********************************************************** Welcome to XBeach version 1.22.4937 date19-04-2016 20:47:20 URL:http://svn.oss.deltares.nl/repos/xbeach/trunk/ ********************************************************** Simulation started: YYYYMMDD hh:mm:ss time zone (UTC) 20170303 15:27:34 +0100 General Input Module Reading input parameters: -------------------------------- Physical processes: XBeach reading fromparams.txt cyclic =0 (no record found, default value used) swave =1 (no record found, default value used) single_dir =0 (no record found, default value used) lwave =1 (no record found, default value used) flow =1 (no record found, default value used) sedtrans =1 (no record found, default value used) morphology =1 (no record found, default value used) avalanching =1 (no record found, default value used) nonh =0 (no record found, default value used) gwflow =0 (no record found, default value used) ships =0 (no record found, default value used) vegetation =0 (no record found, default value used) setbathy =0 (no record found, default value used) viscosity =1 (no record found, default value used) advection =1 (no record found, default value used) wind =1 (no record found, default value used) -------------------------------- Grid parameters: gridform =delft3d depfile =bed.dep xyfile =xy.grd xori =.0000 (no record found, default value used) yori =.0000 (no record found, default value used) alfa =.0000 posdwn =.0000 thetamin =200.0000 Warning: value > recommended value of180.00 00 thetamax =300.0000 Warning: value > recommended value of180.00 00 thetanaut =1 dtheta =20.0000 -------------------------------- Model time parameters: CFL =.7000 (no record found, default value used) dtset =.0000 (no record found, default value used) tstop =16200.0000 maxdtfac =50.0000 (no record found, default value used) -------------------------------- Physical constants: rho =1025.0000 (no record found, default value used) g =9.8100 (no record found, default value used) depthscale =1.0000 (no record found, default value used) -------------------------------- Initial conditions: zsinitfile = None specified -------------------------------- Wave boundary condition parameters: instat =jons bcfile =jonswap taper =100.0000 (no record found, default value used) nmax =.8000 (no record found, default value used) lateralwave =neumann (no record found, default value used) -------------------------------- Wave-spectrum boundary condition parameters: nonhspectrum =0 (no record found, default value used) random =0 fcutoff =.0000 (no record found, default value used) trepfac =.0100 (no record found, default value used) sprdthr =.0800 (no record found, default value used) Tm01switch =0 (no record found, default value used) rt =16200.0000 Warning: value > recommended value of7200 .0000 dtbc =1.0000 wbcversion =3 nspectrumloc =1 (no record found, default value used) -------------------------------- Flow boundary condition parameters: front =abs_2d left =neumann (no record found, default value used) right =neumann (no record found, default value used) back =abs_2d ARC =1 (no record found, default value used) order =2.0000 (no record found, default value used) carspan =0 (no record found, default value used) freewave =0 (no record found, default value used) epsi =-1.0000 (no record found, default value used) tidetype =velocity (no record found, default value used) -------------------------------- Tide boundary conditions: tideloc =2 paulrevere =land (no record found, default value used) zs0file =tide.txt -------------------------------- Discharge boundary conditions: disch_loc_file = None specified disch_timeseries_file = None specified ndischarge =0 (no record found, default value used) ntdischarge =0 (no record found, default value used) beta =.1000 (no record found, default value used) -------------------------------- Wave breaking parameters: break =roelvink2 (no record found, default value used) gamma =.5500 (no record found, default value used) alpha =1.0000 (no record found, default value used) n =10.0000 (no record found, default value used) gammax =2.0000 (no record found, default value used) delta =.0000 (no record found, default value used) fw =.0000 (no record found, default value used) fwfile = None specified fwcutoff =1000.0000 (no record found, default value used) breakerdelay =1 (no record found, default value used) -------------------------------- Roller parameters: roller =1 (no record found, default value used) rfb =0 (no record found, default value used) -------------------------------- Wave-current interaction parameters: wci =0 (no record found, default value used) hwci =.1000 (no record found, default value used) hwcimax =100.0000 (no record found, default value used) cats =4.0000 (no record found, default value used) -------------------------------- Flow parameters: bedfriction =chezy (no record found, default value used) C =55.0000 Warning: Specification of bed friction using parameter 'C' will not be support ed in future versions of XBeach Use parameters 'bedfriction' and 