Deprecated user defined period definition of period by first time series in refered file optional provision of input files, if provides ALL relevant input files needs to be defined, if not, the program will check for files with default naming in the current working folder execution period of the simulation or optimization execution mode of the application, default = simulation if not provided logging user defined start and end time, time step and number of ensembles related information is taken from the first time series of the PI-XML file optional number of ensemble, if not provides one ensemble member is assumed optional number of ensemble, if not provides one ensemble member is assumed simulation mode (default) calculation of first-order model sensitivities of an objective function value with respect to inputs, states and output optimization mode closed loop mode with alternating simulation and optimization limited-memory option for time series matrix selection of one or more optimizer settings for solving the optimization problem mode can be set to more robust hybrid optimizer settings for running optimizations sequentially (optimimum of the first is input for the next) or parallel (independent optimization, best one is returned) Desired convergence tolerance (relative) Desired threshold for the dual infeasibility Desired threshold for the constraint violation Desired threshold for the complementarity conditions Threshold for maximal value of primal iterates "Acceptable" convergence tolerance (relative) Number of "acceptable" iterates before triggering termination "Acceptance" threshold for the constraint violation "Acceptance" threshold for the dual infeasibility "Acceptance" threshold for the complementarity conditions "Acceptance" stopping criterion based on objective function change Maximum number of iterations Maximum number of CPU seconds ??? ??? maximum cpu time for executing the optimization definition of the logging level, 0 = fatal error, 1 = error, 2 = warning, 3 = info, 4 = debug messages set flushing of the diagnostics file after each new message (=true) or at the end of the program execution (=false) number of time steps after which the optimization is repeated number of time steps of forecasts in the predictive control mode