[GeoInterface.MenuMainMenu] TTitleLabel=CPT Operator TExitButton=Exit TSettingsButton=Settings TStartButton=Start TScenarioLabel=Choose a scenario TLanguageLabel=Language Scenario1=Farmland Scenario2=Land reclamation Scenario3=Industrial area Scenario4=Behind the levee version=version [GeoSimulator.GeoHud] LoadingMessage=Loading CPT Operator... SavingMessage=Saving... ConnectingMessage=Connecting... PrecachingMessage=Precaching... PausedMessage=Game paused [GeoInterface.dialogQuitPage] TYesButton=Yes TNoButton=No TQuitDesc=Are you sure you want to quit the game? [GeoInterface.dialogStopGamePage] TYesButton=Yes TNoButton=No TQuitDesc=Are you sure you want to stop the current game? [GeoInterface.dialogVideoChangeOK] TAcceptButton=Keep Settings TBackButton=Restore Settings TVideoOKQuestion=Accept these settings? TVideoOKTimer=(Original settings will be restored in 15 seconds) RestoreTextPre=(Original settings will be restored in RestoreTextPost=seconds) NL_RestoreTextSingular=(Original settings will be restored in 1 second) [GeoInterface.dialogNoSondeerLocation] NoSondeerLocation=You're not supposed to perform a CPT here. The CPT locations are indicated on the map. TCloseButton=OK [GeoInterface.MenuMidGame] TMenuTitle=The game is paused. TContMatchButton=Continue TLeaveMatchButton=Quit TSettingsButton=Preferences [GeoInterface.MenuOpdrachtBon] OpdrachtBon=Assignment Opdracht=Assignment description Algemeen=General Titel=Title: Datum=Date: Locatie=Location: MapButton=Examine map Opdrachtgever=Client: Veiligheid=Safety VerontreinigdeGrond=Polluted soil VGPlan=VG Plan Spoorveiligheid=Railroad safety Verkeersafzettingen=Roadblocks Waterwerk=Water work KLIC=Cable check VCA=VCA rules BRL=BRL 2000 Werkbrief=Work document KLICButton=Look at the cables Voorbereiding=Preparation Toestemming=Approval landowner Uitzetten=Measure out Inmeten=Measure location Waterpassen=Measure height ControleLijst=Check list OpdrachtControle=Assignment AlgemeenControle=General information VeiligheidControle=Safety and quality VoorbereidingControle=Preparation Juist=Correct Onjuist=Incorrect Uitleg=For each part of the assignment, indicate if the information has been provided correctly, by clicking either the check or the cross. OpdrachtbonGoed=Confirm notenoughchecks=You have not checked everything yet. close=Close [GeoInterface.MenuMap] TCloseButton=Close [GeoInterface.MenuLevelMap] TCloseButton=OK [GeoInterface.MenuKLICRapport] TCloseButton=OK [GeoInterface.dialogPreparation] THekkenCheck=Close gates TVoorgravenCheck=Pre dig TEindeVoorbereidingButton=Finish preparations TIgnoreButton=Ignore introtext=Carry out a single preparation by pressing the appropriate button. execute=Execute executed=EXECUTED [GeoInterface.dialogStartSondering] TStartSonderenButton=Start CPT TIgnoreButton=Ignore [GeoInterface.dialogFinishSondering] TYesButton=Yes TNoButton=No Text=Are you sure you want to stop the process and bring up the cone?||This will end the CPT. [GeoInterface.dialogSondeerComputer_APBerg] TAutomaticLabel=Automatic: TAutomaticButton=Automatic Start TSondeerSpeedLabel=Speed (cm/s): TManualLabel=Manual: TManualButton=Manual 50cm TSondeerDistanceLabel=CPT Depth (cm): AutoStop=Automatic Stop AutoStart=Automatic Start ManualPrefix=Manual ManualSuffix=cm TExitButton=Close TFinishButton=Finish hasbroken=The CPT column has broken. outofcolumns=You are out of CPT columns! We'll have to stop here. TCasingButton=Apply casing casingplaced=The casing has been applied send=Submit puntweerstand=Point resistance lokalewrijving=sleeve friction wrijvingsgetal=Friction ratio helling=Inclination waterspanning=Pore pressure snelheid=Speed depthstill0=You haven't performed a CPT yet! [GeoInterface.dialogAlert] TCloseButton=OK [GeoInterface.dialogStempels] TTextOne=The truck is leveled TCloseButton=OK [GeoInterface.MenuSettings] TTitleLabel=Settings TLanguageLabel=Language: TResolutionLabel=Resolution: TFullScreenLabel=Full screen: TApplyButton=Apply now TDetailLabel=Detail level: DetailMode0=Low DetailMode1=Average DetailMode2=High TMouseSensitivityLabel=Mouse sensitivity: TBackButton=Back [GeoInterface.MenuNulmeting] TTitleLabel=zero values TCorrectButton=Values are correct TInCorrectButton=Something's wrong NulpuntLabel=ZEROVALUE AfterCalibrationLabel=AT CALIBRATION BeforeLabel=BEFORE CPT AfterLabel=AFTER CPT DiepteLabel=Depth PuntWeerstandLabel=Point resistance KleefLabel=sleeve friction WaterspanningLabel=pore pressure HellingLabel=Inclination TPullingconus=The cone is being pulled back up [GeoInterface.MenuEndGame] klic_notchecked=You did not examine the cable information. TTitle=Score and Feedback TPhase1=Office preparation TPhase2=Driving and preparation on location TPhase3=The CPT TExitButton=Close TBeoordeling=Judgement no_errors=Perfect! You payed good attention to the assignment description. some_errors=Make sure you consider the information you are given carefully. Otherwise there can be severe consequences. many_errors=Don't forget to examine your assignment. Bad preparation will cost you time and money. no_hits=Your driving skills are excellent! some_hits=You should take a little more care driving. many_hits=The damage to the car is on you! one_tractor=Do watch out for those ditches! multiple_tractors=Do you even have a driver's license? perfect_preparation=Your work preparation is very good! bad_preparation=Your work preparation was insufficient. no_sondering=No CPT was performed. forgot_stempels=You forgot to level the vehicle. It is very important for the truck to be positioned correctly, if not the CPT might go wrong. incorrect_cone=You should check the cone you're using, using a damaged one might result in incorrect values. forgot_aircheck=If you don't vent the cone, your data will be unreliable. Don't forget it next time! replaced_cable=Good thing you noticed that the cable was broken. not_replaced_cable=The cable was broken. Always check on your materials before starting! too_fast=You went over the maximum CPT speed, as defined in the standard. This means a higher probability of mistakes. too_fast_average=The average speed you were working at was too high, according to standards. This means a higher probability of mistakes. too_fast_average_also=The average speed you were working at was too high as well. manual_sondering_error=When working manually, you can feel the presence of cables and pipelines and stop before it's too late. So make sure to do it right next time. too_shallow=You aborted the test too soon, now your client does not get the desired information. Pay close attention to the assignment and to what information is expected. too_deep=You sure take your time! Please, stick to the assignment. voldoende=Sufficient onvoldoende=Insufficient manual_shallow=Be a bit more cautious, perform a longer distance of the CPT manually. manual_deep=You performed a very long distance of the CPT manually, your arm must have gotten numb. excellent_sondering=Very well done, you can rightfully be called a CPT master! forgot_casing=You forgot to apply the casing. casing_incorrect_depth=You did not apply the casing at the right depth. casing_ok=You applied the casing at the correct depth. no_predig=If you do not dig a hole first, you might hit cables or pipelines. no_predig_needed=Digging by hand is not needed in this area, you have wasted some time there. no_predig_already=Digging by hand was already done, so this was not needed. no_grounddesc=Without a bore hole description you do not know what type of material is beneath the surface. no_gates_closed=You did not close the gates, now the sheep are everywhere! not_returned_sand=Next time, make sure you close up the hole you dug by hand. not_returned_only_sand=You were supposed to close the hole you dug by hand with sand only. not_returned_excavated_material=You were supposed to close with the very material you dug out. no_hood=Don't forget to raise the tower in the future before performing the CPT. zerovalues_correct_wrong=Some of the zerovalues were incorrect, but you did not report it. zerovalues_incorrect_wrong=You reported errors in the zerovalues, but there weren't any. zerovalues_incorrect_right=Well seen, those errors in the zerovalues. conus_broken=The column broke and we lost a CPT