RTC module configuration file. The components section includes all simulation components. The rules section includes operating rules or controllers for defining the release of reservoir, structural settings of gates etc. Triggers may activate or deactivate rules defined in the section above. General settings of the rtc module. Optional description of the schematisation and its version Time integration scheme Time weighting coefficient for implicit theta scheme: 0 is equal to a full weight on the old time step, 1 represents a full weight on new time step. The coefficient is not used in the explicit scheme. The permitted range in the implicit schemes is between 0.5 and 1.0. Post processing for computing gradients of simulated values The kinematic wave model includs a number of hydraulic structures, time stepping so far works only in an explicit mode (be aware of the time step restriction), flooding and drying is not supported at this moment and the model may crash in these cases. Reservoir with arbitrary number of inlets and outlets. Simple connection between reservoirs with interflow in both direction based on a simple momentum balance, dedicated implementation for the modeling of the 3-lakes system in Canton Bern, Switzerland. not implemented yet Unit delay operator for delaying a value by n times the time step of the model. optional multiplier input variable gradient, dx = multiplier*(xNew-xOld)/dt The configuration of a multiple unit delay requires the configuration of a time series for each delay time step Storage characteristics of the node, storage as a function of water level h, can be provided as table or formula Controlled outlet, release can be defined by external input or rule Uncontrolled outlet, the release is a function of the water level h in the reservoir Additional variables for adjoint system, if activated Connection coefficients Reference to timeseries in data configuration Contains references to the output timeseries in the data configuration Supply neuron id! Storage nodes Flow branches Hydraulic structures Simple rule with constant value Date lookup table, output y is a function of date and an input value x, the interpolation on the date / value axis can be BLOCK or LINEAR, the number of records should be constant for each date record Deadband threshold, yNew will become yOld, if the change yNew-yOld is smaller than the threshold value Dedicated rule for the control of Bielersee, Canton Bern, CH STILL NOT IMPLEMENTED Dedicated rule for the control of Thunersee, Canton Bern, CH Guide band rule, output get 0 if input less equal xMin, 1 if input greater equal xMax, linear interpolation otherwise xMin and xMax can be a function of date, main application in combination with a relative release of a reservoir outlet Limiter for limiting the change of a variable in a time step to a relative (PERCENTAGE) or absolute (ABSOLUTE) change Data hierarchy, highest input has highest priority STILL NOT IMPLEMENTED Multiplication of an input variable based on an external time series STILL NOT IMPLEMENTED Interpolation option BLOCK / LINEAR for the two inputs date and value Lookup table at a date location optional period of the year for which the trigger is active default input value, if input is NaN or infinity default output, if no combination of the table applies tolerance for finding a match, keep in mind that the all variable are stored in doubles number of tables with input, output values, the initial state can be taken into account optionally optionally third input optional output, if not supplied the result of the multiplication is writen into the input variable trigger with deadband trigger with time deadband Data hierarchy, highest input has highest priority trigger with two-dimensional lookup table, trigger results are defined by polygons spread sheet style trigger standard trigger Operator Storage table with pairs of elevation h and storage s Storage equation, storage = f(elevation) maximum water level in reservoir, this optional value does not limit the water level, it is used however to compute the relative filling percentage of the reservoir according to s = S/S(maximumLevel), where S is the absolute storage volume Capacity for free flow, i.e. without a potential impact of the optional tailwater Tailwater (STILL NOT IMPLEMENTED) Table containing data for different elevations. Type of element 'value' depends on purpose for which table is used. Table containing data for different elevations. Type of element 'value' depends on purpose for which table is used. Constant tailwater Tailwater depending on discharge computed by a rating curve Tailwater is linked to the water level of another reservoir Maximum capacity of outlet as function of water level H, minimum capacity is assumed to be zero Power equation for optional segments with lower and upper water level bounds, y = a*(x+b)^c defined data input as per time series format date time (defined either by dateTime or time or month day) and value Reference to timeseries in data configuration Reference to timeseries in data configuration containg absolute release. (ONLY FOR CONTROLLED OUTLET) Reference to timeseries in data configuration containg relative release (values inbetween 0 and 1). (ONLY FOR CONTROLLED OUTLET) activate trigger, if input is greater or greater than the given value deactivate trigger, if input is less equal or less than the given value, the value should be smaller than the one above! link the trigger event to either an other trigger or to a rule. Use the item ID as link to rules link the trigger event to either an other trigger or to a rule. Use the item ID as link to rules operator link the trigger event to either an other trigger or to a rule. Use the item ID as link to rules link the trigger event to either an other trigger or to a rule. Use the item ID as link to rules Storage characteristics of the node: The storage as a function of water level h. It can be provided as table or as a formula. Inflow boundary Water level boundary Cross section in the center of the flow branch. Roughness (Chezy) as a function of elevation h Length of the flow branch Tabulated cross section, pairs of elevation h and storage s Pairs of elevation h and roughness C (according to Chezy) Orifice according to definition in SOBEK-Rural Weir according to definition in SOBEK-River Pump Type of pool routing. Type of interpolation Type of interpolation Type of limiting flow direction Type of transfer function. data pairs of input and output