How to use NESTHD2

NESTHD2 is part of the Delft3D-FLOW tools. To access NESTHD2, first set the current directory to the directory where you have stored the required input files. Then enter the Tools menu.

To start NESTHD2:


1.             Select Nesting (2).


You are asked to supply the following information:


1.                  The boundary definition file of the detailed model.

2.                  The filename of the administration file as generated by NESTHD1.

3.                  The extension (runid) of the history file of the overall model.

4.                  The filename of the file with hydrodynamic boundary conditions. This file can be used directly in a simulation with the nested model.

5.                  The filename of the file with transport boundary conditions. This file can be used directly in a simulation with the nested model.

6.                  The filename of the diagnostic file. You are advised to inspect this file.

7.                  An optional (constant) adjustment of the boundary values at water level boundaries. This can be used if both models have a different vertical reference level.

8.                  In case of a 3-dimensional overall model and a nested model with velocity boundaries you are asked if you want to generate depth-averaged or 3-dimensional velocity boundary conditions.

9.                  For each of the constituents in the overall model you are asked:

a)             If you want to generate boundary conditions for this constituent.

b)             How much you want to add to the computed overall model value for this constituent.

c)             The maximum value for this constituent.

d)             The minimum value for this constituent.

10.              The type of transport profile. You can chose between a uniform profile for depth-averaged computations with the nested model, a linear profile using only the computed boundary values at the surface and the bed and a 3D-profile resulting in boundary values for all computational layers of the nested model.


                pecification of input and output files for NESTHD2