read file for bathymetry
00255       if (exists) then
00256          infofile='imageinfozb'
00257          srcnr = 2
00258          call assim_rd(bw, s, par, infofile,   srcnr)
00259          if (bw%statuserr(srcnr) ==0) then
00260             bw%sigZ=bw%sigZDef
00261          end if
00262       end if
00264       inquire (file='imageinfocx',exist=exists) !read file for celerity
00265       if (exists) then
00266          infofile='imageinfocx'
00267          srcnr = 3
00268          call assim_rd(bw, s, par, infofile,   srcnr)
00269          if (bw%status(srcnr) ==1) then
00270             do in=1,s%nx+1
00271                do im=1,s%ny+1
00272                   om = 2.*3.1415/bw%tradar
00273                   ome2(in,im) = om**2*s%hh(in,im)/par%g
00274                   num(in,im) = 1.0 +   &
00275                   & ome2(in,im)*(a1 + ome2(in,im)*(a2 + ome2(in,im)*(a3 + ome2(in,im)   &
00276                   & *(a4 + ome2(in,im)*(a5 + ome2(in,im)*a6)))))
00277                   den(in,im) = 1.0 + ome2(in,im)*(b1 + ome2(in,im)*(b2 + ome2(in,im)*(b3 + &
00278                   & ome2(in,im)*(b4 + ome2(in,im)*a6))))
00279                   rk(in,im) = sqrt(ome2(in,im)*num(in,im)/den(in,im))/s%hh(in,im)
00280                   Hrms(in,im) = max(0.01d0,sqrt(8*max(0.01d0,s%E(in,im))/par%rho/par%g))
00281                   bw%ccom(in,im) = sqrt(par%g/rk(in,im)*tanh(rk(in,im)*s%hh(in,im)+Hrms(in,im)))
00282                   if ((s%wetu(in,im)>0).and.(bw%cobs(in,im)>-990.)) then
00283                      bw%ccmco(in,im) = bw%ccom(in,im) - bw%cobs(in,im)
00284                   end if
00285                enddo
00286             enddo
00287          end if
00288          if (bw%statuserr(srcnr) ==0) then
00289             bw%sigC=bw%sigCdef
00290          endif
00291       end if
00293       inquire (file='imageinfokabs',exist=exists) !do the same as above for wavenumbers
00294       if (exists) then
00295          infofile='imageinfokabs'
00296          srcnr = 4
00297          call assim_rd(bw, s, par, infofile,   srcnr)
00298          if (bw%status(srcnr) ==1) then
00299             do in = 1,s%nx+1
00300                do im = 1,s%ny+1
00301                   om = 2.*3.1415/bw%tradar
00302                   ome2(in,im) = om**2*s%hh(in,im)/par%g
00303                   num(in,im) = 1.0 +   &
00304                   & ome2(in,im)*(a1 + ome2(in,im)*(a2 + ome2(in,im)*(a3 + ome2(in,im)   &
00305                   & *(a4 + ome2(in,im)*(a5 + ome2(in,im)*a6)))))
00306                   den(in,im) = 1.0 + ome2(in,im)*(b1 + ome2(in,im)*(b2 + ome2(in,im)*(b3 + &
00307                   & ome2(in,im)*(b4 + ome2(in,im)*a6))))
00308                   rk(in,im) = sqrt(ome2(in,im)*num(in,im)/den(in,im))/s%hh(in,im)
00309                   Hrms(in,im) = max(0.01d0,sqrt(8*max(0.01d0,s%E(in,im))/par%rho/par%g))
00310                   bw%ccom(in,im) = sqrt(par%g/rk(in,im)*tanh(rk(in,im)*s%hh(in,im)+Hrms(in,im)))
00311                   bw%cobs(in,im) = om/max(bw%kobs(in,im),0.01d0)    ! here we revert back to celerities.
00312                   if (bw%kobs(in,im)<-990.) then
00313                      bw%cobs(in,im)=-999.
