$Id: fun_deprecated.omh 3607 2015-01-20 16:20:41Z bradbell $ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- CppAD: C++ Algorithmic Differentiation: Copyright (C) 2003-15 Bradley M. Bell CppAD is distributed under multiple licenses. This distribution is under the terms of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0. A copy of this license is included in the COPYING file of this distribution. Please visit http://www.coin-or.org/CppAD/ for information on other licenses. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ $begin FunDeprecated$$ $spell bool VecAD CppAD const Taylor sizeof var $$ $section ADFun Object Deprecated Member Functions$$ $head Syntax$$ $icode%f%.Dependent(%y%) %$$ $icode%o% = %f%.Order() %$$ $icode%m% = %f%.Memory() %$$ $icode%s% = %f%.Size() %$$ $icode%t% = %f%.taylor_size() %$$ $icode%u% = %f%.use_VecAD() %$$ $icode%v% = %f%.size_taylor() %$$ $icode%w% = %f%.capacity_taylor() %$$ $head Purpose$$ The $codei%ADFun<%Base%>%$$ functions documented here have been deprecated; i.e., they are no longer approved of and may be removed from some future version of CppAD. $head Dependent$$ $index ADFun, Dependent$$ $index Dependent, ADFun$$ A recording of and AD of $icode Base$$ $cref/operation sequence/glossary/Operation/Sequence/$$ is started by a call of the form $codei% Independent(%x%) %$$ If there is only one such recording at the current time, you can use $icode%f%.Dependent(%y%)%$$ in place of $codei% %f%.Dependent(%x%, %y%) %$$ See $cref Dependent$$ for a description of this operation. $subhead Deprecated 2007-08-07$$ This syntax was deprecated when CppAD was extended to allow for more than one $codei%AD<%Base%>%$$ recording to be active at one time. This was necessary to allow for multiple threading applications. $head Order$$ $index ADFun, Order$$ $index Order, ADFun$$ The result $icode o$$ has prototype $codei% size_t %o% %$$ and is the order of the previous forward operation using the function $icode f$$. This is the highest order of the $cref/Taylor coefficients/glossary/Taylor Coefficient/$$ that are currently stored in $icode f$$. $subhead Deprecated 2006-03-31$$ Zero order corresponds to function values being stored in $icode f$$. In the future, we would like to be able to erase the function values so that $icode f$$ uses less memory. In this case, the return value of $code Order$$ would not make sense. Use $cref size_order$$ to obtain the number of Taylor coefficients currently stored in the ADFun object $icode f$$ (which is equal to the order plus one). $head Memory$$ $index ADFun, Memory$$ $index Memory, ADFun$$ The result $codei% size_t %m% %$$ and is the number of memory units ($code sizeof$$) required for the information currently stored in $icode f$$. This memory is returned to the system when the destructor for $icode f$$ is called. $subhead Deprecated 2006-03-31$$ It used to be the case that an ADFun object just kept increasing its buffers to the maximum size necessary during its lifetime. It would then return the buffers to the system when its destructor was called. This is no longer the case, an ADFun object now returns memory when it no longer needs the values stored in that memory. Thus the $code Memory$$ function is no longer well defined. $head Size$$ $index ADFun, Size$$ $index Size, ADFun$$ The result $icode s$$ has prototype $codei% size_t %s% %$$ and is the number of variables in the operation sequence plus the following: one for a phantom variable with tape address zero, one for each component of the domain that is a parameter. The amount of work and memory necessary for computing function values and derivatives using $icode f$$ is roughly proportional to $icode s$$. $subhead Deprecated 2006-04-03$$ There are other sizes attached to an ADFun object, for example, the number of operations in the sequence. In order to avoid confusion with these other sizes, use $cref/size_var/seq_property/size_var/$$ to obtain the number of variables in the operation sequence. $head taylor_size$$ $index ADFun, taylor_size$$ $index taylor_size, ADFun$$ The result $icode t$$ has prototype $codei% size_t %t% %$$ and is the number of Taylor coefficient orders currently calculated and stored in the ADFun object $icode f$$. $subhead Deprecated 2006-06-17$$ This function has been replaced by $cref size_order$$. $head use_VecAD$$ $index ADFun, use_VecAD$$ $index use_VecAD, ADFun$$ The result $icode u$$ has prototype $codei% bool %u% %$$ If it is true, the AD of $icode Base$$ $cref/operation sequence/glossary/Operation/Sequence/$$ stored in $icode f$$ contains $cref/VecAD/VecAD/VecAD::reference/$$ operands. Otherwise $icode u$$ is false. $subhead Deprecated 2006-04-08$$ You can instead use $codei% %u% = %f%.size_VecAD() > 0 %$$ $head size_taylor$$ $index ADFun, size_taylor$$ $index size_taylor, ADFun$$ The result $icode v$$ has prototype $codei% size_t %v% %$$ and is the number of Taylor coefficient orders currently calculated and stored in the ADFun object $icode f$$. $subhead Deprecated 2014-03-18$$ This function has been replaced by $cref size_order$$. $head capacity_taylor$$ $index ADFun, capacity_taylor$$ $index capacity_taylor, ADFun$$ The result $icode w$$ has prototype $codei% size_t %w% %$$ and is the number of Taylor coefficient orders currently allocated in the ADFun object $icode f$$. $subhead Deprecated 2014-03-18$$ This function has been replaced by $cref capacity_order$$. $end