'bedfriccoef' instead nuh =.1000 (no record found, default value used) nuhfac =1.0000 (no record found, default value used) smag =1 (no record found, default value used) -------------------------------- Coriolis force parameters: wearth =.0417 (no record found, default value used) lat =.0000 (no record found, default value used) -------------------------------- Wind parameters: rhoa =1.2500 (no record found, default value used) Cd =.0020 (no record found, default value used) windfile = None specified windv =.0000 (no record found, default value used) windth =270.0000 (no record found, default value used) -------------------------------- Sediment transport parameters: form =vanthiel_vanrijn (no record found, default value use d) waveform =vanthiel (no record found, default value used) sws =1 (no record found, default value used) lws =1 (no record found, default value used) BRfac =1.0000 (no record found, default value used) facsl =1.6000 (no record found, default value used) z0 =.0060 (no record found, default value used) smax =-1.0000 (no record found, default value used) tsfac =.1000 (no record found, default value used) facua =.1000 (no record found, default value used) facSk =.1000 (no record found, default value used) facAs =.1000 (no record found, default value used) turbadv =none (no record found, default value used) turb =bore_averaged (no record found, default value used) Tbfac =1.0000 (no record found, default value used) Tsmin =.5000 (no record found, default value used) lwt =0 (no record found, default value used) betad =1.0000 (no record found, default value used) sus =1 (no record found, default value used) bed =1 (no record found, default value used) bulk =0 (no record found, default value used) facDc =1.0000 (no record found, default value used) fallvelred =0 (no record found, default value used) dilatancy =0 (no record found, default value used) reposeangle =30.0000 (no record found, default value used) bdslpeffmag =roelvink_total (no record found, default value used) bdslpeffini =none (no record found, default value used) bdslpeffdir =none (no record found, default value used) -------------------------------- Bed composition parameters: ngd =1 (no record found, default value used) nd =3 (no record found, default value used) por =.4000 (no record found, default value used) D50 =.0002 D90 =.0003 rhos =2650.0000 (no record found, default value used) dzg =.1000 (no record found, default value used) dzg1 =.1000 (no record found, default value used) dzg2 =.1000 (no record found, default value used) dzg3 =.1000 (no record found, default value used) sedcal =1.0000 (no record found, default value used) ucrcal =1.0000 (no record found, default value used) -------------------------------- Morphology parameters: morfac =10.0000 morfacopt =1 (no record found, default value used) morstart =120.0000 (no record found, default value used) morstop =16200.0000 (no record found, default value used) wetslp =.1500 dryslp =1.0000 hswitch =.1000 (no record found, default value used) dzmax =.0500 (no record found, default value used) struct =0 -------------------------------- Output variables: timings =1 (no record found, default value used) tunits = None specified tstart =.0000 tint =1.0000 (no record found, default value used) tsglobal = None specified tintg =120.0000 tspoints = None specified tintp =1.0000 (no record found, default value used) tsmean = None specified tintm =16199.0000 nglobalvar =7 nglobalvar: Will generate global output for variable:zb nglobalvar: Will generate global output for variable:zs nglobalvar: Will generate global output for variable:H nglobalvar: Will generate global output for variable:hh nglobalvar: Will generate global output for variable:sedero nglobalvar: Will generate global output for variable:ue nglobalvar: Will generate global output for variable:ve npoints =0 (no record found, default value used) nrugauge =0 (no record found, default value used) npointvar =0 (no record found, default value used) nrugdepth =1 (no record found, default value used) rugdepth =.0000 (no record found, default value used) nmeanvar =7 nmeanvar: Will generate mean, min, max and variance output for variable:zb nmeanvar: Will generate mean, min, max and variance output for variable:zs nmeanvar: Will generate mean, min, max and variance output for variable:H nmeanvar: Will generate mean, min, max and variance output for variable:hh nmeanvar: Will generate mean, min, max and variance output for variable:seder o nmeanvar: Will generate mean, min, max and variance output for variable:ue nmeanvar: Will generate mean, min, max and variance output for variable:ve outputformat =netcdf outputprecision =double (no record found, default value used) ncfilename = None specified netcdf output to:xboutput.nc -------------------------------- Output projection: projection = None specified rotate =1 (no record found, default value used) -------------------------------- Wave numerics parameters: scheme =upwind_2 (no record found, default value used) snells =0 (no