// // CPT operator / SondeerGame // This source file is (c) by Deltares. // - October 2014 // /// Pickup conus, the one you get in "your hand" class OfficeObject_PickupSondeerConus extends OfficeObject; #exec OBJ LOAD FILE=sondeermeester.utx #exec OBJ LOAD FILE=sondeermeester2.usx var bool bIsOldConus; /// Randomly determine of the conus is old or not: function PreBeginPlay() { // SetOldConus(false); } function SetOldConus(bool old, bool invert) { local string conusbase, isold; local GeoPlayerController GeoPC; GeoPC = GeoPlayerController(Level.GetLocalPlayerController()); bIsOldConus = old; conusbase = "sondeermeester2.interior.binnenkant_auto_conus_"; isold = "old"; /// jln - 28-11-2008 /// If company is GeoMil, use different conus if (GeoPC.GetCompany() == "Geomil") conusbase = "sondeermeester2.interior_geomil.Geomil_binnenkant_auto_conus_"; /// Not old? use 'new' string: if (old == false) isold = "new"; /// Add old string: conusbase = conusbase $ isold; /// Inverted? invert positions: if (invert) { conusbase = conusbase $ "_invert"; } Log("Conus mesh: " @ conusbase); SetStaticMesh( StaticMesh(DynamicLoadObject(conusbase , class'StaticMesh')) ); } function bool GetOldConus() { return bIsOldConus; }