// $Id: pkgconfig.omh 3627 2015-01-30 15:49:51Z bradbell $ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- CppAD: C++ Algorithmic Differentiation: Copyright (C) 2003-14 Bradley M. Bell CppAD is distributed under multiple licenses. This distribution is under the terms of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0. A copy of this license is included in the COPYING file of this distribution. Please visit http://www.coin-or.org/CppAD/ for information on other licenses. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ $begin pkgconfig$$ $spell cmake datadir ipopt CppAD pkg-config Cflags Dir builddir prefixdir cppad pkgconfig uninstalled $$ $section CppAD pkg-config Files$$ $index pkg-config, files$$ $index files, pkg-config$$ $index pc, pkg-config$$ $head Purpose$$ The $code pkg-config$$ package helps with the use of installed libraries; see its $href%http://people.freedesktop.org/~dbn/pkg-config-guide.html%guide%$$ for more information. $head Usage$$ The necessary flags for compiling code that includes CppAD can be obtained with the command $codep pkg-config --cflags cppad $$ Note that this command assumes $cref/cppad.pc/pkgconfig/$$ is in the search path $code PKG_CONFIG_PATH$$. If $cref ipopt_prefix$$ is specified, the necessary flags for linking $cref/cppad_ipopt/cppad_ipopt_nlp/$$ can be obtained with the commands $codep pkg-config --libs cppad $$ Note that this command assumes $code ipopt.pc$$ is in the search path $code PKG_CONFIG_PATH$$. $head Defined Fields$$ $table $icode Name$$ $cnext A human-readable name for the CppAD package. $rnext $icode Description$$ $cnext A brief description of the CppAD package. $rnext $icode URL$$ $cnext A URL where people can get more information about the CppAD package. $rnext $icode Version$$ $cnext A string specifically defining the version of the CppAD package. $rnext $icode Cflags$$ $cnext The necessary flags for using any of the CppAD include files. $rnext $icode Libs$$ $cnext If $cref ipopt_prefix$$ is specified, the necessary flags for using the $cref/cppad_ipopt/cppad_ipopt_nlp/$$ library $rnext $icode Requires$$ $cnext If $cref ipopt_prefix$$ is specified, the packages required to use the $cref/cppad_ipopt/cppad_ipopt_nlp/$$ library $tend $head CppAD Configuration Files$$ In the table below, $icode builddir$$ is the build directory; i.e., the directory where the CppAD $cref/cmake command/cmake/CMake Command/$$ is executed. The directory $icode prefix$$ is the value of $cref/cmake_install_prefix/cmake/cmake_install_prefix/$$ during configuration. The directory $icode datadir$$ is the value of $cref/cmake_install_datadir/cmake/cmake_install_datadir/$$. The following configuration files contain the information above $table $icode File$$ $cnext $icode Description$$ $rnext $icode%prefix%/%datadir%/pkgconfig/cppad.pc%$$ $cnext for use after $cref/make install/install/Instructions/Step 4: Install/$$ $rnext $icode%builddir%/pkgconfig/cppad-uninstalled.pc%$$ $cnext for testing before $code make install$$ $tend $end