record found, default value used) -------------------------------- Flow numerics parameters: eps =.0050 (no record found, default value used) eps_sd =.5000 (no record found, default value used) umin =.0000 (no record found, default value used) hmin =.2000 (no record found, default value used) secorder =0 (no record found, default value used) -------------------------------- Sediment transport numerics parameters: thetanum =1.0000 (no record found, default value used) sourcesink =0 (no record found, default value used) cmax =.1000 (no record found, default value used) -------------------------------- Bed update numerics parameters: frac_dz =.7000 (no record found, default value used) nd_var =2 (no record found, default value used) split =1.0100 (no record found, default value used) merge =.0100 (no record found, default value used) -------------------------------- Finished reading input parameters -------------------------------- Unknown, unused or multiple statements of parameterNE_LAYER inparams.txt ------------------------------------ Building Grid and Bathymetry ------------------------------------ Initializing ..... readtide: reading tide time series fromtide.txt ... -------------------------------- Initializing spectral wave boundary conditions -------------------------------- NetCDF outputformat Creating netcdf variable:zb Creating netcdf variable:zs Creating netcdf variable:H Creating netcdf variable:hh Creating netcdf variable:sedero Creating netcdf variable:ue Creating netcdf variable:ve Creating netcdf variable:zb_mean Creating netcdf variable:zb_var Creating netcdf variable:zb_min Creating netcdf variable:zb_max Creating netcdf variable:zs_mean Creating netcdf variable:zs_var Creating netcdf variable:zs_min Creating netcdf variable:zs_max Creating netcdf variable:H_mean Creating netcdf variable:H_var Creating netcdf variable:H_min Creating netcdf variable:H_max Creating netcdf variable:hh_mean Creating netcdf variable:hh_var Creating netcdf variable:hh_min Creating netcdf variable:hh_max Creating netcdf variable:sedero_mean Creating netcdf variable:sedero_var Creating netcdf variable:sedero_min Creating netcdf variable:sedero_max Creating netcdf variable:ue_mean Creating netcdf variable:ue_var Creating netcdf variable:ue_min Creating netcdf variable:ue_max Creating netcdf variable:ve_mean Creating netcdf variable:ve_var Creating netcdf variable:ve_min Creating netcdf variable:ve_max Writing file definition. Setting up boundary conditions -------------------------------- Calculating spectral wave boundary conditions -------------------------------- Reading spectrum at location1 waveparams: Reading fromjonswap ... XBeach reading fromjonswap nmodal =1 (no record found, default value used) Hm0 =6.0000 Warning: value > recommended value of5.0000 fp =.0667 gammajsp =3.3000 s =2.0000 mainang =250.0000 fnyq =1.0000 dfj =.0050 (no record found, default value used) Interpreting spectrum at location1 Values calculated from interpolated spectrum: Hm0 =6.00 m Trep =13.72 s Mean dir =250.63 degN Overall Trep from all spectra calculated:13.72 s Calculating Fourier components 5.0% done 10.0% done 15.0% done 20.0% done 25.0% done 30.0% done 35.0% done 40.0% done 45.0% done 50.0% done 55.0% done 60.0% done 65.0% done 70.0% done 75.0% done 80.0% done 85.0% done 90.0% done 95.0% done 100.0% done Large amounts of energy (31.8%) fall outside computational domain at the offsh ore boundary Check specification of input wave angles and wave directional grid Calculating short wave time series for theta bin1 of5 Calculating short wave time series for theta bin2 of5 Calculating short wave time series for theta bin3 of5 Calculating short wave time series for theta bin4 of5 Calculating short wave time series for theta bin5 of5 Y-point1 of92 done. Y-point2 of92 done. Y-point3 of92 done. Y-point4 of92 done. Y-point5 of92 done. Y-point6 of92 done. Y-point7 of92 done. Y-point8 of92 done. Y-point9 of92 done. Y-point10 of92 done. Y-point11 of92 done. Y-point12 of92 done. Y-point13 of92 done. Y-point14 of92 done. Y-point15 of92 done. Y-point16 of92 done. Y-point17 of92 done. Y-point18 of92 done. Y-point19 of92 done. Y-point20 of92 done. Y-point21 of92 done. Y-point22 of92 done. Y-point23 of92 done. Y-point24 of92 done. Y-point25 of92 done. Y-point26 of92 done. Y-point27 of92 done. Y-point28 of92 done. Y-point29 of92 done. Y-point30 of92 done. Y-point31 of92 done. Y-point32 of92 done. Y-point33 of92 done. Y-point34 of92 done. Y-point35 of92 done. Y-point36 of92 done. Y-point37 of92 done. Y-point38 of92 done. Y-point39 of92 done. Y-point40 of92 done. Y-point41 of92 done. Y-point42 of92 done. Y-point43 of92 done. Y-point44 of92 done. Y-point45 of92 done. Y-point46 of92 done. Y-point47 of92 done. Y-point48 of92 done. Y-point49 of92 done. 