// // CPT operator / SondeerGame // This source file is (c) by Deltares. // - October 2014 // // ************************************************************************************************ // This menu is separated so it can be used as ingame Settings Menu as well as in the Main Menu // // // ************************************************************************************************ class MenuHandbook extends GeoGUIPage; #exec OBJ LOAD FILE=GUIContent.utx var bool bIgnoreEsc; var GeoGUITabControl TabC; var float ButtonWidth, ButtonHeight, ButtonHGap, ButtonVGapSmall, ButtonVGapLarge, BarHeight, BarVPos, SButtonSize, SButtonVGap, SButtonHGap, TitleLeftGap, TabWidth, TabHeight, TabLeft, TabTop; var GeoLabel TitleBar; var string Title; var Automated GeoFrame Background; var Automated GeoButton QuitButton; var Automated GeoTitle MenuTitle; var Automated GeoGUITabControl SettingTabs; function InitComponent(GUIController MyController, GUIComponent MyOwner) { local int i, tabs; local string stab, sclass,file; Super.InitComponent(MyController, MyOwner); OnKeyEvent = InternalOnKeyEvent; OnClose = InternalOnClose; OnOpen = InternalOnOpen; MyOpenPage(); TabC = SettingTabs; TabWidth = TabC.WinWidth; TabHeight = TabC.WinHeight; TabLeft = TabC.WinLeft; TabTop = TabC.WinTop; //TabC.AddTab("Signals","GeoSimulator.MenuHandBookTabSignals",,, false); file = "Handbook_" $ GeoPlayerController(PlayerOwner()).GetLanguage(); tabs = int(Localize("MenuHandBook", "tabs", file)); Log("Tabs: " @ tabs); for (i = 0; i < tabs; i++) { stab = Localize("MenuHandBook", "tab" $ i, file); sclass = "GeoInterface." $ Localize("MenuHandBook", "tabclass" $ i, file); TabC.AddTab(stab, sclass,,, false); } // TabC.AddTab("About","GeoInterface.MenuHandBookTabAbout",,, false); // TabC.AddTab("General3","GeoInterface.MenuHandBookTabGeneral",,, false); /* for(i = 0; i