#region Copyright /* * Copyright (c) 2005,2006,2007, OpenMI Association * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of the OpenMI Association nor the * names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY "OpenMI Association" ``AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL "OpenMI Association" BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #endregion using System; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Reflection; using System.Collections; using System.Globalization; using System.IO; using System.Xml; using System.Xml.Schema; namespace Oatc.OpenMI.Sdk.DevelopmentSupport { /// /// Support class for reading and writing objects to xml. /// Each object to be written or read is accessed in a generic way for the properties to write or read. This is done via an aggregate intermediate object. /// Objects are written once in an xml file. If they are encountered more than once, references are written. References may refer to other files. /// Writing and reading strings is always done and expected in neutral culture (English-US) in order to enable exchangability. /// Needed meta info is retrieved from MetaInfo. /// MetaInfo used by XmlFile /// /// /// public class XmlFile { private static CultureInfo _culture = CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture (""); private static Hashtable _fileList = new Hashtable(); private static ArrayList _readObjectsList = new ArrayList(); private static ArrayList _unreadObjectsList = new ArrayList(); private static Hashtable _rootList = new Hashtable(); private static Hashtable _rootKeyList = new Hashtable(); private static Hashtable _rootObjectList = new Hashtable(); private static Hashtable _aggregateTable = new Hashtable(); #region Public Read Methods /// /// Reads an object from file /// The file to read should have been registered with the object earlier by a reqad or write action /// /// The object to be read /// Cannot find file to read /// Cannot resolve class type when an object for an xml element must be instantiated /// Cannot find class type /// Xml element holds a reference, but referenced object cannot be found /// Schema cannot be found although it has been specified in MetaInfo /// Validation error when xml file doesn't meet specified schema public static void Read (object target) { string file = (string) _fileList[target]; if (file != null) { XmlFile.Read (target, new FileInfo(file)); } } /// /// Reads an object from file /// /// The object to be read /// The file containing the object's information /// Cannot find file to read /// Cannot resolve class type when an object for an xml element must be instantiated /// Cannot find class type /// Xml element holds a reference, but referenced object cannot be found /// Schema cannot be found although it has been specified in MetaInfo /// Validation error when xml file doesn't meet specified schema public static void Read (object target, FileInfo file) { if (file.Exists) { XmlFile.CreateRegistration (target); XmlReader reader = new XmlTextReader(file.FullName); string xmlValidation = (string) MetaInfo.GetAttribute (target.GetType(), "XmlSchema"); string xmlNameSpace = (string) MetaInfo.GetAttribute (target.GetType(), "XmlNameSpace"); string xsdPackage = (string) MetaInfo.GetAttribute (target.GetType(), "XsdPackage"); if ((xmlValidation != null) && (xmlNameSpace != null)) { Stream schemaStream = XmlFile.GetSchema (target.GetType(), xmlValidation, xsdPackage); if (schemaStream != null) { XmlSchema schema = XmlSchema.Read(schemaStream, new ValidationEventHandler (ValidationCallBack)); // VS2005 fix - the following code is deprecated and ws replaced by new code - see below //XmlSchemaCollection xsc = new XmlSchemaCollection(); //xsc.ValidationEventHandler += new ValidationEventHandler( ValidationCallBack ); //xsc.Add( schema ); //XSD schema //reader = new XmlValidatingReader( reader ); //( (XmlValidatingReader) reader ).ValidationType = ValidationType.Schema; //( (XmlValidatingReader) reader ).ValidationEventHandler += new ValidationEventHandler( ValidationCallBack ); //( (XmlValidatingReader) reader ).Schemas.Add( xsc ); XmlSchemaSet xss = new XmlSchemaSet(); xss.ValidationEventHandler += new ValidationEventHandler (ValidationCallBack); xss.Add(schema); //XSD schema XmlReaderSettings settings = new XmlReaderSettings(); settings.ValidationType = ValidationType.Schema; settings.ValidationEventHandler += new ValidationEventHandler (ValidationCallBack); settings.Schemas.Add( xss ); reader = XmlReader.Create( reader, settings ); } else { throw new Exception ("Required schema " + xmlValidation + " not found for parsing " + file.FullName); } } else { } _fileList[target] = file.FullName; _readObjectsList.Add (target); _unreadObjectsList.Remove (target); reader.MoveToContent(); XmlFile.Read (reader, target, null, null, target); reader.Close(); } else { _fileList[target] = file.FullName; } } /// /// Reads and creates an object from a given file /// /// The file containig the object to be read /// Populated object /// Cannot find file to read /// Cannot resolve class type when an object for an xml element must be instantiated /// Cannot find class type /// Xml element holds a reference, but referenced object cannot be found /// Schema cannot be found although it has been specified in MetaInfo /// Validation error when xml file doesn't meet specified schema public static object GetRead (FileInfo file) { return XmlFile.GetRead(file, null); } /// /// Creates and reads an object from a given file /// /// The file containig the object to be read /// The expected class type of the new object /// The new populated object /// Cannot find file to read /// Cannot resolve class type when an object for