[U2Viewport0] Active=1 X=0 Y=0 W=890 H=553 RendMap=13 Left=0.000000 Top=0.000000 Right=985.000000 Bottom=434.000000 PctLeft=0.000000 PctTop=0.000000 PctRight=0.650000 PctBottom=0.500000 Device=D3DDrv.D3DRenderDevice [U2Viewport1] Active=1 X=890 Y=0 W=485 H=553 RendMap=14 Left=985.000000 Top=0.000000 Right=530.000000 Bottom=434.000000 PctLeft=0.650000 PctTop=0.000000 PctRight=0.350000 PctBottom=0.500000 Device=D3DDrv.D3DRenderDevice [U2Viewport2] Active=1 X=0 Y=553 W=890 H=553 RendMap=5 Left=0.000000 Top=434.000000 Right=985.000000 Bottom=434.000000 PctLeft=0.000000 PctTop=0.500000 PctRight=0.650000 PctBottom=0.500000 Device=D3DDrv.D3DRenderDevice [U2Viewport3] Active=1 X=890 Y=553 W=485 H=553 RendMap=15 Left=985.000000 Top=434.000000 Right=530.000000 Bottom=434.000000 PctLeft=0.650000 PctTop=0.500000 PctRight=0.350000 PctBottom=0.500000 Device=D3DDrv.D3DRenderDevice [U2Viewport4] Active=0 X=663 Y=0 W=315 H=305 RendMap=13 Device=D3DDrv.D3DRenderDevice [U2Viewport5] Active=0 X=0 Y=3390 W=112 H=27 RendMap=8111704 Device=D3DDrv.D3DRenderDevice [U2Viewport6] Active=0 X=0 Y=3390 W=112 H=27 RendMap=8111704 Device=D3DDrv.D3DRenderDevice [U2Viewport7] Active=0 X=0 Y=3390 W=112 H=27 RendMap=8111704 Device=D3DDrv.D3DRenderDevice [Texture Browser] X=802 Y=332 W=638 H=442 Zoom=1050 Active=1 Docked=1 Device=D3DDrv.D3DRenderDevice [Sound Browser] X=802 Y=332 W=638 H=442 Active=1 Docked=1 [Actor Browser] X=802 Y=332 W=638 H=442 Active=1 ShowPackages=0 Docked=1 [CodeFrame] X=158 Y=292 W=811 H=738 Active=-16843010 [ToolbarStates] Modes=1 Brush Operations=1 Brush Factories=1 Select=1 Tools=1 Visibility=1 [Music Browser] Active=1 X=802 Y=332 W=638 H=442 Docked=1 [MRU] [Directories] PCX=..\textures WAV=..\sounds BRUSH=..\maps 2DS=..\maps [Background Image] Active=0 Mode=0 Filename= [Mesh Browser] Active=1 X=802 Y=332 W=638 H=442 Docked=1 [Animation Browser] Active=1 Docked=1 X=802 Y=332 W=638 H=442 [Viewports] Style=1 Config=0 [Groups] Modes=0 Clipping=0 Builders=0 CSG=0 Misc=0 UserDefined=0 [Group Browser] Active=1 Docked=1 X=802 Y=332 W=638 H=442 [Master Browser] Active=1 Docked=0 X=794 Y=258 W=654 H=524 [Prefab Browser] Active=1 Docked=1 X=802 Y=332 W=638 H=442 [Static Mesh Browser] Device=D3DDrv.D3DRenderDevice Active=1 Docked=1 X=850 Y=350 W=638 H=442 [PopupActorList] Item0=Path Node,PATHNODE Item1=Player Start,PLAYERSTART [Tip Of The Day] ShowTips=1