00314                   end if
00315                   if ((s%wetu(in,im)>0).and.(bw%kobs(in,im)>-990.)) then
00316                      bw%ccmco(in,im) = bw%ccom(in,im) - bw%cobs(in,im)
00317                   end if
00318                end do
00319             end do
00320          end if
00321          if (bw%statuserr(srcnr) ==1) then
00322             do in = 1,s%nx+1
00323                do im = 1,s%ny+1
00324                   om = 2.*3.1415/bw%tradar
00325                   ome2(in,im) = om**2*s%hh(in,im)/par%g
00326                   num(in,im) = 1.0 +   &
00327                   & ome2(in,im)*(a1 + ome2(in,im)*(a2 + ome2(in,im)*(a3 + ome2(in,im)   &
00328                   & *(a4 + ome2(in,im)*(a5 + ome2(in,im)*a6)))))
00329                   den(in,im) = 1.0 + ome2(in,im)*(b1 + ome2(in,im)*(b2 + ome2(in,im)*(b3 + &
00330                   & ome2(in,im)*(b4 + ome2(in,im)*a6))))
00331                   rk(in,im) = sqrt(ome2(in,im)*num(in,im)/den(in,im))/s%hh(in,im)
00332                   bw%sigC(in,im) = om/rk(in,im)*(bw%sigK(in,im)/(rk(in,im)+bw%sigK(in,im))) ! express sigK in terms of sigK,
00333                   ! from c+sigC = om/(k+sigK)
00334                end do
00335             end do
00336          end if
00337          if (bw%statuserr(srcnr) ==0) then
00338             bw%sigC = bw%sigCdef
00339          end if
00340       end if
00342       inquire (file='imageinfoibathy',exist=exists) !read file for shorelines
00343       if (exists) then
00344          infofile='imageinfoibathy'
00345          srcnr = 5
00346          call assim_rd(bw, s, par, infofile,   srcnr)
00347          if (bw%status(srcnr) ==1) then
00349             do im=1,s%ny
00350                do in = 1,s%nx
00351                   if (abs(s%shobs(in,im)).le.5.) then
00352                      !                bw%scmso(in,im) = s%hh(in,im) + s%shobs(in,im)  !!plus?
00353                      bw%scmso(in,im) = s%zb(in,im) - s%shobs(in,im)
00354                   end if
00355                end do
00356             end do
00359             do jj=1,2
00360                do in = 2,s%nx
00361                   do im = 2,s%ny
00362                      bw%scmso(in,im) = (bw%scmso(in-1,im-1)+bw%scmso(in,im-1)+bw%scmso(in+1,im-1)+ &
00363                      &          bw%scmso(in-1,im)+  bw%scmso(in,im)+  bw%scmso(in+1,im)+     &
00364                      &          bw%scmso(in-1,im+1)+bw%scmso(in,im+1)+bw%scmso(in+1,im+1))/9.
00365                   end do
00366                end do
00367             end do
00369          end if !if status
00370          if (bw%statuserr(srcnr) ==0) then
00371             bw%sigS=bw%sigSdef
00372          end if
00373       end if !if exists
00375       !expose variables to output module
00377       s%dcmdo = bw%dcmdo
00379       call comp_depchg(bw, s, par)
00381    end subroutine assim
00383    subroutine assim_rd(bw, s, par, infofile,   srcnr)
00387       use params,          only: parameters
00388       use spaceparamsdef,  only: spacepars
00389       implicit none
00390       !     Global variables
00391       type(spacepars), target             :: s
00392       type(parameters)                    :: par
00393       type(beachwiz)                                              :: bw
00394       character*80                        :: infofile
00395       integer                                                             :: im,in,iy,ix
00396       integer                                                             :: srcnr
00398       !     Local variables
00399       real*8                           :: degrad
00400       real*8                           :: a
00401       real*8                           :: b
00402       real*8                           :: w11
00403       real*8                           :: w21
00404       real*8                           :: w12
00405       real*8                           :: w22
00406       real*8                           :: x1
00407       real*8                           :: y1
00408       real*8                           :: xs
00409       real*8                           :: ys
00410       real*8                           :: cs
00411       real*8                           :: sn
00412       real*8                           :: x1max
00413       real*8                           :: y1max
00414       integer                            :: ixp1
00415       integer                            :: iyp1
00416       integer                            :: i
00417       integer                            :: istat
00418       logical                            :: exists
00420       !        Actual time based on timhr relative to itdate
00421       !