an xml element must be instantiated /// Cannot find class type /// Xml element holds a reference, but referenced object cannot be found /// Schema cannot be found although it has been specified in MetaInfo /// Validation error when xml file doesn't meet specified schema public static object GetRead (FileInfo file, Type objectType) { if (file.Exists) { object target = GetFileObject(file.FullName); if (target == null) { XmlReader reader = new XmlTextReader(file.FullName); reader.MoveToContent(); string classType = (string) MetaInfo.GetAttributeDefault(reader.GetAttribute ("Type"), "XmlTypeAlias", reader.GetAttribute ("Type")); ObjectSupport.LoadAssembly (reader.GetAttribute ("Assembly")); reader.Close(); if (classType != null) { // classType = (string) MetaInfo.GetAttributeDefault (ObjectSupport.GetType(ClassType), "XmlTypeAlias", classType); target = ObjectSupport.GetInstance (classType); } if ((target == null) && (objectType != null)) { target = ObjectSupport.GetInstance (objectType); } if (target == null) { if (classType != null) { throw new Exception("Could not find class type " + classType); } else if (objectType != null) { throw new Exception("Could not find class type " + objectType.FullName); } } } XmlFile.Read (target, file); return target; } else { throw new Exception ("File doesn't exist: " + file.FullName); } } #endregion #region Xml Validation /// /// Callback method used for validation against an xsd file /// /// Sender of the method /// Error details /// Validation error when xml file doesn't meet specified schema private static void ValidationCallBack (object sender, ValidationEventArgs args) { throw new Exception ("Validation error: " + args.Message); } /// /// Gets a stream containing an xsd file, which resides within an assembly. /// /// If the xsdPackage isn't defined, type in the assembly in which the xsd file should reside /// Name of the schema /// The assembly in which the xsd file resides /// The xsd stream, null if not found private static Stream GetSchema (Type type, string xmlSchema, string xsdPackage) { Assembly assembly = Assembly.GetAssembly(type); if ((xsdPackage != null) && (!xsdPackage.Trim().Equals(""))) { // VS2005 fix // this fix also needed to include full name to XsdPackage meta-info in XmlConfiguration.cs //assembly = Assembly.LoadWithPartialName(xsdPackage); assembly = Assembly.Load( xsdPackage ); } Stream stream = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(xmlSchema); if (stream == null) { string assemblyName = assembly.GetName().Name; stream = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(assemblyName + "." + xmlSchema); } if (stream == null) { FileInfo assemblyFile = new FileInfo(assembly.Location); FileInfo schema = FileSupport.ExpandRelativePath (assemblyFile.Directory, xmlSchema); if (schema.Exists) { stream = schema.OpenRead(); } } return stream; } #endregion #region Internal Read Methods /// /// Reads the current xml element into an object. /// Then moves the xml stream forward to the next element. /// If the next element is one level deeper, that element is read by calling this method recursively. /// Finally the current element is positioned on the first unread element. /// By calling this method at the top level of an xml file, the whole xml file is read. /// /// The xml stream /// The object which will be populated with data within the current xml element /// The parent of the object, i.e. the object to which the target will be assigned /// The property of the parent /// The root object of the xml file /// Read only property has null value, but a property of this object should be set according to the xml file private static void Read (XmlReader reader, object target, object parent, string targetProperty, object root) { // If it is a reference, the object has been read already and assigned to its parent string Reference = XmlFile.GetKeyFromXml(target.GetType(), reader, true); if (Reference != null) { XmlFile.MoveToNextElement(reader); // moves to next element return; } bool inCurrentXmlFile = (reader.GetAttribute ("File") == null); if ((reader.GetAttribute ("File") == null) && (Reference == null)) { _rootList[target] = root; } XmlFile.RegisterObject (target, reader, root); IAggregate aggregate = XmlFile.GetAggregate(target); XmlFile.ReadAttributes (aggregate, reader, root); string defaultProperty = MetaInfo.GetAttribute (target.GetType(), "XmlDefaultProperty") as string; if (defaultProperty != null) { parent = target; target = aggregate.GetValue(defaultProperty); targetProperty = defaultProperty; aggregate = XmlFile.GetAggregate(target); } int processLevel = reader.Depth; string[] properties = aggregate.Properties; // Special handling for lists if (target is IList) { IList List = (IList) target; List.Clear(); string listEntryClass = (string) MetaInfo.GetAttributeDefault (parent.GetType(), targetProperty, "XmlItemType", MetaInfo.GetAttribute (target.GetType(), "XmlItemType")); if (!reader.IsEmptyElement) { XmlFile.MoveToNextElement(reader); // moves to first element while ((reader.Depth > processLevel) && (reader.NodeType != XmlNodeType.EndElement)) { object targetValue = XmlFile.GetObject (reader, ObjectSupport.GetType(listEntryClass), root); if (targetValue != null) { XmlFile.Read (reader, targetValue, target, null, root); List.Add (targetValue); } else { XmlFile.MoveToNextElement (reader); } } } else { XmlFile.MoveToNextElement(reader); // moves to next element } } // Special handling for hashtables else if (target is IDictionary) { IDictionary Dictionary = (IDictionary) target; Dictionary.Clear(); if (!reader.IsEmptyElement) { XmlFile.MoveToNextElement(reader); // moves to first dictionary element while ((reader.Depth > processLevel) && (reader.NodeType != XmlNodeType.EndElement)) { XmlFile.MoveToNextElement(reader); // moves to key object keyValue = XmlFile.GetObject (reader, null, root); XmlFile.Read (reader, keyValue, target, null, root); object targetValue = XmlFile.GetObject (reader, null, root); if (targetValue != null) { XmlFile.Read (reader, targetValue, target, null, root); } else { XmlFile.MoveToNextElement (reader); } Dictionary.Add (keyValue, targetValue); } } else { XmlFile.MoveToNextElement(reader); // moves to next element } } else { if (!reader.IsEmptyElement) { XmlFile.MoveToNextElement(reader); // Read all sub elements while (!reader.EOF && (reader.Depth > processLevel)) { string property = XmlFile.GetProperty(aggregate, reader.Name); if (property != null) { if ((Boolean) MetaInfo.GetAttributeDefault (target.GetType(), property, "XmlSkipElement", false)) { XmlFile.MoveToNextElement(reader); while (reader.Depth > processLevel + 1) { XmlFile.MoveToNextElement(reader); } } else { object targetValue; if (!aggregate.CanWrite(property)) { targetValue = aggregate.GetValue(property); if (targetValue == null) { throw new Exception ("Cannot access readonly element " + property + " at tag " + reader.Name); } } else { Type type = ObjectSupport.GetType((string) MetaInfo.GetAttributeDefault (target.GetType(), property, "XmlType", aggregate.GetType(property).FullName)); targetValue = XmlFile.GetObject (reader, type, root); } if (targetValue != null) { XmlFile.Read (reader, targetValue, target, property, root); if (aggregate.CanWrite(property)) { aggregate.SetValue (property, targetValue); } } else { XmlFile.MoveToNextElement (reader); } } } else { XmlFile.MoveToNextElement(reader); // moves to next } } } else { XmlFile.MoveToNextElement(reader); // moves to next } } // Ensures that UpdateSource is only called once per aggregate if (inCurrentXmlFile) { aggregate.UpdateSource(); } } /// /// Gets the object associated with an xml element. /// Different procedures are followed for the following cases: /// 1) The file is mentioned. Then that file is read and the top object (a.k.a. the root) of that file is returned /// 2) The file is mentioned and the xml element is defined as a reference. Then that file is read (if not before) and the root of the file is asked for a property with the specified reference. /// 3) The file isn't mentioned and the xml element is defined as a reference. Then the object is retrieved from the registration. /// 4) Otherwise the object is instantiated /// /// The xml stream /// The type to instantiate when no type is specified in the xml element /// The top object of the xml stream /// The object associated with the xml element /// Cannot resolve class type when an object for an xml element must be instantiated /// Cannot find class type /// Cannot instantiate object for known class type /// Xml element holds a reference, but referenced object cannot be found private static object GetObject (XmlReader reader, Type defaultType, object root) { object targetValue = null; string file = reader.GetAttribute ("File"); string classType = (string) MetaInfo.GetAttributeDefault(reader.GetAttribute ("Type"), "XmlTypeAlias", reader.GetAttribute ("Type")); ObjectSupport.LoadAssembly (reader.GetAttribute ("Assembly")); Type targetType = null; if (classType != null) { // classType = (string) MetaInfo.GetAttributeDefault (ObjectSupport.GetType(classType), "XmlTypeAlias", classType); targetType = ObjectSupport.GetType (classType); } if ((classType == null) && (defaultType != null)) { targetType = defaultType; } string reference = XmlFile.GetKeyFromXml (targetType, reader, true); if ((targetType == null) && (reference == null)) { if (classType != null) { throw new Exception ("Cannot find type " + classType + " when reading element tag " + reader.Name); } else { throw new Exception ("Cannot resolve element tag " + reader.Name); } } if (file != null) { string fullFile = FileSupport.ExpandRelativePath(XmlFile.GetRegisteredFile(root).Directory, file).FullName; object targetRoot = GetFileObject (fullFile); if ((reference != null) && (!reference.Equals(""))) { if (File.Exists (fullFile)) { if (targetRoot == null) { targetRoot = XmlFile.GetRead(new FileInfo(fullFile), targetType); } IAggregate aggregate = XmlFile.GetAggregate(targetRoot); targetValue = aggregate.GetReferencedValue (reference); if (targetValue == null) { throw new Exception ("Cannot find referenced element " + reference + " at tag " + reader.Name); } } else { if (!((bool) MetaInfo.GetAttributeDefault (targetType, "XmlAllowFileMissing", false))) { throw new Exception ("Referenced file does not exist: " + fullFile); } } } else // File != null && Reference == null { targetValue = targetRoot; if (File.Exists (fullFile)) { if (targetValue == null) { targetValue = ObjectSupport.GetInstance (targetType); _fileList[targetValue] = file; XmlFile.Read (targetValue, new FileInfo(fullFile)); } if (targetValue == null) { throw new Exception ("Cannot find referenced element in " + fullFile + " at tag " + reader.Name); } string identifier = reader.GetAttribute("Identifier"); if (identifier != null) { XmlFile.RegisterKey(root, identifier, targetValue); } } else { if (!