Since 2008.03. General information about the run executed by the general adapter that is used by the pre and post adapter This file generated on the fly during a pi run file export activity from the General Adapter. This file is read only for the pre and post adapters. A pre or post adapter that supports pi run files only needs this pi run file at the command line argument to find all the pi files it needs to read and write. Other options can be passed to the pre or post adapter by adding extra properties to the generated pi run file during export. since 1.8, Log level compatible with log4j. Time zone used in the exported pi files. This is also the default time zone used by the general adapter when the time zone is not specified in an imported output file Start of the run. The time of the of the state exported by the General Adapter. When there is no state exported the earliest time in any time series exported by the General Adapter will be used End of the run. The latest time exported by the General Adapter This is the start of a forecast for a forecast run This is the time 0 of a FEWS task run. Last time of non missing observation based on observed time series sets configured in the General Adapter. Fully qualified path to the current working directory. This is also the startup directory of an non java executable launched by the general adapter. Fully qualified path to the pi parameter file exported by the General Adapter before the run. An active modifier is already applied to this file Fully qualified path to the pi state file that describes the state exported by the General Adapter before the run. In this file you can also find the state time and the paths to the actual state files Fully qualified path to a pi time series file exported by the General Adapter before the run Fully qualified path to a map stack file exported by the General Adapter before the run. A map stack is a list of raster files for each time step. Fully qualified path to a pi netcdf file exported by the General Adapter before the run Fully qualified path to a pi longitudinal profiles file exported by the General before the run Fully qualified path to a pi_ratingcurves file exported by the General Adapter before the model run Fully qualified path to a pi diagnostic file that that will be imported by the General Adapter after the run . It is deleted by the general adapter before the run. Fully qualified path to the pi state file that describes the state that will be imported by the General Adapter adapter after the run Fully qualified path to a pi time series file that will be imported by the General Adapter after the run Fully qualified path to a pi map stack file that will be imported by the General Adapter after the run. A map stack is a list of raster files for each time step. Fully qualified path to a pi netcdf file that will be imported by the General Adapter after the run Fully qualified path to a pi longitudinal profiles file that will be imported by the General Adapter after the run Fully qualified path to a csv module run table file that will be imported by the General Adapter after the run Kind of an extra command line argument for the pre and post adapter. This is also a convenient way way to pass global properties to a pre or post adapter. An adapter is not allowed to access the FEWS directly. These extra options makes an additional pre or post adapter configuration file unnecessary. See the documentation of the used pre and post adapter for the supported property keys with their allowed values level designates very severe error events that will presumably lead the application to abort. level designates error events that might still allow the application to continue running level designates potentially harmful situations level designates informational messages that highlight the progress of the application at coarse-grained level designates informational messages that highlight the progress of the application at coarse-grained Level designates finer-grained informational events than the debug