module boundaryconditions use typesandkinds contains subroutine wave_bc(sg,sl,par) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! Copyright (C) 2007 UNESCO-IHE, WL|Delft Hydraulics and Delft University ! ! Dano Roelvink, Ap van Dongeren, Ad Reniers, Jamie Lescinski, ! ! Jaap van Thiel de Vries, Robert McCall ! ! ! ! ! ! UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education ! ! P.O. Box 3015 ! ! 2601 DA Delft ! ! The Netherlands ! ! ! ! This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ! ! modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public ! ! License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either ! ! version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ! ! ! ! This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ! ! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ! ! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ! ! Lesser General Public License for more details. ! ! ! ! You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public ! ! License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software ! ! Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 ! ! USA ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! use params use waveparams use spaceparams use interp use wave_functions_module use xmpi_module use readkey_module use logging_module use spectral_wave_bc_module IMPLICIT NONE type(spacepars), target :: sg, sl type(spacepars), pointer :: s type(parameters) :: par type(waveparameters),save :: wp integer, save :: nt integer :: i,new,reclen,wordsize integer, save :: old integer, save :: recpos, curline integer :: j integer :: itheta integer :: E_idx real*8 :: E1,ei,dum,Hm0, dum1, spreadpar, bcdur, dum2 real*8, save :: dtbcfile,rt,bcendtime,bcstarttime real*8 :: em,tshifted,tnew real*8, save :: Emean,Llong real*8,dimension(:) ,allocatable,save :: e01 ! [J/m2/rad] directional distribution of wave energy at boundary real*8,dimension(:) ,allocatable,save :: fac1,fac2 real*8,dimension(:) ,allocatable,save :: tE,dataE,databi real*8,dimension(:,:) ,allocatable,save :: ht real*8,dimension(:,:) ,allocatable,save :: q1,q2,q real*8,dimension(:) ,allocatable,save :: wcrestpos real*8,dimension(:,:) ,allocatable,save :: ee1, ee2 real*8,dimension(:,:) ,allocatable,save :: gq1,gq2,gq real*8,dimension(:,:) ,allocatable,save :: gee1, gee2 character(len=1) :: bl character(slen) :: ebcfname,qbcfname,nhbcfname,fname real*8 :: E0 real*8,dimension(:),allocatable,save :: dist,factor logical :: startbcf,lexist1,lexist2 include 's.ind' s=>sl #ifndef USEMPI s=>sg #endif include 's.inp' if (.not. allocated(fac1)) then allocate(ht (2,ny+1)) allocate(fac1 (nx)) allocate(fac2 (nx)) allocate(e01(1:ntheta)) allocate(dist(1:ntheta)) allocate(factor(1:ntheta)) allocate(wcrestpos(nx+1)) endif ! ! GENERATE AND READ-IN WAVE BOUNDARY CONDITIONS ! ! added for bound long wave comp Ad 28 march 2006 dtheta = par%dtheta*par%px/180 startbcf=.false. if(abs(par%t-par%dt)<1.d-9) then if (xmaster) then call writelog('ls','','Setting up boundary conditions') endif startbcf=.true. ! trigger read from bcf for instat 3,4,5,7 bcendtime=huge(0.0d0) ! initial assumption for instat 3,4,5,7 s%newstatbc=1 if (trim(par%instat)=='ts_1') then if(xmaster) then open( unit=7, file='bc/gen.ezs') endif if (xmaster) then 5 continue read(7,'(a)')bl if(bl.eq.'*') goto 5 read(7,*)nt endif #ifdef USEMPI call xmpi_bcast(nt) #endif allocate(dataE (nt)) allocate(tE (nt)) do i=1,nt if(xmaster) then read(7,*) tE(i),dum,dataE(i) endif #ifdef USEMPI call xmpi_bcast(tE(i)) call xmpi_bcast(dataE(i)) #endif end do if (xmaster) then close(7) endif Emean=sum(dataE)/nt elseif (trim(par%instat)=='ts_2') then if (xmaster) then open( unit=7, file='bc/gen.ezs') 6 continue read(7,'(a)')bl if(bl.eq.'*') goto 6 read(7,*)nt endif #ifdef USEMPI call xmpi_bcast(nt) #endif allocate(dataE (nt)) allocate(databi (nt)) allocate(tE (nt)) do i=1,nt if(xmaster) then read(7,*) tE(i),databi(i),dataE(i) endif #ifdef USEMPI call xmpi_bcast(tE(i)) call xmpi_bcast(databi(i)) call xmpi_bcast(dataE(i)) #endif end do if (xmaster) then close(7) endif Emean=sum(dataE)/nt elseif (trim(par%instat)=='stat_table') then if (xmaster) then fname = readkey_name('params.txt','bcfile',bcast=.false.) ! call checkbcfilelength(par,fname) open( unit=7, file=fname) ! open( unit=7, file='jonswap1.txt') read(7,*) Hm0, par%Trep,par%dir0, dum1, spreadpar, bcendtime, dum2 par%Hrms = Hm0/sqrt(2.d0) par%m = 2.0d0*spreadpar if (par%morfacopt==1) bcendtime=bcendtime/max(par%morfac,1.d0) theta0=(1.5d0*par%px)-par%dir0*atan(1.d0)/45.d0 if (theta0>par%px) theta0=theta0-2*par%px if (theta0<-par%px) theta0=theta0+2*par%px endif s%newstatbc=1 #ifdef USEMPI call xmpi_bcast(bcendtime) call xmpi_bcast(par%Hrms) call xmpi_bcast(par%Trep) call xmpi_bcast(par%m) call xmpi_bcast(theta0) #endif do itheta=1,ntheta sigt(:,:,itheta) = 2.d0*par%px/par%Trep end do sigm = sum(sigt,3)/ntheta call dispersion(par,s) elseif ((trim(par%instat)=='jons'.or.trim(par%instat)=='jons_table').and.xmaster) then ! wp is not saved and we only know about the current line which is called listline in wp.... if (par%wbcversion<3) then wp%listline = curline call makebcf(par,sg,wp) curline = wp%listline else call spectral_wave_bc(sg,par,curline) endif elseif (trim(par%instat)=='swan'.and.xmaster) then if (par%wbcversion<3) then wp%listline = curline call makebcf(par,sg,wp) curline = wp%listline else call spectral_wave_bc(sg,par,curline) endif elseif (trim(par%instat)=='vardens'.and.xmaster) then if (par%wbcversion<3) then wp%listline = curline call makebcf(par,sg,wp) curline = wp%listline else call spectral_wave_bc(sg,par,curline) endif elseif (trim(par%instat)=='reuse'.and.xmaster) then if (par%wbcversion<3) then wp%listline=1 curline = wp%listline else curline = 1 endif ! See if this is reusing nonhydrostatic, or hydrostatic boundary conditions inquire(file='ebcflist.bcf',exist=lexist1) inquire(file='nhbcflist.bcf',exist=lexist2) if (lexist1 .and. .not. lexist2) then par%nonhspectrum = 0 elseif (.not. lexist1 .and. lexist2) then par%nonhspectrum = 1 elseif (lexist1 .and. lexist2) then call writelog('lswe','','If ''instat=reuse'' the model directory may not contain multiple boundary definition files.') call writelog('lswe','','Use either ebcflist.bcf/qbcflist.bcf, or nhbcflist.bcf') else call writelog('lswe','','If ''instat=reuse'' the model directory must contain boundary definition files.') call writelog('lswe','','Use either ebcflist.bcf/qbcflist.bcf, or nhbcflist.bcf') endif elseif (trim(par%instat)=='ts_nonh'.and.xmaster) then call velocity_Boundary('boun_U.bcf',ui(1,:),zi(1,:),wi(1,:),nx,ny,par%t,zs,ws) endif ! ! Directional distribution ! if( trim(par%instat)=='stat' .or. & trim(par%instat)=='bichrom' .or. & trim(par%instat)=='ts_1' .or. & trim(par%instat)=='ts_2' .or. & trim(par%instat)=='stat_table' & )then dist=(cos(theta-theta0))**par%m do i=1,ntheta if(cos(theta(i)-theta0)<0.d0) then dist(i)=0.0d0 end if end do if (trim(par%instat)=='ts_1' .or. trim(par%instat)=='ts_2') then par%Hrms=sqrt(8*Emean/(par%rho*par%g)) endif E0=par%rhog8*par%Hrms**2 ! energy density distribution if (sum(dist)>0.d0) then factor = (dist/sum(dist))/dtheta else factor=0.d0 endif e01 = factor*E0; e01 = max(e01,0.0d0); !if (abs(theta0)<1.d-9) theta0=1.d-9 ! Dano Llong=par%Tlong*cg(1,1)/cos(theta0) Llong=par%Tlong*cg(1,1) endif if (xmaster) then call writelog('sl','','Boundary conditions complete, starting computation') endif end if if (par%t .ge. bcendtime) then ! Recalculate bcf-file if (trim(par%instat)=='stat_table') then if (xmaster) then call writelog('ls','','Reading new wave conditions') read(7,*) Hm0, par%Trep,par%dir0, dum1, spreadpar, bcdur, dum2 par%Hrms = Hm0/sqrt(2.d0) par%taper = 1.d0 ! Jaap set taper time to 1 second for new conditions (likewise in waveparams) par%m = 2.0d0*spreadpar if (par%morfacopt==1) then bcendtime=bcendtime+bcdur/max(par%morfac,1.d0) else bcendtime=bcendtime+bcdur endif theta0=(1.5d0*par%px)-par%dir0*atan(1.d0)/45.d0 ! Jaap; make shore theta0 is also set between -px and px for new wave conditions if (theta0>par%px) theta0=theta0-2*par%px if (theta0<-par%px) theta0=theta0+2*par%px endif s%newstatbc=1 #ifdef USEMPI call xmpi_bcast(bcendtime) call xmpi_bcast(par%Hrms) call xmpi_bcast(par%Trep) call xmpi_bcast(par%m) call xmpi_bcast(theta0) #endif do itheta=1,ntheta sigt(:,:,itheta) = 2*par%px/par%Trep end do sigm = sum(sigt,3)/ntheta call dispersion(par,s) dist=(cos(theta-theta0))**par%m do i=1,ntheta if(abs(theta(i)-theta0)>par%px/2.d0) then dist(i)=0 end if end do E0=par%rhog8*par%Hrms**2 ! energy density distribution if (sum(dist)>0.d0) then factor = (dist/sum(dist))/dtheta else factor=0.d0 endif e01 = factor*E0; e01 = max(e01,0.0d0); elseif ((trim(par%instat)=='jons' .or. trim(par%instat)=='jons_table').and.xmaster) then ! if ((par%instat==4.or.par%instat==41).and.xmaster) then close(71) close(72) if (par%wbcversion<3) then wp%listline = curline call makebcf(par,sg,wp) curline = wp%listline else call spectral_wave_bc(sg,par,curline) endif startbcf=.true. elseif (trim(par%instat)=='swan'.and.xmaster) then close(71) close(72) if (par%wbcversion<3) then wp%listline = curline call makebcf(par,sg,wp) curline = wp%listline else call spectral_wave_bc(sg,par,curline) endif startbcf=.true. elseif (trim(par%instat)=='vardens'.and.xmaster) then close(71) close(72) if (par%wbcversion<3) then wp%listline = curline call makebcf(par,sg,wp) curline = wp%listline else call spectral_wave_bc(sg,par,curline) endif startbcf=.true. elseif (trim(par%instat)=='reuse'.and.xmaster) then close(71) close(72) startbcf=.true. if (par%t <= (par%tstop-par%dt)) then curline = curline + 1 end if end if #ifdef USEMPI call xmpi_bcast(startbcf) #endif end if ! ! COMPUTE WAVE BOUNDARY CONDITIONS CURRENT TIMESTEP ! ! instat = 0 or 40 => stationary wave conditions ! instat = 1 => wave energy fluctuations associated with Tlong in params.txt; bound long wave from LHS 1962 ! instat = 2 => wave energy time series from Gen.ezs; bound long wave from LHS 1962 ! instat = 3 => wave energy time series and (bound) long waves from Gen.ezs ! instat = 4 or 41 => directional wave energy time series for Jonswap spectrum from user specified file; bound long wave from van Dongeren, 19?? ! instat = 5 => directional wave energy time series from SWAN 2D spectrum file; bound long wave from van Dongeren, 19?? ! instat = 6 => directional wave energy time series from spectrum file; bound long wave from van Dongeren, 19?? ! instat = 7 => as instat = 4/5/6; reading from previously computed wave boundary condition file. if (trim(par%instat)=='stat' .or. trim(par%instat)=='stat_table') then do j=1,ny+1 ee(1,j,:)=e01*min(par%t/par%taper,1.0d0) bi(1) = 0.0d0 ui(1,j) = 0.0d0 end do elseif (trim(par%instat)=='bichrom') then do j=1,ny+1 ee(1,j,:)=e01*0.5d0 * & (1.d0+cos(2*par%px*(par%t/par%Tlong-( sin(theta0)*(yz(1,j)-yz(1,1)) & !jaap : -sum(alfaz(1,1:j))/j +cos(theta0)*(xz(1,j)-xz(1,1)) )/Llong))) * & !jaap: -sum(alfaz(1,1:j))/j min(par%t/par%taper,1.d0) em = (sum(0.5d0*e01))*dtheta *min(par%t/par%taper,1.d0) ei = sum(ee(1,j,1:ntheta))*dtheta bi(1) = -(2*cg(1,j)/c(1,j)-0.5d0)*(em-ei)/(cg(1,j)**2-par%g*hh(1,j))/par%rho ht=zs0(1:2,:)-zb(1:2,:) ui(1,j) = cg(1,j)*bi(1)/ht(1,j)*cos(theta0-alfaz(1,j)) end do elseif (trim(par%instat)=='ts_1') then do j=1,ny+1 if (abs(theta0-sum(alfaz(1,1:j))/j)<1e-3) then call linear_interp(tE,dataE,nt,par%t,E1,E_idx) else ! tshifted=max(par%t-(yz(1,j)-yz(1,1))*sin(theta0)/cg(1,1),0.d0) ! jaap this does not work for curvi code tshifted = max(par%t-(yz(1,j)-yz(1,1))*sin(theta0)/cg(1,1) & !-sum(alfaz(1,1:j))/j +(xz(1,j)-xz(1,1))*cos(theta0)/cg(1,1),0.d0) !-sum(alfaz(1,1:j))/j call linear_interp(tE,dataE,nt,tshifted,E1,E_idx) endif ee(1,j,:)=e01*E1/max(Emean,0.000001d0)*min(par%t/par%taper,1.d0) em = Emean *min(par%t/par%taper,1.d0) ei = sum(ee(1,j,:))*dtheta bi(1) = -(2*cg(1,j)/c(1,j)-0.5d0)*(em-ei)/(cg(1,j)**2-par%g*hh(1,j))/par%rho ht=zs0(1:2,:)-zb(1:2,:) ui(1,j) = cg(1,j)*bi(1)/ht(1,j)*cos(theta0-alfaz(1,j)) end do elseif (trim(par%instat)=='ts_2') then ht=zs0(1:2,:)-zb(1:2,:) do j=1,ny+1 if (abs(theta0-sum(alfaz(1,1:j))/j)<1e-3) then call linear_interp(tE,dataE,nt,par%t,E1,E_idx) call linear_interp(tE,databi,nt,par%t,bi(1),E_idx) else ! tshifted=max(par%t-(yz(1,j)-yz(1,1))*sin(theta0)/cg(1,1),0.d0) ! jaap this does not work for curvi code tshifted = max(par%t-(yz(1,j)-yz(1,1))*sin(theta0)/cg(1,1) & !