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Wave bin1 contains18.94% of total energy Wave bin2 contains23.60% of total energy Wave bin3 contains22.52% of total energy Wave bin4 contains17.44% of total energy Wave bin5 contains17.50% of total energy Writing wave energy toE_reuse.bcf ... file done Calculating primary wave interaction 5.0% done 10.1% done 15.1% done 20.1% done 25.1% done 30.2% done 35.2% done 40.2% done 45.2% done 50.3% done 55.3% done 60.3% done 65.3% done 70.4% done 75.4% done 80.4% done 85.4% done 90.5% done 95.5% done 100.0% done Warning: shallow water so long wave variance is reduced using par%nmax Calculating flux at boundary Flux1 of92 Flux2 of92 Flux3 of92 Flux4 of92 Flux5 of92 Flux6 of92 Flux7 of92 Flux8 of92 Flux9 of92 Flux10 of92 Flux11 of92 Flux12 of92 Flux13 of92 Flux14 of92 Flux15 of92 Flux16 of92 Flux17 of92 Flux18 of92 Flux19 of92 Flux20 of92 Flux21 of92 Flux22 of92 Flux23 of92 Flux24 of92 Flux25 of92 Flux26 of92 Flux27 of92 Flux28 of92 Flux29 of92 Flux30 of92 Flux31 of92 Flux32 of92 Flux33 of92 Flux34 of92 Flux35 of92 Flux36 of92 Flux37 of92 Flux38 of92 Flux39 of92 Flux40 of92 Flux41 of92 Flux42 of92 Flux43 of92 Flux44 of92 Flux45 of92 Flux46 of92 Flux47 of92 Flux48 of92 Flux49 of92 Flux50 of92 Flux51 of92 Flux52 of92 Flux53 of92 Flux54 of92 Flux55 of92 Flux56 of92 Flux57 of92 Flux58 of92 Flux59 of92 Flux60 of92 Flux61 of92 Flux62 of92 Flux63 of92 Flux64 of92 Flux65 of92 Flux66 of92 Flux67 of92 Flux68 of92 Flux69 of92 Flux70 of92 Flux71 of92 Flux72 of92 Flux73 of92 Flux74 of92 Flux75 of92 Flux76 of92 Flux77 of92 Flux78 of92 Flux79 of92 Flux80 of92 Flux81 of92 Flux82 of92 Flux83 of92 Flux84 of92 Flux85 of92 Flux86 of92 Flux87 of92 Flux88 of92 Flux89 of92 Flux90 of92 Flux91 of92 Flux92 of92 Writing long wave mass flux toq_reuse.bcf ... file done -------------------------------- Spectral wave boundary conditions complete -------------------------------- Boundary conditions complete, starting computation Simulation 0.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.502 seconds Time remaining 30 minutes Simulation 1.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.525 seconds Time remaining 6 minutes and 45 seconds Simulation 3.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.522 seconds Time remaining 5 minutes and 59 seconds Simulation 5.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.522 seconds Time remaining 5 minutes and 16 seconds Simulation 7.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.522 seconds Time remaining 4 minutes and 57 seconds Simulation 8.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.522 seconds Time remaining 5 minutes and 3 seconds Simulation 10.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.501 seconds Time remaining 5 minutes and 5 seconds Simulation 11.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.300 seconds Time remaining 7 minutes and 51 seconds Simulation 11.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.271 seconds Time remaining 15 minutes Simulation 11.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.276 seconds Time remaining 17 minutes Simulation 11.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.283 seconds Time remaining 18 minutes Simulation 12.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.297 seconds Time remaining 15 minutes Simulation 12.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.316 seconds Time remaining 12 minutes Simulation 13.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.342 seconds Time remaining 10 minutes Simulation 13.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.305 seconds Time remaining 9 minutes and 51 seconds Simulation 14.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.287 seconds Time remaining 8 minutes and 42 seconds Simulation 15.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.250 seconds Time remaining 8 minutes and 34 seconds Simulation 16.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.263 seconds Time remaining 7 minutes and 59 seconds Simulation 16.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.325 seconds Time remaining 8 minutes and 51 seconds Simulation 17.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.360 seconds Time remaining 8 minutes and 1 seconds Simulation 18.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.310 seconds Time remaining 8 minutes and 44 seconds Simulation 19.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.288 seconds Time remaining 7 minutes and 43 seconds Simulation 20.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.318 seconds Time remaining 9 minutes and 40 seconds Simulation 20.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.332 seconds Time remaining 7 minutes and 25 seconds Simulation 21.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.331 seconds Time remaining 6 minutes and 58 seconds Simulation 22.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.325 seconds Time remaining 6 minutes and 56 seconds Simulation 24.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.328 seconds Time remaining 6 minutes and 45 seconds Simulation 25.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.313 seconds Time remaining 6 minutes and 37 seconds Simulation 26.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.306 seconds Time remaining 6 minutes and 50 seconds Simulation 27.