((bool) MetaInfo.GetAttributeDefault (targetType, "XmlAllowFileMissing", false))) { throw new Exception ("Referenced file does not exist: " + fullFile); } } } } else // file == null { if (reference != null) { targetValue = XmlFile.GetRegisteredTarget(root, reference); if (targetValue == null) { throw new Exception ("Cannot find referenced element " + reference + " at tag " + reader.Name); } } else // File == null && Reference == null { string attributeValue = reader.GetAttribute ("Value"); if (attributeValue == null) { targetValue = ObjectSupport.GetInstance (targetType); } else if (targetType.Equals (typeof (FileInfo))) { targetValue = FileSupport.ExpandRelativePath (XmlFile.GetRegisteredFile(root).Directory, attributeValue); } else if (targetType.Equals (typeof (DirectoryInfo))) { targetValue = FileSupport.ExpandRelativeDirectory (XmlFile.GetRegisteredFile(root).Directory, attributeValue); } else { targetValue = ObjectSupport.GetInstance (targetType, attributeValue, _culture); } if (targetValue == null) { throw new Exception ("Cannot instantiate " + targetType.FullName + " at element tag " + reader.Name); } } } // if (targetValue == null) // { // throw new Exception ("Cannot resolve element tag " + reader.Name); // } return targetValue; } /// /// Reads the attributes of the current xml element and uses them to populute the target with /// /// The object which is populated with the xml attributes /// The xml stream /// Top object of the xml stream /// Cannot find class type /// Cannot instantiate object for known class type private static void ReadAttributes (IAggregate target, XmlReader reader, object root) { // Read all attributes string[] properties = target.Properties; for (int i = 0; i < properties.Length; i++) { string name = XmlFile.GetElementName (target.Source.GetType(), properties[i], false); if (name != null) { string attributeValue = reader.GetAttribute(name); if (attributeValue != null) { string classType = (string) MetaInfo.GetAttributeDefault (target.Source.GetType(), properties[i], "XmlType", target.GetType(properties[i]).FullName); Type type = ObjectSupport.GetType(classType); if (type == null) { throw new Exception("Could not find class type " + classType); } if (type.Equals(typeof(FileInfo))) { attributeValue = FileSupport.ExpandRelativePath (XmlFile.GetRegisteredFile(root).Directory, attributeValue).FullName; } if (type.Equals(typeof(DirectoryInfo))) { attributeValue = FileSupport.ExpandRelativeDirectory (XmlFile.GetRegisteredFile(root).Directory, attributeValue).FullName; } object targetValue = ObjectSupport.GetInstance (type, attributeValue, _culture); if (targetValue == null) { throw new Exception("Could not instantiate class type " + type.FullName); } if (target.CanWrite(properties[i])) { target.SetValue(properties[i], targetValue); } } } } } /// /// Moves the xml stream forward to the next readable element /// /// The xml stream private static void MoveToNextElement(XmlReader reader) { reader.Read(); while (!reader.EOF && (reader.NodeType != XmlNodeType.Element)) { reader.Read(); } } #endregion #region Administration /// /// Sets up registration tables for a root object /// /// The root object private static void CreateRegistration (object root) { if (_rootKeyList[root] == null) { _rootKeyList[root] = new Hashtable(); } if (_rootObjectList[root] == null) { _rootObjectList[root] = new Hashtable(); } } /// /// Registers that an object is written to or read from the same file as a root object. /// This method calls RegisterKey internally. /// /// The object to register /// The xml stream /// The object at the top of an xml file private static void RegisterObject (object target, XmlReader reader, object root) { string key = XmlFile.GetKeyFromXml (target.GetType(), reader, false); // Register the target as being read from this xml file if (key != null) { XmlFile.RegisterKey (root, key, target); } } /// /// Registers an object with a unique key within the scope of the root. /// /// The root object /// The unique key /// The object to register private static void RegisterKey (object root, object identifier, object target) { Hashtable keys = (Hashtable) _rootKeyList[root]; keys[identifier] = target; Hashtable objects = (Hashtable) _rootObjectList[root]; objects[target] = identifier; } /// /// Gets a key from registration given the object. /// The key will only be found if RegisterKey or RegisterObject has been called before. /// /// The root object, the scope where is searched for the object /// The object to search for /// The key, null if not found private static object GetRegisteredKey (object root, object target) { Hashtable objects = (Hashtable) _rootObjectList[root]; if (objects != null) { return objects[target]; } return null; } /// /// Gets an object from registration given the key. /// The object will only be found if RegisterKey or RegisterObject has been called before. /// /// The root object, the scope where is searched for the key /// The key to search for /// The associated object, null if not found public static object GetRegisteredTarget (object root, object identifier) { Hashtable keys = (Hashtable) _rootKeyList[root]; if (keys != null) { return keys[identifier]; } return null; } /// /// Gets the file associated with an object. /// The object should be the root of the file, i.e. associated with the top xml element. /// /// /// The file, null if the object isn't a root of a file public static FileInfo GetRegisteredFile (object anObject) { if (_fileList[anObject] != null) { return new FileInfo((string) _fileList[anObject]); } return null; } /// /// Gets a list of all objects, whcih are known to be the root of a file. /// The root of a file is the object associated with the top xml element. /// /// public static object[] GetRegisteredObjects() { ArrayList list = new ArrayList(_fileList.Keys); return list.ToArray(); } /// /// Gets the root object of a file /// /// Full name of the file /// The root object, null if not found private static object GetFileObject(string File) { IDictionaryEnumerator DictionaryEnumerator = _fileList.GetEnumerator(); while (DictionaryEnumerator.MoveNext()) { if (DictionaryEnumerator.Value.Equals (File)) { object TargetValue = DictionaryEnumerator.Key; return TargetValue; } } return null; } /// /// Gets the file registered