-sum(alfaz(1,1:j))/j +(xz(1,j)-xz(1,1))*cos(theta0)/cg(1,1),0.d0) !-sum(alfaz(1,1:j))/j call linear_interp(tE,dataE,nt,tshifted,E1,E_idx) call linear_interp(tE,databi,nt,tshifted,bi(1),E_idx) endif ee(1,j,:)=e01*E1/max(Emean,0.000001d0)*min(par%t/par%taper,1.d0) if (par%freewave==1) then ui(1,j) = sqrt(par%g/ht(1,j))*bi(1) else ui(1,j) = cg(1,j)*bi(1)/ht(1,j)*cos(theta0-alfaz(1,j))*min(par%t/par%taper,1.d0) endif end do elseif ( (trim(par%instat)=='jons').or. & (trim(par%instat)=='jons_table').or. & (trim(par%instat)=='swan') .or. & (trim(par%instat)=='vardens') .or. & (trim(par%instat)=='reuse') & ) then if(par%nonhspectrum==0) then ! open file if first time if (startbcf) then if(xmaster) then open(53,file='ebcflist.bcf',form='formatted',position='rewind') open(54,file='qbcflist.bcf',form='formatted',position='rewind') endif if (xmaster) then do i=1,curline read(53,*)bcendtime,rt,dtbcfile,par%Trep,s%theta0,ebcfname read(54,*)bcendtime,rt,dtbcfile,par%Trep,s%theta0,qbcfname enddo ! wwvv strange endif #ifdef USEMPI call xmpi_bcast(bcendtime) call xmpi_bcast(rt) call xmpi_bcast(dtbcfile) call xmpi_bcast(par%Trep) call xmpi_bcast(theta0) call xmpi_bcast(ebcfname) #endif if (xmaster) then close(53) close(54) endif ! Robert and Jaap : Initialize for new wave conditions ! par%Trep = par%Trep ! par%omega = 2*par%px/par%Trep do itheta=1,ntheta sigt(:,:,itheta) = 2*par%px/par%Trep end do sigm = sum(sigt,3)/ntheta call dispersion(par,s) ! End initialize if (xmaster) then inquire(iolength=wordsize) 1.d0 reclen=wordsize*(sg%ny+1)*(sg%ntheta) open(71,file=ebcfname,status='old',form='unformatted',access='direct',recl=reclen) reclen=wordsize*((sg%ny+1)*4) open(72,file=qbcfname,status='old',form='unformatted',access='direct',recl=reclen) endif ! ! wwvv note that we need the global value of ny here ! ! masterprocess reads and distributes ! if (xmaster) then if (.not. allocated(gq1) ) then allocate(gq1(sg%ny+1,4),gq2(sg%ny+1,4),gq(sg%ny+1,4)) allocate(gee1(sg%ny+1,ntheta),gee2(sg%ny+1,ntheta)) endif else if (.not. allocated(gq1) ) then ! to get valid addresses for ! gq1, gq2, gq, gee1, gee2 allocate(gq1(1,4),gq2(1,4),gq(1,4)) allocate(gee1(1,ntheta),gee2(1,ntheta)) endif endif if (.not. allocated(q1) ) then allocate(q1(ny+1,4),q2(ny+1,4),q(ny+1,4)) allocate(ee1(ny+1,ntheta),ee2(ny+1,ntheta)) end if if (xmaster) then read(71,rec=1)gee1 ! Earlier in time read(71,rec=2)gee2 ! Later in time read(72,rec=1)gq1 ! Earlier in time read(72,rec=2)gq2 ! Later in time endif #ifdef USEMPI ! ! wwvv todo ! would be cleaner if we had defined general subroutines ! for this in spaceparams ! call space_distribute("y",sl,gee1,ee1) call space_distribute("y",sl,gee2,ee2) call space_distribute("y",sl,gq1,q1) call space_distribute("y",sl,gq2,q2) #else ee1=gee1 ee2=gee2 q1=gq1 q2=gq2 #endif old=floor((par%t/dtbcfile)+1) recpos=1 end if new=floor((par%t/dtbcfile)+1) ! Check for next level in boundary condition file if (new/=old) then recpos=recpos+(new-old) ! Check for how many bcfile steps are jumped if (new-old>1) then ! Many steps further in the bc file if(xmaster) then read(72,rec=recpos+1)gq2 read(71,rec=recpos+1)gee2 read(72,rec=recpos)gq1 read(71,rec=recpos)gee1 endif #ifdef USEMPI call space_distribute("y",sl,gee2,ee2) call space_distribute("y",sl,gq2,q2) call space_distribute("y",sl,gee1,ee1) call space_distribute("y",sl,gq1,q1) #else ee1=gee1 ee2=gee2 q1=gq2 q2=gq2 #endif else ! Only one step further in the bc file ee1=ee2 q1=q2 if(xmaster) then read(72,rec=recpos+1)gq2 read(71,rec=recpos+1)gee2 endif #ifdef USEMPI call space_distribute("y",sl,gee2,ee2) call space_distribute("y",sl,gq2,q2) #else ee2=gee2 q2=gq2 #endif endif old=new end if ht=zs0(1:2,:)-zb(1:2,:) tnew = dble(new)*dtbcfile ee(1,:,:) = (dtbcfile-(tnew-par%t))/dtbcfile*ee2 + & !Jaap (tnew-par%t)/dtbcfile*ee1 q = (dtbcfile-(tnew-par%t))/dtbcfile*q2 + & !Jaap (tnew-par%t)/dtbcfile*q1 ui(1,:) = q(:,1)/ht(1,:)*min(par%t/par%taper,1.0d0) vi(1,:) = q(:,2)/ht(1,:)*min(par%t/par%taper,1.0d0) ee(1,:,:)=ee(1,:,:)*min(par%t/par%taper,1.0d0) elseif(par%nonhspectrum==1) then if (startbcf) then if(xmaster) then open(53,file='nhbcflist.bcf',form='formatted',position='rewind') do i=1,curline read(53,*)bcstarttime,bcendtime,nhbcfname enddo close(53) endif call velocity_Boundary(nhbcfname,ui(1,:),zi(1,:),wi(1,:),nx,ny,par%t,zs,ws, & force_init=.true.,bcst=bcstarttime) else call velocity_Boundary(nhbcfname,ui(1,:),zi(1,:),wi(1,:),nx,ny,par%t,zs,ws,bcst=bcstarttime) endif endif ! nonhspectrum elseif (trim(par%instat)=='ts_nonh'.and.xmaster) then call velocity_Boundary('boun_U.bcf',ui(1,:),zi(1,:),wi(1,:),nx,ny,par%t,zs,ws) else if (xmaster) then call writelog('lse','', 'instat = ',trim(par%instat), ' invalid option') endif call halt_program endif ! Jaap: set incoming short wave energy to zero ee(1,:,:) = par%swave*ee(1,:,:) ! Jaap set incoming long waves to zero ui = par%lwave*(par%order-1.d0)*ui ! wwvv need to communicate ui here, it is used later on in this ! subroutine #ifdef USEMPI call xmpi_shift(ui,'1:') ! wwvv also fill in ee(1,:,:) call xmpi_shift(ee,'1:') #endif end subroutine wave_bc !