cone! hit_cable_level1=The farmer is without electricity (and he is angry), you hit a cable! [GeoInterface.MenuHandbook] Title=CPT Manual Close=Close [GeoInterface.MenuHandbookTab] Title=CPT manual [GeoInterface.MenuHandBookTabGeneral] Title=General [GeoInterface.MenuHandBookTabAbout] Title=About [SondeerOffice] assignmentfirst=Read your e-mail for assignment, read and approve it before leaving. [GeoInterface.MenuPhoneCall] TMenuTitle=Call landowner THangupButton=Hang up TNextButton=Next reaction selectoption=Choose an answer... [GeoInterface.MenuBoorBeschrijving] TCloseButton=Close [GeoInterface.MenuInGame] TCallLandownerButton=Call landowner TCallContractorButton=Call client TCallOfficeButton=Call office TRespawnButton=Relocate vehicle TAssignmentButton=Review assignment TCloseButton=Close THelpButton=Help [GeoInterface.dialogstopSonderen] TYesButton=Yes TNoButton=No [GeoInterface.dialogPhaseIntro] TCloseButton=OK Phase1Title=At the office Phase1=Here, you get the CPT order.||You can look around with the mouse.||Several objects light up when you move the mouse over them; these objects can be clicked on to use them. Phase2Title=Driving around Phase2=Now it is your duty to drive to the CPT location and do the preparations for performing a CPT.||At the right top of the screen you a see a map with your current location (the CPT truck) and the CPT location (the CPT cone).||With the right mouse button, you open a menu to call various people. You drive the car using the arrow keys. Phase3Title=CPT Phase3=The actual CPT can start now. You can look around with the mouse and click on the highlighted objects to use them or pick them up. [GeoInterface.dialogCleanUp] TExecute=Execute [phone] selectoption=Make a choice [ingame] objectbump0=Be careful with the paint! objectbump1=This is not a game! LANG_TooFarAway=You are too far away LANG_TooClose=You are too close to the location LANG_SlowDown=Slow down! LANG_ReadySondeer=Ready to start LANG_ReadyPrepare=Start preparations stempelfirst=The truck has to be leveled before the CPT can start. noconusontluchten=You haven't chosen a cone yet conusontlucht=Cone has been vented noconusselected=There is no cone in the tower yet. stempeld=The truck has now been leveled cablereplaced=The cable has been replaced alreadystempeld=The vehicle is already leveled informstuck=You got stuck in the mud! Use the menu to get pulled out. LANG_EndWorld=This is not the correct route. noconusinhands=You do not have a cone in your hands conusplaced=The cone has been placed conusalreadyplaced=You already placed a cone conusreplaced=The cone has been replaced stopsonderen=Do you want to stop the test? birdnests=Watch out for the bird nests! [officeobjects] officedeur=Office door handboek=Manual kalender=Calendar paspoort=Passport opdrachtcomputer=Computer radio=Radio whiteboard=Whiteboard sondeertoren=Tower sondeercomputer=Computer borstel=Brush stempelen=Level vehicle sondeerconus=Cone pickupconus1=Cone pickupconus2=Cone sondeerconusintoren= sondeerdeur= koffiebrief= ontluchten=Vent cable= cablebroken=? opdrachtboninterior=Assignment kleistaven=Clay column [loading] text1=Drive carefully. text2=Always read your assignment carefully. text3=Pay attention that none of the material in the CPT-truck is broken. text4=You can check the help menu if you don't know what to do. text5=Do not forget about the cabling. text6=Do not drive over the sheep. [GeoInterface.dialogSondeerComputer_Geomil] TAutomaticLabel=Automatic: TAutomaticButton=Automatic Start TSondeerSpeedLabel=Speed (cm/s): TManualLabel=Manual: TManualButton=Manual 50cm TSondeerDistanceLabel=CPT Depth (cm): AutoStop=Automatic Stop AutoStart=Automatic Start ManualPrefix=Manual ManualSuffix=cm TExitButton=Close TFinishButton=Finish hasbroken=The CPT column has broken. outofcolumns=You are out of CPT rods! We'll have to stop here. TCasingButton=Apply casing casingplaced=The casing has been applied send=Submit puntweerstand=Point resistance lokalewrijving=sleeve friction wrijvingsgetal=friction ratio helling=Inclination waterspanning=pore pressure snelheid=Speed depthstill0=You haven't performed a CPT yet!