00424       if (bw%ntimesnew(srcnr)==0) then
00425          inquire (file=infofile,exist=exists)
00428          if (exists) then
00430             open(31,file=infofile,err=999)
00431             read(31,*)bw%ntimesnew(srcnr)
00433             do i=1,bw%ntimesnew(srcnr)
00434                read(31,*)bw%timesnew(i,srcnr),bw%fname(i,srcnr),bw%fnameerr(i,srcnr), &
00435                & bw%timvalnew(i,srcnr)
00436                write(*,*) bw%timesnew(i,srcnr), bw%fname(i,srcnr), bw%fnameerr(i,srcnr), &
00437                & bw%timvalnew(i,srcnr)
00438             enddo
00439             !pause
00440             close(31)
00441             bw%timesnew(bw%ntimesnew(srcnr)+1:1000,srcnr)=1.e10
00444          else
00445             stop ' Argus assimilation active and no imageinfoimap file'
00446          endif
00447          bw%itimnew(srcnr)=1
00448          bw%itimrdnew(srcnr)=0
00450       endif
00452       bw%status(srcnr) = 0
00455       !        Check if time matches time of an image
00456       if (par%t<60.*bw%timesnew(1,srcnr)) then
00457          !
00458          !           Time less than time first image; leave dcmdo at 0
00459       else
00460 10       if (par%t>=60.*bw%timesnew(bw%itimnew(srcnr)+1,srcnr)) then
00461             bw%itimnew(srcnr)=bw%itimnew(srcnr)+1
00462             goto 10
00463          endif
00464          !
00466          if (par%t-60.*bw%timesnew(bw%itimnew(srcnr),srcnr)<=60*bw%timvalnew(bw%itimnew(srcnr),srcnr)) then
00467             !              Read image if not read before
00468             !               write(*,*) 'smaller than timval',timmin,timesnew(itimnew(srcnr),srcnr), &
00469             !&                       timvalnew(itimnew(srcnr),srcnr)
00470             if (bw%itimnew(srcnr)/=bw%itimrdnew(srcnr)) then
00471                !
00472                !                 Read header file that defines argus grid
00473                inquire(file=bw%fname(bw%itimnew(srcnr),srcnr),exist=exists)
00474                if (exists) then
00475                   open(31,file=bw%fname(bw%itimnew(srcnr),srcnr),err=999)
00476                   read(31,*,err=999)bw%xll
00477                   read(31,*,err=999)bw%yll
00478                   read(31,*,err=999)bw%dx
00479                   read(31,*,err=999)bw%dy
00480                   read(31,*,err=999)bw%nx
00481                   read(31,*,err=999)bw%ny
00482                   read(31,*,err=999)bw%angle
00484                   if (associated(bw%fobs1)) deallocate (bw%fobs1, STAT = istat)
00485                   allocate (bw%fobs1(bw%nx,bw%ny))
00486                   do iy=1,bw%ny
00487                      read(31,*)(bw%fobs1(ix,iy),ix=1,bw%nx)
00488                   enddo
00489                   close(31)
00490                   bw%itimrdnew(srcnr)=bw%itimnew(srcnr)
00491                else
00492                   goto 999
00493                endif
00494                !    inquire(file=fnameerr(itimnew(srcnr),srcnr),exist=exists)
00495                !    write(*,*) fnameerr(itimnew(srcnr),srcnr)
00496                !pause
00497                !     if (exists) then
00498                !       31=NEWLUN(GDP)
00499                !        open(31,file=fnameerr(itimnew(srcnr),srcnr),err=999)
00500                !        read(31,*,err=999)xll
00501                !        read(31,*,err=999)yll
00502                !        read(31,*,err=999)dx
00503                !        read(31,*,err=999)dy
00504                !        read(31,*,err=999)nx
00505                !        read(31,*,err=999)ny
00506                !        read(31,*,err=999)angle
00507                !                   write(*,*) xll, yll, dx, dy, nx, ny, angle
00508                !pause
00509                !            if (associated(fobs1err)) deallocate (fobs1err, STAT = istat)
00510                !           allocate (fobs1err(nx,ny))
00511                !          do iy=1,ny
00512                !            read(31,*)(fobs1err(ix,iy),ix=1,nx)
00513                !        enddo
00514                !       close(31)
00515                !           statuserr(srcnr)=1
00516                !           write(*,*) 'here read ', statuserr(srcnr), srcnr
00517                !pause
00518                !     else
00519                !       fobs1err=-999
00520                !           statuserr(srcnr)=0
00521                !           write(*,*) 'here not read ', statuserr(srcnr), srcnr
00522                !           !pause
00523                !     endif
00524                degrad=atan(1.)/45.