with an object and if not found, a new file is created /// /// The object an associated file is searched for /// Directory in which a new file will be created, if no file exists /// The associated file private static FileInfo GetForcedRegisteredFile (object target, DirectoryInfo dir) { if (XmlFile.GetRegisteredFile(target) != null) { return XmlFile.GetRegisteredFile(target); } FileInfo newFile = new FileInfo(dir + "\\" + target.GetType().Name + "1.xml"); for (int i = 1; newFile.Exists; i++) { newFile = new FileInfo (dir + "\\" + target.GetType().Name + i.ToString() + ".xml"); } _fileList[target] = newFile; return newFile; } /// /// Removes an object of all registrations. /// To be used for releasing memory /// /// The object to be removed from registrations public static void DisposeObject (object disposeObject) { _fileList[disposeObject] = null; _readObjectsList.Remove(disposeObject); _unreadObjectsList.Remove(disposeObject); _rootList[disposeObject] = null; foreach (object o in new ArrayList(_rootList.Keys)) { if (_rootList[o] == disposeObject) { _rootList[o] = null; } } _rootKeyList[disposeObject] = null; _rootObjectList[disposeObject] = null; } #endregion #region Aggregate /// /// Gets the aggregate of an object. /// The aggregate is an object, which can be used for querying the object in a generic way. /// The MetaInfo attribute "ObjectAggregate" is used to identify the class type of the aggregate, if not present DefaultAggregate is used. /// The same aggregate object is reused when the same object is passed. /// /// /// /// The object an aggregate is asked for /// The aggregate object /// Cannot find aggregate class type /// Cannot instantiate aggregate for known class type private static IAggregate GetAggregate (object target) { IAggregate aggregate = (IAggregate) _aggregateTable[target]; if (aggregate == null) { string classType = (string)MetaInfo.GetAttributeDefault (target.GetType(), "ObjectAggregate", typeof (DefaultAggregate).FullName); aggregate = (IAggregate) ObjectSupport.GetInstance (classType, target); if (aggregate == null) { throw new Exception("Could not find class type " + classType); } _aggregateTable[target] = aggregate; } aggregate.UpdateAggregate(); return aggregate; } #endregion #region Keys of objects /// /// Gets a string from an xml file which uniquely identifies the object which is currently parsed /// This string reflects the identification of the object, e.g. the ID of the object /// /// /// The xml file stream /// Indication whether the current xml element refers to a prior definition of the object /// The identification string private static string GetKeyFromXml(Type TargetType, XmlReader reader, bool referenced) { string key = null; if (referenced) { string Reference = reader.GetAttribute ("Reference"); if (Reference != null) { //key = Reference + ";"; return Reference; } if (TargetType != null) { string[] property = MetaInfo.GetProperties(TargetType); // Try all properties which are registered as key for (int i = 0; i < property.Length; i++) { if ((Boolean) MetaInfo.GetAttributeDefault (TargetType, property[i], "XmlKey", false)) { string KeyValue = reader.GetAttribute ((string) MetaInfo.GetAttributeDefault (TargetType, property[i], "XmlRefName", property[i])); if (KeyValue != null) { key += KeyValue + ";"; } } } } } else { string Identifier = reader.GetAttribute("Identifier"); if (Identifier != null) { //key = Identifier + ";"; return Identifier; } string[] property = MetaInfo.GetProperties(TargetType); // Try all properties which are registered as key for (int i = 0; i < property.Length; i++) { if ((Boolean) MetaInfo.GetAttributeDefault (TargetType, property[i], "XmlKey", false)) { string KeyValue = reader.GetAttribute ((string) MetaInfo.GetAttributeDefault (TargetType, property[i], "XmlName", property[i])); if (KeyValue != null) { key += KeyValue + ";"; } } } } if (key != null) { key += TargetType.FullName; } return key; } /// /// Gets the key from an object. /// If the key isn't unique and the property allows for key generation, a unique key is generated. /// /// /// /// private static string GetKeyFromObject(IAggregate target, object root) { string key = null; int lastkey = 0; string[] property = target.Properties; int generatedProperty = -1; bool generationPossible = true; while (generationPossible) { key = null; lastkey++; generationPossible = false; for (int i = 0; i < property.Length; i++) { if ((Boolean) MetaInfo.GetAttributeDefault (target.Source.GetType(), property[i], "XmlKey", false)) { object KeyObject = target.GetValue(property[i]); if ((KeyObject != null) && (!KeyObject.ToString().Trim().Equals(""))) { key += KeyObject.ToString() + ";"; } else if ((Boolean) MetaInfo.GetAttributeDefault (target.Source.GetType(), property[i], "XmlAllowGeneration", true)) { generationPossible = true; generatedProperty = i; key += lastkey + ";"; } } } if (key != null) { key += target.Source.GetType().FullName; object registeredObject = XmlFile.GetRegisteredTarget(root, key); if ((registeredObject == null) || (registeredObject == target)) { if (generatedProperty != -1) { Type PropertyType = target.GetType(property[generatedProperty]); if (PropertyType.Equals(typeof(string))) { target.SetValue(property[generatedProperty], Convert.ToString(lastkey)); } else if (PropertyType.Equals(typeof(Int16)) || PropertyType.Equals(typeof(Int32)) || PropertyType.Equals(typeof(Int64))) { target.SetValue(property[generatedProperty], lastkey); } } return key; } } } return key; } #endregion #region Public Write Methods /// /// Writes an object to an xml file /// The registered file of the object will be used as xml file. This is the file /// to which the object was written to or read from in an earlier stage /// /// The object to be written /// Cannot derive key for object which must be written as a reference. Probably MetaInfo is missing for the class and subject XmlKeyexception> public static void Write (object target) { object fileobj = _fileList[target]; FileInfo file = null; if (fileobj is FileInfo) { file = (FileInfo) fileobj; } if (fileobj is string) { file = new FileInfo((string)fileobj); } if (file != null) { XmlFile.Write (target, file); } } /// /// Writes an object to an xml file /// /// The object to write /// The xml file /// Cannot derive key for object which must be written as a reference. Probably MetaInfo is missing for the class and subject XmlKeyexception> public static void Write (object target, FileInfo file) { XmlFile.CreateRegistration (target); FileInfo targetFile = XmlFile.GetTempFile(file.Directory); XmlTextWriter writer = new XmlTextWriter(targetFile.FullName, null); _fileList[target] = file.FullName; //Use automatic indentation for readability. writer.Formatting = Formatting.Indented; writer.WriteStartDocument(); string xmlStartElement = (string) MetaInfo.GetAttributeDefault (target.GetType(), "XmlStartElement", target.GetType().Name); writer.WriteStartElement(xmlStartElement); string xmlNameSpace = (string) MetaInfo.GetAttribute (target.GetType(), "XmlNameSpace"); if (xmlNameSpace != null) { writer.WriteAttributeString("xmlns", xmlNameSpace); } // Write the actual values XmlFile.Write (writer, target, null, null, null, target, null, new ArrayList()); // end the root element //Write the XML to file and close the writer writer.WriteEndElement(); writer.Close(); file.Delete(); targetFile.MoveTo (file.FullName); } #endregion #region Internal Write Methods /// /// Writes an object to xml. This will write /// 1) the type and assembly of the object to write /// 2) xml attributes for all properties of the object which can be written as xml attributes /// 3) xml elements for all other properties (this this method is called recursively) /// /// The xml stream /// The object to be written /// The object in the xml stream, which is associated with the xml parent element /// Type of the object /// Type expected /// Object associated with the top of the xml stream /// Name of the xml parent tag /// List of all object written so far in this xml stream /// Cannot derive key for object which must be written as a reference. Probably MetaInfo is missing for the class and subject XmlKeyexception> private static void Write (XmlTextWriter writer, object target, object parent, string targetProperty, Type expectedType, object root, string parentName, ArrayList writtenObjects) { if (target == null) { return; } bool reference = false; if ((expectedType == null) || (!expectedType.Equals(target.GetType()))) { string xmlTypeName = (string) MetaInfo.GetAttributeDefault (target.GetType().FullName, "XmlTypeName", target.GetType().FullName); writer.WriteAttributeString("Type", xmlTypeName); if (ObjectSupport.IsLoadedAssembly(target.GetType().Assembly) && !(bool) MetaInfo.GetAttributeDefault(target.GetType().Assembly, "XmlSkipElement", false)) { if (target.GetType().Assembly.GlobalAssemblyCache) { writer.WriteAttributeString("Assembly", target.GetType().Assembly.FullName); } else { writer.WriteAttributeString("Assembly", target.GetType().Assembly.Location); } } } // Check whether this object has been written in this xml file already // If so, just write the reference definition if (CollectionSupport.ContainsObject (writtenObjects, target)) { object key = XmlFile.GetRegisteredKey(root, target); if (key == null) { throw new Exception ("Could not derive key for referenced object " + target.ToString()); } if ((Boolean) MetaInfo.GetAttributeDefault (target.GetType(), "ObjectIndexAsKey", false)) { writer.WriteAttributeString("Reference", key.ToString()); } reference = true; } IAggregate aggregate = XmlFile.GetAggregate(target); aggregate.UpdateAggregate(); // Find the parent under which the target will be written /* string parentProperty = (string) MetaInfo.GetAttributeDefault (target.GetType(), "XmlParent", null); if (parentProperty != null) { object parentValue = aggregate.GetValue (parentProperty); if (parentValue != null) { object rootParent = _rootList[parentValue]; _rootList[target] = rootParent; } }*/ // Check whether the object will be written in another file // This should occur when // 1. The root of this object isn't the same as the root writing at this moment // 2. The object is declared that it should be written in it's own file // The root is the object at the top of the xml file bool anotherFile = XmlFile.DifferentFiles (target, root); if (!anotherFile) { if (target != root) { anotherFile = (Boolean) MetaInfo.GetAttributeDefault (target.GetType(), "XmlFile", false); if (anotherFile) { _rootList[target] = target; } } } if (anotherFile) { if (_fileList[_rootList[target]] == null) { XmlFile.GetForcedRegisteredFile(_rootList[target], XmlFile.GetRegisteredFile(root).Directory); XmlFile.Write (_rootList[target]); } writer.WriteAttributeString("File", FileSupport.GetRelativePath (XmlFile.GetRegisteredFile(root).Directory, new FileInfo((string) _fileList[_rootList[target]]))); if ((Boolean) MetaInfo.GetAttributeDefault (target.GetType(), "ObjectIndexAsKey", false)) { writer.WriteAttributeString("Reference", XmlFile.GetRegisteredKey(_rootList[target], target).ToString()); } reference = true; } DirectoryInfo baseDirectory = XmlFile.GetRegisteredFile(root).Directory; if (XmlFile.IsAttribute(target.GetType())) { writer.WriteAttributeString("Value", XmlFile.ToString(target, baseDirectory)); return; } if (!reference) { _rootList[target] = root; // Add the object to the written objects list int identifier = writtenObjects.Count + 1; writtenObjects.Add(target); string identificationString = Convert.ToString(identifier); if (!