// // CPT operator / SondeerGame // This source file is (c) by Deltares. // - October 2014 // class SondeerWagen_Deltares extends SondeerWagen; /* #exec OBJ LOAD FILE="ArnesEnvironmentT.utx" var ScriptedTexture st; function PreBeginPlay() { st=ScriptedTexture(Level.ObjectPool.AllocateObject( class'ScriptedTexture' ) ); st.Client=self; //change this for different 'bloom-map' qualities st.SetSize(1024,1024); } simulated function Tick(float DeltaTime) { local PlayerController PC; PC = Level.GetLocalPlayerController(); // Run a check to see whether this mutator should create an interaction for the player if ( PC != None ) { Skins[0]=st; } st.Revision++; } event RenderTexture(ScriptedTexture Tex) { local PlayerController PC; local vector camloc; local Rotator camrot; local Actor camactor; local Color tAlpha; talpha.R=238; talpha.G=238; talpha.B=238; PC = Level.GetLocalPlayerController(); PC.PlayerCalcView(camactor,camloc,camrot); Tex.DrawPortal(0,0,Tex.USize,Tex.VSize,camactor,camloc,camrot,PC.DefaultFOV,false); //Lightfilter is a FinalBlend with FB_Darken //The Light-threshold is controlled via talpha; //Colored Bloom should be possible with unequal RGB values (untested) Tex.DrawTile(0,0,Tex.USize,Tex.VSize,0,0,512,512,FinalBlend'ArnesEnvironmentT.Waterpieces.MAskedWater1FB',talpha); } */ defaultproperties { Skins(0)=Texture'SondeerMeester.SondeerWagen.Wagen_Deltares' Mesh=SkeletalMesh'VehiclesA.SondeerWagen' }