RTC module configuration file.
The components section includes all simulation components.
The rules section includes operating rules or controllers for defining the release of reservoir, structural settings of gates etc.
Triggers may activate or deactivate rules defined in the section above.
General settings of the rtc module.
Optional description of the schematization and its version
Time integration scheme for the network components
Time weighting coefficient for the semi-implicit theta schema: 0 is equal to a full weight on the old time step, 1 represents a full weight on new time step. The coefficient is not used in the fully explicit or implicit schemas. The permitted range is between 0.5 and 1.0.
arma error correction model
mathematical expression
Post processing for computing gradients of simulated values
test implementation of the HBV hydrological model, unit hydrograph is available separately
The hydraulic model includs a number of hydraulic structures, time stepping works in an explicit mode (be aware of the time step restriction) and fully implicit mode (theta = 1.0), flooding and drying is not supported at this moment and the model may crash in these cases. The flow branch (kinematic or diffusive wave options) is simplified compared to the full dynamic model.
Reservoir with arbitrary number of inlets and outlets.
Lorent/Gevers hydrological model
Simple connection between reservoirs with interflow in both direction based on a simple momentum balance, dedicated implementation for the modeling of the 3-lakes system in Canton Bern, Switzerland.
not implemented yet
Unit delay operator for delaying a value by n times the time step of the model.
Unit hydrograph
autoregression coefficient related to prior time step
observed data
simulated data
output-corrected data
optional multiplier
input variable
optional multiplier
input variable
gradient, dx = multiplier*(xNew-xOld)/dt
correction factor for EP
correction factor for rainfall
correction factor for snow
temperature limit for snow / rain [oC], normally close to 0
temperature interval with a mixture of snow / rain [oC]
degree day factor [mm/(oC*day)], varies normally between 1.5 and 4, 2 and 3.5 can be used in forested and open
landscape respectively
refreezing factor [-], about 0.05
water holding capacity [-], usually 0.1
temperature limit for melting [oC]
parameter in soil routine [-], usually between 1 and 6
maximum value of CF
temperature correction factor
field capacity [mm], between 50 and 500
limit for potential evapotranspiration [-], in the range between 0.3 and 1
response box parameter [-], usually between 1.0 and 2.0
catchment area [km2]
recession coefficient
recession coefficient [1/day]
transformatio function parameter [-]
percolation from upper to lower response box [mm/day], usually between 0 and 6
increment on lower zone storage [mm]
The configuration of a multiple unit delay requires the configuration of a time series for each delay time step
optional mean of input and outputs
optional sum of input and outputs
weights with triangular shape
user-defined weights
number of time steps
sum of all weight, if not equal to 1.0
user defined weights
definition of individual time series for vector with delays, configure one element less than weights defined above
definition of delay vector, configure one element less than weights defined above
result of unit hydrograph
Storage characteristics of the node: The storage S as a function of the water level h can be provided as a table or formula.
Controlled outlet, release can be defined by external input or rule
Uncontrolled outlet, the release is a function of the water level h in the reservoir
Connection coefficients
Reference to timeseries in data configuration
Contains references to the output timeseries in the data configuration
arbitrary number of layers
arbitrary number of neurons within one of the layers
transfer function: sigmoid, linear etc.
reference to time series ID
Supply neuron id! This can be any neuron in the network, also the neuron itself and neurons in the following layers. In this case, the output of the last time step is used -> recurrent network
result of the transfer function
result of the summation of weighted input (intermediate result)
Storage nodes
Flow branches
Hydraulic structures
Simple rule with constant value
Date lookup table, output y is a function of date and an input value x, the interpolation on the date / value axis can be BLOCK or LINEAR, the number of records should be constant for each date record
Deadband threshold, yNew will become yOld, if the change yNew-yOld is smaller than the threshold value
Dedicated rule for the control of Bielersee, Canton Bern, CH
Dedicated rule for the control of Thunersee, Canton Bern, CH
mathematical expression
Guide band rule, output get 0 if input less equal xMin, 1 if input greater equal xMax, linear interpolation otherwise xMin and xMax can be a function of date, main application in combination with a relative release of a reservoir outlet
Limiter for limiting the change of a variable in a time step to a relative (PERCENTAGE) or absolute (ABSOLUTE) change
Data hierarchy, highest input has highest priority
absolute time controller
relative time controller
Unit delay operator for delaying a value by n times the time step of the model.