((Boolean) MetaInfo.GetAttributeDefault (target.GetType(), "ObjectIndexAsKey", false))) { identificationString = XmlFile.GetKeyFromObject(aggregate, root); } if (identificationString != null) { XmlFile.RegisterKey(root, identificationString, target); } if ((Boolean) MetaInfo.GetAttributeDefault (target.GetType(), "ObjectIndexAsKey", false)) { writer.WriteAttributeString("Identifier", Convert.ToString(identifier)); } } // Write all xml attributes if (!(target is IList) && !(target is IDictionary)) { string[] property = XmlFile.GetSortedProperties(aggregate); // Pass 1: Write all properties which can be represented as an attribute for (int i = 0; i < property.Length; i++) { if (IsAttribute (aggregate.GetType(property[i]))) { if (XmlFile.PropertyWrite (target.GetType(), property[i], reference)) { bool skipElement = (Boolean) MetaInfo.GetAttributeDefault (target.GetType(), property[i], "XmlSkipElement", false); if (!skipElement) { object targetValue = aggregate.GetValue(property[i]); if (targetValue != null) { string name = XmlFile.GetElementName(target.GetType(), property[i], reference); writer.WriteAttributeString(name, XmlFile.ToString(targetValue, baseDirectory)); } } } } } } // Move the target to the default property if any string defaultProperty = MetaInfo.GetAttribute (target.GetType(), "XmlDefaultProperty") as string; if (defaultProperty != null) { parent = target; target = aggregate.GetValue (defaultProperty); targetProperty = defaultProperty; aggregate = XmlFile.GetAggregate(target); aggregate.UpdateAggregate(); parentName = XmlFile.GetElementName (parent.GetType(), defaultProperty, false); } // Special handling for lists if (target is IList) { if (parent == null) { parent = target; } string listEntryClass = (string) MetaInfo.GetAttributeDefault (parent.GetType(), targetProperty, "XmlItemType", MetaInfo.GetAttribute (target.GetType(), "XmlItemType")); for (int j = 0; j < ((IList) target).Count; j++) { string name = XmlFile.GetSingleName(parentName); if (CollectionSupport.ContainsObject(writtenObjects, ((IList) target)[j])) { name = (string) MetaInfo.GetAttributeDefault (parent.GetType(), targetProperty, "XmlRefItemName", MetaInfo.GetAttributeDefault (parent.GetType(), targetProperty, "XmlItemName", name)); } else { name = (string) MetaInfo.GetAttributeDefault (parent.GetType(), targetProperty, "XmlItemName", name); } writer.WriteStartElement(name); XmlFile.Write (writer, ((IList) target)[j], null, null, ObjectSupport.GetType(listEntryClass), root, name, writtenObjects); writer.WriteEndElement(); // end Name } } // Special handling for hashtables else if (target is IDictionary) { if (parent == null) { parent = target; } IDictionaryEnumerator DictionaryEnumerator = ((IDictionary) target).GetEnumerator(); while (DictionaryEnumerator.MoveNext()) { if (DictionaryEnumerator.Value != null) { string name = (string) MetaInfo.GetAttributeDefault (parent.GetType(), targetProperty, "XmlItemName", XmlFile.GetSingleName(parentName)); writer.WriteStartElement(name); writer.WriteStartElement("Key"); XmlFile.Write (writer, DictionaryEnumerator.Key, null, null, null, root, null, writtenObjects); writer.WriteEndElement(); // key writer.WriteStartElement("Value"); XmlFile.Write (writer, DictionaryEnumerator.Value, null, null, null, root, null, writtenObjects); writer.WriteEndElement(); // value writer.WriteEndElement(); // property } } } // Normal write procedure else { // Get all properties which must be written string[] property = XmlFile.GetSortedProperties(aggregate); // Pass 2: Write all properties which must be represented as a sub element for (int i = 0; i < property.Length; i++) { if (!IsAttribute (aggregate.GetType(property[i]))) { if (XmlFile.PropertyWrite (target.GetType(), property[i], reference)) { bool skipElement = (Boolean) MetaInfo.GetAttributeDefault (target.GetType(), property[i], "XmlSkipElement", false); if (!skipElement) { object targetValue = aggregate.GetValue(property[i]); if (targetValue != null) { string name = XmlFile.GetElementName(target.GetType(), property[i], reference || CollectionSupport.ContainsObject(writtenObjects, targetValue) || XmlFile.DifferentFiles(targetValue, root)); //Get instance of the attribute. writer.WriteStartElement(name); Type type = ObjectSupport.GetType((string) MetaInfo.GetAttributeDefault (target.GetType(), property[i], "XmlType", aggregate.GetType(property[i]).FullName)); if (!aggregate.CanWrite(property[i])) { type = targetValue.GetType(); // this enforces that no type information is written; it cannot be used anyway, because the property is read only } XmlFile.Write (writer, targetValue, target, property[i], type, root, name, writtenObjects); writer.WriteEndElement(); // end Name } } } } } } } /// /// Gets the string representing an object. /// This string value is used for writing the object in an xml file. /// /// The object a string value is requested for /// Directory, which is used in case of files. Then the relative file path is returned /// The string representation private static string ToString (object target, DirectoryInfo directory) { if (target is FileInfo) { return FileSupport.GetRelativePath(directory, (FileInfo) target); } else if (target is DirectoryInfo) { return FileSupport.GetRelativePath(directory, (DirectoryInfo) target); } else if (target is IFormattable) { return ((IFormattable) target).ToString (null, _culture); } else if (target is bool) { return ((bool) target).ToString().ToLower(); } else { return target.ToString(); } } /// /// Gets all properties of an aggregate in a sorted way. /// MetaInfo attribute "XmlIndex" is used for the sorting. /// /// The aggregate /// Sorted