!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MODULE POSTPROCESS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! This module contains transformation routines from xbeach internal data structures to output data structures. module postprocessmod implicit none interface gridrotate ! rotate grids, given s, t and outputs x module procedure gridrotate_r0 module procedure gridrotate_r1 module procedure gridrotate_r2 module procedure gridrotate_r3 module procedure gridrotate_r4 module procedure gridrotate_i0 module procedure gridrotate_i1 module procedure gridrotate_i2 module procedure gridrotate_i3 module procedure gridrotate_i4 end interface gridrotate contains subroutine snappointstogrid(par, s, xpoints, ypoints,scrprintinp,dmin) ! Lookup the nearest neighbour grid coordinates of the output points specified in params file ! Convert world coordinates of points to nearest (lsm) grid point use spaceparams use params use logging_module type(spacepars), intent(in) :: s type(parameters), intent(in) :: par integer*4,dimension(:),intent(inout) :: xpoints ! model x-coordinate of output points integer*4,dimension(:),intent(inout) :: ypoints ! model y-coordinate of output points real*8,dimension(s%nx+1,s%ny+1) :: mindist integer,dimension(2) :: minlocation integer :: i logical,optional,intent(in) :: scrprintinp logical :: scrprint real*8,dimension(:),allocatable :: mindistr real*8,dimension(:),optional,intent(out) :: dmin ! if (present(scrprintinp)) then scrprint=scrprintinp else scrprint=.true. endif ! allocate(mindistr(par%npoints+par%nrugauge)) ! Let's hope that the s%xz and s%yz are already available.... ! Compute the minimum distances for each point if (par%npoints + par%nrugauge > 0) then do i=1,(par%npoints+par%nrugauge) mindist=sqrt((par%xpointsw(i)-s%xz)**2+(par%ypointsw(i)-s%yz)**2) ! look up the location of the found minimum minlocation=minloc(mindist) ! minimum distance mindistr(i) = mindist(minlocation(1),minlocation(2)) ! The y coordinate is always the same ypoints(i)=minlocation(2) ! For rugauges the xpoint is always 1 if (par%pointtypes(i) == 1) then xpoints(i)=1 if (scrprint) call writelog('ls','(a,i0)','Runup gauge at grid line iy=',ypoints(i)) else xpoints(i)=minlocation(1) if (scrprint) call writelog('ls','(a,i0,a,i0,a,f0.2,a)',' Distance output point to nearest grid point ('& ,minlocation(1),',',minlocation(2),') is '& ,mindistr(i), ' meters') endif end do end if if (present(dmin)) then dmin = mindistr endif deallocate(mindistr) end subroutine snappointstogrid subroutine gridrotate_r0(par, s, t, x) use params use spaceparams use mnemmodule type(parameters), intent(in) :: par type(spacepars), intent(in) :: s type(arraytype), intent(in) :: t real*8 :: x x = t%r0 end subroutine gridrotate_r0 subroutine gridrotate_r1(par, s, t, x) use params use spaceparams use mnemmodule type(parameters), intent(in) :: par type(spacepars), intent(in) :: s type(arraytype), intent(in) :: t real*8, dimension(:) :: x real*8 :: pi pi = 4*atan(1.0d0) if (par%rotate .eq. 1) then select case(t%name) case(mnem_theta) x=270-(t%r1*(180/pi)) case(mnem_theta0) x=270-(t%r1*(180/pi)) case default x=t%r1 end select else x=t%r1 endif end subroutine gridrotate_r1 subroutine gridrotate_r2(par, s, t, x) use params use spaceparams use mnemmodule type(parameters), intent(in) :: par type(spacepars), intent(in) :: s type(arraytype), intent(in) :: t real*8, dimension(:,:), intent(out) :: x real*8 :: pi pi = 4*atan(1.0d0) if (par%rotate .eq. 1) then select case(t%name) case(mnem_thetamean) x=270-((t%r2+s%alfa)*(180/pi)) case(mnem_Fx) x=t%r2*cos(s%alfaz)-s%Fy*sin(s%alfaz) case(mnem_Fy) x=s%Fx*sin(s%alfaz)+t%r2*cos(s%alfaz) case(mnem_u) x=t%r2*cos(s%alfaz)-s%v*sin(s%alfaz) case(mnem_gwu) x=t%r2*cos(s%alfaz)-s%gwv*sin(s%alfaz) case(mnem_v) x=s%u*sin(s%alfaz)+t%r2*cos(s%alfaz) case(mnem_gwv) x=s%gwu*sin(s%alfaz)+t%r2*cos(s%alfaz) case(mnem_ue) x=t%r2*cos(s%alfaz)-s%ve*sin(s%alfaz) case(mnem_ve) x=s%ue*sin(s%alfaz)+t%r2*cos(s%alfaz) case(mnem_ui) x=t%r2*cos(s%alfaz)-s%vi*sin(s%alfaz) case(mnem_vi) x=s%ui*sin(s%alfaz)+t%r2*cos(s%alfaz) case(mnem_umean) x=t%r2*cos(s%alfaz)-s%vmean*sin(s%alfaz) case(mnem_vmean) x=s%umean*sin(s%alfaz)+t%r2*cos(s%alfaz) case(mnem_uwf) x=t%r2*cos(s%alfaz)-s%vwf*sin(s%alfaz) case(mnem_vwf) x=s%uwf*sin(s%alfaz)+t%r2*cos(s%alfaz) case(mnem_Sutot) x=(sum(s%Subg,dim=3)+sum(s%Susg,dim=3))*cos(s%alfaz) - (sum(s%Svbg,dim=3)+sum(s%Svsg,dim=3))*sin(s%alfaz) case(mnem_Svtot) x=(sum(s%Subg,dim=3)+sum(s%Susg,dim=3))*sin(s%alfaz) + (sum(s%Svbg,dim=3)+sum(s%Svsg,dim=3))*cos(s%alfaz) case(mnem_cctot) x=sum(s%ccg,dim=3) case