// September 2015 // Levee Patroller / Dijk Patrouille // This source file is (c) by Deltares. This source file is open source but only available to select users. Do not redistribute without written permission of Stichting Deltares, Delft, The Netherlands. // This header has been automatically generated. // ************************************************************************************************ // This menu is separated so it can be used as ingame Settings Menu as well as in the Main Menu // // // ************************************************************************************************ class MenuHandbook extends GUIPage; #exec OBJ LOAD FILE=GUIContent.utx var bool Dutch,bIgnoreEsc; var localized string EN_Title, NL_Title; //EN_VideoTabLabel, NL_VideoTabLabel, //var GeoInterface.Tab_PlayerSettings pPlayer; var GeoPlayerController GeoPC; var GUITabControl TabC; var float ButtonWidth, ButtonHeight, ButtonHGap, ButtonVGapSmall, ButtonVGapLarge, BarHeight, BarVPos, SButtonSize, SButtonVGap, SButtonHGap, TitleLeftGap, TabWidth, TabHeight, TabLeft, TabTop; var GUILabel TitleBar; function InitComponent(GUIController MyController, GUIComponent MyOwner) { local int i; Super.InitComponent(MyController, MyOwner); OnKeyEvent = InternalOnKeyEvent; OnClose = InternalOnClose; OnOpen = InternalOnOpen; MyOpenPage(); // Menu Background Controls[0].WinWidth = 0.98; Controls[0].WinHeight = 0.98; Controls[0].WinLeft = (1 - Controls[0].WinWidth) / 2; Controls[0].WinTop = (1 - Controls[0].WinHeight) / 2; // QuitButton Controls[1].WinTop = 0.5 - (Controls[0].WinHeight / 2) + SButtonVGap; Controls[1].WinLeft = 0.5 + (Controls[0].WinWidth / 2) - SButtonSize - SButtonHGap; Controls[1].WinWidth = SButtonSize; Controls[1].WinHeight = SButtonSize; // HelpButton Controls[2].WinTop = Controls[1].WinTop; Controls[2].WinLeft = Controls[1].WinLeft - SButtonSize - SButtonHGap; Controls[2].WinWidth = SButtonSize; Controls[2].WinHeight = SButtonSize; // Menu Title Controls[3].WinTop = Controls[1].WinTop; Controls[3].WinLeft = (Controls[0].WinLeft); Controls[3].WinWidth = (Controls[0].WinWidth) - 2*(SButtonSize + SButtonHGap); Controls[3].WinHeight = Controls[1].WinHeight*1.8; TitleBar = GUILabel(Controls[3]); TabC = GUITabControl(Controls[4]); TabC.WinTop = Controls[1].WinTop + 0.025; TabC.WinLeft = Controls[0].WinLeft + sButtonHGap ; TabC.WinWidth = Controls[0].WinWidth - (2*SButtonHGap); TabC.WinHeight = Controls[0].WinHeight - (2*SButtonVGap) - Controls[1].WinHeight; TabWidth = TabC.WinWidth; TabHeight = TabC.WinHeight; TabLeft = TabC.WinLeft; TabTop = TabC.WinTop; //GUITitleBar(Controls[3]).DockedTabs = TabC; /*if(Dutch) { */ TabC.AddTab("Signals","GeoSimulator.MenuHandBookTabSignals",,, false); TabC.AddTab("General","GeoSimulator.MenuHandBookTabGeneral",,, false); TabC.AddTab("Failures","GeoSimulator.MenuHandBookTabFailures",,, false); TabC.AddTab("Link","GeoSimulator.MenuHandBookLinkTab",,, true); /*} else { TabC.AddTab("Signals","GeoSimulator.MenuHandBookTabSignals",,, false); TabC.AddTab("General","GeoSimulator.MenuHandBookTabGeneral",,, false); TabC.AddTab("Failures","GeoSimulator.MenuHandBookTabFailures",,, false); TabC.AddTab("Link","GeoSimulator.MenuHandBookLinkTab",,, true); } */ for(i = 0; i