// September 2015 // Levee Patroller / Dijk Patrouille // This source file is (c) by Deltares. This source file is open source but only available to select users. Do not redistribute without written permission of Stichting Deltares, Delft, The Netherlands. // This header has been automatically generated. //============================================================================= // VariableTimedMover // Allows custom MoveTimes per key (modified from a version by Fataloverdose) // by SuperApe -- Sept 2005 // // Check http://wiki.beyondunreal.com/wiki/VariableTimedKeyframeMover for more info //============================================================================= class VariableTimedMover extends Mover; var() bool bActAsClientMover; var() array KeyMoveTime; var array KeyMoveSpeed; function PostBeginPlay() { local int n; for ( n = 0; n < KeyMoveTime.length; n++ ) KeyMoveSpeed[n] = KeyMoveTime[n] * MoveTime; Super.PostBeginPlay(); MoveTime = KeyMoveSpeed[ KeyNum ]; if ( bActAsClientMover && Level.NetMode == NM_DedicatedServer ) { SetTimer( 0, false ); SetPhysics( PHYS_None ); GotoState('ServerIdle'); } } simulated event KeyFrameReached() { MoveTime = KeyMoveSpeed[ KeyNum ]; Super.KeyFrameReached(); } function DoOpen() { MoveTime = KeyMoveSpeed[ KeyNum ]; Super.DoOpen(); } function DoClose() { MoveTime = KeyMoveSpeed[ KeyNum ]; Super.DoClose(); } state ServerIdle { // Do nothing on the Server } state() LoopMove { event KeyFrameReached() { MoveTime = KeyMoveSpeed[ KeyNum ]; Super.KeyFrameReached(); } } state() ConstantLoop { event KeyFrameReached() { MoveTime = KeyMoveSpeed[ KeyNum ]; Super.KeyFrameReached(); } } state() LeadInOutLooper { event KeyFrameReached() { MoveTime = KeyMoveSpeed[ KeyNum ]; Super.KeyFrameReached(); } } state LeadInOutLooping { event KeyFrameReached() { MoveTime = KeyMoveSpeed[ KeyNum ]; Super.KeyFrameReached(); } } function float GetMovetime(int index) { return KeyMoveTime[index]; } function SetMovetime(float value, int index) { KeyMoveTime[index] = value; } function SetMoveSpeed(float value, int index) { KeyMoveSpeed[index] = value; } function float GetMoveSpeed(int index) { return KeyMoveSpeed[index]; } //Modified by Almar: defaultproperties { bNoDelete=false bStatic=False InitialState=TriggerToggle }