property names private static string[] GetSortedProperties (IAggregate aggregate) { SortedList list = new SortedList(); string[] properties = aggregate.Properties; for (int i = 0; i < properties.Length; i++) { int index = (int)MetaInfo.GetAttributeDefault (aggregate.Source.GetType(), properties[i], "XmlIndex", 1000); string listIndex = index.ToString("D9") + " " + properties[i].ToLower(); if (!list.Contains (listIndex)) { list.Add (listIndex, properties[i]); } } /* for (int i = 0; i < list.GetValueList()..Values.Count; i++) { propertyList.Add (list.GetByIndex(i)); }*/ ArrayList propertyList = new ArrayList(list.Values); return (string[]) propertyList.ToArray(typeof(string)); } /// /// Gets the xml element name for a specific property /// /// The class type containing the property /// The property to write /// Identifies whether the property is to be written completely or just a reference, because the property has been written before /// The xml element name private static string GetElementName(Type type, string property, bool reference) { if (reference) { return (string) MetaInfo.GetAttributeDefault (type, property, "XmlRefName", MetaInfo.GetAttributeDefault (type, property, "XmlName", property)); } else { return (string) MetaInfo.GetAttributeDefault (type, property, "XmlName", property); } } /// /// Indicates whether two objects are written in the same file. /// This should occur when 1) the root of this object isn't the same as the root writing at this moment /// or 2) the object is declared that it should be written in it's own file. /// The root is the object at the top of the xml file /// /// First object /// Second object /// Indication same file private static bool DifferentFiles (object target, object root) { // Find the parent under which the target will be written IAggregate aggregate = XmlFile.GetAggregate(target); if (_rootList[target] == null) { string parentProperty = (string) MetaInfo.GetAttributeDefault (target.GetType(), "XmlParent", null); if (parentProperty != null) { object parentValue = aggregate.GetValue (parentProperty); if (parentValue != null) { object rootParent = _rootList[parentValue]; _rootList[target] = rootParent; } } } return (_rootList[target] != null) && (_rootList[target] != root); } /// /// Indicates whether a property should be written /// /// The class type of the object containing the property /// The property to write /// Identifies whether the property is to be written completely or just a reference, because the property has been written before /// Boolean indicating whether the property is to be written private static bool PropertyWrite (Type type, string property, bool reference) { bool allowed = !reference && ((Boolean) MetaInfo.GetAttributeDefault (type, property, "XmlElement", true)); allowed = allowed || (reference && (((Boolean) MetaInfo.GetAttributeDefault (type, property, "XmlRefElement", false)) || ((Boolean) MetaInfo.GetAttributeDefault (type, property, "XmlKey", false)))); return allowed; } /// /// Gets the single word given a plural word. /// For example, plural word "variables" would return "variable". /// /// The plural word /// The single word, "Item" if nothing specific can be derived private static string GetSingleName(string parentName) { if (parentName == null) { return "Item"; } string singleName = ""; if (parentName.EndsWith("List") || parentName.EndsWith("list")) { singleName = parentName.Substring (0, parentName.Length - 4); } if (parentName.EndsWith("Set") || parentName.EndsWith("set")) { singleName = parentName.Substring (0, parentName.Length - 3); } if (parentName.EndsWith("Collection") || parentName.EndsWith("collection")) { singleName = parentName.Substring (0, parentName.Length - 10); } if (parentName.EndsWith("s")) { singleName = parentName.Substring (0, parentName.Length - 1); } if (parentName.EndsWith("ies")) { singleName = parentName.Substring (0, parentName.Length - 3) + "y"; } if (singleName.Trim().Equals("")) { singleName = "Item"; } return singleName; } /// /// Gets the property given a specific xml element name /// /// The object which will contain the property /// The xml element name /// The property name, null if not found private static string GetProperty (IAggregate target, string name) { string[] properties = target.Properties; for (int i = 0; i < properties.Length; i++) { string elementName = XmlFile.GetElementName (target.Source.GetType(), properties[i], false); if ((elementName != null) && (elementName.Equals(name))) { return properties[i]; } elementName = XmlFile.GetElementName (target.Source.GetType(), properties[i], true); if ((elementName != null) && (elementName.Equals(name))) { return properties[i]; } } return null; } /// /// Indicates whether an object can be written as an xml attribute (instead of an xml element) /// /// The class type of the object which should be written /// Indication of writable as xml attribute private static bool IsAttribute (Type targetType) { return (targetType.IsPrimitive) || (targetType.IsEnum) || (targetType.Equals (typeof(string))) || (targetType.Equals (typeof(FileInfo))) || (targetType.Equals (typeof(DirectoryInfo))) || (targetType.Equals(typeof(DateTime))); } /// /// Gets a temporary file. /// When writing an xml file, first a temporary file is used and later it is moved to the actually intended file. /// In this way the original file is left untouched when an exception occurs. /// /// The directory where the temp file should be located /// The temporary file private static FileInfo GetTempFile(DirectoryInfo TempDirectory) { int index = 0; while (true) { FileInfo file = new FileInfo(TempDirectory.FullName + "\\temp" + index + ".xml"); if (!file.Exists) { return file; } index++; } } #endregion } }