00525                cs=cos(bw%angle*degrad)
00526                sn=sin(bw%angle*degrad)
00527                x1max=(bw%nx-2)*bw%dx
00528                y1max=(bw%ny-2)*bw%dy
00530                do in=1,s%nx+1                  !Leo and Roberto changed nx --> nx+1
00531                   do im=1,s%ny+1               !Leo and Roberto changed ny --> ny+1
00532                      bw%fobs(in,im)=-999.d0 !Changed by Ap 31/5
00533                      !             fobserr(n,m) = 999.d0 ! changed by Ap 31/5
00534                      !   if (kfs(n,m)>0) then !Ap
00535                      xs = s%xz(in,im) - bw%xll     ! Jaap changed x --> xz
00536                      ys = s%yz(in,im) - bw%yll
00537                      x1 = xs*cs + ys*sn
00538                      y1 =-xs*sn + ys*cs
00539                      x1 = min(max(x1,bw%dx),x1max)
00540                      y1 = min(max(y1,bw%dy),y1max)
00541                      ix = int(x1/bw%dx)+1
00542                      iy = int(y1/bw%dy)+1
00543                      ixp1 = max(min(ix+1,bw%nx-1),2)
00544                      iyp1 = max(min(iy+1,bw%ny-1),2)
00545                      ix   = max(min(ix,bw%nx-1),2)
00546                      iy   = max(min(iy,bw%ny-1),2)
00547                      a    = mod(x1,bw%dx)/bw%dx
00548                      b    = mod(y1,bw%dy)/bw%dy
00549                      w11  = (1.-b)*(1.-a)
00550                      w21  = (1.-b)*    a
00551                      w12  =     b *(1.-a)
00552                      w22  =     b *    a
00553                      !                       if (kfs(n,m)>0) then
00554                      bw%fobs(in,im)      = w11*bw%fobs1(ix  ,iy  ) + &
00555                      &                              w21*bw%fobs1(ixp1,iy  ) + &
00556                      &                              w12*bw%fobs1(ix  ,iyp1) + &
00557                      &                              w22*bw%fobs1(ixp1,iyp1)
00559                      !                       endif
00560                      !                                            if (statuserr(srcnr)==1) then
00561                      !
00562                      !                        fobserr(n,m)      = w11*fobs1err(ix  ,iy  ) + &
00563                      !     &                              w21*fobs1err(ixp1,iy  ) + &
00564                      !     &                              w12*fobs1err(ix  ,iyp1) + &
00565                      !     &                              w22*fobs1err(ixp1,iyp1)
00566                      !                                    end if
00568                   enddo
00569                enddo
00570                if (srcnr==1) s%dobs=bw%fobs
00571                if (srcnr==2) s%zbobs=bw%fobs
00572                if (srcnr==3) bw%cobs=bw%fobs
00573                if (srcnr==4) bw%cobs=bw%fobs
00574                if (srcnr==5) s%shobs=bw%fobs
00576             endif
00578             bw%status(srcnr)=1
00580          else
00581             bw%fobs=0.
00582          endif
00583       endif
00585 999   continue
00587    end subroutine assim_rd
00589    subroutine assim_update(s, par)
00590       use params,          only: parameters
00591       use spaceparamsdef,  only: spacepars
00592       type(spacepars), target             :: s
00593       type(parameters)                    :: par
00595       ! These are doing the same thing now
00596       if (par%bchwiz .eq. 1) then
00597          ! s%dzbdt(i,j) = s%dzbdt(i,j)-bw%dassim(i,j)/par%dt
00598          ! Times dt*morfac gives
00599          s%zb = s%zb - bw%dassim
00600       endif
00601       if (par%bchwiz .eq. 2) then
00602          s%zb = s%zb - bw%dassim  !if we have only beachwizard
00603       end if
00604    end subroutine assim_update
00605    subroutine comp_depchg(bw, s, par)
00607       use params,          only: parameters
00608       use spaceparamsdef,  only: spacepars
00609       implicit none
00610       !     Global variables
00611       type(spacepars), target             :: s
00612       type(parameters)                    :: par
00613       type(beachwiz)                                              :: bw
00616       !     Local variables
00617       integer  :: in,i
00618       integer  :: im,j
00619       integer  :: ind
00620       real*8 :: Hrmsmax
00621       real*8 :: mxdDdh
00622       real*8 :: alp_as
00623       real*8 :: Nassim
00624       real*8, allocatable, dimension(:,:)  :: errD
00625       real*8, allocatable, dimension(:,:)  :: errC
00626       real*8, allocatable, dimension(:,:)  :: errS
00627       real*8, allocatable, dimension(:,:)  :: Hb
00628       real*8, allocatable, dimension(:,:)  :: kh
00629       real*8, allocatable, dimension(:,:)  :: gambal
00630       real*8, allocatable, dimension(:,:)  :: Ga
00631       real*8, allocatable, dimension(:,:)  :: dDdGa
00632       real*8, allocatable, dimension(:,:)  :: dGadHb
00633       real*8, allocatable, dimension(:,:)  :: dHbdh
00634       real*8, allocatable, dimension(:,:)  :: h1
00635       real*8, allocatable, dimension(:,:)  :: dDdh
00636       real*8, allocatable, dimension(:,:)  :: sig2obs
00637       !    real*8, allocatable, dimension(:,:)  :: alpha
00638       real*8, allocatable, dimension(:,:)  :: Hrms
00639       real*8, allocatable, dimension(:,:)  :: alphafac
00640       !
