// September 2015 // Levee Patroller / Dijk Patrouille // This source file is (c) by Deltares. This source file is open source but only available to select users. Do not redistribute without written permission of Stichting Deltares, Delft, The Netherlands. // This header has been automatically generated. //============================================================================= // This MARKER is a class with YellowMarker and RedMarker // ------------------------------------------------------------ // Created by Rui Guimaraes // © 2006, Geodelft //============================================================================= class GhostMarker extends Actor notplaceable; var Pawn MyPawn; var int PlacementOfMarkerXY, PlacementOfMarkerZ; // To get the right place where to put marker down event Tick(float DeltaTime) { local GeoPlayerController A; local Vector TempLoc; local float TempSin, TempCos; if(MyPawn==None) { ForEach DynamicActors( class 'GeoPlayerController', A, ) { MyPawn=A.Pawn; break; } } else { TempSin=sin(pi * (MyPawn.Rotation.Yaw / 65536.0) * 2.0); TempCos=cos(pi * (MyPawn.Rotation.Yaw / 65536.0) * 2.0); TempLoc.X = MyPawn.Location.x + PlacementOfMarkerXY * TempCos; TempLoc.Y = MyPawn.Location.y + PlacementOfMarkerXY * TempSin; TempLoc.Z = MyPawn.Location.Z - PlacementOfMarkerZ; SetRotation(MyPawn.Rotation); SetLocation(TempLoc); bHidden=false; } } defaultproperties { PlacementOfMarkerXY=35 PlacementOfMarkerZ=155 bstatic=false bHidden=true bGameRelevant=true bBlockPlayers=false DrawScale=2.5 DrawType=DT_StaticMesh }