Sobek Combine V1.00.52 RiverRural version Option Change id s Change_id files fil1_glb_glb = fil1_top_net = NETWORK.TP fil1_top_cpt = fil1_top_nfl = fil1_top_nsa = fil1_top_nsm = fil1_top_dat = nodes.dat fil1_top_xyc = network.d12 fil1_crs_net = fil1_crs_def = profile.def fil1_crs_dat = profile.dat fil1_str_net = fil1_str_def = struct.def fil1_str_dat = struct.dat fil1_str_con = control.def fil1_str_trg = trigger.def fil1_str_ssa = fil1_str_cmp = struct.cmp fil1_str_csa = fil1_str_vlv = fil1_str_dbs = fil1_frc_bed = friction.dat fil1_frc_wnd = fil1_frc_exr = fil1_frc_glf = friction.dat fil1_cnd_net = fil1_cnd_flb = boundary.dat fil1_cnd_fll = lateral.dat fil1_cnd_fbd = boundlat.dat fil1_cnd_wqb = fil1_cnd_wql = fil1_cnd_sab = fil1_cnd_sal = concsalt.dat fil1_cnd_mob = fil1_cnd_mon = fil1_cnd_mol = fil1_ini_igl = initial.dat fil1_ini_ifl = initial.dat fil1_ini_iwq = fil1_ini_isa = initsalt.dat fil1_ini_imo = fil1_met_wnd = default.wdc fil1_met_sun = fil1_met_wat = fil1_wnd_wlc = wnd_loc.dat fil1_dsp_gld = fil1_dsp_lod = fil1_dsp_fwt = fil1_dsp_mou = fil1_dsp_brm = fil1_grd_net = fil1_grd_seg = fil1_grd_lim = fil1_rtm_flt = fil1_rtm_fln = fil1_rtm_flm = fil1_rtm_flh = fil1_rtm_san = fil1_rtm_sam = fil1_rtm_sah = fil1_rtm_sen = fil1_rtm_sem = fil1_rtm_seh = fil1_rtm_mon = fil1_rtm_mom = fil1_rtm_moh = fil1_rtm_wqt = fil1_rtm_wqn = fil1_rtm_wqm = fil1_rtm_wqh = fil1_rtm_pwq = fil1_trp_dat = fil1_sub_sub = fil1_mea_net = fil1_tpr_dat = fil1_tpr_brd = fil1_tpr_rfd = fil1_par_dat = paved.3b fil1_par_sto = paved.sto fil1_par_dwa = paved.dwa fil1_par_tab = paved.tbl fil1_upr_dat = unpaved.3b fil1_upr_sto = unpaved.sto fil1_upr_alf = unpaved.alf fil1_upr_inf = unpaved.inf fil1_upr_sep = unpaved.sep fil1_upr_tab = unpaved.tbl fil1_ghr_dat = greenhse.3b fil1_ghr_dak = greenhse.rf fil1_ghr_sil = greenhse.sil fil1_ghr_tab = greenhse.tbl fil1_owr_dat = openwate.3b fil1_owr_sep = openwate.sep fil1_owr_tab = openwate.tbl fil1_s3r_dat = struct3b.dat fil1_s3r_def = struct3b.def fil1_s3r_con = contr3b.def fil1_s3r_tab = Struct3b.tbl fil1_bnr_dat = Bound3b.3b fil1_bnr_tab = bound3b.tbl fil1_bnr_sbk = sbk_loc.rtc fil1_inr_dat = industry.3b fil1_inr_dis = INDUSTRY.TBL fil1_nwr_dat = pluvius.3b fil1_nwr_dwa = pluvius.dwa fil1_nwr_alg = pluvius.alg fil1_wwr_dat = WWTP.3b fil1_wwr_tab = WWTP.tbl fil1_sar_dat = Sacrmnto.3b fil1_sar_oth = Sacrmnto.3b fil1_sar_uhg = Sacrmnto.3b fil1_sar_cap = Sacrmnto.3b fil1_rtc_fll = sbk_loc.rtc fil1_rtc_rrl = 3b_loc.rtc fil1_rtc_dec = decispar.rtc fil1_rtc_fls = sbk_meas.rtc fil1_rtc_rrs = 3b_meas.rtc fil1_rtc_prc = prec_loc.rtc fil1_rtc_ext = ext_loc.rtc fil1_rtc_res = reservoi.rtc fil1_wql_dat = boundwq.dat fil1_wql_typ = boundwq.typ fil1_wql_cfx = coefx.dat fil1_wql_mon = monstat.wq fil1_wlm_dat = boundest.dat fil1_wlm_bdt = wlmbrnch.dat fil1_wlm_ddt = wlmdistr.dat fil1_wlm_cfn = wlminfo.dat fil1_wlm_ndt = wlmnode.dat fil1_wlm_rdt = wlmrwzi.dat Result files (temp) Start change_id in files Number of ID_s to change: 1 Compound structure members added: nodes.dat tmpnodes.dat Old id New id Type nodes.dat tmpnodes.dat Old id New id Type nodes.dat tmpnodes.dat Old id New id Type nodes.dat tmpnodes.dat Old id New id Type profile.dat tmpprofile.dat Old id New id Type struct.dat tmpstruct.dat Old id New id Type 4 WStrasbourgQMin kunstwerk control.def tmpcontrol.def Old id New id Type trigger.def tmptrigger.def Old id New id Type struct.cmp tmpstruct.cmp Old id New id Type friction.dat tmpfriction.dat Old id New id Type boundary.dat tmpboundary.dat Old id New id Type lateral.dat tmplateral.dat Old id New id Type initial.dat tmpinitial.dat Old id New id Type wnd_loc.dat tmpwnd_loc.dat Old id New id Type concsalt.dat tmpconcsalt.dat Old id New id Type initsalt.dat tmpinitsalt.dat Old id New id Type paved.3b tmppaved.3b Old id New id Type unpaved.3b tmpunpaved.3b Old id New id Type greenhse.3b tmpgreenhse.3b Old id New id Type openwate.3b tmpopenwate.3b Old id New id Type struct3b.dat tmpstruct3b.dat Old id New id Type Bound3b.3b tmpBound3b.3b Old id New id Type industry.3b tmpindustry.3b Old id New id Type pluvius.3b tmppluvius.3b Old id New id Type WWTP.3b tmpWWTP.3b Old id New id Type Sacrmnto.3b tmpSacrmnto.3b Old id New id Type sbk_loc.rtc tmpsbk_loc.rtc Old id New id Type 3b_loc.rtc tmp3b_loc.rtc Old id New id Type decispar.rtc tmpdecispar.rtc Old id New id Type sbk_meas.rtc tmpsbk_meas.rtc Old id New id Type 3b_meas.rtc tmp3b_meas.rtc Old id New id Type boundest.dat tmpboundest.dat Old id New id Type wlmdistr.dat tmpwlmdistr.dat Old id New id Type wlminfo.dat tmpwlminfo.dat Old id New id Type wlmrwzi.dat tmpwlmrwzi.dat Old id New id Type wlmsept.dat tmpwlmsept.dat Old id New id Type boundwq.dat tmpboundwq.dat Old id New id coefx.dat tmpcoefx.dat Old id New id monstat.wq tmpmonstat.wq Old id New id loadswq.dat tmploadswq.dat Old id New id End of program