00641       real*8                              :: backdis,disfac
00642       integer                             :: index
00643       real*8, allocatable, dimension(:,:)  :: h2
00644       if (.not.(allocated(errD))) then
00645          allocate (errD(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00646          allocate (errC(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00647          allocate (errS(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00648          allocate (Hb(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00649          allocate (kh(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00650          allocate (gambal(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00651          allocate (Ga(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00652          allocate (dGadHb(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00653          allocate (dHbdh(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00654          allocate (dDdGa(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00655          allocate (h1(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00656          allocate (dDdh(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00657          allocate (sig2obs(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00658          ! allocate (alpha(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00659          allocate (Hrms(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00660          allocate (h2(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00661          allocate (alphafac(1:s%nx+1,1:s%ny+1))
00662       end if
00665       ! general
00666       Hrms = max(s%H,0.01d0);
00667       h2 = 0.d0           ! modified wave length, initially set to L1
00668       do j = 2,s%ny
00669          do i = 2,s%nx+1
00670             index = i       ! start index
00671             backdis = 0.d0  ! relative distance backward
00672             do while (backdis<1.d0)
00673                ! disfac = s%dsc(index,j)/(par%facsd*s%L1(index,j))
00674                ! use average wavelength over distance dsc
00675                disfac = s%dsc(index,j)/(0.5d0*(s%L1(index,j)+s%L1(max(index-1,1),j)))
00676                disfac = min(disfac,1.d0-backdis)
00678                h2(i,j) = h2(i,j) + disfac*s%hh(index,j)
00679                backdis = backdis+disfac
00681                index = max(index-1,1)
00682             enddo
00683          enddo
00684       enddo
00685       h2(:,1)=h2(:,2)
00686       h2(:,s%ny+1)=h2(:,s%ny)
00687       h1 = max(s%hh+par%delta*Hrms,par%hmin)     !total water depth
00688       kh = min(10.0, s%k*h1)
00690       ! ! The following equation numbers and variables follow the Beach Wizard Paper
00691       !!       (Van Dongeren et al., 2008)
00693       ! derivatives for dissipation assimilation
00694       gambal = 0.29+0.76*kh
00695       Hb = 0.88/s%k*tanh(gambal*kh/0.88)          ! eq. (A4)
00696       Hrmsmax = maxval(Hrms)
00697       Ga = (Hb/Hrms)**2
00699       dDdGa = -0.25*par%rho*par%g/par%Trep*(Hrms**2)*Ga*exp(-Ga)   !eq. (A5)
00700       dGadHb = 2*Hb/(Hrms**2)
00702       dHbdh = ((0.29+2*0.76*kh)*(1.-(kh/(sinh(kh)*cosh(kh)+kh)))) &      ! eq. (A6)
00703       & /(cosh((0.29*kh+0.76*kh**2)/0.88)**2) + &
00704       & 0.88*tanh((0.29*kh+0.76*kh**2)/0.88)/(sinh(kh)*cosh(kh)+kh)
00706       dDdh = dDdGa*dGadHb*dHbdh                 ! eq. (A3), derivative of dissipation with respect to water depth
00709       mxdDdh = maxval(dDdh**2)
00712       !! bw%sigD =  bw%sigD+(100.d0-bw%sigD)*(1-tanh((3.7*Hrmsmax/h1)**20))  !measurement error for dissipatiopn, used in eq. (6)
00713       !bw%sigD above is commented out for now to use default value of measurement error (Roberto)
00716       bw%sigD = 0.15*maxval(s%dobs)!! dissipation measurement error equal to a percentage (15%) of the maximum observed Dissipation.
