How to install Nesthd:


1.      Copy the entire directory  to a directory on your own pc, for instance d:\nesthd, or, c:\delft3d\w32\nesthd

2.      Create an environment variable (see Settings->Control Panel->System->Advanced) nesthd_path with as value the directory name where you placed the program (for instance d:\nesthd)

3.      Nesthd uses Matlab libraries. You do not need to install the entire Matlab program. The libraries needed are installed by the MCRInstaller. Pleas use the MCRInstaller belonging with MATLAB R2012a because that is the matlab version used to generate the pre-compiled executable.

(Alternatively, you can start the nesting programs directly from the Matlab command prompt by typing nesthd)

4.      Copy MCRInstaller.exe to local directory (e.g. d:\temp)

5.      Run MCRInstaller.exe

6.      Reboot PC

7.      Run the nesting programs by typing nesthd on the command prompt, or, when working with TotalCommander, add a Nesthd button to your button bar. You will  be able to start Nesthd from any directory.