****************************************************************************** This program contains Ipopt, a library for large-scale nonlinear optimization. Ipopt is released as open source code under the Eclipse Public License (EPL). For more information visit http://projects.coin-or.org/Ipopt ****************************************************************************** This is Ipopt version 3.11.7, running with linear solver ma57. Number of nonzeros in equality constraint Jacobian...: 3442 Number of nonzeros in inequality constraint Jacobian.: 0 Number of nonzeros in Lagrangian Hessian.............: 0 Total number of variables............................: 720 variables with only lower bounds: 0 variables with lower and upper bounds: 720 variables with only upper bounds: 0 Total number of equality constraints.................: 480 Total number of inequality constraints...............: 0 inequality constraints with only lower bounds: 0 inequality constraints with lower and upper bounds: 0 inequality constraints with only upper bounds: 0 iter objective inf_pr inf_du lg(mu) ||d|| lg(rg) alpha_du alpha_pr ls 0 2.0792250e+002 4.93e+001 1.31e+000 0.0 0.00e+000 - 0.00e+000 0.00e+000 0 1 1.4430162e+002 1.30e+001 1.89e+001 1.4 2.57e+001 - 1.00e+000 7.36e-001f 1 2 1.1303888e+002 6.70e-010 1.41e+000 0.7 7.86e+000 - 8.71e-001 1.00e+000f 1 3 7.0179500e+001 5.50e-010 8.20e-001 -5.1 1.39e+001 - 6.50e-001 5.00e-001f 2 4 1.9450782e+001 5.36e-010 3.45e-001 -0.4 4.21e+000 - 8.29e-001 1.00e+000f 1 5 3.5645772e+000 5.55e-010 2.63e-002 -1.6 1.65e+000 - 1.00e+000 1.00e+000f 1 6 1.8715154e-001 7.13e-010 4.67e-002 -2.9 1.11e+000 - 1.00e+000 1.00e+000f 1 7 3.5773887e-003 6.19e-010 1.19e-002 -4.3 3.63e-001 - 1.00e+000 1.00e+000f 1 8 1.5802913e-003 6.78e-010 1.35e-002 -4.8 1.69e-001 - 9.92e-001 1.00e+000f 1 9 7.2972414e-006 5.81e-010 2.66e-004 -4.7 7.09e-002 - 9.74e-001 1.00e+000f 1 iter objective inf_pr inf_du lg(mu) ||d|| lg(rg) alpha_du alpha_pr ls 10 1.0073087e-006 6.66e-010 1.15e-004 -10.7 1.74e-003 - 9.99e-001 1.00e+000h 1 11 7.8099013e-010 6.78e-010 3.10e-006 -11.0 1.25e-003 - 1.00e+000 1.00e+000h 1 Number of Iterations....: 11 (scaled) (unscaled) Objective...............: 7.8099013044176425e-010 7.8099013044176425e-010 Dual infeasibility......: 3.0968759249503628e-006 3.0968759249503628e-006 Constraint violation....: 6.7814331927706917e-010 6.7814331927706917e-010 Complementarity.........: 4.3196415870652755e-011 4.3196415870652755e-011 Overall NLP error.......: 3.0968759249503628e-006 3.0968759249503628e-006 Number of objective function evaluations = 14 Number of objective gradient evaluations = 12 Number of equality constraint evaluations = 14 Number of inequality constraint evaluations = 0 Number of equality constraint Jacobian evaluations = 12 Number of inequality constraint Jacobian evaluations = 0 Number of Lagrangian Hessian evaluations = 0 Total CPU secs in IPOPT (w/o function evaluations) = 0.047 Total CPU secs in NLP function evaluations = 0.018 EXIT: Optimal Solution Found.