00718       !!  do in=1,s%nx+1
00719       !!    do im=1,s%ny+1  !! here the measurement error is spatially varied, increasing for shallow waters where sandy areas or persistent foam may be. (Roberto)
00720       !!      if (bw%sigD(in,im)/(h1(in,im)+1.e-16)>bw%sigD(in,im)) bw%sigD(in,im)=bw%sigD(in,im)/(h1(in,im)+1.e-16)
00721       !!    end do
00722       !!  end do
00724       alp_as = 0.005
00725       errD = ((bw%dcmdo**2+bw%sigD**2)/(dDdh**2+alp_as*mxdDdh+1.e-16)) !eq.(6)  uncertainty in observed data (Dissipation)
00727       do in=1,s%nx+1
00728          do im=1,s%ny+1
00729             if (s%dobs(in,im)<-990) errD(in,im)=999
00730          end do
00731       end do
00733       errC=999 !!! for now, if we want c as a source this needs the change to
00734       ! errC(nm) = ((ccmco(nm)**2+sigC(nm)**2)/(dcdh(nm)**2+1.e-16)) without indices
00735       do in=1,s%nx+1
00736          do im=1,s%ny+1
00737             if (bw%cobs(in,im)<-990) errC(in,im)=999
00738          end do
00739       end do
00741       ! for output
00742       s%cobs = bw%cobs
00744       errS = ((bw%scmso**2+bw%sigS**2)/(1.d0))                       !eq.(6)  uncertainty in observed data (ibathy)
00745       do in=1,s%nx+1
00746          do im=1,s%ny+1
00747             if (s%shobs(in,im)<-990) errS(in,im)=999
00748          end do
00749       end do
00753       Nassim = par%tstop/par%dt    !! changed par%tstop/par%dt -->par%tstop/par%wavint
00755       sig2obs = 1.0d0/(1./errD+1./errS)
00756       s%bwalpha = s%sig2prior/(s%sig2prior+Nassim*sig2obs)  ! eq.(2) optimal weighting of prior and observed estimates
00757       !ap2 s%bwalpha = s%bwalpha*tanh(h1**20)                   ! tanh(h1**20) included to reduce effect at shallow waters...
00761       do in=1,s%nx+1
00762          do im=1,s%ny+1
00763             alphafac(in,im) = (cosh(s%sdist(in,im)/100.d0-0.65*par%t*s%sdist(s%nx+1,im)/par%tstop/100.d0-2.d0))**(-10.d0)
00764          enddo
00765       enddo
00766       ! max left hand to 1
00767       do im=1,s%ny+1
00768          ind = minval(maxloc(alphafac(:,im)))
00769          alphafac(1:ind,im)=1.d0
00770       enddo
00772       !    s%bwalpha = s%bwalpha*alphafac
00774       bw%dassim = -s%bwalpha*tanh((h1/0.85)**5)*((dDdh-sqrt(alp_as*mxdDdh))/(dDdh**2+alp_as*mxdDdh)*bw%dcmdo  )*alphafac !eq.(5) depth change
00775       !ap2
00776       !& +dcdh(nm)/(dcdh(nm)**2+alp_as*dcdhmean**2)*ccmco(nm))
00778       do in=1,s%nx+1
00779          do im=1,s%ny+1
00780             if (bw%dassim(in,im)>0.) then
00781                bw%dassim(in,im) = min(bw%dassim(in,im),0.1*(h1(in,im)))
00782             elseif (bw%dassim(in,im)<0.) then
00783                bw%dassim(in,im) = max(bw%dassim(in,im),-0.1*(h1(in,im)))
00784             else
00785                bw%dassim(in,im) = 0.
00786             end if
00787          end do
00788       end do
00791       bw%dassim = bw%dassim + s%bwalpha*bw%scmso !!! in xbeach zb=zb-bw%dassim, so zb=zb-s%bwalpha*(zbcomp-zbobs)
00792       !  bw%dassim = bw%dassim - 0.0001*bw%scmso
00794       !expose to output
00795       s%dassim = bw%dassim
00797       do in=1,s%nx+1
00798          do im=1,s%ny+1                                               !!Roberto changed tanh term below
00799             if (s%dobs(in,im)>-990) s%sig2prior(in,im) = s%bwalpha(in,im)*tanh((h1(in,im)/0.85)**5)*Nassim*sig2obs(in,im)
00800             !!  if (s%dobs(in,im)>-990) s%sig2prior(in,im) = s%bwalpha(in,im)*tanh((h2(in,im)/0.85)**5)*Nassim*sig2obs(in,im)
00801          end do
00802       end do
00804    end subroutine comp_depchg
00806 end module beachwizard_module
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