$Id: include_deprecated.omh 3627 2015-01-30 15:49:51Z bradbell $ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- CppAD: C++ Algorithmic Differentiation: Copyright (C) 2003-15 Bradley M. Bell CppAD is distributed under multiple licenses. This distribution is under the terms of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0. A copy of this license is included in the COPYING file of this distribution. Please visit http://www.coin-or.org/CppAD/ for information on other licenses. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ $begin include_deprecated$$ $spell sudo mv Rosen cppad.hpp CppAD Runge cp dir ln lu Romberg Mul $$ $section Deprecated Include Files$$ $index deprecated, include file$$ $index include, deprecated file$$ $index file, deprecated include$$ $head Deprecated 2006-12-17$$ The following is a list of deprecated include file names and the corresponding names that should be used. For example, if your program uses the deprecated preprocessor command $codep # include $$ you should change it to the command $codep # include $$ $head Linking New Files to Deprecated Commands$$ On Unix systems, references in your source code of the from $codei% # include %$$ will refer to the older versions of CppAD unless you preform the following steps (this only needs to be done once, not for every install): $codei% cp %prefix_dir%/include sudo mv CppAD CppAD.old sudo ln -s cppad CppAD %$$ where $cref/prefix_dir/auto_tools/prefix_dir/$$ is the prefix directory corresponding to your $cref/Unix installation/auto_tools/$$. This will link form the deprecated commands to the commands that should be used: $table $bold Deprecated$$ $pre $$ $cnext $bold Should Use$$ $pre $$ $cnext $bold Documentation$$ $rnext CppAD/CheckNumericType.h $pre $$ $cnext cppad/check_numeric_type.hpp $pre $$ $cnext $cref CheckNumericType$$ $rnext CppAD/CheckSimpleVector.h $pre $$ $cnext cppad/check_simple_vector.hpp $pre $$ $cnext $cref CheckSimpleVector$$ $rnext CppAD/CppAD.h $pre $$ $cnext cppad/cppad.hpp $pre $$ $cnext $cref CppAD$$ $rnext CppAD/CppAD_vector.h $pre $$ $cnext cppad/vector.hpp $pre $$ $cnext $cref CppAD_vector$$ $rnext CppAD/ErrorHandler.h $pre $$ $cnext cppad/error_handler.hpp $pre $$ $cnext $cref ErrorHandler$$ $rnext CppAD/LuFactor.h $pre $$ $cnext cppad/lu_factor.hpp $pre $$ $cnext $cref LuFactor$$ $rnext CppAD/LuInvert.h $pre $$ $cnext cppad/lu_invert.hpp $pre $$ $cnext $cref LuInvert$$ $rnext CppAD/LuSolve.h $pre $$ $cnext cppad/lu_solve.hpp $pre $$ $cnext $cref LuSolve$$ $rnext CppAD/NearEqual.h $pre $$ $cnext cppad/near_equal.hpp $pre $$ $cnext $cref NearEqual$$ $rnext CppAD/OdeErrControl.h $pre $$ $cnext cppad/ode_err_control.hpp $pre $$ $cnext $cref OdeErrControl$$ $rnext CppAD/OdeGear.h $pre $$ $cnext cppad/ode_gear.hpp $pre $$ $cnext $cref OdeGear$$ $rnext CppAD/OdeGearControl.h $pre $$ $cnext cppad/ode_gear_control.hpp $pre $$ $cnext $cref OdeGearControl$$ $rnext CppAD/Poly.h $pre $$ $cnext cppad/poly.hpp $pre $$ $cnext $cref Poly$$ $rnext CppAD/RombergMul.h $pre $$ $cnext cppad/romberg_mul.hpp $pre $$ $cnext $cref RombergMul$$ $rnext CppAD/RombergOne.h $pre $$ $cnext cppad/romberg_one.hpp $pre $$ $cnext $cref RombergOne$$ $rnext CppAD/Rosen34.h $pre $$ $cnext cppad/rosen_34.hpp $pre $$ $cnext $cref Rosen34$$ $rnext CppAD/Runge45.h $pre $$ $cnext cppad/runge_45.hpp $pre $$ $cnext $cref Runge45$$ $rnext CppAD/SpeedTest.h $pre $$ $cnext cppad/speed_test.hpp $pre $$ $cnext $cref SpeedTest$$ $rnext CppAD/TrackNewDel.h $pre $$ $cnext cppad/track_new_del.hpp $pre $$ $cnext $cref TrackNewDel$$ $tend $end