Model parameters , grouped A group of parameters. e.g. default, catchmentOne, catchmentTwo, summer, winter etc. Group of parameters Used to describe this group of parameters Optional location id for this group of parameters. If used externally this is the external locationId Optional element to identify the model (algorithm) the parameters are configured for Period the parameters are valid in. Any number of parameters > 0 Any number of ensembles > 0 Unique id for for this group. Id is required and must be used to retrieve the group of parameters. Optional name for this group of parameters Optional Attribute to indicate that this group may not be changed (e.g. by a GUI) Default = false. When set to True it means at least one parameter from the the group has been modified from the original version. Default = false Any number of parameters > 0 Optional field to describe the parameter. May be used as notebook for comments annotations etc Actual value/content of the parameter. Holds one floating point value Holds one integer value Holds one boolean value Holds one string Holds one dateTime value. Holds one table. The values are entered as strings, however the value-type in each column should match the type as specified with columnTypes for this column. This will be checked while reading the xml-file. If no column-type specified, 'String' type is assumed. Use columnId for entering column name. Id of the parameter Optional name of the parameter. Defines ensemble of model parameters Optional field to specify one particular ensemble member the parameters are configured for Optional field to specify a particular range of ensemble members the parameters are configured for. Parameters for this ensemble Id of ensemble the parameters are specified for