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.340 seconds Time remaining 6 minutes and 15 seconds Simulation 28.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.335 seconds Time remaining 6 minutes and 38 seconds Simulation 28.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.295 seconds Time remaining 7 minutes and 43 seconds Simulation 29.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.305 seconds Time remaining 7 minutes and 17 seconds Simulation 30.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.319 seconds Time remaining 7 minutes and 18 seconds Simulation 30.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.315 seconds Time remaining 7 minutes and 40 seconds Simulation 31.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.327 seconds Time remaining 9 minutes and 47 seconds Simulation 31.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.337 seconds Time remaining 16 minutes Simulation 32.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.336 seconds Time remaining 9 minutes and 30 seconds Simulation 32.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.338 seconds Time remaining 8 minutes and 10 seconds Simulation 33.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.300 seconds Time remaining 6 minutes and 48 seconds Simulation 34.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.348 seconds Time remaining 6 minutes and 3 seconds Simulation 35.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.319 seconds Time remaining 5 minutes and 53 seconds Simulation 36.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.295 seconds Time remaining 6 minutes and 22 seconds Simulation 37.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.337 seconds Time remaining 5 minutes and 30 seconds Simulation 38.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.308 seconds Time remaining 5 minutes and 36 seconds Simulation 39.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.313 seconds Time remaining 5 minutes and 25 seconds Simulation 40.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.313 seconds Time remaining 6 minutes and 2 seconds Simulation 41.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.323 seconds Time remaining 5 minutes and 46 seconds Simulation 42.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.337 seconds Time remaining 5 minutes and 25 seconds Simulation 43.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.324 seconds Time remaining 5 minutes and 26 seconds Simulation 44.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.313 seconds Time remaining 5 minutes and 6 seconds Simulation 45.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.349 seconds Time remaining 4 minutes and 45 seconds Simulation 46.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.317 seconds Time remaining 4 minutes and 51 seconds Simulation 47.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.312 seconds Time remaining 5 minutes and 25 seconds Simulation 47.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.319 seconds Time remaining 5 minutes and 16 seconds Simulation 48.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.287 seconds Time remaining 5 minutes and 14 seconds Simulation 49.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.311 seconds Time remaining 5 minutes and 1 seconds Simulation 50.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.327 seconds Time remaining 4 minutes and 37 seconds Simulation 51.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.335 seconds Time remaining 5 minutes and 5 seconds Simulation 52.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.352 seconds Time remaining 4 minutes and 26 seconds Simulation 53.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.325 seconds Time remaining 4 minutes and 28 seconds Simulation 53.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.307 seconds Time remaining 4 minutes and 26 seconds Simulation 54.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.328 seconds Time remaining 4 minutes and 28 seconds Simulation 55.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.342 seconds Time remaining 4 minutes and 13 seconds Simulation 56.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.308 seconds Time remaining 4 minutes and 12 seconds Simulation 57.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.285 seconds Time remaining 4 minutes and 30 seconds Simulation 58.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.308 seconds Time remaining 3 minutes and 53 seconds Simulation 59.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.322 seconds Time remaining 3 minutes and 49 seconds Simulation 60.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.302 seconds Time remaining 3 minutes and 48 seconds Simulation 61.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.324 seconds Time remaining 3 minutes and 44 seconds Simulation 61.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.294 seconds Time remaining 4 minutes and 9 seconds Simulation 62.