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! ! FLOW BOUNDARY CONDITIONS ! subroutine flow_bc(s,par) use params use spaceparams use interp use xmpi_module IMPLICIT NONE type(spacepars), target :: s type(parameters) :: par integer :: i,j,jj,j1,indt real*8 :: alphanew,vert,dzs0dy,windxnow,windynow,factime real*8 , dimension(2) :: xzs0,yzs0,szs0 real*8 , dimension(:,:) ,allocatable,save :: zs0old,zsmean,dzs0 real*8 , dimension(:,:) ,allocatable,save :: ht,beta,betanp1 real*8 , dimension(:) ,allocatable,save :: bn,alpha2,thetai real*8 , dimension(:,:) ,allocatable,save :: dhdx,dhdy,dvdx,dvdy real*8 , dimension(:,:) ,allocatable,save :: dbetadx,dbetady,dvudy real*8 , dimension(:) ,allocatable,save :: inv_ht include 's.ind' include 's.inp' if (.not. allocated(ht)) then allocate(ht (2,ny+1)) allocate(dhdx (2,ny+1)) allocate(dhdy (2,ny+1)) ! wwvv not used allocate(dvdx (2,ny+1)) ! wwvv not used allocate(dvdy (2,ny+1)) allocate(dvudy (1,ny+1)) ! wwvv not used allocate(inv_ht (ny+1)) allocate(dbetadx (2,ny+1)) allocate(dbetady (2,ny+1)) allocate(beta (2,ny+1)) allocate(zsmean (2,ny+1)) allocate(dzs0 (2,ny+1)) allocate(bn (ny+1)) allocate(alpha2 (ny+1)) allocate(thetai (ny+1)) allocate(betanp1 (1,ny+1)) allocate(zs0old(nx+1,ny+1)) ! wwvv not used ! initialize zsmean and dzs0 zsmean(1,:) = zs(1,:) zsmean(2,:) = zs(nx,:) umean = uu vmean = vv dzs0 = 0.d0 thetai = 0.d0 endif ! Super fast 1D if (ny==0) then j1 = 1 else j1 = 2 endif ! factime=1.d0/par%cats/par%Trep*par%dt !Jaap: not used anymore ! jaap: compute epsi based on offshore boundary conditions if epsi = -1 if (par%epsi==-1.d0) then factime = 1.d0/par%cats/par%Trep*par%dt else factime = par%epsi endif !allocate(szs0(1:2)) ! wwvv changed this, now defined as an automatic array !allocate(yzs0(1:2)) ! ! Sea boundary at x=0; ! ! ! UPDATE TIDE AND SURGE ! ! Need to interpolate input tidal signal to xbeach par%t to ! compute proper tide contribution if (par%tideloc>0) then ! read in first water surface time series call LINEAR_INTERP(s%tideinpt, s%tideinpz(:,1), s%tidelen, par%t, s%zs01, indt) if(par%tideloc.eq.1) then s%zs02=s%zs01 end if ! tideloc = 2, paulrevere = land if(par%tideloc.eq.2 .and. trim(par%paulrevere)=='land') then ! read in second water surface time series call LINEAR_INTERP(s%tideinpt, s%tideinpz(:,2), s%tidelen, par%t, s%zs03, indt) s%zs02=s%zs01 ! second offshore corner is equal to first offshore corner s%zs04=s%zs03 ! second bay corner is equal to first bay corner endif ! tideloc = 2, paulrevere = sea if(par%tideloc.eq.2 .and. trim(par%paulrevere)=='sea') then call LINEAR_INTERP(s%tideinpt, s%tideinpz(:,2), s%tidelen, par%t, s%zs02, indt) ! no timeseries at bay side, (and two different timeseries at offshore corners) s%zs03=0.d0 s%zs04=0.d0 endif ! tideloc = 4: for each corner individual timeseries if(par%tideloc.eq.4) then call LINEAR_INTERP(s%tideinpt, s%tideinpz(:,2), s%tidelen, par%t, s%zs02, indt) call LINEAR_INTERP(s%tideinpt, s%tideinpz(:,3), s%tidelen, par%t, s%zs03, indt) call LINEAR_INTERP(s%tideinpt, s%tideinpz(:,4), s%tidelen, par%t, s%zs04, indt) endif ! ! from here on set global variable zs0 ! if(par%tideloc.eq.1) s%zs0 = s%zs01 if(par%tideloc.eq.2 .and. trim(par%paulrevere)=='sea') then yzs0(1)=ndist(1,1) yzs0(2)=ndist(1,ny+1) ! for MPI look at water level gradient over each subdomain ! lonsghore water level difference over whole model domain at offshore boundary dzs0dy = (s%zs02-s%zs01)/(s%xyzs02(2)-s%xyzs01(2)); ! estimate water level at corners sub-domain szs0(1)=s%zs01+dzs0dy*(yzs0(1)-s%xyzs01(2)) szs0(2)=s%zs01+dzs0dy*(yzs0(2)-s%xyzs01(2)) do j = 1,ny+1 call LINEAR_INTERP(yzs0, szs0, 2, ndist(1,j), zs0(1,j), indt) enddo zs0(2,:)=zs0(1,:) ! Dano: fix of Neumann boundaries with tide zs0(3:nx+1,1)=zs0(1,1) zs0(3:nx+1,ny+1)=zs0(1,ny+1) !do j = 1,ny+1 ! do i = 1,nx+1 ! zs0(i,j) = zs0(1,j) ! enddo !enddo elseif (par%tideloc.eq.2 .and. trim(par%paulrevere)=='land') then if (xmpi_istop) then zs0(1:2,:)=zs01 endif if (xmpi_isbot) then zs0(nx:nx+1,:)=zs04 endif endif if(par%tideloc.eq.4) then if (xmpi_istop) then yzs0(1)=xyzs01(2) yzs0(2)=xyzs02(2) szs0(1)=zs01 szs0(2)=zs02 do j = 1,ny+1 call LINEAR_INTERP(yzs0, szs0, 2, ndist(1,j), zs0(1,j), indt) enddo zs0(2,:)=zs0(1,:) endif if (xmpi_isbot) then yzs0(1)=xyzs04(2) yzs0(2)=xyzs03(2) szs0(1)=zs04 szs0(2)=zs03 do j = 1,ny+1 call LINEAR_INTERP(yzs0, szs0, 2, ndist(nx+1,j), zs0(nx+1,j), indt) enddo zs0(nx,:)=zs0(nx+1,:) endif if (xmpi_isleft) then xzs0(1)=xyzs01(1) xzs0(2)=xyzs04(1) szs0(1)=zs01 szs0(2)=zs04 do i = 1,nx+1 call LINEAR_INTERP(xzs0, szs0, 2, sdist(i,1), zs0(i,1), indt) enddo endif if (xmpi_isright) then xzs0(1)=xyzs02(1) xzs0(2)=xyzs03(1) szs0(1)=zs02 szs0(2)=zs03 do i = 1,nx+1 call LINEAR_INTERP(xzs0, szs0, 2, sdist(i,ny+1), zs0(i,ny+1), indt) enddo endif endif else ! ie if tideloc=0 zs0 = zs01 endif if (trim(par%tidetype)=='instant') then ! ! RJ: 22-09-2010 Correct water level for surge and tide: ! zsmean(1,:) = factime*zs(1,:)+(1-factime)*zsmean(1,:) zsmean(2,:) = factime*zs(nx,:)+(1-factime)*zsmean(2,:) ! compute difference between offshore/bay mean water level and imposed on tide dzs0(1,:) = zs0(1,:)-zsmean(1,:) dzs0(2,:) = zs0(nx,:)-zsmean(2,:) #ifdef USEMPI call xmpi_getrow(dzs0,ny+1,'1',1,dzs0(1,:)) call xmpi_getrow(dzs0,ny+1,'m',xmpi_m,dzs0(2,:)) #endif do j = 1,ny+1 do i = 1,nx+1 zs(i,j) = zs(i,j) + (zs0fac(i,j,1)*dzs0(1,j) + zs0fac(i,j,2)*dzs0(2,j))*wetz(i,j) enddo enddo ! RJ: 22-09-2010 end update tide and surge endif ! tidetype = instant water level boundary ! ! UPDATE (LONG) WAVES ! if (trim(par%instat)/='off')then ! wwvv the following is probably only to do in the top processes, but take care for ! the mpi_shift calls in horizontal directions if(xmpi_istop) then if (trim(par%front)=='abs_1d') then ! Ad's radiating boundary !ht(1:2,:)=max(zs0(1:2,:)-zb(1:2,:),par%eps) !uu(1,:)=2.d0*ui(1,:)-(sqrt(par%g/hh(1,:))*(zs(2,:)-zs0(2,:))) if (trim(par%tidetype)=='velocity') then ! umean(1,:) = (factime*uu(1,:)+(1-factime)*umean(1,:)) umean(1,:) = (factime*sum(uu(1,:)*dnu(1,:))/sum(dnu(1,:))+(1-factime)*umean(1,:)) ! make sure we have same umean along whole offshore boundary ! idea take average over longshore sections else umean(1,:) = 0.d0 endif !DAno uu(1,:)=2.0d0*ui(1,:)-(sqrt(par%g/hh(1,:))*(zs(2,:)-zs0(2,:)))+umean(1,:) if (par%freewave==1) then uu(1,:)=2.0d0*ui(1,:)-(sqrt(par%g/hh(1,:))*(zs(2,:)-zs0(2,:))) + umean(1,:) else uu(1,:)=(1.0d0+sqrt(par%g*hh(1,:))/cg(1,:))*ui(1,:)-(sqrt(par%g/hh(1,:))*(zs(2,:)-zs0(2,:))) + umean(1,:) endif vv(1,:)=vv(2,:) zs(1,:)=zs(2,:) if (par%nonh==1) ws(1,:) = ws(2,:) elseif (trim(par%front)=='abs_2d') then ! Van Dongeren (1997), weakly reflective boundary condition ht(1:2,:)=max(zs0(1:2,:)-zb(1:2,:),par%eps) beta=uu(1:2,:)-2.