$Id: library.omh 2506 2012-10-24 19:36:49Z bradbell $ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- CppAD: C++ Algorithmic Differentiation: Copyright (C) 2003-12 Bradley M. Bell CppAD is distributed under multiple licenses. This distribution is under the terms of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0. A copy of this license is included in the COPYING file of this distribution. Please visit http://www.coin-or.org/CppAD/ for information on other licenses. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ $begin library$$ $spell CppAD namespace $$ $index numerical, C++ template library$$ $index template, numerical C++ library$$ $index C++, numerical template library$$ $index library, numerical C++ template$$ $section The CppAD General Purpose Library$$ $children% cppad/error_handler.hpp% cppad/near_equal.hpp% cppad/speed_test.hpp% cppad/time_test.hpp% omh/numeric_type.omh% cppad/check_numeric_type.hpp% omh/simple_vector.omh% cppad/check_simple_vector.hpp% cppad/nan.hpp% cppad/pow_int.hpp% cppad/poly.hpp% omh/lu_det_and_solve.omh% cppad/romberg_one.hpp% cppad/romberg_mul.hpp% cppad/runge_45.hpp% cppad/rosen_34.hpp% cppad/ode_err_control.hpp% cppad/ode_gear.hpp% cppad/ode_gear_control.hpp% cppad/vector.hpp% omh/thread_alloc.omh% cppad/index_sort.hpp% cppad/local/bender_quad.hpp% cppad/local/opt_val_hes.hpp% cppad/local/lu_ratio.hpp %$$ $head Error Handler$$ All of the routines in the CppAD namespace use the following general purpose error handler: $table $rref ErrorHandler$$ $tend $head Testing Utilities$$ The routines listed below support numerical correctness and speed testing: $table $rref NearEqual$$ $rref time_test$$ $rref speed_test$$ $rref SpeedTest$$ $tend $head C++ Concepts$$ $index concept, C++$$ We refer to a the set of classes that satisfy certain conditions as a C++ concept. The following concepts are used by the CppAD Template library: $table $rref NumericType$$ $rref CheckNumericType$$ $rref SimpleVector$$ $rref CheckSimpleVector$$ $tend $head CppAD Numerical Template Library$$ The routines listed below are general purpose numerical routines written with the floating point type a C++ template parameter. This enables them to be used with algorithmic differentiation types, as well as for other purposes. $table $rref nan$$ $rref pow_int$$ $rref Poly$$ $rref LuDetAndSolve$$ $rref RombergOne$$ $rref RombergMul$$ $rref Runge45$$ $rref Rosen34$$ $rref OdeErrControl$$ $rref OdeGear$$ $rref OdeGearControl$$ $tend $head General Purpose Utilities$$ The classes and routines below are of general use (not necessarily AD related). $table $rref CppAD_vector$$ $rref thread_alloc$$ $rref index_sort$$ $tend $head Numerical AD Library$$ The routines listed below are numerical routines that are specially designed to work with CppAD in particular. $table $rref BenderQuad$$ $rref opt_val_hes$$ $rref LuRatio$$ $tend $end