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.323 seconds Time remaining 3 minutes and 43 seconds Simulation 63.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.339 seconds Time remaining 3 minutes and 16 seconds Simulation 64.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.303 seconds Time remaining 3 minutes and 26 seconds Simulation 65.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.303 seconds Time remaining 3 minutes and 27 seconds Simulation 66.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.324 seconds Time remaining 3 minutes and 8 seconds Simulation 67.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.333 seconds Time remaining 2 minutes and 58 seconds Simulation 68.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.291 seconds Time remaining 3 minutes and 3 seconds Simulation 69.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.301 seconds Time remaining 3 minutes and 3 seconds Simulation 70.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.313 seconds Time remaining 2 minutes and 43 seconds Simulation 70.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.312 seconds Time remaining 2 minutes and 45 seconds Simulation 71.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.321 seconds Time remaining 2 minutes and 39 seconds Simulation 72.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.343 seconds Time remaining 2 minutes and 30 seconds Simulation 73.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.343 seconds Time remaining 2 minutes and 24 seconds Simulation 74.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.323 seconds Time remaining 2 minutes and 21 seconds Simulation 75.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.293 seconds Time remaining 2 minutes and 18 seconds Simulation 76.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.334 seconds Time remaining 2 minutes and 26 seconds Simulation 77.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.312 seconds Time remaining 2 minutes and 12 seconds Simulation 78.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.327 seconds Time remaining 1 minutes and 60 seconds Simulation 79.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.346 seconds Time remaining 1 minutes and 55 seconds Simulation 80.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.318 seconds Time remaining 1 minutes and 54 seconds Simulation 81.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.325 seconds Time remaining 1 minutes and 45 seconds Simulation 81.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.302 seconds Time remaining 1 minutes and 52 seconds Simulation 82.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.316 seconds Time remaining 1 minutes and 46 seconds Simulation 83.3 percent complete. Average dt 0.303 seconds Time remaining 1 minutes and 48 seconds Simulation 84.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.308 seconds Time remaining 1 minutes and 27 seconds Simulation 85.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.281 seconds Time remaining 1 minutes and 26 seconds Simulation 86.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.312 seconds Time remaining 1 minutes and 19 seconds Simulation 86.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.292 seconds Time remaining 1 minutes and 17 seconds Simulation 87.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.287 seconds Time remaining 1 minutes and 12 seconds Simulation 88.6 percent complete. Average dt 0.317 seconds Time remaining 1 minutes and 5 seconds Simulation 89.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.322 seconds Time remaining 1 minutes and 6 seconds Simulation 90.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.326 seconds Time remaining 59 seconds Simulation 91.0 percent complete. Average dt 0.322 seconds Time remaining 53 seconds Simulation 91.7 percent complete. Average dt 0.332 seconds Time remaining 54 seconds Simulation 92.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.304 seconds Time remaining 1 minutes and 5 seconds Simulation 93.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.303 seconds Time remaining 41 seconds Simulation 93.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.288 seconds Time remaining 38 seconds Simulation 94.8 percent complete. Average dt 0.329 seconds Time remaining 29 seconds Simulation 95.5 percent complete. Average dt 0.318 seconds Time remaining 30 seconds Simulation 96.4 percent complete. Average dt 0.309 seconds Time remaining 21 seconds Simulation 97.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.335 seconds Time remaining 16 seconds Simulation 98.2 percent complete. Average dt 0.308 seconds Time remaining 10 seconds Simulation 99.1 percent complete. Average dt 0.310 seconds Time remaining 5 seconds Simulation 99.9 percent complete. Average dt 0.298 seconds Time remaining 0 seconds Duration : 465.881386400000 seconds Timesteps : 4937 Average dt : 0.328134494632368 seconds Unit speed : 5.762413275864064E-006 seconds/1 End of program xbeach