*dsqrt(par%g*hum(1:2,:)) do j=j1,max(ny,1) ! compute gradients in u-points dhdx (1,j) = ( ht (2,j) - ht (1,j) ) / dsu(1,j) dbetadx(1,j) = ( beta(2,j) - beta(1,j) ) / dsz(2,j) if (ny>0) then dvdy (1,j) = ( vu (1,j+1) - vu (1,j-1) ) / ( 2.d0*dnu(1,j) ) dbetady(1,j) = ( beta(1,j+1) - beta(1,j-1) ) / ( 2.d0*dnu(1,j) ) else dvdy (1,j) = 0.d0 dbetady(1,j) = 0.d0 endif inv_ht(j) = 1.d0/hum(1,j) bn (j) = -( uu(1,j) - dsqrt(par%g*hum(1,j)) ) * dbetadx(1,j) & - vu(1,j) * dbetady(1,j) & + dsqrt(par%g*hum(1,j)) * dvdy (1,j) & + par%g * dhdx (1,j) & + Fx(1,j) * inv_ht(j) / par%rho & - par%g / par%C**2.d0 * sqrt(uu(1,j)**2 + vu(1,j)**2) * uu(1,j) / hum(1,j) end do ! Jaap: Compute angle of incominge wave thetai = datan(vi(1,:)/(ui(1,:)+1.d-16)) do j=j1,max(ny,1) if (trim(par%tidetype)=='velocity') then ! make sure we have same umean along whole offshore boundayr umean(1,j) = (factime*sum(uu(1,max(1,j-par%nc):min(j+par%nc,ny))*dnu(1,max(1,j-par%nc):min(j+par%nc,ny))) & /sum(dnu(1,max(1,j-par%nc):min(j+par%nc,ny)))+(1-factime)*umean(1,j)) ! make sure we have same umean along whole offshore boundary vmean(1,j) = (factime*sum(vv(1,max(1,j-par%nc):min(j+par%nc,ny))*dnv(1,max(1,j-par%nc):min(j+par%nc,ny))) & /sum(dnv(1,max(1,j-par%nc):min(j+par%nc,ny)))+(1-factime)*vmean(1,j)) else umean(1,:) = 0.d0 vmean(1,:) = 0.d0 endif betanp1(1,j) = beta(1,j)+ bn(j)*par%dt alpha2(j)=-theta0 ! Jaap: this is first estimate alphanew = 0.d0 ! Jaap moved up does need to be in j loop !if (trim(par%tidetype)=='velocity') then ! ! Jaap dirty trick to get rid of unrealistic velocity spikes ! umean(1,j) = factime*sign(1.d0,uu(1,j))*min(abs(uu(1,j)),sqrt(par%g*ht(1,j))) + (1-factime)*umean(1,j) ! vmean(1,j) = factime*sign(1.d0,vu(1,j))*min(abs(vu(1,j)),sqrt(par%g*ht(1,j))) + (1-factime)*vmean(1,j) !else ! umean(1,j) = 0.d0 ! vmean(1,j) = 0.d0 !endif do jj=1,50 !---------- Lower order bound. cond. --- if (par%freewave==1) then ! assuming incoming long wave propagates at sqrt(g*h) ur(1,j) = dcos(alpha2(j))/(dcos(alpha2(j))+1.d0)& *(betanp1(1,j)-umean(1,j)+2.d0*DSQRT(par%g*0.5d0*(ht(1,j)+ht(2,j))) & -ui(1,j)*(dcos(thetai(j))-1.d0)/dcos(thetai(j))) else ! assuming incoming long wave propagates at cg ur(1,j) = dcos(alpha2(j))/(dcos(alpha2(j))+1.d0)& *(betanp1(1,j)-umean(1,j)+2.d0*DSQRT(par%g*0.5d0*(ht(1,j)+ht(2,j)))& -ui(1,j)*(cg(1,j)*dcos(thetai(j))- DSQRT(par%g*0.5d0*(ht(1,j)+ht(2,j))) )/& (cg(1,j)*dcos(thetai(j)))) endif !vert = velocity of the reflected wave = total-specified vert = vu(1,j)-vmean(1,j)-vi(1,j) ! Jaap use vi instead of ui(1,j)*tan(theta0) alphanew = datan(vert/(ur(1,j)+1.d-16)) ! wwvv can use atan2 here if (alphanew .gt. (par%px*0.5d0)) alphanew=alphanew-par%px if (alphanew .le. (-par%px*0.5d0)) alphanew=alphanew+par%px if(dabs(alphanew-alpha2(j)).lt.0.001d0) goto 1000 ! wwvv can use exit here alpha2(j) = alphanew end do 1000 continue if (par%ARC==0) then uu(1,j) = (par%order-1)*ui(1,j) zs(1,j) = zs(2,j) else ! uu(1,j) = (par%order-1.d0)*ui(1,j) + ur(1,j) + umean(1,j) ! zs(1,:) is dummy variable ! with a taylor expansion to get to the zs point at index 1 from uu(1) and uu(2) zs(1,j) = 1.5d0*((betanp1(1,j)-uu(1,j))**2/4.d0/par%g+.5d0*(zb(1,j)+zb(2,j)))- & 0.5d0*((beta(2,j) -uu(2,j))**2/4.d0/par%g+.5d0*(zb(2,j)+zb(3,j))) ! Ad + Jaap: zs does indeed influence hydrodynamics at boundary --> do higher order taylor expansions to check influence ! zs(1,j) = 13.d0/8.d0*((betanp1(1,j)-uu(1,j))**2.d0/4.d0/par%g+.5d0*(zb(1,j)+zb(2,j))) - & ! 0.75d0*((beta(2,j)-uu(2,j))**2.d0/4.d0/par%g+.5d0*(zb(2,j)+zb(3,j))) + & ! 0.125d0*0.5d0*(zs(3,j)+zs(4,j)) end if end do vv(1,:)=vv(2,:) if (par%nonh==1) ws(1,:) = ws(2,:) else if (trim(par%front)=='wall') then ! uu(1,:)=0.d0 ! zs(1,:)=max(zs(2,:),zb(1,:)) else if (trim(par%front)=='wlevel') then zs(1,:)=zs0(1,:) else if (trim(par%front)=='nonh_1d') then !Timeseries Boundary for nonh, only use in combination with instat=8 if (trim(par%tidetype)=='velocity') then umean(1,:) = (factime*sum(uu(1,:)*dnu(1,:))/sum(dnu(1,:))+(1-factime)*umean(1,:)) ! make sure we have same umean along whole offshore boundary else umean(1,:) = 0.d0 endif if (par%ARC==0) then uu(1,:) = ui(1,:) zs(1,:) = zi(1,:) ws(1,:) = wi(1,:) else !Radiating boundary for short waves: uu(1,:) = ui(1,:)-sqrt(par%g/hh(1,:))*(zs(2,:)-zi(1,:)-zs0(2,:)) + umean(1,:) ! uu(1,:)= 2*ui(1,:)-sqrt(par%g/hh(1,:))*(zs(2,:) -zs0(2,:)) zs(1,:) = zs(2,:) ws(1,:) = ws(2,:) endif endif ! par%front ! uu, zs and umean shift horizontally in two directions (loop was 2..ny) #ifdef USEMPI call xmpi_shift(umean,':1') call xmpi_shift(umean,':n') call xmpi_shift(vmean,':1') call xmpi_shift(vmean,':n') call xmpi_shift(ur,':1') call xmpi_shift(ur,':n') call xmpi_shift(uu,':1') call xmpi_shift(uu,':n') call xmpi_shift(zs,':1') call xmpi_shift(zs,':n') #endif endif ! xmpi_istop ! wwvv uu and zs and vv need to be communicated vertically #ifdef USEMPI call xmpi_shift(uu,'1:') call xmpi_shift(zs,'1:') call xmpi_shift(vv,'1:') #endif ! ! Radiating boundary at x=nx*dx ! if (xmpi_isbot) then if (trim(par%back)=='wall') then ! leave uu(nx+1,:)=0 ! uu(nx,:) = 0.d0 ! zs(nx+1,:) = zs(nx,:) ! zs(nx+1,2:ny) = zs(nx+1,2:ny) + par%dt*hh(nx,2:ny)*uu(nx,2:ny)/(xu(nx+1)-xu(nx)) -par%dt*(hv(nx+1,2:ny+1)*vv(nx+1,2:ny+1)-hv(nx+1,1:ny)*vv(nx+1,1:ny))/(yv(2:ny+1)-yv(1:ny)) elseif (trim(par%back)=='abs_1d') then ! umean(nx,:) = factime*uu(nx,:)+(1.d0-factime)*umean(nx,:) ! After hack 3/6/2010, return to par%epsi : if (trim(par%tidetype)=='velocity') then ! umean(nx,:) = (factime*uu(nx,:)+(1-factime)*umean(nx,:)) umean(1,:) = (factime*sum(uu(nx,:)*dnu(nx,:))/sum(dnu(nx,:))+(1-factime)*umean(nx,:)) ! make sure we have same umean along whole offshore boundary else umean(nx,:) = 0.d0 endif uu(nx,:)=sqrt(par%g/hh(nx,:))*(zs(nx,:)-max(zb(nx,:),zs0(nx,:)))+umean(nx,:) ! cjaap: make sure if the last cell is dry no radiating flow is computed... !uu(nx,:)=cg(nx,:)/hh(nx,:)*(zs(nx,:)-max(zb(nx,:),zs0(nx,:)))+umean(nx,:) ! cjaap: make sure if the last cell is dry no radiating flow is computed... !uu(nx,:)=sqrt(par%g/(zs0(nx,:)-zb(nx,:)))*(zs(nx,:)-max(zb(nx,:),zs0(nx,:))) !umean(nx,:) = factime*uu(nx,:)+(1-factime)*umean(nx,:) !Ap !zs(nx+1,:)=max(zs0(nx+1,:),zb(nx+1,:))+(uu(nx,:)-umean(nx,:))*sqrt(max((zs0(nx+1,:)-zb(nx+1,:)),par%eps)/par%g) !Ap zs(nx+1,:)=zs(nx,:) elseif (trim(par%back)=='abs_2d') then ht(1:2,:)=max(zs0(nx:nx+1,:)-zb(nx:nx+1,:),par%eps) !cjaap; make sure ht is always larger than zero beta=uu(nx-1:nx,:)+2.