default x=t%r2 end select else x=t%r2 endif end subroutine gridrotate_r2 subroutine gridrotate_r3(par, s, t, x) use params use spaceparams use mnemmodule use logging_module implicit none type(parameters), intent(in) :: par type(spacepars), intent(in) :: s type(arraytype), intent(in) :: t real*8, dimension(:,:,:) :: x ! no need to allocate real*8, dimension(size(s%alfaz,1), size(s%alfaz,2), size(t%r3,3)) :: alfazr3 real*8 :: pi integer :: i pi = 4*atan(1.0d0) ! fill variable alfazr3. We presume first 2 dimension are related to nx+1, ny+1 respectively ! Better double check if (size(s%alfaz,1) .ne. size(t%r3,1)) call writelog('ls', '', & & 'Assertion error, s%alfaz and t%r3 do not align on 1st dimension', size(s%alfaz,1), size(t%r3,1)) if (size(s%alfaz,2) .ne. size(t%r3,2)) call writelog('ls', '', & & 'Assertion error, s%alfaz and t%r3 do not align on 2nd dimension', size(s%alfaz,2), size(t%r3,2)) ! This should be something like: ! alfazr3 = (/(s%alfaz, i=1,size(t%r3,3)) /) do i=1,size(t%r3,3) alfazr3(:,:,i) = s%alfaz end do if (par%rotate .eq. 1) then select case(t%name) case(mnem_cgx) x=t%r3*cos(alfazr3)-s%cgy*sin(alfazr3) case(mnem_cgy) x=s%cgx*sin(alfazr3)+t%r3*cos(alfazr3) case(mnem_cx) x=t%r3*cos(alfazr3)-s%cy*sin(alfazr3) case(mnem_cy) x=s%cx*sin(alfazr3)+t%r3*cos(alfazr3) case(mnem_thet) x=270-((s%thet+alfazr3)*(180/pi)) case(mnem_Susg) x=t%r3*cos(alfazr3)-s%Svsg*sin(alfazr3) case(mnem_Svsg) x=s%Susg*sin(alfazr3)+t%r3*cos(alfazr3) case(mnem_Subg) x=t%r3*cos(alfazr3)-s%Svbg*sin(alfazr3) case(mnem_Svbg) x=s%Subg*sin(alfazr3)+t%r3*cos(alfazr3) case default x=t%r3 end select else x = t%r3 endif end subroutine gridrotate_r3 subroutine gridrotate_r4(par, s, t, x) use params use spaceparams use mnemmodule type(parameters), intent(in) :: par type(spacepars), intent(in) :: s type(arraytype), intent(in) :: t real*8, dimension(:,:,:,:) :: x x = t%r4 end subroutine gridrotate_r4 subroutine gridrotate_i0(par, s, t, x) use params use spaceparams use mnemmodule type(parameters), intent(in) :: par type(spacepars), intent(in) :: s type(arraytype), intent(in) :: t integer :: x x = t%i0 end subroutine gridrotate_i0 subroutine gridrotate_i1(par, s, t, x) use params use spaceparams use mnemmodule type(parameters), intent(in) :: par type(spacepars), intent(in) :: s type(arraytype), intent(in) :: t integer, dimension(:),intent(out) :: x x = t%i1 end subroutine gridrotate_i1 subroutine gridrotate_i2(par, s, t, x) use params use spaceparams use mnemmodule type(parameters), intent(in) :: par type(spacepars), intent(in) :: s type(arraytype), intent(in) :: t integer, dimension(:,:),intent(out) :: x x = t%i2 end subroutine gridrotate_i2 subroutine gridrotate_i3(par, s, t, x) use params use spaceparams use mnemmodule type(parameters), intent(in) :: par type(spacepars), intent(in) :: s type(arraytype), intent(in) :: t integer, dimension(:,:,:),intent(out) :: x x = t%i3 end subroutine gridrotate_i3 subroutine gridrotate_i4(par, s, t, x) use params use spaceparams use mnemmodule type(parameters), intent(in) :: par type(spacepars), intent(in) :: s type(arraytype), intent(in) :: t integer, dimension(:,:,:,:),intent(out) :: x x = t%i4 end subroutine gridrotate_i4 function runup(par, s) use spaceparams use params type(spacepars) :: s type(parameters) :: par integer, dimension(par%npoints + par%nrugauge) :: runup ! This is not correct.... where (par%pointtypes == 1) runup = max(maxval(minloc(s%wetz(:,:)))-1,1) end where end function runup end module postprocessmod