table interpolation can be BLOCK or LINEAR, default setting if not provided is LINEAR
table interpolation can be BLOCK or LINEAR, default setting if not provided is LINEAR
reference to time series ID
Interpolation option BLOCK / LINEAR for the two inputs date and value
Lookup table at a date location
reference to time series ID
link the trigger event to either an other trigger or to a rule. Use the item ID as link to rules
link the trigger event to either an other trigger or to a rule. Use the item ID as link to rules
optional period of the year for which the trigger is active
default input value, if input is NaN or infinity
default output, if no combination of the table applies
tolerance for finding a match, keep in mind that the all variable are stored in doubles
number of tables with input, output values, the initial state can be taken into account optionally
link the trigger event to either an other trigger or to a rule. Use the item ID as link to rules
link the trigger event to either an other trigger or to a rule. Use the item ID as link to rules
optionally third input
optional output, if not supplied the result of the multiplication is writen into the input variable
setting if the control table provides the absolute value or the relative value
table with time [s] / value records
optional input for deriving the timeActive in case of the relative from Value option
user-configured constant value
reference to time series ID
recursive expression for building binary trees of more complex expressions
mathematical operator: + (summation), - (substraction), * (multiplication), / (division), min, max
time series ID of resulting value
link the trigger event to either an other trigger or to a rule. Use the item ID as link to rules
link the trigger event to either an other trigger or to a rule. Use the item ID as link to rules
standard trigger
trigger with deadband
trigger with time deadband
mathematical expression
Data hierarchy, highest input has highest priority
trigger with two-dimensional lookup table, trigger results are defined by polygons
set of triggers
spread sheet trigger
Storage table with pairs of elevation h and storage S
Storage equation, storage S = f(water level h)
Maximum water level h in the reservoir: this optional value does not limit the water level, it is used however to compute the relative filling percentage of the reservoir according to s = S/S(maximumLevel), where S is the absolute storage volume
Capacity for free flow, i.e. without a potential impact of the optional tailwater
Table containing data for different elevations. Type of element 'value'
depends on purpose for which table is used.
Table containing data for different elevations. Type of element 'value'
depends on purpose for which table is used.
Constant tailwater
Tailwater depending on discharge computed by a rating curve
tailwater level [m]
Maximum capacity of outlet as function of the water level h, minimum capacity is assumed to be zero
Maximum capacity of outlet as function of the water level h, minimum capacity is assumed to be zero
Power equation for optional segments with lower and upper water level bounds, y = a*(x+b)^c
defined data input as per time series format date time (defined either by dateTime or time or
month day) and value
upstream inflows [m3/s] into the reservoir, can be more than one for aggregation the inflows from several upstream reservoirs or river reaches
optional level [m] for updating the simulated level by an observed water level (simple data assimilation), if provided the error output is equal to the mass balance correction
aggregated inflows [m3/s]
aggregated release [m3/s]
storage [m3] (state variable)
relative storage [-] typically between 0 and 1 depending on the definition of the maximum level above]
water level [m] in the reservoir
optional error output [m3/s] which is non-zero if the simple data assimilation option for overruling the simulated water level is used
Reference to timeseries in data configuration containg an absolute release. (ONLY FOR CONTROLLED OUTLET)
Reference to timeseries in data configuration containg the relative release (values inbetween 0 and 1). (ONLY FOR CONTROLLED OUTLET)
link the trigger event to either an other trigger or to a rule. Use the item ID as link to rules
link the trigger event to either an other trigger or to a rule. Use the item ID as link to rules
link the trigger event to either an other trigger or to a rule. Use the item ID as link to rules
link the trigger event to either an other trigger or to a rule. Use the item ID as link to rules
link the trigger event to either an other trigger or to a rule. Use the item ID as link to rules
link the trigger event to either an other trigger or to a rule. Use the item ID as link to rules
Storage characteristics of the node: The storage as a function of water level h. It can be provided as table or as a formula.
Inflow boundary
Water level boundary
Cross section in the center of the flow branch.
Roughness (Chezy) as a function of elevation h
Length of the flow branch
slope for optional kinematic wave branch
Tabulated cross section, pairs of elevation h and width b
Pairs of elevation h and roughness C (according to Chezy)
Orifice according to definition in SOBEK-Rural
Weir according to definition in SOBEK-River
capacity table of hydropower turbine as a function of the water head
capacity equation of hydropower turbine as a function of the water head
constant efficiency over all discharges, typical range is [0.80, 0.90]
provision of absolute turbine release
provision of relative turbine release, 1 = maximum capacity
discharge in m3/s
power production in MW
Type of pool routing.
Type of interpolation
Type of limiting
Value option
flow direction
logical operator
relational operator
mathematical operators
options for spatial schetization
reference for capacity
Type of transfer function.
minimum setting of the actuator
maximum setting of the actuator
maximum speed of the actuation in [unit/s]
factor on the proportional part kp*e
factor on the integral part ki*integral(e)dt
fatcor on differential part kd*de/dt
controllable variable
setting of the actuator
memory of integral part: integral(e)dt
memory of differential part (in fact e of the last time step)