*dsqrt(par%g*hum(nx-1:nx,:)) !cjaap : replace hh with hum do j=j1,max(ny,1) if (wetu(nx,j)==1) then ! Robert: dry back boundary points ! Compute gradients in u-points.... dvdy(2,j)=(vu(nx,j+1)-vu(nx,j-1))/(2.d0*dnu(nx,j)) dhdx(2,j)=(ht(2,j)-ht(1,j))/dsu(nx,j) dbetadx(2,j)=(beta(2,j)-beta(1,j))/dsz(nx,j) dbetady(2,j)=(beta(1,j+1)-beta(1,j-1))/(2.0*dnu(nx,j)) inv_ht(j) = 1.d0/hum(nx,j) bn(j)=-(uu(nx,j)+dsqrt(par%g*hum(nx,j)))*dbetadx(2,j) & -vu(nx,j)*dbetady(2,j)& !Ap vu -dsqrt(par%g*hum(nx,j))*dvdy(2,j)& +Fx(nx,j)*inv_ht(j)/par%rho-par%g/par%C**2.d0& *sqrt(uu(nx,j)**2+vu(nx,j)**2)*uu(nx,j)/hum(nx,j)& +par%g*dhdx(2,j) endif ! Robert: dry back boundary points enddo do j=j1,max(ny,1) if (wetu(nx,j)==1) then ! Robert: dry back boundary points betanp1(1,j) = beta(2,j)+ bn(j)*par%dt !Ap toch? alpha2(j)= theta0 alphanew = 0.d0 ! umean(nx,j) = (factime*uu(nx,j)+(1-factime)*umean(nx,j)) !Ap ! After hack 3/6/2010, return to par%epsi : ! Jaap moved up does not need to be in j loop if (trim(par%tidetype)=='velocity') then ! make sure we have same umean along whole offshore boundary umean(nx,j) = (factime*sum(uu(nx,max(1,j-par%nc):min(j+par%nc,ny))*dnu(nx,max(1,j-par%nc):min(j+par%nc,ny))) & /sum(dnu(nx,max(1,j-par%nc):min(j+par%nc,ny)))+(1-factime)*umean(nx,j)) ! make sure we have same umean along whole offshore boundary vmean(nx,j) = (factime*sum(vv(nx,max(1,j-par%nc):min(j+par%nc,ny))*dnv(nx,max(1,j-par%nc):min(j+par%nc,ny))) & /sum(dnv(nx,max(1,j-par%nc):min(j+par%nc,ny)))+(1-factime)*vmean(nx,j)) else umean(nx,:) = 0.d0 vmean(nx,:) = 0.d0 endif do jj=1,50 ! !---------- Lower order bound. cond. --- ! ur(nx,j) = dcos(alpha2(j))/(dcos(alpha2(j))+1.d0)& *((betanp1(1,j)-umean(nx,j)-2.d0*DSQRT(par%g*0.5*(ht(1,j)+ht(2,j))))) !vert = velocity of the reflected wave = total-specified vert = vu(nx,j)-vmean(nx,j) !Jaap included vmean alphanew = datan(vert/(ur(nx,j)+1.d-16)) ! wwvv maybe better atan2 if (alphanew .gt. (par%px*0.5d0)) alphanew=alphanew-par%px if (alphanew .le. (-par%px*0.5d0)) alphanew=alphanew+par%px if(dabs(alphanew-alpha2(j)).lt.0.001) goto 2000 ! wwvv can use exit here alpha2(j) = alphanew end do 2000 continue uu(nx,j) = ur(nx,j) + umean(nx,j) ! Ap replaced zs with extrapolation. zs(nx+1,j) = 1.5*((betanp1(1,j)-uu(nx,j))**2.d0/4.d0/par%g+.5*(zb(nx,j)+zb(nx+1,j)))-& 0.5*((beta(1,j)-uu(nx-1,j))**2.d0/4.d0/par%g+.5*(zb(nx-1,j)+zb(nx,j))) endif ! Robert: dry back boundary points enddo elseif (par%back=='wlevel') then zs(nx+1,:)=zs0(nx+1,:) endif !par%back ! fix first and last columns of umean and uu and zs #ifdef USEMPI call xmpi_shift(umean,':1') call xmpi_shift(umean,':n') call xmpi_shift(ur,':1') call xmpi_shift(ur,':n') call xmpi_shift(uu,':1') call xmpi_shift(uu,':n') call xmpi_shift(zs,':1') call xmpi_shift(zs,':n') #endif endif !xmpi_istop #ifdef USEMPI call xmpi_shift(uu,'m:') call xmpi_shift(zs,'m:') call xmpi_shift(vv,'m:') #endif endif ! par%instat !!! Wind boundary conditions if (s%windlen>1) then ! only if non-stationary wind, otherwise waste of computational time call LINEAR_INTERP(windinpt,windxts,s%windlen,par%t,windxnow,indt) call LINEAR_INTERP(windinpt,windyts,s%windlen,par%t,windynow,indt) windsu = windxnow*dcos(alfau) + windynow*dsin(alfau) ! Can we do this more efficiently? windnv = windynow*dcos(alfav-0.5d0*par%px) - windxnow*dsin(alfav-0.5d0*par%px) endif end subroutine flow_bc function flow_lat_bc(s,par,bctype,jbc,jn,udvdx,vdvdy,viscv) result(vbc) use params use spaceparams use xmpi_module type(spacepars),target :: s type(parameters) :: par character*(*) :: bctype integer :: jbc,jn ! j-index of boundary and j-index of neighbouring cell ! varies for xmpi_isleft and xmpi_isright real*8,dimension(s%nx+1) :: udvdx,vdvdy,viscv ! advection terms from flow timestep real*8,dimension(s%nx+1) :: vbc ! result vector for boundary flow integer :: i ! internal variables real*8 :: advterm real*8,save :: fc include 's.ind' ! pointers include 's.inp' if (par%t<=par%dt) fc =2.d0*par%wearth*sin(par%lat) if (ny==0) then ! 1D models have special case if (trim(bctype)=='wall') then vbc(:) = 0.d0 ! Only this bc scheme can be applied to ny==0 models else vbc(:) = vv(:,jbc) ! return whatever was already calculated in the flow routine for the cross shore row endif else select case (trim(bctype)) case ('wall') ! No flow at boundary vbc(:) = 0.d0 case ('neumann_v') ! Calculate vv at boundary using identical forcing as (:,2), but with dzsdy determined from (:,1), which includes ! the tide-driven water level gradient as zs(:,1) = zs(:,2) + dzsdytide ! ! in flow timestep we calculate: ! vv(jn) = vvold(jn)-dt(gDZS(jn) + R(jn)) ! -> vvold(jn) = vv(jn) + dt(gDZS(jn) + R(jn)) ! ! we state in bc that: ! vv(jbc) = vvold(jn)-dt(gDZS(jbc) + R(jn)) ! -> vv(jbc) = ( vv(jn) + dt(gDZS(jn) + R(jn)) )-dt(gDZS(jbc) + R(jn)) ! -> vv(jbc) = vv(jn) + dt(gDZS(jn)) - dt(gDZS(jbc)) + dt(R(jn)) - dt(R(jn)) ! -> vv(jbc) = vv(jn) + dt(gDZS(jn)-gDZS(jbc)) ! -> vv(jbc) = vv(jn) + dtg(DZS(jn)-DZS(jbc)) ! vbc(:) = (vv(:,jn)+par%dt*par%g*(dzsdy(i,jn)-dzsdy(i,jbc))) * wetv(:,jbc) ! AANPASSING: Neumann zonder getij ! Dano/Jaap: Je kunt niet druk gradient a.g.v getij meenemen zonder ook andere forcerings termen (bijv bodem wrijving) ! uit te rekenen. In geval van getij gradient heb je een meer complexe neumann rvw die jij "free" noemt vbc(:) = vv(:,jn) case ('no_advec') ! We allow vv at the boundary to be calulated from NLSWE, but only include the advective terms if ! they decrease the flow velocity do i=2,nx if (wetv(i,jbc)==1) then advterm = udvdx(i)+vdvdy(i)-viscv(i)+ fc*uv(i,jbc) if (vv(i,jbc)>0.d0) then advterm = max(advterm,0.d0) elseif (vv(i,jbc)<0.d0) then advterm = min(advterm,0.d0) else advterm = 0.d0 endif vbc(i) = vv(i,jbc)- par%dt*(advterm & + par%g*dzsdy(i,jbc)& + tauby(i,jbc)/(par%rho*hvm(i,jbc)) & - par%lwave*Fy(i,jbc)/(par%rho*max(hvm(i,jbc),par%hmin)) & - par%rhoa*par%Cd*windnv(i,jbc)**2/(par%rho*hvm(i,jbc))) else vbc(i) = 0.d0 endif enddo ! now fill i=1 and i=nx+1 vbc(1) = vbc(2) * wetv(1,jbc) vbc(nx+1) = vbc(nx) * wetv(nx+1,jbc) case ('neumann') ! Dano/Jaap: En dit is dan dus complexe vorm van Neumann (zoals in Delft3D) met getij ! We allow vv at the boundary to be calulated from NLSWE without any limitations do i=2,nx if (wetv(i,jbc)==1) then vbc(i) = vv(i,jbc)- par%dt*(udvdx(i)+vdvdy(i)-viscv(i)& + par%g*dzsdy(i,jbc)& + tauby(i,jbc)/(par%rho*hvm(i,jbc)) & - par%lwave*Fy(i,jbc)/(par%rho*max(hvm(i,jbc),par%hmin)) & + fc*uv(i,jbc) & - par%rhoa*par%Cd*windnv(i,jbc)**2/(par%rho*hvm(i,jbc))) else vbc(i) = 0.d0 endif enddo ! now fill i=1 and i=nx+1 vbc(1) = vbc(2) * wetv(1,jbc) vbc(nx+1) = vbc(nx) * wetv(nx+1,jbc) end select endif end function flow_lat_bc subroutine discharge_boundary_h(s,par) use params use spaceparams use xmpi_module use readkey_module use interp use logging_module IMPLICIT NONE type(spacepars),target :: s type(parameters) :: par integer :: i,indx integer :: m1,m2,n1,n2 integer :: m1l,m2l,n1l,n2l real*8 :: qnow,A,CONST logical :: indomain,isborder integer :: ishift,jshift include 's.ind' include 's.inp' #ifdef USEMPI ishift = s%is(xmpi_rank+1)-1 jshift = s%js(xmpi_rank+1)-1 #else ishift = 0.d0 jshift = 0.d0 #endif ! loop through discharge location do i = 1,par%ndischarge if (s%pntdisch(i).eq.0) then ! interpolate discharge timeseries to current time call linear_interp(s%tdisch,s%qdisch(:,i),par%ntdischarge,par%t,qnow,indx) m1 = s%pdisch(i,1) n1 = s%pdisch(i,2) m2 = s%pdisch(i,3) n2 = s%pdisch(i,4) ! convert to local coordinates m1l = m1-ishift m2l = m2-ishift n1l = n1-jshift n2l = n2-jshift indomain = ( m1l > 0 .and. m1l <= s%nx .and. & n1l > 0 .and. n1l <= s%ny ) .or. & ( m2l > 0 .and. m2l <= s%nx .and. & n2l > 0 .and. n2l <= s%ny ) m1l = min(max(m1l,1),s%nx) m2l = min(max(m2l,1),s%nx) n1l = min(max(n1l,1),s%ny) n2l = min(max(n2l,1),s%ny) A = 0.d0 ! add momentum in either u- or v-direction if (n1.eq.n2) then if (indomain) then isborder = (n1l.eq.1 .and. xmpi_isleft) .or. (n1l.eq.s%ny .and. xmpi_isright) ! make sure discharge is an inflow at border and water levels are defined if (isborder) then if ( then qnow = -1*abs(qnow) s%hv(m1l:m2l,n1l) = s%hh(m1l:m2l,n1l) elseif ( then s%hv(m1l:m2l,n1l) = s%hh(m1l:m2l,n1l+1) endif endif A = sum(s%hv(m1l:m2l,n1l)**1.5*s%dsv(m1l:m2l,n1l)) endif #ifdef USEMPI call xmpi_allreduce(A,MPI_SUM) #endif ! compute distribution of discharge over discharge cells according to: ! vv = CONST * hv^0.5 ! qy = CONST * hv^1.5 ! Q = CONST * hv^1.5 * dsv if (indomain) then CONST = qnow/max(A,par%eps) s%vv(m1l:m2l,n1l) = CONST*s%hv(m1l:m2l,n1l)**0.5 s%qy(m1l:m2l,n1l) = CONST*s%hv(m1l:m2l,n1l)**1.5 endif elseif (m1.eq.m2) then if (indomain) then isborder = (m1l.eq.1 .and. xmpi_istop) .or. (m1l.eq.s%nx .and. xmpi_isbot) ! make sure discharge is an inflow at border and water levels are defined if (isborder) then if ( then qnow = -1*abs(qnow) s%hu(m1l,n1l:n2l) = s%hh(m1l,n1l:n2l) elseif ( then s%hu(m1l,n1l:n2l) = s%hh(m1l+1,n1l:n2l) endif endif A = sum(s%hu(m1l,n1l:n2l)**1.5*s%dnu(m1l,n1l:n2l)) endif #ifdef USEMPI call xmpi_allreduce(A,MPI_SUM) #endif ! compute distribution of discharge over discharge cells according to: ! uu = CONST * hu^0.5 ! qx = CONST * hu^1.5 ! Q = CONST * hu^1.5 * dnu if (indomain) then CONST = qnow/max(A,par%eps) s%uu(m1l,n1l:n2l) = CONST*s%hu(m1l,n1l:n2l)**0.5 s%qx(m1l,n1l:n2l) = CONST*s%hu(m1l,n1l:n2l)**1.5 endif endif endif enddo end subroutine discharge_boundary_h subroutine discharge_boundary_v(s,par) use params use spaceparams use xmpi_module use readkey_module use interp use logging_module IMPLICIT NONE type(spacepars),target :: s type(parameters) :: par integer :: i,indx integer :: m1,n1 integer :: m1l,n1l real*8 :: qnow integer :: ishift,jshift include 's.ind' include 's.inp' #ifdef USEMPI ishift = s%is(xmpi_rank+1)-1 jshift = s%js(xmpi_rank+1)-1 #else ishift = 0.d0 jshift = 0.d0 #endif do i = 1,par%ndischarge if (pntdisch(i).eq.1) then call linear_interp(tdisch,qdisch(:,i),par%ntdischarge,par%t,qnow,indx) m1 = pdisch(i,1) n1 = pdisch(i,2) ! convert to local coordinates m1l = min(max(m1-ishift,1),nx) n1l = min(max(n1-jshift,1),ny) ! add mass zs(m1l,n1l) = zs(m1l,n1l)+qnow*par%dt*dsdnzi(m1l,n1l) endif enddo end subroutine discharge_boundary_v ! !============================================================================== subroutine velocity_Boundary(bcfile,u,z,w,nx,ny,t,zs,ws,force_init,bcst) !============================================================================== ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! DECLARATIONS !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! !-------------------------- PURPOSE ---------------------------- ! ! Reads boundary values for the velocity from a file. Used as forcing in the ! nonh module !-------------------------- METHOD ---------------------------- !-------------------------- DEPENDENCIES ---------------------------- use params use xmpi_module, only: Halt_Program implicit none include '' !Default precision etc. !-------------------------- ARGUMENTS ---------------------------- ! character(len=*) ,intent(in) :: bcfile integer(kind=iKind) ,intent(in) :: nx integer(kind=iKind) ,intent(in) :: ny real(kind=rKind),dimension(ny+1),intent(out) :: u real(kind=rKind),dimension(ny+1),intent(inout) :: z real(kind=rKind),dimension(ny+1),intent(inout) :: w real(kind=rKind),dimension(nx+1,ny+1),intent(in) :: zs real(kind=rKind),dimension(nx+1,ny+1),intent(in) :: ws real(kind=rKind) ,intent(in) :: t logical,intent(in),optional :: force_init real(kind=rKind),intent(in),optional :: bcst ! !-------------------------- LOCAL VARIABLES ---------------------------- character(len=iFileNameLen),save :: filename_U = '' integer ,save :: unit_U = iUnit_U logical,save :: lVarU = .false. logical,save :: lIsEof = .false. logical,save :: lNH_boun_U = .false. logical,save :: initialize = .true. logical :: lExists,lOpened character(slen) :: string character(len=2),allocatable,dimension(:),save :: header integer(kind=ikind) :: iAllocErr integer(kind=ikind),save :: nvar integer(kind=ikind),save :: iZ = 0 integer(kind=ikind),save :: iU = 0 integer(kind=ikind),save :: iW = 0 integer(kind=ikind),save :: iT = 0 integer(kind=ikind) :: i logical :: fi_local real(kind=rKind) :: bcstarttime real(kind=rKind),allocatable,dimension(:,:) :: tmp real(kind=rKind),allocatable,dimension(:),save :: u0 ! real(kind=rKind),allocatable,dimension(:),save :: u1 ! real(kind=rKind),allocatable,dimension(:),save :: z0 ! real(kind=rKind),allocatable,dimension(:),save :: z1 ! real(kind=rKind),allocatable,dimension(:),save :: w0 ! real(kind=rKind),allocatable,dimension(:),save :: w1 ! real(kind=rKind),save :: t0 = 0. real(kind=rKind),save :: t1 = 0. !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! IMPLEMENTATION !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (present(bcst)) then bcstarttime = bcst else bcstarttime = 0.d0 endif if (present(force_init)) then fi_local = force_init else fi_local = .false. endif if (bcfile/=filename_U .or. fi_local) then filename_U=trim(bcfile) initialize = .true. endif if (initialize) then initialize = .false. !Does the file exist and is it already opened (reuse files?) inquire(file=trim(filename_U),EXIST=lExists,OPENED=lOpened) ! Close previous file if needed if(lOpened) then close(unit_U) endif ! Deallocate previous arrays if needed if (allocated(header)) deallocate(header) if (allocated(tmp)) deallocate(tmp) if (allocated(u0)) deallocate(u0) if (allocated(u1)) deallocate(u1) if (allocated(z0)) deallocate(z0) if (allocated(z1)) deallocate(z1) if (allocated(w0)) deallocate(w0) if (allocated(w1)) deallocate(w1) if (lExists) then !If exists, open open(unit_U,file=filename_U,access='SEQUENTIAL',action='READ',form='FORMATTED') lNH_boun_U = .true. else lNH_boun_U = .false. return endif !SCALAR OR VECTOR INPUT? read(unit_U,fmt=*) string if (string == 'SCALAR') then lVaru = .false. elseif (string == 'VECTOR') then lVaru = .true. else endif !READ NUMBER OF VARIABLES read(unit_U,fmt=*) nvar !READ HEADER LINES allocate(header(nvar)) read(unit_U,fmt=*) header do i=1,nvar if (header(i) == 'z' .or. header(i) == 'Z') then iZ = i; elseif (header(i) == 't' .or. header(i) == 'T') then iT = i; elseif (header(i) == 'u' .or. header(i) == 'U') then iU = i; elseif (header(i) == 'w' .or. header(i) == 'W') then iW = i; endif enddo !Allocate arrays at old and new timelevel if (iU > 0) then allocate(u0(ny+1),stat=iAllocErr); if (iAllocErr /= 0) call Halt_program allocate(u1(ny+1),stat=iAllocErr); if (iAllocErr /= 0) call Halt_program u0 = 0.0d0 u1 = 0.0d0 endif if (iZ > 0) then allocate(z0(ny+1),stat=iAllocErr); if (iAllocErr /= 0) call Halt_program allocate(z1(ny+1),stat=iAllocErr); if (iAllocErr /= 0) call Halt_program z0 = 0.0d0 z1 = 0.0d0 endif if (iW > 0) then allocate(w0(ny+1),stat=iAllocErr); if (iAllocErr /= 0) call Halt_program allocate(w1(ny+1),stat=iAllocErr); if (iAllocErr /= 0) call Halt_program w0 = 0.0d0 w1 = 0.0d0 endif allocate(tmp(ny+1,nvar-1)) !Read two first timelevels call velocity_Boundary_read(t0,tmp,Unit_U,lVaru,lIsEof,nvar) t0 = t0+bcstarttime if (iU >0) u0 = tmp(:,iU-1) if (iZ >0) z0 = tmp(:,iZ-1) if (iW >0) w0 = tmp(:,iW-1) if (lIsEof) then t1=t0 if (iU >0) u1=u0 if (iZ >0) z1=z0 if (iW >0) w1=w0 else call velocity_Boundary_read(t1,tmp,Unit_U,lVaru,lIsEof,nvar) t1 = t1+bcstarttime if (iU >0) u1 = tmp(:,iU-1) if (iZ >0) z1 = tmp(:,iZ-1) if (iW >0) w1 = tmp(:,iW-1) endif deallocate(tmp) return endif ! initialize if (lNH_boun_U) then if (.not. lIsEof) then allocate(tmp(ny+1,nvar-1)) !If current time not located within interval read next line do while (.not. (t>=t0 .and. t0) u0 = u1 if (iZ >0) z0 = z1 if (iW >0) w0 = w1 call velocity_Boundary_read(t1,tmp,Unit_U,lVaru,lIsEof,nvar) t1 = t1+bcstarttime if (iU >0) u1 = tmp(:,iU-1) if (iZ >0) z1 = tmp(:,iZ-1) if (iW >0) w1 = tmp(:,iW-1) if (lIsEof) exit !Exit on end of file condition end do deallocate(tmp) if(lIsEof) then if (iU >0) u = u1 if (iZ >0) z = z1 if (iW >0) w = w1 return else !Linear interpolation of u in time if (iU > 0) then u = u0 + (u1-u0)*(t-t0)/(t1-t0) else u = 0 endif if (iZ > 0) then z = z0 + (z1-z0)*(t-t0)/(t1-t0) else z = zs(2,:) endif if (iW > 0) then w = w0 + (w1-w0)*(t-t0)/(t1-t0) else w = ws(2,:) endif endif else !If end of file the last value which was available is used until the end of the computation u = u1 endif endif end subroutine velocity_Boundary !============================================================================== subroutine velocity_Boundary_read(t,vector,iUnit,isvec,iseof,nvar) !============================================================================== !-------------------------- PURPOSE ---------------------------- ! Reads scalar/vector for timeseries !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! DECLARATIONS !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! - NONE - !-------------------------- DEPENDENCIES ---------------------------- use xmpi_module, only: Halt_Program implicit none include '' !Default precision etc. !-------------------------- ARGUMENTS ---------------------------- real(kind=rKind),intent(inout) :: t real(kind=rKind),intent(inout),dimension(:,:) :: vector integer(kind=iKind),intent(in) :: iUnit integer(kind=iKind),intent(in) :: nvar logical ,intent(in) :: isvec logical ,intent(out) :: iseof !-------------------------- LOCAL VARIABLES ---------------------------- real(kind=rKind) :: scalar(nvar-1) integer(kind=iKind) :: i integer(kind=iKind) :: ioStat !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! IMPLEMENTATION !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- iseof = .false. if (isvec) then read(iUnit,ioStat=ioStat,fmt=*,end=9000) t,vector else read(iUnit,ioStat=ioStat,fmt=*,end=9000) t,scalar do i=1,nvar-1 vector(:,i) = scalar(i) enddo endif if (iostat /= 0) then call halt_program endif return 9000 iseof = .true. end subroutine velocity_Boundary_read end module boundaryconditions